Chapter 1
The boy
Today a new story is about to start, the main character this time is not what we usually see in most stories, he is not perfect, actually he's not even a good man!.
Mazin is a 29 years old man, he's not that tall, not handsome, he just look so average, he is the kind of people who you don't usually notice, he lives in small apartment with a roommate, he never pay the rent, also always eats his roommate food in the fridge, he lived all his life like this, leeching on others, never helped anyone, or even cared about anything in this world except himself, because of that he had no friends at all, and he also doesn't have a family, he's been alone all his life, so many times he wondered if he will die alone, even though he loves himself, he was depressed, very depressed actually, he felt empty inside, and very lonely, no one to talk to, everyone hates him and he knows that, no purpose in life, he felt lost and sad, he tried to commit suicide twice so far, and been rescued by his roommate, but seems soon he will try again because he have nothing to live for.
Sometimes something really small can do wonders, and also can change your life forever, and that is exactly what happened today.
Mazin was walking slowly in his way to the restaurant he works in as waiter, he wanted to save some money so he woke up early to walk, the restaurant wasn't very far, its 40 minutes walking, even though it was early but the streets were full of people, so many going to schools and work, he watched them wondering how can they smile?, a pregnant woman was holding her son hand who is 3-4 yeats old, waiting for the bus, she was holding her son bag and she dropped it by mistake while sneezing
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.06.2021
ISBN: 978-3-7487-8692-4
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