
There was death everywhere, you could see peoples souls leaving their lifeless bodies behind them and they looked so sad. Just seeing their souls disappear that it makes my heart sink in my chest and makes me feel so sad. Then there was one soul I knew and I froze.
"No please not him!God don't let that be him." I said running to his soul and right there was his lifeless body. His soul never left his body, he kept looking down at me with those same sad eyes like almost everybody else. I fell to my knees crying and putting my hands over my face
"He can't be gone not after all we've been through he can't be gone!! Not Now!!" I cried silently in my hands just letting my tears stream down my face like a waterfall. I was now angry and upset because I just lost the love of my life.
I stood up with tears still streaming down my face and my yes started to burn because I was crying so hard. Travis was the only one who would do anything to protect me even if he knew it would kill him. He was the only guy that never hurt me because h was my only boyfriend. He was the sweetest and most charming guy anyone would want in their lives. I will so everything in my power to take my revenge . Let me start from the beginning, before the war the started, to where it all began.

I woke up in the bed beside my love Travis and he was so adorable when he slept because he always slept beside me so close that I have to carefully get out of the bed so I don't wake him up. The reason why I woke up was because I had a nightmare like I do almost every night now and days. They've been getting worst and worst and I don't know why I'm having them.
When I looked at the alarm clock it said it was three in the morning, so I got out of bed very carefully so I wouldn't wale Travis up. Then I put on my workout clothes. I got my earphones and MP3 player out and I put and turned it on and put the earphones in my ears and turned the music all the up and my number favorite band witch will be "Falling Up" and my number one favorite song by then came on call "A Guide To Marine Life".

I opened our front door and shut it behind me very carefully and I started to jog. I do this every single day. So when I jogged away from the house I started to remember that one day and the next after that and just thinking about that just makes my heart sink because it was so sad. Anyways, every single day I jog ten miles just to stay in shape and be healthy.
My name is Brayan Ethen Woods. I'll be eighteen soon and I can't wait. I'm going to be honest, but I'm gay and proud of it and if you have a problem with that then move a side alright. I came out of the closet when I was just fourteen years of age. I'm about five foot eight with hair that goes down a little passed my ears and I always have one eye covered with my hair. My hair is brown with black highlights and my eyes are light brown. I also have snakebites. My first boyfriend and recent boyfriend I have is Travis Moon. He was there for me and took care of me when I needed someone. I was only fourteen when me and him went out and he was only thirteen.
We were together for three years, but on our three year and four months anniversary something bad happened that I will never forget in my life, but till this day me and Travis are engaged now and been together six years now.

I was walking home after school like I do almost everyday and I was was so happy because me and Travis have been for three years and four months Anniversary today. I have everything ready for this day. "I love you Travis" I said in my head and then I just smile. When I got home I got a text from him:
Travis: Hey Baby I can't wait till you come over today. I love you." I smiled

Me: Me either baby! It should be great to see you again. Do you want anything from my house because you left from here last time you came over? Because you forgot you MP3 Player at my house. I love you too."

I unlocked my and went upstairs and put my stuff on the bed and I got stuff that he might want back. Then my phone vibrated.

Travis: :). I know, it's going to be great to see you again and yeah I just want you here baby lol. You can have my MP3 Player baby. There is a video of me for you to watch. Just hurry and get here please."

Travis knows how to make me smile every time I talk to him. He was my baby after all. I smiled and laughed at that text.
Me: ;). Awe babe same here I just want to hold you in my arms again lol. Really are you sure you don't want your MP3 Player? Because I can watch the video if you have it. I'll be over in a few hunny and I'll try to hurry I promise. Just keep my side of the bed warm."
I smiled again and put my phone in my pocket. I got some clothes just in case I stay the night with him, but I don't know yet because my mum and dad might not let me tonight.. My phone vibrated again and I took it out of my pocket and sat on my bed smiling.

Travis: *Giggles* Same here . I miss your arms around me. Yes i am sure it's yours keep it. Alright I will be writing love."
I smiled once more.
Me: Awe babe you're so cute when you giggle. Alright on my way now love. I love you and talk to you soon."

I put my phone back into my pocket and got up and got everything ready and I left my house and locked it and I walked to Travis's house witch was an hour walk.
Hour Later

I looked around the and good his dad wasn't home yet thank goodness. His dad hates him because he was gay and everything. So I knocked on the door and Travis opened it wide and ran into my embrace and kissed me deeply. When he done that I smiled and giggled and I loved how he kissed me and maybe today we'll go further into our relationship. We might make love tonight. I kissed him back and man I was lucky to have him in my life.
We let each other go and held hands as we walked up the starts and into his room. We laid into his bed and he cuddled up to me and put his head on my chest and we put a movie in. Just holding him close made me so happy because maybe one day I'll marry him and we can have a family.
Travis at the time was tall and had a very adorable face that made me fall in love with him so much. He had blonde ear length hair with a little black highlights and it covered his left eye. His eyes were the lightest green eyes I've ever seen. He was about five foot five and he was goth like me.
At that time my hair was just black and it covered my right eye and it went pass my ears a little bit. I was maybe five foot four and I was also goth. We had so much in common that it was unreal. I kissed the top of his forehead as we were watching the movie an then he lend up and kissed me deeply on the lips and I kissed back and we were both laughing. We stopped kissing and he looked down.
"Brayan?'* I looked up at him and he was looking down and I saw tears going down his face and I raised up and held him.*
"Travis why are you crying? If it was something I did then I could just leave.'* I said worried and I didn't want to go, but if he wanted me too I would and because I was scared that I did something wrong. He just puts his head on my chest crying and I just geld him close.*
" Brayan please don't ever hurt me or force me to do anything I don't want to do please. Promise me you won't hurt me Brayan, you have to promise me.'* I held him closer and kissed the top of his head *
" I Brayan Ethen Woods promise not to hurt you or force you to so anything you don't want to do. Why did you ask me that Travis and don't lie to me alright.'* He looked up at me with fear and he took his shirt off and I saw old and new bruises and cuts all over his body and I flt anger in me and I looked at him and held him closer.*
" Is your dad abusing you Travis? Did he do this to you?"* He looked down and nodded his head as I could see his tears going down his face and this made me more angrier then I ever felt before. I could see the fear in his face.
Why would his dad do this to him? Then I realized he hated Travis because he was gay and he will keep doing this to my lover until he beats the gayness out of him. That's when something happened and I held his hand.

"I give you my word Travis I will never hurt you ever and I promise to keep you safe no matter what. You're more impotent to me then anything else. I will never lave your side love. I promise you with my life because you know why?'* He shook his head no*
" Because I love you Travis Ray Moon and I'll always love you baby, If anything happened to you then I'll be lost. I wouldn't know how to let you go. I. Never. Want. To. Lose. You. Travis. Never. I love you Travis and I mean that'* I said very softly and I kissed him deeply and passionately. I controlled myself and I stopped.*
" Why did you stop Brayan? I'm ready love. I really am ready.'* I looked him deep into his eyes and he was telling the truth and I smiled*
"Are you sure Travis?"* I said moving his hair off his eyes and I traced his full red lips that were ready to be kissed one more time. I traced his abs and they were so smooth and strong that I wanted him more.*
"Yes.....Brayan.....I'm ready...."* He said breathing heavily that the smell of his breath hit me like a iron and I was turned on.

So I kissed him deeply as I put him in my embrace and held him closer to me and I kissed him more deeply and I heard him moan and that just made me happy. I put him on top of me and we started to make out. I traced his abs very gently with my fingers and I heard him giggle while we were kissing and I couldn't help myself but giggle back and he gently held onto me and we made-out. He then took my shirt off and kissed me from the neck down and I moaned. I brought Travis closer to me and damn he was fine.I could feel the lust coming from him and me that I kissed him long and soft and I put my hands in his hair and I pulled gently and I heard him moan that he put his lips on my neck and started to suck very gently on my neck and I moaned with lust and he kept doing that all the way down my body and it felt so good that I just wanted more of him. He went back up to my lips and I got on top of him and I could taste his sweet tongue in my mouth and I started to suck on it then Travis needed to take a breathe and so we stopped for a few minutes trying to catch our breath and I just looked into his eyes as I was on top and I never seen him so happy in my life that it made me proud to be his boyfriend.

"Brayan.... you're amazing. I've never been so happy in my life. When I'm with you everything just goes away like nothing is even there. Just you and me and nothing else. I love you. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful boyfriend. I couldn't ask for better'
He look down.
"I was scared that if I told you that my father beats me almost everyday that you wouldn't be with me anymore. I was afraid that you would walk out on me like my mother and sister did. They didn't want anything to do with me. The last words they said to me was, "Goodbye' and that was all and when they left my father blamed me for it and ever since then he's been beating me and sometimes it was so bad that I wanted him to keep doing it because I wanted him to beat me to death. I have tried to kill myself and hurting myself so many times that I almost did kill myself, but something in me said 'To keep on fighting it and don't let it hurt you because if you keep doing it the harder it's going to get to stop' and every-time I think about hurting myself I did it and I just couldn't stop doing it, it was so bad.'* He said in tears as I held him closer.*
'So pretty much I had to take care of myself and everything, but then you came into my life Brayan.' *He looked up at me with those teary eyes that it almost made me cry.*
"Since you came part of my life I finally knew I had something to look forward to. I finally know that I do have someone who loves and will take care of me when I'm sick or even on my death bed . I know you'll always be there for me for me when i need it, that one day I will marry you Brayan and we'll be happy for the rest of our lives just being in each others arms and just growing old together and have a family. I love you Brayan and I'll always love you no matter what. I have no reason to hurt myself or try killing myself again. Before you were part of my life I have tried so many times that I lost count. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't even be here today. You have changed my life Brayan and I am grateful I lave you. I love you Brayan."

After he said all that it made me almost cry because he really wants to get married one day and so do I and I am so happy he's part of my life too. He then got on top of me and we started to make-out. As our lips touched our hands were locked into each others as we started to kiss more. He went down again and licked my stomach and it felt nice. I've never done this with a guy and neither has Travis,so this is our first time doing this together and it made me happy. He came back up and kissed my cheeks then we kissed some more and as he was kissing me I put my hands in his hair and he moaned and that was the first time he ever moaned like that . Me and Travis stopped kissing again and we looked into each others eyes and his big brown and beautiful eyes just made my heart melt with happiness and joy and when I looked down I saw we were both hard. Travis kissed me some more and stopped and took off my shirt, then started to lick my chest to my stomach again and god it felt so right and so good.
Then he came back up and I moaned and we started to make-out again and we were both breathing very hard that I was a little dizzy, but I kept going. I stopped kissing him and I just smoothed his cheek with my finger and he giggled and smiled brightly just seeing him this happy made my heart sing and I was glad to have him in my life. I can't believe we are going to make love tonight. I kissed him softly and as we were together my hands never left his hands. I went down to his neck and kissed it very softly, I then kissed his chest down and he started to shake and moan and I giggled and took off his pants. He looked up at me and smiled. Then I took off my pants as well.I could see his hard on.
I laughed and whispered in his ear: "Are you ready for me to take it Travis?"
He looked at me and nodded his head and I could tell he was ready. So I went down and traced his abs and then took his boxers off and there it was big and round and hard as a rock. I gently put my hand on it and started to go up and down very gently and when I did that Travis moaned gently and I kept doing it faster and faster until he moaned big time and I put my lips over it and started to suck on it very softly and he jerk up the air and yelled with lust as I kept sucking in it he kept moving up and down very fast and I put my arms around his waist and started to sucked deeper and harder and he started to yell louder and a huge load went into my mouth and I didn't miss one drop and he was still hard and I took my boxers off then and laid right beside my lover smiling and I traced his sweet pink lips. He turned onto his back hiding his blush from me and I just laughed.
" Why are you hiding that blush of yours from me Travis huh? It's cute how you blush because your face get so red and it adorable on you."
He looked up and his blush was bigger and I just looked at him and he hid from me again. It's so cute how he does it because it can always bring smile on my face.
"Travis, you can't hide form me forever you know that. I love you baby." I said getting right beside his and taking his face in my hands and kissing him again and I hard him giggle again.
"Are you ready for the last step?"
I said gently and Travis kissed me deeper and smiled and nodded yes. So he got on his side and I wrapped my arms around his waist and took a deep breath.
"Alright here it goes it might hurt alright. Are you sure you're ready for this baby because we don't have to do it tonight." *

I said that because I was scared that if we done this that I will hurt him and he won't talk to me at all.
"Don't be scared Brayan you won't hurt me and if you do then it's alright I won't be mad at you because it our first time so just relax and do it babe alright I promise you won't hurt me alright.'

He said holding my hand as I started to go inside him and he gripped my hands tightly as he was breathing deeply and I felt Travis flex and I put more of it inside him until finally i got it to go all the way in his asshole. I started to thrust softly and I heard Travis moaning with pleasure and damn it felt so good that I started to moan so did Travis. I started to goes faster and we were both moaning louder that it was unreal and just hearing him moan turned me on even more I went as fast as I could and he yelled with lust that I knew he came again on the bed. I went faster and I couldn't help myself I came inside him and it felt so good and Travis and I were out of breath and I took it out very slowly and laid right beside him as he turned to face me and I saw he was still hard and I went down and sucked on it some more and he put his hands on my shoulder and started to moaned again and he came again and I drunk every single bit of it and I got back up and looked at him holding him close to me.
"God, Brayan that was the best thing that has ever happened to me and I know I'm going to be sore tomorrow *Laughs* Brayan you are the best boyfriend ever and I want you to marry me. Will you marry me when we are older?'
When he asked that I held him closer to my body kissing him deeper then ever and I looked him deep into his eyes.
"Yes Travis I will marry you when we are older and we'll have a loving and wonderful family. I don't care what people say Haters gonna hate babe but we wont step down to their level because we will still have a family and nobody can stop me from marring you Travis because your my lover for life and I'll never hurt you babe ever. I'll never cheat or keep secrets from you. I will always be faithful to you babe forever and no matter what I'll love you forever because I just showed you how much I love you. Yes I will marry you when we get older. I love you Travis."
I moved his hair out from his hair and I kissed him softly and he just melted in my kiss and he then got on top of me and started to make out with me and he started to trace my body and I never seen him like this before and I kind of like it and it's fucking hot as hell. I knew he was ready and we kept making out a little bit more and I was hard again and he started to kiss and trace my abs with his tongue and he went down to my hard on and started to jack me off and Damn it felt so goo that I was moaning louder and then he kissed the top of it and it felt good. He then puts his whole mouth over it and started to suck deeply and hard and I yelled with joy because it was feeling great and I'll never forget it. I shot my load onto his chest a little and he got most of it in his mouth and he drunk it all up and then he made me get on my back and I did and he put his inside me and this pain wasn't a bad pain it was a great pain inside me and he started to thrust easy then he got harder and oh god it felt so good and as he was doing this he started to make-out as he was making love to m and after a few hours of this. He took it out and laid next to me and we cuddled with each other and we were both so tired. That night was the best night for me and him and we both covered up and Travis laid his head over my chest and I picked his chin up and kissed him deeply.

"I love you Travis Ray Moon. Goodnight my love." I said kissing the top of his head and wrapped my arms around him and just holding him made me happy and even tho I was tired I would never let him go that night.
"I love you too Brayan. Goodnight babe and I can't wait to wake up next to you tomorrow. I'll never forget this night ever with you because you made me the happiest boy in the world. I love you baby." He said looking up at me and smiling and then he fell to sleep just right there and so did I. That was the night we made love for the first time ever in our relationship.
Flashback Next Day

I woke up the next day laying beside Travis and he was so adorable when he's sleeping. So I took out my cellphone and went to my camera and I took the picture of the both of us and I sat it as my background. I kissed his forehead and I looked over at the clock and it said it was twelve in the afternoon and I shook Travis a little and he opened his eyes witch was also adorable. I kissed his lips.
"Good morning sleepy head. How did you sleep?" I said gently and he smiled bi and just cuddle up to me more and just laying there.
"Morning my love. I never slept that good in years baby. You make me really happy. I can't believe we made love our first time at that and I'm sore*Laughs and then there was fear* What time is it love?" I looked at the clock and it said twelve O' Clock.
"Twelve O'Clock. Why baby? What's wrong?"

He had tears in his eyes now and I looked outside and i saw his dad's truck and then I heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. Damn his dad is back shit! That's not good.
"I don't..... want you to get hurt Brayan. If my father finds out you are up here with me we will both be beaten. I can't let that happen to you baby I just can't." He had tears in his eyes and I held him close and trying to calm him down.I could feel tears going down my face as well because he was so scared. I held him closer.
"I won't let him hurt you Travis you understand me? I made a promise that I would not leave you or let you get hurt I'm staying no matter what it takes baby alright. I'm not leaving your side alright. I love you baby."
I said with sadness. He was so scared that he was shaking very badly and I held him closer. The footsteps were closer and closer and I kept holding onto him trying to protect him from his asshole of a father.
Then his father broke down his door and damn he ricked of alcohol and when he saw us he came towards Travis and yanked him out of my arms and he slammed him up against the wall and I hard Travis Crying. His dad took off his belt and started to beat and hit him as hard as he could and I could see blood going down Travis's back and he was screaming for help and crying. I was frozen and he stopped with the belt and made Travis put his back against the wall and started to beat him in front of me with the belt and after a few hits I saw blood again and he was weak he could barely stand up. After his father stopped beating him with the belt he started to punch him in his chest, ribs, arms, and legs. Travis was weak and he couldn't breath and he fell limp on the floor and I screamed and his dad kicked him a couple more times. Then when he was done he came after me and I backed away, but he grabbed my arm and slammed me into the floor and started beating me with the belt like he did to Travis. But I was stronger and I pinned his father down and I was hurting everywhere, but he broke free and pinned me down harder with his foot and started beating me again and everything was blurry, but I manged to get up and call 911. I then used all my might and Strength and knocked him out cold. I got up and ran to Travis and thank god he's still alive. I blew in his face and he woke up crying and so did I.

"Travis, I'm so sorry I was frozen I couldn't do anything. I failed you. I'm sorry I failed you."* I said with tears going down my face and I got up and started to walk off, but Travis grabbed my hand and just looked at me and then he kissed me on the lips and I went to my knees and started to cry in his embrace as he held me close and we stopped the kissed and he wiped away my tears and I looked up at him and he was smiling.
"Brayan I will never leave you. You didn't fail me you saved me. My dad will be locked away for a very long time maybe even forever if we're lucky. You saved both of us baby. So stop putting yourself down. I love you baby always will."

I smiled and he held me tightly in his embrace and I couldn't stop crying and he kept wiping the tears away and just kissed me deeply and then we stopped. The police came and saw what happened to us and they took Travis's dad away forever. We were safe once again. After a couple of weeks my mother and father took Travis and brought him into our family. My mom and dad were happy that I found someone. Travis and I were now boyfriend and boyfriend.
Flashback ends (Back to Now)

Now you know mine and Travis's story and til this day forward me and him have been together for six years. Now we are engaged.
Anyways, After my ten mile fan I worked out in our gym in the basement and I drunk some water. First, I lifted up wights so my muscles can stay strong and not weak. Second, I did my sit-ups, push-ups, crunches, and my sprints. To keep my fit and fine and to do my after school sports. Finally,I did more runs around our gym and played some basketball by myself and then I ran around the track.

5:00 a.m

"Travis dear it's time to wake up and get ready for school."* I kept shaking him and shacking him, but he just wouldn't wake up. So I got a cup of ice water and dripped a little on his face and he woke up with a start.
" Hunny are you feeling alright?' * I laid down beside him holding his hand an helped him up and I cradled him in my embrace kissing his forehead. He looked up at me and smiled at me and I smiled back and kissed him gently.
"Yeah, I'm find just can't stop thinking about your mom and dad. They were good people, but why did they have to go to that party because if they didn't go they wouldn't of got hit by that drunk driver it's too..... much to handle Brayan......"
He said crying into my chest and I just held him tighter.
"It's alright Travis, you're not the only one who misses them, but we have to get ready for school alright"
I said kissing his neck gently and he laughed. So we went into the shower together and we made-out. I went down and I started to suck on it deeply and Travis moaned loudly and he came into my mouth and I didn't miss a drop. After we got out of the shower we had morning sex and it was amazing. When I watched Travis put his shirt on I notice he had a deep cut on his side that was recent. I went behind him and kissed the top of his head and turned him around so he could look at me.
"Travis, what happened to your side and don't lie to me please."
*He looked at me and frowned at me*
" I was in the bathroom when this guy came up behind me and started to hit me and everything and I told him to stop, but he didn't stop and we got into a fight and then he took out a sharp old dagger and it burned through my side and then out of thin air he just disappeared and I fell to my knees and held my side."
I could tell this freaked him out and I just held him closer to me.
"Did he look like the same guy that's been in out dreams? Did the dagger have a golden handle and everything?"
He looked at me and nodded his head yes.
"That's not good is it Brayan?"
I shook my head no and I could tell he was about to have a panic attack. So I sung to him to calm him down and I held him closer to my body and kissed his lips. Who is this guy that's been in our dream? How did he become real? What does that dagger do? I'm beginning to get worried about Travis and me. What's going on?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.10.2012

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