
The Merchant

While the day is rapidly passing, the entire world is constantly changing. A good morning can be interrupted by an unexpected storm. Other’s happiness can cause someone’s grief. Rulers and their people could be the worst enemies. Evil is against good. And no one knows who to blame, and how to control the situation.


Jasmine was soaked in the rain with her hands and clothes dirty with mud. After spending hours of leaning and digging the soft ground with her bare hands, she has finally found it, a special kind of stone, a rare find. It is only seen when it rains hard and the water makes mud out of the already soft land in that side of the forest. She learned about it in the library.

For months she hoped it would rain hard and when it finally did she rushed out the house. Of course, it took several attempts to find the perfect spot. At first, she was scolded by her parents but as she did it every time it rained, they let her be.

When she initially saw the stone she thought it looked like gold but she knew better, this was halo’s stone. If she could just sell it then she would have a small fortune. Maybe she can now buy some fancy dress, not that spectacular but good. Or, she thought, she can even buy her own horse even those which was owned previously. Her anticipation grew as she didn’t just found one stone, there were five of them.

“Jas!” a man’s voice startled her thoughts shaking her out of her reverie so she turned to look, anxious that her father might have come after her. She didn’t think he could withstand going up the hill with all the rain and mud. Her parents might be good merchants but they aren’t getting any younger and the thought of them following her here made her shiver.

Relief flooded through her as she saw someone else. A tall man with a lean figure, who has intelligent and kind eyes, came striding towards her. She held on to those eyes which always sparkled whenever they see each other. Glad to see the special person in her life, she waved her hand as he approached.

“What are you doing here?” she raised her voice slightly not of anger but wonder, while trying to shield her eyes from the rain.

“Your parents said you might be here” he answered “I have news for you”.

She tilted her head slightly and asked “Can’t it wait till I come back to the house?” then added after noticing his clothes “you’re clothes are wet now”.

He only smiled “I guess I got carried away. And of course I got worried” he said this with the last part a little more of a whisper.

“C’mon let’s head back” she urged him, not planning on discussing matters out in the rain and scared of getting themselves sick. When he didn't move, he tugged him.

"How about the thing that you’ve been looking for?”.

She seemed to hesitate a little. Then decided that she couldn’t contain her excitement after all and showed him the stones.

His eyes at first were narrowed as if inspecting the small objects in her palm then went wide as he shook his head when he realized what they were.

“You sure are the best merchant I’ve ever met” he said.
“I am not” she refused to believe him.
“Yes you are. Those are very rare, many merchants that I know can’t even find any of those” he tried to convince her but she still shook her head.

She kept on walking but was lost in thought for a while. She then stopped, faced him and as if making up a decision in her mind, handed the smallest one to him. He frowned.

“I don’t need that. You do” he said seriously. “I know. That’s why you wouldn’t sell it.” She answered. He continued to frown.

“Then why are you giving this to me?”.
She smiled again saying “It’s a keepsake. So you won’t forget me”.
He then scowled “Jasmine, I will always remember you. Always.”. She nodded.
“I know, but I wanted you to have something to remind me of you. Besides, I haven’t given you anything yet ever since I have met you, haven't I?”. He puffed an air of exasperation.

“You don’t have to”.
“ I want to” she said stubbornly and dropped the stone in his breast pocket then ran heading to the house with him running after her.

When they arrived home, her parents were hugging close together. Her initial reaction was fear that something was wrong but as she looked closely, they seemed to cry of happiness changing into a look of surprise as they saw them both catching their breaths from the run.

“Is everything alright dear?” her father asked with amusement while her mother tried to find something to dry the young couple. Still unable to speak, Jasmine could only nod. Her parents smiled and handed them towels.

“What's the good news?”. Her father laughed.
“Is it supposed to be a good news?”
“Yes of course, you were crying.” she countered.

Her mother helped her dry her hair as she looked at all the three of them. After what she felt a very long time to pass finally, her mother stopped with her task and turned Jasmine to face her.
“Child, I am so proud of you, you have been accepted at Rune Academy”.


The shock and weight of what her mother told her earlier that evening seemed to slowly sink in. I’m going to Rune!

, she thought.

Nobles were required to go there and non nobles were only chosen depending on what the person may contribute to the society in the future. For the past years, their village tried and tried to nominate candidates but to no avail. But still, her abilities and what she was are not even normal. Clairvoyance was normally for Animus people exclusively which she was not and what makes her more weary is the fact that what she keeps on seeing are dark.

First, she saw glimpses of the Princess of Halafiel concentrating and trying to use her powers. She knew she tried and tried, saw her sad face whenever she repeatedly fails. One day, she told them about her visions and people simply dismissed her.

Next, Queen Minerva’s physical weakness, sleeplessness, fatigue then occasional memory lapses. When she told this to people, she was made fun of and taunted her, even going as far as calling her names that were cruel. After the news was announced that what she said were true, the people brushed it off saying that something like illnesses were bound to happen anytime.

After that, she saw the ‘unda erus’, the water vessel, coming to a neighboring country for the first time and perform ‘sanctifying’ ceremony. To try to convince the townspeople, she told them about it. Of course, time and again, she was called a liar. A week after that though, the ‘unda erus’ did came. Still, the people said that Jasmine’s family are merchants and she could have heard the news beforehand.

Then, that one time, it really became serious. The start of grieving and torment, what she saw was lifeless bodies. She was scared to tell the people this time, scared that she will become an outcast for telling horrible things but she knew she had to do it.

With feeble courage, she told them “On the 4th day of the White Moon, Cleatara shall succumb to the plague, leaving lifeless bodies at its wake”. She didn’t know what the village people said, since then and there she left. For another week she isolated herself, then a letter from her parents finally urged her to come back. The people knew that she was real, what she sees are real and on that day, she was finally accepted as a clairvoyant and the people called the disease “The Plague”

Weeks after, she saw the King of Halafiel falling to the malevolent disease followed by the temporary transfer of authority of Halafiel to his Queen and daughter. But what was ominous of all, what she could barely decipher was the hooded dark figure that looms in the darkness with a rather sinister smile.

She shivered, even just by remembering. There was something, someone out there who was responsible for this.


There were stares, murmurs, gossips, curses. Full of pain, scorn and anger, eyes followed the white carriage, streaked with gold on its side. It was one of the most beautiful carriages in the country and possessed by only one. Gloom descended this town and the carriage’s presence was like a salt to their already throbbing wounds.

Arwenn Blight, the owner of the carriage, went to the town, trying to escape the responsibilities she thought were useless. She was totally oblivious to the pain her presence gave to the people.

Lost in her own thoughts, she tried to observe the villagers by opening her window. The carriage stopped as some crowd pass across the street.

“I wonder how bad things are going on here. They look …terrible.” she said gazing at people crying, children looking weak and sick, some are limping while the others are carrying possessions as they leave their places.

"Close the window, princess. We are not safe here. The plague is said to be spreading rather fast" Warned the attendant.

“But it’s not contagious Darel” she countered. Darel drew his brows together and tried to argue.
“You do not know that for sure Princess. For months, other countries have been affected by the disease and all has failed to point out the cause.”

Arwenn did not want to argue and looked at the sky as she was about to close half of the window. The clouds are dark, as if ready to cry and pour out the rain, mist even covered the town. Almost everything in that part of the country seemed to be covered by darkness.

Catching her attention, a child suddenly stands close to the carriage. She had a black spot covering her left arm, somehow demonstrating it has dystrophy. The child smiled, but showed nothing of friendliness, and instead, mischief.

Surprisingly scared, Arwenn hurriedly closed the windows as the child glared at her. The carriage started moving again, and when Arwenn looked behind she saw the child still looking at her. As they gain speed, Arwenn relaxed and stared at space again. She thought about the kingdom, her mother, her father, her own failure and soon forgot about the child she saw earlier.

Later, they reached back to the palace. Its look of magnificence stands tall and proud, who would know that the very opposite scene was looming around it, witnessed by the princess of Halafiel herself.

She only stood there, gazing at the place that she called home, the place she never left, the place where once she was happy to belong to but now, the now was different. Arwenn shook her head, not allowing depressing things to enter her mind again.

But the moment was short lived as she entered the receiving area where normally the townspeople and visitors would occupy, except this time, the only significant presence was that of the Queen’s.

Queen Minerva, Queen of Halafiel and mother of Princess Arwenn, was pacing the floor and had terrified look plastered on her face as she was waiting for her daughter. Impatience and frustration has made her tense and weary, all emotions from the past month had pent up. She knew that their family’s actions are closely watched by the others, with hope of salvation.

She already knew right from the moment the King has fallen ill, that the other nations as well as theirs shall be horrified.

“Queen, do what you must” was her beloved husband’s instructions before he has succumb to the sickness. That was a month ago, and now as many more has been affected, the council has finally decided that they needed the meeting. However, one hour before the said meeting, she discovered that her daughter was out wandering. She experienced another bout of irritation, what has her child been thinking?

Her head snapped at the hall at once as she saw the lady with the golden dress walking with elegant grace towards her. She knew that the person was her flesh and blood but always become at awe whenever she sees her. The skin fair and flawless, slender body, waist long hair that flowed beautifully matched with its glossy black color, long lashes that flutter and sometimes hide the eyes which exhibits strong will. She was proud of her daughter, but at times like this, heavens forgive her she wants to discipline her again and again.

“Where have you been?!” asked the queen with an impatient voice when she was close.
" I ... just... went out." Replied Arwenn guiltily.
“I can see that” she pointed out. Then continued " Do you even have an idea what is happening around you?” the queen cried “Do you even know that there is a plague?” asked the queen, angrily.
"Ye ... Yes!” she replied cowardly.
“Yes!” the queen repeated then “Yes, you do! Yet, you go out and immerse yourself to the people affected by it!”.

Memory about the townsmen flashed back into her memory. As well as the incident with the child who’s staring at her as if blaming her for what was happening to them. Arwenn winced at this, it seemed to her that everyone blamed her for everything.

“I… wanted to know what kind of sickness has affected father. That is why I went to town, with hopes to understand it. Then maybe...” she defended.

The queen who is now taut with anger told her “You want to know about it? I’ll tell you about it”.

She walked to a table nearby lifted a pile of papers and shoved it into Arwenn’s arms. “It’s an incurable disease with no known origin, unknown type of transmission and which signs and symptoms are too much for a person. The longer you are exposed to it, it becomes more lethal. It drains the life out of you, slowly and painfully! Is that what you wanted to know? ”.

“I already know all of those things, I just felt like there’s something more to it than what these papers say” Arwenn retorted.

The queen gave off a sigh of impatience followed by “Felt!” she shook her head. “Just because you felt it! You even abandoned your responsibilities here at the castle!” the queen exclaimed.

“I think that what I did was far more important than meeting the council members” she muttered.
“Why do you think that?” her mother sounded confused.
“Whenever I take my place and meet them, the same thing comes up” she answered.

She suddenly had an interest at looking at her feet and muttered “I can’t protect Halafiel like my grandmother did”.

Queen Minerva’s eyes softened at this sensing her daughter’s distraught at the repeated arguments at the council and told her “Cecille was special. What she achieved, is something that is difficult to attain and to be remembered for generations to come”.
Her voice is soft now “I know the pressure is high for you right now, but being a Blight is almost equivalent as the word responsibility itself”.

“I know that, but-” Arwenn appealed but the queen now composed herself again and ordered her firmly “You shall clean yourself then attend to the council. Afterwards, you shall visit your father.” then walked away.

With no choice after all, she walked to her room still bracing herself on what shall take place in the council meeting. She sighed knowing exactly what shall transpire.

In her younger days, she yearned to be a part of that group, to someday and somehow become a part of those people who governed the society. When she turned 16 years old and was officially anounced as a member, elation took over her. No words can explain the feeling of taking hold a position she knew was very important. But all that changed when she realized that something was lacking and the council blamed her.

Always her they turn their eyes to, always her they become irritated with, always her they talked about negatively. It hurt her so much.They didn't know what it's like

. She felt like she was humiliated and shrinked smaller and smaller.

Someone faked a cough as she passed and turned to find a very handsome man leaning against the wall while looking at her with a smile. Suddenly her heart paced faster and she bit her lip. She'd recognize that smile anywhere. That smile that turns her insides upside down, that so familiar smile that she can't stop admiring even if she has seen it in so many years. She smiled back to him.

The man walked towards her acknowledging "your highness" as he bowed with a mischievous smile.

Arwenn rolled her eyes at him but inwardly cringed upon hearing his voice again. It was deep and nice. She always like it. "Van, really.... " she said as she playfully knuckled his right arm.

He chuckled lightly as he asked "How long was it since we last saw each other?"

"Just... a month" she answered. His eyes looked at her intently as he reached up and tucked her hair in her ear. She blushed at the intimate gesture but Van kissed her in the cheek before she could put distance between them. She bit her lower lip feeling suddenly shy.

"Wh-why did you, k-kiss me?" she asked while become irritated with herself for stuttering. Van stretched as he stood and put some distance between them but his eyes never left her.

"I noticed, you look beautiful today"He shrugged and looked away reluctantly. He paused then looked back at her. He added " But well, you always looked beautiful to me" then flashed a seductive smile.

Arwenn suddenly caught her breath and licked her dry lips. She shook her head, sighed loudly as she said "you" she pointed her finger at him "are crazy".

Their gazes met and somehow they felt a strange connection.

Van mutters "maybe I am..". Then somehow looking like rethinking his words told her " You know what? I think its the dress" he nodded as if convincing himself "Yep, I think you enchanted your dress because.. I am certainly falling for whichever" as if somehow confused. They both laughed.

"Yeah right" she finished. The mood was then destroyed a sound from a bell afar. Van clutched his nape and massaged it, then let go. when he looked at her again he somehow looked sober.

Seriously speaking, Arwenn, the meeting's going to start soon. Please change now, we wouldn't want to keep them waiting". she suddenly became weary.

"You'll be there right?". He nodded.

"Yes. Brother seems to have been previously assigned for another meeting in another place. Some events are definitely getting worst." He pinched the ridge in his nose " If things continue like this, there's a possiblity that we won't see each other as frequent as before".

Arwenn stared at the floor disappointed. When they were still kids, they saw each other often. but now, with all the responsibilities on both of them, somehow what they feel is always set aside. Van, as if sensing this, held her arms.

"I'm sorry if I'm always talking about duty. But I hope you'll understand -" he was cut off by Arwenn.

"Because your the second son of King Ganther, holder of the Lightning gem, representative of your country and kingdom" she finished. She nodded and while her eyes burned with unshed tears.
Duty first before her

. Responsibility first before everything else. She always admired him for that. It was only sad that what attracted her to him was also the same thing that brings them apart.

"Arwenn.." Van wanted to say something.
"It's alright Van. I understand" she breathed out loudly.
"And.. I need to change. I have to go" she said feigning cheerfulness and headed to her room.
“Oh by the way!” Van called out again and she looked back “Acryl’s coming too, she’s back” he said and waved goodbye.

, she thought and groaned her frustration. She proceeded to go to her room all the while thinking about what was going to happen with the council specially now she

was here.


Meanwhile in Noadamin, “Jasmine, dear, what’s wrong?” her father asked. She blinked twice to regain focus. She didn’t immediately answer and instead she stood up while holding the berries she picked.

“I saw her again” she answered softly. Her father who was holding an empty basket frowned.

“Arwenn?” he asked before he gave the basket to Jasmine. She nodded as she took it. Her mother who was hovering around picked up the conversation and approached them.

“Aren’t your visions about her getting more frequent nowadays?” she asked. She nodded again while she walked.

Sensing something, her father asked “ what’s wrong dear? We might be able to help” .

She stopped abruptly and tried to think “ I am afraid. Clairvoyants do not have visions this many and I am not even the spirit vessel.” She answered with distress.

“What are you afraid about? The gossips around town? The spirit vessel? Do not worry child we won’t let them hurt you.” She shook her head.

“Mother, I do not fear the talk around the people. They may say I’m looking for attention and I’m a fake. Nor do I fear the spirit vessel, she might have warned me off but she’s the least of my worries.”

“What then are you worried about?” her father asked again with concern.

“What I am worried about is… that the visions I see might be warnings that something really bad is going to happen to Princess Arwenn” .

Her parents looked at each other and smiled relief “Dear, what could possibly happen to her? Hundreds of warriors are protecting Halafiel palace” her father said. She sighed while shaking her head.

“I don’t know. I have this feeling” and she reminisced what she last saw in her vision.

“The situation is getting worse. If we don’t find a cure, there would be more deaths!” a bearded man who looked in his forties said rather angrily.

“A lot of us have been trying to find a cure for quite sometime now” an elderly woman with thick eyeglasses spoke.

Phinstam, Jasmine thought. It was a council made to discuss issues around the world and to maintain friendly connections. It seemed to Jasmine that whoever leads the council can always be the one called to be the center of power. While it was consisted of the current rulers of the land all throughout, the decision is always made by the head. And the current head was King Herald, Arwenns father. However, the King has fallen ill and now the responsibility is passed the second head, King Ganther. Jasmine looked at Arwenn from her memory. She was cool, composed and silent. She didn’t know what was going on in her mind but she sympathized with her.

“Well, if the light vessel could only use her powers there wouldn’t be any problem” one man who had a big pointed nose and deformed mouth said. Arwenn remained still as the other council members where whispering among themselves.

Other discussion passed in a blur, she saw a lot of noise, people standing, arguments then finally the solution to the problem. King Ganther looked at Queen Minerva, then told her what Phinstam had decided. It was a good idea, but somehow Jasmine can’t shake off the ominous feeling.

The council

Arwenn sat at the chair located at the inner arc where she was expected to be seated.

Everything, she thought, seems to be the usual way they were. Even though the seat beside her was empty, she half expected it, knowing that the person who should be sitting there shall discuss a report in front of the council later.


, she sighed just by remembering her. The person she could live without. Two months have passed since she was sent to Qaurkur, Van’s reigning region, to resolve a problem and in those short lived months, she could say her life became a little more pleasant. But now, she had to come back, undoubtedly recognized for her accomplishments again.

But she was used to it, in fact, the only thing amiss, was the center chair which held all the power in the world, which also bestows authority on whoever sits on it. It was her father’s, or she should say, previously owned by her father but now a different man owns.

Nonetheless, still, a good man, Van’s father. She scanned the room and it did not take much time before she saw him. Van was sitting at the same arc, five chairs from the edge. The council room was made up of 7 arcs and 20 circles with the King’s chair at the middle. As your authority increases, so does your position in the council, from the outer circle up into the inner arcs, although the innermost arc is reserved only for the gem vessels. Being a gem vessel and the King’s daughter, she was entitled to the seat on the rightmost of the inner arc. From the position she holds, the rest of the of the gem vessels were seated according to importance or contribution.

When all was seated, a stern looking lady who was well known as Tashella presided the meeting. Whenever Phinstam holds meetings such as this one, Tashella was the most able lady to facilitate the proceedings.

She started “Today, we are to discuss only two issues. But grave issues nonetheless. However, before tackling any of those I understand there is an expected report coming from our water gem vessel.”

She stopped and turned around briefly, summoning the water gem vessel. And there she was, Acryl, with all smiles, confidence and all kinds of properness. How deceiving, Arwenn thought.

“I am greatly gratified again, as I always have whenever I get a chance to help. A pleasure indeed, whenever I am asked. Please let me begin by saying that the prosperity blessing for Insha, a region of Quarkur, is finished. Two months ago, Insha asked the council’s help for the sudden loss of sea treasures such as foods and minerals and we all know that this place supplies other countries as well. Without its usual catches, other nations shall be gravely affected not only Insha itself. I am glad to say now, that Insha no longer suffers. The prosperity blessing has taken effect.” She ended while there was a loud applause from the members of the council including the King Ganther himself, Van’s father and ruler of Quarkur.

Reluctantly, Arwenn applauded too although her heart felt heavy.

As Acryl has taken her seat beside her, she became tense. Most of their lives, the two of them knew each other, they should have been close friends, that was everyone was expecting. However, she couldn’t understand it herself, but there was always a spark of animosity between them.

“Welcome back” she told her almost nonchalantly and not surprisingly she answered in the same cool manner.

“Thank you” Acryl said without even bothering to look at her.

She was disappointed and hurt. Although the council had proceeded to discuss the first issue at hand, she could not help but admire the petite girl beside her. Goodness, she thought, how such a small creature like her do great things? Bitter, yes that’s what Arwenn felt. She wanted to become the person her nation needed, what the world needed as the light vessel but she can’t. She’d gladly trade places with Acryl, she thought.

“Moving on to the next issue, the last one…” Tashella’s voice brought Arwenn to the present. She went still, somehow, she knew that the next issue would get linked to her. Her heart started to pound but told herself to remain calm.

“The plague, has yet again, entered the country of Gilmore. Seven of its villages are now struck and the death toll has increased by more than a two hundred” Tashella reported.

“The situation is getting worse. If we don’t find a cure, there would be more deaths!” Lord Byron from the second arc commented.

And two seats from him Lady Minn also stated “A lot of us have been trying to find a cure for quite some time now”. The council sounded their agreement.

Arwenn understood this, knew that a couple more opinions are going to be voiced then the moment she dreaded shall come. She didn’t wait long though as she saw one of her least favorite council members stood up.

“Well, if the light vessel could only use her powers there wouldn’t be any problem” Lord Clerson said. Funny she thought, he wasn’t even a noble. He was only someone who represented the king of the Mist nation. The king whose physical attendance to meetings can be counted within Arwenn’s fingers, have no idea how his representative can make her mad, just by saying only one sentence like now.

Finally, the center of power, King Ganther had chosen to glare at the man.

“Which she could not, Lord Sid” he admonished and then continued “We have called this meeting to discuss issues and present solutions. We are running out of time and it is highly suggested that we refrain from voicing out opinions and commentaries that does not help the situation we are in right now”. And with that, the council fell silent again.

“The question at hand is how we can stop the Plague and in our previous meetings we have already discussed that several methods have been tried but has failed. Is there any other way that the council can think of?” Tashella reminded the council.

After a few silent moments when Arwenn thought that no one can present a solution passed. She remained still, and felt sardonic, so there was no solution and all of you came here so you could mock me, was her thought. But then someone stood up and spoke.

“How about instead of focusing on the light vessel’s problem itself , we try to solve what’s keeping us from doing the only solution we can sought”.

All eyes went to him including Arwenn’s. She expected a few people to stand and present but not him, Van.

Although aware of the scrutinizing glares of the members, he stood there confidently as if he carefully planned what he was going to say.

King Ganther eyed him with rather proud eyes “Please do tell us more about it”.

He looked at Arwenn as if trying to convince her to trust him. Their eyes met, passing a silent message which she understood and made her nod. With that, as if relieved, Van faced the council.

“We do know already that the light vessel can cure any disease or heal fatal wounds. Among all gems, it’s the only one who has the powers for healing and purification of all. That is the reason that we keep on relying on Blight clan because they are the only bloodline that seems to be chosen by the light gem. However, Princess Arwenn, our current light vessel cannot use it. The light gem has refused to display its power to her” He stopped then glanced at Arwenn then to King Ganther. He continued “I suggest that we make her study on how to bend the light gem’s power”.

The room erupted with noise again as members talked amongst themselves.

One woman with a bun on her head stood up “But that is ridiculous!” . Another stood up “That cannot be done!” then another “Why not?”
“Making the light gem a slave to any person’s will is an abomination”
“Haven’t we been using the other gems the same way?”
“Yes, but the light gem’s a separate entity!” The talk goes on and on.

It seemed endless and downright frustrating. Arwenn was gaping at Van. He might as well said that humans should torture their divine creator to grant them their wishes.

King Ganther looked as if he was deep in thought amidst the turmoil. Finally, he placed a hand in front of him, signifying his command of silence.

The sound of a small bell could be heard and the voices started to die slowly. Arwenn still at the brink of her astonishment didn’t even realize that the sound came from beside her.

Acryl’s head was supported by her left hand while the other hand was used to ring the small silver bell. She looked bored, as if doing such an act was just a deliberate act to annoy. But they all knew better, this girl never attracted the council’s attention over something useless. When the noise finally cleared, she smiled and stood up.

“Nice sound isn’t it? I admit that this bell here caught my attention in the marketplace. Imagine, in a such busy place, it made a small sound but it caught my attention. So, I thought that maybe” she shrugged “ if I rang it today, I can call the council’s attention right now.”

She looked around and approved that she was looked at intently as if expecting something really relevant. She continued.

“ Now, let me tell you a fact about gem holders or gem vessels as we are commonly addressed” then raised her hand abruptly to stop any question or argument “Let me finish. I know that everyone here is a well respected leader of their own land, each of you here are looked upon by the people. They admire and respect you whenever you talk. I may not have my own land to rule upon, but I am a vessel holder and I hope that the council will listen to me the same way your people listen to you” she said this with such fervor. “The gems themselves have powers which are ready to use. They can be passed on to absolutely anyone, of course if the only if the person is willing to take the risk and accept the gem’s test. If the person passes, they live with honor, if they don’t, they die. Very simple.”

Lord Clerson snickered “The light gem’s different. It can choose its owner, and it only chooses one of the Blight’s. To be passed on to some…” he contorted his face in disgust “couldn’t even heal a scratch”.

Acryl shook her head “The test that I was saying signifies trust between the gem and its owner. If the gem does not trust the vessel, no power can be taken from it. However, when the vessel feels that gem is using too much, he or she can definitely suppress it”.

King Ganther who looked anxious asked “What exactly are you implying Acryl?”
“I’m saying that, the light gem will not grant us powers if it does not want to. And there is actually a ritual that can let the gem and the vessel communicate with each other”.

With this statement, some of the vessels were surprised including Arwenn. She did not know of this.

“Yes, I do remember…” Lady Minn said as she looked as if she was grasping some information in her mind. “There’s a small town called Resaka that has spring fields where scripts are engraved. They said that those scripts enable the understanding of between gems and vessels. Though, it has probably been forgotten already. Since, normally that kind of understanding is already established when the vessel passes the gem’s test.”

King Ganther stood with new found strength and hope. “Then I need the council’s votes.” And after the long wait, the King announced the results.

Arwenn was going to Spring Fields of Resaka.

The Academy

Jasmine has her eyes wide open. As a merchant, she has travelled every now and then from town to town. Some were depressive and some, doing better than most. She admits though, that most of the places her family visited were villages and hamlets.

However, Rune was a different story. Located at the borders of Halafiel and Quarkur, the academy is considered as the most prestigious school of both kingdoms. It is composed of about twelve large buildings where classes are held, a park with a huge twelve feet high fountain, three dormitory houses for students, several eateries aside from the school's main dining hall and a library which is a twin structure that holds numerous numbers of books.

She was looking at the building's exterior, amazed by its design and wasn't aware that she was walking backwards when she felt her heel step into something. She was going to see what it was but lost balance as she lifted her foot and fell backwards. She was ready to feel the hard ground, only she didn't. Mid fall, she felt an arm grabbing her and holding her by the waist. Opening her eyes, which she involuntarily shut when she was about to fall, She blinked only to look into the brown eyes of the most handsome man she had laid her eyes on. Everything seemed to slow down.

After a few heartbeats, the man frowned saying "Stand on your own. I'm quite having difficulty here".

Jasmine slowly tried to stand ignoring the flutters on her stomach. Regaining her balance, she noticed that the luggage she was holding was also grabbed by the man with his left hand and she can imagine that he used the other arm to catch her. She blushed. What? she asked herself. Blushing was rare for her. That luggage was not light either.

"Th.. Thank you" she stuttered and looked at his still scowling face.
"Next time, will you please be mindful of your surroundings!" he scolded.
"s..sorry" she said all the while telling herself to stop stuttering. Goodness, she also wasn't the stuttering type! What is going on with me? She thought.

"It will make the academy good if it gets rid of idiots" he muttered. But all the same, she heard it and she instantly got irritated.

She wasn't an idiot. People may have called her worst names before but never ever an idiot. She knew she could be stupid at times but she prided herself that even without proper education she read a lot and knew lot. In that moment as he was about to walk away she grabbed his arm and halted him.
He was obviously surprised by her actions, it showed in his face.

"I refuse" she told him with heated eyes.
" I refuse to be called an idiot. Take it back" she almost shouted.

It took several moments before comprehension dawned on him.
The man let out an irritated sigh "let go of me"
"No,not until you take it back!"
"look, i only helped you bec..."
but she cut him off with "who told you to help me anyway!".
He raised his eyebrows then snickered "have you even bothered to see where you were going to fall at?".

Her eyes widened at this and felt his hands peeled off her fingers around his arm.

"Guess you haven't huh? Normally, a person would at least take a glance but you didn't. So that makes you” he pointed a finger at her “an idiot" .

Just because I didn't look, I'm supposed to be an idiot?

She countered mentally. But what he said made her glance at the place and was surprised to see that if she had fallen, it would totally be humiliating. Imagine falling at knee deep fountain surrounded by various people standing by. And the risk of hitting her head on hard surface.


. She flinched. That would hurt and probably leave her head bleeding. But still, he didn't have to help if he didn't want to. She was about to voice out her opinion of him with the words annoying and stuck up pretend person but she only saw him stalking off.

She wanted to glare at him but she knew she wasn't. Instead, she was observing him. He was quite quick but his stride looked measured. He walked like someone who is entitled with the word respect. Alluring, she found herself thinking.
Then she was irritated with herself.

"No" she denied. She does not admire a guy who obviously was irritated with her and doesn't care for her at all. She groaned and put her hands on her forehead.

Deciding she has seen enough for now, she had to go to her assigned dormitory room. Maybe she'll forget about this meeting after all.


The three dormitories were color coded: purple, blue and red. Purple house are for the nobles, blue houses students who have great accomplishments academically while red are for those students who are not doing well with their grades. Each house have different styles of accommodation. It was arranged so that the students would aspire higher. Before entering rune, students have to take an exam which shall determine which house he or she shall belong to. Thankfully, she had slightly good results and now she earned her place at blue.

She smiled remembering the questions. Most of them were asking about ingredients needed for spells, on how they can be used or where to find them. Some questions were about places like forests and caves, on what are the expected dangers and the necessary precautions upon entering.

Some items were even asking for immediate remedies if one is poisoned. Silly as it may seem, most students may know those information through textbooks, but she knew those things from experience. She was a merchant after all, and her job enabled her to know those things.

Going back to the present, she stood outside the door eyeing her name beside another: Jasmine Brown and Forjesca Lex. A roommate, maybe she was inside already? She thought. Just in case the person might get startled by suddenly opening the door, she decided to knock. For a moment, she wondered what kind of person her roommate was, bad tempered, thoroughly nice or quiet? She was trying to comprehendhow she'll introduce herself when the door opened.

She blinked looking at the short haired beauty who stared back at her. Goodness, she thought. Will she be able to get past getting amazed by the people she meet here? The girl's smile flashed.

"You must be Jasmine. I'm Forjesca, but call me Jesca".
She smiled back somehow relieved that the girl was nice.
"Jasmine or jas" she introduces herself.

With a swift move Jesca took one of her luggages which she was holding with both hands "I'll help you with this".
"You don't have to" she tried to take back her luggage surprised even to see that the girl managed to brush her off and holding the luggage with only one hand. She's strong, she thought and observed that the girl certainly looked fit although she could see there were no bulky muscles. She was in fact looking gracefully fit and feminine. Though, from the way she moved, she was... How could she describe her? Boyish? No. More of bodyguard type... Hmmm... How come?

"So uh, you moved from red house?" Jesca suddenly asked after placing her luggage at the other side of the room where the bed hasn't been arranged. Jasmine shook her head.

"I’ actually, have never attended Rune before. How about you?" she said as she took in her surroundings. It was big for a room with two people. The unarranged bed, was definitely hers.

"Oh. I've been here for three years already. This is my fourth. In my first two years I was in red, but then I got better so now I’m promoted to blue" she said rather proudly.

Knowing that everyone in Rune needs to choose which area of specialty they have to belong to before actually starting, she asked "What do you specialize in?".

"Security. Outside security, that is" Jesca smiled sheepishly. Jasmine's eyes widened. Ah, so that explains her movements

. It was precise and cautious.

"Isn't that really dangerous? I mean, following orders then carrying out missions?". She nodded then frowned.

"Well I'd rather do that than to stand guard in places to protect nobles. Hmp!".
"What's wrong with protecting the nobles?" Jasmine was curious. Normally security specialties would be very proud to be a part of a team that protect nobles, especially if the noble belongs to one of the royal families but instead of answering, the girl only shrugged, completely ignoring her last question.

"How about you? What did you pick?" Jesca asked.
Jasmine hesitated a little and sat down on her bed. Was she deliberately evading her question?

But she felt that she had to answer Jesca’s question although her circumstances were different.
"uhm, it was more of, chosen by the headmaster for me..." she said simply.

"What?!" Jesca exclaimed with an incredulous look on her face. Well, Jasmine thought, it was the truth. Other students were given the choice, but not her.

"Why? I mean, everyone gets to choose what they want to be. Why decide for you?" Jesca asked as soon as she regained her composure. Jasmine thought on how to explain the situation then came up with something.

" The numbers of in house informants are getting lower".
"In house informant?" Jesca groaned and she understood. Most people are not very trusting with In house informants. Some even question their credibility. Her roommate shook her head.

"What was that old man thinking? Assigning you there? I don’t even know if those guys are for real or just lucky. Honestly? I doubt them. They were supposed to be able to warn us if a major event or catastrophe is about to happen or at least find some hidden information" she shook her head in utter dismay and continued "But they didn't even saw the plague coming or king Herald getting sick".

Jasmine nodded and she knew that what she was about to say may surprise the other girl yet again.

"Indeed they didn't." she paused before "But I did".


When Jesca heard what her new roommate said her jaw dropped literally
"Woah.woah, you're saying... You saw those coming? " The girl nodded.
She inspected her visually as Jasmine unpacked the luggage she helped her with earlier.

If basing from the clothes alone, she'd say she was not one of those rich people. In fact, she looks so ordinary: Brown skin, brown shoulder length hair, medium height, and medium build. She doesn't look fragile but she doesn't also look like a fighter, a mediocre.

In house informants? Clairvoyants? She wasn't a fan of those people. Although, she admit that those abilities would provide valuable information for missions, there were high risks that it information is not reliable. Relying on those information alone, would be a disaster for their part as a security and might mean death.

She looked at Jasmine through her lashes, if this was the girl that the professors and the headmaster was talking about, then it would be a big step for the now dying profession. Well, isn't fortune smiling down on her.

She remembered the talk about this particular clairvoyant, the one who has a precision of hundred percent. She impressed a great amount of people who has influence from above. It would even be better, they said, if Rune can help her learn to gain information when she needs. After all, she herself had been gathering information secretly. If Jasmine goes on like this, climbing up fast the important political circle, then maybe... Maybe she can use her as a tool for her revenge...

She just need to help her control her abilities and gain her trust.

"So what are your classes?" she asked.
"let's see..." she grabbed a small parcel from inside the luggage. As she went through its contents, she brought out a paper. "Here... It says... History, current events, IIC, Potions"

Jesca looked expectantly, waiting if there was more but Jasmine only looked back.

"That... That's it?"
"what?!" she made an incredelous face.
"what?" it was Jasmine's turn to ask.
"First two clSses are requisites. Potions is an advanced class. The only related thing to your profession is a IIC. Whatever that stands for"
"Oh, I didn't know. IIC is a clairvoyance class. That's what they told me"
"Uh,right" she made a disgusted face.
"Four hours a day. IIC." she informed.
"Boring" she rolled her eyes.
"Tsk, four hours... If that's the first IIC, then... probably you'll just sit around holding objects in your hands, hoping it will talk to you and reveal some kind of secret information".

Jasmine frowned. "how do you know about that? Have you taken that class?"


. Jesca thought. She should hold down her toungue.

"I haven't. We don't need that class. But i know a few people who does". That wasn't lying

. Omission, yes but definitely not lying she thought while shrugging as if it was not a matter of importance.

She looked at Jasmine who only nodded. She was relieved that the girl had let it go and resumed her unpacking.

She took the time to observe her again. Clothes, study materials, books, pouches, sheets... She moved swiftly, like time is the essence. She has finally emptied the big luggage. Or should she term it as her mini house.

"how can you put so much in there? No wonder it was heavy" she was curious.
Jasmine bit her lip. "I'm a merchant. Not like the rich merchants, just you know, trading or selling what we can find"
"well, we have to maximize our resources so I think it was the same with the luggage. It would be a waste of space if I didn't fit my things in that space."
"oh" so she's a clairvoyant merchant. Interesting

"oh Germissa!" Jasmine exclaimed and walked towards her study table where a plant was placed. It has a small budding white flower. Yes, when she bought it from a flower shop, they said it was Germissa. How can she tell?

She was going to ask when a falcon with sharp eyes and brown feather landed at the balustrade.

The messenger has arrived.


Jasmine walked the gray stone floor leading to her last class for the day, Potions. Her first class was IIC and she left earlier than Jesca.

Thinking of her roommate sparks something inside her. She found her very pleasant, she liked that. But, she gets the feeling she was hiding something.

The day before, she was looking at the flowers at Jesca's desk when she heard flapping of wings. As she glanced to where the sound was coming from, she saw a bird.

Before she can even come near it, Jesca got to it first. She handled it very efficiently, even murmuring something to it. But she couldn't hear what she said to it. And after a few more moments, it flew away.

"What was that?"
"A falcon" Jesca answered quietly.
"Does it always come here?"
"Yes, a regular visitor". When Jasmine's eyes widened, she added "He was my older brother's friend. I guess it comes sometimes to check up on me"
Jesca nodded sadly.
"My brother is dead now"
"Oh. I'm sorry." She bit her lip.
"Don't be," Jesca turned and looked at her. "After all, it happened a very long time ago"
"Wow, then the bir- falcon, he's very loyal" she commented but she noticed Jesca's smile. It was different, but she couldn't tell if it was good or bad.

She only said "More than you think it is"...

So now she is stuck up with walking along the corridors, finding the right place where her class will be held, still thinking about her roommate.

She felt like there was something she had to do for her.

She stopped in time as a couple of girls almost bumped into her while they were chatting animatedly. She had to wait before she can get pass them.

"Have you heard of the Phinstam's new decree?" the girl with a curly hair asked.
"Ooh, about the vessels you mean?" an eager pale looking girl asked back.

Jasmine's attention was caught. She pretended to walk behind them trying to look nonchalant. If this was about Arwenn, she wanted to know. She followed the group.

It had been weeks already since the last time she had a vision of Arwenn. She was anxious to hear any news, unfortunately, it seemed that her task of going to spring fields was kept a secret from the people outside the council.

"Exactly, my mother works at the Blight's castle so she heard that Phinstam ordered every vessel the age of 22 and under to stay at Rune" the girl with the curly hair announced.

"I wonder why though" the third girl said.

Jasmine was wondering too but she kept quiet and tried to listen closer.

"Who cares?" curly snorted "As long as we get to see the vessels".
"I think there are only 3 of them who are under 22. Prince Van and Lord Lucas are both 22" the pale girl shared.

The other girls giggled and Jasmine stopped listening. She didn't think she would be able to hear from them what she wanted to know.

She decided to leave the group in front of her and climbed up the nearest staircase then turned right. She checked her school map again as she walked. After passing several halls, she saw a wooden sign hanging right on top of an open door.

After checking her schedule again, she confirmed that it was her classroom. The door was wide open and she entered silently.

A noble's kitchen, Jasmine thought. Well, she hasn't seen one but this was how she imagined it to be.

Large room, cleanly polished wooden floor, big windows that let the sunlight in and the odors out, racks and racks of spices, herbs, concoction equipment and other ingredients.

The only thing out of place were the tables... there were too many of them. For the students, she guessed.

There were many students inside already. She looked for an empty chair and saw one on the fourth row where the middle chair didn't seem to be taken. There were 2 female students already at the opposite ends. One was short haired.

Her anticipation grew as she approached. She stood beside the table of the short haired girl who looked up lazily as she sensed her presence.

"I was right! It is you!" Jasmine exclaimed.
The girl's eyes widened.
"We have the same potions class. Wonderful!" Jesca pointed the seat next to her "Sit here".

Jasmine obliged.

"Hi!" the girl on her right, after she took her seat, greeted her.
"My name's Jasmine Brown"
"Leenah Kiour"
"Uhm, this is" she was about to introduce Jesca but Leenah held up a hand
"I know Jesca" she looked at her "We've been sharing almost the same classes that has nothing to do with outsidd security"
"Oh, sorry since the two of you didn't sit together I assumed--"
"That we didn't know each other" Jesca's eyes rolled. "We left that seat available deliberately".
"Oh, why?"
"So we could make fun of the person in the middle" she grinned mischievously.

Jasmine tensed while Leenah giggled.

"She's kidding. Don't worry. It's because she's messy and so am I."
"We figured, we have to sit apart so our things wouldn't get crowded"
"We hope you're a little organized than us, though."
"I... I think I am" Jasmine answered.
"Believe me when I say she is. I saw it with my own eyes" Jesca commented.
"Are you outside security too?" Jasmine asked Leenah.

The girl shook her head.
"I'm inside security. It's much safer since you usually are in groups when you secure your CP"
"Center Person or CF for Center Family" Jesca informed her.

As she was going to ask more, she noticed the room got a little quiet but there were a lot of whispering.

Jesca and Leenah also noticed this and joined her to look for the center of attention.
As she did, her eyes widened. She has seen this person in her visions!

"Acryl Rein" Leenah whispered in awe.
"The water vessel" Jesca snorted.

She was small, had medium raven black hair that was styled by a strange looking clip. Her eyes were tawny and had also a rare streak of purple. Purple eyes?, Jasmine wondered.

Purple wasn't a common eye color, just like Jesca's blue.

She continued to observe her. She's cute, but she looked so serious. Just like the way she was in her visions. Is she always like this? Jasmine wondered further.

"I wonder why she's here?," Leenah blurted out." Vessels do not go to Rune"
When Jasmine only stared at her, she added
" they choose their own mentors. Private Classes."
Beside Jasmine, Jesca snorted.
"Special treatment"
"I think they deserve it. They are vessels."

Jesca rolled her eyes.
"I heard it was Phinstam's decree" Jasmine recalled.

Acryl passed by and took a seat in the front row.

"I thought that was a rumor" Leenah frowned while her eyes followed Acryl.
"Come on, there's a lot of rumors going around"

Jesca leaned closer to them.

"Like that rumor about a student getting possessed."
" What about it?" Leenah leaned closer too.

"They said that a student from the red's house kept hearing voices in his head. And that someone was telling him that the girl he was courting was playing him and all. He ignored it at first but it got only worst. Then one night, he sneaked into her room..."

"What happened after ?" Leenah's voice was a whisper.
"They said that the next morning the girl's body was found with her head missing," she looked at Jasmine "One of the in house informants said she had a vision of him cradling the head at night and cooing it."

Jasmine felt a chill in her spine while Leenah swallowed hard.

"But who knows? It's just a rumor anyway" Jesca leaned back to her seat and shrugged.
"But I heard that it was a real story and that the Academy is covering it up." Leenah muttered.

"Jesca," Jasmine said weakly. "Please remind me not to ask you to tell me scary stories"
"Aww... Are you scared?" she teased her.

When she didn't answer, Jesca took pity on her.

"Well I guess, you are so lucky you have me as a roommate. I won't let anything bad happen to you while I'm around" she elbowed her and winked.

Jasmine only answered with a meek smile. If that was just a rumor, then why did she feel uneasy?

Someone to Trust

Potions class was something to look forward to in the next couple of days, not because of the professor but because of the things they would learn.Professor Mackenzie was a plump lady in her late forties or so, with graying hair and yellowish teeth. The professor only gave brief introductions about potions and which kinds they will be studying for the next couple of weeks.

She also learned that most of the students from the class has security as specialization, as Jesca pointed out. There were no familiar faces from her previous class, as she observed. That meant, potions class was not a subject normal in-house informants would take.

The hours went on with a blur. Mackenzie did all the talking and did not appreciate being interrupted. She didn't ask about the students either. The class looked like they prefer it that way too, except the red haired guy with thick spectacles in front of them. He kept on raising his hand but only received a glare from the professor.

Jesca stretched and yawned right after Mackenzie concluded the class.

"Finally" Leenah was getting up from her seat.
"I was about to fall asleep" Jesca got up from her seat too.
"It's good that hand combat class comes after"
"You still have a class after this?" asked Jasmine. "It's starting to get late"
"That's fine. We wouldn't be in security if we.don't have enough endurance and stamina" Jesca stated.
"Oh. Well then, I guess I'll go back to the dormitory first."

Jesca nodded and recieved a smack on the shoulder by Leenah.
"Come on! Let's move. I need some action here" Leenah started walking away. "Bye Jas!" she called out.

Jesca followed Leenah after muttering her brief "See you later" statement.

Jasmine headed to the blue dormitory. The three dormitories were almost completely isolated from the Academy. All of which are situated at the farthest end of the Academy grounds.There were a number of students while she walked the main road but as they passed some stalls and the red house, the crowd started to thin out and after a while it seemed like she was walking alone.

Suddenly she felt weary. She wasn't sure if it was because of Jesca's story earlier or the darkness of the night starting to envelope the place, but she felt she was being watched.Her pace increased, ignoring the nagging feeling. She wanted to run but didn't want to appear paranoid just in case she ran into someone.
Right on cue, a silhouette appeared not too far from her. She decided to go close but maintain a safe distance. As she did though, she recognized the person.

"Acryl!" she called her attention.

The other stopped and slowly turned towards her.

"Acryl Rein right?" she asked as she approached her.

The girl smiled and nodded. Jasmine stifled a sigh of relief.

"Jasmine Brown" Acryl acknowledged her with a high pitched voice.

"You know me?" she asked.

"Of course. Special persons should be recognized. Your talent of clairvoyance with a hundred percent accuracy has made Phinstam interested"

Jasmine's heart skipped a beat. She knew there were council members aware of her ability but she didn't expect Phinstam's interest in her.

"Well, I-Im afraid that I can't control it." she replied shyly.

"Isn't that the reason why you're here? To learn."

"Right" she agreed.

When Acryl resumed walking, she came beside her.

"Do you mind if I walk with you?"
"No, I don't." she answered simply.

She is not much of a talker

, was Jasmine's impression of Acryl. She kept silent but her presence made Jasmine feel at ease. Her earlier tension seemed to disperse.

After a while, Acryl broke the silence.

"Are you scared?" she asked with amusement.

Jasmine only bit her lip. "Not really, just anxious. How did you know?"
"I can almost feel it" Acryl shrugged but her facial expression was light.
"Aren't you scared?"

Acryl paused a moment, blinked twice, looked at her with a brow raised. When Jasmine’s wondering look lingered, she giggled.

It was a nice sound, Jasmine thought. In her visions, she never saw the girl laugh.
"What?" she asked suddenly aware that she was the one being laughed at.

"Are you seriously asking me that question?"
"Um, yes? " Jasmine suddenly felt unsure.

"I'm sorry for my reaction" she said stifling her laughter. "No one has ever asked me that."
"Why not?"
"When you're a vessel, everybody else assume that you possess a lot of power, enough to protect yourself"

"Do you?" she was curious.

"Yes we do have powers obviously but we cannot protect ourselves with absolution" Acryl sobered.

"I see," she felt embarrassed for asking. As if it was something she should already know. But she didn't. I'll ask Jesca later, maybe she knows.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware of that" she apologized but even as she did, she noticed Acryl's sincere smile.

"Please, don't be sorry. Talking to someone just like this makes me feel..." Acryl shook her head slowly "Never mind. I'm looking forward to having a chat with you again sometime".

Jasmine realized that she was ending their conversation but she wanted to talk with her more. But what surprised her even more was that they were already at the entrance of the blue house, Jesca’s and her dormitory. She didn't even notice the distance they travelled.

"Right" they both paused.

"I'll go ahead" Acryl smiled.
"Bye" Jasmine waved her hand slowly and watched as the other girl walked away.

The feeling of apprehension came back as soon as she stood alone again. She hurriedly treaded around the brightly lit hall and locked her room's door once she got in, and then sank to her bed. She let out a sigh and lay down thinking she'll eat later and wait for Jesca first but her eyelids became heavy and she closed her eyes.

Moments later she felt as if she was lying on the ground. It was very hard but she can smell something fragrant. She sniffed and opened her eyes only to see that she was in a middle of a place she hasn't seen before.

The fragrance was from the flowers which surrounded the place. Nearby, she can hear the sound of flowing water, like a river or something like that. She sat up and noticed she indeed was on the ground, carpeted with moist green grass . A garden, she thought. She sat up and saw a figure sitting on a boulder nearby.

The person was wearing a very white robe with a hood covering most of her face but her mouth was exposed. Jasmine could tell precisely it was a woman.

"I have been waiting for you. I thought you'd never come" the hooded figure spoke.
"W-who are you?" she asked carefully.
"Someone you can trust"
"Why am I here?" still anxious.

The hooded figure tilted its head slightly.

"You were the one who came here"

Jasmine never had a memory of going outside and she doesn't sleep walk either. Besides that, she wasn't aware that a place like that existed in Rune.

"I did not come here. Wh-"
"Do you believe in heroes?" the figure asked.
"Your world is slowly dying."

Jasmine thought that everything that was going on was weird but she still nodded and stated the practical reason.

"Because of the plague. It causes sickness, it kills people"

The figure shook its head.

"The plague is a diversion." Slowly the person got up from the boulder and sauntered towards Jasmine. All of a sudden, the atmosphere became different.

"What if I told you that something evil is coming your way?” the person paused. “And it won't stop until every single being is dead?”

The figure stepped forward and reflexively Jasmine inched back.

“And there's only one person who can stop all of it and save you? But you won't know when the person will appear, you wouldn't even know who he or she is. It would not even be certain that the person will help you.”

Another step forward and Jasmine’s heart became a little faster.

“What will you do then?"

Jasmine tried to imagine this. A creature that won't stop till everything's destroyed. Then she'll have to watch people die slowly, her friends, her family and herself, all of them out and cold. No more beauty, no more happiness, dead bodies everywhere, the only sound that can be heard are cries of agony. She shivered.

"No" she looked up at the figure. "I, we, will stop it for sure?"

"Well then, if that happens, will you still believe that one day someone will come along and save the world? Will you let other people's lives depend on that person? Even sacrifice your life for that risk if needed? Do you think having faith in that person is worth it?" the figure taunted.

Jasmine immediately thought of Arwenn. The people depended on her too much

, she thought.

She could see the ups and downs of that. Arwenn represented hope, but was always a presence to be blamed when something wrong happens. She almost carried the world. If Arwenn suddenly says no to save the people, then for sure it will be chaotic. I believe in Arwenn, but what will I do if that happens? Was it really wrong to put your hopes in that person?

She asked herself.

She shook her head. No, hoping is good. It gives you something to look forward to. The actions the people take determines what will happen in the future

, Jasmine realized.

"There's nothing wrong in believing. But there's also nothing wrong if we, ordinary people, help to attain what we are hoping for" Jasmine stood up and looked at the figure with determination. "My answer is yes, I do believe in heroes and that we will be saved. But I am definitely not going to stand by and wait around for that to happen. I'll help and even sacrifice myself if that’s what it takes"

"Even if other people become selfish and won't support you?"

"Even if I do it alone" she stood her ground.

Jasmine could see the hooded figure's lips curled as if something has been decided and a major resolution had been made. Gradually her surrounding became hazy and everything went out of focus as she woke up to the smell of food.


Jasmine's stomach grumbled at the sight of food.

"Here this is for you" Jesca handed her the other plate.

"Thanks, I'm hungry. I didn't eat last night" Jasmine started eating.

"I planned to wait for you but I drowsed off"
"Ahhh, that's why you're still wearing the same clothes you, had on yesterday."
"I had a very weird dream"

Jesca stopped eating.

"A vision?"

Jasmine shook her head. That definitely wasn't a vision. First, she was seen. Second, she had an interaction. Those two things never happen in a vision.

"Just a dream"
"What happened in the dream?"
"Nothing much, just that there was a young woman asking a lot of complicated questions"

"Right, a dream with question and answer is weird for you?"Jesca chuckled. "My dreams would take me the end of the world where I beat an ugly green skinned monster. That isn't even weird for me"

"Hmmmm.... Okay then. Let's change the subject. What are your classes for today?"
"History and Current Events"
"Me too"
"Let me check your schedule" Jesca stood up and took the paper Jasmine was holding out.

"Ha! Same classes again"
"That's great! Let's go together."

After the both of them finished taking a bath and preparing, they went off.

History room looked like a common lecture room. She and Jesca sat in the middle row. Not long enough after being seated Leenah came and sat on Jesca's left side.

"Hi Jas!" she waved and turned to Jesca "I swear we have every non security classes together"

"I don't need reminding" she snorted.

"I thought you have the same hand combat class?” Jasmine asked.

"Nope. We have separate classes" Jesca answered.

"Too bad, I want to try and beat you up sometime" Leenah sneered.
"In your dreams! One look and I know you're weaker than I am" she mocked.

Jasmine suddenly remembered something about her and Acryl's conversation the night before.

"Do vessels also need security?" she asked them.

The two looked at each other before Leenah answered.

"Of course they do. They are like walking treasures after all"

"But they can protect themselves right?"

" They might use the gems against an enemy but they also have weaknesses like any other person" Jesca explained.
"Like for example, one vessels' abilities enable them to be strong and defeat an enemy close by but what will he do if an archer is going to shoot at him? Surely he can't use his strength in that distance right?" she explained further.

"Ah, I see. I understand now"

"Why ask?" Leenah frowned.


As soon as the noise around hushed and became mumbles, Jasmine had a hunch of the reason.

"May I sit next to you?" Acryl's bright voice asked.

"Sure" Jasmine smiled as she imagined Leenah drop her jaw and Jesca pouting.

"I'm Leenah" she said with a big smile.

"Hello" she smiled back.

"This," she pointed Jesca “is Forjesca Lex" Jasmine told her as the girl didn't seem to make any move to introduce herself.

"I do know her"

Jesca's eyebrows rose, surprised by her statement still looking cynical but Acryl only shrugged nonchalantly.

"Settle down. Silence please" an old man with graying hair and moustache took his place in front, grabbed the chair behind the desk and placed it in the middle near the first row, then took his seat.

"Now, all of you have been taking up history every year, except of course the new students." he looked at Jasmine's direction."This year we are going to cite the events that took place and made the world as it is now. World history"

A lot of students groaned including Jesca and Leenah.

"Now, now... let's start with discussing the origin of the light gem. Anyone here who can relate to me the story?" he looked around. "Ah! Yes, Mr. Lank"

"Legend says that there was a time that the world perished. No more trees, dirty waters, the soil is no longer fertile."

"In short, resources became scarce. Please continue" the professor commented.

"Naturally, there was hunger and diseases. So the divine creator who loved his people gave the light gem to a person who He trusted would use it righteously, a Blight'

"Correct." the professor shifted in his seat. "The gem restored most of the life in the world through its very first vessel. Sadly, people started to fear its powers, that the vessel would use it for his own goals"

"But that's just not true." Acryl negated. "There's a mutual understanding between a vessel and the gem they hold. One can't act without the other's consent."

"Yes Miss Rein. I suppose you know this since you are a vessel yourself. But remember that he was the very first vessel, and nobody can relate to him."

"So in order to placate the people, the light gem produced eleven more but entrusted the three elemental gems to the people who supported the vessel then another four to those who claimed to be neutral and the last four for those who strongly opposed the vessel" another student related.

"And that made them, including the Blights, to be called the 12 royal families." the professor concluded.

There were several ooh's and aaah's that Jasmine can hear from the background.

"For your homework, I want you to research about these 12 royals. History, abilities, and vessels of the current generation" the professor stood up and ignored the sounds of protests from the students as he went out.

"But there are only nine royal families left so getting information from the other three would be difficult" Leenah groaned then gasped when Jesca elbowed her.

Jasmine looked at Acryl through her lashes. She was the last from her family, one of the extinct royals.
How did she feel, Jasmine wondered, to talk about her family as history?

"We can collaborate. I know some of my families' past, we can trade information later on" Acryl offered lightly.

"Doesn't all of this bother you?" Jesca frowned.

"It used to. But as time go by, I realized that I couldn't change anything about the past, but I can do something about the present and the future"

Jesca leaned back to her chair and folded her arms at the back of her head.

"Time heals huh?"

"Time heals nothing. You only get healed the moment you decide to get healed" Acryl told Jesca this as if she wanted to say 'it's your decision'.

Jasmine couldn't help noticing Jesca who only looked afar, as if reminiscing something. Did she too have a bitter past

, Jasmine wondered.

Her thoughts were disrupted as a middle aged man came into the room.

"A meeting was held abruptly by the headmaster and some teaching members. One of them is your professor so I'm afraid this class is canceled for today" he announced.

The students immediately got up from their seats, more than happy to miss a class.

"Miss Forjesca Lex, your presence is also requested by the head master" the man said and left.

Jasmine looked Jesca worriedly.

"Don't look at me like that! It's probably another favor anyway. See you later" she winked and followed the man out.
Jasmine turned to Leenah .

"Favor? What kind of favor?"

"The usual. Sometimes the Academy recruit from their students when they need assistance for a mission" she shrugged.

Jasmine's eyes widened.

"But she's still a student!"

"She's very promising though." Acryl stated.

Jasmine looked at her.

"If the reports are true, then she's already considered as a high ranked security personnel" she continued.
"Jesca?" Jasmine asked aloud which caused Leenah to giggle.

"Yeah. Who would have thought right?"

"I knew she was cautious, her movements say so but often times she just look..." Jasmine tried to put her thoughts into words.

"Laid back?" Leenah suggested and Jasmine reluctantly nodded.

"Well, do you have something else to do?" Acryl asked.

"Uhm, I have to work on a report for my inside security class so I'm going ahead" Leenah hurriedly waved at them and went off.

"How about you then?" she asked Jasmine.

"Nothing really" she conceded.

"You want to come with me?"


"Just follow" she grabbed Jasmine's hand and held on to it as they approached an open field where some security students seem to practice.

They sat at a bench not too far from the students. They were all forming a circle around a guy who looked like he was telling them some tips.

"Wait a minute" Jasmine looked closer and gasped.

It was the same person who helped her when she almost fell on the fountain.

The guy looked at their direction and smiled. He said something to the group and left heading towards where they were seated.

Jasmine's heartbeat increased twice its normal. Did he recognize me?

she asked mentally.

When he was closer, Jasmine tried to face him. She was successful but realized he wasn't smiling at her but at Acryl. She was relieved and at the same time disappointed.

"Hey. I thought you have classes during this hour?" he asked.

"Cancelled. By the way this is Jasmine Brown. Jas, this is Van. Yes, he is the second son of the king of Quarkur and also is the Lightning gem’s vessel"

Jasmine's surprise mirrored his. No wonder he looked familiar, but in her visions, he looked so different with the clothes he was currently wearing. He was less intimidating.

"The famous clairvoyant?" he asked.

"The one and only" Acryl replied.

"A pleasure to meet you. And no formality bows" he admonished her when she was about to.

"How come I didn't get one?" Acryl chose the moment to remind her.

Jasmine bit her lip guiltily.

"Acryl!" Van scolded but she merely smiled.

"Just kidding. By the way, why did you want to talk with me?"
"I haven't heard any news about Arwenn. Have you?"
"No, I haven't either."

Jasmine's interest piqued.

"Do you think something bad has happened?" Van looked worried.

"Queen Minerva would definitely send us message if there's news" Acryl's eyebrow raised.

"I knew we should have gone there with her" Van sighed irritatingly.

"Why didn't you?" Jasmine asked.

"A week after Phinstam decided to send Arwenn to the Spring Fields, King Ganther ordered some of the vessels to attend Rune to serve as a diversion"


Acryl and Van looked at each other before he nodded.

"Phinstam received a report that there was an army secretly formed in the north. They got suspicious that someone might be plotting to oppose the system and taking advantage of the Plague. So we were sent here to make an impression of arranging our own army thereby diverting the enemy's attention to us instead of Arwenn" Acryl spoke.

"Does the council already know who is behind all of this?"

"No. The messenger was killed before he could relay the information" Van's voice was grim. "And now we have to await news from Arwenn too"

The words await and diversion stirred something from Jasmine's mind, her dream. The woman in her dream said the plague was a diversion and there was an enemy. Could what the woman said be true?

Jasmine stood up putting the other two's attention on her.

"We can help Arwenn" she said.

"How?" Van asked.

"Well you said it already. You are the diversion. Then we'll have to go around and train the students, for real."

"There's just one problem" Acryl leaned in.


"I told you. It's only a suspicion. Phinstam can't act without further evidence. That's the reason why they sent vessels but not actually asking us to make an army. If they did, then they will be opposed by the people"

Jasmine thought of the situation. If the suspicions were true, Phinstam would be at great disadvantage when a war breaks loose. But if it were false, then Phinstam would have to face a possibility of uprising and oppositions from the people. Either way, it's a lose-lose situation.

"Unless, if Phinstam was not a part of it"

"What are you saying?" Van looked at her intently.

"We can still serve as a diversion and create an army. But we will be doing this on our own. we have to make the people think that we are acting on our own accord."

"But what do we tell them if they ask us the reason for creating an army?" Acryl was starting be hopeful too.

"You are forgetting something aren't you?"

"You are a clairvoyant! Very accurate too! So if Phinstam wouldn't support you because you have no physical evidence, you can act on your own leaving Phinstam out of the plan" comprehension dawned on Acryl.

"If there really is an enemy, then that means you will be a target" Van reminded her.

"I'm willing to take the risk" she answered.

"I'm impressed Miss Brown," He smiled. "Not everyone will take the initiative"

Jasmine hesitated a little.

"It's just that, I feel like I have made a promise. And this is the only thing that I can think of to fulfill that promise" she said remembering again the woman in her dream.


Texte: InL
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.08.2012

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