
Chapter 1

Walking home from the library was probably not the best idea considering it was dark and who knows whats lurking in the dark, but it was my only way home. but as I was thinking about stuff I couldn't shake the feeling I was being I walked a bit faster, then out of no where BANG I'm against a brick wall and the most sexist guy is staring at me it looked to good to be true he had dirty blonde hair that flicks out just before it reaches his ears, ocean. Blue eyes that u couldn't tare your gaze from and was wearing a tight black shirt that showed he had noticeable abs, once I recovered from his beauty i shout "what the hell" "oh I'm sorry did I hurt you" he replies mockingly "yer u actually did now let go of me" I say calmly with anger in my voice "Sorry cant and it doesn't matter anyway" he says I look at him confused but before I can say anything a pain like no other goes threw my neck 'omfg is this douch bag biting me, who the hell bites people on the neck'There was only one explanation to him biting me but it couldn't be true because vampires don't exist end of story.Without thinking my body reacts by itself by kicking the guy in his man part then I punch him in the face and I slam him into the wall and kicked him in his man bit again 'wow didn't know i could do that but fucking hell i nearly broke my hand his face is like a stone' then I quickly run away from the spot knowing I had to get away.

When i see a club called sizzling I quickly run over to it. It kinda looked like a strip club on the outside but that wasn't the case on the inside it was amazing it literally took my breath away.i went to the restroom and cleaned my neck it still looked very noticeable, I got out my iPhone and rang my dad."Hello this is Daniel Walter speaking how my I help you " he said " hello daddy it's me Caroline I need u to pick me up something's happened" I said in a shaky voice " Carolin whats wrong what happened are you alright" " yes daddy I'm fine but can u pick me up I'm at a club called sizzling and hurry " before he can say anything I hang up on him knowing he'll be here soon hopefully.About ten minutes of waiting just outside of the club doors a black SUV comes flying around the corner and stops into a park 'thats my dad I thought' then out comes my dad in a black suit he had a slightly strong build, with black spiky hair and piercing blue eyes that could make any one shit them selves. He quickly ran over to me embracing me in a big hug and I gladly accepted once we finished hugging he walked me to the car and started bombarding me with question but I quickly cut him off by saying "it's ok dad I was walking home from the library when I slipped and my neck grazed across the building bricks and I went to the Nearest club or shop that was open so no I didn't get drunk and yes I'm fine I just thought I saw something that's why I was shaky" I knew I was pushing my luck with the whole neck thing it's kinda impossible to do what I said but my dad seemed to believe it cause he said "ok I just thought someone was after u I hope your ok and u don't need to go to school if u don't want to ok" "Yes i know dad but I'm ok and ill still go to school" I said simply.When we got home everyone was in the lounge room there was my mum her name was Samantha she had a slim frame, with long legs, brown wavy hair that reached just below the shoulder blade and green eyes her expression looked worried. Then there was my older brother josh he was eighteen and two years older then me he had a strong build that all the girls would fuss about the same hair as dad and the same green eyes as mum he also held the same expression as mum I looked for my baby sister Emily who was 3 and a half she had brown curly hair with big brown eyes and rosy pink cheeks but I couldn't find her she must be asleep. I avoided all the question and quickly ran to my room upstairs my room was a dark purple colour and really big considering we're rich to the right there was a nice dark wooden table with my laptop, lamp, stationary supplies and my homework next to that there was a dark bookshelf with heaps of books, then to the left it had a walk in wardrobe with all my clothes, shoes and accessories next to that was my bathroom it was spacious enough for one person. And directly in the middle was a queen size canopy bed with a purple mosquito net around the whole bed and a nice plush rug before I did anything I took off my shoes and changed into pjs and fell into I nice sleep hoping that the night was all but a dream.

Chapter 2

"Beep, beep, beep, beep" the alarm was going off "shut up" I yell and turn it off. I walk slowly over to my bathroom without looking at the mirror I peel my clothes off and jump into the shower letting the hot water soothe me, then suddenly everything that happened last night comes rushing back to me "shit" I quickly turn of the shower and grab my towel drying off quickly I put on my bra and panties, chucking on my mini denim shorts and a top I quickly run to the the bathroom again and look at my self I couldn't help but gasp at my reflection. I was amazing I actually had boobs that guys would stare at, my body was slim but curvy in all the right places and I had a very good bum, but i was still the same height but I didn't complain being not to small and not to tall had it advantages, my hair was dead straight and naturally blonde, but my eyes where a icy blue they never used to be blue they were brown but must have changed, my name is caroline Walters age 16 and i go to a public school in year 10 and by the looks of my outfit it made me look hot and beautiful. I finally looked at my neck the marks were gone but something replaced it 'holy shit' i thought 'is that a moon' yep it was a moon but i couldn't deal with this now so I put it to the back of my mind, it could have all been a dream but it wasn't I knew that if that guy was what i thought he was then there'd probably b more and that I had to be more careful I went to grab my bag still dazed over 3 facts 1) vampires exist 2) I look amazingly beautiful 3) i could have died.Walking down the Stairs I ran into my brother I jumped to the other side of the wall "watch it" I snarled I quickly covered my mouth and shock filled me I looked at my brother he had the exact same expression except he was thinking but he quickly shook his head I asked "what's wrong" He finally answered the shock wearing off "Don't take this the wrong way but u look hot" "Eww but Thanks and this is coming from where" already knowing what he was talking about meaning that my body change was very noticeable "not sure but what happened to u, suddenly you look like a model" "Thanks again but I look the exact same as what I did yesterday anyway I gtg see u around school" before i could get anywhere he went to grab my arm but i jumped away and snarled at him i was expecting shock and stutters but instead he he looked at me and Growled, we stayed like that testing each other until he finally looked away I smirked and quickly ran out the door yelling to mum I was going to school and getting a ok honey bye as my response. Walking in the direction to school thinking about everything that's happened and still not believing it when I look up from the path noticing that I wasn't at school but actually at an old mansion, trying to turn around but couldn't my feet thought that they would have a mind of themselves realizing that I wasn't going back to school I quickly called my dad "hello Daniel Walters speaking how may I help u" " hey daddy its me Caroline I was wondering if I could have the day off still, I went to the beach and now I just want to relax if that ok" knowing my answer was a yes "Sure honey but be careful love you bye" "Thanks and love you to bye" hanging up I Put my phone back in my bag. Heading up to the gates and Slowly making my way to the door letting my feet drag me when I finally reached the door I stood there not sure what I should do and cursing at my feet "stupid fucking feet out of every where we could go u choose here frigging hell" finally getting enough courage I knock on the door making it echo.

Chapter 3

The door opens with a creek and there stands the most hottest guy even hotter then that vampire last night his face turns to a frown as if he read my thoughts, he literally had golden hair but it was just fair still, it was shaped like Paul Wesley's where it comes up at the top and yer to hard to explain but it was hott, his jaw was sharp making him look cutting and his eyes where sliver like fucking sliver isn't that impossible anyway he was wearing no t-shirt so it showed his sexy ass tan and perfectly shaped abs and shoulders and he was wearing black skinny jeans with no shoes. He was also starring at me but finished earlier, noticing I was finished starring he asked harshly "what do you want" "I'm actually not sure my feet decided they'd take me here I'm supposed to be at school but instead I end up fucking here for some reason" replying in the exact same tone still starring at him and realizing he kinda looks like that guy from last night and that means he's a vampire shit what have I got my self into without looking at him I say "listen sorry I disturbed u but I got to go Im not sure why I came here but i clearly had no control any way bye". As i tried to run to the gate my feet objected so in the process me falling on my ass "shit" I mutter "hahahahaha" mr sexy guy yells bursting into laughter "it's not funny" I hissed like a snake mr sexy guy shuts up and looks at me thoughtfully and then his expression goes angry yelling he says "Jason get your ass to the front door now" while mr sexy guy waits with the same expression I get off the ground and wait as well.Another sexy guy walks out his name must be Jason, saying "what" not noticing me then I remember that that's the vampire that nearly killed me I must do something quick so just as sexy guy is about to say something. I lunge at Jason with speed inhumanly impossible while snarling that I'm gonna kill him, nearly about to rip his throat out but someone stops me, trying to get out of there hold hissing, snarling and kicking them but then I feel my gums being ripped open i scream out in pain feeling new teeth coming through or shall o say "fangs" freaking out even more and trying to kill Jason at the same time. After about five minutes of trying to attack a shocked Jason and getting lose of the person who has hold of me which is probably mr sexy guy and getting used to having fangs I go limp understanding that I was never gonna get free with his hold on me. Jason finally goes out of shock and comes closer and says cooly "were you that weird looking chick that was supposed to die of blood loss" I hissed at him making him back up again " i don't look wired" I said angrily "Oh don't worry you look absolutely hot and i mean that" he said with a wink while mr sexy guy let me go with a smirk meaning he thought the same thing i scolded him.looking back to Jason "yes I'm the chick that u bit and was gonna kill me before i attacked u if I looked as hot as u say I am would u have attacked me then huh" waiting for his answer His face breaks into a devilish smile "of course not i would have slept with you" and that did it my anger boiling so high without the to guys knowing what i was about to do I went for Jason's throat and this time mr sexy guy wasn't fast enough to grab me so I sunk my teeth into Jason's throat even though he was a vampire and Im sure i was pretty much to,but his blood tasted soo good I moaned at the taste and just about to get into it more I was ripped of of Jason's neck and lookin right at mr sexy guys face I really need to know his name before asking I lick my lips getting the blood off them closing my i eyes remembering the taste of Jason's blood when I opened my eyes still looking at me mr sexy guy say "stop we can talk in the house and sort every thing out and ill let u drink my blood instead of my little brothers" when he said his blood I perked up and instantly became a good little girl. It instantly faded when I realized I was a friggen vampire holy shit I'm a vampire "omg I'm a vampire no, no, no" I started to freak and was about to have a panic attack the only thing I could hear was mr sexy guy "hey look at me" i look at him panic written on my face "it's ok we will get threw this its ok I promise ill help u ok just look at me focus on my breathing " when I looked at him and focused on his breathing I calmed and asked "whats your name mr sexy guy" he looked at me with confusion on his face "in my head I've been calling you mr sexy guy cause I don't know your name and you are like a god I mean I thought Jason was hot when I first saw him but you, you make him look like a geek" when I finished I squeaked and covered my mouth "yer u weren't supposed to hear that" "well that's interesting and I'm glad I did anyway my names Jacob come on let's go inside I'm sure your confused and hungry" with that said me and Jacob went inside with Jason slowly and quietly following but I couldn't help but sneak a peak at his throat it had already healed but he hadn't said anything after the attack and we were pretty much even.

Chapter 4

When I looked inside the house it was beautiful it looked elegant like in the olden days Jacob showed me to the living room and we all sat there was an awkward silence when I finally had the courage to speak "listen Jacob I'm sorry I didn't know I would drink from you but I was going to hurt you and that was the only thing that came to mind and you angered me more than u thought and I was hungry and my brain said u would have to do so I just did what I thought was best but does all vampire blood taste like his" I said while licking my lips on the last bit looking at there stunned faces waiting for there answer Jason said "it's ok and I'm sorry that I angered you and I'm not sure if they taste the same as mine I've never tried vampire blood" Then Jacob answered "we both wouldn't know but we have given it to humans so they could recover from a accident but other then that no" "Holy shit you so have to try it you's would love it" "Are you volunteering" replies Jason with a wicked grin"Fuck no you can kiss my ass u won't be touching my blood ever again but Jacob is free to" Jason's face fell but out of the corner of my eye I saw Jacob grin 'hehehe' I thought. "So explain to me why I came here and it feels like home and what do vampires do" Jacob answered the question "well that's because u come from our line of blood see we were brothers before we turned and because u were turned by dick head over here u will think home is with any one of us and we'll vampires do what ever they want you will be able to run faster then u could imagine, smell things you could never smell, see clearer at day and see in the dark and you will be able to hear things about a mile away from you, you can sense things near you and sometimes vampire will get gifts like seeing the future or past, reading minds, feeling or reading someones emotions, battle skills controlling hunger umm controlling the elements things and heaps of other abilities. we can eat regular human food but prefer not to we drink human blood or animal blood or we can drink vampire blood we don't sparkle or burn in sunlight but it does dull our senses down the only way you can die is from a wooden stake to the heart anymore questions" "No not really" "Well I'm off " says Jason "Whatever" me and Jacob both say


Chapter 5

When Jason leaves it becomes awkward until Jacob says "so do you want to drink from me you must be hungry and we don't have human blood here" "Sure" I reply excitedly Jacob tells me to sit with him I sit on his right side not sure what to do.He turns his head to the side offering me his neck I slowly move my mouth to his neck my fangs slowly show I kiss hiss neck once then I hiss and sink my teeth into his neck all sorts of sweet flavors erupt it was like pure bliss I move my body so that its sitting on top of his I start to grind against him moaning at the same time Jacobs trying to stop himself from moaning but finally it gets to much for him and he moans sliding 1 hand over my waist moving with me and the other around my neck when I finally realize that I've taken to much I stop and look at him and ask "you ok sorry I got overboard""Yer that was amazing and don't apologize" "So do you want to try my blood" I ask shyly tilting my neck to the side showing him my neck a growl escapes his lips and he nods lifting his mouth to my neck he kisses it making me shiver all over then he sinks his teeth into my neck if your thinking it would hurt it doesn't its like when someone is kissing you in that area and feels really good but it's like 10 times better. not even hearing Jason open the door we continue our little feeding session until he walks in and stops abruptly dropping his things to the ground he runs at Jacob grabs him off of me and shoves him into the wall growling and hissing. My anger level hit the roof my skin started boiling my bones started to crack for some reason and then I started feeling pain like no other as my body reshaped it's self into some type of animal I felt my gums bleeding and my teeth double in size to that of my vampire ones as the pain started to sub side I looked around noticing Jason and Jacob still arguing and fighting I tried to walk over to them but I tripped on not 2 but 4 legs I looked down at my now paws and stood there in shock. Getting my senses back I turned and looked at Jacob my mind went crazy  with the word 'mate, mate, mate, mate' going through it over an over i shook my head anlooked back at Jacob and intensely stared at him until I became angry again seeing Jason punch him I growled snapping my teeth well muzzle I ran full speed at Jason and knocked him into the wall they both looked over at me eyes wide as apples and mouths ajar. Jacob squeaked and said " your a wolf" I shrugged at him and looked at Jason stalking towards him I spoke out loud angry "you son of a bitch how dare you turn me into a vampire then insult me and then have the guts to hurt my MATE" I growled getting closer to him I was about to lunge when a strong beautiful voice stopped me "Caroline stop!" I stopped abruptly not moving "come over to me please" did he just nicely order me to do something Oh hell no. I tried to fight the pull he had over me but I sagged and trotted over to Jacob and sat next to his leg I snuggled my face into his leg asking for Forgiveness. He looked down at me still wide eyes and patted my head and out of the corner of my eye I saw Jason move an inch I turned my head sharply and snapped my muzzle and growled, he stepped back a couple of steps then Jason asked Jacob "what the hell I never new she was a werewolf I would have avoided that area if I'd known, fuck does she even no how to change back?". Shit no I don't I looked at Jacob for help but he answered Jason question " it's ok I believe u and I'm not to sure" he looks at me and asks "Caroline it's me Jacob do u no how to change back into human?" I replied annoyed with "of course I no it's you dum head and no I don't I didn't even no I could do this" "you can speak that's a first and ok well maybe like try to think of being a human" I tried that for about 5 minutes I didn't work I looked at the boys in question, I sighed an plopped down on the ground I saw Jason get his phone out he turned towards us "I'm gunna ring a mate of mine surprisingly he's a werewolf, long story anyway ill ask him how you would change back" I nodded a thanks towards I looked at Jacob as he sat down on the couch taking a big breath I walked up to him an snuggled into his leg he touched my fur stroking his hand through it "hey Jacob can u get me a mirror I don't no what I look like" Jacob smiled at me an said "well you look stunning, but deadly to" he laughed while finishing his sentence. "Hey guys, oi," Jacob looked towards Jason an glared "what is it" Jason replied "we'll Zachary said he'd be honored to teach you everything you need to know Caroline if you would like?" I nodded my head "sure" "well he's gunna be hear in like 5 minutes" I looked back to Jacob then remembered the word mate "hey Jacob what's a mate?" He looked at me an smiled a dazzling smile, my breath stopped as Jacob was about to speak the doors slammed open an there stood a tanned man with dark hair, a strong jaw line an abs that you could see through the tight grey shirt he was wearing he, he looked up at us his eyes glowing yellow he smiled at us all

Chapter 6

"well hello there Jason, Jacob," he looked towards me an started to get closer I growled to make sure he was safe, he bowed his head showing his neck somehow I knew he was safe. "An you are the newbie to werewolves?" "We'll actually I'm new to being a vampire as well as a werewolf and my names Caroline nice to meet you" the man turned towards Jason his eyes wide "you changed a werewolf are you a fucking idiot that could have killed Her, what were you thinking plus she's an alpha you are so lucky she didn't die or you would be a hunted man along with your brother" Jason looked ashamed an said quietly "I didn't no she was a werewolf honest I thought she was just a girl" I looked at the man an said "anyways your name is ?" He smiled "Zachary but call me Zach" I sighed saying "so do you know how I can change back into my human self" he smiled "of course I do you need to focus on something, something that will calm you right down even if you seem calm it has to make you even calmer you need to shut out everything except that thing that calms you then when you think your calm think of turning into a human, everyone thinks its just 'think of being back to human' but u need to calm yourself down thats the trick you see" I nodded an tried to listen to anything that grabbed my attention until I heard a very faint heart beat I listened more intently to it, I looked to the owner an saw Jacob I smiled confused at him 'didn't no vampires had heart beats that so wired' he smiled encouragingly back. I shut everything out except his heart beat after about 3 Minutes of listening to his faint but calm heart beat I thought of me as a human again it didn't work at first but then I felt my bones change back at first it felt uncomfortable then it went away I looked down at myself an saw my cloths intact I looked in aware I moved my hands an saw 5 finger on each hand I looked at Jacob and saw him looking I jumped into him an hugged him he hugged me back just as tight. I turned took look at Zach saying "thank you so much Zach I'm so glad you can teach me stuff It hasn't even been a day since I found out I'm a vampire an now I'm a werewolf if I didn't have Jacob an ill admit it Jason as well I would have gone crazy an now to have a werewolf help me makes it better thank you so much" . Zach put his hand out for me to shake but Jacob growled a deep but low growl Zach stopped an looked towards Jacob who was glaring then he looked towards me an back at Jacob before he laughed while saying "let me guess youse are mates" Jacob looked embarrassed "I think so"Jacob put his hand in mine they fit together perfectly like they where made for each other I smiled up at him like a giddy little child Zach moved his stretched out hand towards Jacob for him to shake an bowed his head an showed his neck I looked in confusion but Jacob shook his hand an nodded Zach saw me an said "well I have heaps of stuff to teach you an don't forget Jacob because youse are mates lets sit down for this an have some tea ?" Jacob nodded, Jason showed Zach towards the living room chairs an fetched some tea as we got seated, Jacob sat next to me while Zach sat on the opposite side Jason joined him after he placed the tea down I started "ok so how can I be a werewolf like does that happen to some vampires" Zach looked like I'd killed someone "no way you get it from your parents the werewolf gene has to be passed on or you can turn your mate into a werewolf that's why I'm telling you both" I looked shocked thinking 'my family are werewolves an they didn't even tell me oh we are so having a big family chat no wonder josh was wired this morning' "are you telling me that my parents are fucking werewolves you have got to be kidding me" "if you mind me asking what's your last name Caroline? An yes your parents would have to be werewolves for you to have the gene" Zach said. "My last name is Walters an they didn't even tell me oh they are so dead" Zach started to shake with fear he was about to go in a frenzy but Jason slapped him, Zach looked towards Jason saying "oh you are a dead vampire Jason you just happened to turn one of the biggest packs soon to be alpha female into a vampire they will have your head not to mention her mate Jacob is a full vampire who can only be turned into a werewolf by her which is really rare, I mean if he was a human he could be changed but because he's a vampire, fuck, bloody hell Jason, gosh you are an idiot". Wow my parents are werewolves and powerful ones, man I cannot wait till I get home. I looked into space 'my life is to crazy not only am I vampire which I thought didn't even exist but I am also a werewolf what else am I, Clearly i am dreaming' I pinched myself just to check but I didn't wake up sadly, "Caroline, hey Caroline, you alright, you no your handling this pretty good, I'm surprised" said Zach, I shook my head and looked at him saying lowly "I kinda wish my parents were the ones to tell me, but instead they still haven't and my whole childhood has been a lie". Jacob squeezed my hand, I smiled at him and leaned on him. Zach spoke interrupting the moment "Well Caroline we have much to learn, we also have to start training but not till tomorrow, you need sleep" I spoke "wait why do we have to train" he looked at me as if I were a child "once word gets out that your a hybrid and related to the most powerful werewolves, people will come looking for you, I also suggest that Jason and Jacob come to training with us," I looked at him shocked while not only Jacob but Jason growled, "that's right Caroline, people will come for you and it is now my job to teach you everything and get you prepared the boys will also have to help you with the vampire side of stuff, also what high school do you go to?" "Oh um raven high, pretty weird name" all three of the boys laughed "well Caroline I'm now your new p.e. Teacher, I also recommended you boys going to school and helping her, watching her and making sure she doesn't eat someone, especially you Jacob the bond will only get stronger between you two, which I will explain to you tomorrow" I looked at Jacob with confusion but he just smirked, 'oh that little shit'."For now but I suggest you go home, and get some rest" Zach said. And I agreed smirking, my parents where in for one hell of a screaming match "but you are to under NO circumstances to tell your parents or your older brothers, especially Lukas, he will be the most suspicious so try not to talk to them and avoid them until I say you are ready got it" is stuttered "ohhh crap, I had a run in with Lukas this morning and we had a snarling match which I thought at the time was so weird but then he tried to stare me down but I won AHAHAHAHA what a pussy, to bad he's not from the cat line ahahaha" Jason laughed really hard while Jacob and Zach looked at me worriedly, Zach was about to say something untill I spoke first "wait how do you no Lukas let alone my other brother" Zach sighed " well Caroline I'm in your pack I'm also 3rd in command believe it or not, it goes your parents, then Christian and his mate then me and my mate, but don't worry I will not tell anyone yet, you have lots to learn this could take ages or you could catch on really quickly but for now I have to get back to my mate". 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.12.2013

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