
Chapter 1 (Jay C)

Nic was the kind of girl you dreamed about. As she lay on top of me with her long, curly mane brushing my face, I couldn’t help but stare into those pretty gray eyes. She kisses my lips with those plump, pink lips and I get so weak. She caresses my neck and allows her tongue to trace where her fingers has just been. Just one look from her gets me soaked so you could only imagine how wet I was right now. I was so hot and horny that moaned just from her lips touching mine. Eyes closed, I got ready to feel her lips traveling down my body but I felt her getting off of me. I opened my eyes to see her putting on her shirt. She was sitting on the edge of the bed and was ready to get up when I grabbed her waist to restrain her. She turned around and pushed my hands over my head to hold me down. Mmm, I love how strong she is. Kissing my neck and making her way down to my navel, she dipped her tongue in to tease me then proceeded to my thighs. Running her tongue up and down my thighs, she suddenly stopped and stared deep into my eyes. As if she digging into my soul. Then the love I saw in her eyes turned into lust, telling me that it was about to go down. Her eyes were sending me unspoken messages and it made me hotter by the second.

I pushed her head closer to my “lovebox”. Again she kissed and licked my thighs. After about five minutes she had left multiple passion marks on my inner thighs. I had, had enough and I was in dire need of an orgasm. I begged and pleaded for her to finish what she had started but she just got up and walked to the bathroom.

I couldn’t help but to stare at her small frame; she was perfect in my eyes. Nic was short and petite and her sandy brown, curly hair hinted that she was mixed. Her curves reminded you that she was a beautiful woman despite her apparent masculinity. Her face was perfect with deep dimples and tiny, light brown freckles adorned her t-zone. Her face was a work of art, her lips were sexier than Angelina Jolie’s and her eyes were exotic and changed colors with each emotion she felt.

When I saw her naked for the first time, I was pissed that she would want to hide such a perfect figure. Her ass wasn’t big but it was round and sat up just right, like she lived in the gym doing squats. Her breast were a 36C but they were also very round and perky; which made them perfect to me. She had a flat stomach and her waist was almost nonexistent. Nic was truly every man/woman’s dream, as I stated before. She reminded me of this all the time but I couldn’t find it in myself to leave my wife and kids.


Chapter 2 (Nic)

Jay C thought she could have her cake and eat it too. I hated to leave her sexy ass all wet and horny but I needed to teach her a lesson. I knew she was married when we starting dating again but I also knew she was in it because her mom and her wife’s mom arranged their marriage. There was  no way I was letting the love of my life get away over the sham of a marriage she shared with Desire. She honestly doesn't have shit on me and I knew for a fact that she didn't compare to me in the bedroom nor was she competition for Jay C's love. Jay C and I love eachother and there was no one in this world that could stand in the way of that for long not even her wife. And again she was letting her come between us. I was standing in the shower pondering what else could I do to make myself clear. This day was were I drew the the line and it was time for some tough love to show her I meant what I said; It's her or me.

She walked into the bathroom and hopped in the shower with me. Her body was amazing. Her shape was a perfect coca cola bottle because her ass, hips and titties were huge and her waist was the complete opposite. You would never know she had carried and bore a child, let alone two. Her smooth light brown skin glistened under the rain water showerhead pouring on top us, as she attempted to help me wash my back. I politely moved her hands, rinsed off and stepped out of the shower. As I waited for her to finish showering, I thought about all the shit I had planned that would soon unfold. I already had a lot on my mind and now I was feeling some type of way that she had broken her promise to stay the night. As usual, she had to rush to her wife’s side.

I hated this girl just for the sole purpose of her having the one thing that made my life complete, my girl and the kids that were supposed to be mine. Jay C knew that I loved her more than anything and was willing to give her the world if she herslef. She had it all, the total package and anyone male and female would die to give her exactly what I’m offering her. My baby had this beautiful smile, all white, with these mesmerizing, dark brown eyes that I would get lost in for hours.

If only she was my wife, had both of my kids and owned that big house around the corner with the little white yorky poodle and “her’s and her’s” BMWs. As opened the door to show her the way out, I texted one of my “temps” to fill her space for the night. She knew that I hated to sleep alone but she still was leaving. So I wasn't going to suffer because of Desire's need to feel important. Tonight I was gonna fuck the shit out of my side bitch to get out this pinned up anger and sexual frustration.

Chpetr 3 (Jay C)

I couldn’t believe that she was acting like this. Putting me out of her house? I get she's mad but that was going a little too far. As I left I was able  to sneak a peak at the text she was sending to “Side Bitch #1”. I was so infuriated but what could I do? I broke the promise and I was the married one. I rushed home to see what surprise my wife, Desire, had in store for me. She wasn’t a bad person, we just weren’t compatible. She went out of her way to make me love her but Nic has always had my heart. Its been that way since we were kids, I believe we're soulmates and although I've tried, not even time can change that.

Now don’t get me wrong Desire wasn’t at all unattractive, she was a gorgeous woman. YaYa was a darker version of Tae Heckard from the curly, natural hair to her beautiful brown skin to her short, thick frame. I loved her body and I thought she was gorgeous but I just wasn’t in love with her. That hindered our relationship because she actually fell in love with me. Our relationship was suppose to just be two best friends acting as a couple to make our parents happy.

The only reason we even got married is because our mothers caught us kissing in the closet in the ninth grade. What started as an experiment for her had turned into a relationship. I had always been gay but she wanted to try at least kissing . We were best friends but when our mothers found out they weren’t even mad. They didn’t punish us like “normal” parents did. My mother had hoped that we would be best friends growing up like her and Tina (Desire’s mom) but she assumed after the kiss, that we were more than that. She encouraged us to be together and hoped for us to get married. Desire dealt with a lot of disapproval from her mom. She hated the guys she dated, her friends and her father. She even rejected her by not telling her she loved her and she never listened to how she was feeling.

In reality, she was the product of a love affair that ended in her mother’s heart break because her mother's lover decided to stay with his wife. He had fed her lies saying that he was going to let his wife and marry her. Tina was naive and actually believed him. She decided to speed up the process by trapping him, thats how Desire came along. Unbeknowst to Tina, that was no way to make a man stay or leave his wife. Fact is, if he was going to leave her, he would've filled for divorce long before he and Tina's 5 year anniversary. So when she brought him a pregnancy test on a silver platter dressed in a sexy red dress, he laughed in her face saying "What a coincidence?" He then broke the news that they wouldn't be seeing eachother anymore becasue his wife, too, was pregnant. She despised him for lying to her and hated her beautiful baby girl from the day she was born, naming her Desire because she "felt the desire to kill her father". Desire knew why her mother never gave her the love and affection the every little girl deserves but she still fought for her mother’s love.

Which brings me back to why we’re in this situation. Her mother finally accepted something she was doing in her life. She actually wanted her to do it so YaYa ran with it. Desire and I didn’t have anything in common but she needed a mother’s love. We charaded around like we were the perfect couple but I was secretly dating Nic, still and she dated various boys and girls though out high school.All the lying was starting to take a toll on me, although I was 17, I was about graduate. I lwanted to live my life for me and after graduation, Nic wanted an open relationship and to get engaged. My mom kicked me out when I came clean and told her I wanted to be with Nic. She agreed to let me come back if I promised to marry Desire. There was no doubt the she wanted to get married to make her mom happy.

My mom took me to buy a 20K gold diamond ring for Desire. Within a week of me being back home, Yaya and I were engaged. Yaya decided that she would allow me to continue secretly dating Nic until we got married. This worked out perfectly until one day, my mom caught Nic in my apartment half-naked. Mom didn’t speak to me for a week and I respect my mom so I had to cut Nic off. I wasn’t myself after that and I honestly doubted that I would ever be the same without her.

I could have easily ended things when we all went off to college since I was turning 18 in two months and I could stay in the dorms until I got my own place. So there would have been no reason to care about the disapproval and threats I'd get from my mom to take the luxuries she was providing with me away. I had money saved up from a lot my allowances over the years. Mom was paying for my schooling and she still thought I needed her to do it for me. I let her pay because wanted to not because I needed her to. Just when I was about to call the whole thng off, Tina called Desire while we were at lunch and said she was coming to visit us before the wedding to help plan. That was the most she'd ever done for Desire besides give her the necessary things she needed in life. I could visibly she see that Desire was happy although she tried to hide it for my sake. At the moment I realized that I couldn't possibly take her happiness away. So I let my chance at true love and happiness go for my best freind, though I never got over Nic, my one true love.

We had quick conversations on the phone about how we missed each other, how we wished we could be together and Yaya’s decision to have a baby with me. I told her everything about the pregnancy, even the names of the fertility doctor and my primary physician. She said she wanted to be a part of the Navaeh’s life even though Yaya would be signing the birth certificate. I didn’t see her until after I passed the bar exam though, the week before my artificial insemination with Desire. The next time I saw her was when we showed up to the hospital so and Nic was filling in for our OB/GYN. Dr. Cary couldn’t make it because Naveah came two weeks early and she was on vacation.

Nic slipped me her card with all her contacts and address on the back. She lived right around the corner from us and had the gorgeous house on the corner that everybody wished was theirs. She knew what she was doing but didn’t make an attempt to see me until now. Months after I had my first daughter Naveah, I took Vaeh to her house to see her. She played with her and Vaeh so worn out and fell asleep right on Nic’s chest. She was so comfortable around Nic, she usually only went to me, my mom and sometimes Yaya. My daughter was very particular about who she let pick her up and for some reason loved Nic.

When Nic put Vaeh down for a nap, I excused myself to the restroom. She came in behind me and kissed me like today was her last day on Earth. It felt as if time had stopped and we forgot where we were. It was as if we had never stopped talking. I realized where we were once she finger-fucked me on the sink until I came (which was only two minutes). I had missed her: her kisses, her touch, her smell, her essence… just being with her. It took a minute for me to recollect myself. I heard my daughter snoring on the baby monitor next to me and I realized what I had done. It only took ten minutes after being alone with her for me to cheat on my wife.

Desire had actually been trying to be the woman I needed because she knew I wasn’t the same without Nic. But we both knew she would never fill the void Nic left in my heart. I felt that she actually fell in love with me during all that pretending for our parents. I was the one that never tried because Nic owned my heart, my mind and did my body like no one else could. I felt as if Nic was my soulmate but I stayed out of sympathy for Yaya’s situation and for my beautiful baby girls. After I gave birth to our oldest daughter, Nevaeh, I had vowed to try and stick it out with Yaya. At that moment, one encounter with Nic made me forget all the promises I had made to Desire and myself. I tried to let her go after that but her mom had gotten sick and died so I had to be there for her. Her mother’s dying wish was for us to be together. That’s how this love affair started again and I got let in on Nic's plans. Althought I was in on the plans, Desire was still my best friend and we still had a family that i needed to be there for. With that being said, I wiped my tears and headed home.

I got home and Desire had a full course, candle lit meal prepared. She had the whole nine yards and the girls were dropped off at my mom’s for the night. I was looking forward to seeing my two and one year old princesses.

Chapter 4 (Desire)

My wife was late but I was happy she had decided to leave Nic tonight and be with her family, minus two. I may have led her to believe that we would be spending time with the girls so she would feel obligated to come home. Now I know what you're thinking. Yes, I know she's  cheating and who she's doing it with. I know that I shouldn't be letting my wife go out and fuck someone else whenever she feels like it, and I dont. She does it when I let her. Nic and Jay C's whereabouts were always reported to me. When I'm feeling generous or when Jay C got cranky I would cancel plans for family time or skip nagging her for the day so she go have her quality time with Nic. It never failed. Free time away from the family meant Jay C would end up around the corner with Nic.

She didn’t know that I knew that she was seeing Nic again but it was so obvious. She was always down after she was forced to cut Nic off. But about two years ago when Vaeh was born she was different and it wasn’t because of the new baby. I mean, she was the doctor who delivered her for God’s sake. The craziest part of it all has to be that Nic lives around the corner from us. I found this out when I followed her one day. I had become suspicous because Jay C was happier than she'd been in a while and I wanted to see why. The next day I popped up at Nic's house to confront her but I was greeted by a surprise. That's for another time though. Anyway, from that day on I knew that Nic wasn't going anywhere and I had to embrace it.

There was no shaking her. She and my wife had a connection that could not be broken. It’s like they weren’t complete without each other. When Nic wasn’t in her life, it was like her soul was empty, as much as she hated to admit it to herself. She barely smiled, she couldn’t eat, she didn’t go out much, and she just hung around the house when she wasn't at studying for the bar exam or at work. The only thing that made her happy was hearing progress from the doctor about her pregnancy with Nevaeh.

I never knew the reason why I longed for a person that could make my whole life seem so complete and fulfilled. After getting married, it wasn’t just a charade from me, I actually loved my wife and longed for her to love me the way she loved Nic. I tried everything but knew deep down that would never happen.

I broke out of my thoughts and smiled at my baby. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in for a kiss but she just pecked my lips and turned her head. She smelled fresh so I knew she had been with Nic for sure now. Even though I knew, it had been weeks since I tasted her and I missed her warm, wetness on my lips. I spun her around and licked she my lips. Mmm, she looked so edible; I just wanted to strap her right there where she stood. Her leggings made her already big ass look perfect. She had on a white V-neck that showed off her cleavage and made me want to devour her perfect breast. But I knew I had to butter her up first.

I lead her to the table to have the appetizer, a Caesar salad and breadsticks. She ate fast and it seemed as if she was rushing and kept hinting that she needed a nap. So I went to the kitchen and brought out her favorite dish, Chicken Alfredo and her face lit up. Once we started eating the Alfredo, she finally started to look interested in talking. We talked and she listened to how my day was and what the girls did earlier in the day. The two of us sat laughing and joking like old friends, instead of a married couple. Which in reality, was what we were. Before this all started, we vowed to remain best friends, even after the fake vows she made at the alter to me. We were best friends before I let the idea of making my mom happy and having the perfect wife in Jay C cloud my judgement of what we were. Now here I was sitting here trying to convince my "wife" to have sex with me.

I brought up how it had been a long time since I felt her body on mine and she began to look uneasy again. So I moved on and suggestively asked if she wanted dessert. She declined and was ready to head up to bed. I still was determined so I told her that it was a surprise waiting for her upstairs. After grabbing her hand and leading her to the stairs, I let her walk ahead of me so I could watch her ass bounce as she walked up. I imagined taking those leggings off and strapping her right there on the steps. I smacked her ass and she sucked her teeth as if I was bothering her. She was making it very clear that she did not want to have sex with me tonight. In my mind, I was still going to have her squirting and screaming her name by the end of the night.

Chapter 5 (Nic)

My “first side bitch” said she had plans but I already knew what she was doing so “side bitch #2” was on her way. I couldn’t help but think about my baby though. I hated the thought of her being with her wife. My stomach turned just thinking of them having sex. I couldn’t imagine her actually enjoying having sex with that bitch. Just thinking of her getting to taste my baby’s sugar (even though they are married) made me want to punch a wall. I knew that Jay C wouldn’t fuck her but just to be sure, I put hickies all over her thighs.

In some fucked up way, I wanted to wreck their little (UN)happy home. Their whole relationship was a lie. Jay C was in love with me, not Desire, and Neveah wasn't Desire’s daughter either. The doctor that did the insemination is my best friend. When she was supposed to be putting Desire’s eggs in Jay C, they were my eggs. Jay C knew but she never told Desire, she had the slightest clue. I had a plan to take my girl back and have a happy with our daughters, Neveah and Serenity.

The only thing that was stopping me was Desire’s mother and Jay’s promises to her mother and Desire. Desire been secretly seeing “me” and that was all a part of my plan for her mom to see her fucking up and knowing her mom, she’d cut Desire off. Then there would be no point in Jay C staying after her wife’s mom disowns them. Yaya (Desire) thought she was smart fucking with ‘me” and trying to act like she didn’t hate me so she could fuck mine and Jay C’s relationship up. Little does she know I’m not going anywhere and as soon as she fucks me over, I’m showing her mom everything. I just wanted to her in her place for the little stunt she pulled. She knew I had plans for Jay C and me because I said something along the lines of I was doing something special for my girl today and she asked Jay C to come home. This little bitch needed to stay in her place, Jay C is and has been my girl. I wanted to marry her and the only thing purposely in the way was Desire… but not for long.

Chapter 6 (Tina)

Nic and Jay C were in love, that was plain to see but my damn daughter really thought she could change that. I played along just to watch her make a fool of herself. This bitch is really stupid thinking I loved and accepted her. Jay C is my angel and I was too happy when I thought her and my daughter were together. Hell, I thought maybe Desire would learn how to be more like Jay C. When my best friend had Jay C, it was a couple of days after I had had Yaya. I hated Yaya with everything in of me because of who her father was and I had no shame in letting her know that.

I can admit that was a mistake. I use to remind her every day. I stopped when Janeen (Jay C’s mother and my best friend), told me that Yaya had told Jay C she was going to end her life because she was a mistake. Although I stopped, she knew no matter how much I apologized and told her she was meant to be here, the damage was already done. She agreed not to commit suicide but she still did dumb shit to make me hate her even more. I compared her to Jay C all the time so she would want to be more like her.

That girl was the total package and everyone loved her. Jay C was beautiful girl from the day she was born and we all predicted that she would be a heart-breaker. She grew up to be even more gorgeous than we expected. To add on to that, she had the right sex appeal to make any man and/or woman fall in love at first sight. When I found out she was gay I wanted to step to her like was actually legal but the next best thing was to have her dating my daughter. I know Janeen would never approve of me with her daughter but she was happy to learn that our daughters were dating each other; only because she hated studs, Nic especially.

Nic was cocky about having Janeen’s daughter madly in love with her. She would always do shit out of spite for Janeen. Jay C did Yaya a favor thinking that it would make me happy but it only made me happy to see her in the shower when she stayed over. I had secret cameras installed in Yaya’s room and in every bathroom of my house to see Jay’s C naked body every chance I got. I often asked Yaya to invite her over to spend time with them but y’all know why I really did it. I was feigning for some of that ripe, 16 year old pussy. I masturbated to her in the shower and whenever she’d let Yaya go down on her, imagined it was me eating her. I was the one making cum in my mind. I also imagined that she tasted like fresh sweet pineapples. For now I didn’t know, but I’ve got a plan of my own… just wait and see.

Chapter 7 (Jay C)

Yaya was really making it clear that she wanted to have sex. I wasn’t about to pretend to enjoy it tonight. I mean, she wasn’t bad but nothing compares to the best and Nic was definitely that! She wanted to watch me undress so I could get in the rose petal/bubble bath she had ran for me. I was nervous because Nic knew what she was doing when she left multiple hickies on my inner thighs. A part of me needed relief because my baby left me hanging but everything else in me was telling no. I knew if I refused she would know something was up so I turned my back toward her and carefully undressed. I knew she was watching so I was careful not to open my legs until I was comfortably in the tub.

The hot water was so relaxing that I closed my eyes and listened to the soothing sounds of Luther’s Greatest Hits, my favorite album. His voice soothed my worries away and I was in another world unaware of my surroundings. I felt Desire’s hand on my back pushing me forward and when I looked up, she was getting in the tub behind me. I began to worry again. I knew she had an idea about Nic and me but I wasn’t willing to hear her bitching tonight.

I sat back and leaned into her chest, trying to calm down. I sat uncomfortably between her legs waiting for her to get out first. She started kissing on my neck while rubbing my nipples and I lost it. My neck and nipples are sensitive as fuck and one touch could get my river flowing. Her hand started traveling down my body, finding its way to my clit. I had forgot all about the hickies as I opened my legs so she could reach my love button better. She knew that stroking my clit would send me into immediate climax. She finally starting fingered my clit in circles while yanking my head back by my hair and kissing my neck. I was in another world and lifted my leg up to apply more pressure on my clit when she suddenly stopped, staring down at my thighs.

She looked me in the eyes and I could tell she was hurt and would break down and cry any second. But she didn’t. She simply pushed me off of her and went to the room to get dressed. I started after her then realized that there wasn’t anything to explain. It was one thing to cheat but I crossed the line, bringing home evidence.

Deep down she knew that I was still in love with Nic and that we were still seeing each other but she couldn’t (or didn’t want to) prove it. It’s one of those things that you know but want to be naïve about. Ignorance truly is bliss at times. I’m pretty sure she would have preferred me just keeping it a secret so she could pretend it wasn’t happening. In a perfect world, Nic would be my wife and Nevaeh would be raised by us and not Yaya and I. Desire would just be my best friend and our mothers would be ok with what we were doing. But this isn’t a perfect world and everything can’t be how we want it so I guess I would have to face the reality that I’d just gotten caught.

Chapter 8 (Desire)

This bitch really crossed the line putting hickies on my bitch. She knew the rules and couldn’t comply. She fucked up and now she will never get to taste my baby again. I’m about to go to this bitch’s house right now and remind her of the shit I got on her. Yeah, its blackmail but she will follow the rules. I bet she’ll think twice about calling Jay C.

I pulled up to her house in record time with all the recordings of Nic and the mayor’s wife, and a couple of Jay C’s coworkers. Jay C would flip the fuck out if she knew that the love of her life was fucking several public figures in the city. I know firsthand how good in bed Nic was in bed so I knew that whoever fucked her was bound to have feelings for her. If I exposed the tapes to everyone, Nic would be in deep shit. She was the mayor’s wife’s primary physician and frequently visited their home.

Nic and Mayor Jones had become best friend after he spoke at her Grad School graduation. He was expressed that he was impressed with her credentials. Since then, he’s made several business moves with her and added the construction of her second private practice to the city’s reformation budget. So if she let it get out about her secret affairs, she would kiss her luxury life goodbye. If she knew what was good for her she would play by my rules and be happy I’m as generous as I am.

I knocked on the door and she was half dressed adn smelled like Jay C. I already knew that she was here but the more my thoughts got comfirmed, the madder I got. I pushed her inside and slapped her with all the anger I had inside of me. She didn't even react the way I thought she would because she knew she was wrong. She didn't say a word, she just pushed me against the wall and kissed me long and passionately. It was so intense, I would've sworn she was in love. All the anger I felt left and got replaced with pure lust, leaving me wanting more. Nic had always had a way of making everything right with her tongue.

Without warning, she got on her knees and ripped my skirt off and placed her mouth around my clit. Thank God that I wore panties with skirts! She applied pressure on my clit then slide a finger in, making me gasp. Her sudden movements made it hard to stand up. I wanted to go lay down but I didn't want her to stop. She took her finger out then fucked me with her tongue. Nic's tongue explored my walls but unlike many times before it was slower, more passionate. She was making love to me the way I imagined she made love to Jay C.

If my wife was getting the same treatment, I understand why she was so in love. I was no longer upet about the hickies, I just wanted more of what Nic had to offer. If she would give it to me this good all the time, I wouldn't trip about them "sneaking around." I knew the sex could get any better but Nic never ceased to amaze me.

I could never love Nic but I loved the way she did my body. She does me right everytime and even better this time. I don't know if it comes natural or it's just guilt from her sleeping with my wife but I'm all for it until she crosses the line again. Yes, I wanted a faithful relationship and happy family with my wife. But if I had to chose between these mindblowing orgasms and my family, I'd go for the orgasms. It's fucked up but it's the truth. For now, I'm happy just playing charades in front of the kids with Jay C.

Nic was eating me like it was her last meal and for whatever reason, I wanted this to last forever. She slipped her finger in again and I swear she tapped on my g-spot immediately. My legs began to shake so she got up wtih me on her shoulders, STILL EATING! I grabbed the door frame for support and began riding her face until I came. I was spent so I stopped all movement but she just kept going making me cum over and over again.

She laid me on the bed on my back once she carried me to the room. I was ready to KO until I saw the look in her eyes. That let me know that it was time for round two. I was tired but I knew firsthand that Nic's strap game was the truth. So I eagerly waited as she strapped up. It was time for "daddy" to put in work, until we heard a knock at the door...

Chapter 9 (Jay C)

I was looking for Desire so I could apologize but my whol attitude changed when Nic came to the door with the "we just fucked" face on. She licked her lips adn looked away, avoiding eye contact. She knew I knew her every thought just by looking into her eyes. At that moment I knew what was up. To get comfirmation, I tried to kiss her but she moved and went to kiss my neck.

I could smell Yaya's scent on her but I kept my cool. I simply pushed past her and walked toward the bedroom. But when Nic realizex where I was going, she tried to stop me by pulling me into the living room. Comfirming every thought that I had, I decided to play a little game of my own. I took her to the couch and started undressing myself slow adn seductively. After a while she was squirming in her seat trying to keep calm. She pulled me close and planted kissing around my navel. I pushed her back into the couch and kneeled down in front of her. She did her own sexy version of the LL Cool J "lip lick" and I got instantly wet. Nic is so fucking sexy just looking at her gets me all hot and bothered.

I literally ripped her boxers off and pushed her legs back so I could taste her. As mad as I was at her, this plan was a win-win for me. I loved the taste of her, how wet she was, and her warmth against my tongue. She let out a big gasp when my tongue made contact with her clit. I kept flicking my tongue on it just to hear her moan. Her moans were so sexy. They became music to my ears, my motivation and my navigation.

Her legs started to shake and her moans were turning into screams and she pulled my hair, pulling me closer to her pussy. She wanted more, she wanted to feel my tongue invading her walls but I kept it right on her pearl. I kept causng her body to shake with flick of my tongue on her clit. In less than two minutes, she was cumming all over my face.

As soon as I got up Yaya was coming into the living room crying. She didn't say a word she just came over and tried to kiss me. Nic mushed her into the wall and showed no mercy dragging her to the door. Yaya's biggest mistake was trying to fight back by kicking Nic in the stomach. Nic completely sanpped and I was frozen, I couldn't move. The more Yaya screamed for help, the more blows Nic sent the her chest, face and stomach. Nic was relentless until she looked over and saw me. I suddenly felt faint, everything went black and the last thing I remember is Nic running up to me.

Chapter 10 (Nic)

I blacked out and Desire was caught in the middle of my rage. She tried to kiss Jay C and my temper went to the max. I couldn’t stop myself from delivering the relentless beating I gave her until I saw my baby looking dazed in the face. She turned pale and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. I rushed to catch her before she fell. She fell straight into my arms and her body was hot and sweaty. I’m an OB/GYN, not a cardiologist or neurologist but I knew she was having a panic attack. There was no need to call 911, I had everything I needed at home to nurse her back to health.

I helped regain consciousness and checked her vitals again. I did everything necessary to make her feel better. I made Desire leave so I could take care of Jay C, called my assistant and made her forward all my calls to the other physician in my office. I made Jay C dinner and let her get some rest. She slept for an hour and wanted to cuddle when she woke up.

We cuddled and talked for a while then I apologized for my outburst earlier. She told me it was okay but I knew it wasn’t. I kissed her forehead hoping to get the same reaction I always got; she always looked into my eyes and say “you know you’re my first love, the love of my life, my everything, second to my kids.” I loved when she expressed my feelings to me because they seemed to overwhelm her at times. She just stares at me sometimes like theirs is something on her mind and she could get it out.

When I didn’t get that reaction, I lifted up her chin and forced her looked into my eyes. We stared into each other’s each for forever, it felt like. I finally broke the silence and asked her was she happy. “I guess,” was the answer I got but I gave her a look saying that that was the wrong answer. She explained that she was only happy when she was with me and around our daughters. But she just wishes that we were all together, one happy family. The charade we were playing was taking a toll on her and she just wanted herself and the kids to be here with me.

Veah wasn’t the only time we switched the eggs at the insemination. I had a plan all thought out from the minute Jay c was forced to marry Desire (Yaya) and with Jay C’s lawyer skills, my twin and few of my friends in the city (people in high places), the plans were almost complete. We were waiting my friend, Judge Thomas Johnson to change the kids’ and names and birth certificates. Legally they were my kids anyway but Desire’s name is on the birth certificates and her last name was hyphenated on their last names. I knew this was going to hurt Desire but she has it coming. She thinks she has one up on me so I just played along.

She has tapes of "me" fucking all the movers and shakers in our town. But what she doesn't know is I have proof that it's not me. If this bitch would've paid attention to the tattoo on my identical twins back she would've known that it wasn't me she's been sleeping with. I've only slept with her once and that was the last time. My tattoo in the same spot say "Jasmine"(Jay C) and my twin's says "Janiah" (her daughter's name). It's the same exact tattoo but it say something different. My twin and I got mistaken for eachother all the time the only way you could tellus apart is our tattoos, the way we speak, and our personalities. Jay-C was the only one that could tell us apart. She always hugs my sister an says "Niryah" and then kisses me and say "and you're my everything Nicole" We always asker her to tell us apart because she's so cute doing it. My mom used to get us ocnfused sometimes especially when both started to "dress different". She hated that the fact of her twins were gay and studs but she has always loved Jay-C. She was the only girl I ever brought around my family. Mom disagreed with us being studs until Jay-C had Nevaeh and Niryah had Janiah for her ex-wife. She realized tha she was still able to have grandbabies so she finally said that she ok with Ny's and my lifestyle. She had went all out to announce her acceptance of her twins; and it was also and apology party. She said she just wanted us to be happy and want us to go after what we wanted no matter what anybody else thought. Jay-C had brought Veah to be apart of the party and my mom pulled us into the next room and told us to do whatever we needed to do to be together and that we were soulmates. From that moment on I came up with this plan that is almost complete. My mother would be so prout that Jasmine and I were taking the neccesary steps to get our family together. She passed away the night of the party of a heart attack. It was like she knew she was going to pass. She make amends with everyone including my father's murderer. She put money on his books and took heis daughter to visit him in prison. The party was basically to makeup for all the parties we didn't have after we both came out at fifteen. Our mom wouldn't even say happy birthday on November 21st. She did everything she was suppose to as a mother except celebrate our birthday and this was like a punishment in her head. Ny an I did for eachother so we didn't pay her little punishment andy mind. Also Jasmine always made it her business to make sure Ny and I had the best birthday parties that ere talked about for months. After our mom had always approved of Jay-C but at the party she thanked her for all she had done for her twins and told her not to give up on me and made it clear that her dying wish was for us to be together and that she wanted Ny to settle down and find a woman to help her rais Janiah We all agreed to comply with her wishes. Jass and I were doing a good job, it had taken a year but we're just one step away from having the dream life we always wanted, the way it's suppose to be. Ny was helping out with my plan. She helped me set Desire up so that Jay-C wouldn't have to pay alomony, and so that their divorce would progress faster. I wanted to marry the love of my life soon and Dedire is just standing in the way of what i want. I turned to Jay-C, as she shut me out of my thoughts. I explained to her that this charade was almost over and it would only be a few more day while Ny worked her magic with the judges wife. Desire didn't know that she and Jay-C were separated for over a year and before that time she has slept with my sister on camera and it would serve as proof of infidelity, whater Desire did I had recorded. Jay-C felt bad for setting her up but I told her that you have to be selfish someties to get what you want. She was scared that we would get caught after forging her signature on the separation and divorce papers. Desire is a part-time proffessor at Virginia State University but she didn't possess the "street-smarts" that my twin and I had. Yeah, were both doctors but befor our mom made a come-up and married into money, we were the deffinition of broke. Ny and I got into the drug game at a young age. We played it so well, that when it was tim eto stop hustling and start playing perfect angles for my mom's husbanc, we left the game as smoothly as possible. He paid for our schooling at VCU before he died. Then my mom got every penny he had because he had no family or children. My mom was well off and left us everything when she passed away nine years after he did. She had made som connections throughout the stat of Virginia with people in high places. The also had investments that went through the roof the year before she died. She didn't make us millionaries when she died, but we were pretty damn close. With all the money I had saved up over the yeas i was now a millionare the money, street-smarts, and connectdions we have made it impossible to not come out on top. Jay-C knew this but I think it was the guilt that was getting to her.

Chapter 11 (Desire)

I'm worried about Jay C but Nic was fucking with the wrong one. She put her hands on me. I dailed her second cell number (knowing that Jay C would pick up the first cell number) and she answered all happy like nothing ever happened... Also, for the life of me I couldn't figure out why but Nic was different. Her normal I don't give a fuck attitude was replaced wth a softer demeanor. Almost  as if she love me. I flipped and ask why she would ever put her hands on me. She acted as if she was confused and didn'tknow what I was talking about.

Chapter 12 (Ny)

I was happy to see Desire call. I was in the mood for some good pusssy and she was the perfect canidate. I feel for her a little but I ouldn't let that get in the way of the task at hand. I wanted to be with her after everything got out. I was kinda hoping for that fairytale ending where she would fing out who I really was and still want me. This was taking too long and I wanted to just go ahead and convince the judge's wife to tell her husband to finalized Jay C and Desire's divorce. But the only reason I hadn't done it yet was because I started to feel bad about setting her up.

Yaya was now on the phone explaining how she didn't appreciate the fact that "I" put my hand on her... but I didn't and that could've only meant on thing, Nic hit my bitch. My blood started to boil and before I knew it, I was at her house spilling my guts about everything. Hoping that my honesty would keep her with me... (to be continued.)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.03.2015

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