
The BookRix Newcomer

Oh. I never knew such a vacant face would make me swoon
or want to race.
His eyes so kind, his nose so hooked,
I think I must say, it's Captain Book!

From the depths of the trees this Captain comes,
hooting and squawking
for more books to come. In his home
there were books made of
leaves and bark,
but now all he sees is
leather and glue and parchment.

But Captain Book is a courageous one alright,
and will venture to read the books that come from outside
his parts.
Though it may be a slow process,
it will be done!
Just don't remind him,
it's a million
to O



Texte: K.D.
Bildmaterialien: K.D.
Lektorat: K.D.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.10.2012

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