
Chapter 1:- A day without the sun, is you know, night.

I placed my hand on the window and watched as my breath fog up the glass, the rain was hammering down hard outside, I could barely see through all the raindrops that splattered against the window like bullets, but my eyes were focused on the one spot outside and I saw movement, the headlights of a familiar car pulled up into the spot I was watching. I looked at my watch and raised my eyebrow slightly, damn him, he was on time like literally by the minute he said he would be here. Just once, I wish he could be late or is that impossible for him to do? Would it break his perfect attendance streak and make him lose a gold star?
But then again he has always been Vann’s favourite, even though Vann denies that he has favourites, I think he just doesn’t want there to be an argument, well that’s Vann for you, always the peacemaker. It wouldn’t really matter, I would hate to be the favourite, its why I go all out of there just to get the job done my own way, because it gives Vann something to bitch about for a while, man does he hate it when things don’t go to plan, but he can’t be that mad cause I get it done, just not the way he intended it to play out.
A smile danced on my lips as I thought about the first thing Vann said to me ‘I can tell right now that you are going to be trouble’ and so far his prediction has come true, but Vann, was like a father to me, despite that small detail that I have never met Vann before. The only contact we have is phone calls; he monitors us then calls us and gives us the next assignment.
And about an hour ago I got a call, I was sound asleep, but apparently the lie in I really wanted and needed is not available. It was 5 am in the morning, Vann had assured me that this was top priority and couldn’t be put off until a decent hour, trust me, I asked, or moaned as Vann cared to put it.
I moved back from the window, my apartment was quiet, the lights turned off. Only the small lamp at the side of the room supplied a slight glow that I used to see my jacket that was slung on the sofa. I swung it on and walked hastily out of the room. Only pausing when I passed Cords room, I leant against it lightly I hadn’t noticed that I had held my breath until I released it when I heard the soft snoring noise that declared that Cord was asleep.
I went into my room and went straight to the loose floorboard that was under my bed, it was perfect for hiding stuff from Cord, I mean I love her and everything but I have my secrets because I love her, if she knew about what I do she would be in danger. Not all secrets are bad some are just there to protect us from certain things. I put my hand in and pulled out my gun. I got up strapped the holder on my shin and slid the gun in pulling my baggy pyjama bottoms over it and I instantly felt safer knowing that it was there, I took my gun with me whenever I was dealing with Shay business, even if it was just a day at the office you never know what could happen, that’s the fun bit, anything is possible, that’s why I love my job. I looked around checking that I didn’t need anything else from my room and made my way out.
I grabbed my keys out of the dish by the door and as quietly as I could manage. I walked hastily down the many steps after I cast a glance at the elevator, I hated the thing, I have had issues with confined spaces ever since I was a teenager, I don’t remember what brought on the fear but ever since I was 16 I couldn’t bare it, I would scream and kick and pass out. It’s my only fear.
I pulled my jacket over my head as I made my dash from the doors to the car that had settled under a street lamp. I threw open the door and slid in, I cast a glance at Ethan, he was staring straight ahead. Chocolate brown hair was combed perfectly, not a hair out of place, he had recently shaved, his clothes were fresh looking other than my smurf pyjama’s, I threw my wet jacket in the back of the car and heard a muffled swearword coming from Dixon who I only just noticed sitting in the back. He shot me a look.
“Watch it Vega” he grumbled throwing my jacket to the side and settled back into the corner of the car. Damn he looked yummy, he had a sun kissed tan and blond hair that was normally spiked at the ends but today it was soft and messy, he had the cheekbones of a god, and the bastard bloody knew it. He had a baggy jumper on over his very muscular body, such a shame, and baggy jeans with his favourite shoes.
“Dixon always a pleasure” I replied yawning for the hundredth time since I was woken up. I waved my hand and there was a coffee now occupying my hand, I smiled and sipped at the hot liquid, Ethan looked at me and I smiled brightly.
“What? Do you want some?” I asked and waved my coffee in his face he shook his head. The typical Ethan, he never, and I repeat never accepts anything from me, only on birthdays and Christmas’s because its polite, but apart from that he hasn’t even accepted anything. He really gets on my nerves when he is too polite and nice, why can’t he be more like Dixon? The guy would bite your hand off if you offered him a doughnut.
“Max this is serious” he said to me I raised my eyebrow and gave him a motherly look
“I'm always serious, this is me you’re talking to” I lied ignoring the huff from the back seat. I turned around and stuck my tongue out at him totally proving his huff was correct in the fact that I always joke or make some inappropriate comment at the completely wrong time. He rolled his eyes and muttered something incoherent about women; he slouched back and rested his head on the window. I frowned, for the past few weeks Dixon was being I dunno weird for Dixon, by now he would have normally made a comment on my smurf pyjamas but nothing, we used to be really close, we all are, me Ethan and him, that’s what our team consist of. I believe that we succeed as well as we do because we would be willing to take the bullet for one another.
“Can someone explain to me what the urgency is now, I am really tired” I said yawning, I stretched like a cat Ethan let out a slight laugh as he started to drive. He handed me a folder and I eyed it suspiciously. I turned and put my coffee in Dixons face.
“Here hold this would you darling” I said to him sweetly. He took it without looking at me, I turned back to the front then turned back to Dixon who was still holding my coffee but it was nearing his lips.
“Don’t drink any, I don’t know where that mouth of yours has been with all bimbo’s you sleep with” I said half-jokingly but I was deadly serious that I didn’t want him drinking my coffee. I looked at the black folder, it was pretty thin, I weighed it in my hands, there wasn’t much in it, I opened up the folder and scanned through the pages cut out of newspapers and police reports, it was a load of writing that I wasn’t in the mood to read, I flipped through it and froze when I heard a sipping sound coming from the back. I gaped at him licking the sides of my coffee.
“Mmmmm I needed this coffee, hits the spot” he moaned in pleasure, he looked at me, his ice blue eyes burned into mine, I decided to ignore him, I could always conjure myself another one. I kept my face on the pictures in the file and gave Dixon the middle finger. He chuckled softly whilst continuing to slurp on my coffee to the point where it was making me want to slap him.
“Where are we heading Ethan?” I asked finally after there was no one supplying the information to why I was pulled from my comfy bed and lovely dream about some Spanish guy called Carlos. He ignored the question with a wave of his hand and looked at me and nodded to the folder in my hand as he spoke.
“There are 3 missing people in the last week alone” Ethan said, I looked down and nodded
“I heard. It’s all Cord talks about, it’s in the newspaper” I said thinking back to the many times Cord and Gordon have talked about it over our take-outs. I spat out my chow mein when they first said it and then mentioned the Shay. I got it all over Gordon's new top and everything, he was furious, and it’s not a good thing to anger a wolf, I had to click him a new shirt before he truly lost his marbles and went all doggie on my ass.
The Shay is what I'm part of, what Ethan and Dixon are also part of. There aren’t many of us out there, that’s because the book doesn’t choose many people, maybe because they wouldn’t be able to handle it. We pass off as Witches and Warlocks, we have the magic, but what many people don’t know is that we can bench things 10 times their weight. The magic we possess isn’t strong just a few nifty tricks really, we have to use incantations but with me all I have to do id imagine it and click my fingers. It’s quite a talent, no one else in the Shay has it which at first I thought was weird, but oh well. I tried to teach it to Dixon once when he asked but he couldn’t do it so I played it out, making him do all sorts like click his tongue or whistle to see if that would trigger it, but it just made him look like a retard everyone was staring at him in the coffee shop.
People in the supernatural world have heard of us, there are many rumours that we exist and many that we don’t. No one has ever confirmed of our existence, we all have cover lives; it’s hard to lie to the ones you love but its necessary, but we are like the wind we are all around but you don’t notice us, with all the stuff that the Shay deals with makes us a lot of enemies. We take care of everything in the supernatural world, for example if there is a shape shifter going round killing needlessly then that’s where we step in, death is us to them. Keeping the Shay a secret is a high priority, there are many times when I wanted to tell Cord what I really do every day and who I keep getting phone calls off, or why I keep ‘falling down the stairs’ and constantly break an arm or leg, she keeps thinking I have an abusive boss or co-worker, but I can't tell her.
“Yes well there was no way of keeping it out of public eyes when the families are hysterical” Ethan said, I picked out the pictures of the missing people, one male two females, they all looked completely different and they were definitely not around the same ages.
Under each of the pictures it was simple description jotted down in Ethan’s perfect handwriting that I got jealous of, especially when it was compared to my scribble.
- Michael Lewis 20 years old, 6ft blond hair and blue eyes. Single.
- Hannah Giles 45 years old, 5ft 3 honey coloured hair and brown eyes, mother of 2 divorced.
- Fray Thomas 13 years old, 5ft Brunette and hazel eyes.
“So what's the link between these people?” Dixon piped in from the back, I hadn’t noticed until I felt his breath against my neck that he was against the back of my seat looking over my shoulder at the photos. I peered around at him for a moment before I turned to Ethan who shook his head. He glanced at us once and then returned his gaze to the road.
“Apart from being missing nothing” he stated and I could hear the annoyance in his voice, the one thing I admired about Ethan was that he always got stuck in with every case, made it his mission to solve it, he must have been up most nights thinking about this.
“What do you mean nothing? There has to be something they all have in common” Dixon asked sounding confused and to be honest I was having the same feeling. There was something about it not right, in most cases we do human or not human there is always a link, shape shifters prefer families, so they can have a family for a few days since they can’t have one of their own, they target fathers or mothers each time. They have to give up their children as soon as they are born, swap them in the place of a human child so they like the idea of having a family even if it’s not there’s.
Vampires always choose younger people, mostly because they prefer to have sexual relations with their meals. All the different supernatural’s have a taste, some like them old to taunt and confuse them, others like vampires like them young, but maybe it’s because they like it when they put up a fight. There are many reasons and many links that come with those reasons and for these 3 people not to have links it’s just wrong.
“I checked into it, the only thing that connected them together is that they have disappeared of the face of the earth. I mean no one human or not human has seen them, heard from them, and in wolfs case they can't smell them” Ethan said. I glanced up and met his eyes, wolfs, despite Cord and Gordon being wolfs they are the only wolfs I like, others can bite my ass, many have tried.
But I knew which Wolfs he meant, Cord and Gordon would have mention if they were working a case, they tell me everything, well… Cord tells me everything Gordon tells her since I'm her babe, so technically Gordon does tell me, but not face to face. He was referring to the Collins Pack- who have a stick shoved deeply up there ass when it concerns me, something to do with the history between me and Alpha’s son, and they blame me for the Alpha’s daughter leaving the pack, when in fact Cord just wanted to get away from her father and who wouldn’t? The guy is the definition of a prick.
There are two Packs in the area the Collins pack and the Blake pack, Gordon belongs to the Blake’s pack, a small fact that gets Mr Collins annoyed that Cord is dating him. He also blames me for that to, since I introduced them, but hey, don’t blame me, blame their fatal attraction.
“Man that’s strange, do you think that someone is being especially careful about getting rid of there tracks?” Dixon asked after a moment of thinking about it, I looked away from the both of them and down at the peoples pictures. The boy was handsome, he was only a few years younger than me, I had to look away from his face, his eyes looked like they were staring right through me, I shuffled all the information and placed it all back into the folder neatly.
“They might be using something to shield people from them” Ethan said, I mulled it over for a moment, the car pulled up and I noticed that we were at the office, weird. I got out the car thankful that it had stopped tipping it down. I was wearing my slippers and accidently stepped in a puddle, I let out a frustrated sigh and shook my foot. I heard Dixon try and contain his laughter but fail miserably. I shot him my deadliest stare before clicking my fingers and all of a sudden my slipper was dry.
“Who the hell could do that?” I said as we walked down the alley, Dixon passed me my jacket and looked at Ethan like I did.
“And why are we assuming that a supernatural could do that sort of thing” Dixon asked, he always liked to believe that the supernatural’s are just as bad as humans.
“We aren’t” Ethan said as he leaned on his cane, it tapped against the concrete, he gripped onto the thing tight as we walked, well me and Dixon walked, Ethan just limped. I looked between him and Dixon my mouth slightly parted.
“What do you mean you’re not? It’s obvious that there’s something not right about this case. No one can just disappear without a trace; there is always something there for the dogs to sniff out. Humans are terrible about covering their tracks you know that” I defended, I didn’t like the dogs apart from a few but even though I have no faith in them, I have faith in their noses, they could sniff anything out, and there hearing is impeccable, I don’t think I could deal with being a wolf, I mean honestly how the hell do they sleep? Can you imagine the noises you’d hear on the street? Car horns going off all night, the thumping music pounding out from clubs till the crack of dawn, it would surely drive someone insane wouldn’t it?
“She has a point” Ethan said as he placed his hand against the wall I looked around just as he walked through followed by Dixon, I looked around once more, I held my breath and closed my eyes and stepped into the wall, there was that weird feeling as I went through the wall it sent weird shivers through my body. We have to hide our office, and so a little glamour does it for us, if anyone saw they’d think we just walked through walls, and when they would try following they’d just end up bouncing off the wall with a mad headache. I looked at the grey double doors in front of me, it was the entrance to the Shay office, then I looked at the desk next to it, and a smile danced on my lips. It was my favourite game to piss off Peaches on a Monday morning well I still consider it night, it was around 6 am, I yawned again just thinking about what I could be doing right now, like I don’t know sleeping like a baby.
Peaches was about 4 feet tall, she was a few years older than me, I think I'm only 22 but then again she is a Sculvera, you can never really tell their age. Sculvera’s are really small, they couldn’t ever pass of as people, there people are almost extinct so they are quiet rare, they don’t like going outside which is why looking after a big door inside is the perfect job for Peaches. She had a heart shaped face and a pixie haircut, her blond hair was pinned up today by two pink flowers. She had very pinkish skin, and light blue eyes were more white than blue.
Ethan smiled at Peaches and I saw the redder tinge that hit her already pinkish cheeks when he flashed her that smile, it looked like someone slapped her and god I wish I could. I could see why she blushed though Ethan was very nice to look at I have to admit, but he is like a brother, the brother that always did everything right and everything better. Dixon and I on the other hand were opposite and strived to do the bare minimum, it worked for us. Peaches smile was soon replaced with a frown when she saw me; I winked at her, her good mood gone.
“Password” she mumbled, her squeaky voice low. I raised an eyebrow at the prospect of me having to repeat a password to her, like I need a password she knows me, very well.
“Open sesame” I smiled showing a perfect set of white teeth; she raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow not amused. She raked her eyes up and down my outfit slippers, baggy smurf pyjama bottoms, a top that just covers my belly button and my jacket. I followed her gaze; I clicked my fingers, now I wore what I was planning on wearing tomorrow. Tight black skinny jeans and yummy black high heels that I saw in this magazine last week, a red blouse and black jacket, I smiled slightly then realised I was missing my gun and clicked my fingers again and looked down at my gun that now was nestled tightly it in the holder on my belt. Peaches looked at me again and I saw the jealousy in her eyes with the way Dixon looked me up and down.
“Incorrect” she said simply and looked down pretending to be busy, pushing her glasses closer to her eyes.
“Okay, Peaches, you know and I know I don’t need a password so get your little, and emphasis on little, ass over here and open up the big door” I said to her. I was rewarded with a tap on the back of my head from Ethan and a chuckle from Dixon.
“Max don’t be rude” Ethan said, I rolled my eyes he looked over at Peaches “Sorry about her, she gets snarky without her normal dosage of coffee, you can thank Dixon for that” he said glancing at Dixon. Peaches followed his eyes and blushed more when she saw Dixon, he looked away, she got up from the seat and walked to the door, she stepped up onto her stool and typed in a code that only she knew into the panel.
Ethan grabbed my arm and tugged me through the large doors, I didn’t make up much of a protest because I knew it would make Ethan off balance since he is ‘cripple’ as Dixon puts it so I just stuck my tongue out at Peaches before I was inside. There was no one at the office; normally it’s full of fairies dancing around and more Sculvera like Peaches, or trolls doing their work, they sort through the stacks of paperwork that needs to be done after every investigation or killing done by any supernatural so it’s then looked over by the Shay council, the trolls are small little green hairy things, scary to look at for too long, they come up to your knee so you have to watch that you don’t accidently step on one, they find it offensive and they like to get payback, as Dixon learnt, he is rude to them, and now has little ‘accidents’ around the office.
I walked into mine and Dixon’s office pushing the glass door and held it open for the boys, I sat down at my desk which was on the right side of the room, me and Dixon split the office, there is a line drawn down the middle. I plonked my feet up on my desk and I leaned back and clicked my fingers a coffee was in my hand identical to the last one, but then I clicked my fingers again and there was another on the table. Dixon laughed as he picked it up and sat on my desk, I restrained myself from kicking him off with my foot. I sipped at the coffee, it wasn’t ever as nice made magically, I preferred it made freshly, especially when I'm not the one making it.
“Now where did they all disappear?” Dixon asked Ethan who was admiring my book collection and there were a lot to admire, I had a large book case overflowing with books, and there was also more stacked up on the floor. Dixon hated it because it made his side look bland I smile at his comment all the time, because his side just has a sofa and a dart board.
“No one knows” he said simply sounding a million miles away from the conversation.
“What do you mean they don’t know? Were they at work? Or home?” I asked him confused, everyone was somewhere when they went missing, walking home from work, or visiting a friend.
“I mean no one knows” he said again, I looked at him as he ran a hand through his hair, man this must be getting to him if he was so annoyed to mess up his hair.
“Then that’s where we start” I said and picked up my keyboard, I turned on my computer and started to type. I hacked into the police files and searched their names to find out there addresses.
“How do you propose we do this Nancy Drew?” Dixon mocked I looked at him for a second and then back at my computer. I pressed print and stood up and picked up the three pieces of paper that came out of it. I folded each and walked to Ethan and placed one on his desk and then shoved one into Dixon’s chest as I spoke
“We search their homes find out what they were doing the night they disappeared and then we do the same. It’s a chance that we will find out what happened to them. There are 3 of them and 3 of us, search whoever I just gave you” I said and unfolded mine, great I get the guy who knows what I'm going to find in his apartment. I studied the address for a moment, hmm strange he lives like 3 minutes from me, never seen him before though I don’t think.
“Great, now that that’s sorted can I go back to bed?” Dixon asked, I smiled at him, it was what I was about to ask. Ethan grinned like a clown; I frowned when I saw it Ethan never grinned.
“Nope, this isn’t why Vann got you both out of bed” he said waving the piece of paper I had given him, my face held a confused look.
“What do you mean this isn’t why?” I asked slowly, Ethan produced a key from his pocket and walked out my glass door, I looked at him then at Dixon who was looking at me we both shrugged and followed after.
“What she said” Dixon quickly said sounding worried to what might be ahead of us. Ethan motioned us to follow him, we did and we ended up by a cabinet at the far corner, it was next to Marty’s desk, I didn’t like that at all. I suddenly distasted that cabinet and even more so when Ethan opened it. It was stacked full of papers, two stacks to be exact and they both made something click in my mind.
“Ethan” I moaned at him as he leant his walking stick on the side and picked up a stack and placed it in my arms, I took it but I was tempted to drop it and stomp my foot throw a tantrum and storm out with Dixon in my wake.
“What? It’s not me that didn’t do there paper work” Ethan said giving the other stack to Dixon who held the same expression of hate that I did. Of course good boy did his paperwork, he probably did it as soon as it was given to him on his desk by Marty, one of my least favourite troll employee, he would place pieces of paper in the tray on my desk and then expect me to do it and have it ready for when he did he second round.. I followed Dixon back to our office whilst Ethan went somewhere else. I dropped the stack down and plunked myself in my seat; I picked up one of my pens from the pot and set on with my work.
“Hey Dixon” I said putting my pen down and glancing over at him doing his work.
“hmmm” he said looking up, I caught his eye and for a moment I was going to ask him about what he wasn’t telling me, but I knew he hated it when I read him, I could read people and I knew that Dixon wasn’t being all that honest about something, my mouth was about to say something before I stopped myself.
“Uhh go make me some coffee would yah?” I said like an idiot, he glanced down at my coffee in my hands and then raised an eyebrow.
“It tastes better made normally, plus you owe me for taking my one this morning” I said in defence, he shot me a grin that would have made me swoon like a loved up teenager if I was remotely interested in him like I was when I first met him, I smiled all the same showing a perfect set of white teeth.
“So are you gunna?” I asked him, he looked at me and laughed shaking his head; he loosened his tie and ran a hand through his hair as he spoke
After three hours straight of doing work and trying to get Dixon to get me that coffee, after I asked I then craved one but was too lazy to get it myself. I sighed, I had given up, I was half way through, and I had a hand cramp. I looked over at Dixon who had given up ages ago and was taking a nap on his sofa, I sighed at least someone was catching up on their sleep. I glanced over at his desk across from mine probably the reason we both have all this paperwork Obviously all that time I spent playing blu-tack movies with Dixon was not worth it looking at the mounds of work in front of me. Dixon had a lot of work to do still like I did.
“This definitely could have waited till a decent hour, I'm so going to have serious words with Vann” I grumbled to myself, I twirled around a few times in my seat my head laid back watching the ceiling.
“Oh it could be worse” Dixon said, I looked at him and half laughed, so it seems Mr Payne wasn’t asleep after all, he hand his eyes closed and was draped on the sofa. I just assumed that Dixon didn’t snore so I thought he was asleep, now I'm wondering if he does snore again.
“How could this get any worse?” I asked as I glanced at a troll Gibbs, he doesn’t particularly like me much and threw me a dirty look through the window, I raised my eyebrow. Trolls started coming in for work about half an hour ago, and there were a few other Shay agents that turned up and commented about seeing me and Dixon doing paper work for once. Shay agents can come in whenever they like, there are no set hours but everyone tries to pop in every day.
“I don’t know, but it could” he said I laughed, I looked around but I couldn’t see Ethan anywhere, I eyed his office, through the blinds I could see him on the phone. I smiled slightly, Ethan got the private office all to himself instead of sharing like me and Dixon had to because he was the one that dealt with everything, all the phone calls and personal meetings, and I mean I bet that he has actually met Vann. He is the one with all the connections, some people are jealous of Ethan’s power over them even if he never uses it, but I am just happy for him, ever since his accident he has been a bit down. He still has a slight limp, he was in a car accident I was with him along with Dixon and Amanda she was another member of our team and Ethan’s girlfriend, she died in that accident.
She was driving, it was a high speed chase, the car had been sabotaged the break lines cut, the car spun off the road and into a tree. She was pronounced dead on the scene; I remember it like it was yesterday, Dixon pulling me out with him and Ethan leaning over Amanda’s dead body he had broken his leg badly, which is what's preventing him from being able to fight in the Shay so he got the paper work job, but even with everyone saying that I don’t believe them.
I know Ethan is as strong as ever, even with the limp it’s just that he is only physically strong, mentally not so much. Seeing Amanda die really messed him up, I haven’t seen him cry, shout, complain or anything, he is the perfect agent. Relations between co-workers are forbidden for a reason, but they didn’t care and they were amazing together. I looked down at the picture on my desk; it was of us all after we’d passed all of Vann’s tests. A smile danced on my lips, I had had such a big crush on Dixon back then and he had his arm around my shoulder which caused the blush photo evidence that I wasn’t always so cool when it came to guys.
“Yeah I might have to spend an entire day with you getting this lot done” I said and carried on with my work, I looked at my watch just gone 10 am, I rolled my eyes. I looked up at the door as May knocked on the door I motioned her in when I saw that she was holding coffee, I almost jumped out of my seat and kissed the girl. She was a Sculvera and she was my new favourite person in the whole world.
“Miss Vega” she said nodding at me then looked at Dixon who had sat up noticing the coffee as well I see “Mr Payne” she nodded at him as well. She placed the coffee in front of me and then passed one to Dixon who got up and sat at his desk.
“Mr Cain thought that you’d like refreshments” She explained, I smiled broadly at her as I picked up the coffee putting it to my lips, the smell was enough to drive you insane, i took a long sip and moaned it was like heaven in a cup. I could die happily now.
“You are a babe May, If I wasn’t so lazy I would have kissed you by now, so instead rain check?” I said to her, she laughed slightly, May was a pretty girl, same height as Peaches, but with less attitude, plus Peaches never brought me coffee and if she did I would make her drink it first.
“May my love, you don’t need excuses to come and see me” Dixon said and I picked up a crumbled piece of paper at him, hitting him on the side of the face. May smiled at me before she opened up the glass door.
“Goodbye Miss Vega” May said walking out, totally ignoring Dixon, another reason why I liked her much more than I like Peaches who blushes whenever a guy looks at her, May reminds me of me in some ways.
“Call me Max” I shouted after her, she left a stream of laughter after her, I smiled more May has made my day.
“I have you know Vega, a lot of girls would kill to spend a day with me, and more for a night” Dixon said cockily, I rolled my eyes. I started typing some stuff on a report on my computer; it was a case I did 2 weeks ago to do with a few drained bodies, and what I found and what happened.
“Well there all brain dead obviously” I murmured drinking my coffee.
“I have you know they are quite intelligent” he defended I couldn’t help but laugh at how serious he was sounding; Dixon was something I called a man whore; I can’t recall ever having a relationship since I knew him. I met Dixon when I was first approached by Ethan, Dixon and Amanda in his wake, Ethan left an impression and Dixon left an even bigger one and became my teenage fantasy. I was 17 and I was miserable, they gave me something to live for, I had lost everything that mattered to me before they came along and gave me new meaning.
“Did you have to pay extra for that Dixon?” I said he let out a bellow of laughter and continued to smile a wonderful smile; I pressed enter on my keyboard and stood up walking over to the printer on his desk.
“Bite me Vega” Dixon said watching me his teeth on show as he smiled, he had the cutest dimples. The sun shone through the window and on his golden hair, it was a sexy mess, his skin sun kissed, his eyes the colour of the sky. How could someone who looks so angelic be so devilish? The mystery of this world still confused me immensely, but I was enjoying the view. I picked up my print out of a report and placed it on my desk. I checked the time again, I had to get home, and this could all wait till another time. I grabbed my jacket and walked to the door and winked at Dixon before leaving.
“You’re not my flavour Payne”


Texte: All rights reserved
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.07.2012

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