
-Ray, what’s up.
-How are you doing today?
-Yeah, I’m alright. What’s up, then?
-Nothing, I’m just seeing how you’re doing.
-You sound odd.
-How so?
-Bro, is something up?
And Ray hung up the phone.

-Hey ,Dad.
-Hold on a minute Ray.
-Alright, just come and get me after the phone call.
-Love you.
And Ray left his father.

-What’s up sugar lumps?
-If I left right now, what would you do?
-I’m sorry, what?
-Would you come with me or stay here with the cats and cat shit?
-What would you do?
-I don’t know, Ray.
-Really? Because you’ve asked this of me before, and when I said I wouldn’t follow you, you tossed the good china at the TV. You broke dishes over this, and now you wouldn’t come with me?
-Good God, Ray, slow down.
-No. The car is packed. Are you coming?
-I’m sorry, what?
And Ray drove away.

-Hi. You want a room?
-Yes please.
-It’s eighty-eight a night, free breakfast, just sign here and lemme get the money.
-Of course. Beautiful place you got here.
-Have a good night.
And Ray fell on his pillow and cried.

-Ray! Is that you!
-Yeah, Mom, it’s Ray.
-Oh my God, Ray, where have you been! It’s been an entire week, you, you have no idea what has been going on at home, Ray, you have no idea! Ray, where are you?
-I love you Mom.
-Ray, please, you’re scaring me, where are you.
And Ray never responded.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.02.2011

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