
The Beginning

Lifeforce Character
Good guy who they are Age
Kat Black (Wife of Brain) 25
Brian Black (Husband of Kat) 26
Eve Black (Daughter of Brain and Kat) 8
Jr Danvers (Ghost and Kat's brother) 26
Jade Danvers (Kat's younger sister) 25
Todd Johnson (Kat's ex-husband/dies 27

Bad guys what they are Age
Jake Gun Warlock 27
Alex Gun Witch 25
Max Pray Warlock 26
Amber Sun Witch 26

About The Story
A young couple named Kat and Brian Black are trying to save their eight-year-old Daughter Eve Black life from witches and Warlocks.
While they are on the run Kat keeps seeing her dead brother Jr Danvers and he tries to points the way to help his little sister and her family. Kat witnessed her brother die sixteen months ago.

They were gun down on Christmas Eve morning and Kat and she hated seeing her daughter crying in Brian's arms and seeing her mom gunned down. Eve couldn't quite crying and Kat can still hear the man’s voice saying, "If you don't stop that girl from crying I'll shot her."

When he said that Jr got off the floor started fighting the man and Kat got up and ran to her daughter and Husband and held onto Eve and told her, "I'll be back baby I promise."

Then Brian stopped her. And Kat said, "I have to go help my brother Brian he needs me. We are a team. We made a promise to each other.
If one of us get in trouble then the other must help. If one of us dies then we died for our family."

Then she ran to help Jr and she took out her cell phone and dial 911. Then she saw Jr fighting for his life and then she heard a gunshot and Jr got on his knees and fell onto the ground.
Then the guy shot her in the shoulder and she fell but got back up. She was holding her hand to where she got shot so she doesn't lose too much blood and then the guy disappeared into thin air. She ran to her brother and held his hand and started to cry and said, "Please Jr please don't die please. I need you brother i really need you right now. Please don't go. Just hang in there. Please."

When Jr looked at her he had tears in his eyes witch Kat wrapped away with her hand. Then he took out a journey and it said, "SECRETS OF WITCHES AND WARLOCKS."

Then he said, "Keep this safe Kat don't let anyone read this only you and Brian are allowed to. I tried my best to protect you, Brian, and Eve. You have to protect Eve and Brian and yourself on your own now. They are coming for Eve Kat. Pro.... tect.... her....."

His head goes down and dies in Kat's arms. And she started to cry and then Eve ran to her,but Kat passed out because of the gun shot.
After that day Kat has been protecting her family ever since.

She has to save her daughter and her family.
And with he brother and sister's help they will protect Eve no matter what happens.

Chapter 1 The Beginning

It was only 3 a.m and Eve started to dry again. So I got up and Brian was still fast asleep. This makes the fifth time this week that she woke up crying.
That's when Brian woke up and put his hands on my shoulders and kissed the back of my neck.

So me and Brian got up and went towards Eve’s bedroom and she was still crying. When Brian and I stepped into her room she had tears going down her face and was sitting on her bed still crying.

She looked up at me and got up and I crouched down and she ran into my arms and I picked her up and kissed the top of her head and she was still crying, but I wrapped her tears away and her black shoulder length hair smelled like her favorite strawberry shampoo and she looked up and smiled at me and her sky blue eyes looked into mine and tears were still going down and I wrapped them away and she laid her head on my chest.

She said, "Mommy, I had that same dream again. Why do I keep having that same dream mommy?"

She looked up at me and she was crying again. Then I sat in the rocking chair and started rocking back and forth to put her back to sleep.
When I looked at Brian he smiled and kissed me goodnight and he knows when Eve has a nightmare I usually rock her to sleep and lay in the bed with her so she doesn't have another nightmare.

Brian said, " We have to tell her soon baby. We can't keep her in the dark. I'm going to bed okay. I love you and please get some sleep. Goodnight Kat. And goodnight Eve. I'll see you tomorrow."

He kissed my lips and then kissed Eve on her cheek. Then he went to bed when I looked down at Eve her eyes were closed and tears were still on her face witch I wrapped off and her breathing started to slow and I knew she was close to sleep, but she opened her eye her eyes and said, "Mommy, can you sing the song that uncle Jr used to sing to me before he went away?"

My brother Jr died saving me and my family. I can still see his lifeless body in my head, tears going down his face and saying, "You have to protect Eve Brian and yourself. They are coming for Eve pro.....tect.... her........"

Then he died in her arms. I wrapped away the tears in my eyes and I looked down at Eve. She got up and wrapped some tears off my face and I held her little tiny hand and I smiled at her. Then she started to cry again.

I said, "Eve don't cry baby.' I wrapped the tears away. 'Don't cry. Mommy will be fine. And yes I will sing the song that uncle Jr sung to you."

She got closer to my side and waited. So I started to rock the chair back and forth and started to sing:

"When the stars come
Out at night and your
About to go to sleep
Just remember how
Much you mean to me
Just don't forget who
Is beside you.
Just close your eyes
Little Eve and I'll be
Here when you wake.
Just close your eyes
Little Eve and I will
Be here when you wake."

After I was done Eve was fast asleep with her arms around my waist and just the sound of her breathing makes me feel like nothing or no one will take my baby girl away from me.
I love to be with my daughter and protecting her, but Brian is right I can't keep her in the dark like nothing will take her away from me, but there are people that want to take her away. I'll tell her when it's time.

So I got out of the rocking chair and picked up Eve and she put her arms around my neck still sound asleep and I laid her on the bed and gave her, her favorite stuff animal and covered her up.
Then I took off my slippers and night-robe and lay beside her and I put my arms around her and she took my hand and she got a little closer to my side and we both went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up next to Eve and I took out her hair from her face and she looked so sweet and peaceful when she is sleeping. So I pick her up, but she woke up. She looked at me with her eyes half-way opened and she just smiled.

I said, "Good morning sweetheart. How are you feeling? You didn't have any more nightmares did you baby?"

Eve just looked at me and shook her head no and then she yawned. That's when Brian came in, he was the most wonderful husband I will ever have. He has the deepest green eyes I ever seen and his golden brown ear length hair shins when the sun hits it. I loved him so much.

Then Brian came towards us and put us in a bear hug. He was really happy for some reason. The smile I loved on him was brighter than ever and much bigger. Then he took Eve and spun her around and the sound of her laughter filled the room and I heard him laughing too. So I couldn't help myself for laughing with them.

Brian then put Eve down and she went to her toy box and Brian put his arms around my waist and kissed the back of my neck and turned me around and kissed me and the whole world disappeared like Brian and I were the only people on the planet. His kiss was so warm and sweet that he broke the kissed and turned me back around and we just watched Eve play. Eve started to play with her dolls. But I was still light headed from Brian's kiss.

Brian said, "Look at her honey. Look how much she grown. Baby I know you don't want to talk about Jr; he gave his life to save us and Eve. Baby you said you wanted to tell and show me something about the Witches and Warlocks. Baby no matter what we won't let them take her or hurt her I promise you that baby."

Then I remembered the Journey that Jr gave me and I had to show it to him so I can tell the rest of the story.
But then the doorbell rang and Brian smiles and left to check who it was. Then Eve wanted me to pick her up. So I picked her up because she needs to get a bath and get ready to go to the store because we don't have food in the house. When we got to the bathroom, Brian was coming up the stairs and a woman was behind him. I waited until he was next to me and then the woman stopped in front of him.

I said, "Brian who is that? Please don't tell me who I think it is...?"

Then he nodded and the woman looked up at me and smiled. I couldn't believe it. I thought she didn't want to talk to ever again. After Jr died she and I didn't talk to one another ever again. We couldn't stand each other anymore.

You may be asking who I'm talking about. I'm talking about my sister Jade Danvers. We used to be closer together ever since Jr took us in after our mom and dad died.
He took real good care of us. But after he died Jade and I couldn't even talk without him there.

But here and there she would call me and check up on me and then she would talk about Jr. Saying he was worthless and that he couldn't fight. He died for our family he died for her too. Then I would say bye and have tears in my eyes and hang up on her.

I said, "Why is she here Brian? I don't want her here. I don't want to talk to her at all. I want her to leave. Now."

Then I picked up Eve and went into the bathroom. I was so mad that I had tears in my eyes. Eve was looking at me with a frown on her face and tears went down her cheeks and she started to cry. I forgot that when I'm like this it always makes her cry. So I put her in a big hug because I knew I hurt her feelings. She hugged me back and then turned the hot water on and it was really hot and then the cold water and it was warm and I put her favorite bubble bath in and let it run.

Then someone knocked on the door and I still had Eve in my arms and she was just playing with my hair like she does whenever she is upset. So I walked up to the door and opened it and it was Jade and she looked mad.

I said, "Why are you here Jade? I thought you didn't want to talk to me no more. Why are you here?"

I was really mad now and then Jade took Eve out of my hands and gave her to Brian and Eve was trying to get back to me but Jade shut it. And I could hear Eve crying and saying, "MOMMY!!!! MOMMY!!!"

Jade raised a hand at me and slaps me hard across the face and I fell on the ground and I put my hand over the side of my mouth and it was bleeding. And I tried to get up but she slapped me so hard that my head was dizzy and I felt weak. Jade then picked me up and dipped my head in the bath water and I struggled to get free, but she was too strong. Then she took my head out of the water.

She said, "Tell me where you hid that book Kat tell me now or I will kill you."

This wasn't the Jade I know. When I looked into her eyes they were dark red and her real eye color was blue. I knew this wasn't Jade.

Then she puts my head under the water again and this time I could feel myself drowning and then she throws me across the bathroom and I smash my head into the concrete and she pined me down. Then I saw two other people in the bathroom and one of them opened the bathroom door and I saw him take Eve and knock out Brian.

They put my sister under a spell. Then I heard Eve yell and scream because the guy that had her was holding her so tight I could see her veins.


Then Jade started to punch me and beat me and I felt my life going, going deep into blackness, but then Jade quite and started to fight the witch that was inside of her.

Then the witch was in the air about to go back into her, but Jade got up and I said a spell and the witches and warlocks were gone and Jade caught Eve before she could fell. And before I knew it I started to scream.

Then Jade came to my side and put my head on her lap and Eve came close to me and laid her head on my chest and I could hear her crying over me and I lifted up my hand and stroke her face and wrapped the tears away. And I was in so much pain that my hand just dropped to the floor and I just looked up at the ceiling and then before I knew it I started to scream again and Brian woke up and Jade still had my head in her lap.


So Brian did what Jade said and took Eve out of the room and I yelled at him to come back but nothing came out. And Jade started to stroke my face like she used to do when we were younger.

Jade said, "Kat I'm sorry I don't know what happened. I was on my way here to visit and say I was sorry for the way I treated you after Jr died. I know you two were really close. Closer then he and I were. You know I always think about him. I didn't mean to say he was worthless and couldn't fight I was just having a hard time lately after he died. He died for our family and your family too. Just hang in there Kat Just hang in there."

I started to close my eyes when I felt two little hands go into my hands and I opened my eyes and I saw Eve's eyes that had tears in them. I laid out my arm and she laid beside me and I put my arms around her. And then Jade put her hand in my other hand and then Brian came in.

He said with sadness in his voice, "Is she dead? Please tell me she isn't dead? Kat please baby I'm here. Don't go. They are on their way to come and get you. Just hang in there."

Then Jade lifted up my head and Brian took her spot, but I was reaching out to her. I didn't want her to go. She is my sister.

I said out of breath, "Jade..... Please don't leave me.... Please.... I want you here with me too until they come get me. Please stay...."

Then I couldn't talk anymore because it disappeared because how much pain I was in and I started to scream again, but with Eve by my side I didn't scream much. Then we heard the seines and the flashing lights and I could hear Eve breathing and I knew she was fast asleep. Then I Brian took her away and left some space so that the paramedics can take her to the hospital.

The cops started to come in and the saw who I was and they told the paramedics to put me in the gurney and they did. They got on their knees and counted to three and I screamed at the pain and they put me in the gurney and strapped me in and rolled me out of my house and they put a breathing thing over my mouth and started to pump air into my lugs so I will be able to breathe and then they put me in the back of the ambulance and they let Brian, Eve and Jade raid along with us.

Eve was asleep in Brian's arms and Jade holding my hand and we were off. I started to scream again and one of the paramedics held my wrist because I was trying to get free from the pain but he couldn't hold me much longer. I was so mad then I don't know why but I started to fight him. Then Jade pined my chest down.

She said, "Kat, Kat it's just us calm down please calm down. Stop moving or you are going to hurt yourself more. You got badly beating up don't make it worst."

I tried to control myself, but I couldn't. Then the paramedic put something into my arm and I screamed and then I started to relax and I was so sleepy. He put morphine in my blood stream. And the pain was going away and I felt tired and I started to close my eyes and Jade got off my chest and put her hand in mine again. And I looked to were Eve and Brian were and Eve was awake and crying and Brian was trying to calm her down.

And then I fell into a deep sleep and everything went black.

The Ghost

Chapter 2
The Ghost

When I woke up I was in a bed and I could hear beeping and I was starting to freak out, but then I remembered I was here because Jade was controlled by an evil witch and they almost killed my daughter Eve. Oh God where is Eve? I need to see her. I need to know if she is okay.

Then someone came into my room and I pretend I was still asleep and when I half-opened my eyes I saw Jade with a sleeping Eve in her arms and she looks so peaceful asleep.

Then Jade pull out another bed and put Eve down on it and then sat next to me and started to move my hair out of my face and kissed my forehead. And I could hear her crying because of what happened to me. She didn't mean too she was controlled but that evil witch. She put her head on my arm and started to cry.

She said through tears, "I hope you make it through this Kat. I wish you could hear me right now. The doctor's said that you could die from these warns that I made on you. They said you might not ever wake up. I'm so sorry Kat I didn't mean too I was being controlled by some witch and I tried to fight her but she was too strong for me. I'm so sorry."

Then she put her head on my bed and started to cry harder. I wanted to put Jade in a hug, but she said I wouldn't wake up. But I am awake am I not? Then I opened my eyes and sat up, but she didn't feel me move and my body hasn't moved an inch. "I am awake am I not?" I said to myself. Then I saw someone in the window and he walked to me and stopped in front of me.

I looked closer and I couldn't believe it. It couldn't be. He died sixteen months ago. But Jr was standing in front of me. His dark blue eyes, his dark ear length hair, he was like he looked before he died, he was 6'7 and he was only 198 pounds. He smiled at me that same smile I missed. It was my brother Jr.

He said, "Hey Kat, and no you’re not awake sadly. After the beating you had three weeks ago you have been in a coma. You’re half-way gone Kat. What I heard, the doctor's said you were not going to make it, but they are wrong. It's not your time to go yet.' Then he looked at Eve and smiled and sat at the end of her bed.
'Kat you have to tell me what happened. I was sent here by God. He saw what happened. You were almost gone. Your breathing was off. You couldn't breathe, God told me he saw your spirit coming up, but you fought it. That's when he knew you were meant to live. You saved Eve from Jake and his Witch and Warlock family. You will not wake for a while. And God told me to keep you at Eve's side always. I must leave you now, but stay close to Eve and Brain and Jade. I love you Kat. Take care. Bye."

Then he disappeared and Eve started to cry and jade wrapped tears off her face and strokes my hair and kissed my forehead. Then Eve started to cry louder and Jade pick her up and rocked her back and forth. But Eve was still crying. I wish I could hold her one last time. Jade was so tired that she couldn't keep her eyes opened.
Then Brain came in the door and took Eve out of Jade's arms and told her to get some sleep because she looked liked shit. And she went to were the bed Eve was and fell asleep. And then he walked to my bed and he kissed my lips and I could feel his kiss on my lips and then he puts his hand in mine and started to cry and so did Eve. I kissed his cheek and I whispered to him, "I'm not gone baby, I'll wake up soon. I promise both of you.' Then I went to Eve and rubbed her back, 'Eve I promise you and your dad I'll be awake soon I promise baby girl."

And I kissed her on the top of her head and went back into my body and fell asleep.

Starting To Wake Up

I was out of my body, and it's been six months since I've been in a coma. Jade has been taking really good care of Eve. Brian just sat at my bedside waiting for me to wake up and he never left my side. But Jade told him two months ago.

She said, "Brian she will wake up soon. The doctor said she will wake up in four months just be strong Brian. And they said she will be very weak and we have to her get back on her feet because she hasn't walked for months now. But they said we have to help her as much as passable. She will be weak for a while until she gets her strength back. Just stay strong and she will be awake in four months. Just stay strong and she will wake up soon."

After she said that Brain was happier and stronger and he was taking care of Eve better too and then it's been four months now and they are waiting for me to wake up. It's been a long time since I last saw Jr and I know he is watching because I can feel it. I was looking out the window and seeing the great big pounds and how the trees have green in them.

Then I saw Jr and he was coming from above and before I knew it he was right in front of me. He looked a lot better and stronger then I last saw him. And I smiled and he smiled back. And his smile I missed is still on his face.

I said, "It's almost time for me to wake up isn't it?"

He nodded and his smile got bigger and then he was the best brother me and Jade had ever had. We couldn't ask for a better brother. And I nodded my head. And Jr looked to were Eve, Brian, and Jade was sleeping. Eve was sleeping like a baby she looks so peaceful when she's asleep. And Brian was beside her with his arms around her and keeping her warm.

Jade was asleep on the couch, because she was up most of the night putting Eve asleep but Brian came in and took over and she fell asleep on the couch and Brian covered her up and Eve was asleep then and Brian and Eve went on the cot and fell asleep. Jr saw how I was looking at Brain and Eve and he smiled.

He said, "Yes it is almost time for you to wake up Kat. Look how much Eve has grown.' Jr was right she was taller than six months ago and her hair was longer too. ‘Kat you have been watching over her right?' I nodded my head and he smiled again. 'That's great. Well I must be off Kat. You will wake up soon. I love you Kat."

Then he kissed the top of my head, but I grabbed him and put him in a hug and started to cry, because he was leaving me again and he wrapped his arms around me and I started to cry harder.

And he whispers to me, "Kat please don't cry. You know I hate it when you cry sis. I will always be in your heart don't you ever forget that. I know you miss me but you must be strong. Look at me Kat please.' I looked up at him and he had tears in his eyes too and I started to smile and he wrapped the tears off my face and he smiled at me saying, "You are strong Kat I can feel it in your body. You will heal faster than most people think. You will always have me by your side every step of the way. And even if I'm gone, I'm still with you. Don't you ever forget that. I'm always here for you Kat. You are the strongest person in the family. You will be able to save Eve and your family Kat.' He started to cry and his tears were so bright that it lit up the room, but I wrapped them away and put him in a hug and he wrapped me in his arms again. ‘I love you Kat and I love each and every one of you. Just remember I'm always right him.' He put his hand to where my heart is. 'I'm always with you no matter what Kat. And when you wake up tell Eve and everybody I said I miss them and love them all. And yes you will see me again. I promise you that Kat. Well I have to go got a lot of work to do. I love you Kat. Bye for now."

Then he kissed my forehead and he looked into my eyes and he smiled and disappeared. And I started to feel awake and I went into my body and waited to wake up. I said to myself, "I love you too Jr." And I waited.

The Awakening

When I opened my eyes I saw Jade on the couch and Brian and Eve sleeping on the cot. Then Eve woke up and I looked at her and smiled and I was in a lot of pain and I started to cry because of the pain and because Jr was gone. Eve shook Brian and he woke up and asked her, "What's wrong baby? Did you have a nightmare again?' She shook her head and pointed to me and Brian looked up and saw I was awake and I smiled up at both of them. Brian took Eve in his arms and they both sat beside me. Eve wanted me to hold her and she was crying.

So Brian gave Eve to me and when she got in my arms she hugged me and I hugged her back. I had tears in my eyes also; I finally got to hold my baby girl again. Then Brain kissed me on the lips and it felt like the world stopped turning and I was a little dizzy but I missed his kisses so much and then he broke the kiss.

Eve was still in my arms and then the door opened and Jade comes in. Her face was lit up when she saw I was finally awake. And it made me smile when I saw her smile. And she puts her backpack down and came running to me and put me a big hug and I hugged her back. My whole family missed me so much and I missed them.

Jade said, "Kat I'm so glad you’re finally awake. You have been in a coma for six months now and the doctor said you wouldn't be able to wake up. And I thought they were right, but here you are awake. I'm so happy you are going to be alright. But you look bad. Are you in pain?"

I didn't know anyone would see what my face looks like. So I nodded and Jade went out of the room to get a nurse. Eve was next to me and I think she fell asleep. Brian smiled at me and kissed me on the forehead and he took Eve, but I stopped him and I whispered, "Can she sleep with me because I was gone for so long that I want to be with her for a while. Is it ok?"

He looked at me to Eve and he smiled and nodded. I was so happy I'm back with my family and finally awake. But I was also sad too, because Jr had to leave and help God do work. I really miss him a lot and I know he misses me too because I can feel him watching over me.

Then Jade came back into my room with a nurse and the nurse smiled at me. She came to check my heart monitor and my meds in my blood. Then she put a hand over my shoulder and I shut my eyes because my shoulder got shot when Jr died and as I was in a coma and out of my body I heard Brian and Jade talking while Eve was asleep that the witch that was inside of her has broken my shoulder into four different places.

I kept my eyes closed because when the nurse pushed on my shoulder the pain was unbearable and I didn't want to scream so I held it in. When the nurse took her hand off my shoulder out a big breath and the nurse smiled again.

The nurse said, "Well Ms. Black you are stable and your shoulder is getting somewhat better. Your heart seems fine and your meds looks like their doing their job. And you look a lot heather too. Do you remember anything about your attack?' I shook my head no because I really didn't, "anything at all?' I shook my head no again. 'Well if you remember anything just call this number and let him know.' The nurse wrote a number on a piece of paper and gave it to me. And then the she checked my injuries.

'You will have a lot of scars from your attack Ms. Black, and if you need to start walking again or anything like that just have Jade or Brian for help. But for now you need to stay in bed because you’re very weak and I know you must be hungry. So I'll get one of the other nurses to get you some food and I know you’re in a lot of pain but we can't put anymore meds in your system okay. I'll get your food soon. Hope you get better soon. But you still have to stay here another couple of months ok."

Then she left the room and I wasn't in too much pain just a little. Eve was sound asleep and I was hungry too. I started to laugh. But stopped; I’m so glad I'm with my family. I'm glad I have my baby girl in my arms and I'm glad my husband was with me too.

I said, "How long was I out because Eve gotten so big and her hair is so long and I just want to know how long I've been out. I missed you guys so much and Eve just fell asleep. I can't believe how big she is now. Has her voice changed any?"

He nodded and I looked at my sleeping baby girl and she was so peaceful when she is sleeping and it makes me really happy. I just wish I could have been with her when I was gone. I knew I was out for six weeks, but they don’t know I knew. I want to be with my daughter more now than ever. Then Eve started to cry and then she woke up with tears in her eyes and sweating and her eyes were bloodstock and she was shaking. I seen her do this a lot more lately and Jade and Brian tried everything to help her but they couldn’t do it.

So Eve couldn’t stop crying and Jade looked really sad for some reason I seen her do this a lot lately too. So I told Brain to go out of the room so I can talk to Jade and get Eve back to sleep. He didn't want to leave but he did. And he left the room and shut the door and I patted my hand next to me on my bed. And I was rocking Eve back to sleep. I kept telling her, "Mommy is here don't worry nothing will get you baby girl I’m here for you." And she fell back to sleep after I said that.

I said, "Jade come, sit next to me and tell me what’s been going on. And has Eve been doing this when I was gone?"

She didn't sit she lay beside me and laid her head on my chest and started to cry and I rubbed her back. Seeing my sister like this makes me want to get up and kill every witch and warlock I can find and kill them. I hate seeing my sister like this it makes me mad that I can’t help anyone because of how weak I am I can’t believe I’m stuck in a bed and when I look at Jade I can still see her crying and it is making me so mad seeing her like this I just want to get up and be strong again but I can't because I'm sitting in a fucking bed weak and useless. I need to get up before I go mad. Then Eve started to wake up and I didn't want her to wake, so I just kept still and she went back to sleep. I never though it would get this bad all I wanted to do was to hold my sister and Daughter and Jade couldn't stop crying.

Jade said through tears,” Yes, me and Brian tried our best to put her back to sleep but we failed and we didn't know what to do we tried our best. Me and Brian though these nightmares have gotten worst since you been out of six months and she kept sweating so badly. We were thinking about calling one of the nurses last month to check up on her but we decide not too. We tried everything to help her but the nightmares kept getting worst and worst. We were really worried about her."

She cried but started to calm down a little and I held her close saying everything will be ok and I was glad she was in my arms again because I never cradle her like this is so long. I miss when we use to talk all the time and Jr was always there for us and he would always be there always joking around and messing with us when we are talking. Every time I see my sister I always see my brother right there beside her. I held her close to my chest just glad that my sister was there and that she was in my arms once again then she was more clam and the nurse came in and said that they had to leave but Eve could stay because she needed me right to get ride of her nightmares and Brian was beside me and kissed me and Jade hugged me and they left and the nurse put the morpine in my system and everything was getting blurrly and I held onto my Eve and I started to remember my past and past nightmares all over again.

The Past


When I was alone and it was only me and Jr at the house I would stay in my room and every time I looked up I saw Jr coming in my room and getting on my bed with me and cradling me in his arms because this was 3 weeks after our mom and dad died. Jade moved out of our lives until for a while and it was only me and Jr home and I always shared a room with my sister, but after mom and dad's death she has been a wreak and skipping school, adatued, and been disrespectful to me and Jr.

Then after high school, she met this guy and they back then been going out for almost eight months and on their fourth month she moved in with her boyfriend Todd Johnson and I was alone in my now own bedroom that has too much space after Jade took all of her stuff with her and I just had an half empty space now.


I was running but I didn't know what I was running from and then I saw my sister Jade and she was being tied up and I saw blood on the side oof her face and I couldn't leave her there and I went beside her to set her free becasue she was only 17 at the time and I was 18. Could you image your little sister being held hostage or anything like that becasue I was always scared about that when I was younger and I couldn't let anyone hurt her or my family. So I let her free then we saw Todd and I saw his eyes and they pitch black and he came towards me..

Nightmare Ends

I woke up screaming my guts and Jr came running in and puts me in his arms


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.06.2011

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This goes out to my family, friends and lover and also to my best friend on here Kristina Marie Peaine. If it wasn't for you guys then this would of been possible. I love you guys

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