

We got to his house and I was so cold I couldn’t move and Mamoru had to help me out of my wet cold clothes and I just couldn’t move and I was naked but I didn’t care I was just so cold and I fell over and Mamoru caught and he had a worried face and he helped me to the bathroom and he turned the shower on and he took his clothes off and got in the shower with me and he wrapped his arms around my waist and started to pour the water over my cold body and it felt good and he felt me up to my stomach down to my legs and it felt wonderful and when I was with him it felt like nothing I ever loved.

He shut the water off and I was warm again and when I looked up at him he was beautiful and had a six pack he looked so much like a model and he just smiled at me and I turned around and when I did he was behind me and wrapped his arms around me and I felt safe for the first time in years. He was Emo like me and he was just wonderful.

I have a feeling I might get a chance to have a boyfriend again because after me and my ex Josh broke up I fell apart and I never loved since I was thirteen and now I’m sixteen and I never felt like this way for three years now. He made me feel complete; almost complete I was always afraid to love again because I didn’t want to get hurt again. I couldn’t resist getting hurt again. He pulled me closer because I was crying again and I fell to my knees and cried because I was hurt too much in my past and I can’t hold it in anymore I had to cry. I turned around and buried my face in his chest crying as he held me tighter and closer, I never cried this much since last year.

Mamoru said holding me tightly, “We need to put clothes on. And I never found out your name what is it?’ He looked down on me and he wraps my tears away and I was frozen he was so close to me and I stuttered, ‘I…..I’m……..Aura…….Dawn……W….W…W….Walker.’ We were so close to each other I could hear him breathe and I could feel his breath and I was so close to his lips and we stayed like this for a while now and then he said, ‘We should get into some clothes and go to bed because you have to go home tomorrow.”

He got up but I grabbed his arm and I don’t know why I did and I pulled him towards me and before we knew it we were kissing and I just couldn’t stop and I could tell he couldn’t either and he put me on the floor and we started to make out and when he put me in his embrace the kisses got intense and we were naked already and I could tell he was trying to control himself as I was. But he started to feel me up and I couldn’t help but moan and I heard him moan as well and then I touch it by accident and he moans louder and so do I. He picked me up and put me on the bed making out with me and it felt so good then I could feel him rubbing it on me and I kissed deeper and then we stopped.

I said out of breath,” I’m so……..sorry Mamoru…..’I looked down but he grabbed my chin and kissed me softer and I kissed back and it felt great and he said, ’Why you saying sorry for Aura it’s not your fault it’s just… I haven’t done that since I was fourteen after my ex girlfriend killed herself because of me. I don’t know why she did it I tried to stop her because I was right there her last words were, “Goodbye Mamoru “I tried my hardest to save her but she was gone because she lost so much blood, I tried and tried to save her I really did because she was my best friend I had nobody else and I felt so bad that I almost killed myself, but God stopped me for some reason.’

I looked at him and I saw tears in his eyes and I wrapped them away because I knew how he felt I said,’I know what your going through , because I lost my twin sister/best friend because she killed herself. I found her in her bathroom with blood all over her wrist was cut but she was still alive but barely, so I grabbed her and held her tight, her name was Aurora she was my best friend and sister she killed herself because when we were twelve our mother and father died in a car accident and we were sent to foster homes many times and she was tired of it so we were with our foster family and when I got home from school that day Aurora was in the bathroom all bloody and I went to her and held her tightly, I tried to save her more then anything.

She looked at me and smiled and she held my hand and she was crying and I couldn’t help her I didn’t know what to do. When she smiled at me it made me tear up and I laid my head on her chest and she said weakly, ‘Aura sister I’m so sorry I did this to you I just couldn’t handle it anymore I was tired of…….’ She coughs,’ all the moving from family to family because they couldn’t handle us this is the only way I’ll be with him and you know who I am talking about. I loved him since I was in middle school and he died saving me from getting shot by that man I want to go and be with him for the rest of my life and I’ll even be in good hands I’ll have God up there with me……Aura…..please……be…strong….for me….

’she coughed again,’ Aura I can see God and Matthew waiting for me in the light they are waiting for me……this is my last wish to you Aura……never give up….on….love….because if you do….then you won’t find happiness at all….remember this Aura…I’ll always…be with…you…in your….heart and soul….even when I pass……on….you’ll feel me leave and your heart will drop…..a little…but remember this I’ll always love you no matter what……I
Love…….A….Aura……’ then she was gone just like that. I didn’t want to lose my twin sister but I guess it was her time to go and I know now that she is in good hands now and watching over me. I’ll always love my sister always.”

I was crying now because talking about my sister’s death hurts me so badly and now he knows some of my life why I’m like I am now, I could never tell anyone about this kind of stuff but talking to him about it I felt like I belonged with him I really like this guy I really do and Matthew was my sister’s boyfriend they were going out for two year back then and now I know they have each other and God and I know by now that Josh is suffering because of me he said he wanted me back but I said no I’m done with your fucking bullshit you can die for all I care. But just being here with Mamoru and in his embrace I felt safer then I ever been. We got up and we put our clothes on and he likes everything I like and that makes this better I really do like him. So we got dress and I went into his bed and he went to the couch and I could tell that wouldn’t be good for his back.

I said lying down, “Mamoru you can sleep up here with me so you don’t have to sleep on the couch there still space for one more person.” I smiled and he smiled back and came toward me and lay right beside me and I laid my head on his chest.

He said putting his arms around me, “Thank you for this wonderful night Aura and I promise I will not hurt you so will you go out with me?’ I looked at him and I nodded my head yes and I smiled. ‘Goodnight my Aura and sleep tight my angel.”

I laid my head on his chest again and he held me close to him and he was so warm and soft that I fell asleep on him and I smiled and went to sleep and so did he. That was the night I love most about us. I knew in my heart and mind I love him, it was love at first sight.

Pains and Memories

When I woke up I was laying on his chest still and he still had his arms around me. When he is sleeping he sounded so peaceful and relaxed and I looked at his bare chest and I saw scars over his chest like he was cut all over. I felt really bad for him. Who would hurt him like this? How could anyone hurt this boy? These are questions I asked myself. I laid in his embrace and just thinking about if his parents abused him like my foster mother and father does even my sister and brother but they are not my real brother and sister.

The only sister I have, well used to have been my twin sister Aurora Lee Walker and she will be my only sister until I die nobody else. Nobody can replace the love I have for her, nobody can take her place nobody will ever be my sister because I only have one sister and she died because of this fucking family.

I don’t want to go home because I was safer here then my house. I miss her so much; I miss my real mother and father; I miss my real family but none of them would take me in I was sent from foster home to foster home but they never wanted me and all I could do was kill myself to be with my mom and dad and my loving sisters arms, but I couldn’t leave this world because I would hurt my best friend Amanda she’s been my best friend for three years now, I’ve never stayed in one place for a year but this time I think I’m permanent here in this house for a reason.

I love my real family but this family no I just want to runaway and never come here again or just live with Mamoru. Speaking of him he started to wake up and I pretended to be asleep and he rubbed my arms lightly and kissed my forehead and got up, but I woke up and he smiled and his smile made him look very shy and I kissed him softly and he blushed.

I said frowning at him,” Good morning Mamoru, thank you for letting me stay with you last night.’ I started to cry and he held me tightly I said sniffing,” I……um……I……Don’t.....want to go back home……..because my foster family abuses me…….. If my sister was here…….she would…….not…..let them touch me…..but since she’s gone…..they hit me more…….and I can’t live there anymore…….I just can’t……” I cried and buried my face into his chest. And he held me.

I showed him the scars and bruises and cuts on my face, arms, legs and stomach. I told him how my foster mother and father would beat me for no reason. I told him I was scared that they might beat me so bad that they could kill me and I was crying because of all the bad Memories and pains I had in my life I just couldn't take. Now I know how Aurora felt, and why she killed herself because of all the pain and suffering we went through together. Mamoru put his hand on a scar on my neck and his hand felt nice on my neck. My foster dad burned my neck with a hot knife and he made me suffer. Mamoru’s hand felt like ice but I didn’t care and I put my hand over his and I looked into his eyes that were a beautiful dark green and it felt like he was going into my soul and when he touches me I feel relaxed and at ease, but I started to feel pain and I don’t know why but something hit my back and something was shocking my whole body and I started to scream.

Mamoru got up and took whatever was in my back and I screamed more and I fell to my knees and he was right next to me and he was worried. He grabbed me from behind my back where the thing hit me at and I screamed because it hurt so badly and when he took his hand out from behind my back there was blood on his hand and I started to cry. I felt light headed and then I started to close my eyes, but Mamoru held me close to him and he was crying. I put my hands on his face and he kissed it and I felt a warm tear going down my hand. I knew I was going to die because of blood lost but at least I’ll be with my sister, Mom and Dad and I’ll die happy and in love and I will die in my lovers arms I started to close my eyes again, but Mamoru kept holding me tighter and he was crying. Then I felt his hand on my neck and he kissed my neck and it felt good and I relaxed. He started to cry again.

He said sniffing and put his mouth close to my neck, “I’m sorry I have to do this to you but I won’t live without you beside me. I don’t care if it’s against my kinds rules I won’t live without you my beautiful angel Aura I’ll save you I promise. I love you so much; I never loved anybody like I have you.’ I looked up at him and he kissed me deeply and then went back to my neck and started to kiss it and it felt so good and then I smiled and he said in tears, ‘I will save you baby I promise and this is going to hurt a lot so just bare with me my love even though we will be hunted down by the council, but I have to save you because you are the only thing I will ever live for. I love you Aura and I’ll always love you. You are al lI want in my life now. I love you Aura Dawn Walker.”

When he said that and I knew he meant it and that made me cry and even smile a little bit and I don’t know what he is going to do but all I know is I’m going to be with him forever alive or dead. I love him. I love Mamoru Chan Lee. I felt his mouth close to my neck and he kissed it more and licked. I never had been happier in my life. I finally found my true love. And I felt his hand on my back and the other on my side and he lifted my neck up to his mouth.

I said weakly, “Mamoru I’ll miss you so much I don’t want to lose u, but you’ll going to lose me and I don’t want to leave me, please do something, but at least it I died I’ll be in your arms and I’ll die in my lovers arms. I love you….Mamoru …….”

I swallowed hard and I tried my best not to cry but the pain was intense and I started to scream again because of the pain. And I closed my eyes and I felt his mouth open and I felt a sharp pain in my neck and I jerked and screamed and before I knew it, it was Mamoru that was biting into my neck and he bit harder and then I heard his teeth rip through my skin and then the pain got worst and I couldn’t stop moving but Mamoru held on to me tightly and I could move at all and he bites deeper until I heard him go all the way through my neck and he stated to drink my blood and everything went black.

Aura's Change

The pain inside me was horrible, my heart was hurting, I tried to scream but my mind wouldn’t let me, I could still feel his sharp teeth in my neck, but my body was paralyzed. I couldn’t breathe and I wanted to scream so bad, but it kept getting stuck in my throat and then the pain got more intense and I couldn’t do anything about it, but lay here in this pain and suffering. I opened my eyes but barely and all I could see was red and it looked like I was in a back seat of a car and we were moving and I didn’t know where we was going. Then I closed my eyes again and the pain was going away, but my heart was slowing down and then it stopped and then it stopped and I went into complete and deep darkness and there was silence, just dead silences. So this is how death feels, empty, lifeless, and alone.

So I sat in the darkness alone and scared, I started to cry. I missed Mamoru so much, I love him to death, but I won't be with him anymore. I was alone and sad that I just don't care anymore, I'm dead, I'm gone, gone forever, the end for me. Then I heard a voice and I saw a man in black, that had burning red eyes and he was very angry, he had ear length black hair,, tall about 6'7 skinny and was muscular like Mamoru. He came towards me and I got up and ran, but when I looked behind me the man was gone. I looked forward and Mamoru was there and I ran into his arms and cried into his chest and he held me tightly and smoothing my hair. I want to be with him till I die; I think I'm in love with him.

I said in tears," Oh Mamoru, I don't want to be dead, I ....want to"

He lifted my chain up and looked me straight in the eyes and lend in and put his arms around my waist and pulled me gently into him and when he did that he kissed me deeply and holding me and he started to kiss make-out with me and I made out back and he laid me on the grass on top of me and we started to kiss more and he put his hand up my shirt and went into my bra and started to pinch my nipple and I couldn't help but moan and we kept kissing.

Then everything disappeared. Mamoru was gone, everything went black and I was back in the car and the pain was back and I finally got a scream out and I started to jerk and someone held me down and I saw a girl on top of me pinning me down and I tried to escape, but she was stronger than me and she looked worried and brave.

She said fast but I could hear her, "Mamoru, how hard did you bite her? She is changing and I can smell that she will be different and that's why Daman and the council are after u and her. But you knew the rules Mamoru, we are not suppose to be with a human, near a human, or change a human to a vampire. It's against our kind, we kill human even though I hate killing human, but we can't change them."

I said to myseld, "Damn their kind have a a lot of rules." And then the pain got worst and I screamed and Mamoru was next to me now holding me closely. I was in pain and everything went black once more.

Aura's New Life

I opened my eyes and I was in a bed and all I could see was red adn I knew my eyes were blood red and I felt weird and for some reason I couldn't feel my heart beating at all. So I got out of the bed and I walked into the bathroom and I turned on the lights and I looked into the mirror and I saw I had pale white skin, blood red eyes,and my red hair was lighter and longer, and I was taller, then I looked at my whole body and I was naked and I had mucsle.

So I got in the bathtube and I just sat there thinking about what happened and I sunk under the water and started to close my eyes because of the burning in my throat and I just wanted to die. Until someone grabbed me out of the water and put a towel over me and held me. When I looked up I saw him, my love, my Mamoru. I touched his face and it felt warm/cold and smooth. I started to cry and he held me, and my mouth started to burn more.

I said in tears," Oh' me......."

The pain in my throat wouldn't stop it felt like somebody put hot sauce in my mouth. Then I saw Mamoru with a knife and cut his wrist and he puts his wrist in front of my mouth and for some reason it smelt really,really, good and before I knew it I bit into his wrist and I felt him flinch and I started to drink his blood and it tasted so sweet and hot that I couldn't stop drinking his blood. I said to myself, "I need to stop drinking from him or I could kill him." But I couldn't and then I took all my strength and I stopped and he smiled at me and kissed me. When he kissed me it felt really great like I've never felt this way before. He started to kiss me deeper and he picked me up and laid mw on the bed as I was under and he was on top of me and he started to kiss me more intense and he slide his hand down my side and I felt an urge to moan but I couldn't but I did and Mamoru was moaning as well and then somebody came in.

"Whoa!!!!!Whoa!!!!! Mamoru!!! what are u doing!!At least give me a warning before I come inside!!!!!' It was the same girl that was pinning me down the last thing I saw before I passed out, and she was very pretty light golden brown eyes and maybe 5'7 with pale white pale blonde hair and a bueatiful smile and very great looking. And the girl calmed down as Mamoru was holding me, 'Well now that u two are done I should interdose myself I'm Jade Chang I'm Mamoru's little sister. And we are lucky to be safe here because we are being hunted now by our own kind witch we were already getting hunted by them. But Mamoru we need to trian her on how she can hunt, kill nad defined herself. By the way are you not going to interdose me to your girlfriend Brother?"

Mamoru smiled and held me tighter and helped me up and I sat beside him on the bed as he kissed me deeply and then he started to talk.

Mamoru said smiling and holding me, "Well Jade this is my girlfriend Aura Dawn Walker and I knew she was the one for me because of how she smiles and she smelled so good, but now she smells better then before.' I blushed and he held my hand and started to explain what was happening, 'Aura that wasn't an accident what hit you in the back. I wasn't supopse to be hear u and be with you but I couldn't help myself I knew it was love at first sight. I couldn't let you leave. I love you too much that I would try to kill myself so many times if I ever lost you there wouldn't of been anything to keep me alive. Aura I love you and I never want to lose you. Even though I just met you and changed you I can't see my life without you in it. Aura I'm in love with you."

I was shocked to hear him say that and I blushed and smiled at him and he started to tickle me and I started to laugh and he pushed me on the bed still he was tickling me and I haven't laughed this much in awhile. Then he stopped and he looked into my eyes and he kissed me really deep that I could help but kiss back and we started to make-out and then we started to franch kiss and his tounge was so sweet and warm. He started to feel me up and his other hand was on my stumache and his hand was slowly going down my stumache and then stopped to where my pants button and he was kissing me deeply and he started to unbutton my pants and unzip them and he put his hand down my underwear and his touch felt so good that he startedto finger me and I moaned and he went faster and I maoned louder and so did he. When I looked up because it felt so good I saw Jade was just watching and Mamoru stopped and I didn't want him too. Then he looked at Jade.

Mamoru said his breathing uneven,"Jade, why don't you look out for Daman and the council please so me and Aura can have time to ourselves."

Jade looked at us and she smiled and started to giggle and I looked up at her and she was so cute when she giggled. I never told you this have I, well I'm bi so I tend to love girls and guys but I would so do Mamoru and his sister just saying. She was very cute and Mamoru was hot so it's a one on one. Jade smiled and started to talk.

Jade smiled and said, "Ok. But Mamoru you have to be careful you can still make her pregnet, so wear a condom or not it's your choice brother. Bye you two have fun." She left with a wink.

I blushed when she said I could still get pregnet. I was so shakey because of how horny I was and that I didn't want him to stop because I'm still a vergin and that I want him to take it away from me. He laid beside me on the bed and wrapped his arms around my waist and I turned towardshim and he kissed me deeply and gently. (I never told you his eyes are a golden brown) I felt his warm hands on my stumache and started to rub it and kept kissing me and then he was on top of me with his shirt off and was showing his six-pack and showing his strong figure and he was so beautiful with his golden eyes and his strong hands, and his pale white skin was so beautiful and so sexy.

When he grabbed my arms over my head and held me there, he started to kiss me all over my body and it felt so good, that he took all my clothes off in seconds and he was fully naked too and got on top of me and we started to make-out and he still had my hands above my head and then he went down to my breasts and found that my nipples were hard as a rock and he started to lick and suck them I couldn't help but moan and he started to feel me up. Then he slide it in and I felt a sharp pain then it got better and I started to move my hips and he done it fast but gently and I felt his in me and then I came and so did he. That was the first time we had sex and he didn't wear a condom so I might be pregnant, but he was great in bed I can tell you that much. I love Mamoru with all my life. After we were done we laid beside each other naked and I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me and we went to sleep.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.10.2011

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