
The Way

The Way

The way you laugh,

The way you smile,

The way you take my hand,

The way you push your hair behind your ear,

The way make me laugh,

The way you can handle anything,

The way you make me laugh,

The way you can make jokes about the smallest things,

The way you like me,

The way you mess with my hair,

The way you take my hand,

The way you make me smile,

The way you make me love you,

The way you say the sweetest things,

The way you can walk through anything,

The way you love me,

The way you make me blush,

The way you make me laugh,

The way you wrap your hand around my waist,

The way you can make everything change with just one touch,

The way you say that you love me,

The way you make me smile even whenever Im down,

The way you ask me questions whenever you notice something off,

The way you make me feel like the only girl in the world,

The way you look at me,

The way you lean on me,

The way you make me fall for you every time I see you,

The way you can make me love you and love you over and over again every time I see you,

The way you do what you do and the way you change but at the same time you don't change,

Are the ways in which I fall for you— I fall over heads over hills for you— the ways I fall in love with you are the ways of life, of yours and mine as one.


I love

I love

I love the way you laugh,

I love the way you smile,

I love the way you flip your hair,

I love the way you say that Im beautiful,

I love the way your eyes sparkle,

I love the way you make me smile,

I love the way talk,

I love the way you can make everything go right with just one touch,

I love the way that you can make me smile whenever I’m down,

I love the way you love me,

I love the way you make jokes about the stupidest things,

I love the way you trust me,

I love the way you take my hand,

I love the way you take my hand and don't let go,

I love everything about you,

I love you more then anything in the world and that wont change for anything in the world,

I love you and you only,

I love the way you can take my hand and walk me through hell, and through heaven, and through everything that is imaginable,

I love the way you love me,

I love all of you,

I love only you,

I love you, and you only,

I love all of you, earthing about you, and I hope you feel the same.


The Reason.

The Reason.

The Reason I smile,

The reason I laugh,

The reason I care,

The reason I love,

The reason I take your hand and don't let go,

The reason I stay around you,

The reason my bad days are behind me,

The reason I wanna live,

The reason I live in the future,

The reason the past is the past,

The reason the good days are the only thing I remember,

The reason I only remember the good days and not the bad ones,

The reason I love,

I love you and I have many reasons.



My Angle.

My Angle.

My dear angle,

You laugh a sweet laugh,

You smile a sweet smile,

Your sweet,

Your pretty,

Your funny,

Your cute,

Your kind,

Your the jealous type,

Your loving,

Your beautiful,

Your unique,

Your humors,

Your enthusiastic,

Your committed,

Your may belong to me but you may belong to someone else,

Just know that you’ll always be my Angle.


Your Love.

Your Love.

Your love is all I need.

Your love is like sugar to my tea,

Your love is like cream to my coffee,

Your smile is like the sun to my sky,

Your smile is like the stars to my night sky,

Your laugh is like the angle in my dreams,

Your laugh is like my life,

Your voice is the angel thats looking out for me,

Your voice is the angle thats there by my side,

Your my everything,

Your life is the world I live on,

Your my love an my everting in the world in which I live on,

Your my everything, and your the air I breath,

Your my love and only my love.


Her Love.

Her Love.

Her love is the sun shinning down on me,

Her sorrow is my sorrow,

Her happiness is my happiness,

Her pain is my pain,

Her laugh is my sun,

Her voice is my angle,

Her kindness is my kindness,

Her humor is my humor,

Her smile is my sky,

Her anger is my anger,

Her life is my life,

Her greatness is my greatness,

Her sadness is my sadness,

Her sweetness is my flowers,

Her beauty is my cloud of happiness,

Her love is my love.




Friendship is the beginning of love,

Friendship starts as strangers,

Friendship moves onto friends,

Friendship then moves onto best friends,

Friendship then goes to in love,

Friendship then goes to love itself,

Friendship then moves to marriage,

Friendship is in everyones life,

Friendship is everything,

Friendship is everywhere,





Is kind,

Is loving,

Is known around,

Is everything,

Isn;t proud,

Isn't mean,

Isn't rude,

Isn't easily activated,

It never fails,

It never caves,

It never goes away,

It shows the truth of the truth,

It gives hope,

It gives kindness,

It gives trust,

It gives everything,

It has feeling,

It has no exact meaning,

It has no record of wrongs,

It is always there,

Its buried deep deep down,

Its forgiving,

It doesn't like evil,

It has pain but great happiness,

It never fails.


The Great Love.

The Great Love.

Whenever I say I love you,

please believe me whenever I say it.

Whenever I say that its forever,

know that I wont ever leave you.

Whenever I take you hand,

please know that I wont ever let you go.

Whenever I put my arms around you,

know that I wont let go of you.

Whenever I say goodbye,

promise me you wont cry.

Whenever you cry,

please know that I’ll be your shoulder to lean on.

Whenever I say goodbye,

please do not cry.

Whenever I say goodbye,

please know that’ll be the day I die.

Whenever I die,

please know that’ll I be watching over you.




What is Death?

You die,

Get buried in a grave,

Funeral happens,

Loved ones cry and cry,

Then your forgotten,

You go to heaven or hell,

For if you move to hell beware for there lays your worst nightmare,

For if you go to heaven a great place that is,

For if you go to heaven your wildest and happiest dreams shall come true,

For when you go to heaven you shall and will watch over you loved ones,

For if you go to heaven please be kind,

For whenever you meet the God be kind and true for he shall determine your faith within you,

For God is watching you so beware and watch out for if you go to Heaven you shall continue to live on,

For when you go to heaven don’t give up hope,

For heaven is where God lays and for he shall not burden over you,

For He shall be kind and true,

For when you die you shall continue living,

For when you die beware and don’t you dare meet the Devil,

For the Devil if a fellow how shall not be reckoned with,

For the Devil is a fellow how shall make you wish you were truly dead,

For the Devil is not a kind of fellow how is kind an true,

For the devil is a fellow how is ruth and mean,

For the Devil shall punish you for all your sins and you shall suffer the worst kind of suffer for no one— not even God himself will be your savior,

For the devil is a fellow who was sent away for he shall have the shame and the ruthlessness inside of him,

For the Devil is a fellow how will make you cry,

For the Devil is your worst nightmare,

So beware for when you die,

For whenever you shall die watch out and don't cry,

For if you end up in Heaven God shall be true to you and kind and he shall understand about how you lived and how you died,

For if you end up in Hell the Devil shall not be as kind— he shall be mean and he shall show you your worst dreams ever—he shall not be as kind as you think he shall punish you for he is that kind of fellow,

For beware whenever you die.




You may not love me,

You may not care,

But you know I shall be there if you ever need me,

You know that I’ll be there,

Your love may all be taken,

Your heart may not be free,

But when you heart is broken,

You can always lean on me.


Best Friends

Best Friends

You might love me,

You might hate me,

You might care for me,

You might not care at all for me,

Your my best friend,

We are best friends or are we not,

You may not love me,

You might have no love left,

You might have all your love stolen away,

Your heart itself may not be free to feel,

Your heart itself might be all stolen,

But if you heart shall ever become broken,

Please just know I’ll be there for you to lean on,

Your heart is broken,

Your sad and broken,

Just know,

You can always lean on me.

Always lean on me!


The Way.

The Way.

The way your hair blows through the air,

The way you laugh,

The way you smile,

The way you blush,

The way you brush away your hair,

The way you joke around,

The way the water trickles down your face as it rains,

The way you love me,

The way you hug me,

The way you grab me,

The way you take my hand,

The way you make me laugh,

The way you make me smile,

The way you make me blush,

The way you blush my hair out of my face,

The way you make me fall for you every time I see you,

The way you make me take your hand,

The way you love me and the way I love you.


You have no ideal

You have no idea how much I care for you,
For you don't feel the same,
I ask myself why I go on with this little game we play,
Later I realize my feeling control me,
They make it to were I don't leave,
They make it where I stay,
I want to leave,
Leave forever and don't return to you,
But I'm scared of hurting your feelings,
That is if in fact you have any feelings for me,
I believe you care,
I believe you love,
I believe all the words you say to me,
But are they true,
Do you love?
Do you care?
Do you mean what you say?
Whenever you say "I love you" do you mean it?
Do you truly love me?
Do you truly care?
Do you truly mean all the words you've ever said to me?
Do you mean anything you speak of?
Or do you just say that stuff to bring up my hopes?
Is this all a game to you!?
Am I nothing to you?
I'm tired of you playing with my feelings so let this be bye,
I don't want to leave,
I want to stay.
But I'm not sure on what to say.
I want to believe you care,
I want to believe you love me,
I want to believe that you truly care for me.
But deep down i know its all a lie,
I know you have no love for me,
I know you don't love me,
And I know that you know it too.
Why do we play this game?
Oh yes I love you, you love me,
But is that true?
Is this all a game to you?
Or do you mean what you say?
Do you mean it whenever you say you love me?
Or is that just a game?
I love you too is all i want to say,
Just say it one more time but i know if i do then this game we play will Start over all again.
So I must say goodbye,
I cant deal with this no more.
I cant stand knowing you don't care.
So let this be goodbye,
Let this come to an end.
Let the words Game Over come onto the screen.
This is the end.
This is Game Over for us.
Goodbye love,
I must be leaving now.
This is Game Over.

I love you

I say I love you,
But do you care,
You say it back to me,
But you never speak it first,
I’m the one to say “I love you,”
Your the one to say it afterwards,
I’m always the one to say it before you,
You never say it first,
I think you care,
I think you love,
I think you have some feelings for me,
But truth be told,
I think you don't love me,
I think you don't care,
I think you have no feelings for me whatsoever,
You say you “love me,”
But is it true?
Do you care?
Do you love?
Do you mean the words you’ve ever said to me?
Is this all a game to you!?
Are you doing this to mess with me?
Is this a way to make me cry?
I don't know anymore,
I believe you care,
I believe you love me,
I believe that you mean all the words you've ever said to me,
But deep down,
In my heart,
I know you don't care,
I know you don't love,
Why do I go on with this little game we play?
Maybe my feelings are getting the best of me,
I want to leave,
I don’t want to stay,
But I don't want to hurt you,
But I don't want to say,
I don’t know what to do,
I must be going now,
Let Game Over appear on the screen,
Let this be the end,
Let this be Goodbye,
Its time to go,
This is Game Over for us,
The little game we play has come to an end,
Goodbye forvever,
Game Over.


Is there a such thing as love?
I have felt love for someone dear,
I believe they feel the same way,
I believe they care,
I believe they love me as much as I love them,
I think they do,
But do they?
Do I mean the world to them?
Do they love me?
Do they care?
Do they mean everything they’ve ever said?
Do they love me?
Is this a game?
Is this all fake?
Is this “thing” we have nothing?
Do I mean nothing to you?
Do you truly care about me?
Do you truly love me?
Do you?
Is this all a game to you?
Is it!?
Is it a game?
Why, oh why cant I leave you?
Why, oh why do I care so much?
I love you,
But you don't feel the same,
I must be going now,
I’m tired of this game were playing,
I cant take this pain anymore,
I need to move on,
I need to forget,
I need to take my love and leave you,
Never to return,
Goodbye my love,
I shall miss you so dear,
But this is bye,
Goodbye forever.

Death, whats is it?

What is death?
If I were to die,
Would I be missed?
Probably not,
I love the life I live,
Is that what you want me to say?
There are parts,
Part in my life in which I cherish,
There are parts,
Parts in my life in which I wish would leave,
I love the life I have,
But there are some parts in which I hate,
I would end my life,
I would die just to get away,
But is that the right way?
I don’t know anymore,
I want to leave,
But I want to stay,
I don’t know what to do,
Should I stay?
Should I go?
Those are the questions in which I ask myself every day,
I debate with myself,
Argue with myself,
If I should die,
Or if I should stay living,
I don’t want to stay,
But I don’t want to go,
I’m fighting with myself on what to do,
If only someone out there cared,
Would they care if I died?
Would they cry?
Would they miss me?
I want to leave,
I want to die,
To never breath again,
To breath a final breath,
To no longer live,
To no longer care,
But should I leave?
Or should I stay?
I think I should go,
I’ll be watching over you,
I’ll be watching over the ones I love,

I miss you

I miss you embrace,
that made me feel safe,
I miss your smile,
that helped me through the day,
I miss your laugh,
that took me miles,
I miss your voice,
that sounded of an angles,
I miss everything about you,
you were my everything,
I miss the talks we had,
of anything of random,
I miss our hugs,
the ones we shared whenever we went our separate ways,
I think about you day and night,
your always on my mind,
Sometimes I dream of you,
I dream of your embrace,
I dream of your smile,
I dream of your laugh,
I dream of your voice,
But my dreams aren’t victorious,
they don’t match up with reality,
Everything in my dreams don’t match up to you in reality,
its not as realistic,
I miss you so much,
I cant wait to see you again,
I miss everything about you,
I miss how cute you look whenever your mad,
or whenever your annoyed,
I miss how your hair blows though the wind,
I miss how you still that breathtaking smile,
I miss your laugh that always cause me to smile,
I miss your embrace that I’ve learned to love,
I miss holding your hand that fit perfectly in mine like a missing puzzle piece,
I miss the way you’d play around with me,
you’d poke my sides while walking in the halls,
you’d bump into my shoulder laughing and playing around with me,
I’d play around with you too,
I’d poke your sides playing around with you,
I’d bump shoulders with you but grab your arm cause I know how clumsy you are,
I’d be walking on one side of you then I’d switch side just to annoy you which just made me smile at you,
I’d sneak up on you scaring you,
I miss those times,
the times we played around in the halls,
the times we held hands without caring who saw,
the times we’d hug whenever going separate ways,
the times we laughed, and smiled at one another,
I miss the good times we had,
I miss you and i cant wait to see you again.


Texte: moray kernal
Bildmaterialien: moray kernal
Lektorat: moray kernal
Übersetzung: moray kernal
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.02.2016

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

these poem have feeling behind them and i wasn't thinking whenever writing them so I apologize ahead of time.

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