
Chapter 1 Introduction


Computerized Maintenance Management Systems have evolved over the last three decades from elementary asset tracking and preventive maintenance functionality to enterprise maintenance information systems. A CMMS makes it possible to generate real-time accurate reports about the performance of organization. With the help of CMMS, it become easy to predict which assets will require preventive maintenance improving the business of the organization while reducing costs and increasing profits. CMMS enables to structure work orders efficiently without losing time on excessive paper work and administration. It makes sure that all tasks are in order so that organizations focus on doing the job. This makes the management of organization a lot easier. Through work order schedules, inventory forecasts and other valuable reports to get immediate insights into maintenance needs. This information allows to making better and faster decisions for business giving instant solutions based on real-time data.

Definition of maintenance is “the group of all administrative, technical and managerial actions during the life cycle of item intended to restore it to a state in which it perform the function’’ [16].  Meaning of maintenance includes all activities related to maintain a certain level of availability and reliability of the system [1]. It also includes engineering decisions and actions that are necessary for optimization of equipment capability. Capability is the ability to perform specified function within a range of performance level which relates to capacity, rate, quality, safety and responsiveness [12].

Maintenance is classified into two categories:

  1. Preventive maintenance is intended to reduce the chances of failure and is carried out at predetermined intervals.
  2. Corrective maintenance is undertaken after failure has been allocated [16].



In recent years increasing concentration in maintenance with in business sector. As a result of continued pressure on manufacturing organizations to meet customers and corporate demands, as well as improvement in performance and availability of equipments. Therefore, maintenance has become to manufacturing organizations [17]. Maintenance has important role in organizations to help for achieving their goals and make sure the equipments operate efficiently and effectively [2].

Previous studies reported that account of maintenance between 15%-70% of the total production cost [5]. In organizations maintenances related cost estimated to 25% of overall costs [11]. Due to bad planning, over time and poor preventive maintenance there is 30% of costs are related to unnecessary expenditures. It is important that strategic management and development of maintenance considered [2].

The research established most employees who understand policies and concepts of maintenance. Increasing the in-house maintenance observed with improved all equipment effectiveness. There is also noticed that improvement in spares availability. The study noticed that modifications of equipment was still lacking in most companies. Most persons of maintenance had no access to the CMMS. It impacts negative on their maintenance planning and control. The study of CMMS recommends that employees of design background must be attached with maintenance teams. Maintenance employees of organizations must be trained on computerized maintenance management system.

Overall a good CMMS optimizes maintenance practices by introducing features that save time while reducing costs. A well-managed maintenance process and access to accurate data in the decision making leads to improved asset reliability and higher productivity.

Chapter 2 Literature Review


Demand increasing on quality, productivity and availability machines becomes costlier and complex. Process of developing and implementing maintenance program is difficult. As it suffers from lack of consistent and systematic methodology. The reason is that all organizations are not similar. All organizations follow their own methodology of dealing with maintenance problems. Different maintenance consultants have proposed different best practices which implement in their client’s organization. They claim that such proposed practices constitute world-class maintenance system [13].

Today’s world economy with awful competition to obtain and maintain the competitive torrent to quality and productivity, a key factor is neglected. Planning and management of productive maintenance activities in industrial organizations are rarely given attention. Many solutions are unveiled such as future automated factory, zero inventories and integrated manufacturing system. These solutions cannot be successful without highly authentic machines and equipments [14].

Two issues about computer aided maintenance are:

First is basic knowledge including both theories and methodologies required for maintenance engineers to perform their work effectively. At modern factories revolutionary advances in information telecommunication and computing technologies forced the need for new approaches in design process, management of materials, human resources and technologies.

Second issue is to understand the implementation of right maintenance techniques and tools to solve the problems in short time in order to successful guarantee [10].

This research aims in evaluative a computerized program for evaluating maintenance system’s so that performance level of maintenance can be well evaluated. In the age of minimal inventories and highly automated complex machinery, automated maintenance system (AMS) is required for truly accomplish the goals of computer-aided manufacturing and computer integrated manufacturing. Automated and maintenance planning and diagnostic system can provide a rapid planning and scheduling for changing system conditions [18].

 A survey was conducted to describe the condition of the maintenance system and maintenance management system in KIMIA Company which is petrochemical subsidiaries in Iran. He prepares a questionnaire for this purpose. Questionnaire contains 20 questions in three different categories that are managerial, technical and human resources. This questionnaire is based on standards, literature review, expert’s opinion and company’s methods of maintenance and its management performance. Each question is scored from 1 to 5 digits. 1 is the lowest score and 5 are the highest score for each question. These questionnaires are distributed between 50 persons who involved in the maintenance system of company. These persons are chosen from maintenance supervision department, contractors and top managers of company. After filling all questionnaires, the reliability is measured by means of Cronbach’s alpha by SPSS software. The reliability measured is 0.83. Due to this method reliability of the questionnaire is approved. Average score for managerial aspect is 2.9, technical aspect is 2.66 and HR aspect is 2.62 out of 5. This score shows that status of management system in KIMIA Company in its entire context is more than 53.2% that seems not to be bad. According to this questionnaire he found improvement of the existing maintenance system of KIMIA Company [7].




Table shows Questionnaire form:












How do you evaluate the quality and the quantity of the KIMIA co.’s maintenance objectives from the “to be well defined, to be realistic and to be reachable’’ point of view?







How do you evaluate the proportion of the maintenance strategy in order to meet the KIMIA Co.’s maintenance objectives?







How do you evaluate the accordance of the maintenance strategy with the strategy of KIMIA Co?







How do you evaluate the using quality of the maintenance ratio in order to assess the maintenance performance?







How do you evaluate the out sourcing for maintenance in KIMIA Co?







How do you evaluate the performance of spare part supply chain system?







How do you evaluate the strategic management for spare part?







How do you evaluate the performance of maintenance contractor?







How do you evaluate the performance of the spare parts supply chain contractor?







How do you evaluate the idea of choosing the MC as spare part supply chain contractor and maintenance contractor?







How do you evaluate the performance of maintenance organizational structure?








How do you evaluate the quality and the quantity of the ratio and index in the KIMIA Co’s maintenance?







How do you evaluate using of the failure analysis methods in the KIMIA Co?







How do you evaluate the performance of PM in KIMIA Co?







How do you evaluate the performance of CM in KIMIA Co?







How do you evaluate the performance of CMMS in KIMIA Co?







Resources (HR)


How do you evaluate the performance of the training in the KIMIA co.’s maintenance organization?







How do you evaluate the using of tools & document by means of maintenance staff?







How do you evaluate the time and work condition for maintenance staff?







How do you evaluate the role of appraisal form for the staff of maintenance contractor?







Ref: [7]

The diagnosis of maintenance activities usually categorizes a given maintenance by scoring its activities more often on a scale of one to four. Higher the rank scores for a factor, greater the importance of the other categories. This is usually done with the goals of

  • Labor usage capacity improvement.
  • Sudden breakdown reduction.
  • Improvement in maintenance scheduling.
  • Improvement of preventive maintenance program.

Users have choice to eliminate some of the factors, add new factors, change, add or delete pointers in a given factor [6].

Maintenance strategy is defined as “the management method used in order to obtain the maintenance purpose’’ [9]. The content in the maintenance strategy is a mixture of techniques and policies which depends on factors such as the nature of plant, goals of the maintenance and work environment [4].

TPM consists three words which are

Total: - feature to consider every aspect and involve all from top to bottom.

Productive: - force on try to do while production goes on and minimize troubles for production.

Maintenance: - equipment upkeep autonomously by operators in good condition repair [3].

Total productive maintenance (TPM) is designed for improving efficiency by install a comprehensive productive maintenance system. This system covers the whole life of equipment. Span all related fields of equipment. With the participation of all employees from top to bottom to promote productive maintenance through management [1].



TPM improves dimension of quality, delivery and cost. It is a strong contributor to the strength of organization. It seeks to develop maintenance practices by means of measurement, training, planning and involvement of employees [2].

RCM is defined as “a process used to determine what must be done to ensure that any physical asset continues to do what its user wants it to do in its present operating context’’. A failure of one component may stop a whole plant [16].

RCM is a systematic approach to understanding the function of manufacturing system. The failure mode of its component and choose the optimum course of action that would prevent the failure mode to detect them before occurring [8]. RCM is a process used to determine the maintenance requirements of physical assets [3].




Chapter 3 Design of Study




Based on the literature review, the need of the present study arises to study CMMS because very limited work has been


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.09.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-5885-3

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