
A Book of Inspirational Poems Volume #2


I am going to be bold to say your loved one is now dancing on the streets of gold.
Because His name is written in the book of life he no longer has any more pain only joy to gain.
Then one day up there with him you will have laughter in the life that comes after.
It’s almost time for the rapture because that we have great laughter.
This is a real good story because we will be in his glory.
Because we have Jesus living in us we will be taking Heaven’s bus.
Because in our heart Jesus we took our name are written in the book.
When we go through Heaven’s portal we become immortal.
In Heaven there will be great praise to the king when sing.
This is deep but in Heaven we probably will not have to sleep.
Because on earth we did esteem our body is redeemed.
In Heaven the colors are so bright they are like neon lights.
This you will have to behold in Heaven the snow is not cold.
In Heaven there is a river in which we drink that give us the grace to live in that place.
In Heaven it’s apparent there are streets of gold that are transparent.
In Heaven there is great joy it’s like a kid getting a new toy.
Because of the Father’s compassion we will have our own mansion.
Yes in Heaven all of needs and desires will be met and we will even see our pets.
In Heaven for all the good works on earth you have shown you will receive a crown.
In Heaven There will be a great celebration of a coronation.

God’s Plan

God has a plan for His man.
It is a good plan, because, He is your biggest fan.
It does not matter where you ran.
Take your stand, and let Him take you by the hand.
He will bring you into the promised-land.
Then your life will be grand.

The Great Grace of God

God will give you His Great grace,
to take your place, In His race,
this you can embrace.
You will be able to keep His pace,
because, of His Great Grace.
You will be able to look the Devil in the face,
Because of this Great Grace and say, get out of my face.
He will leave without a trace.
Then you will cross that finish line in first place.

2. No Lack

When you tithe, it is a fact,
God says you will no longer be in lack.
With you, that is His pact.
God wants to put money in your sack.
To you, that is a promise, and that is that.

God Does Heal

God does heal, it does not matter how you feel.
Satan is the one who steals, Jesus is the one who heals, and that is the real deal.
Believing, and receiving, is your covenant seal.

Rest in His Rest

Rest in His Rest, He wants you to have His Best.
This is no test.
You can rest in His rest, and Have His Best.
He wants you blessed. You need to confess I am blessed, with His rest, and His best.
With this you can rest, go to His word,
and your time invest that is His best.


Don’t be down, with your frown.
Instead, why not change your style, and smile awhile.
Instead of being mad and sad why not get glad then life won’t seem so bad.
Then put this on file, when you let this be your lifestyle
Others will see you go the extra mile and smile, that may even change their lifestyle.

The Living Word

Go to the Living Word, and your faith will be stirred.
The living word is speaking the word not what occured
Get into the Holy Spirit Flow, and your faith will grow.
Take the word,and be a doer not just a hearer

Extreme Dreams

Let God give you an extreme dream
Let God, redeem that dream.
Don’t go by the way things seem.
Don’t ever leave God’s scene.
On Him you can always lean.
He is not mean.
Let God redeem that extreme dream.
When you have God’s extreme dream
you are on His dream team.


When the storms come up.
Don’t ever get your fear up.
Stand up and let your praise, and worship go up.
Cheer up, and God will deliver you up.

My Best Friend

Jesus is my best friend.
His friendship has no end.
You, He will always defend,
and His love in your heart will descend.
To Him you do not have to pretend,
in your life He wants to attend.
Let Him be your best friend with no end.

Take a Leap of Faith.

Don’t go down in defeat.
Take a word of faith leap.
Don’t let bad words leak.
With your mouth, take the word and speak.
Speak the word, not what occurred.
Speaking the word, is the advancer to your answer.
Speaking the word is not a quirk, it always works.
So will you take a word of faith leap?
Or accept your defeat?

What Do You Want Your Brain To Contain?

What do you want your brain to contain?
Let the word remain in your brain.
From the world you need to refrain.
The T.V. will give you brain an evil stain.
With the word train your brain.
With The Holy Spirit can explain
and train your brain.

Jesus Joy

Oh boy I have Jesus Joy
Don’t frown, with this joy, you never have to come down.
Yes this is true, but it is up to you. You need to employ, this joy.
Oh boy, in His prescence is fullness of joy Raise His Praise, and His joy you will raise.
You have a choice in your voice to rejoice.

God’s Love Never Fails

Because of the nails, His love never fails.
Life is frail but, His love will prevail.
Don’t push, and shove, walk in love,
and stay above.
Embrace His Love, like a glove.

Attack Back

This is a fact, the enemy attacks, don’t just react.
Speak the word, and Jesus name with
your mouth, and attack back.
Persist to Resist, and God will assist.
To the Devil say no, and let the word
from your mouth, flow.
Speak the word, because that is,
the enhancer, and advancer, to your answer.
Don’t repeat your defeat, Speak the word,
and don’t let bad words leak.
Don’t be annoyed, the word will not go out void.
Speaking the word, will enhance, your advance.

I was born to Preach

This is no Speech, I was born to preach.
Yes to others, with the Word.I want to reach, and teach.
It does’t matter, where I preach. I will even preach, on the beach.
So yes I was born to Preach.

I Was Born To Write

I was born to write.
Things seem so bright, when I write.
That is out of sight.
Things even seem, light, when I write.
I don’t even have to fight.
Yes that is out of sight.
I would say I was born to write.

Jonah in the Whale

Jonah God did call, and yes he did fall.
Life was frail, when He was in the whale.
Even though Jonah made a mistake
God did not forsake.
God’s love did prevail,
out the whale, He did sail.
Yes God’s love, did not fail.

David and Goliath

The Israelite’s army were chimps, and
they acted like chimps.
The army called, upon a boy in which,
He was defiant towards the giant.
The giant the boy did destroy, with great joy, even though He was a boy.
He became a champ, in the army’s camp.

Daniel and the Lion’s Den

To the king’s idols, to God Daniel
made a vow, not to bow.
Because, to the king, He did not obey,
in the lion’s den, he got put away.
The lion’s mouth was shut up.
He became like a pup, Daniel got delivered up.


God said to Abraham,”in my creation, you will be a father of many nations.”
God said be bold, you will have a son it does not matter if you think you are old.
Abraham did not believe, what the world would say.
Instead He believed God’s way, and what He would say.
Abraham did obey, and did what God did say. He did have a payday.

Your Midnight Hour

In your midnight hour, do you take a shower in God’s power?
The word and the Holy Spirit are His dynamite power.
Take a shower in that dynamite power in your midnight hour.

The Sacrifice

God told Abraham this, what I want done. “ Go to the mountain top with your son,
don’t falter make me an alter I want Isaac as the price of the sacrifice.”
Abraham raised his hand up. He was ready to obey, what God did say.
God did not falter He said take Isaac off that altar. Because Abraham did things, God’s way,
he had a payday. God did bless, and got him out of that mess.
When you stay on God’s side, He will always provide.God provided the ram, that got them out of that jam.

The Believers Authority

It’s our priority, to know how to use our authority.
This is on the level. There is a Devil.
To Him you don’t have to cower, because you have God’s power.
When you use Jesus name, things will never be the same.
This you must discover when you lay hands on the sick they will recover.
At the names of Jesus, demons will be screaming, without a doubt they will come out.
Take the word, pray, and say. You will have a payday.
Take a shower in God’s power, then things will no longer be sour, in fact you will come out smelling like a flower.
With your faith stand your ground, don’t let the Devil push you around.
This pretty profound, because God’s word is sound, if you speak it, your mind will soon become sound.
Because in Christ you have been found, you can take your faith and stand your ground.
When you sin, repent and God’s great grace will abound.
In your seat with Christ make a decision to take your position.
With this you can grin, in Christ we always win.
This is what you need to be expressing knowing this, your name is written in the book of life is a great blessing.

Fear Contaminates Faith Dominates

Don’t let fear contaminate Let faith dominate.
Don’t let fear procrastinate Let faith demonstrate.
Don’t let fear negate Let faith create.
Walk in faith not in fear then in your life healing and prosperity will appear.
If you have faith you will have great cheer, if you have fear that cheer will disappear.
If you walk in faith and not fret your needs will always be met.
If you walk in fear you will always have lack and that’s a fact.
When you walk in fear you pout and doubt.
When you walk in faith you can take the word and shout that doubt out.
So do you talk and walk the faith walk or walk and talk the fear walk?

The Kingdom Of Light

You are now in the kingdom of light. You have now found yourself in a faith fight
Because you have His grace and might you now walk by faith and not by sight In the kingdom of light.
When you walk by faith and not by sight, your burdens will be light in the kingdom of light
Yes it’s a faith fight. You need go to the word to see how you live your life right.
You need His grace and might. To live in the kingdom of light.
You are in a faith fight but remember Jesus already won the fight.
He overcame the kingdom of darkness so we can live in the kingdom of light.
Our fight is to believe and receive and to walk by faith and not by sight.
When Jesus comes back that will be quite a sight
His glory will be so bright. That will be Heaven’s only light.
To our delight we will be seeing a great light. That is out of sight.

Don’t Worry

The word is clear it say not to worry about what you eat, drink, or wear.
This is sound wisdom to seek first His kingdom.
Have faith not fear and the things will appear.
Have no sorrow about tomorrow.
You are His glory and He knows the rest of the story.

The Potter

I am the potter you are the clay, you must say yes and do it His way.
Be bold and let the potter mold.
Sometimes when He uses a tool, it does not feel so cool.
Even when it gets hotter, let Him be the potter.
If you do things God’s way, that piece of clay will be a beautiful piece of pottery one

God’s Love

His Love never fails it always prevails.
With His love you don’t have to pretend and it never ends.
Because of the nails His love never fails.
His love lives to forgive and, lives to give.
Even when life is frail His love never fails.
God will pour out His love to everyone without exception.
because His love is poured out with perfection.
His love never fails it always prevails.

Think Happy

Make it snappy to think happy.
You have a choice in your voice to talk happy.
You have a choice in actions to be happy
then you will feel satisfaction.

Die To Me

Don’t put dying to self on the shelf.
Die to me and be set free,
then you will walk in victory.


Texte: Words of Inspiration Ministruy
Bildmaterialien: none
Lektorat: About the Author Rev. Gregory Lovell Rev. Greg was born again on May 31, 1973, I went Trinity Church in Bridgewater MA. For 20 years. He has been a born again Spirit filled Christian now for over thirty years.He graduated from Hamburg High in Hamburg
Übersetzung: About the Author Rev. Gregory Lovell Rev. Greg was born again on May 31, 1973, I went Trinity Church in Bridgewater MA. For 20 years. He has been a born again Spirit filled Christian now for over thirty years.He graduated from Hamburg High in Hamburg
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.10.2012

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