
New Life

Why did they have to die? I asked myself as I looked at my mum and dads coffin. I miss mum and dad badly. I have to go live with my auntie in Europe. “Allison come on dear.” I nodded and followed my auntie. My mint green and slightly wavy hair blows in my gray eyes. I huff and pull my hair up in a messy bun. “ When we get home we are dying your hair back brown, Allison” my auntie said turning her head to the side. “ As if!! Mum dyed my hair I am not dying it back!!” I yelled talking about mum is ruff. Auntie huffed. “ Fine.”

Auntie lives in one of the tiny towns in Monferrato. We get in the car and head to the airport. A few hours later. “ Your room is the last room on the right.” auntie said as she turned on the TV. I ran up the steps. I shut the door and lock it. Why am I here?! I ask myself as I pull my hair. “Allison you have school tomorrow!” auntie yells up the steps. “OK!” I yell back. I flop on my bed and fall asleep.

A hour later....... I sit up in bed. I cant sleep! I go to my window and open it. I clime down. I have on a sweater and short sorts. I walk to the woods. “Fuck!” I hit a tree and let out my tears. Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap!! I start to clime. I started to hear running. “Oww!” what ever it is it bit my back leg hard. I try get up higher. “Grrrr.” I look down. A black wolf stared at me. With my blood on its nose. I look at my leg to see a big gash. I looked away. It stopped growing an whined. I look back down now seeing two black wolfs. Walking away. I get down and clime back up to my window.

“Meow?” I look at my cat. “Shh its ok Neon.” hes a black and blue eyed cat. I got to my bathroom. My blood follows on the floor. I wrap it up good. “Meow...Meow....Meow” he said as he came in the bathroom and set in my lap. He started to purr as I petted him. My mum gave me Neon. I picked him up and walked to my bed and fell asleep.

Bang....bang...bang! “Allison get up!” auntie yelled. “Ok I am up gosh!” I yelled. I swung my legs around big mistake. They hit the bed. “ow...” I wispier hatefully. I go to the bathroom and take off the stuff I wrapped on it the night before and got in the shower. The gash stung like crazy. I re-wrapped it up. And got dressed in my American flag jean shortcuts and my “Rogue: Backstabbin' bad-ass” tee shirt and it almost went over my jean shortcuts.

First Day

Auntie had my truck brought over. I got in my black truck and drove to school. ~ this morning~ “What Happen to your leg Allison?!” auntie yelled. “I was bit by the next doors dog before mum and dad died.” I lied to her. “ Poor thing.” auntie said. ~~ I pulled in to school and got out. “What happened to her?”someone whispered. Worst day ever. I said to my self as I pulled my hood of my sweat shirt off. Gasps sounded though the halls. I got to the desk.

“Hi can I help you?” the lady asked. “I am new.” I said nicely. I am going to be here a lot if there are bitches here, so lets get this done with. “ Here we are. Allison Stone?” she asked. I nodded. She handed me my list. I walked out. I hit some one. “Watch it.” the boy said. I walked to my first period with my hood up and my hair back out of view. If anyone took my hood off my hair would fall around me.

I walked in. “Hi can I help you?” the teacher asked. “New.” I said and he nodded. “Tell us about you?” he asked. “ I’ve got nothing to say....” I said looking down. “How about that that on you leg?” he asked. “ Ummm....Dog b-bite.” I fake stuttered. He nodded. And I took a set in the back. “ I will be back class.” he said and walked out. Every one looked at me.

“What?!” I yell. “Gosh some bitch got off the wrong side of the bed.” a blond said. I get up and walk over to her. On my way to her a boy pulled my hood off. The girl gasped. My eyes got big when every one started to giggle. I tried to run but got only to the door.

A boy walked up with black hair. “ It wasn't a dog bite was it?” tears almost spilled over. I got up and ran out as fast as my hurt leg could take me. I ran into the woods. I stopped by a stream, and cried. I took my sweat shirt off. “Grrrr...” I spun around. A big brown and white colored wolf was standing there. “Stay away from me!!” his head went to the side. “Your buddy already got to me so just leave me alone.” he set down. I sighed and took the stuff off the gash and put in the stream, but before I could the wolf growled. Next thing I know he is sitting next to me.

He leaned over to lick my leg and I growled at him. He looked surprised. What did I just do?! I yelled at myself.You growled sweet cheeks. What the hell? I put my hands up to my head and screamed. My head started to hurt. “If you and your pack come near us again I will kill you!” I said with my hands to my ears. Ok that was not me! I said. Right it was me. I look wear the wolf was and a boy was sitting here. I howled. I feel every bone move and I hunch over in pain and scream. “You ok?” the boy asks. The pain stops.

I look at the boy and watch him turn in to his wolf form. All the info I needed was popped into my head. I growl and back up. I turn and run as fast as I can. I howl. More wolfs howled back. I turn back and clime a really tall tree and watch as they run past barking. I giggle and jump down.


I get home. “Why did you leave school?!” auntie asks mad. “I left because I was being picked on. Anyway I got to grab my stuff so I can go back and get my truck.” I told her grabing an apple and heading to the door. “Where did the dog bite go?” she asked.

“ I checked it earlier and it was healed.” I told her and left. I walked down the street. “Hey!” I turn and saw a boy who looked like the other black wolf. I started to back up. He saw and broke out in a jog. I turned and ran at inhuman speed.

I got to my truck, opened it and locked it. I watched as he tried to open the door. “Come on I am sorry for my twin biting you!” he said. I gasped and backed up. Tap tap. I turn my head and his “bad” boy twin was standing there. I climbed through the back of my car, and curled up in the seat. I fell asleep 3 mins later.

 Bang Bang.... I slowly opened my eyes. I was I my wolf form. I stretched out and set down. My grayish whitish ears back as I growl at the two wolfs on the of my hood of my truck. I followed them with my bright bright blue eyes. I have never knew a dog or wolf with my eye color, and it seems they didn't ether. I turned back human and waited for them to leave I started my truck. I drove home and went to bed.

Middle of the night..... why wont you let me sleep?! I asked my wolf. I want to go for a run pwease!! I groaned and got up. I opened my window and jumped. I shifted and ran in the woods. I founded a cave because I was far from home and tired. I curled up in a ball and slept.

I heard whispering but couldn't open my eyes. “Is it done?” a man asked. “Ya she will sleep for 4 hours.” I heard another say. I felt some one pick me up and take me away from my warm cave.


I wake up in a dark room. "Ello!?" I yell the sound of my voice bounces back at me. Sigh. This is no fun.I look around the room. I am laying on a bed. I sigh as I get up. I hear walking coming from the hallway outside the door. I run and hide under the bed. “Hurry up Jake.” a guy said from the hall. “She's not here Jack.” said the guy in front of me the voices sound the same. Must be twins. I watch as he runs out and down the hall. Door wide open, and all I can think is alpha's...
     I run out the door almost falling on my face. The twins from my car! Omg Omg Omg. I say as I run to the front door. I change. I run out of the house and into the woods. I tripped like 5 times. I changed back like 7 mins ago.“Jack you found her yet??” I have hear that voice some where before....


I got to my truck, opened it and locked it. I watched as he tried to open the door. “Come on I am sorry for my twin biting you!” he said.*flashback end*

"Aw fuck" I say softly as I get down under some brush. “Found ya.” a voice said. I turned slowly to see the 'bad' boy. I scream.



I tap my foot as I hold the only thing I will ever need... Neon. "You will have two fights." Jack says flipping his hair out of he's face. At the same time keeping his bad boy look. Jake looks down. "You have to beat the Omega. Then you have to beat us if you want to leave... Oh and one more thing... if both of us bite your sholder yo-" I cut him off. "Wait....WHAT?!" I yell looking at them. He get one of those shut-the-fuck-up-i'm-talking-here looks. He talks slow like I'm a little kid or something. 
"If I bite your say right sholder and Jake bites your left you HAVE to stay  in our pack and be luna." he says with a smug smile.
20mins later

 I hand Neon to my fav maid Sam. "Dont let him go ok?" I say in an cold voice. "Da, Allison." she says as she takes a step back. I walk into the feld. I change and wait. A big brown and white wolf comes out. After a few mins I hear "GO!" I get pinned to the ground. Some how I get him off. Next thing I know he is going for my neck. I get ready to close me eyes but I hear "Neon вернуться!" and then I see a flash of black fur.

 I can feel warm blood go every where. I open my eye to watch as the wolf drops the half alive Neon. I whine and lightly move him with my nose and he cries out in pain. I howl and curl around my cat. After he stop breathing I snaped. I get up slowy. With lips pulled back to show my sharp teeth and eyes still closed. I feel someome behind me trying to pick up Neon. I turn and stand over my cat and I just growl. With now open eyes I stare at Sam still growling.

 My brain started to to move again. 'She is not a threat ...' I turn tords the brown and white wolf. I wait a min then I strike.


I sink my teeth into his leg. I hear a bone snap.  I ram into his side.  I step back growling with blood on my teeth. "STOP!" I hear an alpha yell. I keep growling. "Okay Allison my turn." I look at Jack. I wait. "GO!" I attack Jack only to be thrown to a wall. 'Fuck' I yell in my head. I get up and run at him. I doge a bit to my leg. Jumping onto his back.

I bite the back of his neck. 5 mins later I am under him.


2days later  


I watch as the trees go past. My hand reaches up to the bit marks on my neck. I whine. “Allison your fine.” Jack says as he goes back to driving. I mumble and watch as we pull into a house. I look at a boy holding a box. He’s small maybe 6? I get out and slam the door. “Come on Allison.” Jake says. “Fuck off!” I yell. “H-Here” the box gets shoved into my hands. I open it to see a fluff of white furr.

”Thanks.” I say binding down and kissing the little boys cheek. His face gets red and he run in side. I pull out the kitten to be met with one green and one red eye. “You are not keeping it Allison!!” Jack yelled from the car. “Watch me!!” I yell running in to the house and behind me is a Jack. I giggle and run into a random room with snow in my arms. I look up only to be pinned to the wall….

"LET ME GO!" I yell. Snow hisses at the man. "Who are you?" the man growled out. I start to turn out of anger. After I shift I stand over snow. "OH MY GOD." the man yelled backing up. I put snow in my mouth as if she was my pup. I run out of the room. I make it to the door. 


I set the kitten in a box and run out . "Well what do we have here?" a voce said. I spun around to where the voice was coming from. Death it filled the air. "You smell human but..... you are in a wolf form......" the voice said as the woods started to spin. A boy stepped out. I growl. “Such a temper…” he says. ‘tch’ I think as I back up. Next thing I know there is an arrow in my side.  

10 mins later.

I wine and snap at the people trying to get the arrow out. I slip in and out of conciseness, but that doesn’t stop me from snapping at them. I howl in pain as a girl grabbed the arrow and pulled it out. I watch her smirk before I bit into her forearm. “Owww.” I bite down harder. Only to be kicked in my side. I yelp. “Shhhhh.” I hear a smooth voice say. I whine and try to move away. “Call her pack. We still have the number right Red?” the boy asks. “Yea but, Tom-“ he cut her off. “NOW RED.” He says trying to stop the bleeding.

  5 mins later

 I start to hyperventilate watching the twins yell at the strangers. “You have to get her out of here or she will die.” I whine and it gets their attention.

2 years later

 (sorry i hade a writer’s block and sooooooo i am typing the sad part. what happeneds in the Ch. is going to be kinda like self-harm time type stuff so if you do not like it tuff. )


I walk down the somewhat empty hallway. ‘New school great’ I think as I continue to drag my feet to the office. ‘Jack and Jake are going to be in for in when I see them at lunch’ I think as I open the door and go up to the woman at the desk.“Um………” I say waiting for her to look up. “How can I help you?” she says. “Um.. I am new.” I say under my breath. “So you’re Allison?” she asks as she digs in her desk and pulls out papers. I nod and grab them and say a fast ‘Thanks’ and I run out of the office. I bump into a wall. I crash onto the floor only hit my side. I gasp and a fain whine comes out. “Hey you ok?” a voice drifts into my ears. 

I look up only to be met with big brown eye. “I am fine....” I say standing up ignoring the pain in my side. “New?”  he asks trying to keep up with my fast walking. “Yea.” I mumble. I keep on walking only to be tugged in to that stupid wall again. “What?” I mumble into a shoulder. “Please don’t look like that...” I look up and see tears. “Dude you ok?” I ask hoping I didn’t make him cry. “You remind me of my little sister sorry....” he mumbles and I smile. “It’s fine.” I say and I turn to only to keep on walking..... Till I am stopped, again...

Whats With all The Walls Around Here

I let out a small whine. I look up to be met with the dude from earlier and a blond. I tilt my head as the two whisper and one laughs. “Hey you ok?” my eye twitches. ‘just tell them to fuck off..’ my wolf tells me. “Yea-ahhhhhh!” I yell out as I am lifted from the ground. I squirm in the blonds arms. “Letttt Meeee Gooooo…..” I whine out like a little kid. Next thing I know I am in a nurses office. I groan I cant wait to leave.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.02.2014

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