
Naturally any educational purpose cannot be achieved if there are no appropriate methods that can really contribute to its achievement. In other words when the purposes of education are clear it is necessary to dwell upon the ways and methods of their achievement.

Before discussing the organizational aspect of the process of education I would like to discuss in details the basic methods that could be applied to achieve the purposes of education mentioned above.

First of all it should be said that what should be in the focus of attention of educators is a student. In the past it was traditional when students were treated as subjects of the process of education and the attitude to them was corresponding. It means that what they were expected to do was acquire knowledge and information they were taught without any individual differentiation. Obviously in the present moment it is impossible to continue to treat students like that. Consequently it is necessary to perceive students as active participants of the process of education and transform them from subjects into objects of education. It is particularly important in the modern permanently changing and progressing world when scientific and technological progress makes it practically impossible to provide students with sufficient knowledge only within the school-university education period.

Nowadays it is of paramount importance to teach students to find information independently, consequently the methods used in education should be oriented on the development of such skills of searching and finding information that students may need. In this context education rather carries the character of recommendations than informative character.

Thus, it is possible to presuppose that the methods corresponding to these demands may be quite effective, for instance problem solving method. In my opinion this method should be used in the process of education in order to develop the modes of individual and independent thinking and acting among students since they face the problem and they attempt to solve it. By the way group work is highly recommended in such approach because working in groups students firstly can find the correct solution of the problem sooner than working individually, secondly they are taught to work in a team that make them feel as a part of their small community that in perspective may lead to the development of the unity with a larger community.

The latter is particularly important because community plays a significant role in the development of an individual. It should not say again that to a great extent an individual is a product of the community he/she lives in because it is not only the family or friends that shape a person's character but the community as well, the social surrounding that transcend its values to every individual within it. On the other hand, the role of individual in the community should not be underestimated neither because each individual can make his/her own contribution into cultural, scientific, social development of the community. This is why the methods which are based on the use of community influence may be also widely used, for instance it may be some free time activities which aims at some socially valuable experience such as help to old people, or to those who are alone, etc. It may be the communication with outstanding representatives of the community as well, for instance a writer, or a sportsman, etc. Their experience being directly transmitted to students can significantly contribute to the progress of each individual showing that being some positive actions are socially appreciated, at least within the community.

Also it is important to develop students independent and critical reasoning that can be done with the of lecture-discussions methods which provides students with an opportunity not simply to acquire some information but critically evaluate it and discuss within a class, including not only peers but a teacher as well.

Finally, it is important that the methods used were thought provoking, made them reflect and critically evaluate the actuality. At this respect project methods can be widely applied that would provide students with the necessity to work and evaluate a definite problem or event that may be recent or even from ancient history that is not so important as the ways the students would execute their projects and work on them.

By the way it is also important to remember that education should come along with upbringing, it means that students should not simply develop their projects, for instance, but they have to learn a lesson from them in both dimensions practical and spiritual.

It is also worth noting that in order to develop a moral person it is necessary that students learn universal, human, democratic values and this is exactly what contemporary education should be focused on. In fact it is a real problem that cannot be solved immediately, the problem of the values that are really positive since often the values that are thought as worth developing can be a decades or to later be perceived as negative. The reason is that education is very dependant. It depends on socio-political and economic situation in the country as well as it depends on local culture and traditions. As a result it is possible to state that in a way education is the product of a combination of factors such as socio-political, economic and cultural that domain in the society.

On the other hand, education is a very powerful tool in overcoming disadvantages of the current situation in the society since it may really establish new set of values that may replace set of values existing in the society. But it can be done only in a democratic society in which education is also democratically oriented and where democratic values are in the focus of teaching.

Furthermore in the process of education knowledge itself should not be the primary value since without a student its useless. Consequently it is a student that is the primary concern of educators, especially student's abilities to learn and think independently.

It is obvious that the most effectiveness of education would be achieved only on the condition if students were taught essential set of values that is universally acceptable and did not contradict to the moral and cultural traditions existing in the society.
Strangely enough but often when we speak about education and the ways of its improvement we basically speak about students but we practically forget other participants of the process, teachers. It is an obvious mistake because teachers play not less important role than personalities of students, their needs, abilities, skills, etc. Without teachers and their contribution to the development of education any changes in educational system or curriculum are impossible. This is why it should be underlined that teachers are responsible for the effectiveness of the process of education and curriculum.

So, the personality of a teacher is of a paramount importance. In my opinion a good teacher should not be a dictator that lectures his/her students regardless their individuality. On the contrary, a teacher should base his work on individual approach to each student and knowledge of individual needs of students. In fact he should be a facilitator of learning adopting the material for each student. It is also important that a teacher could provide his/her students with the possibility to acquire knowledge and develop skills, teach them think critically and apply their knowledge in real practical life. Otherwise the learning process will be useless, if students, which possess good academic basis, cannot practically realize their knowledge and skills.

At the same time we should not forget that the teacher should continue his education as well as his/her students. It is necessary that teacher continued his/her progress in order not to stop his/her development, otherwise the teacher would gradually degrade and the methods that he/she uses would be out of date.

Furthermore, it is important that the teacher not simply used effective methods, and interesting class activities. A good teacher has also to encourage the students to learn more, he/she has to be supportive, build foundation of students knowledge, skills and experience, guide his/her students. When these conditions are fulfilled then it is possible to speak about effective and successful work of a teacher.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.02.2010

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