
The start of something new

I sit there crouched on all fours blending into the dark shadows, looking at my prey grazing into the night  unworried. I sneak forward as silent as the wind getting closer and closer I get ready to pounce I move my foot one step closer 'crack' the deer looks up starts to trot away, I spring into a sprint scaring the deer making it leap into a run I run behind it swiftly getting ready to pounce on it. In one swift quick move I leap onto its back my claws digging into flesh, it goes into wild bucking and jumping. I slowly move forward on the bucks back 'I guess being a hybrid helps with this stuff'  I dig my sharp claws into the deers neck and bite down hard into the veins the dear gives one more buck full of its remaining energy then tumbles to the ground with me still latching onto its neck. At last I bite into the flesh and meat satisfying my stomach I mean when your a werewolf crossed with a lion, cheetah, and puma  it's kinda hard not to be hungry. I keep eating until I sense a pack of  werewolves running a little bit to close to me for my liking I mean to any werewolf I look just like them just one of the larger ones I mean yer I am human but the only time I changed to human was when I really needed to, or had to cross country's other then that I live as a werewolf hybrid. I became a werewolf hybrid when I was 19 and still look the same todAy I'm now 50 years of age and my name is Lexi. I am crossed between a grey wolf , lion, cheetah and puma it's a weird combination but it makes me a deadly weapon in disguise of a werewolf. I have more wolf in me then the other species it helps me disguise myself as a normal wolf and gives me long endurance and i can pretty much deal with any climates. The lion helps with my teeth and hunting tactics making it quicker to rip into the throat and trap my pray. The cheetah makes me fast and agile out running any prey or predator while the puma helps me balance and jump long distance and climb rocky or steep cliffs, hills mountains  I have a full black coat with twice the size of a lions teeth my ears are pointy but can hear better then most animals same with eyesight, my body is large and while my tail is like a wolves it's actually more longer making me balance better. Taking one more bite I leave my prey and find a place to hide. 

Oh shit!!

As I had guessed I just hid in time, a werewolf pack come closer and closer until they see the food I took down and start to run there was about 20 of them but I guessed there was more back where they livid. I looked for the alpha trying to find him, a fully white large male spots my eye I look in his direction figuring he must be the leader but I don't see a alpha female I wait patently until the white one speaks " I know your wondering how and who did this but let's just be thankful and eat". 10 minutes later of noises growling and snapping they finally finish the dear that was mine I look over at the white male thinking why he was the most alluring and interesting one, I keep looking when a timber brown male wolf says " everybody shut up " every wolf turns to him and he continues quickly " just listen" after about a minute of hard listening they start to murmur amongst themselves obviously hearing it to. I look over to the white wolf I stare and stare until he turns his head in my direction and looks hard until he finally sees my eyes we stare at each other him in shock and me in panic ' omg he spotted me I have to go' I finally look away and the white wolf shouts "quick every one listen there's another werewolf in our presence every body spread out and look" but before any one could be shocked or move I jumped out of my hiding place and ran around them about 20 meters going for the rocky cliffs, the only thing I heard was shouts and growls and howls all amid at me I sprint through the forest dodging trees and leaping over logs, somehow only 5 managed to actually keep up, I looked behind me only to see three now I steady my pace knowing I will make it out alive. Looking to the front I see a massive fallen down tree 'easy for me to jump over hard for them though ' I think, I take one more stride and spring up into the air and over the log I land safely on the over side slowing to a jog looking behind me again I don't notice the white and the timber brown wolf standing In front of me until I run into them. I growl snapping my teeth telling them to back away and not long after, the three other werewolves managed to get under the tree leaving me trapped in a circle of werewolves that I could easily kill " who are u and why are u here" a wolf with grey markings growled, " none of your business " I growled back at her making her back away from me another wolf with dark brown fur barks "we'll kill u if u don't answer us" I actually for the first time laughed while spitting out " I seriously doubt that u don't know what your up against" I knew it would happen sooner rather then later the white wolf tries to push his alpha will on me making me turn to him i growl not showing the full length of my teeth " don't use your alpha power shit on me mr white if youse let me leave  there will be no trouble at all"  he doesn't say any thing except bare his teeth and growl  I look him straight in the eyes and say " fine if u wanna play, then we'll play" . The black wolf comes at me first I turnaround and dodge her attack I lunge at her slicing a gaping hole in her stomach, she growls in misery she tries to go me again but I tackle her biting into her neck she dies instantly while the others think shes still alive they come at me together I can only do one thing I let her neck go and turn around showing my massive teeth bigger then there's will ever be, they stop abruptly and stare at my teeth in shock I turn around quickly making sure the white and timber brown wolves have seen it  i stare at the white wolf he looks at me again. 'Mine' 'mine' 'he's mine and nobody else's' my brain started going into a spiral the word  'mine' always being in one of the sentences. I shake my head and sprint off but not before one last look at the white wolf that's supposed to be mine I run an run an run trying to clear my head until at last I drop from exhaustion

To curious for your own good

Waking up to the sound of chirping birds I stretch  while walking to a tree trunk hanging just above the ground I jump up on to it gracefully and walk slowly back to we're I had seen the werewolves an my mate looking at my surrounding I looked at the lush green trees and bushes, I could also hear a stream so I was clearly going in the right way. I rush of wind blows in my face I couldn't help my self I howled I knew they wouldn't hear cause I'm ages away but a part of me did. Looking down at my paws and fur I saw old blood matted in with it I changed directions and headed to the stream I took off into a jog and just before I hit the rough pebbles I changed into my human form I looked pretty enough to make heads turn in my direction with a hour glass figure and dark way hair with piercing blue eyes I guess some people would say I was lucky. I dipped my bare feet into the icy water I didn't waste time getting my self cleaned, I walked over to a patch of grass with the sun shinning on it and changed back into my wolf form and laid down soaking in the sun. After snoozing for about 20 minutes I got up and shook the last remaining drops of water off after loosing time I decided to go faster so I fast jogged my adrenaline kicked into 1st gear and I went from fast jogging to long distance sprinting and in 20 mins I was at the area I stopped and panted looking around I sniffed the air i caught his scent along with 9 others they where hunting about a kilometer away but before I raced over I tried to look for the she wolf I had killed. I Found hear buried under ground near a big oak tree 2 minutes later I was looking at the same dulled black colored she wolf that I had killed I dragged her out changing into my human form I bit my slender arm blood started dripping down I placed it above her muzzle after a couple of seconds her throat started swallowing her pierced neck started to heal but she wouldn't wake up for about 12hours which is bad for her but perfect for me. I started light sprinting in my white wolfs(aka mr white) direction In no time I reached there destination, I watched with fascination at how his muscles flexed and how he used his knowledge and skill to take down not only 1 deer but 2 as he and the 9 others scoffed the first deer a brown male tried to eat from the 2nd deer but mr white saw and lunged near him snarling over powering the brown male it whimpered away. Mr white laid near the 2nd deer but didn't touch it he kinda looked Invisible blending in with the snow, I went to get a closer look but stopped as I saw a roan female approach mr white with a piece of meat she dropped it near him and tried to curl up next to him as she done this I growled a low but deadly growl none of them heard but mr white pricked his ears and looked near my direction I stayed frozen watching him put his absolute focus in trying to spot what he thought was a threat sound but he turned to the female and growled saying "Emma go away its never happening so stop now"She looked at him with shock clearly she had never been told no she sighed a frustrated sigh and stormed off.

I hide

Mr white got up and spoke excitedly to the relaxed werewolves " ok guys who's up for a game" All the wolves burst into excitement and where yelling agreements some asked what and others just waited for the instructions, he smirked a wolf smirk and said " ok so 2 teams of 5 which ever team gets the other team out first can have the second deer?" Everyone even the laid back ones where jumping with excitement one yelled out "what's the rules" mr white replied with " there are none except no killing each other". As they figured out teams I started worrying 'what if they found me again shit' I decided to take a risk and watch them. Mr whites team consisted of him, a grey male wolf, a dark brown female, a light fair colored male and brown and white male they ran off into the woods splitting up and then the other team ran off as well doing the same, I moved from my place until I remembered the she wolf that I had healed shit I ran back to her checking no one was around I had to hide her I looked around then up 'perfect' carefully picking her by the scruff I shoveled her onto my back I faintly heard 2 wolves coming I lunged at the tree branch making it shake I stopped letting it calm I continue up the tree till a safe distance, it'd be kinda hard to find me considering wolves don't climb tries but then again I ain't no ordinary werewolf!. I shoveled the she wolf off my back and on to the tree branch, mr white and the grey male shot through the bushes while looking around to hide mr white said laughing "where gunna smash them chase" the grey male who's name must have been chase replied with "yeah we are then we get more food, so changing the topic u and Emma hey" I got angry quick and had to control my self from not attacking mr white muttered "hell no not going there plus I'm already taken" yeah by me! chase looked shocked for about a second but quickly asked " who and how long is she beautiful what she like shy, or more independent?" Mr white turned embarrassed and replied "see the thing yes she beautiful but I'm not sure what she like I'm guessing independent and I'm sure she's gorgeous in human form" omg he was talking about me he feels the same way "hey do u smell that?" My happiness was interrupted. Mr white stopped to smell the air he turned to chase and said " yeah it smells like blood" they looked at each other for a moment until I saw a drop of my blood drip from the she wolfs mouth and slide down chases head and onto the ground, they looked at each other dumbfounded and slowly looked up I quickly moved to the other side before they could see me. "Omg Jake is that Sasha in the tree" agh so his name was JAKE perfect "yeah it is what the hell didn't we burry her ?" Jake said (aka mr white) chase whispered "last time I checked yeah" . Knowing I was gunna have to somehow get her back down I sighed but not before I heard the annoying voice of Emma " found youse what are youse looking at ohhhhh my god is that Sasha what's she doing in a tree last time I checked she was 10 ft down in the ground" jake and chase rolled there eyes Emma sneaked up to jake and tried to snuggle into him saying "did u want me to get the others cause ill do anything for u I mean anything"

You aren't supposed to find me

That's it I couldn't handle it my claws came out chipping the bark off onto the ground as it dropped all 3 looked at it then up until they saw me. All 3 of them growl and it made me angrier to see jake growling As well I leaped to the other side which made them growl even more I picked Sasha up by the scruff jake snarled in disgust I stopped and looked at him but he kept growling I shoved Sasha on my back which made them all stop 'yeah u fuck heads I'm helping' I thought I easily leaped from branch to branch but stopped half way deciding my next move jake figured out what I was doing and said "your not gunna escape this time" I looked at him an smirked "oh but It wouldn't be the first time and anyways don't u have to get back to your game" chase looked at me with shock but Emma the pest yelled "you bitch you've been watching us you are so dead" I leaped another branch down I could tell jake was staring at me wondering how I could do the stuff I could do but I looked at Emma saying " oh but would jake let u kill me is the big question" now jake even looked dumbfounded Emma said in a girly tone " of course he would he let's me do anything" she snuggled into his fur now I was pissed I snarled jumping to the ground missing about 7 branches but still landing on my 4 paws I growled at chase about to make a move on me he stopped I looked at him gratefully and carefully put Sasha down near the tree and turned to see Emma still cuddling up to jake, but he quickly pushed her aside and came forward growling "what the hell are u" I replied in a dumb tone " a werewolf what else would I be" he lunge at me but I dodged him I went to claw at his hind but I stopped releasing I couldn't ever hurt him but instead he tackled me he had caught me by surprise. Even though I was the better predator he still outweighed me I tried to wiggle free but he had me good so I stopped and looked up at him I still couldn't be angry at him o matter what so I sagged completely he looked at me with longings perked up a bit he loosened his grip on me that was all I needed to break free and bang just like that I had him underneath me I now looked down at a very frustrated jake Emma was about to attack but to my surprise jake snarled at her she instantly back away. Before I left I quickly but smoothly rubbed my face on his, relish in the way his fur felt he done the same but all to soon I had to go I gave him one last look and left sprinting into the forest.         

Mind linked

I awoke to my brain going crazy about jake I shook my head but I couldn't stop myself remembering the way his fur felt against mine, I stretched yawning I looked around into the woods seeing an amazing field of flowers I changed into my human an walked right into the middle of it an layer down looking into the sky " if only I could find her" swept through my mind. I jumped in a surprise 'holy shit' "Who the hell is this" I tried back at them "What who the hell am I , I should be asking who this is" a manly voice replied "Well I'm Lexi an who are you?" "We'll hello Lexi I'm jake" my heart jumped a beat jake as in my jake?"Jake as in the jake" "Didn't know I was famous do I know you the only way we can be speaking to each other through our minds is if we're...... Omg your her aren't you" I tried to shut him out I didn't want him to know who i was to him what if he didn't like me or rejected me the negative thoughts kept coming until jake got through my wall "donn't shut me out please I've waited ages for you to come into my life an I would not reject you Lexi""Fine but if you go snooping round my head ill cut this link off not to mention something very valuable of your body" I smirked thinking of the look on his face "Well we will have to see considering even if you did get a chance to, I don't think you would be wanting to cut it off if any thing you would be screaming for it" jake said in what sounded like a smug voice.Oh the nerve he has! lexis face heated as he said that, it had been awhile since she had laid with men but still arrogant much."Well while you recover from my statement that will be very much true, I expect you to come an join my pack as you are my mate you will also take on role of alpha female"I jumped in surprise no way was I joining his pack they would be better off without me if they found out the truth? "Yes you will be joining my pack they have gone 125 years without a female alpha I think it's time they have one don't you an what are you hiding Lexi whatever u tell us we won't judge we have all don't stuff that we regret" "Get out of my head you ass an ill think about joining now leave me alone" I shouted through the connection who does he think he is first of all trying to Hunt me down then going all mojo on my ass then demanding I join his pack if he thinks he can control me he's got something coming his way. As I tried to forget about jake I lay still in amongst the flowers looking around at the beautiful colors I grabbed a purple an white flower lifting it above my eyes so that my hand also covered the sun. It wouldn't hurt to look at him I mean would it really be bad joining a pack he did say I wouldn't be judged as the thoughts kept running through my head I saw two birds, flying swiftly an chirping it looked they they where dancing, I watched as they landed on a tree branch an they snuggled into each others feathers. a feeling of loneliness washed over me I sighed an said "fine if he wants me to come ill come" as I got up determined I changed back into my werewolf form an took off at a trot which soon turned into a jog. In no time I was at a clearing which opened to a worn out field I could tell this was were they would meet before a hunt I herd someone coming I jumped onto a tree branch high enough to see who it was as the bush gave way as beautiful man walked into the clearing he looked around as my gaze slid up his body I looked towards his shirtless chest an looked in shock this man was not only tall an strong but his abs an chest where just perfect they looked like they had been chiseled by god himself with not being to buffed but defiantly not skinny his 6 pack was perfect an anyone would be drooling just as i was. As I continued up towards his face I could feel my excitement growing I looked at his hair an stopped in shock his hair was white like pure white it held a shine to it an it defiantly didn't make him look old in fact in made him look dangerous all the while keeping him sexy as fuck. I looked down towards his green eyes that were distracted on something else they shined so bright with excitement, his jaw was well defined giving him a wild look an his mouth looked delicious. I licked my lips I was about to show myself until the man shouted desperately "Lexi, please show yourself I know your here I caught images of our hunting grounds I promise I won't hurt you I just want to see you an maybe introduce u to some of the pack members" of course it was jake I smiled thinking nothing could compare to his beauty but snarled at the last bit,I got over it as I jumped down from the tree an landed 10 meters away from him.Jake analyzed me like I had just done to him after abut 5 minutes he said " well come here" I walked slowly but happily over to him my body just reached his waist which was saying that he was tall. He slowly went to touch my fur as soon as his hands touched my fur I gave in to his touch relaxing, I rubbed up against his legs an started rubbing my face against his waist I sighed an in the moment realized I would do anything for him even if it meant joining his pack or dying for him or bearing his children I would do it. he crouched down to my level an hugged me it looked kinda childish but it didn't matter cause it was jake my mate.

New pack, new home

He pulled away an looked into my eyes an smiled saying "oh Lexi i have been searching for you for so long an just when I was starting to give up I found you" I snuggled back into him returning as much as I could in my wolf form he quietly said taking a breath "so will you Join my pack an become the packs alpha female?" I didn't hesitate as I licked his face, my tail wagging a bit he looked at me shocked an let his breath out. He suddenly moved away an within second there stood a white magnificent wolf I smiled at jake who walked back over to me he spoke through our mind links "we will go to the entrance of the pack village everyone will look at you as a threat at first if anyone growls at you growl back an show them who is boss then we will go to the main pack house were 10 others including me are staying, then you will change into human form understand" I took as much as I could in, breathing steadily until I finally said back "will I always have to be in human form its not that I don't like it, I'm just so used to my wolf form that it will take some time to get back into an old habit?"   He smiled a toothy grin well as much as a wolf could smile "of course u can usually all of us spend at least half the day in our wolf forms that is Why our pack is one of the strongest an most powerful cause of the freedom they are allowed, as long as they respect me, other citizens an my rules everything is peachy" i smiled at his kindness "come on let's get u home" my breath hitched somehow I liked the way that word sounded I smiled as he turned around an trotted off I followed him keeping in sync my nerves increasing getting faster he bolted off leaving a trail of his scent. I let him have his moment until I speed up running behind him he looked at me shocked until he went even faster, I did have to hand it to him he was pretty fast he had me panting by the time we got there while he looked cool an calm I look at him confused until I looked ahead through the big iron gates an my jaw dropped as I saw a big double sided road leading down until it disappeared on I looked to my left an saw open grass fields with hills an massive rocks as I looked closer I could see wolves well werewolves to be exact lounging around on the hills an rocks I smiled maybe I would like it here. I turned to my right an saw thin trees lined up about half a kilometer away making a wall of trees an then as it got further away it started to get thinker an darker as I listened more closely I could hear the pads of wolf paws running around an jumping I could hear the excited yells of the young wolves. I couldn't say anything I was in to much of a shock as happiness took over "wow so this is all yours wow they are so lucky they have a place like this to call home" jake looked at me with question but quickly covered it an said "well now you can call it your home an your pack everyone will love you come on this is just the start there's heaps more" jake walked over to the side of the fence an put his big white paw to something an with a click the iron gates opened. As we walked through it I could see everyone had stopped doing what they were doing an looked over as I stepped forward I could hear some of the closer wolves growl I snapped my head to their direction and growl a low but hearable growl they immediately backed off, they  bowed there heads I also bowed my head in greetings an In thanks. Jake walked next to me an all of the wolves that were in sight bowed he held his head high an walked proudly ahead I kept up to him for about 10 minutes until I saw the big beautiful mansions lining the sides of roads that broke off with the main one, 2 went right it broke off into 4 more roads or as some might say streets which all had dead ends. Then looking back over to the left it was the the exact Same except instead of 4 it was 7 roads that broke off from the main one, 3 of those roads ended with a dead end while the others broke off into another 4 roads they eventually ended with dead ends. every single road had somehow packed as much houses together yet somehow still managed to look spaced out an roomy, they where all lined with perfect hedges an trees even though they look like a new residential area with the same boring house they all had different features an colors that set them apart . She could not believe how privileged these people were jake continued forward on the one road she hadn't noticed it was straight ahead an as we got closer I could tell it was the pack house, but mainly it was jakes it was massive  about 3 times the size of those other houses she had seen an was painted in an all white with stairs running up to the front door as she walked up the stairs her as silent as she was she looked to the sides an saw to wolf statues howling up into the sky she looked back towards the door her happiness had now been taken over by nerves she waited as jake reached the top an opened the door with his shoulder she could her other people among the house she took a breath an steeped inside

Some introductions are easier then others

As she stepped inside jake looked towards her an smiled he coaxed her to her left through a doorway to what looked like the lounge room it was beautiful, dark wooden floor boards the walls where painted in a darkish yellow a weird combination but it actually suited it, it made the room look very bright she looked towards the couches an saw that it was a brown 12 seater couch that was like a rectangle then to the back of the room there was another couch but only a 2 seater it was in perfect line with the main couch she looked at the tv it was as wide as it could get she looked at every detailed even the vases with flowers that seemed to be everywhere. Jake looked at me waiting for an answer I smiled an said quietly "I love everything about this house an this place" he smiled at the place proudly " listen I'm just gunna tell my beta to tell everyone that there is a pack meeting later for your full introduction so you wait here an look around ill be back in 5" he nuzzled me an took of out of the room before I could say anything. I looked around until I laid down facing the door way as a minute passed a guy that had dark curly hair an brown eyes that where glued to the phone in his tanned hands walked into the room not noticing me but I jumped in surprise which caused a mini side table to fall over the vase with flowers came crashing to the ground I backed away as silently as I could but the guy jumped with surprise an looked up locking eyes with me I stared at him wondering what he would do until he growled a deep low growl in his chest which seemed to Damond attention I growled back challenging him to even dare come closer as he stalked a stepped closer, I snarled an bared my teeth that were way longer then his he seemed taken back by surprise but recovered quickly he didn't back down 'was this guy dum or plain stupid' she thought. She stepped closer an did not look away she would not be challenged by someone who was lower ranking then her, pack or no pack she would not let him win he stepped closer until bam his whole body shook an there stood before her was a large dark brown wolf with black mixed in he snarled his teeth at her her she snarled back snapping her teeth she got in a crouched position knowing he would attack first her. Her tail swished like the cats species that were in her DNA her claws lengthened to the rightful size of a male loin, then her eyes glowed to an even icier blue then her normal color, male wolf just looked at her weirdly to him she probably looked like a wolf but had the characteristics of a wild cat but to her this was natural an gave her adrenaline every time she became the animal she was made to be, he was about to attack her but jake ran into the room looking pissed of as hell he grabbed the male wolf an chucked him across the room he whimpered as his body came in contact with the wall he went to get up but just fell back down I focused on jake he was looking at me worriedly my heart beat quicker I looked at him and felt love, happiness, affection an admiration I calmed down but just before I was going back to my normal werewolf form another 3 people walked out 2 males who smelled of dominance an a female she smelt very familiar I looked closer an noticed it was Emma 'oh that bitch' I thought I was now back to my true form eyes glowing, claws out, an the tail swishing 3 of them looked at me in shock 'did they not no it was rude to stare' I said thinking to myself I growled at them wondering if they were challenging me the 2 guys bowed their heads they must no I was jakes mate but Emma still looked in rage I was about to attack until jake put his hand on my neck patting me, I calmed instantly. My claws went back to here normal size an my tail relaxed but my eyes still glowed jake looked at Emma an snarled "back down unless u want to challenge your new alpha female an my mate" she tried to talk but she was in shock she looked away an ran out the room I sighed an sat at jakes side. He looked down at me lovingly he asked "are you alright beautiful" he called me beautiful oh my god he thinks I'm beautiful! Jake smiled his dazzling smile I instantly died inside he's so hot! " yeah I'm fine just a werewolf male trying to kick my ass not to mention Emma the bitch who tried to take you as hers then had the guts to actually think about challenging me that bitch" "whoa calm down babe I would never let her touch me ever an the werewolf who a wall was Tyson 4 highest in rank an my cousin if he'd know who you where, he'd have hugged you to death" jake side while laughing I watched as Tyson got up an changed back into his human form he looked at me an bowed his head I nodded an then looked towards the 2 guys that were just as hot as Tyson but jake would always be hotter to me with or without him being my mate. The first guy who jake introduced was called Luke he was 3rd highest in the ranking orders an one above Tyson he had blond straight hair that went to his shoulder he to was another guy who had been blessed with natural good looks an a perfect body to match but the thing that strikes him anything but normal was that he 2 had blue eyes they were much darker then mine but still they looked unnatural, then jake introduced the next guy as chase his name was so familiar then it hit me he was the guy that had been with jake the other day her tail begin wagging as she looked towards chase who had hair that looked black in darkness but was actually a light faded black kinda making it grey his body was more lean then buff but u could tell he had abs, with her tail slightly swishing as she looked at chase as he spoke "she must know who I am hello Lexi I see you are the new alpha female as I'm jakes beta secong in rank an am now your beta to" he bowed his head in submissiveness my tail wagged even more until jake looked at my an spoke "it's time for you to change into your human form"


Sad Memories, an don't forget friends from the dead what else could be more tragic

Damn I thought I could get away with it. I nodded an waited for him to move as we walked past the 3 guys I nodded my head in respect but not in submissiveness as I walked up the stairs there were so many wide hallways that I would probably get lost so I stuck to jake like a baby he stopped at a door an opened it "well this is mine but it is also yours now you can do whatever I'll leave you to change an get cleaned up the bathroom is to the left see u soon, take as long as you want" I rubbed his leg with my face an continued walking in, as he slowly closed the door I looked around an smiled 'typical boys room' I heard a deep masculine voice laugh in my head. Jake had obviously heard that thought. I looked to the left to see a closed door which was obviously the bathroom then about 10 meters next to that was a open door way as I looked closer into it I saw heaps of different cloths my eyes opened in excitement I backed away before I got ahead of my self. I changed back into my human self, I sighed it kinda felt good to be back as a human I walked into the bathroom I dared one glance at the mirror an saw myself, the girl with piercing blue eyes an dark wavy hair my hair had grown from the last time I saw myself it was now touching my bum as I looked at my body it was covered in dirt I looked in disgust. I turned around an started the bath that was literally the size of a single bed I slowly got in feeling the hot water lap around my skin I sank into it, memories of everything I had done as a human came flashing back its not as if I forgot just that I didn't need to know, I remembered everything from my family, to my first shift to even my first boyfriend I sighed loving the feeling of being me again. I used to love the afternoons after I finished school an went home to find my mum baking cookies an my little sister Ruby running around with her twin brother Nicholas they were so adorable, then my dad would come through the door acting all tough an mean until he would get really close to me then he would start tickling me while laughing evilly then as he finished he would spin me around, then kiss my forehead an steal one of mums freshly baked cookies, he would then run away while mum chased him. I always treasured those days but as I grew older I moved away an while I was discovering the world I stopped being in contact with them but what I don't understand is why they never tried to get in contact with me so I figured they didn't want to see me. the last time i saw any of the was at ruby an nicks 14th birthday an I was 20 then I'm now 55 but mind you I looked like a 18 year old. I sighed, maybe I should get back in contact with them I shook my head an grabbed the soap an scrubbed my body after 10 minutes of vigorously scrubbing my body i moved onto shaving my legs an armpits after i finished i looked at the water it had turned black an I was now white well a tanned white I took the plug out an ran it again I was now sitting in clear water I found the shampoo an conditioner I poured to handfuls of shampoo into my hair an scrubbed so hard that my scalp was beginning to feel sensitive I washed it out my hair actually felt clean I moved onto the conditioner instead of scrubbing I smoothly messaged it through my hair an combed my hands through the ends I let it sit for about 5 minutes until the water was going cold I quickly washed it out an emptied the bath I found 2 plush towels. Grabbing one I wrapped it around my hair an twisted it over my head I then got the other one an dried myself off. I finally felt like a human an clean for that matter I wrapped the towel tightly around my body it showed off my curves, I opened the door an peeked out no one was there but I spotted some clothes on the king sized bed an snuck over to them I looked left to right I snatched the cloths up greedily an ran back to the bathroom I shut the door sighing I let the towel fall around me as I put my bra and undies on the kinda made me look good they were matching with black as the main color I looked at the jeans that were a light blue I slid into them. They sat perfectly on my hips, they hugged my legs, I slid the black t-shirt over my head it was a bit tight but it would have to do. I got hot very easy so I got creative with the jeans I smiled an made my nail turn into what would feel like a razor blade an cut the leggings, as the long jeans slid off the remaining of the material went 3cm under my but,I breathed out as I took my hair towel off an rubbed it over my hair to get The last drops of water out it fell down my back in a tangle of waves looking at the mirror again I sagged in relief 'that's much better'. I was now dressed in a black t-shirt that showed off my curves as well as my boobs an with light blue shorts I smiled an gathered up my courage an walked out the door looking around at the big room I continued onwards to the main door I opened it slowly it was quiet so I tip toed out into the big hallway my stomach rumbled a I caught the scent of chicken I licked my lips an walked deadly silent down the hallway. following the smell till I came to stairs I crept down each one until I came to the bottom but instead of going of going right which lead to the lounge room I went left I came to the opening as I looked around I gasped it was the kitchen an it was bigger then the lounge room everything was new an any chef would die for a kitchen like this on I looked to the island bench which was massive an sitting there was a massive plate of chicken that had hot air steaming off it I grew excited I reached it an grabbed a piece an hoofed it down I grabbed another an another the hunger consuming me I could feel my eyes glowing 'damn calm down Lexi' I thought as I heard a squeak as if a door was opening. I looked just in time to hear the sound of plates smashing I saw that a very pretty girl with dark brownish hair that was cut in a pixie shaped way, with green eyes staring at me wide eyed in terror she was about to scream "please don't scream I'm not a threat, promise" I rushed words at her, she's shut her mouth quickly "but you are the one that killed me omg, stay away I can smell your horrid scent" she backed against the wall shaking in terror she's till managed a glare at me I looked at her dumbly but smiled 'she's got attitude' I sniffed her scent an recognized it instantly it was Sasha the she wolf I had killed an brought back I put my hands up in surrender an spoke "you got me look I'm deeply sorry I acted on defense I should never have killed you but I did have the curtesy to bring you back I'm really sorry an just no I will never ever hurt you again no matter what, also I did not mean to scare you" she didn't move but she did stop shaking I sighed an relaxed, she said quietly "so what is your name an who let you in" I smiled a warm smile at her "well I'm Lexi an well jake did he's my" I hesitated an smiled sheepishly at her "my mate" she looked at me as if I was eye candy until she ran at me I was about to stop her until she done something I was not expecting she hugged me an not just a small hug it was tight, so tight I was going a bit red in the face she let go an her cheeks went a rosy red "sorry It's just I'm so glad we finally have a alpha female so now you can look at problems from our point of view also it's good that jake has finally found his mate he nearly lost it if you no what I mean". I looked at her an smiled a true smile "of course if you have any problems you no where to go, so does this mean I'm forgiven" she looked at me "of course, I can tell we will be the best of friends" she looked towards the chicken an saw me eyeing it. Sasha grabbed the plate an handed it to me "eat up its all yours an you must be starving" I took it an sat on one of the stools an ate as much as I could in about 3 minutes I had just eaten a whole plate full of delicious chicken I saw Sasha smiling I asked confused "so where's jake " she stopped an thought for a second "well I'm pretty sure he's getting everyone seated for the pack meeting I should actually take you over, come on" she stated in a bubbly voice an grabbed my hand my worry started to sky rocket "I can't they won't like me, they will freak, no I can't go in its to much of a risk what if you get hurt cause they can't control there instinct, no, no, no" I stared having a panic attack until something hard an slick hit me on my face "ow" I growled in shock an soreness I looked up to see Sasha holding her hand she turned to me her green eyes turning gold "you listen to me Lexi you could kick every one of those wolves that dare to challenge you an you smell of alpha so if any one of them even dared to challenge or growl at you, you whoop there asses until they get that through there thick skulls that you are not to be disrespected especially when they are lower then you, so you will toughen up an get your ass over there if you don't you will face me understand" I looked at her flabbergasted I tried to speak but the words weren't coming "now come on or we ill be late" I nodded an followed her. She led me back through to the entrance of the house we missed the lounge room an continued down past the stairs instead of going up we stayed on the floor ground I looked around an saw huge paintings of wolves I looked at them closely I could see one that looked like jake I smiled Sasha grabbed my hand an forced me to follow her. I swear we walking for what seemed like hours but in reality only 5 minutes she stopped at a door, my breathed hitched as I heard a loud booming voice "everybody be seated please" it was jake no need to worry, Sasha looked at me an smiled encouragingly she opened the door to a massive room it was literally the size of a ball room but that's not what amazed me what really amazed me was that about 200 pair of eyes were all looking at me I couldn't even try to focus on one person because there were so many Sasha squeezed my hand an took me up to the front where jake was sitting he growled a low growl then looked at me I heard his breath hitch he was staring at me wide eyed an his jaw had dropped "wow Lexi you look stunning words can not describe you" I smiled sheepishly at him an stepped up onto the stage like platform that had 2 seats that where just bigger then the other ones as I got seated jake held my hand


Challenge accepted

As I got seated I could see at least 200 or more eyes on me I held my head high just to show I was not scared, showing any signs of weakness to this pack would get me nothing but disrespect I looked around as Jacob begin to spoke an saw one females eyes roaming across jake an his body, I growled low in my chest an looked straight at her she slowly turned her head an locked eyes with me she didn't look away I growled at her my eyes going a brighter I could tell Jacob had stopped talking an was now looking at me he tried to get me to stop but I spoke up as loud as could all the while never loosing eye contact with the female "anyone who wants to dare challenge me or even so much as look down upon me with disrespect please stand up I would gladly be happy to kill you other wise keep your eyes below mine an away from what is mine or I will tear your body to shreds" I said while pointing at jake giving a clear warning to not only the one female but to all. She finally looked down an showed her neck I nodded in appreciation I looked towards jake he smiled proudly at me I returning the gesture until I heard a female voice speak "I challenge you" my head snapped in the direction the voice had come from an there standing in the place was a red head women with green eyes an freckles with a body that clearly showed she worked out,I sighed jake tried to protest but I stood an spoke "fine I accept but if I win you will be exiled from this pack an if you win the same shall go for me" she nodded looking confident I smirked an changed on the spot feeling my power growing I growled as the pack made a big circle. 'Do well my kitten, I no you can kick her ass' I looked over towards jake who's was walking to me 'why did you call me kitten do I look like a kitten' 'yes you actually do when u become pissed no one else my have noticed but I have an when you are ready you can tell me about it an just remember you can beat her by a mile' 'oh so you noticed well looks like I'm gunna have to win to explain it to you' he patted my head an walked to the side of the circle I walked into the ring an saw the now reddish brown she wolf I growled at her she growled back. My beast was becoming agitated especially the lion side I growl I could feel my eyes start to glow the icy blue that showed when I was one with all of my species. I walked around never letting her get to far ahead or to behind, eventually I would let her make the first move but I wanted to show off I lengthen my strides. Once I was satisfied with my little performance I looked away from her knowing she would strike an she did, she went for the throat of course. 'silly' I dodged her, jumping over her strike I turned around as she was just recovering an attacked my claws lengthened to there full size I sliced down her stomach she screeched in pain but before she could back away I jumped on her biting her neck not hard enough to kill but enough that if she struggled she would be the cause of her own death. My beast was growling it clearly wanted to kill this she wolf. I growled making it clear to give in to me as alpha I heard one of the men in the crowd shout "fight till death" I looked around an herd the same words being repeated. The she wolfs whimper brought me back I spoke to her "do you accept me as your alpha" she shook her head "yes you have proven me wrong an I know now through personal experience that you are able to protect an fight for this pack" her voice got softer I smiled an let go of her neck. As she an I changed back into our human forms every one quieted then the she wolf tried to walk to the doors, head down in shame before she got to far I quickly and loudly shouted "I expect you to be here early in the morning so we can begin your training" she stopped and quickly looked at me with surprise until she smiled and walked out. I proudly looked around noticing that every one had now slightly bowed there head they had all finally respected me and I was now thankful that they took me in as there alpha. Before jake dismissed every one his voice boomed "there will be a celebration for our new alpha bring your family and friends within the pack I hope to see all of youse their" Jake and I were standing in the kitchen looking at each other while I sipped some water until he spoke " why did you let Eliza stay in the pack after she doubted you" I sighed and replied softly "I understand why she challenged me she was unsure and scared for her and her pack she tested me weather the outcome would effect her but at-least she would have showed the pack if I was fit enough for the alpha role, and she did know the peck respect me and not just out of fear. There's a saying 'actions speak louder then words' and my actions did I proved the I am worthy. Plus I quite like her courage and I don't no if u figured but her nature is not dominant so I no she won't Challenge me again. If any thing we will become friends." I looked into his eyes noticing the proudness in them before I could say another word he leaned in looking at me, my breath stilled I could feel the excitement starting to arise in me I looked towards his lips that looked so kissable I licked my lips causing jake to growl I quickly placed my cup down causing me to look away but before I could look back he growled again and his lips where suddenly on mine fire works erupted against my lips and it was now just him and I. I had never felt something so amazing, I was getting giddy until jake pulled away I looked up and saw lust in his eyes but also something else but it quickly left 'Hmmmm' I wondered. I looked at him questionably raising an eyebrow he shyly spoke "was that alright it's been a long time since I've done this" I smiled but paused asking "have you done this before" his face suddenly turned into a cocky smirk making him look impossible sexy but there he was looking like a freaking god "babe I said it's been awhile not that I've never down this" I understood his words perfectly and got angry he didn't need to brag, turning away pissed until his rough hand grabbed my arm turning me around I was pissed as I faced him he walked closer to me but I backed away from him heat suddenly rising up my neck his eyes turned a dark gold and he took another step towards me causing me to back away it going until my back hit the table bench 'fuck' I looked up and saw jake smirk I was about to escape until his arms barricaded me in he leaned his head down so close I could feel his breath 'sure I would have kissed him like the world was about to end about 5 minutes ago but that was before he pissed me off and that he has way more experience then me' I sighed as his lips just touched mine waiting for a kiss to come but he started to back away his hand slowly going to his sides, I growled roughly grabbing his shirt and pulling him forcefully back to me he smiled I kissed him forcefully he growled a low growl as he kissed me wrapping his arm around me pulling me to him I slid my arms around his neck he deepened the kiss, my legs begin to get wobbly but his arms held me tight he slid his hands to my hips and hoisted me up onto the table bench like I was nothing. Our kisses become desperate and hungry I wrapped my legs around him trying to get closer


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.12.2013

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