
Waken up

"yawn" I wake up feeling very heavy which is not regular,I rolled off my bed onto the floor a little to hard that all my pictures fell straight on my face,"Mimmy" my mom called "what on earth are you doing, fighting alienated monsters or something". "no" I called back " I flew off my bed and ran into the mirror " hoping my mom would take the lie, then I got up from the floor and went down to get washed but then I started to see double eyed, I got scared and started to wobble across to my sisters room! but then I remembered if I went into my sisters room that I would be toast, so then I went to stop not realizing that I was in the middle of the hallway floor, but then I remembered that my teacher taught me to put my head between my head to keep myself from fainting in public, then I started to hear soft foot steps which sounded very natural but still I kept my head between, "hey, Mimmy" she said in a soft soft voice, " you okay, want me to help you get up so that you wont be late for school" I lifted my head to see that her black red and pink hair turn all to light blue white and cream hair which looked so cute, I said to her " I guess so, its worth it to have a very beautiful emotion and hair color, plus its good to have a very nice helping out friend or sister in this case of matter", she blushed and helped me up, " thanks for saving me I meant to tell you my name but I was scared out of my wits,my names peach". I said " thanks and your welcome to" then we left to go catch the school bus before we get detention, as I raced to school I seen that peach was running in head of me for some odd reason, " peach why are you running so fast, can you slow down just a little bit"? but when I did that I was in for a big surprise. I was not paying attention to my surroundings so when I called her a bunch of police officers came tagging along in the batch of me with hand cuffs and those weird looking electric things, I thought in my head " those electric things must be as painful as you just putting yourself in fire, then they came closer and closer,then I made a sudden stop that pushed some of the police down the hill that I was running up.Then the police turned back and I went scampering up the hill to get to the same speed of my sister, but one problem where is my sister? "peach" I yelled in the ally ways til I came up to being quiet, this military guys arm was damaged it was twisted off, I went over to help him but this girl that was half human half skeleton came in front of me with a big ax that you use to cut down trees, then I looked at this creepy unlike me creature in her eyes even though the other side had no eyeball to look in so I just look in that one eye and said, " I know you from somewhere, all I know is that she hit my head with the bottom of her ax and that's all she wrote.


The next day I woke up seeing very blur but I could see that my sister was not where I was, but the question is where in the world am I? I sat up very quickly to see where I was at, I seen doctors, nurses, police officers and more people, I said where an I even though I had a thought of where I was at, my thought was I was in the home care center or something but I was really in the hospital from that crazy unlike, no where looking like me girl that hit me in my head with that humungous ax, if I moved I would have gotten a whole bunch of people dead, I was so angry, I thought about my pass that person was right in my house when I grabbed her, I first thought that she was putting on a suit and playing but after she kicked me down the steps and tried to kill me while I was in my tween age and yesterday I knew exactly what to do, I said " peach"! turns out she was standing right at my door, which is one thing that told me that she was up to no good, plus yesterday I went to go look for her to see that a military guy was screaming for help turns out he died thanks to that creepy laddie that went in front of me, and hold on a minute she said thanks for saving her and after having that talk she gets chased by a bunch of police officers, man that's enough to tell you that she was up to no good, okay so I talked to peach, every question I asked her she never answer she just told me, " Ill answer it when we get home. I thought popped up in my head what happens if I don't come back in time and you forget, or I never get out and I see that I will be bound in my bed till I get pregnant but she does not think that way, shes always think about her, for her its all I I I, ME ME ME, like I'm her daughter and I have to follow every order or shes going to slice me in half. I got up aggressively and slapped her to make her listen and tell me but that was a wrong turn, she out of no where turned straight into the laddie that tried to kill me had a missing eye, skeleton body and human have alien, this is a good time to panic but um, panicking would just make it worse,all  I know is that the laddie picked up her ax and I was gone, for some reason when everyone came in I was dead sliced perfectly in half, for some odd reason I could see exactly what was happening, I guess she did not realize that all my family and her family was looking at the cut in half body lying on the ground with tears in its eyes , plus she was laughing and giggling I said and I did not know but I said" peach"! everyone  turned to the sky thinking that their was a goddess in there but I told her " I will be back to send you to hell, so enjoy killing people while you still can". then the voice turned fade and that's all I said. Then I knew exaclly what punishment I was going to do to her to put her down to hell, and I hope she's going to like it cause  shes the one who is going to be having the crys. I started making new plans so that I wouldn't have any problems with this girl. I was still doing the thoughts when I could sence the presents of something bad geting ready to happen and I thought I knew who it was but it wasn't clear enough to analize so I would just have to go out there to see what is going on. As I was heading out of my secret data base to find out what trouble was going on this round, I started seeing a net for floating around spirits that could enter in and out of a body or thier own body. "Dear oh dear! It was a trap , if I decide to go up there I might get captured and placed in the body of another person so that every body can see the loved one that died, the only problem they will have is that I can come out of the body when ever I want so now I can go up there." I was heading up before something hit my head. If they would to put something on me that would stop me from coming out of people bodys until they die again owuldn't that mean I would be able to disapear for good if not careful! I puased it my tracks and started heading backwards until I heard a voice screaming down to me. " Darlings soul, I know you must be down there! I need you to come back up so that I can bring my daughter back to life, so please come up!" I wanted to know who was that but I thought maybe it was my sister who was playing as my mother. I kept thinking about the possiblitys that could happen if I come up. I then thought maybe since they can see me they can most likley hear me so if I talk they can answer me. " Hey you people! can you hear me!?"  " Yeah!" everyone said to me before my sister threw a match down the entrance of my secret head quarters. I rush right threw my tunnels to get my papers and got out to where I had metal covering my computer that was with metal in a big coner that protected me from the most resistible person in the world. My sister as you know killed me in the begining of the story which would mean she's coming for mother and father next which I can not let happen, I am the only one on this mission that can kill the brat would believes she owns the world. I couldn't wait but at the same time I had to be careful that I don't kill other people while I am at it. I stayed in the room until all my family left the room and my body got picked up to go into the grave or where ever they are deciding to put my body weather they decide to keep it or burn it I don't care as long as I can complete my mission and get back to what I wanted to do, huant people until they do not want to go into the huanted area again, mwa ya ya ay a. I know I don't sound scary or sound like a ghost that is ready to do some bad things or anything like that.

Forgiveness or Hell

Man being in the air is really wierd because I am ghost and I am fade so when the air comes and blow I cant feel it so I always get creeped out and never get to keep up because I always see the air and never feel. As I went wondering around the place thinking of what punishment I should give me alien sister who probably has a gang or maybe even has a boy friend to kill once she's done doing her bissness with him. I was so eagar so I grabbed some invisible paper and pen to get the ball rolling, "hmm" I thought to myself, " this is a hard chose there is so many punishments I could give her! Maybe Ill make her fall through a sewer and have crocodiles down there too" or Ill make a bunch of acid soda or hot lava go on top of her head. So I made a list of punishments and placed the paper on my tab I realized that if your a ghost you don't have to eat unless you wanted to so I went food hunting to see if I can find a place to take some fried chicken or something but then I ran into my sister and a boy that had chicken nuggets so I went over to make it look like she was being selfish so I went over and went to grab a chicken nugget and before he looked down I grabbed two chicken nuggets and ate them in one big chunk, he looked up and started asking a bunch of questions about her and if she ate anymore chicken nuggets but she kept saying no then he said that there is only one nugget left then she said that she would go back and order somemore food so that it can be equal I left real quick to laugh and turns out she could hear me and see me so I had to stay quiet so that I couldn'y get caught by my sister, when she came back she said that she needed him  to come with her and that she wanted him to go to the bathroom and I knew she was up to no good and that was when she said that she would be coming after him, I seen him leave and how she transformed and I knew that if she can do it so can I, so I needed to get to be a ghost for real turns out she left and forgot the food and that was my time to eat and make her look bad even though I knew that she was already going to make her self look bad if she does anything to that boy even though I know she is. I made sure she was out of sight and went to get my grub on when I was done I left four nuggets and a half I knew that there was no limit to my belly so I left two for them both then I just couldn't help it so I went over to the stand and got some fies for free and some wings and went on my way by the time the clark turned around he knew or at least he thought he knew that my sister stole his food so insted of him relaxing he had to make more food that he already made and now I feel much better because of she might have to stop her from buying any of his food, while I was relaxing I relized that somebody was screaming so I rushed over to see what was going on so I started making wolf sounds to destract people and get her caught but I had to get next to them to make them move. The next day as she was walking to school it was very very surprizing and very angering becuase every sewer that was there she dodged so I scratched that out I said to myself, " now to plan b" and plan b was making wood or something fall on top of her head which I thought was a smart idea, plus you cant dodge anything you cant see. so I walked out again and before she made it to school I grabbed somebodys sign and threw it at her which still did not work becuase she went running off when she checked the time. " Now to plan plan c" which was not so good, I walked down the hall with my invisible self and this was my last chance. okay I waited until school was over to slam her in the door. but I was a little to happy that I missed her by  a second and my plans were demolished for good! I was in complete anger thinking about how much I was expecting to slam her in the door or maybe even split her into two but with me full of pride geting ready to shout for joy I missed her and got in my terrific sorrow and turned into a crazy monster I mean I just couldn't take it no more I not lying but it was going to get me to be a complete and rude monster like one of those giants that is about to make somebody into a bit of goop or a small sandwich like fried pork, but any way, I was back at my secret layer making more ideas to make sure that she could not live no longer and that I would be called queen and then I would be queen of the whole world even though Im not alive still I did not surpass the fact that I was the dumbest of the dumbest of all in the family and that I was not really in the family, to be exact I almost forgot that I was place into a foster home and that I was the one who was put inside that family, I could have expected that they were not really human but I now am going to let my past humanity go into the junk yard and bring my knew life that was coming my way. Okay I now know that I have to keep up with the days becuase now it is like friday and I thought it was like thursday but it skipped a whole bunch of days and now that I know that I have to keep all of my papers split for, 1. Keeping track of the days that go by so that I don't have to say that we are it october and we are really in december,and 2. so that I can make more plans to destroy her and make sure that she is kicked off the face of the earth. I know taking somebody off the face of the earth is pretty crule but she earned it becuase of she killed my human body and now I have to take this mean gratitude for me being such a good sister. Okay so now it is friday and I have no good plans for my death writing sister who claims to be a very helpful sister. T hen a idea popped into my head, why don't I make it look like my sister died and have a grave so when she comes back her parents will beconfused and they will never let her in. That was a great idea why didn't I think of that before! I raced to my parents house or my use to be parents and made a copy of her with the blood and everything, then I put her up on the sink and put a butcher knife in her neck. I was just in time because her mother was just walking in when she see the fake. " Oh no why would my daughter do such a thing as kill herself?" When the funeral came her grave was right next to mine and that was a perfect idea. I flew away back to the house to see her father packing up her stuff and putting it in inside of the sell products. I leaped for joy a little to early, I turned around to leave until I seen her inside my face with those commanding eyes. I was looking at her like she was crazy because I was a ghost so that stuff wouldn't work on me unless I wanted it to work on me and at the momment I didn't want it to work on me so I just went into the house and went to the father and whispered in his ear like I was his mind. " There is a robber trying to get inside your house, and how 'bout you go check your daughters room you will be able to get the rest of her stuff and will never be able to remember her ever again, the horrible things she did to you how disrespected you". He looked at the door and quickly closed the door and locked it shut and ran up stairs to her room. I went flouting right behind him, when he opened her room door all you seen was blood, guts and bones. I was exstonished when I seen this because of I never seen anything like this but hey I would never see anything like this when I never killed anybody in my life other  then my sister im trying to kill like today. I don't care what people say, I now can confirm that she is a murderer and that she came to this familly to kill and rule the house, I would love that to happen but then I would be out on the street, my real parents would be dead and I would be alone, plus I would put other people in danger of being killd along with the whole world being forced to bow down to her feet and serve her as being a servant. I can't let any of this stuff happen, not after what she did to me, I never hurted her favorite fly that some how was softly taped to the wall without getting smashed. I started hearing foot steps that were coming from the steps. I ducked and my father jumped, I never knew that my father could even jump that high, I guess I was the only one that was human because of the way he looked was as if he wanted this to happen, like he was exspecting more from her like killing more people. The most disturbing thing happened after that, first he says that he is proud that he sees this then he hears foot steps coming behind him as if he wanted to die, by the way if someone told you to stay out thier room  and then a ghost or something tells you to do the opposite then you know that someone that come to your door that looks like the same person that is supposed to be dead, then you definitely know that something is wrong. I look backwards to see her looking at me so I left and my father was about to die for good. I floated over to the police and pulled out a tazer to taze anyone who would like to be tazed.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.12.2014

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