
On that morning, his bed felt strangely full and warm. Victor moaned lowly into the pillow as a massive headache reminded him of the night he had spent. Mostly with drinking, and quite possibly with other really embarrassing actions. If he now, as he thought to himself, woke up with someone in bed... Oh God. No, no, that hadn't happened, right?! Victor's look had drifted off to the side, and what he was seeing there made his breath hitch momentarily. Next to him, still drowsily blinking up at him, laid a... Victor swallowed.

"Good morning..." a slightly raspy voice hummed as the stranger looked up at him, a sleepy, contend smile on his face. Victor barely could avert his eyes from the look the other casted at him. So... warm, and full of satisfaction. For Victor, the guessing what might have happened last night was officially over. He blushed, though managed a jiggly smile before quickly averting his gaze. Whoever the stranger was, he had a look making his pulse quicken.

"Why so shy all of a sudden?" Victor flinched as the other male slowly turned towards him. A warm, strong hand gently brushed along his back, making his cheeks redden once more. Now, it might would have been better to remember exactly what had happened last night at the bar. But as his opposite looked directly into his eyes, his mind suddenly was empty.

Victor couldn't struggle in the least against the other as he was pulled closer to the stranger, the hand now stroking along his cheek. The mingling smell of sweat and aftershave wavered into his nose; not intrusive, but alluringly light and coaxing. Despite being this light, it made his head swim slightly. He had to hold back to not jump the fair-haired beauty – what already had happened, though, as it seemed. Why would he wake up like that otherwise?

He took a deep breath before looking up into those slightly shimmering eyes again. "A nice surprised to wake up like that." Victor tried to sound casual, but as the other's fingertips slowly brushed along his neck, his calm composure crumbled. A tickling sensation shuddered through his body, warm and pleasant. Almost as if he was drunk again, with the goofy smile on his face and enough courage to flirt with a complete stranger.

"You really were this heavily drunk, as it seems." The stranger sounded amused, quite indeed. Ashamed, Victor turned his head to the side as they rubbed against each other unintentionally. "Then I have to introduce myself again. Alexander, it's a pleasure." With that, the blonde shook Victor's hand with a pronouncedly teasing grin.

The flustered red-head would have preferred to just sink into the mattress and never to show up again. It didn't help in the least Alexander petted his hair, affectionately and almost cautiously. There had been many doing this, but none of them had ever done it like the blonde. Completely flustered, Victor only realized he had been toying with Alexander's hair as well as the other began to laugh. "You just can't get enough of me, huh?"

It only grew more embarrassing and confusing for Victor, which was why the red-head turned away from Alexander lightly. Luckily, the blonde understood the meaning of this movement, left him some more space. "Sorry, but you just look really sweet when you blush like that. You almost look like a tomato then... only sweeter."

For a prolonged moment, it was all quiet, while Victor tried to calm down his thoughts. Alexander had turned on his back, one arm behind his head, waiting patiently. The blonde didn't have to rush, as it was Saturday today. Though, and that was something he had to laugh about quietly, he never would have assumed to end up in an other's bed and unintentionally wound up to spend the night there. In this case, however, it seemed to be for the better. Not just that, maybe even welcomed and necessary to spare Victor from quite some confusion and embarrassment.

As the red-head had calmed down again, Alexander cautiously bowed closer. "You feel better again?" In the first moment Victor was confused, asking himself if Alexander meant the surprise in the morning. But then, a memory scrap came back to him. He only had gone to this bar because his previous boyfriend had broken up with him. He never would have gone there otherwise, and surely wouldn't have drunk that much. How unbelievably embarrassing...

"Yes... yes, I feel better." he mumbled, lost in thoughts, while toying around with the sheets. Alexander grinned broadly, while he casually scooted closer until he was close to lying on top of Victor. "Good to hear you're feeling better." the blonde whispered, the slight raspy tone in his voice well audible again. At first, Victor simply had assumed Alexander had been smoking too much, but as he didn't smell anything confirming that, it seemed like it just was the blonde's natural voice. Actually, it matched this 'the morning after' situation.

He choked back a gasp, biting his lower lip, as Alexander's hand slowly crept along his body, teasing him with much too soft touches. Did the other want to resume to what they had been doing last night? "Alexander... please, stop it..." Victor protested weakly, surprised as the blonde immediately stopped. With his ex, it would have developed into a discussion over hours, ending with painful bruises all over his body.

Now, as he was thinking about that, Victor was a bit astonished at the reason of their parting. Actually, it should have gone the other way round, and not like it had come. But he couldn't have chosen, especially not with this brute. Shuddering, Victor buried his face in the pillow again, just to feel Alexander's lips on his neck some moments later. It was only a slight touch, elusive almost... and still, it made everything inside of him melt.

He relaxed completely, not caring about what happened around him, allowing his mind to drift off. Alexander soon stopped moving, merely snuggling against Victor and being content with that. The red-head couldn't help but to smile at that. Everything was so confusing, but in a pleasant, relaxing way. With his former boyfriend, he would have had a massive headache soon enough, as his idea of something relaxing had been entirely different.

"You're thinking about him again." Alexander's sleepy, raspy voice pulled Victor back to reality. It hadn't sounded accusing, but worried. Victor merely nodded, immediately being showered with affection. That earned Alexander a happy sighing, which made the blonde chuckle in return. "I got someone really happy and relaxed there. Completely different from yesterday."

Right, the night before... Again, the same questions rose in Victor's mind. How the Hell had he managed to successfully flirt with the most attractive guy at the bar? He casted a quick glance at Alexander, who didn't seem to be in any position to move anywhere else anytime soon. How could it possibly have come this far...?

However strongly it opposed the wonderfully warm feeling in the pit of his stomach, Victor had to squirm bit to have a closer look at Alexander. The blonde slipped off him with an unwilling grumbling, half asleep and looking quite creased in a way. Which still looked quite sexy.

Before Victor could think about anything, his eyes wandered up and down Alexander's naked body, which was barely covered up to the hips. The first thing occurring to the red-head where the other's muscles. Not like a bodybuilder's, who would have borne a certain resemblance to a gorilla, more than to a human, but just well defined and good-looking. Which meant a six-pack and most possibly a nice biceps.

Lightly blushing Victor had to hold back to not reach out and try for himself if Alexander's stomach really was as strong as in his imagination. The few blurry memories coming back to him unfortunately didn't provide him any information. How Alexander looked further down, however, didn't need any visual proof. His hurting back was enough to tell him everything.

Alexander's hair still looked quite nice, despite a night with him. Victor was a bit surprised about that, as his former boyfriend often enough had been positively mussed, with a certain similarity to a crow's nest. At least something not having gone wrong completely, how Victor remarked for himself.

The blonde strands coming down to Alexander's nape and partly hanging into his face had a light reddish shimmer, still slightly damp, which Victor blamed on the night before. He bowed closer to watch Alexander's relaxed expression. Even with closed eyes, the blonde seemed to look up at him, those bright green eyes capturing him effortlessly. Deep green, like an emerald, but with much more fire and highly alive.

Victor slowly rose, just to notice he was stark naked. With a still bright red cheeks, he tiptoed to the bathroom, to splash his face with cold water. It chased off the tiredness still clinging to him, followed by an aspirin against the now thudding headache. Much better already, though it hadn't been exactly bad before, either.

As he waited for the pill to operate, Victor watched himself in the mirror. He looked tousled and confused, which pretty much complied with his inner state. No bruises, no cut lower lip, no hurting arm after having gotten it twisted a tad too much. All of that would have been sure signs for a long, painful night, but in this case, nothing. Except for the already fading pain in his lower back.

Rubbing his eyes drowsily, the red-head again stared back at his reflection. Why had Alexander come with him? Did the blonde have a certain liking for red-heads? Or was it the unusual combination of red hair and dark blue eyes, which had been the reasons for his ex to be together with him in the first place? Hesitating, Victor leaned against the wash basin, even forgetting he still was naked. However he looked at it, his and Alexander's meeting was a puzzle to him. How had it happened?

"Everything alright?" Once more, it was Alexander's voice pulling Victor out of his thoughts, as well as the reason for a blush taking over the red-head's face. He felt how the blonde wrapped his arms around his waist, face buried in the red hair. This closeness was so intense all of a sudden, it made his body react all on it's own. Quite obvious, and really embarrassing for the red-head.

Alexander only after some seconds realized what made Victor stiffen up. "I feel complimented." he chuckled teasingly, while his hand trailed down along Victor's stomach. "It's not funny!" Victor weakly protested. It merely took some well-placed touches, and he felt mesmerized. Not in a necessarily positive sense, however.

This time, it didn't need that long for the blonde to notice something wasn't quite alright. "Hey, it's okay..." Victor had started to shudder, not that far away from actually crying. He couldn't explain why he suddenly reacted this intensely to Alexander's presence. But there were no questions, just gentle sympathy. As if Alexander understood him perfectly well.

As Victor had calmed down, he suddenly felt sick. It hadn't even been a day since he had been left in the cold by his former boyfriend, and he already had someone to cope with this ugly event. Even if this already so strangely intimate closeness was pleasant, he couldn't quite respond to it. He couldn't rush and toss aside all the memories of his ex.

After quite some time, he gathered the courage to look up into the mirror. Alexander was standing close to him, eyes half-lidded, arms around his waist, a strange dreamy expression on his face. Victor, however, looked as if he had spent the whole night crying. Feeling awkward, he averted his eyes and leaned back against the strong body behind him. What before just had been a bit embarrassing, maybe a slightly unpleasant accident, almost had become a nasty misstep. What had he even been thinking, if he had been thinking at all at that moment?

Victor almost wanted to turn around and ask Alexander to leave, as he felt this slight stinging sensation in his chest. So he had slept with a stranger. After what he had gone through with his ex, he had deserved it. Even if it sounded unfair toward Alexander, it was the truth, or at least true enough for him.

While he still was fighting with his conscience, the blonde again was teasing him with small touches. A light brushing here, a small nibbling there... It was close to impossible to think in Alexander's presence, to grasp anything close to a thought. Victor almost whimpered as he tried to get a bit more freedom. It was close to impossible, mostly because he didn't really want to get away from the other. The way their bodies melted against each other felt so perfect, making him wish this moment would never end. But he was growing hungry, as his last meal had been quite early the day before.

Only with quite some willpower, Victor at least inwardly managed to pull himself together. They couldn't spend the whole day like that, as appealing as it sounded. He looked up at Alexander, who was fully awake again and returned the gaze questioningly. "We should at least have breakfast..." Victor lowly stated, feeling how the heat crept back into his face again. With a smile on his face, Alexander nodded, pecking the red-head's cheek lightly. "Breakfast sounds pretty good now."

After having gathered their clothes again, which had turned out to be surprisingly tricky, they were sitting at the kitchen table some minutes later. Alexander had downed two cups of coffee already, sipping on his third, while Victor preferred to take some water. Somehow, coffee didn't match with him after a drunk night. Whatever the reason was, coffee made him all hyper when he had a hangover. Just then, the most embarrassing things happened to him. Something he could gladly go without.

Hesitantly, he watched Alexander, how the blonde was lounging comfortably in the chair. His shirt still was missing, but at least, they had found his worn-out jeans. Even now, the blonde had something about him making Victor's mind go crazy. However he had managed to drag Alexander with him, he was grateful it had happened. The sting of conscience from earlier had gone, and honestly, why thinking about his ex any longer?

For the next minutes, there was silence, occasionally disturbed by the chiming of Alexander's spoon against the coffee mug. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, but actually a pleasant one. Victor asked himself if he should start a conversation, but he couldn't decide how he would have started it. He couldn't remember what and how much he had told Alexander, and honestly didn't want to bother him with the same again.

Though, when looking at the blonde... The red-head didn't know why, but Alexander seemed like he wasn't bothered too fast by anything. Thinking about the casual reaction when realizing Victor didn't remember anything from the night before, Alexander apparently already was used to quite something. However that could be explained.

With an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach, Victor leaned back further in his chair, to escape the subtle fragrance of aftershave. It wasn't unpleasant in any respect, but it distracted him too much right now. What if Alexander merely had made good use of his bad state and let himself drag into bed? After all, good-looking didn't mean a good character.

Alexander didn't notice the critical look casted at him. The blonde was occupied fully with his coffee, inhaling the scent deeply, as if he tried to inhale the black elixir's soul. Only as Victor almost dropped with his chair from tilting back too far, Alexander's attention was back on the red-head. "Careful, honey. You seem to be a bit unbalanced today. Or did something scare you?"

Victor narrowed his eyes slightly, and the blonde started laughing. It had been a bad flirting attempt, but the hearty laughter of the blonde made Victor snicker quite some. Whatever the reason had been Alexander had come with him in the first place, he was a nice guy. Maybe their first meeting hadn't been ideal, but they could work on it. Though, Victor wasn't sure if there was anything to work on. After all, he still didn't know if Alexander would leave again right away, maybe without them meeting again.

"Is there something bothering you?" Victor blinked up and over to Alexander, who was giving him this attentive look again. "No, there's nothing special." Victor muttered lowly, still with flushed cheeks, which only became worse as Alexander bowed closer and smiled at him. "I don't believe that. You looked like you were worried about something, or someone." Okay, so that had been a really bad attempt to evade the question, Victor knew that. Which seemed to mean, however, and that made the red-head shudder inwardly, that he would have to get serious now.

"It's just... you know..." Victor began hesitantly, still not sure if he should even start on that. It somehow ruined this whole aftermath mood. "I was this drunk yesterday, I can't even remember how I managed to wind up in bed with you, and quite long, as it seemed. Not to mention I'm not even sure if this here will be a unique thing, or if it will become something more serious. After all..." Again, Victor hesitated for quite some time, looking up into Alexander's eyes, swallowing thickly. Should he really have said that, and should he mention his fear? The fear of being took advantage of?

Alexander cocked his head to one side, looking lost in thoughts. "You mean to say that you are afraid, right? That you fear I just made use of your insecure state. That I sort of hauled you off." At this quite good description of his worries, Victor blushed, nodding slowly and looking down on the table top again. It was unbelievable how easily the other understood him, which was relieving on the one hand, but also quite tough on the other hand. Like this, he didn't have to say it himself, but at the same time, it gave him the feeling Alexander knew him much too well for a single night.

"Victor?" Once more, the red-head flinched at the sound of Alexander's voice, still having been all wrapped up in his worries and thoughts. "I... believe I need to tell you something." Now, Victor listened attentively, as the blonde suddenly had become unsure, almost shy in a way. "I have known you for some time already, though not really well. I mean, I watched you and your boyfriend." Something which seemed to be quite embarrassing for the blonde, and it made almost made Victor laugh.

"You mean you..." Alexander blushed heavily, while Victor really had to hold back to not burst in laughter. He might look sweet when blushing, but Alexander looked quite cute and helpless, too. The blonde's defenseless gaze became even more funny as Victor knew how self-confident the other male usually behaved. All of this made him burst, and only after quite some time, he could reign himself back into control, his stomach already hurting and his eyes teared up. "Sorry, but you just looked this lost... as if I had caught you playing a trick."

As Victor had calmed down again, a strange thought occurred to him. When seeing Alexander this helpless, then he at least could do something to cheer the blonde up again. Which would help coaxing the more self-assured side back out. As if nothing was happening at all, Victor pressed Alexander against the back rest of the chair as he slipped into the blonde's lap. It made the other male blush once more, but Victor didn't pay attention at that now.

"Well, so let's assume I wouldn't have had a boyfriend and had noticed you as you observed me, and you would have tried to get me to sleep with you, if necessary with a bit more force than last night... how would you have done that?" Alexander at first was puzzled and taken by surprise, but slowly, the other's self-confidence came back, as Victor observed with a smirk. It only took some more moments before Alexander's hands laid on the red-head's backside, with this nice strong grip and a more than obvious intention behind it.

The blonde fell silent as he thought about it. "At first, I would have talked to you, teased you a bit. Maybe my body already would have reacted to you, who knows?" Victor laughed lightly, shaking his head about Alexander's words. "Go on, more details. I want to know what I missed there." They looked at each other, lurking, almost challenging. So well, then Alexander had to become much more precise. Which appealed to him, honestly.

"If you would have evaded all of my tries to approach you, to flirt with you, then I quite possibly would have waited for the perfect opportunity. You must know, if I absolutely want to have something, such a gorgeous thing as you..." Alexander grinned, making Victor shudder. "I would have waited until you would have been all alone in a side alley, wasted from the long night in the bar, all helpless and staggering." The blonde stroke along Victor's thighs, to emphasize his words and to show who currently was in control.

The red-head cheekily grinned down at the other male, scooting around in the blonde's lap. "What would you do to me, then? When you got me cornered." A soft shuddering tingled along his spine as Alexander brushed further up. "Then I would stroke you with pleasure, just to show you that I possess you from now on." Somehow, the raspy voice had took on something almost sinisterly alluring, and Victor noticed he was reacting to it inevitably.

"As soon as you surrender to me, I blindfold you, making you believe I would defile you right away. But no, no, that's not my style, I merely toy with you a bit." Victor didn't even bother to point out Alexander was talking like it happened right at this moment, instead of just pretending it could have happened like that. The way the blonde looked at him, with this primal hunger gleaming in those green eyes, made him feel hot on the inside. Victor was unable to sit still, sliding around in the other's lap unintentionally.

The slightly taller male leaned forward, his lips brushing along Victor's neck. "Being so drunk, you are still all heavy, unable to move on your own. And of course, I'll abuse that to manipulate you at my will." Victor flinched as Alexander's fingers slowly crawled higher, as if he wanted to push up the non-existent shirt. "You will come with me, more or less voluntarily, and still blindfolded. At some point, you'll no longer know where you are. You're all lost, but you can't help it. You enjoy it far too much."

It became more and more difficult to keep himself under control with Alexander's low voice close to his ear. Victor was shuddering, just from imagining how they would have met, if Alexander's words had become truth. Having hated his brute of a boyfriend didn't mean that he was completely opposed to some strategically used force. Alexander had this manner... it was indescribable. Much too charming for any words.

For long minutes, none of them uttered a word, their mingling breaths being the only thing audible. Then, lowly, lurking in a way, Alexander went on. "I abduct you, take you to a foreign place. There, I already prepared everything to prove I'm meaning it. Your mind is still clouded, but you can feel that you're lying on something soft. Just as you want to take off the blindfold, I get a hold of your wrists, press them down on the mattress..." Victor shuddered once more as Alexander really grabbed his wrists, having a secure, yet gentle grip on them.

He shuddered as the blonde breathed against his skin. "Will you struggle against me, Victor?" he asked huskily, as if to challenge the red-head. "No, I won't." Victor managed to gasp before biting on his lower lip, not wanting to give away how much he had fallen under the blonde's control. It was a bit uncomfortable, with the memory of... He couldn't even think properly. Alexander had taken over his mind.

"So, if you are not struggling, then I'm going easier on you. Let's see..." Alexander smirked slightly, slily and forbidden sexy. "I will strip you down, slowly and pleasurably, until you're all naked and defenseless. But you still will have to bear with the blindfold, as well as with the uncertainty what might happen next." Alexander slowly licked along Victor's throat, showing how the stripping would feel.

Close to whimpering, the red-head squirmed in Alexander's grip, but was powerless against the much stronger blonde. A bit out of breath, Victor leaned against the strong chest, feeling that Alexander was at least as excited as him. "And what will you do with me then?" he asked lowly, curling up slightly and shuddering. "Then I'll show you my universe, something entirely different from anything you'd ever witness. I'll show you something you wouldn't even dare to dream of. You'll see that I'm much better than all the others, and if I wouldn't manage to do that, then I'll work on it until you return my feelings and forgive me all my little crimes towards you."

It took some time before they could calm themselves down again. Victor stared down on the six-pack, while Alexander toyed with the red-head's hair. "You would really do that with me? Drag me along and abuse me until I belong to you fully?" Victor intentionally had used a teasing tone, to not create an unnecessary misunderstanding. The blonde laughed lightly, stroking along Victor's back. All relaxed, and not like they had run into each other the day before.

"Well, if you want, then we could try out. But we do that an other time. My back is still giving me Hell." Now, Victor was petrified. If Alexander's back was hurting too, then that meant...? "Alex?" Victor slowly looked up, beet red and disbelieving. "Did we switch positions?" The blonde began laughing, which didn't help the massive blush in the red-head's face in the least. "Sure we switched. If I had had the whole work, it wouldn't have been such a good night." The smaller male managed a jiggly smile, before leaning against Alexander again. The next time he slept with the blonde, he would make sure he was completely sober.


Texte: Anna Knaus, a.k.a. Robin White
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.05.2012

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