


There was blood everywhere I looked. Bodies on the floor dry from all their blood and lifeless. I didn't know what was happening all I wanted to do was get out of this place, but I couldn't because those things were blocking the door. I hoped they don't find me. I was hiding in a closet and I had it creak opened so I could see what was going on. There was only one more person left and it was a little girl. She was scared, afraid and crying she was maybe just 8 years old and she watched them kill her mother. What are they going to do to her? Was my question.

One of the robbers went up to the little girl and grabbed her neck and he started examing her like a piece of meat. My heart was beating faster then normal and I tried to calm down but I just couldn't. The guy started to squeeze the girls neck as hard as he could and she just stopped moving and he bit into her neck and not one sound came from the child. He dropped the girls lifeless body and blood was going down his lips. I had to stop myself from screaming because if I didn't he would of heard me and find me than kill me. That poor girl. I moved backwards and a broom and pan fell to the floor. I looked through the creak and one of the men moved from his post and another one followed him. I knew I was going to die I just knew it. They opened the door and I just ran out and towards the doors, but they were blocked. I was surrounded and I backed up into a corner. The guy that killed the little girl started walking towards me and he smiled and I saw he had fangs. It can't be.... They're not real.... or are they? Are vampires real? Two of his fellow members grabbed me from behind my arms and made me get on my knees and I tried to get away, but I couldn't because they were so much stronger then me.

"Looks like we missed on boys and she's a real pretty lady to. How old are you my dear?' *He got on his knees and traced my neck with his finger and I just looked away and froze.* ' Why does..... it matter? Who or what are you guys?' * I looked up with a brave face, but he gripped his hands around my throat and I coouldn't breathe. ' That is not what I asked you woman. How old are you?' * He let his grip go and he made me look at him.* ' I'm 20' *He smiled and laughed* ' Really now. Well you look younger but your blood smells so sweet. I am going to enjoy killing you my dear."

His friends picked me up off the floor and onto the table and pinned me down. I couldn't move at all they were too strong. The the guy moved my head sideways so he could get a good look at my neck veins and he bit into my neck and I screamed. The pain was so intense, but something happened. He stopped drinking my blood and took his fangs out then fell to the ground and burned into ashes. I put pressure to my neck and started to get up and ran, but I fell. I was in so much and before I closed my eyes  I saw two figures looking down at me and I closed my eyes.

Chapter One: Memories and Pains

7 Years Later

I woke up with my sword in my hands and I looked around and sat up, but nobody was there. I guess I was having the same nightmare again. My body ached all over and I don't know why, but I felt weak. So I put my sword back under my pillows and I got up and walked to the kitchen. I went to the refrigerator and opened it and I got a bag of blood out and closed the door. I took a glass out of the cabinet and sat at the bar that was in my kitchen and started pouring the blood into the glass. After I poured it I oped the trash can that was next to me and threw the bag away. I started drinking and I looked outside and it was very sunny and hot because I could feel it in my bones. If I need to go anywhere I'll be needing my protected gear so I don't burn. I got up from the chair and I closed my blinds and I got done drinking I went to the bathroom.

 I turned the water on warm/cold. I took my glasses off and my clothes and I went into the shower. As the water hit me I closed my eyes thinking about what I remember when I was human. How the sun felt good on my skin, which it still does but I just can't stay outside for more then an hour. I was always confused on who saved my life that day seven years ago. I sat down in the shower just letting the water hit me. I couldn't remember the family I used to have, all I could remember was that day. How I became a vampire. Yes vampires are real, but I never knew until I was bitten by one. I have tried killing myself so many times, but I could never die, not unless I stayed outside for two hours, but I couldn't do that either because it was torture and I just couldn't take that kind of pain.  Oh well this is my life now stuck in the shadows forever.

My name is Rose Lee Johnson. I am a Vampire Hunter. I've been one for seven years now. I was 20 when I became one of them. I am 5'5 with long red hair, I sometimes wear glasses but I mostly wear contacts. My lips are pierced  so I have snake bites. My family never wanted me in their life, all they wanted was one child that child was my brother Max they loved him more then they loved me. He was at the time 25. He was the only one who loved me and would do anything to protect her even if it killed him, witch it did.

It happened one night when we went out walking to get some fresh air because we didn't want to be around our parents when they were both fighting once again. We were just catching up on how his collage life was because he came down to visit us because he was on spring break. He had short black hair, was about maybe 5'8. All the girls loved him when he was in high school and he had a girlfriend or two but he couldn't work it out not until he met this guy when he left school. So what I am saying is he is gay. Mother and father didn't like the idea that their perfect child has became gay. I thought it was awesome. Ever since that day he told us he was I never rejected him at all. I loved my brother more then anything. Until that night he was taken away from me.


" Max, how are you and Jeff?' * I asked as we were walking back home and he looked down and I saw a tear go down his face. This can't be good. So we sat on a bench and he looked at me.* ' We broke up two weeks ago. I found out he was cheating on me with his best friend Tony.  I found out when I went to the bar and I saw them kissing each other. After that I went out of the bar and waited for him at the house. It was two hours later when he finally came home he and Tony was holding hands and laughing. When he saw me he froze. I was in tears and all he could do was just stand there still holding hands with that guy. I wanted so badly to beat his fucking ass, but I couldn't do that. He let go of Tony's hand and came towards me.

I said " How could you do this to me Jeff! I was faithful to you! I loved you more then anything! I went to the bar to surprise you, but I found you and him kissing each other and smiling! We been together for 8 years! I was going to ask you to marry me. I can see now that you never loved me at all.... When did you stop loving me?' he just looked at me and frowned and said, ' I never thought I would  fell in love with you Max! I never wanted to be with you! Until that night you kissed me and everything changed. I will always love you baby no matter what, but I couldn't take it that your parents hated me and didn't want you to be with me. I am sorry for hurting you like this.... I never meant to hurt you this way... I never wanted you to find out about me and Tony. This is all my fault, but my love has changed and I fell in love with Tony. I am sorry for everything.... I will just packed up my belonging and leave... No matter what I will always love you and I wish I could change what I done, but I know I can't... Sorry..." He kissed my cheek and started to pack his things after an hour later he and Tony left.


I cried for hours and hours that night. It was empty without him in the bed next to me Rose. The house was empty since he left and I couldn't do anything about it. I never knew what a heart break felt like until now. Without him in my life I couldn't move on from him. I am failing one of my classes Rose, but please don't tell mom and dad I beg you. I will bring it back up when I get back on my feet. I promise." I put him in my embrace and he started to break down and  I just held him as tight as I could.

I couldn't believe Jeff would do this to my brother. I can't see him like he is now and I don't like it when he cries. I just held him tight. After he calmed down I grabbed his hand and we started walking back home until I looked behind us and we were being followed and I looked in front of us there was more of them. I could feel Max tense up. He is a big guy like physically. He worked out almost every day to keep healthy and strong. I do the same thing, but not all the time like he does. One of the guys came up behind me and slammed me into the ground I didn't realize they were that close to us. I tried to get away from him, but he was a little stronger than me. Max took down three guys already knocked out and he looked to were I was and tackled the guy that had me to the ground and started to beat his face in. Two more guys grabbed me and threw me into the ally and one took my shirt off as the other one took my pants off. I was trying so hard to get away and I felt tears go down my face. The one who took my pants off also took my underwear off and started to rape me. The pain was so bad that I screamed for help, and when I did Max came rushing towards me until I heard a gun shot and he fell to the ground. The two guys let me go and ran away. I put my shirt, underwear and pants back on and ran towards him. He was on his back putting pressure on the gun shot and his hands were all bloody. Tears streamed down my face as I took his hands off the wound and I put pressure on it. There was so much blood from one fucking gun shot and I could tell Max was in pain.

"Please Max don't leave me! You promise you would never leave me alone, you promise no matter what you'll be there for me. I can't lose you not now.... Please say something Max please.....' *I looked down at him and his blue eyes were looking at me and he grabbed my free hand.* ' Rose..... I am so cold.... I won't leave you alone sis.... I couldn't let them hurt you no more then they have..... I promised you I would protect you no matter what....even if it killed me.... I love you Rose and no matter what you are a strong person and if you set your eyes on that you will be stronger then me one day...*laughs* Tell mom and dad that I love them, but mostly I love my little sis.... I will be watching over you and here..' * He took something out of his pocket and he put it in my hand and when I looked down it was a beautiful cross with a ribbon going around it and said "To the best little sister I could ever have and that I will forever love. Rose, Happy 20th birthday."  as I read it I started crying harder.* 'Rose I wanted to give this to you on your birthday next month and I wanted it to light up the room when I put it on you........ I know I might not make it so I gave it.... to you now... You are the greatest little sister I could have ever asked for Rose.... No matter what I'll always be in your heart sis..... I love you Rose....." He closed his eyes and I tried waking him up, but it was too late. He was gone.

I lead over his body and laid my head on his chest as I cried. "Please don't leave me Max I need you, please come back." I said through my tears and clutched teeth. When I looked at him he was smiling and never let go of my hand. I kissed his forehead and yelled from the stop of my lungs and that's when I called 911. 

When they came my mother and father came up to me and started saying that it was all my fault that he was killed and that they didn't want me anymore. They put my in foster care after Max's funeral. When I was put in that place on my 20th birthday I ran away from that and left on my own. I went to the blood bank and something happened that I didn't expect to happen.

(Flashback Ends)

 Ever since that night I would never take the necklace off her gave me because it was all that was left of him. I missed him so much, but as he said I could be stronger then him one day and that day has come. Then another memory came up and it was a bout three people.


"We can't just leave her Dustin, she's going to be a vampire soon and we can't leave our kind behind you know that. We have to help her. Remember the rules?' *I heard someone talking my body was in pain and I couldn't get up all I could do was lay there paralyze. The pain wouldn't stop.* ' I know Amarina, but we can't let her see who we are not until it's her time to join us. You know how Steve is honey. We will just take her back to her family.' * I opened my eyes and the woman looked at him with fear.* ' John, if you do that and she changes she could kill her family. We have to give her a new life and home. She's only 20 right now, so we can give her a new life of her own. That's all we can do right now. I don't know how that will work out but it's worth a try Dustin.' *Dustin looked at her and frowned, then looked up at her and smiled.* ' Well we will try and if it does not work then we have to let her find her own way. Now let's take her to Steve and see what he says."

(Memory Ends)

This has never happened before not until now. I got out of the shower and put my bathrobe on and went into my bedroom and I started to dry off and I blow dried my hair. Then I put on my long sleeve black shirt and my favorite black pants and then I put my twin swords on my back just in case I ran into trouble. I put my black hoody on and then I put my hood up over my face so it does not burn and I put my long black books on and last thing I put on was my sunglasses to protect my eyes. I walked out of the hot and damn it was really hot out it must be at least 101 degrees. I went into the alleyway near my apartment and I got on my Black Honda Slammer 2013. I got on it and I started it and I went to go riding for a little while. As I was about to get on the road I saw two strange people walking towards me. Shit! Not good! I drove away. I looked behind me and they got in their car and started following me. I drove faster and I took a hard right turn and went around the corner, but they were still behind me. "Damn it do I really have to deal with you fuckers! Ugh!" I slowed down and got off my bike and I took out one of my swords. They stepped out of their car with swords out as well.

" Really! Are you fucking kidding me! What the hell so you guys want? I am not doing anything wrong here, well not yet anyways. How do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way? The easy way is you guys just leave me alone and I won't kill you. The hard way *laughs* you just have to wait and see it.' *I smiled and got into my fighting pose and waved my hand saying come and get it.* 'It's up to you guys easy way or the hard way?' * They didn't put their weapons down and neither did I.* 'I guess it's the hard way then!" I smiled and ran towards them.

I ran towards the right and I slice his back and he fell to the ground, but got right back up and we started to swings our swords. You could hear the swords hit each other, but this guy was faster then I was and every time our swords hit sparks would fly off and burn my hands. He slung his sword and cut my side and I fell, but I got right back up and I stabbed him in the chest and I took it out fast and blood was dripping off my sword as he burned to ashes. Are you fucking serious, they're fucking vampires! I got up and I couldn't see the other vampire at all. I looked all over the place but could not find the vampire. I was about to go to my bike when I felt something hit me in my leg and I fell and my swords went flying 5 feet away from me. I got up and started running towards my swords when someone punched me in my stomach. That caught me off guard, but I couldn't find them because they were too fast. So I closed my eyes and I listened very closely and I heard footsteps on the right that's when I opened my eyes and grabbed the person from their throat and slammed them to the ground. I looked down and it was a woman.

"Who the hell are you people and why are you guys following me and trying to kill me? I didn't do anything wrong! Now tell me who is behind all this shit and I will be very kind and not kill you like I killed your friend.... Now answer me! Who the fuck are you?' *I pulled out my dagger and put it against her throat. She wasn't showing any fear or even scared. I was about to slit her when I heard a noise behind and all of a sudden someone put a needle in the back of my neck and everything went black.

Chapter Two: Pure


When I woke up I was in a bedroom that was all white and nothing but white. My head hurts like someone hit me across the head with a metal pole. As I stood up I felt dizzy and I fell. I don't know what is wrong with me. Whatever they put inside me was making me weak and when I am weak I can die if I don't drink blood soon. My body was aching, and my heart was racing. Wait my heart is beating, but how is that even passable? My heart hasn't worked since I was turned into a vampire. There was a sharp pain in my body and I screamed. I fell to the ground as my head started pounding and my heart started to beat faster. I was out of breathe and my eye sight was blurry. I really need blood and fast. My chest feels like it's about to explode, my head was spinning. I couldn't get up at all. How long has it been since I was out? I heard someone open a door and I heard running and I got up into a fighting pose.

"Who are you people and what did you do to me? Where am I.... How is my heart beating....' * I couldn't finish and I fell to the ground holding my chest. The person that came inside was next to me and when i looked up it was a woman. Her eyes were golden brown and her skin was paler then it normally is.I seen her before, but I can't remember where from. My head was hurting worst now and then another flashback came.


"Steve will she be alright on her own? What if she can't control herself and she kills people? How will we know she'll be alright? We can't just leave her behind.' *I could hear and see everything, but they don't know that. Steve was a beautiful and been a vampire for almost thousand years now. Amarina  was also very pretty with her golden eyes, and hr skin was bright as can be she was more like an Angel then a vampire.* ' Amarina she'll be find on her own until we go back and get her in a couple of years. If she loses control our kind will keep an eye out on her and help her through what she'll go through. We will know because either you or Dustin will keep an eye out on her. I know my dear but she'll make it though I promise. Now take her to her new home. She is very important to all of us. She's already like family.' * He got out of his seat and got beside me and kissed my cheek* ' You will be fine and when we find you again you'll be family forever. Now sleep my dear child." I fell into a deep sleep and that was all I remember and the flashback ended.

(Flashback Ends)

" Rose you're alright. We are here to help you and take care of you. You're not alone anymore I promise you this. You may not remember me, but my name is Amarina . Me and my husband John took care of you and let you have a new life. Ever since that day we watched over you Rose. I know you are scared and everything, but we are not the bad guy. Please calm down alright.' * When she said that I started to remember them and I let my guard down and she put me into her arms holding me. I started to cry because I have never had someone like them in my life. My old family was mean and rude to me. They kicked me out when i was 19 and after Max's death.  Since then I have always been on my own.* 'Shush it's alright Rose you're not alone no more I promise you. We are going to feed you and help you. It's a good thing we found here in time because if we didn't you would of been dead. John I found her! She's unharmed! Come on let's get out of here honey..." She picked me up and started running out of the place I was in.

 There was blood everywhere and fighting. Where was I and why am I here? Amarina  held me as tight as she could trying to get out of the fighting and blood bath. We were finally out of there I felt myself losing the fight. If I didn't get blood soon there won't be no me. She  laid me down on the ground and I couldn't keep my eyes opened. My heart was slowing down and I opened my eyes and I saw Steve beside Amarina. He gave her a bag of blood and she came toward me and put it in front of  my lips. I bit into it and started drinking it. I felt myself gain strength, but that blood didn't help as much.



"Hang in there Rose! I know you can do it! Just hang in there... I promise you'll be alright. She will be alright, Steve. Steve will she be alright? * She looked at him with tears going down her face* 'I don't know Amarina... They left her unfed for 3 weeks and you know we need blood every week. Her body is rejecting the blood. She needs a doctor' * I screamed when I felt a needle stick into the crease of my elbow. I felt something warm going into my body and all my pain was gone. I could breath a lot better, but I was still weak. Amarina looked at the boy about my age next to us.* 'Justin you came at the right moment... Will she be alright ?' * I heard Steve ask looking at Justin. It was dark to see what he looked like.* ' We won't know until we take her  back to HQ so we can take care of her. I think she'll make it. All she needs is a lot of sleep and plenty of blood. Other then that she'll be alright. If she would of strayed here any longer she would of died. Right now she can't feel any pain because I put morphine in her blood witch won't last long because we are vampires. Dustin, help me pick her up so I can take her to the infirmary.' * They picked me up and sat me down in the backseat of a car and Amarina got in the back with me as Dustin and Justin got in the driver seat and passage seat. Steve came in the back as well and was next to us. He looked at me and smiled.* ' You're safe now my dear Rose, but you need to rest. When you wake up you'll be in your new home with us. Now sleep dear one and may you dreams be pure." I smiled and sat my head on Amarina's lap and I closed my eyes and started to go into a deep sleep. For once in my life again I felt at home. Safe, warm, and loved once again.

Chapter Three: The Awaking Reunion


When I woke up I was in a room under a warm blanket. As I opened my eyes a little more I saw someone just standing at the window and staring. I was feeling a lot better, but I was still weak. I sat up on the bed and the person turned around and it was a woman with long beautiful blonde hair and her eyes were golden brown. She was about 5'7 and was wearing a real pretty light blue dress. I've seen her before and than it hit me. It was Amarina and I got out of the bed and ran into her arms. She happily wrapped her arms around me and hugged me.

"It's alright Rose you're safe now and no one is going to hurt you I promise.'* I looked up and she smiled at me wiping away tear that escaped.* ' Who were those guys that tried to kill me? Where are we? What happened to your arm?'* Her arm was wrapped from hand to elbow. She smiled at me and we sat on the bed. I could tell she was in pain because her body was tensed up* ' Their names were John and Susan they were Jamie's most prized vampires. They know no fear, pain or even hurt. They are emotionless. How you defect John I have no idea.'* I was confused. Who the hell is Jamie and why does he want me dead?* ' We are at HQ of the vampires. Every vampire that passes by have to come here so Steve can approve  of them just in case humans find a vampire guilty of killing someone. That is when Steve will flash his badge and takes them into his own hands and when they arrive here he lets them go with a warning. This isn't our real home, but it's like a second home to us. Last, well what happened was when we got to where you were being held a vampire attacked me and we started fighting. Until she grabbed me from behind and slammed me into the ground and my right arm was crushed as it hit the ground. It was very painful even for a vampire, but I kept fighting until i ripped her head clean off with my sword and she went up in flames. I should heal in about a day or two. Don't worry it doesn't hurt right now' *I looked at her and I saw she was lying* ' I can see you're in pain so don't lie to me alright' * She laughed a little.* ' Well I guess I can't lie to you huh?* I smiled and nodded my head* ' Well there is blood in the fridge beside your bed Rose. When you get done come to the first floor and came into room 17. We will be waiting for you because we have stuff to talk about alright. See you there Rod." I nodded my head and then she walked out of the room. 

I started to get up and go to the fridge.  When I opened it there was bottles of blood so I took one and opened it and started to drink it and it helped mybody a lot. After I drunk seven of them I felt refresh and strong again. So I went to the end of the bed and got the clothes Amarina sat out for me and I started to get undressed and out of my blood stained clothes. After I udressed I was about to put my new bra and panties until someone came into the room and it was a boy and I ran to the covers on the bed and wrapped myself in it. He was the same age as me about 5'10 with short blonde hair and real pretty blue eyes the color of my brothers. He was bulit and skinny, but could take down any human or vampire own with one punch. He also had black glasses on. When he saw me he turned his back.

" I am so sorry miss I didn't know you were getting dressed. I can come back later. Just I wanted to know if you were alright and how you're feeling, but anyways I'll just meet you up on the first floor. Ugh.... bye...."he rushed out of the room with lighting speed.

I couldn't help giggle a little bit and I never done that since Max. Witch reminded me I check around my neck and it was still there. I took a deep breath and got out of the covers and started to get dress before someone else pops in and sees me naked. So when I got dressed I started walking so I could find the first floor. It telIs me that I was on the fourth floor. I got to tell you this place is beautiful with the really light colors and the staute of a prtty woman with long stright hair and her eyes were paintd green and she was wearing a long blue dress. My thoughts went to the Vampire Queen. There were other vampires walking and looks like fighting, but I guess they are training. There were halls evevrywhere from left, to right, and to stright. I was afraid I would get myself lost so I went to a guy who was sitting at a desk signing papaers.

"Excuse me sir, do you have a miunte?' * He looked up at me and smiled and his eyes were gray and he put the in down.* What do you need miss?' His voice was very deep but as he asked I wasn't afaid anymore and I started to relax.* ' Well, I am very new here and I don't know how to get to the first flood because I have a meeting with Amarina.' * When I said her name he kindly got up and I followed him and we stopped in front of an elevator and he turned to me and smiled.* "Here you go miss, just hit number one on the pad and it will take you stright to the first floor. Hope you have a nice day." He walked away and sat back at his desk and started to sign papers again.

I got into the elevator and I push one and I started to go up until i heard a beep noise telling me I was at my floor. The first floor was beautiful it had light blue sky above where the ceiling should be, but I think it's glass and nobody was getting burned because they were wearing the same suit as I was. I have a black one on and it does help my skin and my blood leval stay the same. I still couldn't believe I had a heart beat it's so unreal, but I am also a vampire. Anyways the walls were a very ligt brown and the floor was made out of wood. As I checked the rooms I saw th room I was surpose to go to. So I got in front of the door and knocked. It was the boy who walked in on me when I was getting dress who opened the door and I could see he was still embessed. As I walked in I saw Steve at a desk, Amarina sitting on the couch, and a guy sitting beside her and they were laughing and talking with one another.  When Amarina saw me walk in she a  big smile on her face and walked to me and put me in a hugs I kindly hug back. Than she let me go and waked back to her seat and Steve looked up and pointed his hand at a hair next to him, so I walked over to the at than sat down. He put the folder down.

' How are you feeling Rose?  You didn't have any trouble finding us?' * I smiled and sat up stright and to be honset I was really scared.* ' I am feeling a lot better then I was yesterday. I feel refeshed and strong agian. Thanks or asking sir and yes I did but the guy on the fourth floor showed me the way and he is a very nice guy, wish I knew his name.' ' His name is Kevin and he's always a nice guy. Always do what he's told. What is that around your neck if you don't mind me asking?' * My hands went stright for my neck and I smiled' It was from my brother who passd away seven years ago. You see when I was younger my mother and father never wanted me as their kid. All they wanted was just one perfect son and that was my bother, but he met this guy named Jeff and he loved him more then anything so he finally came out of the closet an became gay. Our parents didn't like the idea he was gay. Me I thought it was awsome and loved him. He protected me and he said I'll protect you no matter what even if it killed. Then that spring we had to get out of the house becasue our parents were fighting again and we started to walk. He told me him and Jeff broke up because he was cheating on him with his best friend Tony and it tore me apart.....' * I had to control myself because I was about to cry, but I had to tell someone..* ' I told him everything will be alright. After we talked about that I grabbed his hand and we walked back home. Until we were being followed by a gang of guy. I was grabbed from behind by one of them, but Max saw him and tackled him to the ground. As he was fighting him two other guys grabbed me and started to rape me.  Max was about to take them out until....*crys* Someone shot him and killed him all he could say was he wantd to give this to me for my birthday, but he knew it would be too late so he gave this necklance to me the night he died. After we buried him my mom and dad put me in foster care because they told me it was my...... fault he was dead and that they didn't want me anymore...... So when it came to my birthday I ran away and went to a blood bank so I could give blood. The next thing I knew I was hiding in a closet and that was the day I got turned. So this is very important to me and it was all I had left of him..." * I started to cry and Steve grabbed my hand and I looked up.

When I looked up at him he was looking at the guy next to Amarina and when I lookd very closely at the guy my heart skippd a beat. Thw guy had  short black hair, was about maybe 5'8. When I looked into his eyes they were light blue just like his. He was built just like Max and I almost fell out of my chair, but Steve caught me. I could't believe it, it was Max. What was new was the tattoo going down his neck and the rest hidding under his suit. He had a long sword on his back and his skin was a little darker then mine. I got out of the chair and ran into his arms as he wrapped his around me. I was crying because I thought he was dead for seven years. He kissed the top of my head and I could hear he was crying as well.

" Rose I am so glad to hear that you're finally safe..... I am so sorry for not coming to see you sooner because I never knew they sent you to a foster home.... If I was there I would of hurt them for treating you like shit... After Steve told  about you bing sent away I wanted to find you and brig you here but they wouldn't let me...... because it would of freaked you out........ I am so sorry for leaveing you Rose... I never ment to leave... I love you sis.....' * I looked up and saw his eyes they were covered with tears. I tiptoed and wiped the tears away.* ' Don't cry please you know how I get when you cry. I am so glad you're alive and well and I have a lot of qustions to ask, like I really do. Can we please have some alone time Steve?' * I looked at Steve and he smiled and nodded his head.* ' Yes, just tell us when you're done talking alright because we have a lot to tell you dear child. Come Amaraina let's give them som time to catch up, because Dustin has been calling since you left and we ned check your arm. We will be back in a little while alright." He and Amarina left


Chapter Four: Max's Story

 Max POV

Me and Rose let each other go and sat on the couch were I was talking to Amarina. I've known her since they brought me into this life. She kinda reminded me of Rose when she was younger. Rose grabbed my hand like she did that night and smiled at me. I never thought I would see her again and to know she's still alive that relaxed me.

"Max what happened since the night when you know left me? I was so heart broken to see you die in my arms like that I would always have nightmares about that. When I went home with mom and dad they threw me into my room locked me in there until we buired you three days after you were shot. Then they put me in foster care and I stayed there util my birthday and that's when I was attacked by a couple of bad vamps. When were you turned? Where did you get the tattoo? How long have you've been a vampire? Max every single night I would cry myself to sleep......' * I stopped her and I picked up her chin so s would look at me. Tears were going down her  face and so I wiped them away.* ' I was about to tell you all that just wait. When I heard Steve telling Amarina that you were weak and badly hurt I wanted to go into your room and waited for you to wake  up, but Amarina told me I couldn't see you bcause you had blood all over you because they beat you pretty bad. You had cuts all over your body, you were almost gone until Justin saved you. You were out for a week Rose I was so proud to finally see you again. So you want know how I am still alive Here it goes. When I was shot and I saw your face on last time my heart did stop and when they took me to the morge my heart sarted beating again.

(Max's Story)

As I opened my eyes there was a sheet over me, but all I could remember was Rose looking down at me with tears going down her face. I sat up and the sheet slide off of me, but I laid back down because my eyes started to close again and I saw a shadow beside me and lend down to my ear. The person said, ' Don't be scared Max I am here to save your life. My name is Steve and you don't have much time left my boy. You will feel pain in a few seconds, but you won't and you will close your eyes and sleep until you are buried. Please forgive me Max." He bit into my neck and he covered my mouth so I wouldn't yell and the pain started.

I closed my eyes like he said and the pain would not stop. I felt like I was fighting myself to stay alive. It felt like my vains were on fire and my skin buring with it. I kept seeing red and more red. I wanted to get out of this hell and back to my sister because I couldn't leave her not now she needs me. I kept fighting and fighting the pain and my heart was beating faster and faster evey second that it felt like it would explode in my chest. I could see my life leaving my body. After a while with the pain my heart started to slow down and I felt some warm liquid running in my vains and into my heart until my heart stopped and so did my fight. I was in th darkness with no one around just plain blackness. I couldn't feel no pain, no emtion and I wasn't moving. I was just still, every time I would try I couldn't move. I slowly started to open my eyes and it was really dark and I was laying on a soft bed. When I tried to sit up I couldn't and I couldn't even move my arms it was like I was in a box, but then I remembered I was dead and so I knew what I was in. I was in a coffin. I could hear people crying and a pritcher talking there was one cry I hear from all th others and it was Rose's crying. I wanted to jump out of this thing and hold her, but I couldn't because I was dead. The last thing I heard was Rose saying this: * I Love you Max and I am so sorry for everything. I wish this would of never happened. I am so.... Sorry..." Then she left a Rose on my coffin and walked away. After that I was seated under the ground and they started to bury me. When I moved my head to the left I sawa picture of me and Rose from Monday when I was back home and she was so short, but I loved her. I just laid  there thinking for hours until I felt my coffin being rasied to the surface and someone opened it. I sat up and it was a woman with blonde hair and golden eyes. So I got out of the coffin and I saw Steve shut it and started to lower it down again and then he started to put the dirt back over my grave.

"Well, Hello there Max how are you feeling?My name is Amarina.'* She said and I lookd up at her and I was comfused* ' I am fucking great for the fact that I am fucking dead. So I am doing alright!' * I turned away from her and I started walking away until I felt a hand grab my arm and they turned me around it was Amarina * ' Max, you can't go see Rose right now. They just buried you eariler today and if you just go walking into the house your parents will be freaked out even your sister. Another thing is Rose won't be at the house after you died your mother and father sent her to a foster care in Tennessee. We don't know where they put her, I am sorry Max.' * When she told me they put her up for foster care, if I had a heart it would of been broken becaus a tear went down my face as I got to my knees and cried.* ' Why....would they do that to her.... They shouldn't of done that she needed them. What I don't get is they hated her but they loved me why? Why do they hate her she is their child too.' * I looked up and something in Steve's eyes caught me off gaurd and I got up and went up to him and  pushed him*' Do you know something about this that I don't know? You better tell me I beg you. I need to know about her. I know she is impornat to all of us. Just tell me please.' * They both looked at me and Steve nodded his head in agreement. Amarina wasn't happy about it but sh repected his wishes.* "I'll explain all this when we get back to HQ. Amarina will you tell the driver bring the car up front please and thank you my Dear." Amarina left then the next moment she the car wsas there in a matter of seconds and we walked to it and got inside.

I got in first and I had to take the middle as Amarina was on the left and Steve on the right. The driver started to drive along.

3 hours later  


This is teh castle that they train in and everything. It's very pretty :)

It took three hours to get to where we were and this place was like a castle. Outside you would think that it would be dark and scary becaus they are vampires, but this was out there. Pretty night sky and the lights were a beauiful golden color. There was a very pertty lake bside it and I saw vampires outside just talking and swimming. It looks like a hotel, but it was a castle. The driver stopped at the front gate and Steve got out of the car and walked towards it and unlocked it wih a card. Then he got back in the car and when we got to th door of the castle he stopped and we got out. The doors were really huge but had a beauitful markings on it and it glowed when Steve walked up to it and it opens. If you were me right now you would be amaze as I am now. We walked in and on the floor the same markings were on the floor as the door and it glowed as well. Amarina made me stop in the middle of it and it started glowing more until I felt a light brezze rush trhough my body and we were lifted up into the air. I could smell fresh rain and pine trees. I also felt tiny drops of rain hit my bare skin like it was raining, but we wre not wet. I moved my hand and I touched a rain drop and it never left my hand as we were going up. I closed my eyes and I imagined my sister eyes light up if she saw this. She would ask qustions about it and I wouldn't know the answers to because this was all new to me. We were on the very last floor of the castle and we started to go up to the first floor. Every floor felt and smelled different. As we passed the 5th floor I could smell the season of Fall and taste a fresh apple in my mouth. The first floor had the sweetest and most wonderful smell. It was like a fresh brezze from the summer air. As we stopped moving all that was gone and we were in a room and we stepped out of the mark as it disappered. Steve went to the desk and picked a file that said my name on it and  everything. Amarina went to sit on th chair as I sat on the couch. I had to say something about the smells and how they felt.


"Steve, what was that marking for? Why did I smell and feel everything on each floor? It was like walking though the sasons of the year. I also feel fresh and relaxed. It was like magic.' * Steve put down the file and looked at me and smiled.* ' I made it myself dear child. You see when I was about your age I could do more then any other 25 year old out in this world. Until I met my creater and he turned me.I had to pratice for hours and hours. When 3 years passed I mastered all elements and I begain to build this castle with my bare hands and with the help of the elements more and more vampires came to help me. It took us over a thousands years to finish it. As it was completed I begain to help other vampires passing these lands and ever since then this had been my dream. The marking are symbols of our kind around the world. I made it myself with the help of the other four leaders. We are the founding fathers of this castle and we wil give everything we have to protect our land. The reason why you cna smell and feel everything on each floor is because your smelling is much strongerthen your human smelling. You will be trained by Amarina. Another thing about the mark the reason why you feel so refresh because the elements cleaned your soul and killed all the germs you were carring on you. This castle will be where you will be trained. Now about your sister. Max you may not like what I am about to say. Your sister wasn't borned from your mother. She was created by our kind. We put her in you family because she needed to be protected at all times. Your mother and father didn't like her because she wasn't a perfect child like you. Whenever you went to school they would try and get rid of her. Every time they tried they would fail or get turned down. They thought she was an evil child a demon from hell but all she needed was love and care. That's when you showed up.You showed her what real love was about. You protected her from your parents, you exsepted her as your sister. This is the part that you may not like. The reason why she needed protection is because of the evil lord Jamie.' *He got up from his seat and sat next to me.* ' Jamie is the most powerful vampire of us all. We have no Queen or King because they were both killed by him. On the other hand, Rose is the next Vampire Queen Max. She has the power to defeat Jamie. Right now she isn't old enough yet, but when she hits 20 years of age nxt month her powers will come in and she will be turned. She's our only chance on saving the us all or the whole world will go to hell without her. That is all I can say for now. Tomorrow you will start your training with Amarina."* He got up and went back to his desk and started to dign papers,*

I had a lot to think about now, and if that means I can still protect Rose then I will. I got up and walked out and Amarina showed me my room. The next day I started my training.

Three years later

" Max! You need to foucs on your target! Use your sense of hearing when I come back at you! Now foucs!" * I heard Amarina yelling from somewhere in the darkness of the woods.

I was working my fucking ass off all this week. After three years I have been who I am I still haven't mastered my fire and water elements. I did what she said to do and I closed my eyes and I could hear her running from somewhere on my left. I felt her sword about to cut my arm when I opned my eyes and grabbed it and threw her onto the ground and she landed pretty hard. She got right back up and we started to fight with our swords. Tell you the truth she was really good with a sword and ever since she bcame my trainer I have became a lot stronger and faster. Steve would hlp here and there, but he was always busy. Whenever he had free time he would help me train when Amarina would go train somebody else. By the time I leard how to fight with a sword within six months. As my sword hits Amarina I could see she was getting waker each time she would attack me.Then she dropped her sword and fell to the ground. I threw my sword to the ground and ran to her and help her up.

"Damn Amarina! How long has it ben since you drunk blood? I never seen you go down like this before. I am taking you to your room and we are going to feed you before you pass out again. Come on lets go." I put her arm around my shoulder and I started to walk her to her room witch was on the first floor.*

So I stopped in the middle of the mark and it started to glow and we were lefted up into the air. The water was on her mostly because she was very weak. As we got to the floor I picked her up and took her to room 20 and I opned her door and laid her on the bed.I went ot hr frige and I took out maybe 13 bottles of blood and got beside her. She's been like a mother to me ever since I came here. She opened her eyes and they were pitch black. SHe couldn't hold anything like she is now. I opened up a bottle of blood and I started to feed her and within three mintues all th blood was gone and her eyes turned back to normal and she went to sleep. When she's helping vampires train she forgets to fed and becomes weak. She hasn't age one bit since I got here and she was a very strong woman. I covered her up and shut hr lights off then went out of her room. When I closed the door I went back down to the very last floor and I opened the gate with my card and I walked to the lake. I was the only one out here because everybody was in their rooms relaxing after a hards days work. Every time I was done training I would come out here to the lake and sit down and just look at the sky, stars and the moon. I would always bring a sketchbook and pencil so I could draw what that sky looked like every night. It would always relax me and helps me remeber my sister and helps me think. I always like to go out at night even when I was human. I started to draw what it looked like tonight until I heard someone crying from behind me and when I looked nobody was there so I truned away and started to draw again. Then I heard it again, so I put down my art and took out a dagger and started to follow it. I looked up I saw somone in the tree and looked like he was hurt and so I cimbed the tree and the boy started to back up until he fell to the ground. I put my dagger away and jumped out of the tree and beside this poor guy He looks like his face was all cut up and bleeding. I heard people laughing and coming closer towards us. I jumpd back into the tree so I could see who it was

Three guys came out of the bushes and went to the person that fell out of the tree and on of them I knew. His name was Brain Dome. He hasn't been here very long, not even six months. He's been here since lasdt month and he was a trouble maker. He pickd up the poor guy and threw him across the beach. HIm and his gang followed to where this guy was and started to beat him up. That's when I jumped out of the tree and grabbed Brain into a headlock

''What the hell are you doing Brain! You know the rules, we do not harm other not unless they harmed you first. Seems to me that you just want to fight with other people. Now I am going to call Steve and he will deal with you.' * I took out my phone and called him and he picked up fast* ' What is going on Max?' 'Well I have Brain and his friends out of the lake bating up some guy that I never seen bfore and they gave him a real bad beaten too. So I called to let you know to come down here and deal with them sir.' * I said as the other two people wre running from me, but I used the power of earth to trap their feet.* ' I'll be right down. Also I heard about Amartina, is she alright?' ' Yes, she's fine now she is resting. Tahnk you for taking care of them for me, and I am going to take this guy to the infirmary and I am going to take care of him sir. I'll  you when you get here Sir.'*I  hung up and never let Brain go.* ' Tell me why you hurt this guy before Steve gets here? Tell me.' 'He's a fag and people like him shouldn't be here in this land or place.' * When he said that my grip tighten around his neck and whispered in his ear.* 'So what if he is gay, I am gay as well and people like you shouldn't  be picking on people. So I won't tell you twice. If I see you hurting another fellow member I will have Steve kick you out and not come back you got me?" * He nodded his head in agreement and Steve was next to me and I gave him Brain and his friends and he took them back up to the first floor.

I went to were the boy was and he looked pretty bad. He was knocked out cold and I picked him upd took him to the infirmary. I laid him down on one of the beds and he was about my age. He had short black hair about 5'9 so he was little taller then me. His hoodie was tore to shares and on his chest had a deep sword wound bleeding, but he wasn't moving as he was a while ago. I cut off his hoodie and I went to the cloest and pulled out a towel and some alcohol and I pour it on the towel. I walked to where he was and I put the towel over his wound and on his face you could see he was in pain, but I had to clean and doctor his wound. He was built and very cute(just saying). As I started to wrap his chest up to his shoulder he started to open his eyes. They were jade green and very beautiful. HJe tried to get up, but I pushd him down. He just looked at me and I saw a tear going down his face. I wiped it away.

"What's your name?' * He looked down and grabbed my hand as I held it and he squzzed it.* ' Ryan Black.... I am new around here. I have only been here four weeks now. The last thing I remember was telling one of my friends that I was gay she smiled and said it was fine with her. Then those guys grabbed me from behind and one of them punched me in my face and he kept doing it and doing it until I was completely down. I got up a few sconds later and one of them had a sword and another had a dagger and started cutting my face up and my body. I was so weak that I couldn't do anything. That's when I felt somthing stab me in my chest and they took it out fast. I ran away from them trying to get free. I found a tree and climbed it and stayed there. The you found me and I fell off the tree because I thought you were one of them.Then when I woke up I was here laying in a medcail bed. I don't know why they did it.' * He started to freak out and got up but I stopped him and laid him back down because he was undoing the wrap and stiches.* ' Calm down Ryan, you're in bad shape right now and if you keep moving you can undo the wrap and the stiches. Just relax. The reason why they did it was because you were gay. That's nothing to be ashamed of. You are who you are and no matter what you're not alone becuse I am gay myself. I was treated the same way as you were. I would be jumped and hurt, but they don't that to me now because they know if they do I will kick their asses. So you're alone in this Ryan I promise.' * he looked at me and smiled as he held my hand I smiled back* ' Thank you ummmm....' ' Max.' 'Thank you so much Max for treating me and talking to me...I will never forget that"* He closed his eyes and went to sleep.


When I was about  to get up he never released my hand and I was about to take his hand off mine when he wouldn't let go I just sat there and watched him sleep.

                                               Three Months Later

I was thinking about that night when I first met Ryan. He was very sweet and kind and I don't know why people hate Gays so much. We are who we are right? Ryan was so cute and hansom and ever since we met we've been hanging out almost every singe day. I am beginning to really like this guy. He's funny, sweet, kind, and smart. He is very bright for our age and he knows how to use all elements and also he is very good looking. With his short black hair, and kissable lips and how he is built makes me kind of weak sometimes *laughs* . He may be the one for me, but i don't know how to tell him how I felt. We only met three months ago and every time we hang out my love for him is growing stronger each and every day. I've never felt like this since Jeff. I was so lost in my train of thoughts that when Kevin poked my shoulder I almost knocked him out, but I stopped myself.

"So sorry Kevin just I was thinking and you kind of surprised me when you poked my shoulder. What do you need?' *I looked up at him and sat down at my desk and he just stood there.* ' There is someone here to see you Max. Do you want me to tell them you are  busy sir?'* Looked at him and asked* ' Who is it?' * He went out to check who it was and he came back inside.* ' He says his Name is Ryan Black and that he knows you and will know you would let him inside. He says he needs to talk to you because it's important.' * I stood up and walked to the window and said, ' Let him in Kevin he's a very close friend of mine. So no need to worry about him. Let him in."

He let Ryan in and for some reason he was very nervous and scared and he was limping on his right side. Than he sat down on the couch and I went to sit next to him. He was shaking very badly.

" Ryan, is something wrong? Is someone hurting you?' * He looked at me and grabbed my hand. The last time he done that was when we met. His face was very scared. The reason why I asked if someone was hurting him was because I saw bruises on his arms and a almost black eye that was a couple of weeks old.  When he took my hand he stopped shaking.* ' No, everything is fine, just I've been thinking abut you a lot. I wanted to know if you were alright, because I had a dream about you and you wasn't doing so well. You looked sick and well you died in my dream.' * I looked at him and his face was like he was about to cry and a tear went down his face, but I wiped it away. I held his hand tightly and he relaxed.* ' Ryan, I am alright I promise. I am sorry you had that dream, but I am alright. *I smiled* I've been thinking about you a lot lately to. What's on your mind? Don't worry this will only be between you and me. You can tell me anything.'* He looked up at me and started to shake agian. He was crying and so I grabbed his other hand and I looked into his eyes.* ' I am really scared Max.  I don't know what to do anymore. I am scared to tell you.' * He saw me looking at his arms and he put his jacket on.* ' Ryan, what ar those bruies from? Is someone abusing you? You got to tell me who it is?  I can't stand seeing you like this.  Almost everyday we hang out you would always wear a jacket. Who is hurting you Ryan? You can talk to me.' *He lookd down and tears were going down his face as he let go of my hands and put thm ovr his face. I could tell he was afriad to tell me, but I had to know who was doing this to him.He lookd up at me and smiled as he hid his tears.*  ' It's hard to explain Max. Just I fell from a tree onto a pile of rocks. It's nothing you need to worry about Max I promise. I just wanted to make sure you were alright because the dream scared me. Well I have to be going now, I have classes to take and training. I'll see you around Max." * He got up and kissed my cheek and left.

I was about to go after him, but when I got to th door he was holding hands with some guy and they were just laughing and talking as they left around the corner. My heart ached and I caught my breath because I was about to to cry. Why didn't he tll me he was in a realstionship? He could trust me couldn't he? I closed my office door and sat down in a cornor and started to cry. I fell for him so hard and I've never falling for someone like this not since Jeff. I sat in that cornor for hours that I lost count just thinking about Ryan. My heart felt like it was going to brak if I had one. Than someone came into my office and it was Amarina. She saw m crying and got beside me and put m in her arms. She knew how I felt about him because she's been training me since the beginning of my new life. I cried into her chest.

" I am sorry you had to see that Max. I didn't know he had a boyfriend. Are you going ot be alright?' * I looked at her and she saw my tears and wiped thm away.* 'I don't know now. He was trying to tll me something. He has bruirses all around his arms and he was limping on his right side. He had an old black eye that was healing. I don't want him to get beaten Amarina. I love him so much and I know these feeeling will never go away. I love him." She held me closer to her because she felt bad for me. My feeling for Ryan will never go away. I just cried and told Amarina that I was gong to my bedroom and going to sleep. I cried myself to sleep that night.

                                                                Next Day

As I was still thinking about yesterday I was walking up to meet Steve when I hard somone scream and yell in pain inside a training room. I walked into the room whn I saw someone hit a boy and he fell to the ground and the other guy got on top of him and started to beat him up. So I ran into the guy and knocked him off the boy who was stuggling to get up. I couldn't see very well because it was dark as the night sky and my eyes are not used to it yet. As I held the guy down he threw a punch and hit me in my face and I fell onto my back holding my nose bcause I could tell it was bleeding, but i got right back up. I had my fists ready to fight. I took a lft and hitthe guy in th saw and h went flying into the wall, but he got up and ran towards me and gave me a left hook punch into my stomach multiple times until I fell to the ground out of breath. It was hard to get up, but I did anyways. I kneed him into th chest and got on top of him and kept hitting him. We fought until I knocked him out with a good neck shot in th back of his neck. I was all bloody and beaten, but I went where the boy was and when I looked down my eyes adjusted to the dark and th boy I was looking at was Ryan. Shit. I got to his side and he was shaking so badly and he was hurt pretty badly.

"Ryan! Shit! You're going to be alright I promise.' * I held him in my arms than he opens his eyes and they were greener then they normally are. He frowned.* " I'm sorry Max.... I should of told you about everything. I shouldn't of lied to you like that. I just didn't want to you to get hurt because of the bruises. I never wanted you to find out that I had an abousie boyfriend becaus I never told you that I had one since i first met you. I'm sorry for everything. I would of told you about him but I was afriad h'll hurt me... I never wanted this to happen to me. I though he was a great guy but now I know he's a bad guy and I think he works with Jamie. I'm sorry....." I held him closer to me and I could feel him breathing down my neck and I was just glad he was alright.

I looked at him and I lifted up his had and turn his lips towards mine then I kissed him. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my neck down to my chest, and all over my body. I didn't know what was going on. Everything was fine nd I finally got to kiss the love of my new life. His lips never left mine as we kissed more. My body felt like it was burning from inside and out. We stopped kissing and I clinched my teeth together and I let out a scream. I also I heard Ryan screaming as well until I closed my eyes with his hand in mine. Then everything went black. I didn't know what happned, but it wasn't a bad thing it was a good thing.

                                                           Three Days Later  

"What does this mean Steve? We haven't had  warriors in about two thousand years now since our kind was hunting down by human beings. I thought they were all wiped out. Does this mean it's time Rose knows the truth about herself and her being the Vampire Queen?' * I opened my eyes as I heard Amarina and Steve talking about our world.*  'I know we haven't had warriors and this is a good thing Amarina it really is. It's is time for Rose to know the truth. We have to find where she is now. Max will be happy to see his sister again. Specking of Max he heard our coverstion and is now fully recovered and awake. How are you feeling Max?' * I sat up and I felt stronger then I normally do. When I got up I almost fell, but I caught myself. I was looking for Ryan and I didn't even see him. I hope he's alright. Steve came up to me and started checking me out just in case I wasn't myself, but I was. I looked at him.* ' Where is he Steve? Where is Ryan? I need to see him to make sure he's alright. I really need to find him.' * When I told him that I heard someone bhind me and when I turned around Ryan was right there shirtless, but had tottoos all over his body witch was really sexy. He came up to me and kissed my cheek and I blushed a little. He grabbed my hand and we sat down on the couch. * ' Ryan I am so glad you're alright. I was so worried about you, are you alright? ' * He looked at me and smiled nodding his head.* ' I am also glad you're alright Max and by the way you look really good in your tattoos.'* Tattoos? I looked down and i was shirtless as well and I had different tattoos thn Ryan did. I was so confused, but Ryan wasn't * ' Why do we have tattoos Steve becuase I am very confusd here.' 'Max, this is a good thing I promise you. The tattoos we have are the sign of th new Vampire Queen is coming soon and we are her protcters and gaurds. I heard the Queen is going to be your younger sister Rose. We have to be have to be ready when she comes.' *Ryan said and I smiled and w held hands. Than Steve started talking.* ' Ryan is right my boy we have to be ready when she comes. You guys are going to train more each day with each other now because you guys are bounded. You can't be away from each other and you have to protect yourselves and the Queen. You'll be needing a lot of pracite. Now go Amarina will hlep you guys train once again. "


'After me and  Ryan found out about this we have been working really hard so we could protect you Rose. You are the Queen and Jamie has been getting stronger for seven years now. You need to train. Amarina......' *Amarina cut me off and I didn't know they wre back yet until she spok up.* ' Max I won't be the one to train her the person who  is will be Justin. Steve, me and Justin already decided on that so him and Rose are going to start training at dawn. Well I will take Rose with me so she can get a shower and get some rest. So Rose come because I need to talk to you about something and don't worrry you'll meet Ryan in a little while. So let get you cleaned up alright." Rose gave me a kiss on the cheek and left with Amarina.

I was just glad she was better and now safe with us. Steve told me to leave and so I did and whe did Ryan was waiting for me and I smiled and walked towards him and kissed him on the lips and I loved it when I kissed him. I put my hand in his and we went to our bedroom and went to sleep.


Chapter Five: The Truth


When Amarina lead me out of Steve's office she took me to my room in the castle and she shut the door so no one could here us talk.  I can't believe I'm the Queen. Why me? Why not Amarina because she is older and she would fit the Queen part, but why me? I laid back on my bed and started to think until Amarina sat beside me.

"I'm sorry you had to find out who you really are by Max. Just when the your mother had you she wanted you to have a life of your own. So you would never find out that you are her daugther. She never thought Jamie would get so bad, but he did and she had to find somewhere safe for you to be protected. Your mother was the sweetest person we ever knew she loved you Rose and she didn't want you to take her place because she was scared. Do you want me to tell you your mothers name?' * I wrapped my arms around her and laid my  head on her chest because I was scared and I wanted to know more about my mother. I nodded my head.* ' Well your mother's name was Josephine Thompson. You look a lot like her you know. Your father was the vampire King and his name was Darrick Thompson  and he was a very strong person. They had to go into battle with Jamie because he's been killing our clan and your mother and father wouldn't let them enslave us all. You were just a month old when all this happened. I was keeping an eye on you. Everything was going to hell until your mother came into the castle. Here is what happened." I just laid there and she started to tell me me when our war first started.


                                           The Story of the Vampire War


                                                                                                                         (Amarina POV)

As I was watching Rose sleep her mother and father came inside and Josephine cam beside me and pick her up and she was sleeping like a rock. Rose was the perfect child in our eyes. When she gets older she's going ot look like her mother. Darrick got beside Josephine and kissed her cheek. I started to get up.

"Where you going Amarina my dear?' *  Josephine ask me and I turned around and smiled*  ' I was going to leave you and Derrick alone time without me getting in the way. Rose just want to sleep and I don't want to wake her up my lady.' * She got up and gav Rose to her father and walked towards me and we sat on the bed.* ' Why would we think your in the way Amarina? We've never said that to you before. You're part of out family now and you will never be in the way dear. If it wasn't for you who would we trust with out little girl? You've been with us since the beginning. You never left us like the others did. You stayed, besides you're Rose's godmother. If anything would to happen to me and Darrick we are going let her stay with you. She needs you Amarina, I need you. You will never get in our way I promise dear. You are family and family sticks together." * She kissed the top of my head and went back to here her child and husband was at.

I got off the bed and went to where they were and Darrick laid Rose in my arms and I couldn't help but smile. She was the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. Even though she was half vampire and half human I've never seen a baby like her. I put her back into her crib and we left her alone so she could sleep. As I was about to leave she started crying again.  I couldn't just leave her to cry so I got beside her crib and picked her up and started to sing her little lullaby. As I was singing Rose yawned a little yawn until someone grabbed new from behind and took Rose away from me.  They pinned me to the ground as I could hear her small crys echo through the room. So I tried to get away but they had me pinned down good. So I bit one if the guys who held me down and he yelled in pain and I got up and attacked the person who had Rose and I snapped his neck in half and he fell limp. I took Rose and ran as fast as I could. As I escaped I saw many more vampires fighting. I saw that the king ad queen trapped and I went towards them. I gave Josephine her daughter and I started to protect my family.

" Amarina go and leave us be. Here is Rose keep her safe and away from harm. We are at war now and she doesn't need to be raise if we're at war. Promise me you'll keep her safety and find her a better home. ' * I looked at the queen and Rose while I was fighting and tears went down my face and I grabbed Rose and looked at Josephine* ' I promise I'll be back mistress. I promise to take Rose to a safe place.... I won't let you down this time. I'll protect her with my life. I'll be back. ' *She smiled at me and kissed me on my cheek and then  gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead and gave me a nacklace and said ' Don't give this to her until it her time to fight back. Tell her how much I love her when u take her to a different family. When she's ready find her and bring her to HQ and then to her birth place. I trust u Amarina. Keep her away from harms way. Goodbye my sweet child.... Keep her safe. " She left and so did The king as I ran to save Rose's life.

                 Hour Later 
As Rose was asleep in my arms I went back to wear the Queen was bit when I got there ashes and bones every where. I searched for the Queen. Until I found her laying badly injured and the bones on her left was the king. I got beside her and grabbed her hand.

"Mistress...  I shouldn't of left you to fight alone.... ' * She looked at me and I saw the lights of her eyes beginning to dem.* ' I told....  you to leave me dear friend.... *she looks at Rose * Is she alright Amarina?' * I smiled and sat beside her and I left her hold her baby one later time. She tried to smiled but she couldn't * ' yes she is just sleeping mistress.... I told I would be back even though I knew this would happen.... I couldn't let you die alone...  I should of saved you.... I should of stayed.... ' * tears went down my face and she wiped them away and looked at me.* ' You were just following orders.... Take care of my little angel you hear me.... I love you both....  goodbye... " She closed her eyes as I picked Rose you as she disappeared into the air. Rose was still sleeping.  

         (Amarina Present )

"Rose your parents were great people. They died for you and for me. They didn't want you to grow up during the war.  They loved you with all their hearts. " I said as I felt Rose breathing slowly witch meant she was asleep.

I just laid they're beside her and let her sleep. I'll be,taking her to her birth place and to her parents graves. As soon as I laid there my eyes felt heavy and I fell asleep. 

Chapter Six: Birth-Place

  (Rose )

When I woke up Amarina was laying beside me sleeping soundly.  I must of fallen asleep while she told me about my parents. I knew today was going to be good because I was going to my birth place were I was born at.

As I left my room without waking her up. I got some clothes out of my bag and a towel because they were suppose to fix my water but they been busy. So I go into the main showers in the bottom floor I started running until I ran into someone and I fell on my ass and when I looked up I saw Justin. I was embarrassed and I hid my face.

"I'm so sorry Justin *laugh* I was just in a hurry to go take a shower because they haven't fixed my water yet. I am so sorry ' *I looked up and I saw him smiling at me and his,eyes looked like a bright blue dimonds and held out his hand to help me up as I grabbed his hand * ' It's alright my lady. I came up here to see if Amarina was here because Steven has to talk to her. Have you seen her today? ' * I looked at him as he helped me up.* 'Yeah.... she is in my room sleeping,but I have to go. So I'll see you around Justin. Also tell Amarina that I am sorry I had to leave her. Bye. " I rushed out before he could say something. Why am I blushing? Damn it.   

I reached the bottom floor and when I got there it wasn't full like it used to be. I had a bad feeling that's something is wrong here. So I took my sword out and started to listen. I heard footsteps behind me and I got into a fighting pose. Something went past my ear and it nicked my eat and bleed. I saw someone coming from in front of me and attack me. I blocked the sword with mine and I sliced their stomach and they disappeared. So it was one of the leaders because only they can copy themselves like this. I fought them and attacked.

I had to find the real one. So I concentrated and relaxed my body and listened. The copys have lighter footsteps then the real one. So I hear the real one to my left, No wait to my right. I heard him draw his sword and I jumped into the air as he missed me. I was in the air as he was confused and I came down and punched him in the jaw and he fell.

We put our weapons down and started to fist fight. Damn it why do they have to trained me just after I woke up and need a shower. As we fought you could heard the hits. He got me in my jaw then my ribs, but when he tired to hit me again I do a backflip and I hit him in his throat. He fell to the ground and covered his throat to breathe again. I put him in a headlock and cut off his breathing then he tapped my shoulder and I let him go. 

               "I can breathe again!! What the hell Rose?' *His voice was familer and I looked at him closely and I saw Justin. I didn't know he was a leader.* ' Justin I didn't know you were a leader. I am so sorry. I know this was to test me, but I am so sorry. Are you alright?' * I felt so bad because I almost killed him. I put my hand out and he grabbed it and I helped him up.* ' Yes I am fine, but how the hell did you do that Rose?' * I looked down and put one hand behind my back and the other in my pocket. I felt so bad.* ' I tought myself how to do it, becasue I had to defined myself in the human world. I am after all half human half vampire aren't I? I had to go to school, work and deal with bad shit. So I took Martial Arts classes so in case something like this ever happened to me I would be ready. I am sorry I almosst killed you *smiles* Can you forgive me Justin?' * I gave him my puppy eyes and he just melted away.* 'Yes Rose I forgive you. Now get your into the bathroom and take your shower. Me, Steve and Amarina will be waiting for you in the main office and take you to your home. Jsut to warn you it won't look the same as it once did." He left and kissed my cheek and left. I couldn't help but blush and I went to take my shower.


                                                                            Hour Later


   "It's been an hour since Justin met up with Rose, wha tis taking her so long to get up here?' *I asked myself as I saw Steve pacing back and forward in his office witch was making me a little dizzy. So I stood up and made him sit still.* ' Stop doing that sir, you're making me dizzy. Where the hell is she?' * Then I heard someone at the door and finally she comes through the doors and I smiled. She looked like her mother when she came through the door.* ' I am so sorry it took so long Sir. Just I had a test from Justin and after that was done I went to take a shower and I didn't mean to take too long. It won't happen again.' * I lookedat her and smiled and patted her back to leet her know it was alright that she shouldn't be so nervous about it.* ' Relax Rose we understand. Don't get  so worked up about it. Now do you have everything you need includeing your wepons?' * She looked up at me and nodded hr head.* "Yes Amarina. Why do I need my wepons anyways?' * I couldn't tell her that it is because some of Jamie's clan could still be there waiting for her. W don't know if there is, but we didn't want to take chances of getting her kidnappd or worst killed.* "The reason is because you will be trainning with me and Justin. Thhis isn't a trip Rose, but it's to help you learn about your past.' * She looked down and I saw a frown on her face and I lifted her head up to look at me.* ' I don't know if I am ready to see where my birth place is yet. It's just I am so scared, I know saying something like that is wird coming out of my mouth, but I am scared that if i see their tomestones I will break down and cry. What if I ask, if Max can come can he?' * She looked up at me and I lookd behind her and Max was right there.* 'Yes that will be fine Rose, you need him by your side. Can lets get ready to leave alright." She smiled and gave me a hug and left with Max by her side as he helped her get her stuff ready. 

                                                  Few Hours Later


We were on the plane on the way to our real home and Rose was sound asleep beside me with her head laying on my shoulder as I had my arm around her to keep her warm. It has been fives hours since we left and I kept having this feeling something isn't right. I didn't see Justin anywhere. Steve and Amarina were talking to each other. Seeing Rose sleeping on me again bring back a bad memory. The last one I will never forget because she almost died.

  It was three in the morning and my Phone started to ring. Jeff was sleeping soundly beside me and I didn't want to wake him. I had to see who was calling me though. I slowly got out of bed and went beside the TV and I looked at the caller ID it was my sister Rose so I picked it up.  All I could hear was sobbing.

Me: Rose what's going on? Rose calm down please tell me what is happening?   

Rose: Max please... please come and get me.....please I am begging you.... Someone is in the house...... I am hone and dad aren't here me... 

Me: Rose I am on my way now I'll be there in a few hours. Where are you right now?

Rose: I'm..... I'm in my room witch is locked.... Max I am scared.... I am so afraid.... *crash* No please don't leave me alone......

The phone line went dead and I was shaking. I threw my phone at the wall and started to get dressed. As I turned around Jeff was awake. I guess when I threw my phone at wall it woke him up. I felt tears going down my face and he saw it and ran beside me. I couldn't help,but fall to my knees because I was so angry and started crying.

"What happened Max? Is Rose alright? ' * I looked up at him and shook my head head no.* 'Jeff someone broke into the house....  I was on the phone with her then I heard a crashing noise and the phone line went dead. We need to leave right now Jeff.' I started crying and he held me close to him and he was one of the people who could calm me down beside Rose.* 'Come on we have to get dressed and be on our way. Everything will be alright Baby." He kissed my forehead and helped me up.

                Six hours later    

When we landed at the airport me and Jeff ran out of the plane and got our stuff and got into our car where we kept it here. I was pissed off and worried about Rose. When we got to the house I heard Rose scream. The door was kicked in and I ran into the house and went upstairs. I heard her cry and scream again. Her door was locked from the inside. I kicked the door down and I saw a got on top of my sister as she was naked and bloody. I threw the guy off my sister and went to go get Rose when he attacked me from behind and we were fighting. I grabbed the guys throat and started to choke him. He was fighting it,but I gripped tighter and I saw Jeff grab Rose and leave. The guy stopped moving and I released him and check for a pulse and he didn't have one. I ran out of the room as Rose was passed out on Jeff and we took her to the emergency room. As we took her there the doctors said we got there just in time. Our parents pretended to me all worried and thankful got us saving Rose, but deep down I know they didn't care if she lived or not. I hated the sight if them. Rose was the only person I really worry about when she with them. The doctor came into the room and told me that Rose would be alright. She will be scared for the rest of her life. He told me to bring her with me Jeff back home,because our parents had to get back to their busy trip.

                  Two Weeks Later

Rose was sleeping on me while I was on the couch and I was just smoothing her hair. We had to take her back Home today and I didn't want to,but she had to go to college.  Jeff was taking good care of her when I had to work. I couldn't of asked for a better guy.  Rose started to wake up and when she moved she would let out a small cry of pain because she was sore from that guy who raped her. All of her ribs were badly bruised. She opened her blue eyes and tears were in them. She must of had a nightmare again.

    "Max, I don't want to go back Home. I want to stay here with you and Jeff. Please don't make me go back.... please... ' * She climbed into my arms as I cradled her. I kissed the top of her head.* ' I know Rose,but you can't stay here yet anyways. You're 20 right now you'll live with is when you turn 22. For now you need to stay with Mom and Dad because of collage. I will check up on you every single day I promise. Beside in a few months I'll be on spring break and I will come visit you I promise. Now let pack your stiff and get you to the airport. " I helped her up and we started to pack her things. We took her to the airport and then she left.

        (Flashback Ends )

I shook that memory from my head and just let her sleep. She became such a amazing woman. I know she is ready for the next step. My eyes started to her heavyand I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Max woke me up because we were at my birth-place and it was beautiful when I looked out the window then I saw the castle smashed into pieces except the bottom of it. It looked like there was a war,but started to heal itself.  The place was beautiful even in ruins. Max was beside me and grabbed my hand because I was crying. Amarina came up to us and wiped the tears off my face.  The number one person I really wanted to see was my parents graves.

       "Amarina,can we got to my parents graves please I want to show them how much their babygirl grew up and became the most beautiful girl they would of loved no matter what. Can we please? ' * She nodded her head yes and I took a deep breath and smiled.*  'Now let's go and visit your parents alright. " So we got our stuff and got into a boat and we started towards the castle.

Max pulled me into his arms as to tell be he will never let anyone hurt me. When we reached to the dock Justin was already there and helped me and Amarina up from the boat. When I turned to smile at Max his face looked like he was worried and didn't want Justin anywhere near me. I pulled my hand out and Max grabbed it and I helped him up.  I couldn't help it,buy I had to ask him.

         "Max, is everything alright?  You look tense. I saw you look at Justin with you're if-you-touch-my-sister-you-will-regreat-it look. Do you have something against  Justin?' * He looked straight into my eyes* ' I just don't trust him sometimes because haven't you notice he's been missing a lot lately without even telling someone. Please when you are around him please be careful because I worry about you.'* I smiled and gave him a kiss on the forehead* ' I promise Max,nothing is going to happen to me. Besides after we visit mom and dad grave Justin will be training me. I promise if something happens I will tell you alright. So try to relax and ease up a little bit. I love you Bro.' * He smiled and relaxed and kissed my cheek again.* ' Alright Rose remember be careful. I need to go speak with Steve. I'll see you in a few love you too sis." He jogged and started to walk beside Steve.

I was stuck in the back once again alone. I put my headphones in my ears and turned then all the way up. My fav song "We Die Young " came on. As I was walking I kept seeing shadows everywhere. It could be just in my imagination or I am really seeing them. So I took one of my throwing knives into my hand and held it there. Then I felt someone tap my shoulder and I attacked them and pinned them to the ground and put the knife to their throat. As I looked it was Justin and I took my earphones out of my ears and put my knife up and got up and so did he.

      "Damn it Justin! Stop doing that shit to me because you know I would do that damn. I don't want to hurt anyone.' * he started laughing and I gave him shut-the-fuck-up look and he stopped. * ' I am sorry Rose, it's just funny doing it to you.'* he smiled down at me and I couldn't help,buy blush. His smile was just damn sexy if you asked me.* ' How is it funny  Justin. What if I killed you I wouldn't forgive myself. ' * I looked down,but he started to tickle me and couldn't help but laugh and we both fell to the ground laughing.* 'You know you have the most beautiful laugh I have ever heard Rose.'* He proped himself up with his elbow and pulled a piece of hair out from my eyes and his eyes were so blue that it took my breath away. They started to shine and our faces were just six inches away from each other that my heart rate started to pump faster.* ' Well, um.....thank you.... Can... you let me up....'* Everyone ran over to  where we  were and Max had that anger again and so I got up and brushed myself off.* 'I'll see you in training Justin. Bye. " I walked away with Amarina and American looked down at me and with a slight smile/frown.

We finally got to the castle and I saw two huge gravestones. I felt a lump go up into my throat as I saw the graves. Could this be it? If I see their gravestone will this guilt go away or make it stronger and harder? I started to walk towards the graves while everyone stayed behind. I saw the names Josephine Thompson and Darrick Thompson. They were definitely my parents. I felt tears going down my face as I touched the stones. My heart started to break and my sobs became louder.

"Hey mom and dad it's your Daughter Rose. I finally came by to tell you how much I have grown. I am 20 now,but if I wasn't a Vampire I would be 27. I finally came Home. I wish I would of know you guys......better..... Max he is also here and I don't know if you know but he came out of the closet...Hope that don't bother you.... Even though I don't know you guys too Well I really miss you. Amarina told me all about you guys. Yes she is there and she's been looking out for me. I promise you I will take revenge on Jamie. I will come by to talk to you tomorrow. I love you guys. Talk tomorrow. " I said as I kissed my hands and put them on the stones.

I got up and walked to Max and I cried into his arms as he held me. He held me tightly as I cried. I really do miss them a lot. I am glad to have them as my parents. What is good about this is I have an awesome brother Max and a awesome protector Amarina. I stopped crying and Max kissed my forehead. We walked into the ruins castle ancient it had the same symbols as the main Castle back Home. We all stepped into it and it started to take us down instead of up. I could smell fresh pine trees and rain. As we stopped the place underneath was abanded,but there was a gym and and everything. I guess this is where me and Justin will be training and in the back was a classroom and that is where Steve will teach me. I have three training  teachers Justin, Max and Amarina and one lesson teacher Steve. Today  is going to be a long day I can feel it.

   "Rose you and Justin will be practicing compact fighting which means using weapons. Then you and Max will be practicing fighting with pinches and kicks and other stuff.  Last you and,Amarina will be practicing the elements. After your training you will be coming to class with me and I teach you about every Vampires need to know.  So as of now you and Justin will start your training now.' * Steve said as he was about to leave, but Max stopped him.* ' Are you sure it's safe for her to train with him alone Steve? ' * Steve grabbed Max's hand and twisted it and smiles.* ' Yes I am sure Max. I know you want to protect her as much ad we all do,but right now she doesn't need her brother to watching jet every move.  Now you and Amarina come into my office and we will discussed this in there.  Rose why are you still not moving! Justin is already waiting for you!" I stood up straight and ran to Justin as Steve, Max and Amarina leave.

Justin looked at me and smiled and threw me a pole as he had one laying on the ground already.

"First off we need to work on your fighting pose mostly. You're feet are to far apart and that someone can just kick your legs and you will fall.'* he came up to me and kicked my legs and I fell as he caught me and put the pole close to my neck *' I've done this before and nobody bothered to kick me. Now will you mind taking the pole away from my throat before I really hurt you.'* he laughed, but didn't take it away from my thoat.  Bad idea. I jumped into the and kicked him in the gut and I was up in the air and then landed on my feet.*

' Well that was a nice trick Rose, but what you forgot, that isn't the real me it's a clone.'* I heard running and someone was coming up behind me,but I was quicker and I did a backflip and slashed the clone in half.  I was about to land until someone knocked me down and I fell on my back to the ground. Justin was above me smiling at me and laughing.*

' You don't think before you attack Rose. You just do it and that could get you killed just like that.'* He let out his hand and helped me get back on my feet.  This time he was behind me with his hands on my waist to show me how to pose. His touch made my heart beat go  hundred miles per hour.  His touch made me feel weak and I couldn't concentrate. The his hands were gone and he disappeared. *

' Alright, I am about to attacked you but keep your eyes on me and nowhere else.  When you see me jump you move and get behind me and you hit me in the back with the pole and don't quick hitting me until I say so. Ready set go!' *He started to run and kept my eyes on him and then he jumped and I jumped out of his way and got behind and hit him as hard as I could and he turns to face me and he hits me with the pole as I kept hitting him as hard as I could and I knew I was breaking into sweats already because of the work out. We kept hitting each other until he smack me in the jaw with the poke and I fall to the ground holding it and I saw blood coming from the corner of my mouth and he stopped as I spit the blood out,then it healed again. I got up  and I was pissed. How couldn't  I of seen that coming?* ' Damn it Justin that fucking hurt! You just got me really pissed off! Couldn't even see that coming! ' 'Hey it's part of training Rose! You need to be stronger then you are now. You are weak and you need a lot of practice! So don't get pissed off at me when I am doing my  job to help you! Now get your ass up and fight!' * my blood was boiling like it was overflowing and I ran after him and we started fighting with the poles. I put it underneath his legs and I tripped him over with it as he hits face first. I stopped as he wasn't moving. I ran to him and he was knocked out cold. Then I felt someone behind me and hit me with the pole in my back and I looked down and he was gone. Damn it another Clone! He pulled me off my back and threw me into the wall and put the pole to my neck and started to choke me.  I had to use all my strength to get him off me. So I punched him in face and he let go ad I could breath again. Then we stopped and he sat beside me as we were trying to catch our breath* 'Damn Justin.... you're not that bad of a fighter *laughs* You ready for round two?'*

Then Max came out and Justin got up and helped me up and threw the pole back at me and I followed him to the center of the training room and we put our pole away and went into another part of training with weapons.  There were targets everywhere and Max was just following us like he was keeping an eye on us. *Sigh* Typical brother he is *laughs*

' Shell we get started to the next stage of training? ' *Justin said

As I looked away from Max and when I turned back he was gone and I smiled and looked at Justin and nodded.*
'Yeah I smiled ready for the next stage. '* he have me throwing knives real one and he out his arms around my waist and put them around me. I couldn't help but blush and he let me go.
'This is the part where we threw knives at targets. Now watch how I do this.'

I looked at him and I just notice he wasn't wearing a shirt and I couldn't help but look at his body. I saw scars going down his side,but his tattoo covered it up like a mask. He took all of the knives and he threw them at one of  the targets and all six knives were in the middle of the heart. I couldn't believe what I saw. He walks towards me and grabs my hand and made me get in the middle and he took my hand in his and puts knife in it and he aims my hand to the middle and he let me go and I threw it,but it didn't hit the middle it missed. Justin took my hand again and put a new knife in it and he moved my hand as I moved mine and we threw the knife and it got the middle.*

' You need to practice that more because you don't know when you might need them Rose. You are thinking way too much and you need to relax your mind so you can concentrate. Close your eyes to just think you are alone with no sound nothing else. Take deep slow breaths and lower you heart rate '

So I closed my eyes and listen and I didn't hear anything all I could hear was the wind.

'Good Rose. Now what I want you to do is take one of those knives in your hands and feel how heavy it is and love the feel of it and then lift it up and throw at the target.' I did and it wasn't that heavy and I opened my eyes and threw it with all my might and I hit straight in the middle and then the board split in half.* 'Rose that was perfect!"* I turned around and he was just a few inches away from my face that I could smell his cologne.

His hands touched my waist and our lips weren't too far from one another and my breathing got quicker. His lips were so close to mine,but I back away and I could breathe again. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek and then we started to train again.  We didn't speak one word after that.

                    Hour Later 

After training with Justin Steve said I was done and that it was mine and Max's training. Oh this should be fun.  So Justin looked at me and smiled then winked and then he left.  I couldn't help, but watch him leave and I could see his tattoo as he disappered into the darkness. I turned around and I saw Max with his arms folded around across his chest, and I just roled my eyes at him. He took me into a different room and he shut and locked it then he just sat down at a desk and I was jsut stanading there looking at him.

                      "What did I tell you Rose? You have to be careful around him alright. I don't turst him and I don't trust him be around you and traninng you,but I can't agrue with Steve.  For now let get into the trainning room and get into the ring shell we." He said as he got up and walked into another room.

When we walked into there it was like a old gym, but with new equipment inside and there was like a whestling ring as well. God this is going to be really fun and hard, but oh well as long as I am ready to fight with Jamie I need this. So I went into the girls locker room and started to take off my clothes to get into more comfortable clothes. I already took my shirt off off and went into the bathroom area and I looked in the mirror and I turned around and I saw my tattoos. I always wonder what they ment. Maybe when I get in the classroom with Steve I will ask him about it. I started to put my hair up into a ponytail and I took my glasses off and put my contacts in. I got into some shorts. Then i put my sports bra on. As I was walking out of the bathroom I saw someone near the exit and I hid behind the wall that was blocking each room. I always hid a dagger in my bag whenever I work out just in case I needed it. So I got it out of my bag and I put it into a pocket in my shorts. I slowly walked away from the wall and that person wasn't there anymore. I relaxed a little and I started to walk faster until someone grabbed me from behind and pinned me to the wall and kissed me. I tried to get away from them, but I jsut felt weak becasue I never kissed anyone before. I opened my eyes and I saw who was kissing me and it was Justin. I melted into his kiss and embrace and I couldn't stop, until he let me go and I looked up at him and smiled. I pushed him away and we got into the big stale as I went out and look around the conror and I didn't see anyone coming and I went back into the stale we were in and locked it.

              "Justin, why are you in the girls locker room? You'e not surpose to be in here. Also have you lost your fucking mind! Why did you kiss me? It isn't the fact that I like it or anything, well it was my first kiss and all and well nevermind. Why are you in here?' *He got behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.* ' No, you're in the boys locker room Rose not the girls. You're not surpose to be in here..... You see Rose I've been keeping a very close eye on you and well I think you are perfect in evey single way possible.' * He whispered into my ear with a low voice that sounded demon like as he was rubbing my shoulders. All of a sudden I felt a bad vibe between me and him that I  really liked it felt like someone was controling my body. Whatever it was it was making me weak and head started pounding. What was he doing to me and why do I like it so much? When I spoke it was like a whisper.* ' Well I you are pefact as well and what are you doing to me?' * I heard a deep laughter under his breath


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.07.2013

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