
Adrian Gibson

 One day I will be a somebody to a someone. All my life I felt like nothing, it's finally time to change that. I've been through hell and back over and over again. I've been hurt so many times. I had my heart broken into million of pieces that I just want to leave and never come back or look back. Then I'll see who really misses me when I'm gone. I have no friends what so ever. I've been alone all my life and every relationship I've been in ends up them hurting me, cheating on me or get used.  Who will ever see who I really am?  I sometimes think back to my past. Seeing the scars on my wrists from my depression. I have nightmares  almost every night. Who will ever miss me. I've thought of  killing myself so many times. I have the scars to prove it. I wish someone could see how much I suffer everyday so they can see straight though my fake smile. I wish someone will love who I really am inside. I feel like a nobody because I have No one to count on anymore. I lost my parents two years ago in a car crash. I've been living with Foster family's that don't even like or care about me. Everyday I try to make them realize Who I really am,but they just don't fucking care. I guess I'll crying myself time sleep tonight and wish I was never born. I wish I could run away. I guess that's all I have to say. Goodnight.

                                            Tuesday, Nov 5, 2013


I put my diary into my nightstand drawer and locked it. Then I laid on my bed as I looked at the ceiling as tears started to Fall. I put my hands over my eyes as I started to cry harder.  My name is Adrian Gibson.  I'm eighteen years old, I am gay. I'm male, 5'8 ,tall, skinny,and Emo. I have blue eyes and I have muscles. I found out I was Gay when I was fourteen an a really cute boy sat next to me and we started talking, then he kissed me and I couldn't help but kiss back.  I didn't know him,but something just told me to keep going and we were together for two years then we broke up because he met someone else. So I was heart broken, and that's when I started cutting myself. I tried to stop but every time I got hurt I would keep doing it.

When my parents died I was alone and heart broken because God took them away from me. One cut led to another and another. As my life went on I kept getting put into foster home after foster home because I was Gay. The family I live with now doesn't know I am gay because I didn't want to be put in a Foster home again. My parents loved me for who I was,they never judged me because I was their child, their one and only child. I curl up into a ball and cried. I had No one to love and No one to talk to. I'm mostly a loner. I'm a nobody. I just want to close my eyes and never never wake up. my eyes started to get heavy and I cried myself to sleep again. 

A Friendship Begins


  My alarm started time go off and I was half was asleep and I opened my eyes and I saw it was 6:45 ㏂. Shit! I'm going to be fucking late again!  Ugh!  I hate this stupid family!  Why didn't anybody wake me up! .    So first, I jumped out of bed and took a quick shower. Second, I got my clothes on. I put my BVB band shirt sleeve T-shirt on with my black skinny jeans and my black converses. Third, I went back into the bathroom to style my hair witch was black with blue highlights as my bangs covered my right eye. Fourth, I put my punk rock gloves with holes in the fingers. Then last,I put my wrist bands on all around my wrists.

I was about to leave until I almost forgot to to brush my teeth. So I went back inti the bathroom and brushed them. I can't leave just leave because my room was a mess and my bed wasn't made. I'm OCD when it comes to my room.

                                                            Ten Minutes Later                   7:05㏂  

After I got done I was already fine minutes late for school. Ugh!  Not again! this makes the fourth  time this week!  So I grabbed my black and red hoodie and put it on. I put the hood over my head and raced out of the house as I cussed my foster parents out. Then I left and got into my car and drove off. I was super pissed off,but I have to calm down because I was driving.  So I put my BVB CD on and turned it all the way up as I just ignored the world.                       7:25㏂     I looked at the time and I was 25 minutes late for school just because they didn't wake me up. Damn it mom and dad thanks a lot for not waking me up. I finally got to school. As parked into my parking space I got out of the car, grabbed my shoulder bag and locked it.  I put my Hood back over my head as I started walking to the school. As I was walking into the building Mrs. King who was in charge of the school was waiting for me. She pointed me to her office and I stayed there utility she came in and sat at her desk.

     "Adrian, you've missed a whole week of school this week. What's going on with you hun? ' * I kept my Hood over my head and shrugged my shoulders* 'Just my parents didn't wake me up once again Mrs.King.  I am sorry I won't be late again ma'am I promise. ' * She was always so  sweet to me and I never know why. Every time something bad happens to me she's always there to take care of me. My foster parents were mean and sometimes abusive, but I was used to it. Every home I was in would beat me. I hide the bruises where they beat me. That's why I wear hoodies all the time because of scars and bruises. I hide them more because I didn't want to get sent to another foster home. I could feel the tears coming, but I hid my pain.* 'Adrian dear,why do you look like you're about to crystal? Is everything alright at home?' * I couldn't take it anymore. I bursted into tears. I couldn't control it. * ' I'm fine.... Everything is.....fine Mrs.King. Just I'm going through my old memories of my real mother and father.... Every home I have been to wanted me change who I am.... but I don't want to change who I am... I Love being me....I love being who I am... Why can't people accept me for who I am? ' * She got beside me and put me into a hug.  She was so much like my mother. * 'Adrian people are like that dear. There is nothing wrong about being Gay. Between you and me, I'm a lesbian, but if I told people I was, I could lose my job.  So I understand what you're going though. Me and my partner been together for five years now. We are still stronger then ever. So you can be a strong person if you just believe in yourself and others. One day you will find your true love. Now it's time you went to class. Here is your late slip. Now go to class, I'll check up on you later aright." She let me go and I smiled, but I was shocked. I didn't know she was a lesbian.

   So I walked out if the office and started running to my class until I ran into someone and papers went flying everywhere and we both fell down. Damn!  Note to self: "Don't run in the Hallway"  I put my hand on the back if my head and started to rub it because it hurt so bad. So I was face down and started helping the person out with the papers until I looked up and saw a hand in front of me to help me up.  I didn't know who it was because my eyes were blurry.         " I am sooo sorry! I didn't mean to run into you like that. Are yo....' * I was about to say until I stopped mid term in my sentence. My eyes started to adjust and I saw who I ran into was a new face I haven't seen before.  He was the same height as me,but slightly taller then me. He had long blonde and black hair as his bangs covered his left eye and I saw he had snake bites and his nose pieced. He had the greenest eyes I've ever seen in my life. He was wearing a My Criminal Romance T-shirt on with red skinny jeans and purple converse. He was also wearing a Beanie that was black and red.  He was maybe about seventeen it eighteen years old. He was so handsome and cute that I kinda blushed a little. He looked at me and smiled.* 'Are you alright? You look like you're spacing out, you okay? Hello??? ' * He had the cutest accent I ever heard. I think he was British. I snapped out of it and smiled.* ' Oh yeah *award laugh * I'm alright just a tiny bump on my head no big deal.  Are you alright? ' * he half smiled at me and I could of died right then and there because of that smile.* ' Yeah *laughs * I'm new around here and I think I kinda of got lost and don't know where my first class is.' *he put his right on on the back of his head like he was confused and nervous.*' Let me see your schedule if you don't mind me asking? '* He gave me it and lucky enough he has all the same classes as I do and I smiled. * 'Well, you have the same classes as me so I can show you around and help you in the classes ' * He half smiled at me again and I couldn't help, but blush. He looked so adorable and then looked at me and luaghed.* ' Why you blushing for? It should be me to blush because I'm embessed because I got lost.' * we both started to laugh and his laugh was,adorable like an angel. For some reason he can make me smile and I haven't done that in tears. * ' Well we better get to class. Umm what's your name?' * I smiled as we started walking into class.* ' Names Sergio Hunt.  From Landon. I go around the world with my parents, but this is our last stop because we are staying here for good long while, I hope.' * No wonder he's so sexy. I smiled and gave him a hand shake.* ' My name is Adrian Gibson. I've just moved here a year ago. *frowns* It's a pretty good school if you ask me. I tend to move a lot these days,bit I hope this will be my last stop for good. A year now and I'm still here.' * He looked at me with his smile witch was bigger.* ' Why are you frowning Adrian? If you don't mind me asking,but do you mean by you're still here?" We got into the classroom as I took my Hood off my head and sat at my desk.

Sergio have the teacher his note and told him to sit anywhere. He didn't hesitate, he got to the desk next to me and reached into hid bag and took s notebook out and tore a piece of paper out and took out a pencil. Then he started to write, then he folded it and passed it to me.


Sergio: As I was saying,why were you frowning? What did you mean you're still here?

Me:  The reason why I was frowning was because I've been to Foster to Foster. This makes my 25th home because nobody wanted me:(

I passed the note back to him and he read it and,frowned then started to write then passed it back to me.

Sergio:  Damn I'm sorry Adrian. I didn't know you were in foster care.  What happened to your parents?

Me: It's alright I'm used to it anyways. I've been in Foster care for two years now after they were killed in a major car accident. After they passed my life became Hell. Nobody wanted me because I am Gay. People treat me like shit. I barely have any friends.

I passed the note back again trying not to cry and show my weakness. As he read it at first he frowns then he smiled and wrote back and it back to me. He had perfect hand writing.

Sergio: I'm sorry about your parents Adrian:( it must not be easy. What you mean you very treated like shit?  There's nothing to be ashamed of who you really are Gay or not you're you. I'm Gay as well:) Been Gay since the ago of twelve. My first boyfriend was the longest relationship I've had.  We stayed together for about three years and then we broke up because I was leaving London and we couldn't handle a long descant relationship. I had others but they didn't last as long.   

I smiled and blushed a little as he gave me that half smile of his and I started to relax and I wrote back and have it to him.

Me: Yes it's not easy:( the family I am with now thinks I'm straight because I couldn't tell them I'm gay because I knew they were going to take me back to foster care.It's not easy when you are mean no one cares about me:'( Really you're Gay to OMG that's adorable.  Really since the age of twelve damn! Me I found out when I was fourteen years old. Same here, you never see that many Gay guys anymore.  Can I tell you something?

I passed the note back to him and hid my face. He read it and I lefted up my head and he smiled at me.  He was so sweet, kind, and super hot just saying.  He passed it back and winked at me.

Sergio:So you have to pretend you're straight at home. Why? I know who you are and you're sweet, very smart and adorable;) So fourteen huh so that means you're eighteen as am I. I agree with you on there isn't many gays around. Sure you can tell me anything hun.

As I read the note at the corner of the paper it was his phone number. I blushed even more.

Me: Yes I have to pretend to be straight so I can stay here. Awe thanks ^_^  Yes I am eighteen and so are you right?  What I wanted to tell you was you're very cute, sexy, hot and handsome ^_^

Hour later

There was only three more minutes until class was over. Sergio kept looking at his wrists and hands throughout the whole class as he was shaking. There was fear in his eyes. So I got out of my desk got in front of him and put my hand on top of his and he stopped shaking and I could see he was crying then he looked up at me. He was scared and looked like he was having a memory.

"Sergio,you alright? Is everything okay? ' *he was crying and in tears * 'Yeah, everything is fine, just thinking. You want to hang out at my place this weekend?' * I smiled and blushed a little * ' Yeah and we can get to know each other more *laugh* So what day you want me to cone over? ' *The bell ringed and we got up and when he got up I saw a tattoo on his right arm that went all the way up to his neck* ' Today if you can. I'll see you in second period." *he kissed my cheek and left and so did the teacher.

I went back to my seat to get my things until my boyfriend and his gang showed up. Ugh not now. They locked the door and shut the blinds because there is only one class for this subject. Our school is way different then any other school. Each of us have different teachers, but never the same teacher. You're wondering who is they?  Well him and his gang are the  bullies of this school and everybody was afraid of them. I was too. You might be asking why I am with him when he's the bully. Well he forced me to be his boyfriend.He beats me and makes me have sex with him even when I saw I will not or I'm breaking up with you he always wins. Anyways  I got my things ready and packed up and I started walking towards the door until Jack grabbed me and pushed me into the wall. I tried to get away, but he was a little bit  stronger then me.

   "Where is my money Baby ? ' * I looked at him and I was confused. Money?  I don't own him Money.* 'What are you talking about Jack?  I don't own you shit, now let me go.'* he kicked me in my stomach and I looked down out of breathe,but he made me look up at him. * ' Remember last week I told you to give me 100$ because you fucking broke my IPod when you were mad at me because how I treat you. I want that money now.' * I was pissed at him and I did break it, but  I didn't mean to break it.* ' Please babe ,I never agree to you about giving you money so let be go. I have to get to class.'* I grabbed his,wrist as tight as I could and threw him into the wall. I went to the door again until James, Jack's right hand man elbowed me in the back of the neck and I couldn't move because he did it again and I saw blood on the floor.  I got on my back and Jack  got on top of me and started to punch me in my sides,chest, stomach and face. I couldn't  escape him. I started to get sick to my stomach. He took out a knife and put to my neck.* 'James, hold his arms behind his back and make him get on his knees. I have a surprise for him.' * James did what he was told to do and Jack started to undo his belt, then he unzipped his pants and pulled them down. You could see the long thick hard cock through his boxers ,then he took them off and came towards me. I kept my mouth close because I wouldn't suck it, but James made me open my mouth and Jack shoved it in the back of my throat. * ' Mhmm yes that's it, take it all you little bitch. You like that don't you. Oh yes.' *I couldn't help but like it. Even though I know he will hurt me later when I get home because he kinda lives next door to me ,but I liked it a lot. I have to cancel going over to Sergio's this weekend so he doesn't know what happened to me. I tried to pull away because I needed to breathe but James wouldn't let me.

Jack started to thrust faster and harder. He started to moan and I knew he was close I didn't like swallowing it, but it seems I have no choice. He started pumping his pure white seeds  into my mouth and it tasted good. He kept pumping it into my mouth as he grabbed my shoulders tightly trying not to fall over. I couldn't handle it anymore and I came. Oh God. He finally took it out of my mouth and I could finally breathe,* 'Alright boys turn him around I'm not done with him yet. Take all his clothes off and lay him on the floor.'*  they listened to him and they strip me out of my clothes reviling all the scars from my past families and some from him. They pinned me down to the floor as he got on top of me and for some reason I liked it, but I didn't need to because that's how he gets what he wants. I tried to get away but it was too late. * '

You ready for you're punishment my love?* I shook my head no, but he wouldn't listen to me. He made them turn me on my stomach. I tried to get away by trying to hit him or elbow him but his gang pinned me down so I couldn't move.* ' Please I'm begging you Jack don't do this to me. *crys * just let be go. PLEASE!"* he didn't listen to me and he started to sped out my ass cheeks and started licking the creak and I moaned.

I can't help it he's my boyfriend. He turned me to my back and got on top of me and we started to kiss as he started to slowly stroke it and I was already hard enough. We kissed some more and God I wish I wasn't with him, but I am. He down and slowly put his mouth on my 9 inch and slowly sucked it. I pushed his head down lower as he took in all into his mouth. I moaned slowly as he started to suck faster. I could feel myself build up as my pure cum came. I couldn't help it, but I came into his mouth and he swallowed it all. He picked me up off the floor and onto the wall as,we started to make out and he slowly found my asshole and shoved it deep into me as he bit into my neck and he started to thrust faster and harder as I kissed his lips gently. I started to go even faster until he came inti me and I came on his chest. He took it out of me as I started to cry because he never did it that hard ever. He put his boxers and pants back on and unlocked the door and left. As I was curled up into a ball crying and in pain. I cried, until I heard someone running towards me and laid besides me cuddling with me trying to clam me down. I opened my eyes and I saw Sergio right there besieged me holding me closer to him.

"Why didn't you tell me Jack the bully was your boyfriend Adrian?  You can trust me with anything I would never of hurt you like that. I saw the whole thing because I was outside the window and I saw what they did to you. I just saw the ending of what happened and I came running and into the room and here I am now. Does he beat you like that every single day, tell me the truth?' * I didn't want to let go of him because I was so scared. I just cried.* ' Yes...he does this to me almost every single night and day, but the reason why.... I'm still.....with him.... is.... because..... I had no one else.... I only had him... I try to break up with him.... but it doesn't work because he always get what he wants...... he's a bad guy Sergio,but I don't know how to break up with him... I can't handle it anymore.. I just can't..'*

Tears started going down my face even more. Sergio just held me there. * 'Don't you worry about him anymore hun. I will deal with him. You need new clothes to wear Adrian? ' * I looked at my cut up clothes when they cut my clothes off me..nodded my head. * ' Sergio, please don't get near Jack, I don't want anything to happen to you. You're my only friend I have now. Please be careful and can I have some clothes.' * he helped me up onto a desk and took out of his bag a first aid kit and some extra clothes and put the boxers on me.

Then he puts the rest of the clothes onto a different desk. He opened the aid kit and started to take care if my cuts and and bruises. I looked at him when he was cleaning my right arm that was cut by Jack's knife.

His eyes told me he was a mysterious person, but why would he carry a first aid kit and extra clothes.* ' Why do you carry extra clothes and a first aid kit for? ' * he wrapped my wrist up to my elbow. Then he went up to my face and put some alcohol on a rag and pulled my hair out of  in front of my right eye and started to rub alcohol on the cut above my eye and I flinched, but when he looked up at me he had a yellow ring around his pupil. He was so beautiful. He lend in and kissed my lips softly and it took my breathe away and my heart beating. He broke the kiss and went back to taking care of me. He looked at me again. * ' The reason why I have a first aid kit is because when I get bullied and and they hurt me I can just go to the bathroom and doctor myself up. I bring extra clothes just in case one of my friends threw up on themselves or they get bullied and they're is blood of something on them. You have no broken bones or anything so you should be alright. Here is the clothes I'll help you put them on you're  badly beaten.'*

I nodded my head yes and he helped me up and into some purple skinny jeans, with a 30 Seconds to Mars t-shirts and he put a black Beanie on my head and helped me put my shoes on then my jacket. We went to class together.                    

Cuts,Pains and Torture



I just got out of school and Adrian said he would be at the house until  tomorrow afternoon because he couldn't come tonight. I have to go somewhere tonight anyways to make sure he is safe tonight. So I got on my motorcycle,put my helmet on and drover off to go home.

Today was just like any other day, but this Adrian boy was different from me,but the same. So I decided to follow him to where he lived. I know I'm stalking but I want to know more about him, but I can't let him know about the real me.  My mission is I have to save Adrian Gibson, but I don't know why. He's a sweet kid and very kind,why would someone want to kill him. I didn't ask him why or anything like I suppose to do. I just have know what he is like. I couldn't fall for another guy I was set on saving but I fell for him and they killed him when I couldn't save him and that was when I was twelve. I can still see his dying face looking at me and begging for help, but I couldn't do anything but watch him die. I won't mess this mission up. I am a trained killer actually I was born and raised and to kill/save  people. My parents are my teachers they send me on missions to get close to people's families and see what they'tell and how they treat the victim. I have to be by his side at all times. I am scared I'll fail and get him killed. I seen what his boyfriend does to him, now I get to see what his family is like.

                Ten Minutes Later

As he reached his house I parked in front of a house and started to yo get out of my car when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and I didn't know the number. I picked it up anyways.

Me: Hello Sergio speaking, who my I be talking to?

Voice: Hey it's Adrian, just wanted to check up on you and see if you made it home in time.

I smiled and said:  Yeah I'm fine I just got home. Wish you could some over tonight.

Adrian:  I know me too, but I can't tonight because me and my family are making dinner for my aunt and uncle. I will come stay tomorrow and Sunday. I have to go now my dad calling me. Bye. 

He hung up on me and he walked inside until his father grabbed him by his wrist and slammed the door and Adrian was scared. I ran to the house and looked through the living window and I saw something I shouldn't of seen his dad was on top of him. 

                                              (Adrian) As I walked into the door after calling Sergio my dad grabbed me and threw me onto the floor a d pinned me down. As I looked up my mom was coming towards me with a red hot knife and have it to Keth and he took my shirt off and put it on my bad as I screamed.

"You were late Adrian. How many times have we've told you to be home at 4:30. You are thirty minutes late. Where were you? '* He took the knife off my back and put it into the fireplace to let it heat up. * ' I didn't know what time it was....I swear Keith.... I didn't know....'* I cried into the floor as he got off me and helped me up. * ' Well if you are late one more time you'll be punished you understand me. Now go time your room and,wait for your punishment. Now go!!! "

I got off the couch and ran into my room and threw my stuff on the ground and went to my nightstand and took out a knife and cut my wrist. The pain was smoothing and everything went away just like that. If Keith saw what I did he would hurt me more. So I wrapped my wrist up. I hated my fucking life. I don't want to live here anymore, but I don't want for leave either. God I wish Sergio was here. I room my shirt off that he gave me and hid it under my pillow. I went to the bathroom and I looked in the mirror and I saw all the scars on my body. Tears went down my face as I fell to my knees and cried. Until Keith came into the bathroom and started to punish me by hitting me with the belt with spikes. He chained my wrist to the bathroom ceiling and started to beat me senseless. I cried for help, but I knew no one will come save me. After a few more hits he Unchained me and I fell to the floor crying and shaking. He wouldn't touch my face at all. I crawled to my bed and curled into ball and crid.


I head is yells of pain from upstairs and I couldn't leave him at all. So I climbed his house and got to a window and I saw him curl up like today as he was crying. I tapped on the window and he looked straight at me and he could barely get up. So I  opened the window and got besided him holding him close to me. I know he needs to saved because of his family. He was shaking so bad.

   "Adrian, I am so sorry I didn't get here in time. Are you alright? '* he turned to face me and the tears just wouldn't stop. He was in so much pain. It's like he been tortured all his life because of all the scars I could feel on his body.* 'I am so glad you're here Sergio, I couldn't come over tonight because I had to take my punishments before I can go anywhere...... I am hurting so much right now..... I can't do this anymore.... I just want time end it all.....I just want.... to die... I'm scared Sergio......I hate it here, but it's the only way I can stay in this town without being taken back to the hell hole foster system... Please don't leave me.... Please I'm begging you don't leave me here by myself.... '* I held him closer and kissed his forehead trying to calm him down,but I have a mission to do. So I took out a syringe with morphine in it. It should calm him down and make him sleep. I put it close to his neck and whispered in his ear * ' I'm sorry Adrian, but I have a mission to do......when you wake up you will forget I was even here. Sorry, but I have to do this for your safety." I stabbed the syringe into his neck and he struggled a little bit,but started to calm down and passed.

I got off his bed and kissed his cheek and covered him up. I escape to where I came in from and I rushed to Jack's house. The doors were locked so I took out of Pike set and piked the lock and I slowly walked into his house and took out my knife and went upstairs. I walked into his room and he was sleeping soundly. I got beside his bed and he was deep in sleep and I smiled. I shock him awake and he elbow me in the jaw and I fell backwards and he looked at me

"What the fuck! You're that new kid from London. What the hell are you doing here? How did you even get in....' *He got up and he had a knife in his right hand just smiling * ' If you don't get the hell out of my house I will fucking kill you.'* I smiled back and laughed *' Do you really want to fight me Jack? I can kill you in a split second you really want to go, also I don't like how you treat Adrian.  You're abusive and I hate people like you. '* he came at me with the knife,but I dodged it and elbowed his neck and he fell. Then he got up again pissed.* ' Who the fuck are you? What I do to my boyfriend is none of your concern. I can treat him how I want to treat him,besides he's used to it.'* That pissed me off and I pinned him to the wall with my arm as he struggled to breath. * ' You don't know what he used to. Everyday he gets beat up by his fucking family.... He almost took his own life because of you and his family.  I will not let you ruin his life. I'm a trained assassin to protect him and save him. So goodbye Jack. " I let him go and he started to run, but I caught him.

I slit his throat, but made it look like a suicide. His blood got all over me as he died a slow and painful death. I left a suicide note on his bed.

"I can't take this anymore.... I've regret everything I did to people the only thing to stop me from hurting others is to leave forever. I'm sorry for everything. Goodbye mom and dad. Goodbye Adrian I'm sorry for everything I did to you. You deserve better. Bye forever."

I used his own knife to kill him and I left and went home.  




Saturday,Nov 9,2013

When I woke up I could hear police cars and I could see blue and red lights. I got out of bed and looked out my window and I saw police and yellow tape where Jack lived and my heart sunk. I ran out of my room without a shirt on and I ran to his house, but two police stopped me.

"NO! LET ME GO PLEASE! I NEED TO SEE OF JACK IS ALRIGHT! HE'S MY BOYFRIEND! PLEASE YOU HAVE TO LET ME GO INSIDE! PLEASE!! ' * I got away from them and they started chasing me to stop me,but I couldn't believe what I saw when I ran into his. Jack was on the floor with his throat cut open and laying in a pool of blood. I fell to my knees and started crying.*' Please.... don't let..... this be true...NO!  JACK! PLEASE! DON'T LET THIS BE TRUE! "*I got beside his body and started to shake him to wake him up, but he was gone.

I laid my head on his chest and started crying, but then something came out of me and I took the knife out of his hand and started stabbing him over and over again that police knocked it out of my hand and pinned me to the ground and handcuffed me. I was happy/sad. Happy because he was finally gone and out of my life and sad because my heart got ripped out.  They put me into the back of a police car and took me downtown.

                                                                         Hour Later

"Adrian, we are so sorry for your lost, but why did you stab him when he was already gone? Who was he to you?' *I looked down to not meet eye contact and took a deep breath.* 'He was my abusive boyfriend. He was a jurk,asshole, and mostly controlling. Here I'll show you what he did to me yesterday.' * I had a towl over me so I took it off my upper half and showed him all the scars and cuts I got from him the last few years. I showed him the cuts and bruieses he left me yesterday. They were shocked.** ' Well You're safe now young man. We are still sorry for the lose. You're family is on their way here to pick you up. So here is a shirt so you can put on. They should be here in a few mins. We'll contact you if we find something. You have a good day boy. " I went to the bathroom and put the shirt over me.

When I got it over me I saw Sergio into the mirror and I ran into his arms. He held me close as I cried. He smelled really good and he held me closer. Then I remembered his kiss.

" Sergio, why did you kiss me yesterday? '* I looked up at him and he smiled kissing my forehead. * 'I am here to protect you Adrian and because I like you. I am sorry about Jack. I knew you loved him. ' * I got closer to him as he let me and got up.* ' I'll see you around this afternoon. I have to go and clean up. So I'll see you soon." When he was walking away he turned around and his blue eyes caught mine and I saw that half smile and I melted, then he was gone.

Three Hours Later

My father grabbed me and threw me into the wall with his hand choking me.

"You are a fucking idiot Adrian. You made me and your mother look bad in front of the police because or you stupidity. We had to leaving work because of this. Don't show up here when we come Home. Don't come home until Monday because our families are coming to visit and we don't want them to see you. Now get your ass up to your room and don't come back until Monday. " He slapped me across my face so hand he made my lips bust.

He let me go and I fell to the ground crying and ran to my room. I laid on my bed curled up in a ball as I reached for my nightstand, unlocked it and took my my journal out, oped it and started writing.  

Dear Journal 

I can't take this anymore! I just lost Jack,but as I saw him laying there lifeless all my anger came out of me and I kept stabbing and stabbing his body even through he was already dead. The police took me in and they called my parents and when they got there they were pretending to be worried and upset, but when we got in the car and came Home they beat me up once more. I'm tired of fighting with them, I'm tired of living here! The thing is I have to stay because I don't want to be put in foster care once more. Then he showed you. With his beautiful blue eyes shining down on me and that smile that took my breath away. He was so perfect and so mysteries that I felt safe with him. With Sergio. I can't get that kiss out of my head and I can't stopped thinking about him either. Why? I just met this guy and already I can't get him out of my head. How his lips touched mine was the nest feeling. I just want to die, but I can't leave now because Sergio was in my life. Please give me strength to keep moving forward in my life. Please don't let Sergio be like the others.

Saturday,Nov 9,2013


I put my journal in my bag as I got off my bed went to my bathroom and looked in the mirror and I saw I still had blood on me from Jack. So I got out of my clothes and turned the shower on and got in and started washing myself. I couldn't stop thinking about Jack. I always have nightmares about him, then I remembered one dream where he was in front of me laughing and hurting me. I tried to get away from him, but it was no use. He kept beating me until I was half dead and he took a knife and stabbed me in my chest. I snapped back into reality and I fell to my knees as I could feel that knife in my chest, but why? Then it went away and I got back up and finished cleaning up. When I got out of the shower I put the towel around my waist and wiped the fog off the mirror and I saw the bruises going away finally. I smiled and doctored my lip and started to get ready. I went into my room and got some clothes ready to put in my bag. I never leave my journal when I go over to a friends house because my family goes through my shit. Anyways I put clothes in my backpack, then took the towel off and threw it into the hamper.

First, I put my black boxers. Second I put on my black and red Skinny jeans. Third I put my BOTDF T-shirt on. Fourth I put my socks and purple converses on.

After I got done getting dressed I went back to the bathroom and started to dry my hair and put my hair over my right eye. Then I put my black gloves on with some of my bracelets on each wrist. I put my backpack on my back and got my keys to my room and I locked my doors. As I went down the stairs my father was watching tv and when he turned around he saw me. His eyes showed me he was still pissed off and he got off the couch and came towards me and hit me in my stomach and I fell to the ground out of breath. He didn't give me time to get up and he grabbed me by my arms and slammed my ribs into the stairs and I cried out in pain. I couldn't handle this anymore it took all my strength to get up and right hooked his ass as he fell to the ground. I was so angry it took him no time to get back up and throw a punch at me,but I stopped it with my hand and grabbed it tightly and bent it backwards. He was surprise to see me grab his hand. I twisted it and I heard it snapped and he screamed in pain. I let him go,but he wasn't done yet and he put me in a headlock. I elbowed him in the ribs and he let me go. We started to fight and he took me by surprise and picked up a bat and slammed it into my gut I fell to my knees as he elbowed me in the back of the neck and I spirit put blood as I hit my face to the ground. I was down for a long while. I got right back up and hit him in the middle of his neck and he couldn't breath. I left my house limping and feeling dizzy. I got into my car and drove away. 


When I arrived at Sergio, I couldn't move I was so dizzy that I almost wrecked while driving here. My head was getting lighter,but I got out of my car anyways and I slowly started walking up to his door and I knocked on it and my eyes grew heavy and I fell,but someone caught me the last thing I saw were Sergio's light blue eyes with worry and anger showing. Then I passed out in his arms. I have to tell him.

Two Hours Later  


I heard the knock at the door anger I smiled because he was finally here. As I opened the door I got scared he was badly beaten and he was holding his side and he started to fall, but I caught him and he looked right at me. He started to close his but not before I heard him whisper 'I have to tell him.' Then he was out cold. I moved his hair from his eyes and he looked peaceful, but I can see he had a rough life. I pick him up and then something fell out of his backpack. It looked like a notebook he has had for a while. I could see dried up blood and tears on the cover. I took him to the couch and laid him down gently and covered him up. I went back to the door and picked up the notebook and I opened it. There was dry blood and tears on the pages as well. I know I shouldn't read it, but I needed to do I can protect him. So I started to read page one it was dated April 23 2011

It's been four days since my parents died. Right now I am at the funeral home where they both laid in coffins. I've been non stop crying ever since. Why take them away, why couldn't it be me? Where will I go now? I have no one who wants me because I am gay. The only two who accepted me was my parents. They loved me for me,but enter take them away? If none of the family wants me I'll be sentence to go into Foster care. I already know I'll be sent to a foster home, so why bother. I miss you Mother and Father. Rest in peace.

I looked at him and I frowned and I looked at the pages there was nothing,but tear stans. When I got to the next page there was blood drops on it. It's dated May 4th 2011

I can't handle this anymore! I need you guys here:( since your passing everything went to Hell for me. I started cutting again. I just got kick out of my first foster home because I told them I was gay. I been in the home for just a week and they brought me back. They told them they would not have a gay son in their house ever. I'm back in my old foster room. My heart is broken and I'll never be loved ever. I'm sorry mother. I love you and I'll be with you soon. Goodbye.

The blood was over the I'm sorry part. Good God Adrian, if I would of known you before you will never have to suffer again. I looked to where he was laying and he was waking up now. I shut the notebook and put it back into hid backpack that I laid beside the couch and he opened his eyes. I smiled down at him as he tried to get up.


I opened my eyes and I saw Sergio looking down at me smiling and I tried to get up,but when I did a sharp pain went down my ribs.Sergio stopped me.

"Adrian, who done this to you? Also you shouldn't try to get up you are badly hurt , what happened?'* I could feel the tears going down my face. I was so scared to tell him. I have to tell him though it's the only way.* 'It n was my foster father Sergio. He beat me so bad,but I couldn't handle it anymore. I got angry and we fought. I broke his hand and then he grabbed a bat and beat me with it. I couldn't let him hit me again. I got up and punched his in the middle of the throat and he couldn't breath and I left.....Sergio I was so....scared.... I couldn't take it....anymore' *he pulled me into his embrace and kissed the top of my head thene he jsut let me go.'* I'll be right back Adrian, I'm going to take care of you I promise.'* He left and all I could do was just lay here while in pain. This guuy is different from the others. He treats me like a person and not a reject. What is he? No Who is this blue eyed boy? I know his name, but not his history,and where were his parents? Then he came back with first aid kits.* 'Let's sit you up so I can help you get better. '* He said as he helped me sit up. I closed my eyes because of the pain I was in. He saw that and put a needle into my arm and I started to feel numb. He smiled up at me with his eyes.*' If you dpn't mind me asking, but where are your parents? You said you moved here with them.' * He took my shirt off and looked at my body for a few seconds then his face became a frown as he saw the scars.* ' They died a few months ago. Someone murdered them, but I was happy/sad when they were killed.'* I looked at him frowning.*' Why were you happy?'* He took a needle and started to stich up my wounds. When he touched my right side and pain just hit me and I started to cry.* ' It looks like you have a few brusied ribs,but you got lucky that he didn't break them.' * I looked up at him and in his eyes I saw the pain and angerin his eyes and he was clintching his fists. He punched the couch with a lot of strength. His face became red with anger.* ' The reason why I was so damn happy was becasue they desevred it! They were upset when I told them I was gay! They  kicked me out becasue I was in love with my ex! They didn't want me in their house! When they finally took me back in my father started ti hit and beat me so he can beat the gay out of me!' * He stood up with anger in his voice and eyes. His eyes were dark blue. He was shaking bad, but I didn't want to be around him becasue he was pissed.* ' Every time I would bring my boyfriend home he let them in prtented to be all happy and proud of his son! Then when it was time for him to go home and leave I didn't want him to, but he had too. When he left my father would come into my room and hit me!! You're not the only one that had a fucked up life you know!!! I have to leave to get some fresh air!!!!!" I felt a needle go into my arm again and I started to get sleepy, then I saw him leaving and I passed out.



I put the needle into his arm and watched him passed out and then I left. I had to calm myself down before I hurt someone once again. I can't tell him I killed my own parents, becasue if I do then he will never trust me. The reason why I killed my parents was because I had to and the people that live with me now are my teachers. They are trained killers. They found me and brought me into their world. I'm not like the other kids. I'm trained to kill and protect the people I have to protect. I really, really like Adrian. He's sweet, kind, sexy and well very very cute. He had the perfect body. With his abs....Oh my god. He was perfect for me. The images of my dead parents poped into my head and so did Mark's and i fell to my knees and the flashback started.


It was just a normal day with my teachers and I was just now getting used to killing people. My main teacher called me into his office and i sat down. He had sad eyes and was fighting the urge to not tell me what he wanted to tell me.

  "Sergio, I have some bad news son. You're next and final mission is to....*He hesated and I saw in his eyes that it was something I wouldn't like, but I have to do it.* "You have to kill your own parents.... I'm so sorry, but this is not my rule, but out leader. I'm sorry son.' * When he said that I wasn't happy about killing my parents, but if it's my mission then I have to. Even though I hate them with all my guts for hurting me like thay do it's going to be hard for me. I might have to take a break for a while. So I stood up and looked into his eyes and frowned.* 'If it's my mission, then I will not fail sir! I am not going to fail, even if it means to kill my family then I will do it with horror! Like you said sir, "Not everyone is ment to live on this plant. They all die at one point in life." I will not fail sir! I will be on my way now. I will seeyou when I get back.Goodbye sir, until the next time we meet." I walked out of his office.

I went stright to my room and started to pack up my thingsup to do my mission. My heart sunk into my guts. I have to be strong. I heard a knock on the door and it was one of the guys that trains me. He came up beside me and then we sat down on the bed, becasue he was my first boyfriend. He held my hand because I was shaking so bad.

"Mark, I don't know if I can kill my parents.I am so scared. I have to do though or i won't gradurate and i have to take the classes all over again. Do I have to kill my parents?' * He held me close to his chest and kissed my lips and then looked at me.* ' Yes my love you do. I know you won't like it ,but look at how they treat you. Your father beats you. Your mother doesn't even talk to you anymore. What do you have to lose Sergio? Even though they beat you and ignore you, you'll never quite loving them.Sergio you deseve better. If you do this then you stand up for yourself. You can do this, I believe in you love. I will see you when you get back. Remember......'* He pulled my ear closer to his mouth and he whispered.* 'I love you Sergio.No matter what if I die I will still love you.'* He lends in and kisses my lips and I kissed back then I looked at him with sadness.* "Why are you saying that like I'll never see you ever again, Mark? Why do you sound so sad???' * He looked at me with tears in his eyes and smiled.* 'You will see me again I promise you Sergio, but I have to go on a mission myself. I might not never come back. This mission I have is the one I've been telling you about saying that I didn't want to go and do it, but they are forceing me now. So you may or may not see me ever again. Like i said I will love you until the end.' * My eyes were in tears and he put his hand on my face and wiped the tears away.*' I can't let you go....Mark....I can't lose you....I am suppose to protect you.....I can't let you leave without me by your side....Mark I can't lose you....I love you...'* Tears ran down my face as I we laid beside him in his embrace as he just held me. As I cried* ' I know Sergio,I don't want to lose you, but if this mission kills me like I said I'll never forget you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me love. We've been togther for five years now, and our love is stronger then anything. Calm down or you will have a panic attack.' * I started to relax into his embrace and I loved it when he held me like this. I felt safer when I was around him. He was my knight in armor. I love him with all my heart, and if something ever happened to him i don't know what I'll do. I calmed down and pulled him closer to me. I looked into his eyes.* ' Mark, promise me this I know you will be coming back nad when you do I want you to marry me. I've been waiting to ask you this next week, but if you come home please marry me. Or we can get married now. It's up to you Love.' * He looked up at me and smiled and I gave him the rings for me and him. The our teacher came inand smiled.* ' Come here you two, I think it's time for your wedding.' I smiled and so did he and we followed. We came into the main office and our teacher told us to face each other.* 'Serigo,do you want to spend the rest of your life with Sir Mark in sickness and in health?'* I looked at Mark and smiled*' I do.' * Mark,do you want to spend the rest of your life with Sir Sergio in sickness and in Health?'* He looked at me and pulled me closer to him so our foreheads would touch.* 'I do.' * We put the rings on each other fingers.* 'I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss the groove."He pulled me closer to him and we kissed.

We were finally married and they took a picture and gave us the same picture. We were still kissing until he broke it and we went to our room. We laid beside each other and just stayed like that until Mark was called in to go to his mission.  He kissed me goodbye and whispered in my ear,"No matter what Love we will never grow apart. I promise I will be home before you know it. I love you My Sweet Sergio. Unitl we meet again. I love you." He kissed me once more and left we a smile. I was so scared and worried, but I have to go to my mission now. The ring on my finger felt great, I am finally married to the man of my dreams. I love you Mark. I grabbed my stuff and I was off to kill my parents.


                                                                                                                                                        ( Three Days)

I arrived at my house not too long ago and this is my mission journal. I just got done with my mission my parents were asleep at the time and I knew what had to be done. I killed my father first becasue of how much he tortured me thoughout my life. His was painful as could be, but my mother was a heavy sleeper. How I killed my father was slowly and painfully and he didn't scream once becasue he had type over his mouth. I let him taste his own blood, I did what he did to me. Beat him to death. His was the most painful death during my killling. He deseved it because of how much suffering I had to do around him. My hands are stil shocked with their blood. It was hard to kill my mother because all she ever wanted was for me to be happy even if it ment my father forced her not to talk to me. My father was the worst guy you can ever meet.Now that he is gone he can't hurt anyone else ever again. The next was my mother. My sweet and loving mother. She was the hardest to kill. I couldn't bare to kill her, but I have to. As she woke up she looked at me and saw how bloody I was and then she saw father deada and she knew what I had to do. we talked for a little while telling her that I was so sorry I had to kill them, but she understood. Matter of fact she was happy that she was free of my father. Then I laid her back down on the bed and she closed her eyes as I grabbed her hand as tears went down my face. She said she was ready and I shot her in the chest and the sound of the gun shot made me cry harder and she kissed my forehead before she passed away. Her death was painless. I will never forget the words she told me that I swear I would never say them again. I love you mom forever and always. This is Sergio Hunt and this is my mission journal.

                                                                                                                                                    (Returns to Base)

I walked into the main office nad gave my teacher my Mission journal and he looked at it and he saw the pictures and passed me. Something in his eye caught me off gaurd and I sat down.

"Master any news from Mark?' * I had to ask and he looked at me with sad eyes.* " I'm afraid now Sergio. We lost contact not to long ago. He sounded very weak.' * I stood up and i looked him in the eyes.*' Sir I would like a request to find him and bring him back home safe and sound. Please he is my partner now and I need to protect him. I need to be there for him sir.'* After I said that he smiled and gave me a folder and I opened it and they put me on a plane to find my Partner.

                                                                                                                                                    (Finding Mark)

I was were Mark last contacted base and I saw major damage to the radio he was using. Then I saw a body on the ground and I ran to it and it was Mark halfway dead. I got beside him as the tears ran down my face. He was badly shot in the side. I remembered his mission was in the War. He had to kill the enemy and he did. He looked at me and smiled and as he wiped the tears away from my face and his eyes showed me he doesn't have much time.

"Mark, I am here. I am finally here..... I can't lose you not now.....I love you.....Please don't go Mark please.....'* He held my hand and showed me his ring.* 'Like I said love I knew I would die here....That's why I said I will be home as soon as I can. Take me back to base Sergio please....I have to finish my mission....'* He kissed my lips one last time until he closed his eyes.* 'I love you Sergio....Forever and Always....." The he closed his eyes forever and never coming back.

                                                         (Flashback Ends)

I opened my eyes and I put my hand on the ring that I had hidden under my class ring and tears went down my face. I was too late to save Mark, but I won't be late to save Adrain. I ran back into the house and I woke him up.


The Sleepover


I woke up in a bed next Sergio and I was wrapped and stitched up. I didn't feel much of any pian until I thought about it and all the pains came at the same time. I was in tears because how bad I am hurting. I tried to get up,but when I couldn't breath. I felt someone put me down slowly and it was Sergio. He was awake and he smiled. Why were we in bed together?   He got up and went to the bathroom. When he came back out he had a clean towel. He then sat next to me and smiled.

   "I didn't want you to sleep on that couch when you're hurt like this. So I brought you up to my room. I live with my uncle Keth. After my parents passing he took me in. He's at work right now though. Besides we don't go back to school until Wednesday. I am going to help you get back on your feet. So I am going to take you into the bathroom and clean you up. If you don't mind? ' * I looked up at him and smiled and he helped me up. I was mojorly sore. * ' Thank you for everything Sergio.'* was all I could say because of the pain. He took me into the bathroom and sat me on the toilet as he started the bath.* ' So what do you like to do Adrian? Like what are your hobbies? ' * I blushed at that question and smiled.* ' You might call me a geek/punk, but what I mostly do is read books, play video games, listen to music and well I can paly gutair. I love going outside when I can just to put my headphones in my ears and walk outside.'*the bathtub was almost filled up and he turned the water off.  He came towards me and undressed me and picked me up and gently put me in the tub and the warm water felt nice. The hit water just relaxed my muscles.He sat in a chair and just let me relax. *' You play guitar, because if you so then that is very good. I'm a well I am also geek/punk *he laughs* I love to play games, I am not a very big reader, but if I have time I do rad from time to time. What I like to you is just go outside and well you might call me crazy, but I like walking outside at night and go to a field that is bhind my house that is lik 15 miles away. I go there when I need to think and it's beauitful. You can see almost all of the stars. I well I sing and play guitar. I just don't do it much because it reminds me of my ex boyfriend. Anyways I will be giving you a shot to heal you competely.'* He left and I was confused. He knows how to make a healing shot? When he came back he had a needle with some green liquid in it. I kinda got scared.* ' It won't hurt will it Sergio?' * he nodded his had and then put it into my arm. It was warm, but then it started to hurt badly. I gripped his hand and I scramed. Damn it hurts so bad. Then it started to ease up and I couldn't feel pain anymore.* 'Now lets get you cleaned up shall we." He helped me and started to clean me

                                                                 Fifthteen Miuntes Later

After he got done helping clean up I could finally get up without being in pain. He left me alone in the bathroom so I could get dressed. He took out my favorite underwear and my dark blue Doctor Who T-shirt with the tenth Doctor who was David Tennant in the Tardis. I am a big Doctor Who fan. He then got my Black skinny jeans. As I put my clothes on I felt somthing cold on the  back of my neck and when I looked there was nothing there. After I put my clothes on I felt someone behind me. They put their hands around my waist and kissed the back of my neck with their warm breathe. I closed my eyes as they just turned me around and when I opened them Sergio was in front of me smiling at me and he kissed me. The kiss made me out of breath as I kissed him back. His lips were so soft and sweet. He pulled me closer to him as he put his hand behind my head and we kissed deeper. My hands were behind his back as our bodies met we started to make out. The we stopped and he looked into my eyes with his bright blue eyes and smiled. He grabbed my hand and wanted me to follow him into the room. We got on the bed as he got on top of me and we started to kissed even more. God he was so fucking perfect. How his eye looked into mine made me melt,and his skin was soft and smooth. He took my shirt off and he stared at my body. He stopped kissing me because we were out if breath. He laid beside me then got up and walked to the window. It sounded like he was crying. So I put my shirt back on and walked towards him and stood beside him. When he looked at me he had tears going down his face. I could tell it was his ex boyfriend on his mind. So I grabbed his hand and took him back to the bed and we laid down as he pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around him.

   "Sergio, What happened to your ex boyfriend if you Don't mind me asking? ' * He stopped crying and just laid there in silence then he started to talk in his British accent* ' His name was Mark Davis. He was the first ever boyfriend I had. He was,a year older then me. What happened was a tragedy. He died is a shot out at a bank robbery. Ever since his death i haven't been myself. I am so scared to fall in love with someone else again.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.11.2013

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