


letter to readers: Okay this is my first time letting anyone see anything I've written so here goes...

I got up, and wiped the blood from my cheek. I picked my slayer knife up from where I'd fallen and wiped it clean on my pants leg. Panterra laughed as I winced at my twisted ankle. I put my knife back in it's sheath and drew a weapon a little more equipped for distance as Panterra was backing away slowly.
I cracked the whip, unraveling it from it's coil.”Panterra I am going to kill you soon, and when I do I will be sure to bury you right in front of Mandarin's door.”
I sighed flashing back to the day she died. It was dark out,she and I were on our way home from the carnival on our birthday one of the many things we shared Mandarin and I.
We were happily dancing along the sidewalk because of all the excitement of our night out. We were in the middle of singing a song when out of nowhere something flashed behind Mandy and she froze out of fear I stopped when I realized she wasn't singing anymore.”Mandy what's wrong....”A man flashed behind Mandy and stopped he smiled and then bit Mandy on the neck “Rain......” she screamed to me in her last moments and when he broke away he let out a loud laugh and disappeared. I screamed and ran to Mandy's side I shook her and shook her but she wouldn't wake for anything. I put my arms around my knee's and sat there for hours crying and sobbing until the police found me there.
I told them what I'd seen, they thought I'd been in shock and I repeated the same story every time they asked finally they just let me be. About two years after that day I finally cracked I after I had found out what the creature that killed her was I swore revenge on every vampire I ever saw. That was two years before I found crimson a vampire slayer community. They took me in and trained me to be a slayer. They said I had become a promising young slayer. They were right. I had avenged her death many time's over and I will continue to do so until the day I die. My name is Rain Anglase and I am a known and feared vampire slayer.
I came out of my flash back in time enough to not get kicked in the chest I jumped back flipping onto a table and dodging another kick to the stomach.
“Panterra why do you want to live so it because you know you have no soul and are going to hell or because you just like killing that much.”
I said hitting her in the back with my whip once more. I advanced on Panterra taking advantage of the hit and roundhouse kicked her in the head and chest twice getting her to the floor. Panterra fought back as I put my whip back on my hip drawing my knife once again “I avenge the..” I whispered as I shoved it through her heart. I lit a match after drowning her body in gasoline and dropped it to the ground watching as Panterra's body became aflame. I re-sheathed my dirty knife as I walked out the door of the abandoned house they had chosen to fight in.
I walked to my motorcycle grabbing my helmet and putting one foot over it. I took out my cell and dialed a familiar number I waited one ring ...two rings...third
“hello.....” I smiled “Jolicia Panterra is dead I burned the body. I am leaving Lunin now I will be there in an hour.” I said this triumphantly.”Okay I'll see you when you get here sister.”
She said before hanging up. I took out my journal and wrote a quick entry before starting my bike.
4/19/09 ten o'four pm.
I have slain Panterra
My name is Rain Anglase and I have left another fight triumphant I as I have done tiemer time have slain a beast of the night and again as I write this I hope that her soul hears me Mandy I Rain Angalse avenge the......

I got on my motorcycle and turned it on i put my helmet on and drove down the dark road.I got off my bike an hour later arriving at my house in crimson.
I took my helmet off and ran inside.I closed the door behind me and ran to jolicia my best freind of crimson she handed me a glass of whiskey and let me lean on her hse sank tot eh floor with me as i started to sob into her arm.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.10.2009

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