
Welcome to junior high.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH"! I woke up at midnight, my hair is knotted crazy, well I guess it's not that bad to start with waking up from a nightmare. Hi my name is Mero, I am 17 years old and I am starting junior high I really don't know anything about my school and I doubt I will be the best in there plus I dont know if I will have to pack up . I have one sister named Faltre, she is into alot of comedy and action, I have parents who are in love and romance and they are always out to get a romantic get away everytime they get which would mean they are not here today and they are probably up right now eating and in the tub together like regular parents. Anyway I did not feel like getting up so I decided to just turn over but it was pretty hard to sleep through the night before I got scared out my wits from having a bad dream that I was about to die from these guys who were cute but were trying to kill me because of I was never exposed to a mans body and let me tell  you I dont think I will be ever doing so because I think it is gross even though its better to have men and women then to have the same gender. You know how thoses girls in the anime get so scared they think everything is going to come after them, well that is how I feel right now. I looked at my clock to see that it was twelve in the night or in the new day and though I knew that I did not want to get up I had to just to check the time. I said to myself, "looks like its going to be an early start today becuase I am not going back to sleep to have a nightmare over todays new day of school or wake up again scared and late as ever for my first day of school, the last thing I would need is to be suspended from school and be a girl without going to collage". I got out of my bed to check on Faltre that would be coming to school with me today. Turns out she was already up!, "hey sis are you going to get out of bed before we be late for our new day of junior high"? I knew that if we get exspelled from school this round we would never make it to college and get married to a handsome guy who is probably going to treat me nice, plus if I did get exspelled then I would never get back into school becuase of my parents left on a nine year vacation which was the longest day out of all historical world that anybody left any child in the house alone and one is quick timpered. Faltre is only sixteen and she was skipped becuase she had a mind like no other in her class! but anyway she said " okay give me a sec and i'll get up to get washed, but you have to make breakfast and it has to be done by the time I get out the tub, deal mero chan"? I responded "sure okay but make it snappy so I can get ready to leave by the time all the food is done, also I want to get washed in hot water, not cold water okay faltre chan"? "okay mero, its a deal, but start making breakfast now so when I walk out the door of the bathroom I can relax and just ease in with the food".As I walked down my stairs I was thinking about how my parents were having a good time in a holtel or at san frisco. So I decided to go and snoop on my parents to make sure they were safe. My brain kept saying there was no point to turn on the news,  but my fingers said asnd did other wise and I turnned on the news. I was fustrated but then I heard my sister get out the bed and that made my hand go on the botton finnally I was strong enough to turn on the news! I was happy to see my parents talking on the tv but guess what I seen on the tv? I seen this big idiot set the holtel that my parents were staying at on fire and only my parents got out! I was about to burst out into tears to find so many people killed in just one fire. I knew if I kept this news a secret faltre would kill me and chew me out about how important it was so I screamed up stairs to get faltre's attention, " faltre! there was a fire at the hotel that mom and dad were staying at"! She was like one of those anime runners that race you across the whole universe, she went bananas while running down the steps and said " are you that stupid to tell me something like that, you know I have heart pressure and if I see or hear something that scares me that I will act like a sloth from rio from the amazon, plus you already know I am worryed about my parents, their the only people I know that love me like they do", I was exspecting to get chewed out but then she started to calm down and to change the subject. "did they survive"? I noded my head to requir of yes but still she looked teriblly scared she ran back and forth from the front door to the back door and back again, I thought top myself " wow I never knew she had this much energy in her" she ran up the steps and get washed I made breakfast as quick as I could to make the deal a real deal, and besides you can't break a promise when you give one out or you will be known for what you have put out. " Well looks like I kept the promise" then my sister walked out the tub and closed the door so that all the heat would turn the cold water into hot. I ran as quickly as I could to get into the tub so that  the bathroom would not cool down. I came out, got dressed and of course ate breakfast to get energized then I brushed my teeth and headed straight to school with faltre. when we walked to school they were not open so we decided to go to family dollar to get a snack. as I walked inside the store I seen this robber with a gun in his hand pointing at everybody saying to get down, my sister faltre just slide straight behind him and went all the way to the back where all the pottatoe chips were at. I felt sad in my heart felt sad and quick to say that he had to mess with me first but when I seen those umbrellas I was like its time for war but hey I was expecting somthing like this to happen becuase not once did a day go good directly, as I rushed to the end of the store to grab the umbrella he spotted me and shot his gun at me BANG! BANG! BANG!, I was scared out my wits at the same time unexpectly I slipped on some water that was dripping out the juice cooler, after I slipped my sister finnally looks up I mean if she looked up to see me dead she would kill her self and thats the last thing I need. She walked out that asile and helped me up we both grabbed those umbrellas and said, " okay we get your drill, you want money so you will try to kill anybody who trys to stop you, are we right"! for some odd reson he blushed and still trying to keep his coolness which did not work, " no I was just testing y'all to see if you would get scared or not thats all, but still in what life time would a guy like me try to kill some cute chic like yall, im mean you and you are to cute to kill", I really could tell that he was trying to keep the memorie of him kill my great-great aunt, aunt reporesty manvety, she was a very beutiful woman and she would do stuff so sudenly that you would not know if you were coming nor going," well if you would not kill as you say, a beutiful girl like us then why did you kill our great-great aunt, did you  miss the point we are trying to make to you,cuase if you dont then let us tell you, WE DON'T TRUST YOU!". By the way we did that in the loudest voice anyhow I still could not forgive him I mean he just lied to us and then he proves us right by trying to turn back into what he just was which is just simple minded and rediculus, " hey mero don't you think we are talkiong a little bit to much lets do some acttion before we be late for school" " good idea faltre thats probaly why we never got no where" I laft just a little out loud to get him distracted then we charged, one good thing about both of us charging at the same time is that we both don't run at the same speed so we both wont crashinto each other. My sister went first and I went second to see that I was stronger then her and that she was quicker then me man we tore him up, I made a list of places we hit and beated up. first was his foot, then it was his butt, then it was his arm, then it was his part where he goes to the bathroom at which I would say if it was not an childrens book but hey its worth the time, or as my grandmother would say when the peach turns rotten and your hungry you will eat the peace insted of die, and to be exact that is really true to me cuase if I was hungry I would eat anything somthing I would not pass up anything I would not eat on an regular base ima eat it if im hungry and thats that. Anyway I walked to the end of the isle and grabbed a back of chips and a soda and left out cuase the owner letted me go withit as he said saved the day which I dont believe, as I was walking to school with faltre I seen this girl getting bullyed like I dont know what by these I dont know collage people I guess, but I knew these guys were not playing fare so I went over to set things straight. " Hey you over there bullying that young ladie who probbaly did nothing to yall pucks im sure of", man I tottaly started toget mad when they went back to doing what they were doing and ignored me, I grabbed my bag of chip's and threw it at them oh they came running after me so quickly that I thought they were going to pull a gun out at me but hey IU was not fased I was going to face the matter that I put myself in, but hey I threw a sharp bag of chips at thier face I mean I would come at em just like they were coming at me like a strong bull that was about to bull my head off, out of no where I kicked the guys in the face and Faltre punched him in the face, the last guy ran which was funny cuase you know a guy is supposed to be stronger than a girl if you be exact. I high fived her and realized that the police was coming so I fleed and so did Faltre, I was not going to be in jail or anything like that so I guess they were looking for us because while we were crossing the streets one came to us and I was expecting him to tell us to get into the car or to hand cuff us but all he did was tell us was what happened earlyer in the morning, and I was not stressing it because it was not my fault that they almost was a hot dog but hey they should have knew that if they went to every hotel that they would get the out come I mean we are almost out of food and clean clothes so I couldn't wait till they came back, I just heard one thing I didn't know that one person jumped out the window and our parents got a refund because they never got all their days so I have no problem with them coming back and if we do have to take our suitcases out the we will be going on a vacation which would be cool and fun even though I doubt its going to be east like any of the regular schools or stuff like that. I told the police officer that wee thought that they were trying to kill or lock us up so we made a run for it but if we knew that we was not going to be locked up that we would be fine and we would have stayed there insted of run, plus the sirens gave us the greatest scarce and that our parents said anytime you hear the police or ambulance that we should always make a run for it even though I thought she was joking but I really couldn't tell him that I really thought my parents were lying because sooner or later if I did tell him that he would have probably have told my parents and then I would have been grounded for a whole month or two so I was not going to have that happen so I will have to keep my mouth closed and shut even though I want to say something I can't because I am so scared so I just responded okay and left with my sister to school. I was so excited to be at school for a once in a life time thing! As I came to a halt I seen my elementry friend manari he is so hansome now, he has a black suit with white hair, I was about to go over to meet him but he came over to me and my sister."Hey, long time no see mero san!" I blushed harder then hard and I guessed he could see that becuase of he cracked up like a hyena, I just couldn't believe that he seen me. I was terrified no really I was emberrised for real now.

And let the training begin!

I realized that I started to talk to him and with all of the talking I let him take control of where we was going to. I was surprized when we arived to our school, it was with a wooden door, just like a japanese dome or something were the masters stay or where the elders stay to make sure that the evil will not take place of the heros and all the people that is supose to save the world even though I didn't believe that until now. " hey Manari what is this place?" I had a feeling that this was suppose to be his school and not mine but of coarse I was wrong, I just coudn't believe it! This was my own school and my sister left me and turns out she started already learning how to do a bunch of different things even though I seen that it was pretty hard to do, when I first started to do it I did a big split and I needed my friend to save me before I was stuck like that for ever and then I almost sprained my ankle which really hurted and I knew that I was going to be in big trouble if I fail to be excepted into here. I really couldn't take it any more so I asked him if he could teach me some of the moves that he was doing, at first they looked easy but then I found out that it was harder then what I was doing and I was not going to quit on him and say that I was going to go back to what I was doing because one way or another I was going to disapoint him and he might just make sure he does everything he can to make me hurt myself. I don't know how long we worked but I knew that I was pretty tired and that I was going to need a break sooner or I was going to collasp and that would just reck my life. About maybe 12:00 or a little over they let us take a break so that we wouldn't faint and over work our bodys. I started blabbering out all my personal info to my friend like he was my sister, speaking of sister I was about to lose my sister because she was about to break a soda machine because she thought her soda was stuck inside it but a cute buy came to save just in time before we had to say good bye to our new school and then I would have to act like a normal student at another school where they are bulleys and stuff that could really get on your nerves but I never even bothered to ask Manari if he went to school and got picked on because I didn't want to get into his personal info and make him get angrey at me. So I went to ask the teacher if we could go to the bathroom and to be exact I was expecting the teacher to say something like,"Dont start being a push over go to the bathroom by yourself"or something like that but turns out that she was the kindest teacher I had ever met, she had green eye a bissness suit and a big note pad with a cute pen that could even change my life, " is something wrong mero, do you need me to help you?" I got extra red and I thought that I was going to be potty trained but of course I was wrong again because she was really about to show me where the bathroom was and I was glad. As I come back from the bathroom I can see that Manari was talking with these other guys and that when the bell ranged he looked at me and left looking a little angry, I just couldn't understand why he would look so mean and angry at a girl that didn't do and thing. As we gathered back into the room she said that we would be pairing up with a boy from elementry,when I heard that I went crazy inside my head! I mean how could a teacher be this nice to me but then something clicked inside my head, Manari looked angry, maybe he dosn't want to pair up with me. I had to think of something quick before I get a bad reputation, "Hey Manari is something wrong?" he didn't respond until I looked at the other guys and realized they said something about me, I just asked him calmly about what the boys said to him and this is the responce I got."They said that you called me a pig headed snob", I was terrified, I couldn't believe they would lie that badly about me, I knew the only thing I could say is that I didn't say that and that he is a good friend to have around and guess what? he said that he forgave me and that he would parter up with me and now I know that he was told some bad infomation and that I would need to talk to him after class so that I could straighten things out about what happend. I think they gave out lunch after telling who was with who and what was going to be staying with them. I was so happy once I found out that I was really staying in a room with my elementry school friend until I found out that if you did anything that was going to hurt another classmate that they were going to be suspended and I was so confused, why would they say something like that I mean I don't think that any one would do and thing bad that would hurt any body, but again I was wrong because something hit me, if nobody was going to hurt me why would they lie on me and say that I called my dearest love and elementry school friend Manari that he was a snob oh how could they! Anyway I was thinking about my friend and where he ran off to because if he is with those rude boys then they would be in big trouble and I don't care if I get suspended oof not I was going to make sure that he was going to be okay with what I did. " um excuse me teacher, is there a eating room around here because of I would really like to not eat on the floor?" "Yes Mero down the hall to your left and it is on you right hand side, you cant miss it because it is in big print and is a very clean cafe", I got confused, why is there a cafe in a school house. I walked out the room and went down the hall, I never knew a hall could be as long as two streets together, I was just terrified but of course a lot of people are quick and healthy so that means that I am the only weak one around here and that could make a huge problem. I finally get to the end and make a left and it was right there! smack dab in my face with a bunch of people siting in almost every seat until I seen one seat with Manari sitting in it, I knew he would be angry but I went to his part of the seat and sat right in the free seat that was left. I really felt a liitle sorry for my sister because she had to sit on the floor but it looked like she didn't mind any way. At 5:00 we got our paired rooms and the rooms were fancy and when  I said fancy I ment fancy everything was like I was living like a celeb and that I was the one who was in charge of everything! They had carpet and everything but when I walked in I remembered about my mom and dad and how they might be feeling, maybe they are feeling lonely but this one move my parents made was they called me just to say that they are going to maryland to get a ease so they left the house after selling everything and I couldn't believe them and before they could even finish up thier speach I hung up and layed in my bed to feel a comfort of ease my self and I had everything I always needed and I did not need to do anything as long as I keep my room up and work extreamly hard tomarrow, and you know what that what I was going to do until Manari reminded me that I needed to get into the tub to get all of the smell that I had on me. I took a shower did a cross word puzzle and went to sleep for like maybe two hours until I heard the door creak open. I opened one eye just in case I might get caught and I seen my friend going out of the room with this girl there talking to him, I could hear some of the things she was saying but I wont say anything until tomarrow but this one thing caught my ear, she said she wants him to get rid of me and make sure that I dint come back and before he went to look at me I closed my eye to make it look like I was asleep and then I heard him say that by next week I should be gone and shall never return but let me tell you one thing, I am not going any where and if I do leave I will be coming back because there is no where I can go and that I would have ne choose but to come back because thanks to my never going to thing parents they sold the house to somebody totally different and now I cant go back there or I would be toast so, I decided to do a trick of my own to show them who they were messing with and after he closed the door he went in his bed rolled over to look at me, I had my eyes a little open so that I could see him and he could see me. After about lets say ten minutes of not blinking he turned over to go to sleep and I was acting as I was just getting up, and that set the alarm and I walked to the bathroom and then sat there for maybe like two minutes, walked out after flushing the bathroom and left out the bathroom and weent into my bed but I realized he was in my bed and he asked a few questions I said that I didn't know what he was talking about and then he left out my bedand went to sleep, I went to sleep and smiled to myself that I did a good deed, and of course so I could get up in the morning I went to sleep and thought of me in the chapion ship challenging every person in the world who was trying to over come me.

good morning!

 I woke up from my friend waking me up, I was so use to hitting my alarm clock that I hit my friends head. I was extreamly tired and I did not feel like getting up so I decided to just lay down for a bit longer, unfortunally I was called by the teacher and I was told I would have to even get up or miss breakfast and I choose number one which was get up because I was not going to class on an empty belly. About 8:12 I got out of bed I went into the shower and took a long wash up but it was 8:33 and I knew if I didn't get to the cafe fast enough I would have to be eating  last nights food and I don't feel like doing that so I just made sure I smelt good and went down stairs. At 8:49 I went rushing for my breakfast until I realized there was a bunch of ice on the gound and I was not expecting to be slipping on that ice, but I was not to sure until I seen one of the class mates ccome running down the hall trying to get the last of todays breakfast and when she past me she went into the wall. I went to call some one to make sure that she was okay and that goodness she was! She had the gift of earth so it didn't hurt her that much. The floor was cleaned and I made it before my friend and I was so happy, so insted of having a sandwhich and meat loaf with stringbeans and a box of juice I had waffles and eggs with some baccon and scrapple. At 9:00 sharp we had to do a bunch of math to make sure that we were getting our education but I guess my friend didn't have such a good time in doing that because he had a F- on his paper and I had an b+ on mine so I guess I was smarter then him or he was thinking up another plan to get me out of here and he wasn't focus and they realized that so because of his thinking in the wrong place he was made to be a luaghing stalk. At 9:37 I was just finishing my reading and I was a ace for it and I was so happy because it was the happiest girl in the whole wide world [I think]. I was starting to wander if Manari was starting to ditch class to make sure that he can get me out of here, then I thought about some thing, maybe he was ditching class to make a plan to kill me and maybe he was going to make a deadly plan that would cut my head off, or maybe he is going to do something to me that would make me want to kill him just to make sure that they would be dead and that I would be in jail for the rest of my life. I was so worry that I got a few girls to come to me because they were worryed about me. " Hey Mero is that you, I was wondering if we could be friends", I looked up to see a girl in front of me and then another girl got up and turns out the last girl was the girl who flew through the wall. "Sure why not." They were so happy that they had to jump up and down together just to express how happy they were. I stood up to tell them that I was never going to betray them but I couldn't get a word in because they were a little to happy so insted of me trying to stick words in I just showed them how happy I was and I jumped with them so that they wouldn't think that I was kidding. The group went out the door to the class ooms I went along trying to fit in but they could tell I wasnT being myself. "Hey Mero you don't have to fake it be yourself and injoy the with your friends!" I walked into my class room where my old friend was waiting for me, Manari didn't look so happy so that means someone must have whisperd something in his ear about me I was the one who was about to deal with the fire. " Well, well, well, look who came to class I hope your not scared or getting beat down to a pulp, I was commanded by my best friend to kill you because you are a two-faced monster! We was friends for so long and then I find out that you betrayed me and all our friendship was fake, do you know how I feel?" I was about make the fire spark but I didn't, I made sure I tryed to control the anger deep insisde of me that I was about to let out. " Listen I'M not two-faced and I don't even know why you were commanded to beat your own friend up." I was about to continue untill he stopped me, he started telling me that I was not his friend and that I should be suspended from the school but I wasn't the one who brought myself here you know, he was so it was his fault and he should realize that he is at fault not me. I busted in his speach real quick to make sure that he had a clear understanding that it was not my fualt that I was here and he should stop listening to who ever that best friend he is talking about. " Thats it! I'm through with you and your lying speaches Mero, the least you could do is make it sound like you are telling the truth." Before I could tell him that I was not lying he walked away. " fine leave me I have new friends anyway I don't need you anymore you idiot!" And that was that when it came to our friendship, it was demolished and down to the never returning pits of anger. (By the way the only friends I have is three people me, myself, and I and not to forget my sister.) "Mero don't worry I will never betray you even if it cost my life I will always stand by your side." I turned to see faltre smiling trying cheer me up  a bit. " Thanks sis I owe it to you big time." I walked down the hall with my sister talking about what I heard all through the nights when that snoby girl convinced my use to be friend that I was a good for nothing lyer. " That would make a lot of problems with the two if I had decided to tell the principal this info, they would most likely hate you more and probaly even say that it was you who told the principal this info since they think that this info is still kept hidden from the school." I looked at her with a confused eye. " Why don't you just tell the whole school that he was the one who decided to kick me out of the school that way everyone will stay away from them?'" "Well the reason why I don't want to tell them that is because he might get suspended and that would be bad for what ever he is trying to do." "But still wouldn't it be easyer to secure people then know that there is a friend that betrayed and is not coming back any time sooner?" "Indeed! but the principal wouldn't accept what we would say because we're students, we would have to be five star students to get what we are saying through." We started walking to our next class when our nemisis walked in behind us. I told my sister to  be quiet because the girl was trying to record our voice, I looked at the device and thought about a movie that had the same thing, they can change our words with the same voice conning other students maving them believe that I really said something bad about them when I really didn't and I was not even there. I turned in back off me and grabbed the device from her hold. " I see, your working for that girl just like my use to be best friend. How sad that you don't even know that she is trying to get me and my sister exspelled, most likwly not also knowing that if her plans fale her and who ever else is working for her is going to get exspelled and it would be a exspelled party. I prefer you to start working of your grades so that you will get thing that you want as buying a present for your boyfriend or maybe even getting something for some one you really love." I guess I gave her some really good ideas because of she ran off happy then how she looked when she was trying to record my voice. I was happy as well as she was when she ran off but I guess you can't always read some one agenda. I walk down the hall to see what I needed to do but I guess if your to woried about someone that broke up with you when they grew up with you and always protected you in what ever situation that you were in I pretty sure that would mean that I  had a good excuse about why I was thirty minutes late for that next class. I ran down the hall and mad it which was for no use becuase of I was sent to the principals office when I arrived which sucked, really it did I mean if some one were to run with all of thier might to get to a place and practically falls on thier faces then that would make them angry. As I walked down the hall to the principals ofice I seen the last person in the whole I wanted to see. I seen miss snoby from off of the tv show when they are running away from a monster in heals and fall on thier face and then stay there looking stupid, just kidding the girl was the same girl that took away my childhood friend which would mean that I was all alone again until I have another friend. As I was trying to pass her she bumped her elbow against mine and dropped her books and fell on the floor that way I would look like the bad person here, but I wasn't caring because she was late for school and she was most likely going to be sent to the pricipal office. "Oh dear! I am so sorry!" I said while secretly rolling my eyes, I just wanted to have her show her true colors which was not working for me. "I can't believe you just made me drop all my books, how could you, you are lower then the dirtyest dog in the whole world, I can't believe that you are even in the academy. I have a question for you, why are you in this school?" "I'm in the this school because I was brought here by one of your servants that was my friend and now they aren't because of you lied to him." She looked at me with you lie all the tme don't you eyes. " How do I know that you are telling the truth and not trying to demolish my pla-." She cut off whatever she was about to say until I heard some one from behind me clear her voice. "Well if it isn't the child that was supposed to go to my office, why are you bullying this girl?" "I wasn't! I was walking to your office until she purposelly bumped into me and started yapping off at the mouth." I was hoping she would believe the truth insted of a lie but that didn't get me that far all it did was get me and her in more trouble. So now both of us were in detention and I had to hear miss talk like an idiot yap all day. Finally the day was over and me and loud mouth was alowed to go back to our rooms, but unfortunally I was given another room which was next to the cleaning commitee. All night there was a bunch of nosie, non stop. I couldn't stand the noise so I went out my new room and walkedf to the cafeteria to get some sleeping pills or tea to put me to sleep but when I got there, my friend that had left me and his boss was there drinking wine and stuff that was supose to be for the adults and not for the children or what ever. I just couldn't stand it any more, first being change into a room thats next to the cleaning commitee, then running into miss blabber mouth, whats next me getting put out for something I never did or maybe getting on punishment or even having my parents come here to go torturre my whole class and make them do something stupid but what ever happens next I know that it wont be good. I thought relly hard about what was going to happen. I walked over to the side of the wall where I was not going to get caught at and started staying still so they would think I was a wall. As they walked out I slipped in and started grabbing the crameras and fixing the video. ' I knew it, they did change the tape." I said to myself while I switched out the real tape. After I had returned the real tapes back I ran back to my room. I layed down on my bed and looked at the clock. "Aw man, its already five o clock in the morning! This defently isn't my week." I got back up and started to get washed. "Maybe I should start practice so that I can have a head started, yeah thats what i'm going to do." I walked over to my dresser and started getting dressed. After thirty minutes I waled to the working area so that I  can start working early. I started off with stretching, so that I can become flexible without any problems. I stetched for two hours until I knew that I was free and had no cramps. I started to use the wooden sword that was on the edge, I placed my right foot behind me and my left foot in front of me so that I could make a stance to level my self out. I kept doing that until I was stable enough to go running and running backwards. Around nine o clock nobody apeared and that was strange because usally a teacher comes to make sure everything was ready for that days class, but for some reason not even a foot step was heard from rthe hall ways rather then in the room. As the time went by still no one came by to say anything or walk down the halls so I went out to the principal and started going through some of the files because not even the principal was there so I figured that it would be okay. later that day I seen one of the students looking like they just seen a ghost or something. "What's the matter? Are you looking for somebody?" She didn't respond, all she did was look at me and pass by me while looking at me. "Jeezs what a wierd girl." I said to myself as I walk back to my room.  I started to wonder around the area a little bit more before I went to my room. 

What!! They all left?

 I layed on my bed to realize that there was no body in the other rooms and the place was practically vacant so the only thing I had left was any of the other students that was confused just like me and my sister, we started rolling around the place trying to figure out why the place is like a ghost town. Then suddenly there was a sudden bang from the door. "W-W-What was that?" Onee of the stdents asked. "I don't have not one clue and I don't want to know either." Another student said. The door to the room that everyone was gatherd in was starting to open very slowly as if there was a murder walking in. As the door started opening more and more all the stdents started pulling out their wooden swords that was beside them, ready to attack the person that was aproching. "Everyone." A calm sweet voice said from the door. As the person became visual, we started to see the same girl that ran striaght into the wall. "We have been left on our own, they have left money a everyhing that we need to survive for a few months around the campous." A sigh of relief slipped from my lips as I seen her. "The only problem with that is that there will be people coming to marrow to grab that stuff, so we have to find it first or we won't have aything to eat drink or sale to make money." "What! That's redundent, if we die what are they going to tell the parents that still love the children that are in here?" I was frighten about what she had said, but she was right, if we were to die, then what would happen to the people that are still loved? Will they just be pushed aside and replaced? Or would they live as spirits that was know once before? I wasn't sure what to do. "Well what are we waiting for!? Lets start looking! The more we find, the better right?" "Yeah!" Everybody shouted as they started to stand up and run across the place. "Wait!" I yelled as everybody froze to look at me. "What is it, you got a problem with this plan?" "No, I don't have a problem, I think that would be smart, but when we find the money and stuff, where are we supose to put it? We shold have a certain place to put it so that there won't be any miscomunications. Who's with me?" Every body started to agree with me as they all started to volenteer that the place where we was standing was going to be the place that they were going to stash everything and there will be a certain person that will  watch over the items and make sure that nothing is stolen.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.01.2015

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