
"Come on, COME ON!" I grunted, unsuccessfully trying to pull on my black leather boot while yanking at snarls in my hair. "Can't be late, can't be late," I murmured to myself over and over again. When my riding boots decided to cooperate, I swept my mocha brown hair up into a bun, and secured it with a band. I heard my mom shuffle a horse into the examination room and felt bad that I was leaving her for two hours to go to Demento day. The Dementos are a group of my friends;we are demented and proud of it (not literally though). I would be back at 8:00 to help her with the night appointments; my mom's a vet.
I took one last look in the mirror and cantered down the stairs.
"Mo-om! Leaving now!"
"Okay sweetie!" At least, I guessed that was what she said because I was already out the door and on my bike. I swung my backpack out of the way as I flew down the street.

At last, I reached the shopping center and trotted over to my friends.
"CECILIA!!!!" Usually, if you hear your best friends' scream your name, brace yourself for a hug or a high-five. Other people aren't so lucky. They're forced to curl up into a ball on the ground and hope they don't crack your ribs as they land on you in a tackling hug. Guess which group of friends I got stuck with? Right.
After I concluded that I was in one piece, I went over to say hi to the boy dementos. Nate, Aidan, and Jacob had been awkwardly standing to the side the whole time, watching the girls trample me.
"So? Where are we going?" I asked Melissa, who had organized the event.
"Since you are finally here we're going to the bookstore, then Chipotle's Mexican restaurant, and then the ice skating rink."
"Sounds great!" I said and we walked off towards our first destination.
The first demento day was great, for me at least. I got a jillion books, an awesome burrito, and totally kicked butt in ice skating. the day had been fun, but it was about to get much more interesting.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.12.2010

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