

I close my eyes and take a deep breath as my mother and father yell in the hall. Granted it's not our house but that just makes it worse. I opened my eyes to my grandma giving me a sorrowful look. I look down at my by brother. Mother slames a door. And I close my eyes for a second time.

 ‘Don’t be like our parents, please.’ I think as I stare at the blue bundle. He laughs and takes my finger. I let a grin slip onto my stone like expression. Mother's eyes snap to mine. “Stop smiling!" She hatefully whispered and takes my baby brother from my arms to. She goes into the kitchen. An ear piercing cry comes from him. “Todd come on.” She whispered to him. I get up and walk to my mother. She's bouncing him in her arms. “Can I see him…..” I whisper as I look at Tom. “Sure.” She said and glares at me when he goes quiet. “Well we have to go.” I hear my mom say to my grandmother.

I suck air through my teeth. “Come on Naomi.” My mother hisses out and I only nod holding Todd closer. He gurgles as he looks up to meetmy eyes. I'm met with soft baby blue. They are different compared to my neon blue eyes. I smile.

“Let me see him.” My father says taking Todd only for him to cry. “Shut up!” my dad yells once we all get situated in the car. “Rick.” My mother say warningly. It was a 2hr drive home. I walk in only to be dragged by my already hurting arm.  “You will pay for embarrassing me in front of my parents.” My mother yells making Todd who is in the living room cry. “Todd…..” I say as I try to get lose. “Oh no you don’t.” my mother growls throwing me into my room. Leaving only for my dad to enter. As my eyes start to burn. All my feeling come to the surface.

He smirks and punches my stomach. I double over. Coughing and wheezing. “Feels good don’t it?” I stay quiet. My dad cackles and I keep my face down. My feet kicked out from under me. My back hits the ground hard. I wince. This continues for 5hrs.


I moan in pain as I sit up pealing myself from the ground. Only to feel dried blood trying to keep me there. I make it to the bathroom and on my way I found out it was 5:00 am. ‘grrreeeaaaattt….’ I think pulling off my t-shirt. I look at my stomach. Bruises litter my front almost covering my scar which goes from my shoulder to hip. I grimace and remove the last of it and get in the shower.

After I dry myself off I get dressed. I slip on my hoody and baggy jeans. I grab my skateboard as I leave my room and head to the kitchen. “Get to school on time.” My mother says tiredly. Ok so you are prob like what the fuck. Whats happening? Well… tough, get over the disappointment. I am Naomi a 17 year old girl who is abused by her own mom and dad. My dad is Rick ‘duh’ my mom is Ashley. Well that’s all you are getting from me.

I open the door only to hear Todd cry out. I turn and walk to where he was sitting. “Todd.” I say sternly. The crying stops. Bending down I kiss his forehead. “Bye… I will be back.” I whisper and I get a gurgle for a reply. Turning I walk out the door to be greeted with cold air. I turn to my rundown jeep. ‘Fuck’ I think as I grab my car keys.

I am only aloud to drive my car when it’s cold or really hot. I hop into the car and drive to school my expression never changing. 10 mins pass as I stay in my car not wanting to leave in fear of the sluts. Speaking of the devils. “Come on Naomi!” Jessica the main slut yells. “No thanks.” I manage to yell loud enough for her. Her face gets red. ‘Angery much’ I think watching her face go back to normal. “Jessica!” I hear someone shout from the front of the school. Her head whips around. “Mike!” she giggles. “This convo is not over Naomi.” She looks over her shoulder and whispers. I try to harden my expression even more and she flinches. She runs off with her weird ass bunch after her.

I get out of my car. ‘This is going to be a long day’ I think sighing as I walk towards the school.


 School was a bust. Jessica held her word. I clench my teeth as the peroxide bubbles on my new scratch below my ear. My legs seem to have a mind of their own and sit me on edge of the bed.

I sigh staring at my wall. “Naomi!!” I hear my father yell. I flinch. I fix my face as pounding is heard at my door. I get up only to have the door swung open. I stop in my tracks. “Naomi…” my father Rick says warningly. “Yea?” I ask my monotone voice echoing throughout the room. He just smiles. I start to worry. That's when  he comes at me. I bit my lip to hold back a scream as I feel something sharp cut through my skin.

I look down and bit my lip more to keeping me from letting it out. I watch as he twists the knife deeper in to my hip. I can’t hold it back anymore and I scream out. He smiles  and starts to twist the shinny blade he pulls it out.I

2 hours later.....

I slump to the floor as a bloody mess. “Get changed.” Rick says and walks out. I grimace. I get up and grab a bag I start to fill up my bag with my belongings.  I grab kid toys and baby supplies.

I hide the two bags and I wait.


a few days later....

As night comes I start to get nervous about running. I wait till it my clock hits one and I get up trying to not scream in pain. I grab my car keys and bags out to the car. I grab my little brother. He gurgles and a frown is plastered on his face. “Shhhh…” I whisper and I close the front door. I buckle in his base and I go to my side of the car. As I get in my parents light turns on. I pull the seatbelt over over myself. I turn the car on as my mother opens her blinds.

I pull out as I leave this house for good. I drive us towered the woods. Half way down the dirt road leading deeper. I scream and swerve my jeep trying to avoid hitting a wolf. More like a horse. The car flips on its side. I have just the right amount of time to cover Todd from getting hurt. Todd cries out. “Shhhhhhhh…” I whisper trying to get up only to feel blood run out every scratch  and somewhat closed wound. “Fuck….” I try to turn my head to the back seat to see if I can see him. “Todd.” I let my head dangle in able to keep it up any longer.

I black out.



some time later...

I shoot up and out of the blanket that I was tucked into. A sigh leaves my lips as I take in where I was sleeping. I hear cries. “Todd…” I whisper in a split second the I blankets are at my side and I'm sprinting out the door only to freeze in my tracks. My eyes go cold as I stare at the skinny blond who is holding Todd out in front of her. An inhuman growl comes up my chest. The girl freezes and Todd turns to see me and cries louder and holds his hands out to me. I take a step forward. The girl backs up now holding Todd to her chest. A louder growl deeper this time in my chest erupts. ‘If I keep this up I am going to kill the bitch' I think as I step closer. “Matt!!!” she screams and runs down the stairs. I run after her and down the stairs only to come to a sliding stop. All of my almost closed wounds open. I grunt and lean against the wall.

A gasp is heard. I look up to see the blond, Todd, and 20 other people but they are mostly guys. 'where did they even come from?' “Give me Todd.” I grunt out as I stare down the blond. “Why should we?” a random guy asks. “Because he is my fucking little brother.” I yell now standing eyes cold and a snarl is heard after I speak. The blond looks like she doesn’t want to move. “Just sit him down.” I tell her pecking out from under my eyelashes. She bends putting him down and Todd finely stops crying. “Come here Todd.” I whisper and sit on the floor arms outstretched. Todd starts to almost speed crawl towards me. I let a small smile come across my lips. Todd stops in front of me. “Hey kiddo.” I whisper as I pick him up. He giggles. 

My grin gets bigger. I grunt louder as Todd tries to stand on my stomach. He freezes. I bit my lip hoping not to scare him. Someone steps closer. “Back off.” I say as nicely as I could get out. Todd looks down and starts to cry. “Shhhhh….” I say grabbing Todd’s head lightly. “I am ok. Don’t cry….please….” I whisper and he stops with a few hiccups. I put him on my hip as I stumble to stand, my shirt starts to turn red from where he put his feet. “Jack.” Someone says. “On it.” I'm to busy to look up the see were he went as I find my balance. I slowly walk towards the door. “Stop!” the bitch screams. “What. The. Fuck. Do. You. Want.” I spit out. “You can’t take him.” She growls out. I spin so fast I most likely got whiplash. “What the FUCK did you just say?!” I scream out. “He belongs here not with you.” She says a grin on her face and her back straight.

The males back up. I look through the males. I spot a younger boy. “You!” I point to him.” Come here.” I yell. He slowly walks to me. “I can trust you, Da?” I ask. “Yes…” he whispers. “Good.” I hand him Todd. An ear piercing screech comes from him. “Todd.” I say stone cold. He shuts up as fast as he started and replies with a gurgling sound. “Thank you.” I tell him and turn back towards the female blond.

“You are going to regret what you just said.” I walk to a closet. I reach in to find an old wood cane. ‘How convenient’ I thing grabbing it. “Your done for.” I tell her. I look at the boy. “Get him out of here.” I say through clenched teeth pointing the can at him. The boy he nods and  the runs out the front. I look at her. “I am letting all the pain, anger, sadness, fear, and my worries out on you.” I tell her and a sadistic grin slips its self onto my face. She shakes and backs up. “Oh don’t worry I won’t kill you…” I tell her. “Yet…..” I say trailing off.

I run and swing the cane at her hip. It makes contact with her leg. “Fair enough…”  I whisper to myself.

‘I am getting rusty’ I think still swinging the cane, crumpling her to the ground.  “STOP!!!” another girl’s voice is heard. “Don’t Lilly!” I hear a boy yell. I stop when I see black head rushing to the girl out of the corner of my eye. “Get back kid.” I say stopping her from coming closer to us. “Get her out.” I tell another boy and I watch the 11 year old girl being dragged out. No body else dares to stop or interrupt me. 

I turn and start swinging again I hit her legs and then pin her down by the stomach with the end of the cane, blooddripping down it. “Don’t tell me what to do.” I say with a sneer on my face my eyes cold. I get up. “I am keeping this cane.” I say turning to who looks like the oldest. He only nods. I walk out passing boys about my age. I get out the front door and scream. The cane long forgotten. I watch as my little brother hits the pavement. Almost as if it's in slowmo. “NOOOOOOO!!!” I scream louder running towards the two. I slump down to him and pick up his limp body up. The younger boy backs away. I cry and cry. Something snaps. I stop crying and start shaking. “There is a doctor here!” someone screams in my detection. My head snaps up. I run to the so called doctor. “FIX HIM!!!” I yell holding my brother to my chest. “Please…” I whisper. “You need to be fix as well.” he says looking me up and down. “Fix him or you will regret it forever.” I tell him voice and eyes holding no emotion.

1 week later.

I rock back and forth staring at the wall. Todd has said his first word. He still cries when anyone but me holds him. He’s doing better and I couldn’t ask for a better miracle. I refuse to get help for my cuts and bruises. I smile at Todd who is sitting in front of me. I stop rocking and sit him in my lap with difficulty. I start to sing one of my favorite songs by Sleeping With Sirens.


1 song later

After I finish my Rodger Rabbit, and banging is heard along with screams. “Naomi!!” I cringe.I walk out of the room. “Take him and hid him from them. Take care of him and so help me god if I come back to find him gone, stuff is going to fly.” I whisper/snarl at a boy who is a little older than me. He nods and I open the door. “Where is he?!” Ashly screams. I look down fake tears running down my face. “He didn’t make it. There was a car crash.” I whisper the last part and start to add fake sobs. My parents look at one another. My dad grabs my forearm and drags me to the car. I don’t ask how they found me.

I watch the trees pass by. Tears falling down my face. I spot Drake a guy I knew at the house. We were stopped at a light. His eyes go hard and he inched forward.  I shook my head and he stopped. My eyes still hold no emotion.

2 months later.

I limp down the street. ‘fuck..’ I think tripping and opening all my cuts that never healed and my newer ones. I pull myself up and stumble into the woods. My breathing speeds up. “Awooooooo!” I spin towered the howl. A big brown wolf stands there. I smile as my legs finally give out and I fall to my knees. The wolf moves forward as I fall. Another howl answers the first. My world goes black.



I open my eyes but immediately shut them. The light blinding me. “Has she moved yet?” a female voice asks. “No, but we are waiting for her two.” A guys voice answers. A door busted open. “Her little brother is having a fit. Again.” a males voice says and sounds like he is really stressed. Through the open door I hear crying. My eyes snap open as I jump up and push the people out of my way. Stops and hold on’s were heard behind me. 

I open my eyes to see Drake holding Todd. Once Todd sees me he cries louder. I smile taking him from Drake. The crying stops and he is out. I sit down in a chair. “Do any of you guys have a cigarette?” I ask sighing. “Well how old are you?” one asks. “16” I say as I put my black hair into a ponytail. A cigarette is placed into my lap. “Thanks” I mumble. I get up and walk towards the door.

“Oi!” someone shouts from behind me. ”What?” I ask spinning around. I come face to face with a teen about my age. “You need rest and that.” he says pointing at the cig. "Can kill you." he says eyeing the cigarette.  “So?” I ask lighting it. “Oi!!” the kid yells and tries to grab it from me. I am faster and I move to where he can’t get me. ”Peace.” I say as I walk and sit on the porch. I puff a few times and watch cars pass.

I freeze when I see Ashley's car pull up. “Naomi!!!!” I turn as I watch Rick got out of the car. I take a drag and put the cigarette out. ”What was that?!” he yells and I just shrug. He grabs my arm. As I am being pulled to the car the front door opens. “Hey!” I turn my head to the front door. Drake looks at my arm then my dad. He walks over keeping eye contact. The only thing I know is I taste blood and that my world is starting to fade away....again.


 My eyes snap open staring at a black and white wall. " So. Hows your head?"


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.03.2015

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