
It was a slow day at the bank and Jennifer had been daydreaming throuhgout the afternoon, but as the young boy entered the bank, she could not help but to think that the little boy looked just like her son. He had light brown hair that barely made it over his ears and stood about four foot tall. It could not be Chase though because he should just be getting home from school and there is no way for him to get to the bank. The closer he got to her, the clearer it became to her that it was Chase. That was the same outfit that she had ironed for him to wear to school just a few hours earlier. Chase did not speak as he got to her teller window, but if the look on his face did not give it away, the note he handed her sure did. The note read:


Mom, I need 250,000 dollars in 100 dollar bills. That is 2500 one hundred


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.01.2010
ISBN: 978-3-7309-0435-0

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