

In a twisted landscape foreign to all
Sighing unseen specters
In the devastation breathe 'I am here'

Lives wrenched away so violently
Spirits still confused
Trying to say their unseen goodbyes

With a whisper of wind they toy with scraps
Of lives torn away
Touching those precious few left behind

Mournfully they murmur in the wind
'Do not forget me'
To those searching in the hideous rubble

Souls floating in the arms of the wind
Swirl around
Caressing wet cheeks stoic in grief

Finally dissipating to join the vast
intake of life
that occurred in one instaneous second

In the nether regions of existence
Sweet reunions there
Creating great tears of sorrow here

The soulless wind now picks at possessions
Of those who have gone
Leaving their memories to be held by survivors


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.03.2011

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To souls lost

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