

Hello everyone. My name is Patrick. I'm new to book writing. This is the story of how I met the love of my life. I hope you check out my other novels as well. You'll see her name later. Anyway let's get into the story. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Chapter 1: Before I Met Her

 Before I met my girlfriend, my life was falling into a deep hole I didn't think I'd ever get out of. I was crying myself to sleep every night. I didn't feel like I was good enough for anyone. I had no friends anymore. I lost everyone after my twin brother died. All my friends quit talking to me, and just exited out of my life. I didn't know what to do at this point. I was going through every day thinking I wish I had friends. I was also thinking I wish I had a girlfriend. I was crying almost every day as well as every night. I was feeling so hurt that I didn't know what to do. My life was very hard at this point.

I lost my twin brother in a car accident summer of 2019. Since this happened I was a lot unhappier. I cried several hours a day for a couple of months after this happened. I had a bunch of fake friends come into my life to ask if I was okay, and stuff. After a couple of days they all stopped talking to me. I even lost the people I thought I could count on to be there anytime I needed them. At this point I was lonely. I had no friends. I had no girlfriend. I was super hurt, and depressed, and I didn't know what to do. Let's get into the story of how I met the love of my life.

Chapter 2: After I Met Her

 When I started to talking to Marybeth, I thought she'd be like every other girl, and stop talking to me or block me. This girl was different, and her and I talked that whole day. That night when her and I were about to go to bed, I asked her to be my girlfriend, and of course she said yes. My life has become a lot happier since she became my girlfriend. I don't cry myself to sleep anymore at night. My unhappiness has gone to happiness. My sad tears have gone to happy tears. This girl makes me really happy, and I wouldn't change having her in my life for anything. My life turned around a lot since she came into my life. I don't care if I have any friends anymore as long as I have Marybeth. She is my everything, and I don't know what I'd do without her. She is completely loyal to me, and I'm completely loyal to her. Her and I both share a bad childhood. She's supportive of anything I do. 

Chapter 3: My Future Plans With My Girlfriend

Her and I want to move in together here soon. We plan to get married in a few years. Her and I both want to get marrried, and have kids together someday. Her and I want to spend the rest of our lives together. We want to enjoy our lives together. 

Chapter 4: What I Love About Her

 I love that she's supportive of anything I do. Before I met her I was scared to write novels, because I was scared I wouldn't be good enough at it. She supports me writing novels unlike anyone else I've ever been with. When I call myself ugly she says I'm handsome. When I say I'm not good enough she says yes you are. I lost my twin brother, and all of my friends, and when I say I have no one anymore, she always says you have me. When she says this I think to myself at least someone is there for me. This girl makes me happy in every way I think of. She was supportive of me doing YouTube until I decided to quit YouTube. I quit YouTube and went to noel writing, because I wanted to try it. She supports me in doing novels which makes me happy. She supports that I'm in college too. She doesn't care that I'm a gamer. Her and I pretty much like the same music. Her and I both like horror a lot. Her and I both like spicy food. She's a gamer as well as myself. She also writes novels, and I think that's why she supports me in writing novels so much. Her and I both really like sushi. Her and I both like Halloween a lot, because we're both into horror big time. Her and I both really like Minecraft. This is a lot of the stuff I rellly love about her

Chapter 5: The Goodbye

 I think I'm going to have to stop here for now. I hope in the future I can write a better novel like this. I hope you enjoyed this story on how I met the love of my life. Bye for now everyone, and Ihope you enjoy my future novels.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.08.2021

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This goes to my girlfriend.

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