
Megan And Isabella

When I was running I tripped and fell and I felt the pain again and the voices they are so loud, my head was banging harder and harder that it made me scream. I didnn't know what was happening to me. Why are there scared and worried voices in my head? Why do they sound like my loved ones and friends? I keep hearing my best friend Isabella, she sounded so worried and so scared and I don't know how to save her. Me and her have been though so much in the past couple of years. I was about eleven when my whole family was murdered and now it's been six years and I'm seventeen. Me and Isabella got closer and closer until that night we kissed. Ever since then we have been together for six months now and hearing her so worried and scared I strated to cry and scream and then I yelled and woke up with my head hurting.

I raised up and so did Isabella and she has a worried face on and I went into her arms and cryied into her chest as she wrapped her arms around me rocking me back and forth like she always does when I had a nightmare or scared and in this case it was both. I had a nightmare about all my loved one yelling and screaming and I was scared because I don't want to lose the only thing that is keeping me alive and that is Isabella. She's been taking care of me after my whole family was tortured and mudered by a Army of Vampires. I said in my mind, "They are coming for me next." Isabella just held me tighter. Yes she can read my mind as I can not because she is a hybird just like me. I've been scared ever since that attack and I was the only one of my family that survived and I was alone until my best friend back then Isabella saw and found me and she saved me.

She held me tighter kissing the top of my head as she was rubbing my back and just kept holding me. I felt safe in her arms and I knew she wouldn't let anyone hurt me. I started to relax and I stopped crying, and my head wasn't hurting anymore and we laid back down in the bed as Isabella's arms were wrapped around my waist and I turned around to face her and smile as she wripped the tears off my cheeks and she smiled back. Her smile was what told me we were ment to be. Her long straight that is up to her sides, her light purple eyes that changes into differant purples depends on her mood and right now her eyes are light purple witch means she's happy, and her wonderful figure that is like 5'7 and how she smiles makes her light up. No wonder I fell in love with her and I can't wait for us to get married. As for me well I have long red/brownist hair that goes down to my shoulders, light blue eyes that changes into differant blues to light green depends on my mood as well, witch by her eyes my eyes are going to be light blue with a little green witch means I'm happy as well, and my figure was little bit skinner then Isabella was and like me I was shorter then her I was 5'5 and I just love her to death.

Isabella says smiling,"Megan did you have another nightmare? Becasue you would of never cried like that not unless its about losing me and hearing voices am I right?'I shook my head yes and she pulled me closer to her and kissed me and I closed my eyes and then we stopped and I blushed and smiled,"You're so cute when you blush Megan and I love that about you. How you are so sweet, kind, beautiful, pretty, sexy, hot, and you know what else.'I shook my head no and she got on top of me and started to tickle me,'your very tickles."

She started to tickle me and I started to laugh and giggle and then she stopped and she puts her nose on mine and we nose kissed and I laid my head on her chest so I could hear her heart beating and I kissed her neck and laid my head on her.

Isabella said smiling, "Megan you know I'll always protect you no matter what happens and I'll never let anyone hurt you. You will never lose me. I promise. I love you."

I smiled and got on top of her just looking into her eyes witch her eyes turned darker purple witch means she is embarrassed because I was on top of her. I giggled and I pushed her bangs out of her face and I kissed her sweetly, but gently. Then I took her hands from her sides and put them above her head and I made-out with her as she tried to escape playfully and I held her arms high and started to bite and kiss her deeply and we both giggled. She was so beautiful when she was giggling and her laughter just bring joy to my heart. She wrapped me into her arms and we started to make-out more and how I love her kisses because they send me flying and how she touches me just warms me up. I love my Isabella, she makes me whole again.

I said smiling, "Mm-mm Isabella you so beautiful,'I kissed her sweetly,'I love you Isabella with all my heart. Never leave me promise. I can't stand to lose you too like my family. You're the only person keeping me alive, but if you were to die then I want to die with you no matter what. Baby you're my everything and my all."

We looked at each other and I started to feel her and kiss her everywhere and she tasted so good and then everything started up again, my head started to hurt, I had a sharp


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.11.2011

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Thanks to my family and lover Dessie. Without them this books wouldn't even get writen.

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