
My story

In this chapter tell about your experience as a (whatever your chosen identity from lesson two) person. 


In this chapter please include the following:


- A picture of you (this does not have to be a real picture). 

- Your hearing status.

- A brief overview of how you grew up (deaf/ hearing environment) and your feelings on that. 

- Your relation to the deaf/ASL community.

- Your relation to Galluadet University. 

- Where you were during Deaf President Now.


Deaf President Now: An Overview

In this chapter provide an overview of Deaf President Now. 



Include in this chapter include the following:


- An image from the protest 

- What was happening before the prostest. 

- Why the protest happened and how long it lasted. 

- Who was involved in the protest and why each person was significant (include pictures of each person). 

- What the four demands from the students were.

- The final resolution of the protest. 


Day One

 In this chapter explain the first day of Deaf President Now from your perspective (as the identity you chose in lesson two). 


In this chapter include the following:

- An image from DPN or a culturally related image the supports your perspective of this day.

- What exactly happened this day.

- Where were you, what were you doing, and who you were with on this day. 

- Your opinion on the day's happenings and how you felt.  


Day Two

 In this chapter explain the second day of Deaf President Now from your perspective (as the identity you chose in lesson two). 


In this chapter include the following:

- An image from DPN or a culturally related image the supports your perspective of this day.

- What exactly happened this day.

- Where were you, what were you doing, and who you were with on this day. 

- Your opinion on the day's happenings and how you felt.  


Day Three

 In this chapter explain the third day of Deaf President Now from your perspective (as the identity you chose in lesson two). 


In this chapter include the following:

- An image from DPN or a culturally related image the supports your perspective of this day.

- What exactly happened this day.

- Where were you, what were you doing, and who you were with on this day. 

- Your opinion on the day's happenings and how you felt.  


Day Four

 In this chapter explain the fourth day of Deaf President Now from your perspective (as the identity you chose in lesson two). 


In this chapter include the following:

- An image from DPN or a culturally related image the supports your perspective of this day.

- What exactly happened this day.

- Where were you, what were you doing, and who you were with on this day. 

- Your opinion on the day's happenings and how you felt.  


Day Five

 In this chapter explain the fifth day of Deaf President Now from your perspective (as the identity you chose in lesson two). 


In this chapter include the following:

- An image from DPN or a culturally related image the supports your perspective of this day.

- What exactly happened this day.

- Where were you, what were you doing, and who you were with on this day. 

- Your opinion on the day's happenings and how you felt.  


Day Six

 In this chapter explain the sixth day of Deaf President Now from your perspective (as the identity you chose in lesson two). 


In this chapter include the following:

- An image from DPN or a culturally related image the supports your perspective of this day.

- What exactly happened this day.

- Where were you, what were you doing, and who you were with on this day. 

- Your opinion on the day's happenings and how you felt.  


Day Seven

 In this chapter explain the seventh day of Deaf President Now from your perspective (as the identity you chose in lesson two). 


In this chapter include the following:

- An image from DPN or a culturally related image the supports your perspective of this day.

- What exactly happened this day.

- Where were you, what were you doing, and who you were with on this day. 

- Your opinion on the day's happenings and how you felt.  


Day Eight

 In this chapter explain the eighth day of Deaf President Now from your perspective (as the identity you chose in lesson two). 


In this chapter include the following:

- An image from DPN or a culturally related image the supports your perspective of this day.

- What exactly happened this day.

- Where were you, what were you doing, and who you were with on this day. 

- Your opinion on the day's happenings and how you felt.  


Day Nine

 In this chapter explain the ninth day of Deaf President Now from your perspective (as the identity you chose in lesson two). 


In this chapter include the following:

- An image from DPN or a culturally related image the supports your perspective of this day.

- What exactly happened this day.

- Where were you, what were you doing, and who you were with on this day. 

- Your opinion on the day's happenings and how you felt.  


Deaf President Now: A Conclusion

 In this chapter rap up your feelings and opinions of Deaf President Now as a whole. 


In this chapter include the following:


- An image from DPN or a culturally related image the supports your perspective of DPN.

- A review of who you are and where you came from.

- How you felt before the protest.

- How you felt during the protest.

- How you felt after the protest.

- How your opinion of the future of Deaf perople/culture changed due to Deaf President Now.






Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.11.2014

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