
An Inspirational Book of Poems

Inspirational Book Of Poems By Rev. Greg Lovell

1. The Hiding Place
In God’s race His word needs to be our hiding place.
Get a resting place to seek His face on your face.

2. Cook Outs
Having cook outs is fun you get to be out in the sun.
You get to have good food and you get to be with good friends, you wish it would never end.

1. Sports
Let me report I like sports
I am not a fair weather fan.
I like my home team no matter what place they ran.
I am still the team’s biggest fan.

1. Don’t Tease
Don’t put people down it could get turned around.
When others you tease to God that does not please.
Remember what you sow, back to you it will flow.
You will have more fun when you bless someone.
Have courage to encourage,
Then in life no matter how things seem you will give someone good self-esteem.

2. Mom
Mom gives me courage and encourages.
She builds me up no matter how old I get she still considers me her pup.
Mom’s love departs from her heart.
She wants to bless and get you out of any mess.

3. The Accuser
To the Brethren the Devil is the accuser and the abuser.
Through Christ The brethren can be the refuser.
You don’t have to accept guilt when the love of God in your heart has been built.

4. The Envelope
To the Christian God’s word is a letter.
We need to open the envelope to read the letter,
Then we will get God’s hope to cope.

5. Me
I am me because that is the way God made me.
I am not thee I am me. Don’t try to make me like thee.
I accept me that is what makes me free.

6. Friends
Your dog is a faithful friend, on you can depend.
For you his love will always extend.
With him you never have to pretend.
He is your faithful friend.

7. Spring
I like spring because the birds begin to sing.
I like spring because you get rain showeres
Which bring out the wild flowers.
The trees no longer like dead wood they get new life and they look good.

8. God’s Rest
Get in line with God's time and everything will be fine
He is never late even if you have to wait.
Hewants to give you His best if in Him you just rest.

9. Have Fun
Having fun is not a hard chore to be done.
You can even have fun in the sun.
It does not matter where you begun or what you have done.
God wants you to have some fun
God wants you to have laughter before the here after.
So make it snappy and be happy.

10. Let God Find Your Mate.
In looking for your mate don't try to date.
Let God bring you your mate.
Even if you have to wait
He is never late.
All you have to do is cooporate

11. God’s Road
When you are on God's road even when you get a heavy load.
His burdens will be light because you walk by faith and not by sight.
Even when your buisy God will make things easy.

12. Get Revived
Don't stay in the dark by staying in park.
Put it in drive and get revived.

13. God's Time
Get in line with God's time and everything will be fine
He is never late even if you have to wait.
Hewants to give you His best if in Him you just rest.

14. Prosperity
Because Jesus is our attorney we are on a journey to prosperity.
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15. Be Bold
You can be bold even when you get old
look at Abraham He was bold when he was old He did what he was told.
Even when your buisy God will make things easy.

16. God's Peace
Cast your cares on Him then in His peace you can swim.
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17. God's Blessing
Are you resting in the blessing?
Don't be expecting blessing when you need to be resting in the blessing.
Wow the blessing is now.

18. A Fight
You don’t have to be bright to know that when you step into the light it is going to be a faith fight

19. Easter
Because of the cross we are no longer lost.
First Without it we have no Good Fryday without it there is no
Easter is our payday.

20. Have No Fear
When a storm rises up have no fear
point to your heart and say I have God in here.
Say to the Devil God is on my side tell him to take a ride.

21. The Church
The church is the people not the steeple.
you need to belong so in your faith you can be strong.
to the church don't be a stranger or a lone ranger.
To the church if you stay connected you will stay protected.

22. Faith
Fight the faith fight with God's might,
then your burdens will be light,
because you walk by faith and not by sight

23. I am an Eagle
Because of God's love I am no longer soaring like a segul.
I am soaring like an eagle.

24. God's Love
Because Jesus blood was applied
His love I am not denied.

25. The Cornerstone
Because Jesus is my Cornerstone I am not alone.
Because of hIs blood atone He now sits on His throne.
I am really glad I am no longer alone. He lives in my bones.

26. Jesus Has My Back
Jesus I know has my back and that is a fact.
I don't have to accept any more of the Devil's attacks.
Jesus I know has my back and with me and God that is a pact.

27. Blessed
With this you can be impressed God does not want you stressed and depressed He wants you blessed.

28. Faith
When we fight our faith fight
with God's might.
Our burdens will be light.
When We walk by faith and not by sight.

29. God's Peace
It’s your priority not to have anxiety Walk in God’s peace and have victory. In God’s race you can have peace and finish in first place. Things won’t seem so grim When you cast your cares upon Him you will feel peace within. God’s peace feels great and He is never late. We can walk in His peace and His burdens are light when we let God fight the fight. Don’t go by what you see Have peace and have victory.

30. God's Peace
He whose mind is stayed on God shall have peace of a God kind.
God’s peace you must find and get it in your heart and mind.
Don’t worry in your mind you can have peace of a God kind.
Seek God’s kingdom first and peace you will find in your heart and mind. Let peace impart in your heart.

31. Peace
You don’t have to be complaining, when God is giving you His peace that surpasses all human understanding.

32. Fruit
In your heart take the word and sow then your fruit will grow.

33. Time
We are turning times page.
We are at the end of the age.

34. Taste
God has good taste God does not waste.
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35. Don't Retreat
Even in life when you get extreme heat Don’t retreat or accept defeat Take the word and speak and the Devil you defeat.

36. Destiny
Our spiritual identity is in our voice. It is our destiny to eternity.

37. There Is Action In Love
Love lives to forgive.
Love just hast to trust.

38. God's Love
God’s love never fails It always prevails.
Because of the nails His love never fails.
Walk in love and stay above.

39. Miracles
Its incredible God does the impossible.
This is true, in you God wants to do a miracle.

40. Jesus Heals
Satan steals Jesus heals.
Don’t go by the way you feel Jesus does heal.
The word does heal this is the real deal.
Believing and receiving is the covenant seal.

41. Choice
The Choice is in your Voice.
You can bless or curse.
The Coice is in Your Voice.

42. Maraiage
On God's force the is no divoce.
In marraige even when there is thunder let no nman put assunder.Love your mate with your hear and they will never depart

43. God Never Fails
Men that are frail will fail, but God never Fails.
Get in God’s river He is the one who delivers.

44. Trust God
This is a must In God you just must trust.
Don’t frown God won’t let you down.

45. Love
Don't let your fate be to hate your mate.
Loving your mate is never to late.
Your Mate Is Your Best Friend
Loving your mate is never to late.
In marriage you need to enhance your romance.
Your mate is your best friend until the end.

46. Getting Married
Let your single life stay dead and let your married life move ahead.
When you get married, your parents you leave and to your spouse you cleave.

47. Love
Let the love of your mate impart in your heart and let it never depart.
Your spouse
This you I want to consult your spouse you should not insult.
Have courage you can encourage.
Give your spouse a lift and give him a gift.
It’s not a crime with your spouse to spend time.

48. Maraige
On God's force there is no divorce
In your maraige even when there is thunder let no man pu assunder.
After God your spouse should be first in your house.

49. Speak To The Mountains
The word and The Holy Spirit are the
Fountains of power that can move your mountains.

50. Connection
Church connection gives you faith protection.
Don't be a Lone Ranger
From God’s Church It is not good to be a Stranger and a Lone Ranger.

51. The Holy Ghost
Get the most ouit of the Holy Ghost

52. The Word Of God Is Medicine
Let the word in your heart stick and you won’t be sick
The broken heart
Jesus can even heal the broken heart That is a good start.

53. Be Thankful
Be thankful and God will be faithful.

54. Live to forgive
Don't judge or hold a grudge,
Live to forgive.

55. Faith Is Action
Don’t frown or have your eyes looking to the ground,
use your faith and God will turn it around.
With your faith take action
... continued

56. God's Hope
Let go of the world's hope rope
and get God 's hope
then you will be able to cope.
With God you Always Win
With God you never strike out or fly out instead you have fun and hit a home run.

57. Fasting
When you fast. Even if you hunger, speak the word and you will not go under.

58. Get Serious
When your hoe hum things will be glum.
When your serious you will be vivtorious.

59. The Church.
Belong and Be Strong.
Get connected and be proteceted.

60. 2012
Things are going to sure be swell. When we drink From the Holy Spirit’s well in 2012.

61. Don't Worry
Do not fret or worry.
Give God Glory.
Jesus knows the rest of the story

62. Words
Your words give you the power to climb any tower.

63. God Has Healed
God has already healed every disease with ease.

64. Let The Past Stay In The Past
Let the past stay dead and move ahead
Let the past stay in the past

65. God's Perspective
Get God’s Perspective. Be aggressive
Don't be a pessamist, be a optimist.

66. Have No Fear
No more tears here no more fear here only champions here.

67. Joy
Laughing should be your lifestyle this will help you to smile.
Don’t be down with your frown. Put joy on file with your smile.
You don'ty have to fret Your needs will be met
Don't worry God knows the rest of the story.

68. God's Strength
Even when things get buisy God can make things easy.

69. God's Peace
Things will not seem so demanding, when you have that peace that surpasses all human understanding.

70. Pray, Listen, and Obey
First do you pray the problem or take the word and pray and say?
Second Then you have to stop talking and start listening.
Then you obey what He does say.

71. Have No Fear
Have no fear Instead have God’s cheer.
When you let Him steer you don’t need to have fear.

72. Negative Emotion
Negative comotion in your emotion,
only produces.
Negativity in your productivity.

73. Be Useful
Keep your Youthfulness, so that you can have usefulness.
You can be bold even when you get old.

74. Shout
When Satan try’s to put something on you to make you cry. You need shout out a war cry and then he will fly.

75. Faith
You have an internal faith clock, so that when you speak the word it is unlocked.
76. Get Glad
God is your dad he does not want you to be mad,
or sad no he wants you to be glad.

77. Read The Word
Indeed it is a good deed, to go to the word,
and proceed to read .In it you let it feed, and lead.

78. Faith Heals
Fear steals, Faith Heals and believing and reciveing is your covenent seal.

79. Reach Out
Reaching out is what being a Christian all about.

80. You Are A Champ
In God's camp, you are alays a champ, when you let the word be your lamp.

81. Attack
Get God’s Perspective. Be aggressive. Don't hold back attack.

82. No Fear
No more tears here, no more fear here, only champions here.

83. Let God Prune
Let God prune and the fruit will come soon.

84. Belong
To A church Belong and your faith will Be Strong.
From God’s Church It is not good to be a Stranger and a Lone Ranger.

85. God Knows Your Future
God is smarter than a computer He knows your future.

86. Pray For The Sick
You need to discover when you lay hands on the sick they will recover.

87. Grow Up
Do not stay as a child by being wild. Grow up and God will show up.

88. You Do It
Resist to persist and God will assist.
Don’t repeat your defeat Enhance your advance.
Don’t walk after the flesh. Instead let the Spirit refresh.

89. Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving should be your lifestyle.It will help you to smile.

90. Don't worry
Have no sorrow God knows what you need tomorrow.
Live for today and you will have a payday.

91. Stay Connected
To God, stay connected and, stay protected.

92. The Heart
Your heart was broken by past words that were spoken.
Speak the word and get your heart stirred.

93. God's Groove
If you get in God's groove and, move. Then God will get in your groove and, move.

94. God’s Peace
Things will not seem so demanding, when you have that peace that surpasses all human understanding.

95. The Kingdom Of Light
Because now you are in the kingdom of light
You have now found yourself in a faith fight
Because of that you now walk by faith and not by sight.

Now because you are now in Christ your burdens will be light.
When you are in the kingdom of light
You go to the word to see how you live your life right.
To be able to do that you need His might.

Yes this is a faith fight but remember Jesus already won the fight.
He overcame the kingdom of darkness so we can live in the kingdom of light.
Our fight is to believe and receive and to walk by faith and not by sight.
When Jesus comes back that will be quite a sight
To our delight we will be seeing a great light
His glory will be so bright that will be the only light

96. Compassion
Have a passion to have compassion. IT should not be a sruggle to love the unlovable.

97. Life
Let the past stay dead and move ahead.

98. Ego
Give pride a ride be humble and you will not stumble.

99. Have Fun

Having fun is not a hard chore to be done.
You can even have fun in the sun.
It does not matter where you begun or what you have done.
God wants you to have some fun
God wants you to have laughter before the here after.
So make it snappy and be happy.

100. Be on God's Team
Be on God’s Force. Let His Power be you Source. Stay on Hi s Course And He will be your Source.

101. Be a Champ
Don’t be a wimpy chimp be a champ in God’s camp.
David came out of His own camp and becvame a champ in God's camp.

102. A Gift
God has given me a gift to give other people's spirit;s a lift.

103. We Are Anointed
We are appointed to be anointed.

104. Put on Your Armor
Put on your armor you mighty man of valor.

105. Fame In The Sports Game
It’s great to have fame in the sports game
But remember it’s only a game, the game

107. We Win
You don’t have to live in the past God will throw you a touchdown pass. Don't get rattled use your faith and you will not get tackled.

108. Trouble
In this world you will struggle with trouble.
But remember Jesus wants to deliver you from your trouble.

109. The Call
When you obey the call you can stad tall, and know that when God apoints He anoints.

110. Fear or Cheer
Steer away from fear, and steer towards cheer.

111. God Provides
Because I cast my cares upon Him He fills my account to the brim.
If yoiu stay on His course He will be your source.

112. Strife
In this life don't walk in strife.Especially not with your wife.

113. Put God First
Because you seek first God's ways you will never go astray.

114. Drive
Don't stay in the dark by staying in park put it in drive and get revived.

115. The Power Of Agreement
Pray, stand, agree, and watch what the Lord wiil do for thee.

116. God's Wisdom
Seek wisdom from God's Kingdom.

117. Fellowship
With God having good stewardship is having good fellowship.

118. Be A Doer
God wants you to be a particapator not a spectator.

119. A Merry Heart
Have a merry heart and good health will not depart

120. Change
Change is a process in which then will bring success

121. We Are In A Race
you can have fun and finish the run you have begun

122. God Dwells in You
Don’t complain the Spirit of God dwells in your veins

123. We Are Already Blessed
God wants us to keep expressing we already have his blessing

124. Don't Complain Proclaim
Don’t complain about your pain let me explain Jesus took that pain. So take the word and proclaim ,use Jesus name and you will not be the same.

125. God Never Leaves
You are not a flake because you know God will never forsake

126. Rejoice Always
God is your dad he does not want you to be mad or sad no he wants you to be glad

127. God's Joy
When you are under God’s employ you always have his joy

128. With God You Always Win
You don’t have to go around in circles spinning instead with God you keep winning

129. Jesus Is The Answer
Focus on the blessing and keep on resting
Dobn't focus on the problem focus on Jesus
Jesus is the advancer to your answer

130. God Wants You To Achieve
You must achieve to receive The Devil will decieve God wants you to acheive but must believe and recieve

131. God Does Not Want You Broke
It is not a joke you don’t have to be broke God does not want you poor no more, If you tithe you will survive.

132. Live Long and Strong
You will live long and strong.

133. God opens Doors
Don't get floored, God will open a door. It does'nt matter where you have been before let God open the door. Then you will no longer poor any more

134. Don't Have Stress
Don’t be stressed be blessed You don't have to have stress God want to
bless and get you out of that mess

135. In God Life Is Not Boring
Your life does not have to be a bore because with God you always score
If you make Jesus Lord You Won't Be bored

136. God’'s Plan
You don’t understand it is part of God’s plan to make your life grand.

137. God's Way
Get it straight God is never late.
Don’t try to do it your way do it God’s way and you wont sway

138. Listen
Are you in a position so you can listen.
Don't keep squaking and talikg
why not start listening

139. Advance
Don't repeat your defeat, instead ehance your aedvance
This is a fact you should never look back let the past stay
dead and move ahead.

140. God’s Peace
You do not have to have any care. Jesus paid the fare.
Don' worry Jesus knows the rest of the story.
Remain Calm in His Palm.

141. Your Action
Do'nt Whine. Let God's word Shine.

142. God's Power
Be on God’s Force. Let His Power be your source.

143. God's Champion
Be God’s Companion and become God’s Champion

144. Be Thankful
Be Thankful and God will be faithful.

145. God's Time
This is not a debat God is never late if you cooporate He will bring you your mate.

146. Don't Judge
Judge not. Judge what you got.

147. Forgiveness
Life is frail when you are on the forgiveness trail. Walk in the love, that will never fail, Then you will be the head and not the tail.

148. Joy
In your heart let joy be imparted and you will be glad hearted.

149. God's Love
Don’t be aggravated get God’s love activated.

150. Faith
Don’t frown or have your eyes looking to the ground, use your faith and God will turn it around.

151. Hope
God will give you hope to cope.

152. The Word
The word is your stamp to become a champ in God’s camp.

153. My Wife
This I never have to fear my wife will always give my heart cheer.
Because of this abundant life I have a beautiful wife.
When I go to a party and dance my romance does enhance.
The love I have for her is great in my heart and it will never depart.
No matter what the circumstance the love I have for my wife will always advance.
This I want you to comprehend my love for my wife will never end.

154. God's Love Never Fails
Because of the nails His love never fails
You don’t have to be the tail His love will prevail
Don’t push and shove walk in love and stay above
Embrace His Love like a glove.


156. The Lion and The Eagle
Like an eagle soar.
Like a lion roar.
Then your life will not be boring anymore.

157. The Lion and the Lamb
Be fearless as a lion and as lovable as a lamb.
Of nothing will you be afraid.
God’s love as as a lamb you will feel
It is the real deal. You will feel so lovable and huggable.
Because have tis love that is so adorable you will be able to reach out to the unlovable.

158. God’s Plan
God has a plan for His man. It is a good plan, because He is your biggest fan.
It does not matter where you ran. Take your stand and let Him take you by the hand. He will bring you into the promised-land. Then your life will be grand.

159. The Grace of God
Embrace His grace to take your place. In His Race,
You will be able to keep His pace, because of His Grace.
You will be able to look the Devil in the face, and say get out of my face and, He will leave without a trace.
You will finish your race in first place.

160. No Lack
When you tithe it is a fact, God does not want you in lack.
With you that is His pact. God wants to put money in your sack.
To you that is a promise and that is that

161. God Does Heal
God does heal it does not matter how you feel.
Satan is the one who steals Jesus is the one who heals, and that is the real deal. Believing and receiving is your covenant seal.

162. Rest in His Rest
Rest in His Rest He wants you to have His Best
This is no test. You can rest in His rest and Have His Best and He wants you blessed. You need to confess I am blessed, with His Rest and His best. With this you can rest, go to His word and invest that is His best.

163. Smile
Don’t be down with your frown.
Instead why not change your style and smile awhile.
Put this on file and let this be your lifestyle.

164. The Living Word
Go to the Living Word and your faith will be stirred.
Get into the Holy Spirit Flow and your faith will grow.
Take the word and be a doer not just a hearer
Be a believer and a receiver. Pray the word not what has occurred.

165. Extreme Dreams
Let God redeem your dream don’t go by the way things seem
Don’ ever leave God’s scene on Him you can always lean and He is not mean. Let God redeem that extreme dream.
166. Storms
When the storms come up don’t ever get your fear up.Stand up and let your praise and worship go up. Cheer up and God will deliver you up.

167. The Fountains
Drink from the fountains
His word, and the Holy Spirit, are those fountains.
As you drink them you will be able to move your mountains.

168. Jonah in the Whale
Jonah God did call, and yes he did fall.
Life was frail when He was in the whale.
Even though Jonah made a mistake God did not forsake.
God’s love did prevail, out the whale He did sail.
Yes God’s love did not fail.

169. David and Goliath
The Israelite army were whimps and they acted like chimps
The army called upon a boy in which He was defiant towards the giant.
The giant the boy did destroy
with great joy even though He was a boy.
He became a champ in the armies camp.

170. Daniel and the Lion’s Den
To the king’s idols to God Daniel made a vow not to bow.
Because to the king He did not obey, in the lion’s den he got put away.
The lion’s mouth was shut up. He became like a pup,
Daniel got delivered up.

171. My Best Friend

Jesus is my best friend He will be with me until the end.
You He will always defend and His love in your heart will descend.
To Him you do not have to pretend in your life He wants
to attend.
Let Him be your best friend He will be with you until the end.

172. Abraham
God said to Abraham,”in my creation you will be a father of many nations.”
God said be bold you will have a son it does not matter if you think you are old.
Abraham did not believe what the world would say instead He believed God’s way and what He would say.
Abraham did obey and did what God did say. He did have a payday.

173. The Sacrifice
God told Abraham this what I want done.
“ Go to the mountain top with your son. Don’t falter make me an alter I want Isaac as the price of the sacrifice.”
Abraham raised his hand up. He was ready to obey what God did say. God did not falter He said take Isaac off that altar.
Because Abraham did things God’s way He had a payday.
God did bless and got him out of that mess.
When you stay on God’s side He will always provide.
God provided the ram that got them out of that jam.

174. The Creation
God spoke and said light be that light was a great light then all of creation was able to see.
God had to grin because He made man to look like Him.
He spoke all the living creatures into existence.
Adam had to give God assistance.
He name every one and He had fun.
Then He made Adam fall into a deep sleep.
None of the living creatures didn’t even make a peep.
Out of the man he took a rib and made Wow man
Adam woke up and saw her and said Wow Man

175. The Fall of Man
God gave man a specific order It had a boarder.
Man went beyond this boarder and disobeyed this order. God commanded the man, saying, of every tree of the garden you may freely eat: This was a great treat.
God said the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, don’t eat If you do, you will have a great defeat.
This why in the day that you eat it you shall surely die.
This tree was a great delight to see in Man’s sight.
The devil came even lower than man’s level.
To the woman He said Go the tree and eat you won’t have any defeat.
You will know what is good and bad and that is better than what you had.
So Adam and Eve ate of that tree and from that garden God made them flee.

176. The second Adam
Because of the fall of man God had another plan for His man.God did not want to be alone on His throne
.He came up with a good plan for His man.
He needed His son to get the plan done.A great miracle had to be done I believe God had fun.
His son was born as a man just like it was part of the original plan.The son of God and man had no sin He was the perfect man. He was the real deal everyone he did heal.When it came time for him to die He grieved like any man this no lie. On this you must get a grip Jesus they did beat and whip.
They put Him on the cross so the world would’nt stay lost.For us this is swell Jesus died and went to Hell.
While there Jesus the Devil did beat with a great defeat.
Jesus got back the keys so we could be set free.
Jesus rose from the dead so now man can move ahead.
So now in your heart Jesus you found you are Heaven bound.

177. Sampson
He was a man who was strong at the time He did no wrong.
His hair was His strength because it had great length.
With a jawbone of an ass he killed thousand’s omen
But He ended up in Delilah’s den
With God’s disgust he gave into lust.
He had a great fall and no longer stood tall.
He repented of what He did and on the philistines brought down the roofs lid.
Even though there was cost the Samson’s enemy lost.

178. Noah’s Ark
God spoke to Noah and said I want you to make me a big boat and I will make it float.
God said have two of every kind on this boat when it is ready to float.
Noah’s family did not have immorality so they did not have any causality’s
Because of the world’s immorality, the flood caused the world’s causality’s
The flood lasted forty days after that the water went away.
God said this will never happen again. Not even until the world ends.

179. Extreme Dreams
Don’t scream, God is not Mean.
It does not matter how things seem,
You can have an Extreme Dream
When you are on God’s Dream team.
God wants your Dream to be Extreme.
What is your Extreme Dream?
He is not mean no matter how things seem,
don’t go by what you have seen. Dream that Extreme Dream.
On Him you can always lean.
When your on God’s dream team
You can have an Extreme dream.
On Him you can always lean.

180. Attack Back
This is a fact the enemy attacks
Don’t just react
Speak the word and Jesus name with your mouth and Attack Back
Persist to Resist And God will assist
To the Devil say no And let the word from your mouth flow
Speak the word because that is
The enhancer and advancer to your answer
Don’t repeat your defeat Speak the word And enhance your advance
Don’t let your faith be destroyed With your mouth speak the word
Because the word will not go our void
Chorus The word is the Advancer to your Answer
The word is the Advancer to your Answer
It will not go out void, it will not go out void

181. God’s Rest
Rest in His Rest He wants you to have His Best
This is no test. You can rest in His rest and Have His Best
He wants you blessed.
Cast your cares on Him and rest God wants you to have
His best.
You need to confess I am blessed,
With His Rest and His best.
With this you can rest, go to His word and invest that is
His best.

182. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego.
These three to idols, they made a vow not to bow.
Because the king they would not obey, in the furnace the got put away.
The king said let this furnace get seven times as hot then what you got.
The men who did this, became amiss.

The king when He awoke went to the three and spoke.
Are you still alive who is that by your side.
This was God’s son who with the three became one and in the end they won.
Because the three, to idols would not bow there knee
They got set free and gained great prosperity.


Texte: Rev. Greg Lovell
Bildmaterialien: Rev. Greg Lovell
Lektorat: I was born again on May 31, 1973. I have been a born again Spirit- filled Christian, now for over thirty years, I graduated from Hamburg High School in Hamburg, N. Y. in 1972 I go baptized in the Holy Spirit at a Kenneth Hagin crusade in Schenectady
Übersetzung: I was born again on May 31, 1973. I have been a born again Spirit- filled Christian, now for over thirty years, I graduated from Hamburg High School in Hamburg, N. Y. in 1972 I go baptized in the Holy Spirit at a Kenneth Hagin crusade in Schenectady
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.03.2012

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