
Chapter 1 - Newcomers

Just when Adam had finally got a smile out of Fay and there'd even been a few moments of, dare he believe it, warmth between them, something in her had snapped and they were back to square one again. Well in truth, being back to square one at that moment in time would have been preferable, if back to square one had meant that they'd never entered the cave in the first place. Okay, so maybe he shouldn't have teased her in there. But then maybe, once in there, she shouldn't have gone all cold on him again, turned on her heel and headed back to the exit without him! She was supposed to be his guide after all.

He stood, contemplating the dark abyss in front of him. It was what bridged the gap between the relative reassurance of the light at the back of the cave, which was streaming in through an opening in the wall of rock, and the exit. There was no escaping the fact: he would have to navigate himself through the darkness alone if he were to ever get out of there. The belly of the cave loomed ominously before him. He sighed; he wasn't exactly over the moon about the thought of stumbling back alone. What a nuisance. Perhaps he should give up on the idea of employing Fay after all, no matter how well she had been recommended to him... or how much he just itched to make her lose her cool. That thought went some way to healing his injured pride, but he knew he'd keep her on in the end; she was too much of a temptation for him. The truth was that he had enjoyed teasing her intensely and, well ... it wasn't just that... the more time he spent with her, the more intrigued he became...., not to mention the moment just before she had backed away from him and disappeared from sight.

Taking a deep breath, he finally ducked to account for the lower ceiling which he knew was ahead and edged forward into the darkness. He had to disagree with Fay's parting comment at that point, for it was just as difficult getting back out of the cave as it had been entering it: or worse now that they hadn't got the support of each other's steadying hands. It was then that it dawned on him just how precarious that section of the cave was and he began to wonder how she had coped on her own. It must have been the earlier blow to her head that had prompted her to disappear without him because no one in their right mind would want to face this eerie darkness on their own! Without doubt it had been an irresponsible move, no matter what tension had been between them, and he hoped to God that she had managed on her own without further incident. The ground under his feet was extremely uneven and as he moved forward his feet were constantly slipping and twisting on the grooves in the weathered rock.

What was that? Bats?

He could make out nothing. Had Fay reached the exit yet? How much further? He pressed on, his eyes straining to find light. It was only moments later when the sudden sound of a scream shattered the silence. Adam froze. It wasn't just a scream; it was the sound of utter terror. Panic prompted him to move then and in his urgency to reach light he gave up trying to inch forward and got down on his hands and knees, ignoring the way that the rocks bruised his legs as he scrambled out of the cave.

"Fay!" he bellowed, struggling to focus his eyes as the brilliant sunlight hit them. With his vision finally returned, and his heart thundering, he frantically scanned the mountainside for evidence of her.

"Fay!" he called again. "Where are you?" Still there was silence. He ran a little further down the mountain path but she was nowhere to be seen.

Oh hell! What had happened?

A multitude of unthinkable explanations as to what might have happened to her flooded his mind then and he felt suddenly nauseous. Faced with her ambiguous absence he had no choice but to assume the worst and, anxiously holding his breath, he went to the wooden barrier at the edge of the mountain. He peered over. She hadn't fallen! He let out a sigh of relief and with it another anguished shout.


For heaven sake why didn't she just answer him?


His anxiety soon turned into angry frustration and he bolted down the path then, determined to find her. He stopped when the road came back into sight, turning his head towards the cave again with uncertainty.

Damn it, if she hadn't gone that way then he should go back. But she wasn't there either. It made no sense!

He stood there on the side of the mountain, willing her to reappear and running his hands through his hair, unable to think of what to do next.


What on earth was Sal doing?

Fay watched as her friend emerged from the Arrivals door of Heraklion airport, trying to juggle a huge suitcase, backpack, sports bag and a rug! Sally's long, auburn hair fell over face and the small frame of her body began to buckle with the weight of her load. Fay cringed as the rug began to slip from under Sal's arm, after which she attempted to catch it on her knee but failed miserably. It skidded down her leg, landed on the floor with a thud and rolled towards Fay, who caught it under her foot.

"Welcome to Crete!" Fay said with a grin as Sal gave up and let all of her luggage drop to the floor in a twist of straps, zips and buckles. She jumped over the luggage enthusiastically and ran to Fay, throwing her arms around her friend and jumping up and down like an excited puppy.

"I made it, I'm here!" she cheered.

"Yes, I can see that," Fay laughed, peeling Sal's arms from around her neck. "Don't you think you should move some of that luggage out of the way though so that people can get past?"

Sal looked behind her to see a family of people trying to steer an airport trolley around her luggage which was strewn across the floor.

"Ah yes, good idea," she said, returning to her bags and giving the family an apologetic smile.

Between them they managed to haul the luggage, and the rug, out of the Arrivals building and across the car park to Fay's car where they squeezed it into the boot. The airport, which was situated in the island's capital city, was located roughly in the middle of the long, thin island and their journey would take them along the north east coast some sixty-five kilometres to Fay's hometown of Agios Nikolaos.

As Fay drove she laughed at the catalogue of events that had characterised Sal's four-hour flight from London. She loved Sal dearly but wherever Sal went, disaster invariably ensued, and she wasn't sure how long she wanted to house 'disaster' in her perfectly organised apartment. Although Sal had asked Fay to help her find an apartment to move into, Fay knew how hard it often was to find somewhere to live in the town and it was likely to be some time before Sal found anywhere suitable.

Before long they began to pass through the tourist resorts of Hersonnissos, Stalis and Malia, which over the years had lost their authenticity and become playgrounds for the British youth market. Although these resorts had the advantage of being placed near to the sea, there was little charm about the rows of bars and nightclubs, flashing neon lights and garish buildings. After passing through Malia however the surroundings became considerably more rural with fields, orchards and olive groves stretching out to the right of the road and a pale, rocky coastline to the left. Such scenery was pleasing to the eye of travellers in the region however it was the magnificence of the rocky mountains ranging across most of the island's centre which left the biggest impression. The road laboured around the mountains, or cut through them at times under the odd tunnel which had been built to reduce journey time to the more easterly towns and villages.

On nearing Agios Nikolaos Fay made her way through the one-way system of roads into the centre of the town, past the harbour and picturesque lake. She continued along the sea front where she eventually turned and drove up a road which cut in between the buildings and lead to the residential areas on the streets above.

Unfortunately however, as she neared her apartment she realized that her favourite parking spot had been commandeered and she was forced to park two roads away from the building. Fay and Sal tugged the luggage out of the boot and began the uphill walk to her home. To make matters worse it was that time of year, about a month before the tourists began arriving, when the local council decided to utterly demolish a number of roads throughout the town in an attempt at improvement. This road was no exception, making it extremely hard to walk over the bumps and rubble but even harder to pull a weighty suitcase. Eventually they rounded the corner of the road on which Fay lived but before they could get much further Sal stumbled on a pothole and staggered out alarmingly into the road. Fay looked on in horror as a car turned the corner and hit the break, stopping inches from her friend.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing? Do you have a death wish or something?" the driver shouted out of the window. Sal looked taken aback as the man parked the car at the side of the road, got out and strode towards her.

"Oh, sorry about that, it's these roads..." she began.

He cut into her sentence, "Haven't you ever heard of using the pavement?"

Towering over her, he crossed his arms and fixed her with a steely look. The bag on her shoulder began to slip and he rolled his eyes, catching it before it fell.

"Hey, wait just a minute," Fay came to her friend's defence, "she's already apologised Mister and..."

The man turned his attention to Fay, running his eyes over her as she stormed towards them.

"God help us, there are two of them," he interrupted her.

His condescending remark incensed her further so she moved in between them, snatching the bag out of his hands and glaring up into his face.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" she asked angrily.

He looked startled for a moment, but then a smile tugged at his mouth as his eyes scanned her furious, flushed face. At closer range the man was surprised to see that, despite the harshness of her words, the woman had an element of softness about her face and figure. The tumble of soft, blonde curls and pale, turquoise eyes almost gave her an air of vulnerability regardless of the scowl on her face.

"Perhaps you should inform your friend about the dangers of walking out into the middle of the road," he said with polite sarcasm. His voice was firm but had lost most of its edge now. Sal placed a hand on the man's arm to get his attention and he broke eye contact with Fay to look sideways at her in surprise.

"I don't suppose you could help us? We do have rather a lot of luggage and we just need to get to that apartment down there," she said, pointing down the road. Fay turned to her with an incredulous look and then swung her head back to the man with a sarcastic smile.

"You know, we can manage just fine," she assured him, glaring back at Sal. "My friend here seems to be suffering from a bad case of jet lag, it must have affected her judgement." Suddenly Fay felt the bag in her hands move and she turned back to see the man prising it away from her. "Listen, if we'd have wanted your help..."

The man cut in again. "You'd have what? Asked for it? She already has," he said, following Sal down the road and leaving Fay behind with an astounded look on her face.

"Okay, but we would have been just fine without your help Mister!" she shouted after him, reluctantly tagging behind.

Fay was irritated to see both Sal and the stranger finally disappear into her apartment block and she sped up suddenly, racing up the stairs and squeezing past them to unlock the front door.

"Thank you, we can manage now," she said politely, turning to the man and blocking the entrance to her apartment at the same time. He grinned at her reluctant expression of gratitude.

"Hey, would you like a coffee now that you're here?" Sal said, pushing past Fay and dragging her bags into the lounge. Fay's eyes widened at her friend's invitation and the man laughed out loud, seeming to enjoy Fay's discomfort as he moved around her to enter the apartment.

"I think I could manage a coffee," he chuckled.

The man strode around the room; taking in its contents and making Fay feel uncomfortable with his presence in her lounge. He had the kind of disturbingly inquisitive eyes which seemed to be constantly assessing everything and coming to, what she could only assume would be, the wrong conclusions.

Good Lord! Did anyone actually live in that place?

He searched the room for any evidence of imperfections: a stray coffee cup left on a table, a misplaced cushion on the sofa, an ornament that wasn't strategically placed, but he found none. The immaculate, cream cushions were lined up on the black leather sofa, the glass coasters were placed perfectly on the coffee table, the ornamental candles and glass vases were set down in lines on the shelving units and the white tiled floor showed no signs of ever being trodden on. He had this sudden urge to mess everything up just to see what her reaction would be, but instead he contented himself with discretely nudging one ornament out of place and turning to see if she had noticed. Fay's attention was however fixed on Sal at that moment and she watched with annoyance as Sal flicked the switch on her kettle and took out three mugs from her cupboard. Feeling surplus to requirements in her own home, Fay moved to turn the PC on in the corner of the room, muttering to herself,

"I just wanted a peaceful day and what do I get? A friend who picks up complete strangers off the street, and an arrogant, male chauvinist invading my apartment!"

Sal and the stranger exchanged looks and tried not to laugh.

Fay checked her e-mails and attempted to ignore the fact that there was a strange man sitting on her sofa chatting with her best friend. Nevertheless, as she read her messages her eyes unconsciously moved from the screen from time to time as curiosity got the better of her. The man had fallen into easy conversation with Sal and he exuded charm as he listened politely to Sal's lively chatter, laughing at the appropriate times and drawing her in with the warmth of his chocolate coloured eyes and seductive smile. She suddenly became irritated by the fact that Sal was so obviously enjoying his company that she had conveniently forgotten the man had almost run her over less than an hour ago!

"Sal, I said that we would meet Pat in the bar at four o clock," she hinted, glancing at her watch, turning off the PC and standing up.

"Okay," Sal replied, returning to her conversation.

Fay sighed and leant against a shelf with one elbow, staring at the man in an attempt to make him feel uncomfortable enough to leave. The man's eyes flicked towards her and then to her right where the ornament had been repositioned. She followed the movement of his gaze and instinctively lifted her hand to straighten the object, but stopped abruptly and narrowed her eyes at him with suspicion. A slow smile spread across his face and she dropped her hand, growling with annoyance.

"Err, sorry to interrupt but I could do with getting a shower," she said with barely concealed anger, giving the man a purposeful glare.

He laughed. "Go ahead; I wasn't planning on getting in there with you."

She looked taken aback and felt her face begin to redden.

Why was she blushing? She never blushed. This was ridiculous!

"Not unless I'm invited to anyway," he added with a grin. Sal giggled.

"Right, I've had enough!" Fay exclaimed, charging over to the sofa, taking the mug out of the man's hand, placing it onto the coffee table and dragging him up from the sofa by the arm. "Thank you very much for your help, but goodbye." She pushed him towards the door and he looked down at her hands on his chest with a raised eyebrow.

"Is she always this physical?" he said over her shoulder to Sal.

Sal laughed. "Not usually, thanks for the help," she called out as the door was closed behind him.

As soon as the sound of his footsteps on the stairs faded Fay turned to Sal with a frown. "Did you have to invite him in?" she asked, striding over to the coffee table, collecting up the coffee cups and straightening the coasters.

"Hey, I thought he was nice. Good looking too, don't you think?" Sal replied.

Fay tutted. "He was arrogant in the extreme and very assuming!"

Oops, perhaps Sal shouldn't have told him where the bar was then.

"And very good looking," Sal added, grinning at Fay.

"Well he's gone now and we're going to be late for Pat," Fay replied.

"Look I'll make do with a quick wash and a change of clothes, then you can get showered and meet us down there," Sal suggested.

Fay sighed. "Okay, fine. Just don't go picking up any more strange men along the way," she said, ushering Sal into the bathroom.

Chapter 2

Fay entered The Wheelhouse and scanned the people in the room for Sal and Pat. The bar was housed in an old building where the paintwork and furniture had seen better days. The darkness of the woodwork and navy blue walls didn't add much to the decor either and gave the impression that the bar was narrower than it actually was. Despite this though the place had a homely feel about it with the pictures and soft furnishings that had been dotted around the room. Many of the British workers in the town frequented the establishment for the warm welcome they received from Ruth, the bar owner, who always offered a sympathetic ear and friendly conversation. Expats could often be seen sitting at the bar reading one of the paperback books that lined the shelves running down the length of the room, or watching a DVD of classic British television whilst enjoying a beer.

Fay eventually spotted Sal sitting at the far end of the bar with an assortment of take away boxes in front of her. As she made her way across the room a number of people looked up and smiled or waved at Fay.

"Hi you two, I see you've introduced Sal to the local take away then Pat," Fay said as she approached them. A woman with wild curly hair and a bright smile looked up.

"Well, it would be rude not to," Pat said with a wink. Fay sat next to them at the bar and peered into the takeaway box.

"What is this anyway?" she asked with curiosity, looking down at the remains of some kind of meat in sauce.

"Mmm it was lovely, Chef Chicken and potatoes in the oven, not to mention an excellent glass of local wine. Good place is this Fay. Can't believe they let you eat takeaways in here too." Sal replied.

"Yep, as long as you order drinks and don't cause too much chaos the rules are pretty much that there are none."

Pat laughed and looked at Sal dubiously. "Well I'm sure that Sal can manage to order the drinks but do you really think she's capable of not causing any chaos?" Fay shook her head and they both chuckled. Sal smiled sarcastically.

The bar owner overheard the tail end of their conversation and appeared in front of them, folding her arms on the bar and leaning over it to talk.

"Who's causing chaos in my bar?" Ruth asked with a grin.

"No chaos as of yet Ruth but watch this space." Pat said looking across at Sal.

Sal abruptly put her wine glass down on the bar and glared at them. "Hey, I'm being picked on here and I've only just arrived!"

"Don't worry Sal; I've seen these two cause enough chaos in their time. Glass of wine Fay?" Ruth asked.

"Go on then Ruth but I can't stay long, I've got a review to finish I'm afraid."

Sal turned to Fay with a frown. "You can't work tonight; it's my first night here!"

"Sorry Sal but if I get it done tonight then we'll have the whole day tomorrow free. And besides it looks as though it's the last one I'll be doing for a while so I'll have lots of spare time then," she said trying to appease Sal and thanking Ruth as she placed a glass of wine on the bar for her and cleared away the empty takeaway boxes.

Sal sulked for a while and then turned to Pat. "But you'll stay out for a bit won't you?


"Sure, someone has to keep an eye on you!" Pat exclaimed.

"Yes, she's already invited a complete stranger back to my apartment," Fay added.

Pat smiled knowingly at Fay. "Ah yes, so I heard. A tall, dark stranger who wanted to get you into the shower eh Fay."

"That wouldn't happen to be the same tall, dark stranger who is sitting over there would it?" Ruth interjected, pointing across the room.

"Oh wonderful!" Fay exclaimed, looking nervously down the bar. "And by the way, he didn't want to get me into the shower so you can stop that rumour right now!" Ruth, Pat and Sal looked at Fay with wide eyes at the sudden harshness in her voice.

"You seem very touchy on the subject Fay," Ruth teased, "are you sure you aren't harbouring any lustful thoughts for this man?"

Fay rolled her eyes. "You are all being completely ridiculous! I have to go soon anyway so I'll leave you to your outrageous gossiping... and come to think of it, out of all the bars in town how come he ended up in this one Sal?"

Sal glanced down sheepishly. "Err, I might have told him where we were going."

"Hmm, thought so."

"Let's take a look at him then." Pat said, leaning past Fay and straining to catch a glimpse of the newcomer.

"Don't look now, he's coming over," Ruth warned.

Fay looked up in shock to see the man approaching them. "You embarrass me now and you can find yourself somewhere else to live!" she whispered to Sal. The man stopped behind Fay and leant forward to order a drink.

"Can I get a beer please? And whatever the ladies would like," he said grinning down at Fay who was trying her best to ignore his presence. Pat and Sal looked delighted and ordered more wine.

"None for me I'm afraid, I have to go," Fay said emptying the contents of her glass and standing up. She turned to the man with a false smile. "Thanks anyway," she said. He shrugged.

"I'll see you later Sal. Bye everyone," Fay called out, turning abruptly and striding out of the bar.

The man watched her leave before turning to look at Ruth. "Bit uptight that one isn't she?"

Ruth laughed and leant across the bar to speak in a hushed voice, "Not usually, maybe it's just you."

He grinned.

"Perhaps you would like to join us for a drink then, err..." The man began, waiting for an introduction.

"Ruth. And this is Pat and Sal," Ruth said gesturing to them.

"Adam," he supplied, shaking hands with all three. "Where has she disappeared to so quickly then?" he asked, glancing at the door through which Fay had just exited.

"She has some work to finish off. She writes reviews for holiday companies," Sal explained. Adam looked up suddenly in shock and began to laugh, putting a hand over his face and shaking his head. The women looked puzzled by his reaction.

"Don't tell me, her name is Fay Thompson."

"How did you know?" Sal said with surprise.

"She was recommended to me. I was going to offer her some work," he informed them, glancing again towards the doorway.

"Oh, she has just told us that she was going home to finish her last review for a while so she would probably be glad of some more work, hold on," Ruth said, moving down the bar and reappearing with a card in her hand. "Here, this is her contact number."

He took the card and looked at it with a smile. "This should be interesting,' he said to himself as he slipped the card into his pocket.

Chapter 3

Fay decided to take the long route back to her apartment, which gave her a chance to walk along the sea front. She wasn't particularly in the mood to work and wouldn't have minded staying to enjoy another drink or two with her friends.

On second thoughts though, the way the conversation was going some innuendo about what had happened earlier was bound to have slipped out.

I bet he'd be thrilled to know that they were talking about him. He obviously thought he could buy them all drinks and have them falling at his feet!

She sighed and turned to look at the view as she passed the marina. The rows of sailing boats swayed with the movement of the water and she noticed the mountains in the distance beginning to turn their usual smoky pink colour, veiled by the haze from the day's heat. She never tired of looking at the views there, they seemed to have a calming effect on her and they were often a source of inspiration for her writing.

On arriving home she made herself a mug of tea and sat at her computer to finish the review. She had written most of it and only had the last few paragraphs to finish. However, just as she began the next paragraph the phone on her desk beeped. She looked at it in surprise and picked it up to read the message.

Hi, I believe that you write reviews here in Agios Nikolaos and you were recommended to me. I may have some work for you if you are interested. My name is Adam Ford and my office is on the sea front, next to The Sunrise hotel. Pass by at 7 o clock and I'll explain more.

Wow! that couldn't have come at a better time, she could do with some more work.

She looked at her watch, 6 o clock.

Not much notice though!

Glancing back at the screen, she calculated how long it would take her to finish the review and get changed to be there in time. She decided to work on the review for another half an hour and then stop, be it finished or not. This new work could be a godsend and she wanted to make the right impression; turning up late would not be a good start.

As she had suspected, after half an hour she still hadn't finished the review. She decided to finish it when she got back so she tidied her desk and headed for the bedroom to change her clothes. Opening the wardrobe, she pulled out the only suitable top that didn't need ironing. It was a thin, airy white blouse and she coupled it with a black, knee length skirt. She moved to the mirror to survey the results and inspect the transparency of the blouse.

Well, it looked quite conservative. What could he expect with such short notice anyway?

Then as an after thought she decided to scrape her hair back off her face; she had always thought that it gave her a more efficient look. She twisted the loose blonde curls at the back of her head and secured them with a clip. Vaguely satisfied with her appearance she grabbed her phone, bag and keys and left the apartment.

She arrived at the office with minutes to spare, curious as to what exactly the job would entail but nonetheless excited about its prospects. The door was closed so she peered into the office but saw no evidence of life. Strange, she had expected somebody to be there. Looking at her watch she wondered if she had got the time right so she searched in her bag for her phone to check the message again.

"Hi, you lost something?" came a voice from behind her. She spun around but frowned when she saw who it was.

"What are you doing here?" she asked frostily. Icy, blue eyes met amused brown ones.

"Not pleased to see me then?" he grinned.

A sudden uneasy feeling came over her then. "Why are you here?" she repeated.

He ignored her question again and glanced down at her. "You've changed your clothes, very efficient looking."

She folded her arms. "Well, if there's nothing in particular you wanted..." He went into his pocket and took out a key.

"Excuse me," he said, his eyes gesturing towards the door she was blocking. She moved aside anxiously and watched with apprehension as she began to fear the worst.

Damn, don't say it's him! Please not him!

He unlocked the door and turned to her. "Are you coming in then or are you just going to stand there staring?"

More to the point, could she work with this man anyway?

She gave him a small smile and walked past him into the office, hovering around the front desk.

He held out his hand to her. "Adam Ford."

She shook his hand. "Fay Thompson."

"So I've heard. I wanted to talk to you earlier but you seemed in a rush to leave the bar."

"Err, yes. I had an appointment." She lied, biting her lip.

He watched her thoughtfully and then moved around the desk to take a seat, motioning for her to do the same.

"I hear that you write reviews for brochures et cetera and I am looking for someone to help me with an advertising campaign, and perhaps to help put together some trips for tourists. Would you be interested?" he asked.

Yes, she'd be interested! It sounded like regular work.

She took time to look as if she was considering the proposition. "Perhaps."

He crossed his arms on the desk and grinned at her, his eyes scrutinizing her face.

"I've read some of your reviews and I'm impressed but I'd like to pay you extra if you would work on these tours with me as well," he added, trying to tempt her further.

"What kind of tours are we talking about?" she questioned, remaining non-committal.

"That would be left up to you, although I would want to oversee them of course."

"Of course," she smiled.

Hmm, he obviously liked to stay in control.

"Are you free tomorrow?" he queried.

He didn't beat about the bush either!

"I think so. I'll check my diary," she replied snootily. He broke into laughter then and she looked at him in confusion. "What?" she frowned. He was beginning to annoy her.

"Well if you find that you are free, once you have checked your diary," he emphasised with amusement, "I'd like to get a sense of this side of the island. If you could come up with some ideas for possible trips we can take a look around. You have my number so perhaps you could let me know tonight?"

"That is assuming that I decide to take the work on, and after we have discussed terms et cetera," she came back.

He held her challenging look. "Let me know if you are free tomorrow and we will discuss terms."

"Fine, I'll do that," she confirmed.

He knew that she'd say yes. Damn!

"Okay, I'll wait to hear from you," he said, rising out of his seat.

She stood up and they shook hands again before she left. His eyes followed her until she had exited the building and disappeared down the street. He laughed.

"Well she's got spirit; I'll give her that!"

Chapter 4

The doorbell rang early the next morning and Fay grabbed her bag to leave. She had known even before leaving the office the previous evening that she would accept the work, and she was sure that he had known it too which had annoyed her. Opening the door, she looked up to see him with the grin on his face that she had come to recognise.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

She gave him a polite smile. "Yep."

They descended the steps of her apartment block together and headed for his car which was parked outside. He opened the car door for her and glanced down at the clothes she was wearing.

"Aren't you going to be hot in that?"

She looked down at her soft, blue, polo necked jumper with a frown. "It's still winter here you know, it can get cold." He looked up at the sky doubtfully, shrugged and got into the car.

"So, where to first?" he asked.

"Well, I thought we could head towards Sisi, it's a lovely little sea port in itself but there's also a cave in the area with some history and great views around."

He nodded. "Sounds good. Which way?"

"Get onto the highway and head towards Heraklion, I'll tell you when to turn off," she assured him.

They set off and she glanced out of the window at the familiar scenery which she loved so much.

His eyes turned briefly to watch her. "You know a lot about this place don't you? How long have you been here?"

She continued to gaze out of the window. "Nine years now, off and on."

"What made you come?" he asked with curiosity.

She wasn't in the mood for this kind of conversation, particularly with him, and so she kept her response brief. "I just visited it and fell in love with the place."

He studied her averted face. "Yes, I could tell that from your writing."

"How about you? You don't seem to know much about the place at all," she observed.

"I've visited it a few times, and I've done my research. Do I pass the test?"

She turned to him then, frowning. "The test?"

He continued to stare out of the window with a smile, ignoring her comment.

How was she ever going to work with this man for any length of time?

After about a twenty-minute drive, they reached the turning for Sisi and she directed him down a winding road, which would have eventually led to the sea.

"If we continue down this road we will reach Sisi, but we need to turn off again if you want to see the cave first."

"We'll do that, just let me know when." The turning came up abruptly and she had to concentrate so that they didn't miss it at the speed he was driving.

"Okay, it's the next turning on your right, up here somewhere. There is a sign to Milatos, if you just keep following the signs we will reach the cave."

He found the turning and they continued to drive down a series of small roads, many of which contained seriously difficult bends and twists. They passed tiny villages on the way; the traditional stone houses lined the roads with the odd couple of people sitting outside, chatting and enjoying the obligatory cup of strong black coffee. Soon they left the villages behind and the road opened up and rose to offer a stunning view of the sea.

"Now that's what I call a view!" he exclaimed.

She nodded in agreement. "Lovely isn't it."

He continued along the road which wound around a rocky mountain and Fay looked out of the window, trying to get her bearings. She had an uneasy feeling then that they had taken a wrong turning somewhere as she couldn't seem to recognise any landmarks.

"You know, I don't think we are on the right road. I could be wrong but this doesn't look familiar to me," she informed him.

He looked at her and sighed. "I thought you were directing me."

"Hey, I did direct you! You were supposed to follow the signs to Milatos, remember?" she said defensively.

"I did follow the signs!" he replied, raising his voice.

She glared at him in angry frustration. "Well, if you've followed the signs we will get there then, won't we?" He rolled his eyes at her and continued driving.

The road got steeper and narrower as it climbed up the mountain and Fay glanced nervously out of the window at the immense drop. She was now certain that they had got lost but she was waiting to see when he would acknowledge the fact. Her eyes kept darting to his face but when the road became almost impossible to navigate she gave up and turned to him.

"Don't you think we should go back now, since you have obviously taken the wrong turning?" she emphasised.

"No, no, I followed the signs, like you said," he replied stubbornly.

He's impossible!

She was determined not to let him get the better of her so she sat back in her seat with her arms crossed. The road was extremely steep at that point and he struggled with the car's gears as they turned the corners. For one moment they seemed to be rolling backwards and she jumped in her seat, grabbing the side of the car in anxiety. She sighed with relief when they eventually turned the corner and continued.

Suddenly she felt extremely hot, more with nervousness than with the heat of the sun, and she rolled up her sleeves in an attempt to cool down.

He looked across at her, raising an eyebrow. "Getting hot are we?"

She turned to him then, her anger rising. "If I am it's because of your inability to drive properly!"

"It would be an easier drive if you had directed me properly Miss Thompson," he countered. She growled in anger and tapped her fingers on the side of the car.

Finally, to her relief the road became wider and evened out, and after a further fifteen or so minutes Fay realised where they were. They had driven back on themselves, on a road parallel to the highway, and were now on the way back to where they had come from! She pondered breaking the news to him.

"I guess we can forget the cave today, we are on our way back the other way now. I have another idea of somewhere else we could go to though, if you want to continue."

"Are you sure you can get us there?" he asked with a sigh.

"Yes, I'm sure," she said under gritted teeth.

"Follow this road, it will lead us back, but keep on it until we get to the crossroads. I'll direct you from there, okay?" she asked. He gave her a curt nod.

The journey continued in a tense silence which left Fay wondering if taking this new job was a big mistake. She hated the awkwardness of the situation and she hated this silence! The atmosphere suddenly became too tense for her to bear so she turned to him and attempted to begin a conversation.

"At the other side of Agios Nikolaos, on the coast road out of the town, there is an ancient archaeological site. In case you wanted to know, that's where we are going." She looked across at him and waited for a response.

"That sounds fine... as long as this archaeological site doesn't mysteriously disappear," he replied.

There's that grin again. Okay so he was making fun of her but at least the atmosphere has improved.

She laughed sarcastically and wound down the window slightly to get some more air in the car. The windows were now beginning to act like a greenhouse and the sun was shining directly onto her.

His eyes moved over her flushed face. "Is there a shop we can stop at along the way?"

"I should think so, yes actually there is one, why?" she asked.

"I'd like to get some water."

They pulled up outside a small tourist shop and she waited in the car while he disappeared into the building. Minutes later he reappeared carrying a bottle of water in one hand and a t-shirt in the other. He got back into the car and threw the t-shirt onto her lap.

"Here, put this on," he ordered.

She picked it up and looked at it with a frown. "What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Wear it! That's what people usually do with them," he replied sarcastically.

She tutted. "Oh, very funny, but why would I want to wear this?"

"Come on Fay, you're sweltering in that jumper, and if you are uncomfortable then you aren't going to be able to work properly," he paused. "I would actually like to see some places today."

She sighed, "Okay fine, we'll stop somewhere and I'll put it on."

"Don't be ridiculous, we aren't stopping again, just put it on now."

Her head swung around then and her eyes narrowed at him. "Oh, very good. You'd love that wouldn't you but I'm not getting undressed in here!"

"Fay, I'm not asking you to take all your clothes off," he mocked. She felt her cheeks becoming even redder and his eyes darted to her, noting her reaction.

He laughed, watching her wryly. "You're so uptight you know, just put the damn t- shirt on!" She looked down at it considering her next move. "Good God, if it makes you feel any better, I promise not to look!" he exclaimed.

She growled. "Okay, I'll put it on...Sir," she added to emphasise his highhanded attitude.

She placed the t-shirt face down on her lap ready to slip it on as quickly as she could, and then she began to take her arms out of the sleeves. Just as she had started to lift the jumper up however she glanced sideways to see that he was watching her.

"I thought you said that you weren't going to bloody well look!" she said incredulously. He grinned and laughed aloud. "Keep your eyes on the road!"

He turned his head back and she waited a couple of moments. Then she lifted the jumper to pull it off, tugging fiercely at it when the neck got caught over her head. His eyes flicked back to her then, watching her struggle with amusement and taking in her lacy, black bra and the generous cleavage it revealed.

Hmm, very sexy! Good choice of underwear too!

His eyes returned to the road as she slipped the t-shirt on and the rest of the journey to the archaeological site was spent with her wondering what he had seen, and him contemplating the contents of her underwear drawer.

Chapter 5

The archaeological site was set on a small side road off the main highway. They left the car and headed down a gravel path to the ticket booth but realised when they got there that it was closed.

Adam turned to Fay then with a furious expression. "Can't you get anything right?"

She glared at him and walked away, shouting, "Will you just shut up and follow me."

He watched her walk further down the path with surprise, eventually following her as she turned a corner by a wall and disappeared out of sight. When he caught up with her he realised that they were already in the site and he looked up to see the remains of the ancient city towering above. They were standing at the foot of a great path of steps leading up a hill which was organized in terraces and presumably divided the different areas of the city.

"Wow, impressive!" he gasped, turning to speak to her. "Are we the only people here?"

"Most probably at this time of year but it is often quite popular for school trips now and again in the winter months." He watched her gazing up at the city, following her as she began to progress up the steps.

"And in the summer?" he asked.

"The children here have longer holidays than the children in Britain so by the time most of the tourists arrive the school trips have usually finished," she explained.

She stopped suddenly and turned around to face him with an animated expression on her face.

"You know I think that is what makes this place so special. It isn't that well known by the tourists and if we brought people here we could make the trip really unique," she smiled. His face still had a look of surprise about it and his eyes surveyed her intently. She moved then and resumed her climb up the steps.

They passed a series of broken, rocky walls and eventually came to an area where it was possible to work out the rooms of a building which had once been there.

"This was the bakery," Fay announced, pointing to a number of flat stones in one of the sections. "See those? The people made their bread on those around three thousand years ago." She climbed over a low, crumbling wall and crouched down next to the stones, running a hand over one. Then she turned to him and reached out to grab his hand, bringing him down to her level. "Here, touch it," she urged him. She put his hand on the smooth flat stone. "See, it's smoother than the other stones because it was used so frequently for bread making."

He'd never before seen anyone so fascinated and engrossed in something as simple as a stone. He turned to look at her face but she was oblivious to him. Then, realising that she still had hold of his hand, she abruptly let go and stood up. He joined her and they continued to climb higher up into the site.

"Three thousand years ago eh," he whistled. "That's hard to imagine!"

"Well to give you some idea, it was just before the time that Caesar first attempted an invasion of Britain."

"Really!" he looked surprised.

"Yes, but actually that isn't very old compared to other ancient cities we have here on Crete. Obviously the most famous and impressive is the Palace of Knossos which was Minoan and another two thousand years older than this," she informed him.

"Wow, how old does it get?" he said, glancing around in awe. Her face broke into a smile and she began to laugh at his lack of understanding of the subject.

"Adam, if you go much further back you'll be in the prehistoric period," she said over her shoulder.

"Yes Mam! You know you reminded me of one of my old school teachers then," he chuckled.

She pulled a face. "Hey, less of the old!"

He laughed and ran in front of her, blocking her way. "So this Palace of Knossos, should we not be including a trip there then? Since it's so considerably old."

"Old and impressive. Yes, it's a must for anyone travelling to Crete but it's a lot busier there."

"Oh," he said, putting an arm over her shoulder and turning them around to resume their walk. "So I wouldn't be getting the personal treatment there then."

Her eyes widened at his familiarity and she looked down at his hand on her shoulder.

"Yes, you would... from an official Knossos guide," she stressed.

He grinned down at her. "Ah, but I prefer this one." A slight frown flickered across her face then and she moved forward suddenly to free herself from his arm.

On their way to the top Fay pointed out the various rooms and areas. The Stoa, where she asked him to look at the paved floor and imagine the people's feet walking along the same path that he was, the dining hall, where she described the food they would have eaten, and finally they reached the agora at the top of the hill.

"This was the market place and Public Square, it would have been one of the busiest areas of the city with crowds of people, like a town centre," she explained. " Notice that it's at the highest point, and most well defended. There would have also been a political assembly here and there is a Prytaneion, or conference room, over there." He looked at her in astonishment at how much she knew on the subject and how she managed to bring to life, what at first glace seemed to be, an area of old rocks.

"The view is pretty spectacular here too," she said, gazing out over the olive groves that covered the hills below. "This is why the city was built here, because it was so inaccessible to invaders." He took her by the shoulders then and turned her around to face him. His face broke into a huge smile.

"What?" she asked, watching his expression.

Why was he grinning like that?

She frowned. "Am I boring you?"

He searched her face. "On the contrary, I'm speechless! I'm just wondering how I'm going to convince you to guide the trips for me."

She shrugged his comment off and turned her head away to look at the view again. "There'll be plenty of willing people to do that for you in the summer months."

He moved in front of her then, determined to get her attention. "Yes but I'm not looking at 'plenty of willing people', I'm looking at you selling me this trip. And I've got to tell you Fay; I'm sold! You've got an enthusiasm that's pretty addictive." She became suddenly unnerved by his proximity and the compliments he was now showering her with.

She put her hands on her hips. "Oh, so I can get something right then."

His eyes moved over her face and he put out a hand to brush aside a stray strand of blonde hair which blew across her cheek.

"I stand corrected," he smiled. Her eyes suddenly became hostile and her voice reverted back to sarcasm as she moved around him.

"Well, that concludes the tour of the site for today then," she said, making her way back down the steps and leaving him staring after her.

Chapter 6

By the time Adam found Fay she was already in the car waiting for him.

"Are you used to men chasing after you?" he asked with annoyance as he got into the car.

"Don't like women who take the lead then?" she countered.

He studied her for a while. "I'm not used to women running away from me."

"I bet you're not. So, do you want to see more now or not?" she asked with hostility.

"Oh I'd like to see more!" he exclaimed as his eyes travelled up her body, from her feet to her face.

She glared at him furiously. "You know Adam, I think us working together is going to be a mistake."

"Oh really, why is that?" he asked.

"Let's face it, we obviously don't get along so it's probably best that we call it a day now."

He relented somewhat. "Look Fay, I need someone with your knowledge and you could probably do with the work, so why don't you just calm down and tell me where we're going to next?"

She probably could do with the work; she hated to admit it, but she comforted herself in the fact that he needed her as much as she needed this job. She sighed loudly and crossed her arms.

"There's a village further along the main road, it sells handicrafts and things, it's got quite an impressive church," she said reluctantly and then added, "but half of the places won't be open now as it's a public holiday. We could have looked around," she gave up, "look, I don't know. Today hasn't turned out to be the best day. I had in mind to show you the cave and Sisi but you bloody well wouldn't turn around!"

He ran a hand through his hair. "Okay," he said with determination as he started up the car, "we'll find this damn cave if it kills us!"

She couldn't help but chuckle then and she turned away, trying to hide it.

God she was frustrating! She was like a damn schizophrenic! One minute shouting the odds at him, the next all innocence and light. Hell, even worse than that was this damn temptress woman he kept seeing glimpses of, a woman who has been known to grab hold of him at any given moment, a woman with such damn, bloody sexy underwear!

He turned the car around and they made their way back along the highway.

"Do you think you can find it this time without me directing you?" she asked, glancing at his face but having to turn away again as she stifled a laugh.

"I'll find it, don't you worry your pretty little head," he replied, reaching the crossroads but having to hesitate.

"Straight on, right?" he said with uncertainty. She couldn't hold it in any more and she burst out laughing.

"Yes, straight on," she replied with tears of laughter in her eyes.

"Fay Thompson, are you laughing at me?"

"No, no, carry on," she said wiping the tears away with the back of her hand.

She turned to look out of the window and bit her finger in an attempt to stop herself from laughing again. He continued driving and rolled his eyes, but a huge smile spread across his face nonetheless.

After a while the road dipped and Adam looked out of the window to see that it followed closely to the sea. He noticed what looked like a row of sandy beaches below them which he hadn't seen on the way there.

"What are the beaches like around here?" he asked with interest.

"Lovely, actually some of the best in the Agios Nikolaos area."

"Could be included in the itinerary then?" he queried.

"I don't see why not."

He looked pleased. "Which is the best one? And don't tell me we've passed it."

"No, actually you are in luck. If you want to take a look I'll tell you when to stop," she said with a smirk.

They pulled off the road onto a dirt track which stopped high on a cliff above the sea. She pointed out of the window at a long sandy beach that stretched before them.

"Istron bay, its got lovely clean water and natural sand," she announced.

"Natural?" he questioned.

"Yes, some of the town beaches don't. The council covers the pebbles with sand before the tourists arrive. Not quite the same," she explained. He got out of the car to admire the view at closer range and motioned for her to join him.

"So how busy does this beach get in the summer?" he asked.

"Quite busy but..." She caught him by the shoulder and turned him around in the opposite direction, urging him to walk forward.

There she went again getting physical. Did she know she was playing with fire?

He felt her hand on his back and her body close behind.

"...if we go just down here, there's a wonderful little secluded stretch of beach which few people ever find," she informed him. They walked in the opposite direction down a tiny path and soon he noticed a small area of sand adjacent to the larger beach, but hidden by an outcrop of rocks.

"You never fail to amaze me," he admitted.

"Great isn't it," She smiled. She grabbed his hand and pulled him down the path that led down the cliff to the beach. However, before long she had to let go as she felt her feet beginning to slip on the sand that covered the path.

"Careful here, the floor tends to give way under your feet," she warned him.

Inching her way down she gave up to momentum as she neared the bottom, running down the last stretch and laughing as she managed to stop herself just before the water's edge. He stood at the bottom of the slope watching her, amazed at her sudden change of mood. She noticed him looking at her and stopped abruptly, fixing a more serious expression on her face as he approached her.

"So I guess this would be somewhere different to take the tourists," she summed up.

"Hmm." He studied her face closely.

There was that grin again. What was he thinking now?

"Fancy a swim?" he said suddenly on impulse.

She frowned. "Don't be ridiculous."

"Why is that ridiculous?" he asked.

She gave him a haughty look. "You know exactly why."

His grin widened. "No, explain to me Fay."

"You go for a swim if you want to but I'm not taking any more clothes off today," she replied.

He laughed and raised an eyebrow. "Today?"

"Or any other day!" she amended.

"Okay, but you're missing out," he said as he began stripping his clothes off. She looked at him in horror as she had assumed that he was joking about the swim. He got down to his briefs and she abruptly looked away, taking a seat on a rock and pretending to busy herself with her phone. She heard him laugh out loud then and she could just picture his smug expression. How on earth did she get herself into this? She waited for a while and then looked up to see him swimming out to sea, noticing his jeans and t-shirt on the sand.

Thank god he'd kept his briefs on! She wouldn't have put it past him to have taken them off too the way he was going. How on earth was she going to survive working with him? He seemed to have sex constantly on the brain, and the way he looked at her sometimes! You'd have thought she was standing in front of him completely naked! The only way to deal with him was most definitely not to react to his suggestive comments. To just stay cool and aloof, that should take the wind out of his sails.

She looked at the phone in her hand and decided to send Tim a text message. She had been out for a few dates with him and there was no harm in getting in contact again, if only to take her mind off this disturbing man. She typed a message into her phone.

How's things with you Tim? I haven't seen you for a while, just thought I'd catch up. Fay

She looked at the message, shrugged and sent it.

What harm will it do? He seemed an okay kind of guy.

"Not going to change your mind then?" came a voice from behind her. She jumped and looked up to see Adam approaching.

Oh hell, how was she going to deal with this? He was dripping wet and god knows what he was showing!

She kept her eyes on his face and tried to exude confidence. "No thank you, good swim?"

"Fantastic," he grinned.

She gave him a false smile. "Shall we go now?"

"Well in case you hadn't noticed, I'm a bit wet," he said, shaking the excess water off his hands. He paused and then a slow smile spread across his face. "Unless you don't mind me changing here."

Should she call his bluff? Hell no!

"Okay, we can wait until you dry off," she replied quickly.

He laughed. "I thought you'd say that."

He lay out on the sand by her feet and she glared at him, even though he was unaware of it.

Bloody arrogant man he was!

Suddenly her phone beeped and she reached for it, pushing the button and reading the message.

I'm fine, and you? How would you like to meet up tonight? Tim.

She suddenly regretted sending the message. Did she want to meet up with him? She'd make it another night.

Sorry Tim, busy tonight. Let's make it another time. Speak soon. Fay.

She was just about to send the message when the phone was unceremoniously snatched away from her.

"No mobile phones allowed, that's a disturbance of the peace," Adam stated.


"Give me that back!" she shouted. He grinned and looked at the message. "I'm serious Adam, you are well out of order now! Give me the damn phone back!"

"So, Tim's got the brush off tonight. What's on the agenda for tonight then Fay?" he asked.

"Give me the phone!" she said, ignoring his question. She had emphasised each word and her expression told him not to push her any further.

"Here you go," he said, handing her back the phone and lying back on the sand with that smug look that she detested. She stood up then, aggravated beyond belief.

"I'll see you back at the car, when you can be bothered to join me."

As she made her way up the slope she could still hear him laughing in the most annoying, arrogant way.

Chapter 7

Adam got into the car and started the engine saying, "You know Fay, this is getting to be a habit with you."

"What is?" she frowned.

"You running away from me," he replied.

She ignored his comment. "Shall we go then?"

"By all means," he said backing out onto the highway.

They left the beach behind and headed for Sisi once more in the hope of finding the cave that they had missed. Fay directed him, despite her earlier resolution not to, and they followed the signs carefully to eventually pull up outside the pathway that led to the Milatos cave. The path was cut into the side of a mountain and was edged with a rough wooden barrier. Below them was a deep valley, from which soared a second rocky mountain adjacent to them.

"It's only a short walk to the cave but what I like about this walk is the way that you feel completely encompassed by the mountains," she said, glancing around.

"Hmm, if the walk isn't too strenuous then it would give people a chance to see the mountains without having to take part in a hike," he said thoughtfully.

"Exactly," she replied with a smile.

After about ten minutes they had reached the mouth of the cave. It had a wide but very low entrance and as they peered into it Fay suddenly remembered how dark the first section of the cave was.

"If you go in there's a church at the back," she said, motioning for him to enter.

He gave her a look of doubt. "Ladies first."

"I've seen it before, go ahead," she urged.

He laughed knowingly. "You're the guide, after you."

She hesitated. "Did I happen to mention that there may be a few bats?"

"No, you didn't happen to mention that," he laughed.

"Not afraid of bats are you?" she challenged.

"No, but you obviously are," he chuckled, taking hold of her hand, ducking and moving forward into the darkness. She resisted slightly so he moved her in front of him and took hold of her waist, nudging her forward. The cave was so low in the first section that they had to crouch and Fay strained to find some light as she shuffled forward.

"Adam, you know bats..."


"They have good sonar don't they?"


"Which means that they are going to avoid us right?"

"Whatever you say Fay," he grinned.

Suddenly a breeze blew through the cave and moved Fay's hair. She was so tense that her first thought was of bats and she shrieked, standing up suddenly and cracking her head on the ceiling of the cave.

"Awch, awch, awch!" She sat down on the floor, holding her throbbing head.

"What's happening? What have you done?" Adam said in panic.

"Bloody bats! Just forgot and stood up," she groaned.

"There are no bats, you're obsessed with bats! Come on get up," he said laughing.

She got up and at last they could see light, and the tiny church alter at the back. The light was coming from a hole in the cave at one side which looked out over the mountain next to them, and now they were able to stand.

"How's your head?" he asked.

"Sore," she answered wryly.

"Let's see," he said, putting his hands around her face and tilting her head forward.

She backed away from him. "It's fine."

"You're not going to pass out on me are you?"

She frowned "No, don't be silly."

"Good, because I'd find it hard to carry you back through there," he said, glancing back into the darkness.

She smirked. "Don't worry, you won't have to carry me!"

He grinned. "So what's with the church then?"

"Well, this cave was used in the time of the Turkish invasion, the local people hid in here to avoid getting captured. They held out for some time but I believe that they were betrayed and the Turks found them. There was a lot of slaughter, the children were sold into slavery and the priests were burnt alive," she explained.

"Oh, not a happy ending then?"

"No, these are some of their bones," she said, pointing to the bones that were encased in glass by the alter. "They have a ceremony here once a year to commemorate the dead."

He nodded and she moved to the hole which looked out onto the mountain. He followed, stopping behind her.

"I came here with a friend once and we noticed some goats on the mountain. It's hard to imagine how they don't fall off, it's pretty steep," she observed.

"Goats well equipped for heights, that's why they call them mountain goats Fay," he teased.

"Very funny, but if you think about it hooves must be quite slippery, you'd think they'd have more grippy feet."

He laughed loudly then. "I can see you've given it much thought."

She smiled backwards at him and then turned back to the view. He suddenly put his hands on her waist behind her, bringing his face close to hers.

"Can't seem to see any goats out there," he commented.

"That's because they're disguised," she said without thinking.

"Disguised." He pretended to look amazed.

"You know what I mean, camouflaged," she corrected. He turned to look at the profile of her face.

Wow, she was really very beautiful.

"So why do the goats need to be camouflaged then Fay?" he asked. She paused, trying to come up with an answer that fitted her knowledge on all the other subjects that day.

"Err, well, to protect themselves from..." She faltered.

"From?" he questioned.

"Err...mountain lions?" she said eventually without conviction. He howled with laughter and she laughed with him.

"See many mountain lions in these parts then do you Fay?"

"Well, not so much," she chuckled.

"You can hear the goats though, they have bells so that the owners can find them."

"Shh, listen," he said suddenly, putting his cheek next to hers.

"What?" she asked.

He whispered into her ear. "Could be goats or...ghosts."

She laughed and turned her head. "There are no ghosts silly!" His face was inches from hers and her smile slowly fell away as his eyes moved to her lips. She could feel heat begin to creep into her face and she was suddenly unable to move or think clearly.

God she was tempting!

"I think we should go," she said suddenly.

His eyes searched hers. "Oh.... why?" he questioned.

She shook her head abruptly and moved around him. "There's nothing else to see here."

"Hmm." He watched her for a while and then glanced over at the darkness through which they had passed to enter.

"Do you think I can get you back through there without you causing yourself any more bodily injury?"

She was already at the edge of the darkness. "It's not so bad going back," she said matter of factly, disappearing from his sight.

Chapter 8

Just as Adam was beginning to give up hope of ever finding Fay again alive, a shout came from further down the path and he sped towards it, crashing into her as he ran around a corner. He held her arms in a vice like grip and looked at her.

"Are you all right? What the bloody hell happened?" He could feel her shaking violently and her face was completely drained of colour.

She grabbed him by the arm and began to run, pulling him behind her. "We've got to get out of here Adam, now!"

"What are you talking about? Stop a minute," he said, resisting her.

She turned to him and screamed, "Don't stop we've got to get to the car, now!"

She began running again and he followed her with confusion. She was so desperate to get to the car that she stumbled on the uneven ground. He caught her just before she hit the path.

"Fay, what is it that has frightened you so much? For God sake tell me!" he appealed.

She stood up again and went to resume running but he caught hold of her. She looked up at him and he could tell from the look on her face that she was fighting back her emotions.

"Please Adam, let's just get to the car," she begged. He hesitated for a second but on contemplating her face he suddenly took hold of her hand and ran.

They reached the car and got in. She locked her door and then leant across to lock his.

"Now will you tell me what happened?" he asked. She put her hands over her face and tried to slow down her breathing. Then a sudden ear-piercing crack filled the car and the window next to Fay smashed, showering glass onto her lap. Adam shot out a hand, grabbing her around the shoulder and pulling her to him. He put his arm over her head to protect her and turned around to see where the object had been thrown from. Seconds later there was a huge thud on the roof and the whole car shook. Still holding on to Fay with one arm, he slotted the key into the ignition and started up the car. There was another loud crack behind them and the back window smashed, at which point he slammed his foot on the accelerator and sped away. A final thud could be heard from the roof and Fay sat up then, looking behind her to see a man fly off the car and land on the road. They belted down the highway and she brushed the pieces of glass off her lap.

"Be careful, Fay are you alright?" he asked with concern. She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

After about twenty minutes Adam spotted a taverna which was set slightly off the main road so he turned the car and pulled up into the driveway.

"Come on, I could do with a drink. Here get out of this side sweetheart or you'll cut yourself on the glass," he said, holding out his hand to help her over.

They walked across the driveway, and into the taverna. There was a very old looking couple sitting at a table, but apart from that the taverna seemed to be empty.

"Are you open?" Adam asked. The old man gave them a look of miscomprehension but got up and went over to a nearby counter top, picking up a jug of something and motioning for them to sit. He placed the jug on the table and went to get two glasses. Fay looked into the jug and saw that it was filled with red wine.

"Looks like we're getting wine to drink then," she said with a small, shaky laugh.

"That'll do," he said, filling their glasses and then turning to her anxiously.

"Fay, are you all right?" he asked again.

"Yes, I'm fine," she assured him.

He studied her as she picked the wine glass up with a shaky hand. She wasn't fine at all, she was fighting back the tears and he knew it. Her eyes shimmered with emotion but flicked away from his awkwardly a few times as if she were uncomfortable with him seeing her inner feelings displayed so openly. Her determination to remain strong however only tugged at his heartstrings further because if there was one thing he'd learnt about her, it was that, for some reason he'd yet to fathom out, she fiercely guarded her ability to stay in control. He wanted to be her strength then, he wanted her to trust him with that. He felt suddenly closer to her and naturally yearned to make that closeness physical. He hesitated though, unsure of what her reaction would be, but finally settled for reaching out across the table and taking her hand in his.

"What happened to you out there?" he asked softly, his eyes full of concern and feeling.

She swallowed in an attempt to stop the tears that were threatening. "Someone grabbed me." She breathed in deeply, finding it hard to continue and he stroked her hand with his thumb. It felt small and fragile in his, her skin smooth and soft. "I heard you shouting but I couldn't scream because he had his hand over my mouth," she finished weakly. Anger suddenly filled him as a mental picture appeared in his head.

He would find the bastards that did that and string them up!

"He thought you were my boyfriend and he said to tell you to mind your back or you'd end up with a bullet in it. But Adam, he knew your name."

He frowned then. "Could he have heard us talking?"

"I don't think so, he seemed to be wanting to get at you personally," she explained.

He looked bewildered. "Look Fay, I don't know anyone here. I only arrived last week."

"How did he know you then?" she asked.

"I've absolutely no idea?"

He'd put her in danger and he didn't even damn well know why!

He had the strongest urge then to take her in his arms and never let anyone come near her again. Why he felt like that he didn't know, he barely knew this woman and his instincts told him that she'd reject his closeness. She'd been doing that all day.

"Did he hurt you?" he asked hesitantly. She shook her head but then looked down as to her horror she realized that she wasn't going to be able to hold back the tears in her eyes. He held onto her hand, fighting back the urge to bridge the gap between them. She hung her head as the tears began to fall and that broke his resolve.

Ah to hell with this!

He stood up abruptly and pulled her out of her chair suddenly towards him, putting his arms around her and holding her closely. He anticipated the rejection, her pushing him away, but to his surprise she leant into him and rested her head on his shoulder as she sobbed. He wrapped his arms more tightly around her, she felt fragile and soft against him and he could feel her trembling as she cried.

There was more to this woman than he'd imagined and this small change in her attitude towards him, her allowing this brief but significant physical contact between them, made him impatient for more. He couldn't figure out how or why but within the space of just one day he'd found some kind of intangible connection with her. He looked down at her and lifted one hand to place it gently on her head.

"It's okay now sweetheart, you're safe now," he whispered, stroking her hair.

Chapter 9 - A Night Out

Later that evening

The shrill sound of the telephone reverberated around the dark room and cut into Fay's sub-consciousness. She sat up abruptly in the darkness and struggled for a few moments to clear her head. Realising what was causing the noise, she reached out blindly towards her bedside table, her eyes still closed. Her hand hovered over the items on the tabletop, seeking the telephone handset among the cosmetics, lotions, perfumes, and the glass of water she had placed there before she had gone to bed. Barely preventing the glass from spilling its contents, she eventually found the telephone and punched the button with her forefinger in desperation to stop its grating noise.

"Hello," she managed to mutter in a muffled voice.

"Fay, it's Adam."

Her eyes flew open then and she reached out to flick the switch next to her bed, flooding the room with light. It was unclear at that point which was more startling to her, the sudden brilliance radiating from the light bulb overhead or the sound of Adam's voice on the other end of the telephone.

"Adam! What on earth are you doing phoning me at this time of night?" she asked.

"I know, I realise that it's late but there was nobody else I could call. I need a lift home," he informed her.

A frown crossed her face and was quickly accompanied with a look of outrage.

"What! You wake me up at this time to..."

He cut into her outburst and stopped her dead in her tracks.

"I'm in jail Fay, I'll explain when you get here."

Earlier that afternoon

Fay and Adam drove back to Agios Nikolaos in companionable silence, both running the events of the day through their minds. He pulled up outside her apartment and turned off the engine.

"I'll get to the bottom of this you know, I hope it hasn't put you off working with me because I'd really like you to continue."

She sighed. "No, it hasn't put me off."

He smiled. "Good."

She looked out of the window at her apartment. "Oh no, I promised I'd go to The Wheelhouse tonight with Sal."

"Hey, there's no sense in staying in and dwelling on what happened, it could do you good to get out," he smiled.

"Yes well, I don't think I'm going to have much choice in the matter," she chuckled.

Adam was relieved to see that Fay looked considerably better than she had an hour ago. Now at least she had some colour in her cheeks.

"I'll have to get my car sorted out tomorrow and I'll go to the police station too but I'll phone you and if you can pop into the office we can discuss the paperwork. I'll pay you for your time of course."

"Okay, that's fine," she nodded. There was a silence then and his eyes flitted over her face. She gazed back at him and their eyes locked. She suddenly realised that she was holding her breath and she looked down with a small laugh.

"Err, I need to get out that side."

"Oh yeah, of course," he said, getting out of the car and leaning over to help her. She took his hand and he pulled her across and then up towards him, using a little more force than was necessary so that they were inches apart by the time she was out. She avoided eye contact with him, not daring to look into his face. He looked down at her intently and slowly moved his hands to her waist.

Move, she should move now!

She could feel his fingers softly stroking her lower back through the material of the t-shirt she was wearing.

Should he try to kiss her? Probably not a good idea. Damn but he really wanted to kiss her right then.

She turned around suddenly. "My jumper, I almost forgot," she said reaching back into the car for it. When she looked up at him to say goodbye he was grinning at her as a picture of her taking it off flashed through his mind. She gave him a wry smile, said goodbye and made for her apartment.

When she got in Sal had the music on full blast and was dancing around the room like a woman possessed.

"Hi!" Fay shouted, "having fun?"

Sal was not in the least bit put off by her presence and continued to jump around to the music. "Ready for a session tonight gal?" Sal shouted back.

Fay laughed. "Oh go on then." She went to the stereo and turned the music down to a reasonable level and eventually Sal stopped.

"Soooo, how was your date with the good looking guy then?" Sal grinned.

Fay shook her head. "It wasn't a date and you know it, and it went...okay."

"What happened to your jumper?" Sal enquired.

"Nothing, it just got hot that's all," Fay replied, hoping that Sal wouldn't ask more.

Sal's eyes widened. "Oooh, got hot and sticky with the gorgeous guy eh Fay."

Fay looked annoyed. "Stop it or you'll be going out on your own tonight."

"Touchy, touchy," Sal teased, sliding backwards over the arm of the sofa and lying down, looking up at the ceiling. "I wonder if you got touchy, touchy with him today."

Fay glared in her direction and decided not to say any more on the subject to encourage her.

"Come on then if you want to go out, let's get ready."

Sal jumped up then. "Do you think he'll be out tonight?"

Fay frowned. "No... I don't think so anyway," she added.

"So he might be. We'll have to make sure you look gorgeous then to knock him off his feet," Sal grinned.

"Look, I'm not dressing up just for him, and he probably won't be there anyway."

Sal ignored her comment, skipping excitedly into Fay's bedroom and shouting out, "Let me choose your clothes."

"Whatever you want Sal," Fay replied, rolling her eyes. She knew better than to argue with her when she was in that kind of mood.

Sal picked out a pair of tight, black trousers and a black, basque style, strapless top.

"You'll look fab in this," she said triumphantly.

"Okay, I'll put it on," Fay sighed.

She showered and changed into the clothes and Sal fussed over her makeup. Standing in front of the mirror she inspected her reflection with a frown.

She looked as though she'd dressed for seduction.

"Here, put this on and these shoes," Sal said, handing her a black, velvet choker and a pair of black, high-heeled stilettos. She sighed and put them on.

"There, he'll be putty in your hands looking like that!" Sal exclaimed.

Fay tutted. "I don't want him to be putty in my hands, and I told you, he probably won't even be there."

"Bet you anything he is," Sal countered.

"Come on Miss Mischief, and don't go embarrassing me Sal, I work for him remember."

Chapter 10

Sal and Fay walked into 'The Wheelhouse' and Fay spotted Adam immediately. He was sitting mid way down the bar and she quickly moved her eyes away from him when he began to look up. As they made their way to the top of the bar one of the locals noticed them and wolf whistled. Fay smiled and went over to him.

"Hi Bill, I hope you're planning on behaving yourself tonight," she grinned.

He put his arm around her waist and she rested her hand on his shoulder, looking down at him.

"You're looking incredibly sexy tonight Fay, how's a man expected to behave himself?"

"With self restraint," she winked.

"So, when are you going to let me wine and dine you then gorgeous?" he asked.

"Come on Bill, you can wine and dine me any time you want, you just have to ask," she replied innocently.

"Bloody hell, all that wasted time!"

Fay chuckled and turned to the bar to order a drink. She had known Bill for years and he loved flirting with her but they had an unspoken understanding that there was nothing in it. She attracted Ruth's attention and ordered wine for herself and Sal. Then she looked over at Adam, who was sitting a couple of seats down, and waved. He grinned and his eyes widened as they slowly travelled up and down her body.

"Wow," he mouthed to her and she laughed, picking up her drink and looking around for Sal. She was standing chatting to Pat so Fay approached them, handing Sal the glass of wine.

"Hi Pat, hows you?"

She smiled. "Oh I'm fine, everything is tickety boo."

"Glad to hear it," Fay giggled.

Sal leant towards Fay and whispered into her ear, "Told you he'd be here."

Pat watched them. "Hey, if there's any secrets going on here I want to know about them!"

"No secrets, it's just Sal being Sal," Fay said quickly.

"You can't get round me that easily, come on spill the beans."

Sal was eager to expand on the conversation. "It's Fay's new boss, she didn't think he'd be here tonight but I knew he would. He's got the hots for her."

"He hasn't got the hots for me, will you stop?" Fay whispered nervously.

Sal tutted. "Oh, come on Fay, did you see the way he looked at you when you walked in?"

"How did he look at me?"

"Like he wanted to take all your clothes off!" Sal grinned.

"Don't be so ridiculous."

"Ur, I have to agree with Sal there," Pat added.

Fay turned her back to the man in question and leaned closer to Pat and Sal to speak in a hushed voice. "Well he's not going to get to take my clothes off so that's an end to it."

Pat and Sal looked at each other and shrugged.

"I guess I should go and say hi anyway," Fay said.

"Guess you should," Sal replied, elbowing Pat and watching as Fay walked away.

She took a deep breath and walked around the girls towards Adam. He noticed her approaching and watched her every step, making her feel jittery and nervous inside.

"Hi," she smiled, hiding her nervousness inside with an outward show of confidence.

"Hello Fay, you look," he cleared his throat, "different."

"Thanks...I think," she laughed.

"I was trying to think of a polite way of putting it. More accurately, you look sexy as hell!"

Fay stared at him in shock. "Adam! Don't go saying things like that, you'll start gossip," she replied, glancing around the bar to see if anyone was listening.

"Oh don't worry, every other man in the bar is saying the same thing," he said casually.

"Hmm, I let Sal dress me tonight, that's the problem," she explained.

"God, get Sal to dress you more often then!" he exclaimed. She laughed. "So this is your local then?" he stated.

She nodded. "Yep, I've known Ruth for a long time."

"Nice lady."

Fay turned to look at her. "Yes she is."

As she turned away his eyes fell to her top and lingered on her cleavage.

God she was hot! How was he going to get through that night without keeping his hands off her?

She turned back and his eyes moved to her face.

"Hi Adam," Pat and Sal chorused as they joined them.

Oh hell, what were they going to say now?

"Hello ladies. How are you this evening?" he answered.

Pat and Sal lapped up his attention. "Very well thank you."

"Can I get any of you lovely ladies another drink?" he asked, putting on the charm.

Pat replied, "Well thank you very kindly."

"Wine is it?" he questioned. They nodded.

"Fay?" He turned to her.

She paused and then smiled. "Thanks, wine will be fine."

He ordered the drinks and they sat at the bar together.

"So where are all your boyfriends tonight then?" Adam asked, looking from one to the other.

Pat sighed. "Still waiting for Mr Right."

"Ah. Fay's given up a night with her boyfriend for you Sal," he said, fishing for information. Fay grimaced.

"What boyfriend?" Sal frowned.

"Tim isn't it Fay?" Adam enquired politely. She laughed nervously, praying for Sal to remain quiet.

"I thought you were going to..." Sal began.

Fay cut Sal off by abruptly turning to Adam and talking over her. "So, where abouts in the town do you live?"

He laughed, reaching around Fay to speak to Sal. "Thought she was going to what?"

Fay turned and glared at Sal.

"Oh...err..." she looked unsure of how to continue.

"Oh look, I'm not afraid of her," Pat cut in, "we thought you'd dumped him."

Fay rolled her eyes. "I'm sure Adam doesn't want to know all about my love life."

He addressed Pat. "Oh, no, no, carry on."

Pat pulled a face. "He was boring, that's what you told us wasn't it Fay?"

Fay took a gulp of her wine. "I don't remember that conversation."

"No?" Adam looked extremely pleased with himself.

Pat became a little impatient with the conversation then and stood up suddenly. "Well, I can feel a Sambuca coming on."

Fay closed her eyes. "Oh no!"

"Ah yes, it would be rude not to," Pat insisted.

She ordered five Sambuca shots; one for Ruth and the others for Adam, Fay, Sal and herself. Fay looked down at it anxiously.

"Do we have to?" she asked with pleading eyes.

"Absolutely," Pat confirmed.

"Okay but if we start on these someone'll have to carry me home!" Fay laughed.

Fay downed the shot just as Sal added, "I'm sure that Adam would be only too happy." Fay suddenly began to choke. She put her head down coughing furiously whilst Adam patted her on the back.

"Go easy," he laughed, and a knowing smile spread across his face when she looked up at him.

Several Sambucas later they had moved to the end of the bar to talk to Ruth who was less busy as many of the other drinkers had left at that point.

"So where did she take you today then Adam?" Ruth asked with interest.

"We went to an archaeological site, a beach and a cave. We hit a few hitches along the way but we made it back in one piece," he said winking at Fay. She smiled back at him. Ruth began to line up more shot glasses and proceeded to fill them from the half empty Sambuca bottle. Fay watched in horror, dropping her head down on the bar in front of her. "Please, no more!"

"Come on Fay, if you don't drink it we'll have to force you to drink a shot of Camparri," Sal warned.

Her head shot up. "Evil drink!"

Ruth looked at Adam. "She can't stand Camparri; she says it could kill her."

"Oh well, we don't want that do we?" he replied, picking up her shot glass and holding it to her lips.

She looked at him beseechingly. "Please don't make me drink it."

"Come on now. Open up, there's a good girl," he encouraged her. She sighed and let him pour the drink into her mouth, beyond the ability to argue. "There you go, that wasn't so bad was it?"

Reaching forward he placed the glass on the bar whilst his other hand moved to her back. He sat down but kept his hand on her, stroking her bare skin with his fingers. She shuddered suddenly and looked sideways at him to see that he was watching her intently.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You know you really shouldn't look at me like that at all," she said, leaning towards him.

"Why not?" he asked.

She frowned, finding it difficult to focus through the haze of alcohol. "Because...well you know why."

He laughed. "Let me guess. Because you secretly like me looking at you but it goes against your prudish sensibilities to admit the fact."

She huffed. "What a load of nonsense." He watched her with those intensely inquisitive eyes and she turned away from him, feeling uncomfortable with his scrutiny.

Moments later she felt something touch her hair and looked back at him to see his fingers entwined in one of her blonde curls.

"What are you doing?" she frowned, glancing at him sideways.

"I'm playing with your hair," he said simply.

"Why are you playing with my hair?" she asked, bemused.

He watched the golden strands slipping through his fingers. "It fascinates me."

She burst out laughing. "You've had too many Sambucas."

"Probably, but it fascinates me anyway," he replied. She edged away from him and he dropped his hand, turning when the music became louder to see Sal and Pat dancing and giggling behind them. "Ahh, looks like it's time to dance," he said, turning back to her with a hopeful and somewhat cheeky smile.

"Oh no!" she shook her head. "Besides, bosses don't dance with their employees."

"Sure they do. What about office parties?" he put to her.

Her eyes widened. "Yes but all sorts of inappropriate things usually go on at those."

His grin widened. "Yeah, great," he said wickedly, his eyes flirting with hers.

She laughed his comment off but it was a nervous kind of sound as she found that she didn't know how to respond. To come across too offended would suggest that she believed he really meant he wanted to be inappropriate with her and so she chose to take it as a joke, but still by the look he was giving her she wasn't entirely sure if it was. She glanced down awkwardly, avoiding those inquisitive eyes of his and to her embarrassment she felt her cheeks becoming hot as she did so. As she fiddled with a beer mat on the bar she heard him laugh, a soft, knowing laugh.

"What are you thinking about I wonder?" he said, observing her reaction. She took in a breath and lifted her head to come back with a witty reply but for some reason all words left her head when her eyes met his smoky, seductively amused ones. God, she was losing track of the conversation and her senses with it! It wasn't the first time that he'd had this effect on her but it seemed to be getting worse! "I can read your mind," he smiled.

"Oh really," she replied, seemingly unconvinced.

"Yes. It's one of my many talents," he laughed. "I can tell your future too."

She faked amazement but frowned a little when he reached for her hand on the bar and turned it over in his.

"Ah yes," he began, reading her palm, "I see a tall, dark stranger coming into your life."

She looked down at her palm. "Do you see him leaving too," she came back.

"Awch!" he frowned. "Right for that madam, you have to dance," he announced, pulling her off the bar stool and onto the impromptu dance floor behind them.

"No really Adam," she protested, resisting him, "I'm sure Ruth will be wanting to close the bar soon."

He put his arm firmly around her waist and kept hold of her hand, swirling her around in a dizzying array of dance moves. She laughed as the combination of movement and alcohol made her head swim.

"Stop, stop! Please Adam," she giggled, "I take it all back!"

He finally stopped and linked his hands behind her back, assessing her much improved mood as they laughed and struggled to catch their breaths. He found himself observing what a difference a smile made to Fay's face. She was beautiful anyway, but with a smile on her face she was stunning. It hit him then that he really liked this woman, he knew that she could be difficult, defensive and distant at times but right then, at that moment, he really liked her a lot and the realization excited him.

"Isn't it great just to be impulsive at times?" he smiled, leaning closer to her and whispering into her ear, "are you ever impulsive Fay?" His breath was warm and tingled in her ear. He leant back to assess her reaction and he just caught a glimpse of temptation in her face before she contradicted it with her reply,

"No never. I'm extremely practical as well you know or you wouldn't have hired me."

He wasn't to be put off. "Yes, but you forget Fay, I can read your mind," he answered cunningly, bringing his face closer to hers and locking gazes with her. She felt her heart suddenly thudding in her chest as, by the intensity of his eyes, she began to wonder if he really could read her mind. Even worse, when his gaze moved to her lips for the third time that day all she could suddenly think about was them kissing each other! Again she felt heat flooding her face, her cheeks slowly getting hotter and hotter the longer his eyes held hers. She had the insane thought then that he might not notice, not a chance! A slow seductive smile developed across his face, he'd missed nothing! "Go on Fay, be impulsive," he encouraged her. Did he realize that by saying that he was unwittingly making her think all the more of a kiss between them? It was the very last thing that she wanted to be thinking about but somehow he'd planted the thought in her head and it was refusing to budge! His eyes sparkled into hers, daring her to do what he knew was in her thoughts. The idea was scandalous! Kissing her boss after only knowing him for one day in the middle of her local bar! And yet there was something secretly exciting about the mere thought of that. Her gaze flitted from his eyes to his lips and back again until she felt so strung with tension that she feared she might do something really stupid and actually kiss him! "Shall I be impulsive instead then?" he said finally, as she realized suddenly that somehow he'd moved in and his lips were now inches from hers. Her heart was beating so fast at that point that she feared it couldn't take the strain! Never before had she experienced such contradictory feelings inside her; on the one hand she was horrified at the thought of them kissing, on the other, she felt disappointment at the thought of them not!

As it happened the decision was taken out of their hands when without warning the mood was abruptly broken as Sal fell into them from behind whilst attempting an overly ambitious dance move.

"Sorry," Sal giggled, "Carry on don't mind me," she said, dancing away from them but watching them with interest for a while over her shoulder.

Fay turned back to Adam and laughed awkwardly. "Well, it really must be time to go home by now," she said, untangling herself from Adam's arms and heading back to the bar and her handbag. Adam followed her, still grinning to himself despite the unfortunate disruption. He placed his hands on her waist from behind and whispered into her ear quickly before asking Ruth for the bill,

"A lucky escape this time." The words 'this time' echoed in her head.

Chapter 11

Adam rose off his stool to take a crate of beer off Ruth who was struggling to carry it down the bar.

"I guess that we'll be going soon. Will you be all right Ruth? Would you like me to see you home?" Adam asked as they moved behind the bar and he put the crate down.

"No, I'll be fine. I only live upstairs but thanks for the offer," she replied.

Fay watched as Adam began to empty the bottles of beer from the crate into the fridges for Ruth.

He was quite a gentleman really. Maybe she had misjudged him.

Her eyes followed his movements behind the bar and slowly rose to his face... his hair... his shoulders... his hands.

Stop it! He was her boss!

"Come on Sal, I think Ruth wants to close," Fay called to her as Pat and Sal fell about laughing a few stools further away from them.

"Ahh, just one more Sambuca," Sal pleaded.

"No Sal," she glanced at Ruth who was looking tired and ready for bed. "Take no notice of her Ruth; we can't possibly drink any more anyway."

"Speak for yourself. We could always go down town. How about it girls?" Sal piped up.

"God no! I'm going home to bed," Fay said, looking at Sal in disbelief.

"Come on, I'll go with you Sal," Pat offered.

"Way hay!" Sal cheered, throwing her arms around Pat.

Adam stood up then and put his arm on Fay's shoulder. "Come on, I'd better be getting you home."

Fay frowned at him. "Where do you live anyway?"

"Not far from the Krista crossroads."

"Well then it's out of your way, look I'll be fine. I'll walk down with the girls and then I haven't got far to go from there," she replied.

"Oh no you don't, I'm getting you home safely. I'm not having any more hiccups today!" he said firmly.

"Adam, it's really not necessary."

"No arguing!" he insisted.

She sighed. "Okay, thanks."

That was sweet of him. Or was it? Maybe he had an ulterior motive.

She turned to Sal and Pat then who were finishing off their drinks. "Come on you two, we'll walk down with you." She said goodbye to Ruth and got up to leave.

"Hey, have you changed your mind then? Are you coming with us after all?" Sal smiled.

Fay opened the door but stopped and looked over her shoulder at Sal. "No Sal, I just want to get to bed now." Adam couldn't help but smiling at the mention of the word 'bed' as an image popped into his head of climbing into bed with her and peeling off every item of her clothing. He followed her out of the door and focused his eyes on her behind in the tight, black trousers.

"I'll help you get to bed," he mumbled under his breath.

She turned with a frown and her eyes narrowed at him. "You'd better behave yourself Adam Ford!"

"Yes Mam." He answered, putting his hands inches from her behind as she turned around. Sal giggled and Fay swung her head back around, at which point Adam dropped his hands and looked at her innocently.

They strolled towards the town with Sal and Pat in front chatting away, and Fay and Adam behind. When the fresh air hit her she began to feel the effects of the alcohol more and she was glad that they had left when they did. As they walked Adam's hand moved to the back of her neck to stroke the skin there. Then his fingers were in her hair, then on the skin of her shoulder. Her body started to tingle and she tried to move away a couple of times but he simply pulled her back towards him.

Heaven help her! She wished she had drunk less Sambuca then. Focus Fay, focus!

Then his hand became bolder and ran from her shoulder, past her arm to the side of her body.

"Adam." There was a warning in her voice.

He laughed and moved his hand back to her shoulder.

That wasn't much better. She wished he'd keep his hands still. Sexy hands. What was she thinking? Oh but they were. No! She shouldn't put 'Adam' and 'sexy' in the same sentence for goodness sake! It was just the alcohol that was making her think like that anyway.

Before long they had reached the centre of the town where they said goodnight to Pat and Sal, and then continued on to Fay's apartment.

"So do I get a coffee tonight then Fay?" Adam asked.

"Hmm, not the most original line. The problem is what usually goes with the coffee," she replied suspiciously.

"Why Fay Thompson, I don't know what's running through that naughty, little mind of yours but I only was only thinking of a hot drink!" he teased.

"Like hell you were!" she replied.

Outside her apartment they stopped and she moved away from his arm to face him.

"Well thanks for walking me home."

"It's my pleasure Fay."

"Night then," she said casually as she turned to walk away.

"Fay wait." He reached out and caught her hand gently.

"Adam?" The warning was back in her voice. He took her other hand then and they stood in front of each other, with his smoldering eyes searching her wary ones.

"What are we doing?" she asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I just want to remember what you look like," he smiled warmly.

"Adam, I'm going to see you tomorrow. Surely you can't have that short a memory!"

He laughed. "No, I meant what you look like at this moment."

He was looking at her like that again. It made her want to run away, and not run away at the same time.

Hell, he didn't want to let her go. What was wrong with him?

He struggled to think of a way to prolong the moment but eventually gave up and leant forward to whisper into her ear,

"Sweet dreams Fay." Then he turned his head, kissed her on the cheek and walked away.

Chapter 12

"Adam! What the hell do you mean you're in jail? Why?" Fay asked in shock.

"I can't tell you now, but I do need a lift. I've got no money on me or anything, sorry to have to ask you," he replied.

"Are you in town?"

"No, Neapoli."

"Neapoli! My God, what have you done to be taken there? Never mind, I'll come right away," she said, slamming down the reciever.

It took Fay about fifteen minutes to get to Neapoli and she was surprised to see Adam standing, waiting for her at the side of the highway outside the jail. She pulled the car up, turned it around and then let him in.

"So what's this all about?" she asked immediately. She turned to look at him then but recoiled at what she saw and her mouth fell open in shock. "Adam, what happened to you?" His face was black and blue with bruises.

"Let's go, I'll tell you on the way," he said abruptly, feeling such humiliation at having her see him that way. He looked livid with anger and sat glaring straight ahead out of the window.

"Adam, are you okay? Who did this to you?" she asked with concern.

"Can we just go," he grated, irrationally taking his frustrations and humiliation out on her. She looked at him quizzically, started the engine and drove off back up the highway.

She left it for about five minutes but then she began to get slightly annoyed at the silence and his reluctance to tell her what had happened. She had driven out all this way in the early hours of the morning after all. She deserved an explanation.

"Are you going to tell me what happened to you or not?" she said suddenly.

He continued to glare out of the window. "Some police came to my house to arrest me. I couldn't understand all they said but it had something to do with that homicidal maniac that jumped onto our car roof today."

"What!" she said in disbelief, "didn't you explain to them what he did?"

"They weren't much in the mood for explanations," he replied bitterly.

"Are you telling me that the police did that to you?" she asked in disbelief.

"Well, apparently I resisted arrest. Here turn left," he said, directing her.

"So it was that man at the cave who got the police to arrest you?" she pushed.

"Left again and it's at the bottom of the road. Seems like it."

She pulled up outside his house, turned the engine off and faced him with an anxious look.

"Adam, what the bloody hell is going on?"

He replied with a cutting tone. "You keep asking me that and I've already told you I don't bloody well know!"

He got out of the car suddenly and strode to his front door. At that moment she saw red, stormed over to his house and followed him in, shouting after him.

"Now wait just a bloody minute, I've just come out in the middle of the night to pick you up from jail. How dare you speak to me like that!"

He went into the kitchen and reached on top of the fridge for a bottle of whiskey, from which he poured himself a drink and slammed the bottle down on the counter top.

"Hey I didn't want to phone you, I had no other way of getting home!" he shouted at her.

Her voice rose to match his as she replied sarcastically, "Gee, well thanks Fay for the help. Don't mention it Adam!" She could see the fury rising in his face but she didn't care, she was just as furious. He turned his back to her and went into the freezer to get some ice for his face. "Adam! So you're just going to ignore me then?" Silence. She grabbed a handful of his shirt arm and pulled to get his attention.

"Don't push me Fay," he warned.

"Or you'll do what?" she challenged. His eyes flashed to her lips then and her eyes widened in shock. She suddenly let go of his arm, pushing it roughly away but she regretted it immediately. His control snapped and he grabbed her by the arms, turning her around and pinning her against the fridge.

"Let go of me you bastard!" she screamed into his face.

"You've been begging to be kissed all night!" he growled back at her.

Anger overwhelmed her then and she freed an arm, raising it up to slap him across the face. Her fury suddenly ebbed away though and was replaced with remorse.

"God I'm sorry, Adam your face."

He reacted by raking his hands down her body and jolting her hard against him, however the look she gave him made him stop suddenly and he paused. They glared into each other's eyes for a few, long, angry moments and then he abruptly let her go.

"This is all getting out of hand," he admitted.

"Two bloody right it is!" She was still reeling with outrage over the way he had touched her. He laughed then with sarcasm.

"Okay darling I may have deserved the slap but you've got more sexual tension in there than you know what to do with," he threw at her, looking her up and down.

"I'm not staying to listen to this garbage." With that she turned and stormed towards the door.

He shouted after her, "Don't forget about work tomorrow."

"Go to hell!" she spat back at him as she left.

He went into the freezer again and took out some ice, which he placed on his face with a grimace. Okay, so he may have stepped over the mark but he'd been through hell and... well he couldn't afford to feel bad about Fay now, he had more urgent things to worry about. He went over to pick up the telephone and made an international phone call.

"Tom, I need you to do something for me. I need some background information on a man called Michaelis Georgiou. Get back to me as soon as you can on this. Adam."

Chapter 13 - Breakups and makeups

The following evening.

Awch, her head! Why did it hurt so much? And what the hell was that ticking sound? It was driving her mad!

Fay rolled over in bed and buried her head into the pillow in an attempt to stop it from pounding.

Something smelt different; where did she recognize that smell from?

She suddenly opened her eyes wide in shock as a vivid image of the day's events by the beach and the copious glasses of wine hit her.

Oh lord, what did she do?

The ticking sound continued to annoy her so she pushed the sheets from off her face and the first thing that she noticed was a large, silver coloured watch on the table next to her.

She'd seen that watch before too. Oh lord, Adam's watch!! Why the hell was it there? No! No! Please don't say this was happening!

She turned her head away from the disturbing sight of his watch but froze then as more serious concerns hit her when she focused on the pillow underneath her head and the sheets which were wrapped around her.

Since when did she have navy blue sheets?

She sat up abruptly in the bed then to see a reflection of herself in the black, tinted glass doors of the wardrobe opposite her.

Those weren't her wardrobes... and that wasn't her apartment!!

Putting her hand out to the side of her, she reached for a light to enable her to see better but recoiled in discomfort as a spot light hit her eyes and sent a shooting pain through her sore head. She reconsidered and turned the light off again, sliding back under the covers for a moment to think and recover.

Okay, she must be at Adam's apartment then but he wasn't there so that's a good sign, wasn't it? Why couldn't she remember? Too much wine. Come on Fay; trace back the events, what was the last thing she remembered? she was cold and wet, but then he gave her a blanket. Then she was tired, she must have fallen asleep. Oh but how did she end up there?

The previous morning.

As Fay placed four slices of bread into the toaster the telephone rang for the sixth time that morning. Her eyes flicked over to her desk and then back to the tea she was making.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" Sal glanced across at her from the sofa she was sitting on in front of the television.

"No," she said simply, she was still fuming from their shouting match last night. After the fifth ring the answering machine clicked and recorded the message, which could be heard throughout the lounge.

"Fay come on, pick up... Fay, will you just pick up so that we can talk?" The voice got more impatient. "Okay, okay. Phone me later when you have calmed down."

Fay avoided Sal's eyes and placed a mug of tea and a plate of toast on the coffee table for her.

"What on earth happened between you two? You seemed to be having a great time last night. Okay so I assume he came on to you when he walked you back, but he's phoned you six times now! He obviously wants to apologize." Silence. "Look what's wrong with it anyway? He's attracted to you," she continued in a harsher voice, "and you're attracted to him if you'd just admit it to yourself!"

"There's more to it than that Sal, just drop it."

She buttered a second round of toast, grabbed her tea and joined Sal on the sofa. They ate their breakfast in silence, watching some hospital drama which neither of them was really interested in. The phone suddenly rang out again, and again Fay let the answering machine take the call.

"Fay I can't stand this, it's driving me nuts! Okay I wanted to do this face-to-face but here goes. I'm really sorry, you were right I was ungrateful. Thank you for picking me up sweetheart. As for the other stuff, I got a bit carried away...err..." there was a pause, " be honest with you I felt humiliated... about the bruises, and having to ask you for a lift. Won't you come back to work for me? Fay?" His voice became softer. "Fay sweetheart? Please. Come on. Fay?" Sal's eyes moved to Fay's face and watched as her resolve dropped. Then Fay growled suddenly, jumped up and grabbed the phone.

"You were extremely insulting," she grated out into the receiver.

"Fay, thank God! I know, I was insulting. Do you forgive me?"

"Well, I guess I did slap you," she admitted, "I've never done that before. How's your face?"

"Sore, but not from the slap. Will you pass by the office later?" he asked.

She hesitated. "I'm not sure it's going to work."

"Come on you must admit we do get on okay ...sometimes."

She sighed and said suddenly, "Well okay, I'll pop in later but I've got to help Sal find an apartment today so I don't know what time it will be."

"All right, just call me, and if I'm not in the office perhaps we can meet somewhere?"

"Okay fine," she said reluctantly.

"Okay, speak later."

Chapter 14

“So, in case I’m not around and you want to do this on your own, you need to look for the yellow signs in the windows saying ‘enikiassis’ which means ‘to rent’,” Fay explained to Sal.

“Sure, but if I find somewhere will they speak English to me?”

“Hmm, you may have a problem there but we’ll see what we can get done today anyway. I know I saw an apartment to rent here somewhere the other day.”

Fay wandered along a row of buildings, looking upwards for any signs in the windows.

“Damn, where was it now?” She stopped suddenly in the middle of the pavement to think and Sal went careering into the back of her.

“Will you give me more notice before you do that in future?” Sal frowned.

Fay was lost in concentration. She grabbed Sal’s arm suddenly and dragged her across the road.

“Come on, I think it’s the next road along.”

Half an hour later, and several roads further down, they eventually found the apartment that Fay had seen. They entered the building in the hope that they might see someone in there: either the landlord or someone who would know where the landlord was. The building was dark however and showed no signs of life.

“Where is everyone?” Sal asked.

“Unfortunately this happens all the time, if you find an apartment you may take days to get in touch with the landlord. We should ask around too, ask everyone you meet and you never know we may get you somewhere yet. Come on, let’s see if there is a telephone number on the sign that you could ring later.”

They went back outside and glanced up at the sign but it was worn away by the weather and any number that was once there was indistinguishable now.

“Now I remember why I haven’t moved apartments for so long! You will have to keep coming back if you are interested and you’ll eventually find someone. Take your phone with you and if needs be I can speak a bit of Greek to them over the phone if they speak no English.” She grabbed Sal by the arm again and dragged her away from the steps. “Let’s go up that road, we may find something there.”

"Hell Fay, talk about dragging me around! This is a nightmare!" Sal thought to herself.

They soon found another apartment block with a sign in the window so they entered the dark and dusty entrance hall. At first glance it seemed to be as void of people as the first apartment but then, just as they were about to leave, Fay spotted an old man sitting on a chair outside a room a little way down the corridor. She strolled over to him.
“Do you speak any English?” He gave her a blank look.

What was she saying? Of course he didn’t speak any English; he looked as though he was around before English was ever spoken by anyone!

She tried again. “Ise spitonoikiris?” He shook his head. “Pou ine spitonoikiris?” He failed to respond so Fay gave him a vague smile and strode back out onto the street in frustration.

“No good then?” Sal asked.

Fay frowned. “I was speaking Greek to him; you’d think he could at least utter one word back to me. You’d have thought I was speaking Swahili or something!” She grabbed Sal's arm again. “This way,” she said pointing up the road and dragging Sal behind her.

"Please let us find an apartment soon, preferably before she pulls my arm out of its socket!" Sal thought.

Towards the end of the road they passed a small hotel and a man who was sat outside drinking coffee watched them looking up at the buildings as they passed by.

“You looking for somewhere?” he asked.

Fay stopped, glanced back at him and then turned with a smile. “Yes actually, we are looking to rent an apartment, do you know of anywhere?”

“I have rooms here, you want to see?”

“No, my friend is going to live here for good so she will need more than one room.”

“Hmm, I have friend. Maybe he can help, I phone him now,” the man replied.
Sal looked hopefully at Fay.

Don’t hold your breath Sal; it’s never this easy.

The man motioned towards some chairs. “Here sit, wait.” He disappeared into the hotel and came out about ten minutes later. “My friend is coming, has an apartment very close. He will show you.”

“Thank you very much for your help,” Fay said politely.

The man sat back down next to them and grabbed Fay’s cheek. “I help you, you nice girl.” She smiled at him and then turned to Sal with a look of ‘please save me from this man.’ Sal tried not to laugh.

Soon the man’s friend turned up and walked them a couple of yards down the road to a ramshackle building with flaking plaster on the outside and very unstable looking balconies. Sal and Fay exchanged looks. He led them up to the second floor and unlocked a door, gesturing for them to enter. The apartment smelt very musty and consisted of two rooms, a bedroom with a shower and sink in the corner and lounge with a makeshift kitchen area at one end.

“How long you stay?” he asked.

“It’s for my friend here; she will be here for good.”

He looked quizzical. “It is good?”

“No, I meant that my friend will be staying here all the time.”


He doesn’t understand.

“So it is good?”

She turned to Sal and spoke under her breath. “I don’t know, Sal is it good?” There was sarcasm in her voice.

Sal backed towards the door. “We will think about it.”

“Yes, thank you, we will think about it,” Fay said turning to follow Sal and making a hasty exit.

They came to the end of the road and turned onto a much busier street lined with tavernas. Fay paused, sighed and turned to look back at Sal. “This way I suppose.”
“Okay.” Sal looked in pain.

"Drink would be nice; drink would be lovely right now. Rest please Fay. Please no more."

Sal trudged after her.

“Anyone here know of an apartment to rent?” Sal said out loud in desperation, to no one in particular. “Apartment? Know of one?” she asked a passing woman who turned to give her a strange look as she walked away.

“What on earth are you doing?” Fay asked in bewilderment.

“Well you said to ask everyone, so I was.”

“Sal, I meant everyone you know, not random strangers!”

“Fay, shall we leave it for today and continue the torture another day?”

Fay sighed. “Well I said it wasn’t going to be easy. You can try looking for signs in windows tomorrow and I’ll ask around for you, how’s that?”

Sal’s face lit up. “Good plan. Shall we have a drink here somewhere?”

“You can but I’d like to get back and make some lunch before I meet up with Adam. I’ll have to phone him at some point.”

“Oh yes, so have you been beating your boss up or something? He said he had bruises. What have you been doing to him?”

“Nothing! It wasn’t me. Don’t ask me to tell you about it though, it’s not my place.”

“Fair enough, but you two are okay now anyway?”

“I guess… for now.”

“Look I’m staying for a drink, then I’ll pop to the kiosk and I’ll meet you back at the apartment. I’ll not be long.”

“What you getting from the kiosk?”

“Felt like a huge bar of chocolate, I could do with one after today! You want anything?”

Fay paused for thought. “Surprise me.”

Chapter 15

On entering her apartment, Fay went straight into her bedroom and stripped off her clothes to change into something more comfortable to sit around in. She was hot and sticky from all the trudging up and down streets, so she put on a pair of mini, grey shorts and a strappy top. After placing some pasta on the hob to boil, she poured herself a large glass of cold lemonade and collapsed on the sofa. She closed her eyes for what seemed to be a second, but woke up to the pasta boiling over and the doorbell ringing. Jumping up, she ran to take the pasta off the ring and made for the door.

“Did you get me anything?” she said as she opened the door.

“What did you want?” Adam said, running his eyes over her.

Woa, legs! Bloody hell, looks like I came just at the right time!

“Oh it’s you. I thought it was Sal.”

Where is he looking behind those sunglasses? I can imagine. Damn I can’t change now either or it will look as if I’m bothered.

“I thought I was going to telephone you,” she pointed out.

“Well, I had some free time so I thought I’d see if you were in. Are you going to let me past the front door?” he asked.

“Hmm, come in,” she said reluctantly, feeling as if she should still be at least a little annoyed with him on principle.

She opened the door wider and he strolled past, looking down at her legs on the way in.

“Do you want a drink?” she shouted over to him as he sat down on the sofa.

“That would be good, something cold.”

She poured him a glass of lemonade and went to the sofa, handing it over.

“Found Sal an apartment yet?” he asked. She stood to the side of him, looking down with a frown. He turned. “Fay?” Moving forward, she sat down on the coffee table in front of him and reached to remove his sunglasses. She grimaced at his bruised face and gave him such a look of concern that he reached across and took her hand. “Hey, it’s okay, I’ll live.” She suddenly felt guilt wash over her at the thought of slapping him on his already bruised face.

“Did I make it worse?” she said, looking to the floor.

“No, you’re not that good,” he laughed. She traced the bottom of the sofa with her foot. He suddenly moved his hand and caught her under the chin, lifting her face to look at him. “Hey, it’s forgotten now right?” She felt strangely emotional then as she looked into his face and their eyes met. There was a long silence and then she suddenly backed away and stood up.

“Sure.” She said trying to sound casual but failing.

He drank half of his lemonade and stood up then suddenly. “Look, how about I take you to a taverna or something? We can get some food, talk over the trips and leave the heavy paperwork for tomorrow.”

“Err, well I had already put something on to cook,” she said turning to look at the hob.

“What?” he asked.

She moved across the room to inspect the contents of the pan. The pasta had completely stuck to the bottom and what was left on the top looked waterlogged and congealed.

“Mm, not looking too appetizing that Fay,” he joked.

She jumped, unaware that he had come up behind her. He reached in front of her and took the pan out of her hand. Her hair moved as his cheek was so close, and she could feel her back against his chest as he leant forward to put the pan on the side. He looked down at her neck and shoulders and the tumble of blonde curls that lay around them.

I could just kiss her there now. Not a good idea I guess though. Still…

He took a hand and gently swept the curls aside, not entirely decided on what he was going to do next. She turned around with a questioning look but realized that it was a bad move when she saw how close his face was and noticed the look in his eyes. She could feel his warm breath on her cheek he was that close, but she had suddenly lost track of the conversation and couldn’t think of how to break the tense silence and move away.

Go on then Fay, move away or I’ll end up kissing you.

Oh hell, say something Adam.

The silence stretched on. Suddenly the doorbell rang and they both jumped guiltily, moving apart.

“That’ll be Sal,” she said running to the door.

“Here, a huge bar of chocolate each!” Sal said, handing her a bar as she walked in.
“Oh, hi Adam.”

“Hello Sal. So that’s what you were waiting for, chocolate,” he smiled at Fay.

“Yep, it was to make us feel better considering our failed attempt at finding Sal somewhere to live today.”

“I see, no luck then?”

“No, but we’ll find somewhere eventually,” Fay replied positively. He looked over at her with a smile and she smiled back. There was a small silence then and Sal looked from one to the other with a grin.

“Are you going to the office now Fay?” Sal asked.

She jumped slightly and turned to look at Sal as though she had forgotten she was there.

“Oh, err…”

“No, I’m taking her for food. Thought we’d leave the office work for tomorrow eh Fay.” Adam answered for her.

“I guess so.” She shrugged at Sal whose grin widened. “Oh, I’ll just run and get changed.” Fay said suddenly, putting the chocolate bar down on the side.

Adam’s eyes flicked over her again. “Why? You can go like that.”

She looked down at her skimpy shorts and top. “No I don’t think so.”

“Why not?” he said, raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t wear this particular outfit outside of the apartment,” she answered wryly.

He crossed his arms and leant back on the counter top, surveying her with those disturbingly inquisitive eyes. “Well, I think you should, I like it.”

She looked at him warily. “Hmm, there’s not a lot of it.”

He laughed. “That’s what I like about it!”

She gave him a wary smile. “I’m sure it is! I’m going to change.” She walked past him and his eyes followed her, scanning her up and down until she disappeared out of sight.

Come back gorgeous legs, when am I going to see you again?

Chapter 16

Fay and Adam left the apartment and drove to the centre of town, where they chose a taverna next to the lake and sat down at a table near to the water.

“Would you like some wine?” Adam asked.

“I probably shouldn’t,” she replied.

Adam turned to the waiter. “White wine please. Is white okay for you Fay?”

She laughed. “Yes that’s fine.”

“Can you give us a few more minutes to look at the menu?” he asked the waiter. The waiter nodded and wandered away.

“Can I make a suggestion?” Fay said hesitantly.

He looked up in surprise. “Go ahead.”

“Have you ever had meze?”

“No actually I haven’t but I’ve heard a lot of people mention it.”

“Want to try?”

He tilted his head and looked across at her with interest. “Life is one big, new adventure with you Fay. You’re full of surprises.”

She rolled her eyes. “It’s just a meze Adam, don’t get too excited.”

He gave her a cheeky look. “Can’t help it Fay, you seem to have that effect on me.”

“Hmm, anyway…I’ll order the food then,” she said, changing the subject and looking at the menu.

He grinned. “And a woman who takes the lead.”

Her eyes flicked up at him and then back at the menu. “So we can have tzatziki…”

“Mind you, you can lead me anywhere with those legs!”

“And fava…” she continued as she felt a blush creep into her cheeks.

He laughed and leant forward. “You know you’re so sexy when you blush.”

“And…” she gave up, “oh whatever, I’ll order when the waiter comes back,” she finished, closing the menu on the table. “Have you quite finished?”

“Oh I could go on all afternoon.” He still had a huge grin on his face.

She paused. “So… about these trips…”

He laughed and sat back in his chair. “Come on then, list them out to me.”

“Well, I guess I don’t know every trip and we can add more to the list as we go along.”

“Sure, so…”

“Okay, knossos…”

A look of recognition flashed over his face. “Ah, the palace that’s almost prehistoric.”

She chuckled. “Not quite but yes, that one. There is also a huge museum in Heraklion, not far from Knossos, which displays many of the artefacts found there.”

He nodded.

“Then there are other archaeological sites at Gornia and Malia.” She searched her mind, trying to picture the different areas of eastern Crete and what trips they offered.
“There is also a lovely trip to Crissi Island, the boats go from Irapetra. The island is the furthest point south in Europe and there is a nice beach. Plus there is the added bonus of a possible sighting of dolphins on the way.” He looked interested. “Then if you go to the very east of Crete there is Vai beach. It has some rare palm trees and it was used to film the bounty advert.” She shrugged.

“You don’t sound too impressed with that trip,” he observed.

“Well, it’s okay but it is a very long drive and it’s just a beach in the end.”

“Is there anything along the way that we can couple it with?”

“Not really, the nearest town is Sitia but there’s not a lot there, it’s quite industrial to be honest. Oh…” She looked up suddenly. “I forgot, there is one thing there.”

She had his attention. “Yeah?”

“Yep, it may be enough to attract some interest.”

“Go on.”

“Then again, maybe not.”

“Fay Thompson, will you spit it out!”

She ummed and ahhed, teasing him by withholding the information and making him wait.





She paused and then finally got it out. “It’s Nikos.”

“Nikos?” he frowned, none the wiser.

She laughed out loud and picked up the menu, half hiding behind it. “Yes, Nikos the pelican.”

He smirked and reached over to snatch the menu off her. “You wouldn’t be teasing me now would you madam?”

She struggled to hold back a laugh and shook her head innocently. “No.” He narrowed his eyes at her. “He’s quite an interesting character…for a pelican.”

“Right, that’s it!” He stood up, reached over and dug his fingers into her ribs, tickling her. She yelped and wriggled to get away from him.

“Okay, okay stop!”

He beamed at her. “No more talk of pelicans?”

“No more pelicans,” she assured him, picking up her wine glass and grinning at him over the rim.

The waiter brought their food then and laid out a variety of different small dishes around the table.

“So this must be a bit like tapas then?”

“Yes, the idea behind it is to eat something small with every drink you have. For a proper meze the Greeks usually drink raki and mezes can often last for hours. It’s a very sociable way of eating and people usually stop and join in if they pass by.”

“Shouldn’t we be drinking raki then?”

She pulled a face. “Can’t stand it, it’s lethal!”

“You seemed to manage with the Sambuca last night.”

“Hmm, I don’t know if you can call that managing. Think I’ll just stick to a glass of wine.”

He grinned, remembering the fun they’d had the previous night in the bar. They helped themselves to the food and began eating.

“You know there must be just as many trips on the other side of the island too. I don’t know how big you want this to get.” she said. His eyebrow shot up and she looked at him with miscomprehension.

He cleared his throat. “Well, it’s something to think about once we have sorted out this side.”

“Yes, that’s what I thought. I know some places over there. Hania is beautiful.”

“I went there once on a day trip. It was a nice place but way too far to travel just for the day,” he pointed out.

“Gosh yes, you’d have to be staying in the area to explore it properly.”

“Hmm.” He watched her pop an olive into her mouth with a thoughtful expression. “If you don’t know that side very well we would have to spend some time exploring it ourselves.”

A smile was tugging at the corner of his mouth.

Oh what’s he up to now?

“Right, I guess.” She looked at him suspiciously.

“Of course I couldn’t drive all the way back on the same day,” he added.

I knew that was coming!


“No, I’d be worn out. You wouldn’t want me worn out, would you Fay?”

She couldn’t help but think there was an innuendo somewhere in that comment.

“Heaven forbid.”

“No thought not, so I’d have to book a hotel.”

I’ll get her into bed if it kills me!

“I tell you what, I’ll save you the extra expense, I’ll drive back,” she said as she popped another olive into her mouth with a smile. He laughed.

This may prove to be trickier than I’d thought.

“Hello you two. You’re just who I wanted to see actually Fay.” Ruth looked flustered as she rushed across the road towards their table.

“Hi Ruth, what’s the big emergency?”

“No emergency, I’m just in a bit of a rush. They’ve roped me into organizing the local pool competition and I’m trying to get a team together, as well as sorting out food and everything else for tonight. Don’t tell me you are busy tonight or you’ll be in big trouble! You’re coming; I need you on our team. We’re playing against two teams in Elounda and ‘Charlie’s Bar’ so I don’t intend us to lose.”

Fay grimaced. “Charlie’s, how on earth did you get them involved? Hell Ruth, we definitely have to win if they’re playing.”

“Precisely, so I’ll see you around eight then Fay.”

“Guess I’ll have to.”

“Be there!” she said, pointing a firm finger at her. “You too Adam, we need all the support we can get. I’m aiming for at least double the number of supporters than ‘Charlie’s’.”

“Oh, so it’s just a friendly competition then,” Adam added sarcastically.

“Of course,” Ruth replied shrugging, picking up her shopping bags and dashing off.

“Don’t tell me, ‘The wheelhouse’ and ‘Charlie’s’ are arch enemies,” Adam guessed.

“Of course, always have been, ever since the owner managed to lure Bill in there with a plate of sausage rolls and he stayed in there all afternoon.”

Adam winced.

“Yep, there was hell to pay when Ruth found out I can tell you!”

“You’re all nuts!” Adam said, laughing. “The owner isn’t that guy who came into the bar last night is it?”

Fay shook her head. “No, you wouldn’t catch those two bars socialising.”

“So you any good at pool then Fay?” Adam asked, changing the subject.

She hesitated. “Well, I played a long time ago. Not sure I can even really remember the rules to be honest. You?”

“I’m not too bad, I’ll give ‘Charlie’s’ a run for their money anyway.”

“Ooh, so modest.”

A waiter walked past then and Adam asked him for the bill. Fay went into her bag for some money.

“No, I’m getting this. Put your money away.”

“Adam I don’t expect you to pay for me.”

“Hey I invited you.”

“I can pay my way,” she said handing him the money.

“I hope you’re not going to be troublesome about this, besides it was a business lunch.”
She laughed. “We haven’t really talked any business!”

“Of course we have, I now know all about the trips and Nikos the pelican.”

She gave him a resigned look and put the money back in her bag. They stood up to leave and he threw his arm over her shoulder as they headed for the car.

“Adam,” she began.


“You know Nikos.”


“You do believe he’s real don’t you?”

He looked down at her and shook his head. “Fay, you’re talking pelicans again,” he warned, going for her ribs.

She dodged out of his way just in time, laughing. “You brought it up again!”

Chapter 17

When Fay got back to her apartment she found Sal asleep on the sofa.

"Wake up! We've got a pool contest to win," Fay shouted.

"What?" Sal sat up with a dazed expression.

"Come on," Fay said, grabbing her arm and dragging her up, "if we get in there early we can get some practice in."

Sal stretched and then focused on Fay. "It's all right for you, you're brilliant at it, but I can barely pot a ball."

"It's just a bit of fun. So what we going to wear then?" she said, trying to encourage her enthusiasm.

"You're actually asking me! You are keen. So how did your lunch with Adam go then?" Sal digressed.

"It went fine," Fay answered vaguely.

Sal studied her smiling face however and read between the lines. "You seem in a good mood. Would he be going tonight as well then?"

"Yes," she admitted, "but only because Ruth saw us by the lake," Fay replied defensively. Sal threw her a knowing look. "Hey, I can't help who Ruth invites to the bar."

"Come on then," Sal said suddenly, racing into the bedroom.

"I think you should wear this, with this," Sal said, lying out the clothes on the bed.

"What are those?"

"They are my clothes, you can borrow them. They're perfect for a pool night."

Fay picked up the pair of jeans. "They have holes in them."

Sal grinned. "Designer holes, strategically placed," she added.

"Hmm." Fay looked unconvinced. "How close to the top of the leg could this one get?" Fay said, poking her fingers through a slit at the back.

Sal dismissed her comment. "It's not that bad, and anyway he's seen more of your legs today in those shorts."

"Yes, but I didn't purposely put those on to be seen."

"Look, he told me to dress you so you're getting no choice."

Fay sighed, glancing down at the jeans again. "Okay, I'll try them on after I've had a shower."

Sal smiled. "Good girl."

Half an hour later Fay turned by the mirror to take a look at the jeans from the back.

"Sal I'm going to be playing pool remember, there'll be bending over which makes me considerably concerned about this slit in the back of these jeans."

"It's not that bad; the slit is no higher than a pair of shorts anyway."

Fay turned around to inspect her front. "This shirt isn't much better either; you'll be able to see my bra, especially when I'm bending over!"

"Oops, I forgot. There's a bra to go with that." Sal ran into the other room and came back with a matching coloured bra. "See, it'll be disguised now."

"Hmm, you'll still be able to see it underneath."

"Oh Fay, stop being an old woman! It's part of the outfit. Look, I've got a similar outfit too. I'll put it on if it'll stop you from moaning." Sal disappeared into the other room to change.

"An old woman did you call me? How extremely rude!" Fay shouted out of the bedroom door.

"You will be if you don't chill out!" came the reply. "Wait two secs, I've got to do the finishing touches."

"Oh hell, what else?"

Sal appeared in her bedroom again. "Here, put on this belt; and I think you should wear your hair up." Fay tied it up with a band. "Hold on Fay, let me do it. Sal took the band out and put Fay's hair up again, letting a few strands and curls fall loose. "You shouldn't scrape it back so much." Sal grinned as she played with the curls by Fay's ear. "Tease him with it...I saw him playing with your hair last night." She winked at Fay. "Come on, you're ready to go."

'The Wheelhouse' was all but empty when they arrived and Ruth was busy laying out food at the back end of the bar, near to the pool table.

"Need any help Ruth?" Fay offered.

"No I'm pretty much done. You two are early," she said, glancing up as they sat down on the bar stools.

"Yes, thought we could get in some practice before it all gets competitive in here," Fay replied.

"You shouldn't need any practice Fay; I hope you haven't lost your touch."

"Nah, she'll murder them," Sal added.

"I'm getting us two a drink Ruth; I'll write it on the pad," Fay said as she made her way around the bar and pulled out two beers from one of the fridges.

"No problem," Ruth shouted back.

They took their beers over to the back of the bar to take a look at the food that Ruth had laid out.

Ruth stood back, admiring her efforts. "Better than those meager sandwiches they serve at 'Charlie's' don't you think?"

"Much better Ruth." Fay and Ruth grinned at each other. "Right come on Sal, pool practice."
Fay laid out the balls and picked up a pool cue. "I'll break."

"Hey, give me a chance!" Sal exclaimed.

"It's just a practice. I'll make sure you pot some, don't worry," Fay assured her. She took a shot and potted three balls. "Oops. Here you'd better have a go." Sal picked up a cue and glared at Fay. "Just make sure you get your eye level down the cue and take your time." Sal went to take the shot. "Wait!" Fay shouted suddenly. Sal jumped and looked up at Fay with a frown. Fay gave her a sheepish look and redirected the end of the cue. "Sorry, you were off line."

"Hmm." Sal turned her attention back to the table and took the shot, potting the ball.

"There you go; told you you'd do it," Fay said triumphantly.

Sal put her hands on her hips. "Well that'll be just great...if they let you line up all the shots for me!"

Fay shrugged. "I just gave you a teeny bit of help." Sal looked deflated. "Okay, I'll go get more to drink and leave you in peace for a bit," Fay said, moving away.

Fay went back to the bar and found that a group of girls who worked at a huge hotel complex had entered and were sat chatting together. They turned when they saw her.

"Hi you lot, has Ruth got you lined up for pool as well then?"

A blonde girl with glasses answered. "She certainly has. We're going to do our best, aren't we girls?" The murmurs and shouts of general confirmation could be heard coming from the group.

"So is this going to be a regular thing then? I haven't seen you in here for ages Susie," Fay commented.

"I don't see why not, for as long as I can keep this lot interested. Until the summer starts getting busy anyway." Susie looked down at Fay's empty bottle and shouted across to Ruth. "Hey Ruth, can you get Fay a beer and put it on my tab please?"

Fay smiled. "Thanks Susie." She passed her the bottle and Fay held it up to hers to clink. "Here's to slaughtering 'Charlie's' tonight then."

Susie burst into laughter. "Yes but let's hope without too many fights breaking out!"

"Hmm, I'd better monitor Ruth's drinks then."

Susie grinned. "Well that's okay but who's going to monitor yours?"

"That's right Fay, you weren't too successful the last time you were supposed to keep me sober," another girl chipped in.

"Talk about an impossible task though Jo!" Fay came back.

"Well at least I made it home that night, where did you spend the night then Fay?"

"Where did you spend the night eh Fay?" She felt a pair of hands on her waist and turned her head to see two familiar, inquisitive, brown eyes staring down at her.

"Oh hello."

A smile played around Adam's mouth. "So?"

She tried to act casual. "At a friend's house of course."

"A likely story." Susie said, glancing at Adam with interest. Adam looked at Fay with a raised eyebrow and moved to the bar to order a drink.

Susie moved to speak into Fay's ear. "Who's he?"

"Oh he's just my new boss."

Susie's eyes widened. "Is he single then?"

Fay thought for a minute. "I think so."

"What you mean you don't know?" she replied incredulously.

"Well put it this way, I haven't seen any woman following him around."

"I shouldn't think it would take him long; he's gorgeous!"

Fay looked over at him then and a slight frown crossed her face. Then she gave a small laugh. "No, I don't think it will take him long; he's a bit of a flirt when it comes to women."

"Oh lord, how am I going to keep this lot under control?" Susie said looking at the group of girls.

"So, is this the other team then?" Adam asked Fay under his breath when he returned from the bar.

"No, believe it or not, these are part of our team. Seems that Ruth has been busy since we last saw her."

"Hey Fay, aren't you going to introduce us?" one of the girls shouted out.

Oh, she might have known Jen would pipe up!

Fay smiled at her. "Yes, everyone this is Adam, Adam...well everyone."
"I'm Jen," she said reaching past Fay and holding out her hand for him to shake. Fay watched as they shook hands and Adam turned to see a host of female eyes on him all at once.

He grinned. "So girls, who's good with a pool cue?"

Fay watched him with suspicion as the girls flirted with him. His eyes flicked to her then and he winked. She held his gaze.

Why did that make her feel good? And why was she looking at him, looking at them, looking at him? Did that even make any sense? Fay was losing it, she had to get a grip!

She turned away abruptly then and decided to find Sal, but Adam halted her with a touch on her arm.

"Where you running away to?"

She shrugged. "Just going to find Sal."

He frowned at the cold tone in her voice and followed her, grabbing her by the waist. "What's up partner?" She looked over her shoulder at him. "Pool partner, we're pool partners tonight," he explained.

"We are?"

"Of course." He moved to the side of her, putting his arm around her shoulder.

What was going through that head of hers now? She was so hot and cold; he couldn't work her out.

They found Sal still practicing pool and she turned to Fay when she saw them approaching. "I think I'm ready for a bit of a game now."

"Okay," Fay said simply, picking up a pool cue.

Adam leant across to speak to her. "Sure you remember the rules?"

"Just about."

"I could give you some guidance," he said, sliding his hand to her waist with a grin.

"No thanks, I'll manage."

Sal went first and dispersed the balls. Fay gave her an encouraging look and then leant over to take a shot, glaring back away from the table at Adam. He looked at her quizzically. She held his gaze as took the shot, potting the ball. His eyebrows rose in a look of surprise and she gave him a smug smile, moving around the table to take another shot. She potted the second ball and Sal called out, "No fair!"

Fay laughed then and handed Adam the cue. "Perhaps you should play with Sal for a bit, would give her more of a chance."

He narrowed his eyes at her. "You've been holding out on me."

She grinned and shrugged her shoulders.

Before long, Ruth had organized the teams and the competition began. 'The Wheelhouse' put Fay on first to encourage the rest of the people in her group. She won the game easily, receiving some hostile looks from the competing team. Then Susie played and their group began shouting out and cheering her on. There was great applause every time she potted a ball and the game came to a tense finish as they chased the black ball around the table for a couple of shots. Susie eventually potted it and the crowd jumped up and down with excitement.

As the games continued, the opposing team began to look more and more annoyed, particularly at the ease in which Fay could win a game. One of their team members approached Ruth, who was standing in the middle of a group in 'The wheelhouse' team.

"We think you have an unfair advantage."

Ruth looked up with a frown. "Why?"

"Come on, she can obviously beat anyone here," the woman said, pointing to Fay who grimaced.

"What do you want us to do about that?" Ruth replied.

"We think she should play with a disadvantage to give everyone else a fair go."

Ruth looked taken aback and Fay interrupted, "It's okay Ruth, I'll play at a disadvantage."

She became nervous at the sudden hostile atmosphere and the look on Ruth's face. Fay touched her arm and reassured her quietly. "It's okay."

Ruth turned suddenly then to the woman. "Fine, but we use Fay on the deciding game then."

"Fine," the woman said, moving away.

The last game was set up and Fay took the pool cue with a deep breath. Adam was standing beside her and he squeezed her arm, leaning over to whisper into her ear,

"Go get 'em champ."

She took the first shot but potted no balls, which was unusual for her.

Why was she so nervous? She had to calm down.

Her opponent followed and potted a ball.

He was good, damn!

He potted a further three balls and left the white ball behind a red, blocking her way. She looked over at the team nervously but they cheered her on and Adam gave her a smile, winking at her. She took the shot and managed to avoid the red ball, doing the best she could to put the white in an awkward position. Her opponent continued, to her dismay, potting the rest of his balls and leaving only the black. He went to shoot and she held her breath. He missed! The crowd cheered and got fiery looks from the opposition.

Right, she could do this now; she just had to stay calm.

She potted the first ball easily and lined up the white for her next shot.

She could get this one.

She potted it and began to relax a little, potting the next, and then the next ball. Finally there were no more yellow balls left on the table and she only needed to pot the black to win them the competition. She suddenly had a huge attack of nerves though as the pressure got to her. She surveyed the table and looked over at Sal and Adam, biting her lip. He smiled at her encouragingly and mouthed, "Go on." She leant down and took the shot, not daring to look at its path.

Suddenly the whole room seemed to explode into action as people cheered and jumped out of their seats. Adam ran over and flung his arms around her, lifting her off the floor and laughing. Ruth reached up and gave her a high five as she clung onto Adam's arms while they were jostled and jolted by the frenzied crowds. She eventually slid down him but her smile slowly faded away then as she felt every contour of his body move against hers. She stood motionless, staring straight ahead at his shirt collar, not daring to look at his face. He glanced down to see her cheeks flooding with colour and his pulse raced.

Look at me. Look at me Fay... Come on look at me... Damn, look at me! Damn! He put his mouth to her ear.

"Look at me Fay."

Her eyes slowly moved up to his and her face burned then at the expression she saw. She suddenly couldn't breath properly. He bent his head again to her ear.

"I want to kiss you right now, right here." She looked down, gasping for breath. He could feel her nails digging into his arms as she fought for control. Ah, god he wanted her! The crowd pushed them closer together and she put her forehead on his chest, closing her eyes as the feelings got even more intense. He slid his hand down her back and onto her behind, pulling their hips together and she let out a small moan into his shirt. He missed nothing of her reaction and he throbbed with need for her. His head fell on top of hers.

"Fay, oh God Fay."

She turned her head on his shirt; she wanted to be inside it. She had to stop this now. She put her hands on his chest and clenched them, willing herself to pull away. With immense effort, she pushed herself slowly backwards and he watched with utter frustration as she moved away and darted through the crowds.

chapter 18

Fay pushed her way through the crowds to the quieter end of the bar to give herself time to collect her thoughts.

She needed a drink, where was Ruth? Oh what the hell, she'd write it down.

Making her way around the bar, she went to grab a beer but then changed her mind and poured herself a large vodka and coke instead. She sat down on a bar stool and took a big gulp of her drink.

What was happening to her? This was getting out of control; she had to pull it together!

She was still tingling from Adam's touch and finding it hard to get enough air into her lungs. She took another gulp of her drink.

Okay so she was attracted to him, she couldn't really kid herself otherwise now, but it was a dangerous out of control attraction. He was not the kind of man you would want to get out of control with. Good god, he was trying his very best to charm her into his bed and it was bloody well working! He seemed so sweet though sometimes. Where the hell did that thought come from? She was spending too much time listening to Sal. Oh hell, she didn't know, maybe he was an okay kind of guy...or maybe he wasn't.

She ran her hands through her hair, pulling out the band. She was suddenly tired out with thinking so much.

"Hello sweetheart, what's up?"

She jumped and looked up to see Bill standing next to her. "Hi Bill, where have you been?"

"So did you murder the competition then?" he said, changing the subject. As he asked the question she noticed Adam approaching behind him.

Oh god, how would she deal with this?

"Yes, we thrashed them," she answered.

"Good girl," Bill said, putting an arm around her waist. Adam sat down the other side of her, a couple of bar stools away. She avoided looking over at him although she was painfully aware that he was there watching her.

"So, where have you been tonight then Bill?" she asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

He looked at her guiltily. "Watching football."

She pretended to look shocked. "You'd better start avoiding Ruth now then."

"Do you think I'll be in trouble?" he asked.

She laughed. "Trouble doesn't even begin to describe it."

He looked anxious.

"Tell you what, if she asks I'll say you were here at this end of the bar all along," she said with a wink.

"You're an angel Fay," he exclaimed, kissing her on the cheek.

How come he never got a reaction like that from her? She was so warm towards her friends. And why the hell was she constantly running away from him when they obviously had so much chemistry between them, and sending messages to Tim 'whatever his name was' who she felt nothing for? Women, he'd never understand them!

He watched her smiling and laughing with Bill.

She was such an enigma, and such a mixture of everything. Innocent and sweet, stubborn and strong willed and so bloody sexy sometimes. Sexy and passionate; god who'd have thought it? If she just let herself go once in a while. And now she was sitting over there trying her best to ignore him. Oh to hell with this!

Adam suddenly stood up, strode towards Fay and grabbed her hand, pulling her off her bar stool.
"Come on, they're playing team games over there and you're my partner remember?" he said, dragging her down the bar.

"But I was talking to Bill," she protested.

"He'll survive."

As they approached the pool table everyone cheered when they saw her and Susie bounded over, pushing a bottle of beer into her hand and patting her on the back.

"Well done champion!"

She laughed. "Thanks."

"You two want a game after us?" Susie offered.

"Sure," Adam replied, and then leant over to Fay. "I'll even let you win if you promise to be nice to me."

"Would I be anything else?" she replied innocently.

He leant closer, stroking her shoulder and whispering, "I might test that out later." Her expression turned wary. "Hey, don't look like that," he said.

"Like what?" she asked.

"You're frowning," he said, demonstrating, "You'll get wrinkles, and then I'll have to find someone else to chase after."

"Well there are plenty of women in here for you to choose from," she came back.

"Wow, you really know how to put a man down don't you?" he said more seriously. "You're exceptionally skilled at it; do you practice that a lot?" She looked uncomfortable so he gave her a smile and put his mouth near to her ear. "Well it doesn't matter anyway because I'll not be put off that easily. You can run as fast as you like Fay, I'll just run faster."

She frowned again. "Adam..."

He suddenly stood up then and went to get a drink to avoid her rebuff. When he came back she was about to begin a game of pool with Sal.

"Oh no you don't, she promised me the next game," he said, taking the pool cue off Sal and glaring at Fay. She glared back, rolled her eyes at him and took the first shot. She continued potting balls until she looked up to see Jennifer standing behind Adam with her hands on his arms, at which point she missed the ball she was aiming for.

She'd had enough!

She walked over to them and handed Jennifer the cue. "Here, you finish the game; I've played enough pool for today."

What the hell was wrong with her now? Bloody hell, he was trying his best. How much more obvious did he have to be about how she made him feel? She couldn't deny there was something between them now, not after what happened earlier. God he was so frustrated! Why did he want her so bloody much? He didn't normally have that much trouble with women. Maybe that was it, maybe it was all about the challenge. No but he genuinely liked her at times. Damn it, she couldn't just leave him like that tonight!

Fay stormed towards the exit and had just got through the door when she felt a sharp tug on her arm. She spun around to see Adam scowling down at her.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"Home, why?"

"My question exactly, what about our game of pool?"

"I never promised you a game of pool; I'm tired and I'm going home to bed."

"You so good at telling lies you'll convince yourself in a minute. So why leave in the middle of a game?"

She struggled to think of a reply.

"Go on, I'll give you some time to make up an answer," he said sarcastically.

Who the hell did he think he was?

"I don't have to explain myself to you."

"Oh yes you do, I'm your boss."

She laughed bitterly. "Oh I see, so that means that I have to go to bed with you does it?"

"Whatever you want Fay."

He was not getting her into bed; he was a complete bastard!

She gritted her teeth with anger. "Well I don't want that okay!" she emphasized in his face. He paused, looking her up and down which made her growl and turn to walk away.

"Oh yes you do!" he said, suddenly grabbing her arm again and pulling her back to him. "I've had enough of you running away from me madam." He put one hand on her back and the other behind her head, pulling it to him. She turned her head, avoiding his mouth and pushing him away.

"Listen to me will you, I don't want to go to bed with you!"

That was not the impression he got earlier! What now suddenly he wasn't good enough for her?

"What about when I do this," he said, grabbing her from behind and forcing her against him, "and this," he said, running hot kisses down her neck. "You were loving every minute of it in there," he growled into her ear.

She struggled to get away from him in panic at the rising sensations she was feeling. She had to put him off somehow.

"Oh really, you make me sick! I couldn't wait to get away from you Adam!"

He laughed loudly. "Oh, I've heard it all now! You want me to prove you wrong right here?"

How dare he! He had absolutely no right to be treating her like this!

She went to pull his hands away from behind her but he caught both of her wrists, holding them behind her back. She struggled in earnest then, crying out, "When will you get it into your head that I will never, ever sleep with you Adam!"

He looked down at her body as she stood there helplessly trapped against him. "Well, I've got nothing to lose now then have I?" With that he bent his head and pressed hard kisses across her shoulder, collarbone and downwards towards the opening of her shirt.

"Get off me!" she shouted.

Not until she admited what was between them. He was going to make her want him as much as he wanted her.

He ignored her plea but his kisses suddenly became lighter then as he moved to the edge of her bra, teasing her skin there. He could feel her breathing change and her blush spread down her body, even as far as where his lips were. He breathed in her perfume, which seemed to get more noticeable with the sudden heat of her body.

"You've been driving me crazy all night in these clothes. I couldn't keep my eyes off you."

She closed her eyes.

No, no, this couldn't be happening again! Don't give in to him. She didn't want him. She was angry with him. He was only saying all of that because he wanted sex.

"Let go of me or I'll scream," she finally warned.

He moved to the other side of her bra and continued the onslaught with his mouth there, murmuring into her skin, "You'll find it hard to scream with my lips on yours."

The thought of it suddenly excited him more and he began to nudge the edge of her bra aside with his mouth. Her breathing became ragged then and she was utterly distraught at her own inability to pull away from him.

"Please Adam, please stop." Her voice began to crack and she trembled with fear for her lack of control.

God no! She wanted him! She couldn't think!

"Adam, no. Please... please..." She could feel him edging further into her bra and she bent her head, her hair tumbling down over them. "No..." she whimpered. Suddenly she began to sob, overcome with emotion and fear. He cursed loudly then and pulled his head up to look at her face. She turned her head away, filled with humiliation and angry with herself for appearing to be so weak in front of him.

He spoke more gently after a few moments. "Don't turn away, look at me Fay," he said.. She focused on the floor, trying to stop the flow of tears. He took her face in his hands and lifted it up to look at him, wiping away her tears with his thumbs.

"I'm so, so sorry sweetheart. I didn't want it to be like this with us." She turned her eyes away from him and he began to feel panic then. Had he pushed her too far this time? Would she ever forgive him? "Fay... Fay, I'm sorry..." He put his head next to hers. "I just want to hold you, and kiss you Fay. Stop shaking. I'd never hurt you. I just want to make love to you."

When she heard that she suddenly pushed herself away. "It's never going to happen Adam," she said in a whisper, walking away from him.

He stood there for some time watching her walk around the corner and staying for a while longer, staring at the empty road. Then he raked his hand through his hair and turned towards the bar.

She was an idiot! How could she let him get to her like that? And to break out in tears too! There was no way this was happening again! No more socialising with him for a start, that's when things went wrong. From now on it was simply going to be a working relationship. She was not giving up the work though; she needed it. And anyway why should she?

As Fay stormed down the road her phone suddenly beeped. She took it out and read the message.

Fay, it's Adam. Will you let me know when you get home please? I just need to know that you got home safely.

She may, She may not. Let him suffer!

She contemplated her phone then and sent a message to Sal explaining that she was tired and that she would leave the key under the mat for her.

When she arrived home she went straight to bed. She was just falling asleep when her phone rang. She picked it up and checked the number. It was Adam's. She thought about not answering it but then reconsidered and took the call.


"Fay, it's Adam.

"Yes I'd gathered that, what do you want? I was almost asleep."

"Look I've already said sorry, would you like me to apologize again?"

"No, don't worry. It's forgotten."

"Right." He didn't sound convinced.

"Well I just wanted to check you'd got home okay."

"Yes I'm fine thanks."

"We should get some paperwork done tomorrow," he said, testing the water.

"Sure, what time would you like me in the office?"

"Oh, err... let's say sometime in the early afternoon." He sounded surprised.

"Fine, I'll be in for one. Bye."

She hung up and he looked at his mobile phone with a frown.

He didn't know which was worse, her being angry with him or that aloof act!

He put his phone away and ordered another whiskey in an attempt to drown out his thoughts.

Chapter 19

The next morning Fay left the flat early and went for a drive to avoid any questions from Sal. Parking by a deserted beach, she took a long stroll to clear her head and lay down on the sand staring up at the sky. She closed her eyes and tried to empty her head of thoughts as she listened to the calming sound of the waves and felt the sun warm her skin.

After a while she felt better and got up to leave the beach, driving to the office feeling more confident about facing Adam.

When she walked into the office Adam was making coffee and she was surprised, and pleased, to see Ann seated at one of the three desks.
"Hello Ann, I didn't know you worked here," Fay said warmly.
"Yes love, started last week. I'm surprised I haven't seen you sooner. Adam said that you were working for him," Ann replied.
"Oh I'm glad you're working here, I'll get to see more of you now," Fay said with a smile. Fantastic, someone she could talk to who would deflect from the so far disasterous interaction between herself and Adam.

"Would you like a coffee Fay," Adam asked. Her heart thudded at the sudden sound of his voice but she took a calming breath and put on an air of cool confidence. "No, I'm fine thanks. So what's on the agenda for today then?" she asked.
"Here, take this desk," he said gesturing to the desk next to Ann, "I need you to write up some details on those trips we discussed. Also, I was wondering if you speak any Greek."
"I speak a bit, why?"
"I've got to get some tax and IKA forms sorted out, do you think you could come with me to the offices? I may need some help if they don't speak any English."
"I'll come with you but my Greek isn't that good, I don't know enough to discuss all the specifics for those types of forms."
"That's okay, any help will do." He looked pleased.

She sat down at the desk and turned to the computer to begin typing up the trip details. It wasn't long after she had begun that she got lost in her work. She enjoyed writing about the trips and it came easily to her. The office was mostly quiet, apart from when the odd phone call came through on Ann or Adam's phone. After a couple of hours she had covered almost all of the details on the places they had visited a couple of days before. She was just finishing the last trip when she became aware of somebody entering the office. She looked up and frowned when she saw Jen enter. Jen stormed past Fay and Ann's desks and stopped in front of Adam, throwing something at him.
"Here, you left this at my place last night," she snarled.
Adam's face dropped and turned considerably paler as he picked up the watch that she had thrown into his lap. Jennifer did a sudden about turn then and stormed back out of the office, pausing briefly as she passed Fay to give her an angry glare.

Oh, she might have known it! So he got someone into bed in the end last night then! God Jennifer, why her? And what was she angry with Fay for anyway? Who cares, they were welcome to each other!

Adam stood up and strode into the adjacent storage room giving Ann the opportunity to speak to Fay.
"Looks like Jen's not happy with Adam," she whispered.
"I wonder why," Fay whispered back.

Adam came back into the room then and Ann quickly went back to her work. Fay looked across to his desk at him but he failed to look up as he busied himself with a printer. She watched him for a while and then went into her bag, taking out her mobile phone and typing in a message.

Do you know why Jen and Adam fell out?

Seconds later Ann's phone beeped and she picked it up to read the message. Seconds after that Fay's phone beeped and Adam looked up then, his eyes flitting from Ann to Fay suspiciously. Fay simply smiled at him and read the message.

Let him ask them to stop. He wouldn't because he was probably too embarrassed. Good!

Well you know me, not one for gossip, but I passed Susie by the hotel earlier and apparently Jen is fuming with Adam.

Ann was not the best person for details!

Okay, okay, I got that but why? Fay typed back.

Fay glanced across at Ann quizzically and waited until Adam had left the room again before sending the message.

I don't know if I should tell you this, Adam can't find out it came from me.

Fay looked at the message and groaned, typing in another reply.

Come on, come on, spit it out before Adam busts us.

The message was sent and was quickly replied.

Well Susie said that Adam got extremely drunk last night and ended up going back to Jen's place.

Fay was getting increasingly impatient with Ann's replies as she typed in yet another message to her.

I gathered that but why is she so angry with him? Was it just a one-night stand, is that why she's angry?

She hoped that her prompting would make Ann say more.

Not exactly, you aren't going to believe this but Jen told Susie that he had called out some other woman's name when they were in the throws of passion! Can you believe it?

Fay's heart began to race and she took a few moments to think of her next reply.

Oh my god!! How many women has he got on the go then?? And whose name did he call out? Anyone we know?

Fay prayed that Adam wouldn't come back into the room before she got to find out.

Oh yes it's definitely someone we know.

Her hand began to shake as she typed in the reply.

No way!! Who??

Fay pressed the button to read Ann's response.

You Fay! He called out your name! He's been watching you all afternoon too!

She read the message just as Adam re-entered the room and she almost dropped her phone with shock. He noticed her astounded look and froze. Their eyes locked and suddenly her face flooded with colour. Then both at the same time they abruptly turned away from each other and made a pretence at being busy with their work.

Chapter 20

Oh my god, did he really call her name out? Jen must have been fuming! It was quite flattering though. What was she thinking? It was scandalous!

She glanced up and to her consternation he was looking at her. She swallowed and held his gaze.

Did he know she knew?

Did she know?

A slow smile spread across his face and she looked down but couldn't help the smile that then spread across hers.

After a while she sensed him move away and she threw herself back into her work until she'd lost track of time once more.

"Come on, time we went to the tax offices before they close for the afternoon,"
Adam said, making her jump as he appeared in front of her desk.
"Okay, I've just about finished here anyway," she said casually.
She got up to leave and said goodbye to Ann who winked at her as she left.

There was an awkward silence in the car, which wasn't made any better when her phone beeped again. She took it out of her bag and checked the message. It was from Ann.

He's so infatuated with you!

She closed her phone suddenly and put it back into her bag. Adam looked across at her.
"You seem to be getting a lot of messages this afternoon," he observed.
She shrugged and then turned to him as an impetuous mood hit her. "So you and Jen, is there a new girlfriend on the scene then?"
He shot her a look. "No funnily enough there isn't"
"Ahh, have you had a falling out?" she said with mock sympathy.
"You know full well we have."
She shook her head. "And such a whirl wind romance too."
He looked at her suspiciously. "Fay, I hope you haven't been listening to any idol gossip."
"Adam, gossip finds everyone in this town eventually." She smiled to herself.
He narrowed his eyes at her. "You little minx! Do you make a habit of torturing men like this often?"
She shrugged.
"Well for what it's worth she got me horrendously drunk and seduced me," he sulked.
"Whatever you say Adam.... A likely story," she said under her breath.

They arrived at the tax office and followed an endless number of signs up a winding staircase.
"A word of warning, we still may be at the wrong office. They tend to send you on a wild goose chase in here," she informed him, walking up to the reception desk. "Thelo Afome parakalo," she asked the woman.
"Den ine edo," came the reply.
Fay frowned. "Pou ine?"
"Apo'do," the woman said, pointing in the general direction of the stairs. Fay looked back at her incredulously.
"Pou ine akravos?" she asked.
"Apo'do, apo'do," the woman said impatiently.
Fay turned to Adam. "Apparently it's back where we came from somewhere, don't ask me where because she won't tell me."
She looked back at the woman. "Den milo poli Elinika, milate Anglika?"
The woman tutted. "Ochi."
Fay glared at the woman and she eventually sighed, moving to an office behind.
"Okay, she may be finding someone who speaks English, or she may just be going for a coffee. Who knows?" Fay told Adam.
"Interesting system they have here," he said sarcastically.

The woman came back a couple of minutes later and motioned to the seats behind them.
"Peri meni ena lipto."
Fay sighed. "She wants us to wait."
They sat down and Adam glanced at her. "I thought you said you didn't speak much Greek."
"If I spoke a lot of Greek we wouldn't be sat here waiting for god knows what," she commented.
"Point taken," he said, crossing his arms and slipping down in his chair.

Twenty minutes later and still no one had approached them.
"You want to go ask her?" Fay suggested to Adam.
Adam looked at her in shock. "I don't speak a word of Greek!"
She grinned. "Well you've got to learn sometime, just say 'thelo afome'."
"You're kidding aren't you?"
"No Adam, come on repeat after me," she said teasing him, "Thelo."
"Thelo," he tried.
"Afome, Fay I'm not going over there. The woman gave you enough trouble and you speak some Greek."
"Come on Adam, you should be used to women giving you hell after this morning. Besides you just need to put on that charm of yours and she'll fall into your lap."
He put his arm over the back of her chair. "Why haven't you fallen into my lap yet then Fay?"
She shrugged. "I Guess I know you too well now."
He moved closer to her on the chair and watched her face as she stared straight ahead.
"Think I'll wait and see what happens."

His eyes continued to scrutinize her but she refused to look at him.

God he wished he knew what she was thinking.

He eventually gave up and leant back in the seat, resting his head against its back. Her eyes shot to him and he sensed it immediately looking back at her. She kept her eyes on him for a moment and then moved them away.

What was going through that head of hers?

He moved his hand down to the nape of her neck and tentatively played with the curls that fell there. She kept her head still but moved her eyes to his fingers and then back again. He wound his fingers through a curl for a while and then his hand dropped to her shoulder where he stroked the skin there. Her head turned to him then with a questioning look. He shrugged and dropped his hand.

"You don't know me as well as you think Fay."
She kept her gaze on the desk opposite. "Really?"
"You know why I ended up with her last night don't you?"
"Sure, I understand all about men's frustrations."
"Hey, it's nothing to do with that. And women have just as many frustrations Fay," he pointed out. He watched her profile. "Look I'm not the womaniser you make me out to be. I haven't been with a woman for a while."
"Well, you'll be all right for a bit then now, won't you?" she said sarcastically.
He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "I wanted to be with you, you know that. She wouldn't leave me alone."
"Well maybe you should have left her alone," she said suddenly turning her head to him.
"Why, are you jealous?" he asked suddenly.
"No, not in the least. It's none of my business who you sleep with," she replied casually.
He suddenly became impatient with her. "Are we going to continue with this awful tension? Because despite the mistakes I made I actually thought we were getting on really well."
Her eyes fell to the floor as she considered his comment.
"I know that we have only recently met but I feel I can trust you and that means a lot to me," he said with sincerity.
She could feel herself weakening then so she finally got up to speak to the woman behind the counter again.
"Downstairs! Fine," she growled at the woman.

"You're not going to believe this but after all that, she's told us to go downstairs, floor two. Why she couldn't have just said that in the first place beats me!"
Adam sighed and moved back out into the corridor. "Come on, lets take the lift," he said as the lift door opened and a couple walked out. They entered the lift, along with two more women who joined them. They began to descend but stopped on the fourth floor and the door opened to another group of people who pushed their way in.
"I don't think this lift will carry any more people," Adam said under his breath.
"I think you're right," she replied, looking up at him. He grinned down at her as two more people began to enter on the next floor and she was nudged towards him.
"Fate is conspiring against you today Fay, you're going to have to get closer to me."
She rolled her eyes and he laughed, putting his hand on her back and moving her towards him to make more space.
"It's not that bad is it?" he asked.
"I just hope to god no one else gets in!" she replied wryly.
He grinned. "Don't go taking advantage of me now Fay, I'm only a weak willed man remember," he said teasing her.
"Ha, very funny."
His eyes flitted over her face and he bent his head to her ear. "Of course if you can't resist, what's a man to do?" His lips brushed her ear as he spoke.

Suddenly they noticed that the lift was emptying and Fay went to move out but realized as she did that they had gone past their stop to the ground floor.

Oh good grief!

She pressed the button for the second floor again.
"We've gone past haven't we," came Adam's voice behind her.
She stood facing the door, trying not to laugh. Adam on the other hand laughed loudly.

This is ridiculous!

She put her head down, barely stopping the laughter that was building up inside her.
"You're laughing aren't you?" he said, trying to get a glimpse of her expression.
"No," she managed to get out.
He caught her by the waist and turned her around to see the smile on her face.
"It's you distracting me again!" he chuckled as he began to tickle her in the ribs. She burst into laughter then and tried to get his hands away.
"Don't do that, I have very sensitive sides!" she howled.
"And that information is supposed to make me stop is it?" he grinned, tickling her more.
She grabbed hold of his hands and held them at arm's length.
"Come on, no fair!"

He watched her smiling and panting for breath.

He hoped she was okay with him now. No more arguments from then on.

They got off at the second floor and once again Fay asked a woman at the front desk where they needed to be. The woman was a little more helpful this time and she pointed to a long queue of people at the other end of the room. They both looked at the queue with disdain but moved to join it nonetheless.
"Fay, you didn't tell me it was going to be this torturous, perhaps we should have put aside a whole day!"
"For future reference, all offices run like this. You probably won't even get much sorted out today but you'll be one step closer in the long, long process you'll have to go through."
His eyes widened. "Good god, it sounds horrendous!"
She patted his arm. "It's okay, I'm here to give you my best expert tips on how to get the most done in one visit."
He looked down at her hand on his arm with a smile and then suddenly grabbed it, putting her arm through his.
"You won't leave me here alone will you?"
She giggled. "By the way what time is it?"
He looked at his watch. "Five to two, why?"
"Errr... well... I hate to tell you this but they close at two."
He looked a little shocked for a moment. "Yes but surely they will see everyone in the queue first. Won't they?"
She gave him a doubtful look and gestured with her eyes towards the line, which was now beginning to look more like a crowd as people gave up queuing and began pushing to the front.
Adam sprung into action. "Come on Fay, we've got to beat them to it!"

He pushed her in front of him and urged her forward with his hands on her waist.
"Adam, we can't just push past like this."
"Why not? They are. Looks like it's survival of the fittest in here. Here, get into that space." They weaved past some more people and slotted into a gap further down the queue. "Look there's an old lady over there, I'm sure we could get past her."
She looked back at him with a shocked expression. "Adam!"
He laughed. "I'm only joking, but if we can get that far we'll let her go first."
"Are you serious?"
"Deadly serious," he said aiming for the woman and getting a few angry glares on the way.
"Oh no, the man is preparing to shut," she exclaimed.
"Oh hell, dive for it Fay!"
She laughed backwards at him and shook her head. "You know that we aren't going to make it don't you?"
"Don't give up now!" he said desperately.

They finally only had two people between themselves and the counter when the man put a closed sign on the desk and walked away. She turned around to look at him.
"Well that was a very good example of what usually happens in a tax office. It's a good learning experience," she laughed.
He put his hand over her shoulder and turned them back towards the exit.
"And we were so close too!"

Chapter 21

Fay and Adam walked out of the tax office into the sunshine and Fay turned to Adam.
"Well, if there's nothing else you want me to do today I think I'll walk home from here."

He could think of something else they could do that day!

"No there's nothing else, but I'll give you a lift home though if you like," he offered.
"That's okay, I'll enjoy the walk. Do you need me at work tomorrow?" she asked.
"I have someone visiting me in the morning but I thought we could go and see some more places for trips in the afternoon, about two o clock?"
"Okay," she replied.
"I'll phone you tomorrow to confirm though," he added.
"No problem. See you tomorrow," she said as she walked away.

When she got back to her apartment she opened the door and expected to see Sal flaked out on the sofa but instead she got a note on the kitchen worktop.

Gone to 'Thea' for a meze, join us down there.

She'd only just got back! She would go later if they were still there.

Fay lay down on the sofa and turned the television on. There were the usual daytime Greek soaps on but she flicked channels in the vague hope of finding something decent to watch. Throwing the remote control down in disgust she lay there and her mind started to wander. She jumped up suddenly then and went to take a shower and change.

She was not sitting there all day thinking about him!

She changed into a pair of beige shorts and a strappy black top, grabbed her shades and bag and left the flat.

Turning out of her road she made her way down the hill where she eventually reached the row of taxis that always parked leading into the town centre. The road there was quite narrow and she had to weave around the taxis as the pavement suddenly became impossibly steep and uneven to walk on. A couple of the cars had the drivers sitting inside and they watched as she passed them. Then she reached the end of the row and she suddenly regretted walking that way as a whole group of taxi drivers were gossiping near to the first car in the row. She kept her eyes straight ahead but wasn't surprised when she began to hear comments being thrown in her direction. She started to walk faster but the comments became louder until she reached another road to cross and had to wait for a car to pass, at which point the men began to whistle and applaud her.

Why did men feel the need to do that? Did they really think that she was impressed?

Eventually she got across the road and made for the high street with the faint sound of shouting still audible behind her.

"Hi Fay, where you off to?" came a voice out of nowhere.
She looked up to see Penny from the pastry shop leaning on the counter which looked out onto the street.
"Hello, how are you? Just going to meet my friend Sal, she's moved over here to live now," Fay smiled up at penny.
"I haven't met her have I?" Penny asked.
"No I don't think so but I'm sure you will. I'll tell her to drop by and sample some of your lovely pastries," Fay said as she began to walk away.
"Cheers darling, bye," Penny called after her.
Fay waved over her shoulder and headed for the coast road.

At last she approached 'Thea' and she saw Sal sitting in a group.
Sal looked up and waved when she saw her. "You took ages!"
"Well I had to change and I got harassed by the taxi drivers on the way too. See what I went through to get down here," Fay exclaimed, noticing the jugs of wine and snacks on the table.
"Never mind, come here and sit next to me," Pat said, "Pass her some wine Ann."
Pat pulled a chair up for Fay and Ann poured her a glass of wine from the large carafe in the middle of the table.
"Cheers girls," Fay said, holding up her glass.
"Everyone has to clink or it's bad luck," Sal piped up.
"You and your superstitions Sal," Fay tutted.
They all clinked.

Pat sat back in her chair and lifted her face to the sun. "I love this time of year, the tourists will be here soon too and all the bars and shops will open, I can't wait."
"Yeah, it's weird though because at the end of the season everyone can't wait for the quietness of the winter and now we're all looking forward to the chaos of the summer again," Fay pointed out as she took a sip of her wine. She frowned and held up her glass to look at its contents. "Wow, that's a bit potent!"
"It's the good old village wine. Cheep as chips but you may have to fish out the odd fly or two," Ruth said as Fay took another sip.
"Err," Fay cringed, looking down into her glass with trepidation.
"See anything?" Ruth asked. They all peered into Fay's glass.
"No, thank god."
"There's still time... and more wine," Pat pointed out.
"Ah well, it all adds to the taste," Ruth laughed, taking a sip from her glass.

"So what's the latest gossip then girls?" Ruth asked with excitement.
"No gossip Pat," Fay said absent mindedly as she relaxed in her seat.
"That's not what I've heard Fay." Ruth winked at her from across the table.
"What exactly do you mean by that?" Fay said tensing.
Ruth grinned. "Isn't there a budding romance going on somewhere?"
Fay made a pretence at innocence. "I don't know, is there?"
"I think there is," Ruth nodded.

Oh no, here we go!

"Really, and who might this romance be between?"
Ruth looked smugly at Fay. "Well I think it involves a certain newcomer to town."
"Yes, and?" Fay pushed her.
"And a woman that works with him."
She gave a fake look of surprise. "Ann, are you involved in a romance with Adam?"
Ann's eyes widened. "No I'm not! You cheeky madam, you know what she means."
Fay sighed and spoke firmly. "Look, let me make this very clear to everyone here, and you can pass this information on to anyone who has been misinformed, me and Adam are not romantically involved, okay?"
Ruth didn't look convinced. "I think she protests too much, what do you think girls?"
There were general nods of agreement.
"I've seen the way he was looking at you in the office," Ann said.
"Yes, and I've seen the way you both looked at each other in the bar," Ruth pointed out.
"I've seen that too in her apartment," Sal added.
"There you go that's three people who have picked up on the sizzling atmosphere between you two," Ruth concluded. Fay gave them a haughty look and turned her head away to look at the beach next to them.
"You know what your problem is Fay?" Ruth began.
She turned back. "No Ruth, what is my problem?"
"You always go for the safe men."
"Yes, the men you can either take or leave, those you aren't that bothered about. But then someone like Adam comes along who sends your emotions into chaos and you run like the wind."
"That's very philosophical of you Ruth," Fay laughed.
She gave a satisfied smile. "Yes, I surprise myself sometimes."
Sal looked up suddenly then. "Why don't we invite him down?"
"No!" Fay exclaimed.
Ruth, Ann and Pat grinned.
"Why not Fay? If like you say there's nothing between you, then why are you bothered?" Sal put to her.
Fay wracked her brains to come up with an excuse. "I'm not, it's just that he's probably busy."
Sal was not put off. "Well why don't you send him a message and find out?"
"I'm not inviting him down and that's that, now can we change the subject?"
"Oh stop being so touchy and have some more wine," Pat said, refilling her glass.

Several glasses of wine later and the carafe was empty.
"Fay, go and order some more wine will you?" Ruth asked.
Fay sighed and got up reluctantly. "Okay, I guess it's my turn."
She walked across the road to the café's inside and Ruth sat up suddenly in her seat.
"Here Pat, pass me Fay's bag quickly will you?"
"Oooh, what are you up to? You know Fay will kill you," she said, passing it over.
"It's for her own good." Ruth fished in her bag, pulled out Fay's mobile phone, typed in a quick message, sent it and put the phone back. "Here, the bag quick before she comes out."
"Did you just invite Adam?" Sal asked with excitement.
"No, Fay did," Ruth said laughing.
"Boy, you're going to be in trouble!"

Chapter 22

Fay came back to the table carrying another large carafe of wine and a plate of food.
"He gave us some meze goodies on the house, dig in," she said placing the plate in front of them.
They all helped themselves from the plate of meat, cheese, chips and pita bread and Fay filled up their glasses, holding hers up to clink.
"Cheers... I know, I know, everyone has to clink or it's bad luck." She rolled her eyes.
Sal gave a nod of her head. "Precisely."
"This wine is starting to go to my head, think I'd better slow down a bit," Fay said, putting her glass down.
"Nah," Sal, Ruth, Ann and Pat giggled.
"Oh lord, you're all half way drunk already!" Fay observed.
"I think the word is jolly," Sal corrected her.
"Yep, jolly drunk!" fay joked.
They all fell about laughing.

Sal suddenly got that overly excited look on her face and sat bolt upright on her chair. "I know, let's play truth or dare."
"Oh no, please," Fay said, putting her head in her hands.
Ruth looked impressed with Sal's suggestion. "Great idea. I'll start with Fay."
Fay looked wryly across the table. "How did I know that was coming Ruth?"
Ruth ignored Fay and continued. "Right, I'll give you an easy one to start with. What's your most embarrassing experience?"
Fay thought for a bit. "Well I have a few to choose from but here's one that springs to mind. I was walking into town one day and Georgos from 'Shots Bar' used to go past that way a lot before he moved house, so he would often stop to give me a lift. Now he has a black BMW, you must have seen it because there aren't many like it in Agios Nikolaos. Anyway, on this particular day the black BMW went past just as I was coming to the corner of a road and it went to turn but then stopped. I got in assuming that he was offering me a lift only..."
"What, what?" they chorused.
Fay cringed. "Err, it wasn't Georgos. It was a complete stranger!" They all broke into hysterical laughter. "He gave me a very strange look so I just smiled and got out!"
"He probably thought his luck was in!" Ann said, wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes.
Fay briefly covered her head with her hands but when she looked at them again she was recovered and ready to get her own back.
"Okay, your turn now Ruth." Fay gave her a wicked look. "If you had to kiss anyone in the bar, who would it be?"
Ruth glared at her. "Thanks Fay. Well if I had to, hell I'd go for Adam."
"Me too," Sal said enthusiastically.
"Me three," Pat added.
Fay wasn't pleased with their responses. "Okay, okay, but I don't think that Ruth is telling the truth anyway, are you Ruth?" Ruth glared again. "Okay, maybe you were," Fay said, backing down at the look on Ruth's face.
Pat turned to Sal. "Your turn now then." She was ready with a question. "What was the worst thing you did at school?"
Sal didn't take long to answer. "Err... got thrown out of an exam."
Pat's eyes widened. "Why?"
"They told me I was causing a distraction."
"Come on then, what did you do?" Ruth asked, not at all surprised.
"I threw a paper aeroplane with a note in it at a boy I fancied." Sal looked pleased with herself.
"What did the note say?" Ann laughed.
Sal shrugged. "Can't really remember, something like 'meet me after school'."
"Ooooh!" They all pretended to look shocked but Sal had better questions up her sleave.
"Okay, your turn Pat. Who in town have you fantasized about sleeping with?"
"Sal! I can't answer that," Pat exclaimed.
"So you have then!" Ruth deduced.
"You have to answer it or do the dare," Sal warned.
Pat was defiant. "Okay, I'll do the dare."
Sal thought and glanced around her for inspiration. She giggled. "Right, see that bowl of oranges on the table in the taverna behind you?"
They all turned to look.
"Yes," Pat said suspiciously.
"You have to pick up some oranges and go up to that couple at that table over there and juggle, singing Robbie Williams, 'Let Me Entertain You.'"
Everyone but Pat laughed loudly.
"You're kidding."
Ruth smiled. "No. Good one Sal."
"I can't believe I'm going to do this," Pat said rising from her chair.
"Oh my god, she is as well," Sal giggled.

Pat picked up three oranges and went to stand in front of the couple who looked up at her in surprise. Then she started to juggle and sing, but she dropped the oranges and one landed on the table, rolling into the man's dinner. She apologized, picked up the oranges, put them back and ran, with the couple staring after her in bewilderment.
"Whose idea was it to play this game?" Pat asked, taking her seat again and turning her back to the taverna next to them.
"Sal's. Well done Pat, need to improve your juggling skills though!" Ruth teased.
"Ha, ha, anyway now it's Ann's go," Pat reminded them.
"Oh no, be nice to me please!"
Pat found it difficult to be nasty to Ann so she gave her a fairly easy question to answer. "What's the worst lie you have ever told?"
Ann thought for a while. "I told someone that I didn't love them, but I did and they left me." She gave them a crestfallen look.
"Ahh, that's really sad!" Sal said.
Pat turned to Fay. "Yes, there's a lesson to be learnt there."
"I've never done that!" Fay said defensively.
"You know what I mean, anyway your turn again," Ann said.
"I'll ask Fay's question," Ruth exclaimed suddenly, throwing Fay a challenging look.

Oh hell, she was going to give her a bad one for revenge.

"Has Adam tried to kiss you? And I want you to give details," Ruth stressed.
Fay's eyes widened. "No way! That's not fair!"
"Yes it is, I had to juggle oranges remember!" Pat added.
"No, I'm going to have to do the dare," Fay stated decisively.
"Any ideas?" Ruth asked the group.
"I have," Sal said with excitement.
"Go on then what?" Fay was reluctant.
"You have to sit under the table drinking your wine until someone else has to do a dare."
Fay rolled her eyes. "Thank you for that Sal."
"Go on then," Sal urged.
Fay tutted and picked up her glass, ducking under the table and sitting cross-legged on the floor.
"I feel completely ridiculous," she shouted out.
"Good," Ruth chuckled.

They continued to play but the next two people answered their questions.
"Any chance of me getting up anytime soon?" Fay shouted.
"Not yet," Ruth shouted back.
They all laughed and bent their heads to see Fay muttering to herself.
"Right whose turn now?" Pat asked.
"Oh my god!" Sal's attention was no longer on the people around the table
"What?" the girls asked.
Sal pointed across the road to Adam who was fast approaching. Ruth waved and gestured to him. As he got nearer she put her finger to her lips to indicate for him to be quiet.
He looked bemused and whispered, "What's wrong?"
Ruth pointed under the table and mouthed, "Fay."

Oblivious to what was happening above the table, Fay chose that time to shout out again. "I've run out of wine here now, can someone pass me some more?"
Adam stifled a laugh and poured another glass, crouching down. "Here, but I think you should probably slow down."
Her head shot up. "Adam!"
"Hi sweetheart, you having fun down there?"

Chapter 23

"Err..." Fay grimaced at the sight of Adam. "They made me do it! Can I come out now," she called.
"Okay, we'll let you off," Sal replied.

Adam grinned at Fay and held out his hand, helping her up. They took a seat and she frowned at him.
"Where did you come from anyway?"
"Err, Fay you've got a message on your phone," Sal said, passing it to her by way of an explanation.
She looked quizzical and read the message.

Ooh, very keen all of a sudden! I'll be down right away.

She looked up from her phone with a shocked expression before glaring at the girls.
Adam watched and then broke the silence. "So what are you lot up to then?"
"We're playing truth or dare," Sal supplied.
Adam looked interested. "I see, so what question did Fay fail to answer?"
Fay's eyes widened and she kicked Sal under the table as she went to answer him.
"Would you do us a favour and order another carafe of wine Adam? Just put it on our tab," Fay said, handing him the empty carafe and making an attempt at changing the conversation.

She didn't want him to know. He would find out later.

He smiled, took the carafe and made for the café.

As soon as he was out of sight Fay dived on the mobile phone he had left on the table and searched through his messages. The girls looked sheepish. She found one sent by her phone and opened it.

I'm at Thea; it's by the beach near the marina. Would love it if you joined me. I'll be waiting for you. Fay.

She put the phone back on the table and growled at them. "You're all dead!"
Ruth suddenly reached out for the phone again then and went back into the messages. "I wonder what other messages he's got."
"Ruth! You can't do that, put it down before he comes back!" Fay said in a panic. She went to grab the phone but Ruth held it out of her reach.
"Oh my, there's one here from Jen the little hussie," she exclaimed.
"No way, read it out quick," Ann urged.
"You're not going to believe this, it says 'sorry about earlier. For what it's worth you were fantastic last night. Why don't you forget Fay and come around here so we can properly make up.'"
Fay put her hand over her face, saying in a muffled voice, "Please put the phone down," she took her hand away and added, "and if anyone embarrasses me I'm going to be really, really angry, got it?"

Adam came back to the table soon afterwards and put the carafe down, taking a seat next to Fay.
Fay contemplated what to say to him. "You'll have to excuse the girls, they have had rather a lot of wine and they've started playing silly games, you know stealing each others phones and sending strange messages."

He should get the message from that.

Adam looked at her wryly. "Fay, it's okay, I knew the message wasn't sent by you."
Her reply was instinctive. "Too right it wasn't!" She paused then with a frown. "How did you know anyway?"
"Well A you wouldn't have invited me out in the first place and B, if you did, you sure as hell wouldn't have been that enthusiastic about it!"
"Hey, I can be enthusiastic about things!" she defended herself.
He looked unconvinced. "Go on then Fay, be enthusiastic."
She looked startled. "About what?"
The girls looked on with excitement.
"About him, go on Fay, tell him something that you like about him," Sal cut in.
Fay's frown deepened. "Do I have to?"
"That's not very enthusiastic at all!" Ruth exclaimed.
"Okay, okay." She turned to look at him and his eyes searched hers with interest. "Err..." She struggled to get the words out.
"I think I should be mortally wounded that you have to think so hard," Adam exclaimed.
" have quite nice eyes I guess," she finished quickly.
A smile crept across his face and his eyes clung to hers. She kept his gaze for as long as she could but then caved in at his scrutiny and looked to her wine glass, picking it up and taking a gulp. He laughed and continued watching her.

Pat suddenly looked up then as a thought hit her. "Right one more truth or dare but this time it's for Adam, since he joined us late."
Fay looked mortified.
"Go on then, but whatever question you ask I warn you I'll answer it because I'm not sitting under the table!" Adam replied.

Oh no Pat, please don't say anything embarrassing!

"Who was the first girl you kissed? We also want specifics."
He smiled, ready with an answer. "Okay, her name was Millie and she had long, blonde hair which she wore in a pony tail. She used to walk past the window of my form room a lot and she was always wearing a gym skirt because she played netball for the school team. I used to find ways of bumping into her but I didn't speak to her for months because I couldn't work up the courage..."
Fay's eyes softened as she listened to him. "That's a surprise, you're certainly not shy with women now!" she said.
"Well I was then, especially with her. So one day I was sitting on the grass by the school field and she was yards away chatting with a friend when she suddenly came up to me and sat down. I couldn't believe my luck! She said that she had noticed me around, she asked my name and we chatted for some time. Then she lay down on the grass next to me and I bent over and kissed her."
The girls were watching him, engrossed.
"Wow, that's so sweet!" Ann said, looking all misty eyed at him.
"Well yes it was fantastic to start with but then it all went a bit wrong."
Ann's face dropped. "Oh no, why?"
"I got a bit carried away and she ended up slapping me around the face and storming off," he explained. They all laughed. "You'd have thought I'd have learnt a lesson from that day but I still get women slapping me across the face," he said, glancing sideways at Fay.
She smiled and looked to the floor.

"Hey, we need another carafe!" Sal observed.
"Good grief that went quickly!" Fay said with surprise.
"Go on Fay, go and get one," Ruth urged.
"It can't be my turn again!"
"Yes, it is, isn't it girls," Sal said, looking around the table for confirmation.
They all nodded and Fay looked confused but the wine was making it difficult for her to think back.
"I don't think I'll make it over there," she said laughing, "Someone else go."
"No, we won't it's your turn," Sal insisted, wondering what plan Ruth had come up with now.
"Ah, come on. Adam will you go for me?" she said with a hopeful expression.
"Sorry, you're on your own." He seemed amused.
She looked at him with puppy dog eyes. "Oh go on, please."
He shook his head.
She thought for a moment. "I'll wear my gym skirt for you."
His eyebrows shot up. "You have one?"
"Well no but..."
"No deal then." He folded his arms.
She thought again. "I'll be ever so, ever so grateful."
She had his attention. "Hmm, how grateful?"
She sighed. "Err, well...I'll give you a kiss," she said, feeling impetuous.
He shot out of his chair. "I'll be right back!"
"On the cheek!" she shouted after him.

He looked back and rolled his eyes at her. "Guess I'll have too take what I can get!"

"He's gorgeous! I don't know how you can resist him Fay," Pat said, watching him go.
"I've got a lot of willpower," Fay replied.
"You must have. At least kiss him on the lips," Pat appealed to her.
"I will not!"
"I know I would," Sal said.
"Well you can Sal but I'm not, he's my boss remember and I have to face him every day at work!" Fay exclaimed.

Adam came back, put the carafe down and pointed to his cheek. Fay bit her lip and slowly leant over to him. She was inches from his cheek when he suddenly turned his head, bringing his lips in front of hers. She stopped just in time and pulled her head back.
"Hey that's cheating." She moved her head quickly then and briefly kissed his cheek.
"Kill joy!" Sal shouted out. Sal grinned then and turned to Adam. "I'd be ever so, ever so grateful if you'd refill my glass for me Adam," she said, making fun of Fay who narrowed her eyes at her.
"How grateful?" he asked again.
"I'll give you a kiss," she grinned.
"On the cheek?"
"Hell no!" she laughed.

He refilled Sal's glass and she leant over, kissing him quickly on the lips. All the girls cheered and Fay burst into laughter. Sal sat back in her chair and did an impression of a swoon and Adam looked over at Fay.
"See, why couldn't you do that?" he asked.
She suddenly felt mischievous. "You never know, one day I might surprise you," she replied.
He leant forward and whispered in her ear, fondling her hair as he did so. "I'll wait with bated breath. Only you won't get off as easily as Sal...once I get my lips on you." He watched the heat rise in her cheeks and smiled a long, knowing smile.

Suddenly Adam's phone rang and he looked towards it with surprise, picking it up and checking the number.
"I have to take this, I'll not be long though. Don't get up to too much mischief while I'm away girls," he said, standing up and walking away from the table towards the beach. As soon as he was out of earshot Ruth turned to Fay.
"So when are you going to admit that you are attracted to Adam then?" she asked.
Fay frowned. "Oh, leave me alone! I'm not admitting any such thing Ruth."
"Come on, what was all that that happened just now then?"
"What?" She feigned innocence.
"You know," Pat added, "you went bright red!"
"Hey he made me blush, it's not my fault!"
"Right, but there's only one reason why someone blushes like that," Ruth pointed out.
Fay laughed and put her head on the table, hiding her face and mumbling, "please don't tell me, I don't want to know."
They all grinned.
"You know Fay. Come on we want an admission," Ruth pushed.
"Go away, I'm not talking to you lot anymore if you're going to pick on me." She looked up and glanced nervously towards Adam who was standing looking out towards the beach. "Let's talk about something else."
Ruth shook her head. "No you don't get off that easily. What could have made her blush so much I wonder?" she asked the girls.
"I know, she was having sinful thoughts about him," Sal exclaimed.
"That's right, admit it Fay, that you were having sinful thoughts about kissing him and ripping his shirt off," Ruth grinned.
Fay laughed and shook her head at them.
"Oh my, she's blushing again!" Pat observed. "You were weren't you?"
Fay covered her face with her hands. "Stop it, stop it will you?"
"Not until you admit it," Ruth insisted.
Fay glared at them but blused furiously at the same time."You're evil, all of you!"
They watched her with expectation.
"Okay, okay...I might have been thinking something like that, satisfied now?"
"I knew it!" Ruth exclaimed.
"Please shut up about it now though," she implored them.
"Okay, we'll change the subject now, fill the glasses up Pat," Ruth said, reaching for her mobile phone under the table and surreptitiously typing in a message.

Adam finished the call and looked at his phone to see a waiting message there which he opened and read.

It's only because you're a nice guy that I'm telling you this but it's just taken us the past fifteen minutes to get Fay to admit that she was fantasising about kissing you and ripping your shirt off! Ruth

He grinned and laughed, looking back at them.

"I'm not having any more wine I need water," Fay said, covering her glass as Pat went to refill it.
They glared at her and she took her hand away but added, "I'll not drink it, I'm getting water."
"Yes, yes, whatever you say Fay."

Adam sat back at the table then, fixing his eyes on Fay with a grin. She looked at him suspiciously. "What?"
He shook his head. Then he turned to Ruth. "So what did she really say then?"
Fay looked at Ruth with a frown.
Ruth replied, "Fay, I thought you said that you were going to get some water."
Fay narrowed her eyes. "No, I'm okay for a bit."
"No, I really think you will want to get some water right now," Ruth insisted.
Fay looked torn.

What had they been saying? This was a nightmare! Okay but he didn't believe them anyway so let them have their fun; she didn't need to hear it.

"Fine, I'll go and get some water," she grated out, getting up and glaring at Ruth over her shoulder.

As soon as Fay was gone, Ruth addressed Adam. "Okay, she didn't say that exactly but she did say, and quote, 'I might have been thinking something like that.' That's as good as a confession from Fay!"
He looked surprised and smiled slowly. "Good work girls, now the question is, how are you going to get her to actually do it?"
Ruth laughed. "We're not miracle workers! You could try supplying her with another ten glasses of wine, but then she'd probably just collapse on the floor before she got around to ripping your shirt off. She's a bit stubborn is that one."

Tell me about it!

When Fay returned to the table she was wearing a frown and she took her seat, crossing her arms and looking at Ruth with annoyance. Ruth grimaced and turned to chat to the other girls. Adam watched Fay and after a while he sighed, grabbed hold of her chair and turned it around to face him. She turned to him in shock as he bent closer to talk to her, resting his arms on her legs.
"Hey madam, where's that smile gone? Look, I know what's between us anyway; I'm not blind! And I also know how you feel about that at the moment. I got that message loud and clear, so I'll not push it Fay. Just relax."
She looked uncertain.
"Come on I want to see a smile."
Slowly, of its own accord a smile crept across her face. He smiled in response, winked, briefly touched her cheek and then moved back.

Chapter 24

"So who was the phone call from then Adam?" Sal asked, taking a bite out of a chunk of cheese.
"It was my business partner in the U.K, well I've known him for years so you could say that we're old friends. He's flying over tonight as a matter of fact, he was phoning me from the airport."
They all looked intrigued.
"So what's his name and is he single?" Sal said enthusiastically.
"Don't hold back Sal!" Fay laughed.
"His name is Tom and yes he is single, never found anyone who could pin him down for long enough."
Sal grinned. "Is he good looking?"
"I don't really know, haven't ever thought of him like that but I have heard women say so I guess."
Sal's grin widened.
"Be careful with him though, he's a wolf in sheep's clothing as far as women are concerned."
"Arr, really?" she looked disappointed.
"Well put it this way, I wouldn't let my little sister near him."
Ann looked up then with interest. "I didn't know you had one."
He nodded. "Yes, I've got three."
"Three sisters! Oh my gosh, what was that like?" Ann asked.
Fay picked up her wine glass again then and began to sip from it, listening to him intently.
"Pretty damn frustrating in the morning trying to get into the bathroom before going to school, that's for sure!" he laughed.
They chuckled.
"How old are they? What are their names?" Ann inquired enthusiastically.
"Well my older sister is called Gillian and she is thirty three, then my two younger sisters are Emily, who is twenty eight and Katy who is twenty two."
"Do you get on with them well?" Ann asked.
"I sometimes argue with my older sister, she thinks I should be a bit more practical like her but we make up pretty soon afterwards. My youngest sister can wrap me around her little finger and she knows it, and Emily... we are very close, always have been."
"Ahh, that's nice," Ann sighed.

Sal suddenly pushed her glass away from her then. "I'm feeling dizzy, what's wrong with me?"
Fay looked at her and giggled. "You're drunk Sal."
She giggled back. "So are you."
"I am not," she said indignantly, "I've only had," she held up her hand and counted her fingers, "three."
Pat, Ruth and Ann fell about laughing.
"Yes, that's right actually she has had three...three carafes!" Pat howled.
Fay reached across and slapped her on the arm. "Nobody can drink three carafes, that's impossible silly."
"Looks like we're setting a new record!" Pat boasted, patting Fay on her hand.

Sal abruptly stood up then. "I'm going swimming to sober up."
Fay reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her back into her seat. "No you're not! You'll probably get swept away or something and then we'll never see you again. Besides, the water will be freezing at this time of year."
"Oh I don't know, it wasn't that bad when we went to the beach Fay," Adam interjected mischievously.
The girls all turned their heads to Fay with questioning looks.
"I never went swimming!" she exclaimed defensively.
"I might have known it, you're such a stick in the mud sometimes Fay," Sal turned to Adam, "I knew she'd never have gone swimming with you."
"In that case," he said standing up and grabbing Fay's arm, "we'd better put that right then hadn't we."
"Adam! Adam, what are you doing?" Fay shouted in panic.
She looked up at him in horror as he scooped one arm around her waist and the other under her knees, lifting her off the chair and heading towards the beach. She glanced back at the girls imploringly but they simply cheered and waved.

"Adam, please don't tell me that you're going to do what I think you're going to do."
"What's that?"
"Throw me in the sea."
"Right first time," he said grinning down at her.
"Adam! Don't be ridiculous, come on put me down."
He continued to grin, ignoring her and getting ever closer to the water.
"Why are you doing this?" she asked.
"Oh, this is payback for cheating me out of a kiss earlier!" he replied.
"Look, you can't drop me in the sea with these clothes on!"
His grin widened. "Well I can soon put that right too."
Her eyes widened. "Okay, okay clothes are good!"
He laughed at her look of panic. "Anyway, the girls are saying that you are a stick in the mud, you aren't going to let them get away with that are you?"
"Err, yes I was actually."
"Well it's a good job that I'm here to rectify that then and save your reputation."
"You'll be the death of my reputation Adam Ford!" she said looking at the sea nervously.

They had got to the edge of the water by then and she turned to him beseechingly. "Please put me down now."
"Oh I'll put you down, don't worry," he said heading into the waves.
He stopped then and looked down at her. "Ready?"
"No!" she shouted as she felt his arms loosen, "I take it all back!"
He paused then. "Take what back?"
"Whatever it is that's making you do this."
He thought for a moment. "Okay, I wont drop you in if you repeat after me... I will never again..."
She frowned but then felt his arms slip. "Okay, okay," she rolled her eyes, "I will never again..."
"Say that I won't ever..."
He glared.
"Say that I won't ever..."
"Sleep with Adam."
"No way!"
He let her drop enough then to feel the water on her shorts.
"Say it then."
She sighed.
"Go on, say it," he urged.
"Sleep with Adam," she said reluctantly.
He looked at her smugly.
"But you know I will," she laughed, and then regretted it as he let her go.

She fell into the water but reached up for him in alarm. "Adam! There's seaweed, I hate seaweed!" She grabbed his arm and tried to scramble back up his body in terror.
He looked at her with bewilderment. "What's wrong? It's only a bit of seaweed."
"No it's not, there's lots, it's all over the bottom!" she whimpered, as her hands slipped and she fell back in. Her head went under the water then and she came up coughing and splashing around in panic.
"Oh good god!" Seeing that her fear was genuine he reached out for her then, scooping her back into his arms under the water. "Calm down! Look the seaweed can't get you now. I'll get eaten alive by it instead!" he teased.
She shivered and trembled in his arms.
"Seaweed and bats, I'll have to remember that. You're not too keen on them are you?"
"No, don't like them," she said pouting and resting her head on his chest for comfort.
He looked down at her with a smile. "You're a funny one Fay. You'd take on the world to defend something that you believe in but a bit of seaweed and a few bats and you go to pieces!"
"Lots of seaweed," she corrected.
"Okay, lots of seaweed," he whispered, putting his cheek on top of her head and closing his eyes.

It was that shampoo again. It reminded him of Fay now.

What spray did he use? It smelt nice.

She sighed and felt completely lethargic all of a sudden as the waves lapped around them and his body warmed her. She put an open hand out flat on his wet shirt and felt his heart beating beneath it. Then she walked her fingers up his chest to where his shirt fell open.

What was she doing? She'd had way too much wine and she didn't even care!

She moved her head up slightly and nuzzled into his skin where her fingers were to check if he smelt as nice there too. He did.
He opened his eyes. "Yes."
"You're nice. Can you go back to being nasty Adam please? It would make things a lot easier for me," she said, trailing her fingers through a few hairs on his chest.

He closed his eyes again, taking in a deep breath as his body started to react to her. "This is very dangerous ground for us you know Fay," he said as he gently let her go. She slid to stand opposite him with the water up to their waists. She put her hands on his arms to steady herself in the water and he felt her legs brush against his.

God, she looked so innocent. She probably didn't even know what she was doing to him right now.

Then she ran her hands up his arms and moved closer to him.

Or maybe she did!.

He watched as water droplets glistened on the wet curls of her hair or fell onto her shoulders and neck. His eyes moved down to the wet material of her top, which clung to her and revealed the outline of her bra underneath.

He had to control it this time.

He put a hand on her waist and very slowly edged her towards him, bringing her face in line with his. She had a look of expectation as she waited to see what he would do next. His hand moved around to her back and he urged her even closer so that their mouths were inches apart. He stopped there for a while and she eventually closed her eyes, feeling completely strung with anticipation. Then she felt the slightest of touches on her lips for a moment but opened her eyes in confusion when the sensation went. For a moment she wondered if she had imagined it but then he moved to her again and his lips hovered by hers, sometimes touching them minutely, sometimes within a millimetre from them, depending on how the water moved their bodies. She could feel his warm breath by her mouth and she longed for him to take her lips with his. She opened her mouth slightly, inviting him to kiss her but he kept still, willing her to kiss him. The moments passed as they both stood there, aching for each other. Eventually he gave her soft smile and put his mouth to her ear whispering, "Sometime soon eh Fay." Then he took her in his arms again and carried her back onto the shore.

She felt bereft suddenly and looked up at him with a mixture of frustration and bewilderment.
"Come on," he said, taking her hand, "we'd better get you home before you freeze in those wet clothes."

They walked across the stretch of sand together and climbed up onto the concrete platform that lead back to the café.
"Right girls, I'm getting this one home. Do any of you need a lift?"
"I'd better get back to the bar soon." Ruth glanced at her watch.
"I'll come with you Ruth, you two joining us?" Sal asked, looking over at Pat and Ann hopefully.
"Come on then." Pat stood up and linked arms with Sal, glancing back at Ann.
"I've got to go home I'm afraid, Dimitris is babysitting Amy and there's only so long he can cope with her! I would appreciate that lift though Adam."
Fay looked up then suddenly. "The bill, we haven't paid!"
"Don't panic, we paid it when you were swimming. Settle it with us later Fay. You look shattered, get some rest." Ruth advised as she rose to leave.

They parted ways and Adam stood in between Ann and Fay, putting his arms around their shoulders. "My two favourite workers, what would I do without you two, eh?" he smiled, kissing them on their cheeks in turn. He bent his head then to whisper into Ann's ear, "Of course this one over here," his eyes gestured towards Fay, "is doing funny little things to my heart, although I don't think she realizes it."
Ann smiled and squeezed his hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

Chapter 25

Fay stood shivering with cold as she waited for Adam to let her into his car. Her head was aching, she felt drowsy from the alcohol and all she wanted at that moment was to be tucked up in a nice warm, comfortable bed.

"Here, this should warm you up," he said, placing a soft, fleece type blanket around her shoulders. She clung onto it gratefully and climbed into the front of his car, sliding down in the leather seat and tucking the blanket around her.

Later that night

Fay had fallen into a deep sleep and the events that followed had disappeared alarmingly from her memory, leaving her at a loss to explain why she had woken up in Adam's bed.

Oh hell, what was she wearing?

With trepidation she lifted up the sheets and glanced down.

His shirt! This was getting worse by the minute...and no bra!!

She swung out of the bed then in panic and her feet hit the unfamiliarity of the cold, white tiled floor. Swinging her head around, she frantically scanned the room for her clothes but saw no evidence of them. Uncertain of what to do next she dived back onto the bed and sat there with the sheets pulled up over her.

She wouldn't have slept with him; surely to god she wouldn't have, would she?

She held the sheets away from her face slightly then and looked at them with anguish, taunted by his scent. Her face filled with heat at the thought of being naked in front of him, even worse in the drunken, impetuous state she was in that day!

What did she do now? Where on earth was he? He could be out there.

She glanced nervously at the bedroom door.

This was ridiculous; she had to do something. What time was it anyway?

She picked up his watch, the watch that he'd left at Jen's place!

Eleven thirty. What time did they leave? Six, seven? She'd been asleep all that time? Well she couldn't stay there; she had to get home.

She took a deep breath, gingerly got out of the bed again and made for the door.

Just pray he was not there; if he wasn't there she would just find her clothes and go.

She wasn't that lucky. She opened the bedroom door and saw him sitting on the sofa with his back to her. He had his feet up on the glass coffee table and was reading a paperback book. He turned suddenly when the door screeched a little and she jumped nervously.
"Hello sweetheart, sleep well?" he enquired, putting his arm over the back of the sofa and smiling at her.

"Err, yes." She ran a hand through her tousled hair.

How was she supposed to answer that?

"Seemed to have slept a long time actually." She tested the water.
"Yes, you were exhausted after all the fun and games," he grinned.

Fun and games, what was that supposed to mean?

"Well I guess I should be getting back now so..." She put an arm around her own waist and fiddled with one of the buttons on his shirt.

Clothes Adam?

He watched as the arm around her waist pulled the fabric closer to her body and his eyes followed the movement of her hand by her chest. She gave an exasperated sigh.
"Well I can't go like this, can I?" She gestured to the shirt.
"Why do you want to go now anyway?" he frowned.
"I need to get back," she said with uncertainty, wondering why she was there in the first place.
He put his book down and turned further around on the sofa to face her.
"You were okay with staying earlier." His voice had a hint of annoyance in it.

Oh god, she didn't want to hear that!

"Well now I've come to my senses so if I could please have my clothes back I'll get out of your way." She put her hands on her hips as she felt herself becoming irritated with him.
His eyes shot to the opening of the shirt and noticing this didn't improve her mood.
"Adam, can I just have my bloody clothes back!"
He narrowed his eyes at her. "I'm not sure that they are dry yet," he challenged.
"That's okay," she said with a sarcastic smile, "I'll take them anyway."
"How will you get back? I can't drive you now, I've had some whiskey," he said, throwing obstacles in her way.
"No problem, I'll get a taxi."
"I doubt if you will get one to come out here at this time of night." He turned around then, picked up his book and continued to read.

She had suddenly had enough; she stormed around the sofa and stood in front of him with her arms crossed.
"Where the hell are my clothes?"
His eyes moved up from his book and roved over her body, making her incensed with anger. She searched around the lounge and noticed a balcony door.

A washing line, he must have one on his balcony.

His eyes casually moved back to his book and, as she was about to move, he answered her. "They're in the laundry room, next to the kitchen."
"Thank you," she mocked, storming across the lounge to the kitchen.

She found the clothes, strode back through the lounge and into his bedroom, slamming the door behind her. He watched her go with a frown.

What had brought all that on? Bloody women!

She quickly took his shirt off and changed into her damp clothes but to her consternation she still hadn't found her bra.

Oh to hell with it, she just wanted to get home!

When she went back into the lounge he was on the telephone but he took the receiver away from his ear as she walked into the room. "There doesn't seem to be any answer from the taxi rank in town, as I suspected." He put the phone down and shrugged.

He was so bloody smug!

"Fine, I'll walk!" she shouted, doing an about turn and storming out of the front door.

She had no clue where her bag was so she had no money and no phone, but all she knew was that she was getting home if it killed her. The spare key would be under the mat and she would find her bag tomorrow. Everything would seem better tomorrow. She put her arms around herself, more for comfort than to keep herself warm as she was so angry and upset that she couldn't feel the cold.

She could hear Adam calling behind her but she couldn't bear to talk to him anymore at that point so she ignored him and continued walking. Then his voice got louder and she could hear his rapid footsteps so she sped up. The footsteps got faster so she began to run.
"Fay what the bloody hell do you think you are doing!" He ran after her. "Fay!" He growled when he finally reached her, grabbing her by the arm and swinging her around.
"Let go of me! I told you, I'm going home!" she yelled, struggling to get away from him.
"Are you out of your mind? You're half dressed in wet clothes and you want to walk miles across Agios Nicholas at this time of night!" He held firmly onto her arm.
"Look, I don't know what happened earlier but I sure as hell am not staying with you tonight!"
"Hold on a minute," he said with puzzlement, "what do you mean, 'what happened earlier?'"
She went silent then, searching his eyes for answers.
He sighed. "What exactly has that overactive mind of yours been coming up with?"
She looked to the floor.
"Fay?" He lifted her face up to his and she looked at him indignantly.
"I don't know, you tell me." She bit her lip nervously and he laughed.
"Well I'd love to say that we got up to all sorts but you were asleep for most of the time..." he rolled his eyes, "and even I'm not that much of a bastard to take advantage of you! Is that what you really thought?" His voice became more serious then.
"I didn't know what to think, I woke up in your bed for god sake!"
"Surely to god you know me better than that." His eyes scanned her face as she fell silent. "Look you can't go home like this, I won't let you," he said, turning her back towards his apartment, "as we had agreed earlier, I'm sleeping on the sofa tonight."
She looked sideways at him dubiously, "We agreed that?"
"Yes we did." He ushered her up the steps and back to his front door.
"Yes but Adam you're my boss, it's not exactly the done thing."
She looked doubtfully at him and he laughed. "It's not the same out here," he walked her back into the lounge, closing the door behind them, "besides, we're friends."
She looked surprised. "We are?"
"Yes, we are," he said with a smile.

She stood in the middle of his lounge, suddenly feeling the coldness of her damp clothes penetrating her body.
"I'll find you something to wear, you look freezing in those clothes," he observed, disappearing into his bedroom and coming back with a grey sweatshirt which he handed to her.
She eyed it with a frown. "Haven't you got any jogging bottoms or something that I can wear too?"
He laughed. "Fay, I've seen you in less than this," her eyes widened, "They would be too big on you anyway, just put this on."

She took the sweatshirt and moved into the bedroom to change, looking back at him and wondering how much less than the sweatshirt he had seen her in. She was actually quite glad when she did finally change; her clothes had stuck to her body and chilled her skin underneath. She slipped on the sweatshirt and inspected her reflection in the wardrobe doors. Luckily the top was big enough to cover her modesty but it still exposed a lot of leg underneath and it felt so odd wearing his clothes. She hesitantly walked back into the lounge and took a seat on the opposite end of the beige, corner sofa from where he had sat.

"I'm making you a hot mug of coffee," he shouted from the kitchen, "it should make you feel better."

Why was he going to so much trouble? And was he willing to spend the night on the sofa for her, why?

"Here," he offered, passing her the mug.
"Thanks," she smiled. She warmed her hands on the outside of the mug as she held it and took a sip of the piping hot coffee. "Hey, what's in this," she frowned as she noticed another taste in the liquid. He looked sheepish, sitting down on the sofa and switching on the plasma television with the remote control to cause a diversion.
"It's just a bit of brandy, it will warm you up and help you sleep."
She looked at him suspiciously. "Adam."
"Hmm." He kept his eyes on the television.
"So nothing at all happened between us this evening then?" She pulled her legs up underneath her and waited anxiously for confirmation.
He turned to look at her, smiling slowly.

Oh no, perhaps she shouldn't have asked.

"No, you told me in no uncertain terms that I was sleeping on the sofa and you were taking my room," he grinned.
Her mouth fell open in shock. "I did? That was very assuming of me."
His grin widened. "Yes, I rather like assuming Fay though."
She laughed.
He smiled and turned his attention back to the television. "I've got to meet up with Tom early tomorrow morning but you can lie in. Treat the place like your own, and I'll be back afterwards to give you a lift to your apartment. Then we can go and check out those trips we talked about."

He seemed to have everything planned. She was not sure she liked that. They had spent so much time together too and she only met him four days ago! It felt like forever!

"Okay," she shrugged casually, "but look if you have to be up early we should go to bed now."
He swung his head to her. "Wow, you changed your mind quickly! Come on then, let's go!"
She closed her eyes briefly. "Very funny, you know what I mean."
He grinned. "You got me all excited then."
"Hmm, I can see."
His eyes widened.
"I mean I can tell," she corrected and then blushed, "or whatever, stop it." She sunk down in her seat and hid behind her coffee mug.
He laughed. "I love it when you get all hot and flustered," he said cheekily. He had a picture in his head then of reaching over, putting her coffee mug down, lifting off his sweatshirt and carrying her into his bedroom.

He bet she'd blush a lot more if he did that!

"Come on then, we had better get some sleep," he said finally, getting up and holding out his hand to her. She frowned but he was standing in her way so she took his hand and he pulled her up, catching her around the waist.
"Ha! Gotcha."
"Adam," she said with a warning.
He linked his hands behind her back to stop her from escaping and his eyes moved slowly up her body, until they met her face and focused on her lips.
"You said you were going to be a gentleman." She looked at him warily and he gave a wicked laugh.
"Oh no, I never said I was a gentleman." His eyes remained on her lips.
"Adam!" She felt her face begin to heat up again.
He grinned. "It's okay, I'm just imagining it for now."
"For now?"
He continued to grin but failed to answer her.

She was so damn sexy when she blushed, especially when he got close to her and he knew that she was aroused.

She suddenly reached behind her, unlinking his hands and heading for his bedroom. He followed and she stopped at the door, turning to him with a frown.
"Okay, I'm going," he laughed but added, "now don't be having fantasies about me in my bed will you Fay."
She tutted and he turned, but he glanced back at her before she shut the door.
"Of course if you do, and you want me to fulfill a sudden womanly need, you know where I am."
She growled and slammed the door behind her.

Chapter 26

Two days later

Fay ran out into the corridor behind the bar and pushed open the back door, cautiously scanning the car park and eventually tearing out of the exit. She bolted around the building to the busy Street at the front of the bar. Before she got to the corner however she felt a hand on her arm again so she screamed as loud as she could and struggled so desperately that she lost her balance and fell to her knees as the hand let her go.

"Fay, what is it? What the hell are you doing?" she lifted her head to see Tom looking down at her.
"Tom! Tom! Did you see him? The man who had a knife," she squealed as he pulled her up off the floor.
"What man? Fay are you okay?" he said with concern.
Tears streamed down her face and she shook violently with shock. "He was trying to take me..." she put her hands over her face and the rest of her words were muffled.
Tom put his arms around her and tried to calm her down. "Shall we get the police? Come on, let's go back into the bar and sort this out."
She looked terrified at the thought of going back into the building and she broke away from him, running down the busy street. She couldn't think properly or take in what had happened to her but at that moment all she wanted was the safety of her home. He made after her.
"Look, I'll get you home if that's where you want to go but I'm not letting you walk alone," he said, catching up with her and slowing her down.
She continued walking with terror in her tear stained face.

Two days earlier

Fay was lying on the beach, looking up into the clear blue sky. Tim was lying next to her. She felt his hand on her arm and she turned to look at him.

Why was he wearing no clothes?

"Tim, put some clothes on!"
"Why? I've just been for a swim silly, I've got to dry off."
"Well I can't wait for you, I've got to go."
"Didn't you get my text message?"
"What text message?"
"About our date tonight."
"No, I'm not going on a date with you Tim."
"Oh yes you are madam or I'll throw you in the sea."
"Tim someone's coming, get some clothes on quick!"
"Are you blushing Fay? You're so sexy when you blush!"
Tim rolled over and appeared above her, silhouetted against the sun.
"I want to kiss you right now, right here."
He bent his head closer, putting his hands in her hair as his face came into focus.
"Oh my god! It's not Tim!" she said aloud.

Someone was stroking her hair.
"Come on, wake up sleepyhead," a voice coaxed.
She groaned and turned her head toward the voice. She felt fingers stroke her cheek, neck and hair; she was tingling and warm.
"What are you dreaming about?"
She rolled over onto her stomach, hugging the pillow and burying her face into it. She heard laughter.
"Come on, open those eyes."
A hand stroked her hair away from her face. Her eyelids felt so heavy.
"If you don't open them soon I'm going to kiss you," the voice warned.
She buried her head deeper into the pillow.
"Or I might get into bed with you," it warned again.
She turned away from the noise.
"I'll get you naked." The voice got louder.
"And kiss you all over." The voice was right by her ear.

She jumped, opened her eyes and swung her head around suddenly, coming nose to nose with Adam.
"Morning sweetheart, you finally awake?" he said with a grin.
"Adam!" she exclaimed, struggling to sit up in the bed.
He was lying next to her dressed in jeans and a shirt, leaning on his elbow and looking at her intently.
"Yes it's me, were you expecting someone else?" he asked, looking up at her dazed expression.
"What?" she felt disorientated.
"Who was it anyway?" He sat up next to her and leant his back against the headboard.
"What do you mean 'who was it'?" she frowned.
"You said, 'oh my god, it's not Tim,' so who was it then?" His eyes scrutinized her flustered face.
"Err... nobody, it was just a dream." She ran a hand through her hair and rested her head back against the wall.
"Yes but who was in the dream?" he pushed.
"Adam," she turned to him with exasperation, "was there something you wanted? You shouldn't be in here anyway, I could have been..." she faltered and he rose an interested eyebrow.
"Could have been what?"
She shook her head as if to clear it. "Never mind, do we have to go now? What time is it?"

He got off the bed then and glanced at his watch. "It's ten to nine, and no you've got another hour or so. I'm going to meet Tom now, there is hot water for you to have a shower and your clothes are dry. See you in a while." He moved towards the door then but paused when he got there and turned back to look at her with a smile tugging at his lips. "By the way, you look good in my bed Fay. Especially when you're dreaming about me!" he finished quickly, disappearing into the lounge.
"You wish Adam Ford!" she shouted, throwing a pillow across the room and hitting the door as he closed it.

She waited until she heard the front door close and then sprang out of bed, heading for the lounge.

Her bag, damn, she forgot to ask him where it was. She needed to phone Sal. O well, he said use the apartment as if it were her own.

She sat on the arm of the sofa, reached for his phone, which was perched on a bookcase, and dialled Sal's mobile.
"Hello," Sal answered groggily.
"Sal, it's Fay."
"Fay, where on earth have you been?" she asked.
"It's okay, I'm at Adam's apartment. And before you jump to the wrong conclusions I fell asleep in his car after the meze and he brought me back here, but he slept on the sofa," Fay stressed.
"Oh, so where did you sleep?" Sal asked with intrigue.
"In his bed."

That sounded bad.

"Ah, I see."
"No you don't see Sal, he slept on the sofa I told you."
"Sure, because he knew that you wouldn't let him in there with you," she replied, "but I bet he loved it that you slept in his bed."
"It's just a bed Sal," she frowned.
Sal laughed. "No it's not just a bed, it's sexy Adam's bed. The same sexy Adam who's been trying to get you into his bed from the first moment he met you."
"Don't be ridiculous," she scoffed, "that's not true."
"Oh yes it is," Sal argued, "I was there, remember?"
"Well anyway, he's gone to meet his business partner and then he's bringing me back there so I can change. We're going to be working after that. I just thought I'd let you know."
"Okay thanks...hold on, so you're there alone in his apartment," she queried.
"Yes, why?"
Fay could hear the smile in Sal's voice as she spoke, "A perfect opportunity to find stuff out."
"Sal, I'm not a spy," Fay said incredulously.
Sal laughed. "You just don't know a good opportunity when you see it."
"I'll see you in a bit." She tutted and hung up.

Placing the phone back on the bookcase, she noticed a couple of framed photographs on the top shelf.

She was not looking at them; she was not a spy.

She stood up then but her eyes swung to the top shelf again.

That must be his family.

It was a picture of Adam wearing a thick, black coat, boots and jeans covered with mud. He was standing in a field, leaning against a tree, surrounded by whom she assumed to be his parents and three sisters. His father was an older version of himself and his sisters had the same dark hair and brown eyes as Adam. She smiled and turned her attention to the other photograph on the shelf. It had obviously been taken in a pub. Adam was sitting on a bar stool with a bottle of beer in his hand. On his one side there stood a blonde haired man wearing a suit and on his other, a woman with long, bleached blonde hair holding a champagne glass. The man and woman were clinking glasses above Adam's head. She shrugged.

Must be his friends.

She looked around the room and began to smile to herself.

Good opportunity eh, what would Sal look at next then?

She glanced down at the books on the shelves.

John Grisham, John Grisham, John Grisham, obviously a John Grisham fan. Dan Brown, blardy blardy blah... Living and working in the E.U, very organized Adam. Business development, Economic Change, boring! Okay, what next?

She moved towards the television and noticed a row of DVD's.

Right there had to be something of interest there.

She grinned.

Perhaps something he shouldn't be watching. Star Wars, Troy, Battlestar Galactica, The interpreter, Eyes Wide Shut, The Peacemaker...Hold on, those three all have Nicole Kidman in them. Oh, so he had a crush on Nicole Kidman then did he? God, he even had them organised together! An American Gangster...mmm. Okay now she was bored.

She swung her head around then as another idea hit her.

Music. Let's see if the guy had taste.

She found his stereo and CD collection, running her eyes along the row of CD cases.

Simple Minds, Pet Shop Boys, an eighties fan. Classical Legends!! Let's Get Classical!! Let's not! Genesis, not bad. Bon Jovi, thank god, showing some taste at last. U2, fab! "There's hope for you yet Adam! "

She glanced around her for more inspiration but gave up.

Well from that she concluded...he was pretty much a normal guy. Hmm, bit disappointing. Half expected something to put her off him. He kept the place tidy, good choice in home furnishings. No sordid little secrets there. Or maybe...maybe he had a cleaner...and his apartment was normally a horrendous mess. Oh yes, and she cleared away his sleazy magazines and hid his indecent DVD collection! Ha! She had him sussed!

She threw herself on the sofa and burst out laughing.

What the hell was she doing?

She looked up guiltily.

She had better get showered and dressed.

She went into the laundry room and collected her clothes off the stand. Then she froze, remembering that she still had no idea where her bra was. She searched the room but the only clothes that were there were her shorts and top.

Bloody great! Where on earth could she have taken it off anyway? It had to be in the bedroom.

She ran back into the bedroom, threw the sheets off the bed and searched underneath it, nothing.

Fine, it was bloody nowhere then!

She shrugged, turned and made her way into the bathroom. It felt strange taking her clothes off and getting into his shower. The shower doors were made of glass and the bathroom door had no lock on it so she prayed that Adam wouldn't come back early. The water was lovely and hot and she held her head upwards, letting the stream of water fall over her face and hair. She searched around the cubical then for shampoo but found none. Then she noticed a mirrored cabinet above the sink and opened the shower door, climbing out and tip toeing across the slippery black tiles. She searched through the after shaves, sprays and bottles in the cabinet and eventually found a bottle of shampoo, which matched one of the aftershave bottles.

Ooh, very posh Mr Ford!

She got back into the shower and used the shampoo to wash her hair. As soon as she began to lather it into her scalp she recognised the smell.

Oh god, it was almost like he was there with her! She wished he was. Hell, where did that thought come from? She had to stop that, being there didn't help. God but they were all right, he was gorgeous and sexy. Maybe she could just have a bit of a fling with him. What was she thinking? It would be great though; he was so good in that department. So far anyway. Nah, he was probably really bad actually in bed. Oh god, she bet he wasn't. Okay, think about something else. Think about shopping or ...him kissing me. No! Think about something, his hands all over me. No! No!

She slumped back against the shower wall and looked to the ceiling as the steam in the shower built up and made his scent even more intense.

Okay, she could do this. Come on; think of something really boring, like...Bingo!
She burst out laughing.

Bingo! Bloody hell she was losing the plot! Hey, that worked!

She smiled to herself, got out of the shower, wrapped herself in a towel and giggled all the way back to the bedroom.

"Hey, what are you laughing at in there?" Adam knocked on the door loudly.
She nearly jumped out of her skin.
"Oh, you're back. I didn't hear you come in."
"I've only just walked through the door. So what's so funny?" He stood behind the door with a quizzical look.
"Oh nothing, I'll be out in a minute. By the way, do you know where I left my bag yesterday?"
"Yes, it's in the car," he shouted.

Thank god for that.

"There is a slight change of plan Fay. Tom is buying us breakfast, well we have to eat anyway and he offered so I said yes," he reasoned.
"But I've never even met him," she said, wondering why he would offer to buy a complete stranger breakfast.
"You will," came the simple reply.
She quickly changed, made the bed and hung the towel on the radiator to dry.

"Okay, I'm ready," she said walking into the lounge.
He put an arm around her shoulder and led her towards the front door.
"So, aren't you going to tell me why you were laughing?"
She looked sideways at him. "Adam, a girl has to have some secrets."

Chapter 27

When they got back to her apartment there was no sign of Sal.
"She must still be in bed. I'll just go say hi and get changed, then we can go," Fay said, heading for the spare room.
"No problem. Mind if I make myself a coffee?" Adam asked, strolling towards the kitchen.
"Help yourself."

Fay walked into the spare room to find Sal fast asleep, tangled up in the bed sheets.
"Wake up Sal," she shouted, "I'm back."
Sal groaned and put her head up. "Why are you so loud?" She held her head and watched as Fay sat on the bed next to her.
"Hangover Sal?"
"Hmm, didn't leave the bar until five in the morning." She sat up in bed and stretched.
"So, did you find anything interesting in Adam's apartment," she whispered.
Fay smiled. "He listens to classical music...oh and he's got a thing for Nicole Kidman."
"Is that all?" Sal sounded disappointed.
"Afraid so, no deep, dark secrets. He's out there anyway, I'm just going to get changed." Fay jumped up then and bounded into her room, closing the door behind her.

Sal grabbed her dressing gown and joined Adam in the lounge; he was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper.
"Hi Adam, how are you on this wonderful, sunny morning?" she said enthusiastically, looking out of the balcony window but then wincing as the sun hit her face.
Adam laughed, "A bit too sunny for you eh Sal."
"Hmm, know any hangover cures?" she asked hopefully.
"Hair of the dog." He didn't look convinced at his own answer.
"Err, it would probably kill me!"

She moved away from the window and walked over to the stereo with a grin.
"Want some music on? What about classical music, do you like that?" she asked.
He glanced at her quizzically. "Sure, whatever."
She moved towards the DVD's on the shelf under the television.
"Or how about a DVD? I think Fay has Cold Mountain somewhere, or even The Interpreter."
He narrowed his eyes at her. "Now Fay wouldn't have been checking out my music and DVD collections would she?" he asked suspiciously.
Sal giggled and held up her hands. "In truth, I did put her up to it."
"Oh, I see, so what else did she check out in my apartment then?" he queried.
She whispered, looking nervously towards the bedroom door, "Well, I think she was looking to find some of your deep, dark secrets but she found nothing," she finished with a shrug.
"Ahh, who would have thought it? Little Miss prim and proper sneaking around in my apartment."
Sal looked worried then. "It never came from me though, okay?"

"What are you two whispering about?" Fay emerged from the bedroom looking the epitome of cool, dressed in black trousers, a black top, light beige leather jacket and sunglasses.

Oh hell, Tom was going to be all over her.

"Nothing, are you off now then?" Sal said, trying to divert the conversation.
"Yes, the spare key is under the door. See you later," she waved as they exited the apartment.


"So where are we having breakfast?" Fay asked when they got into the car.
" Just round the corner at his hotel, 'The Apollo'." He started up the engine and pulled out onto the road.

Did he know that Jen worked there?

"So madam, did you have fun going through my music and DVD's?" he asked with a knowing smile.
Fay's eyes widened and she swung her head around to him. "Err, I don't know what you mean," she replied innocently.
"Hmm." He was unconvinced.
She turned to look out of the window to hide a smile and then a thought hit her.
"Do you have a cleaner?" She continued to look out of the window.
"Yes, why?"
Stifling a laugh she just managed to get out, "No reason, just wondering."

As the car entered the grounds of the hotel he looked sideways at her in confusion. "You don't approve of me having a cleaner?"
She bit her lip in an attempt not to laugh. "No, she keeps it very clean. Everything tidied away," she added and then couldn't help the laughter that slipped out.

He parked the car in the car park and turned to her then. "Come on, what's going through that head of yours?" he said, crossing his arms.
Her face looked more serious then. "Nothing, let's go."
She moved to get out but he reached over and locked the door. "Not so fast, not until I know what you've been laughing about at all morning."
Her smile faded. "Oh no, that was something else."
"Oh, so there are two hilarious things. Let's start with what was so funny about me having a cleaner."
She racked her brain to think of something. "Err... just thought it weird that's all."
"No, I don't buy that. Come on, out with it." He leant closer to her, putting his arm on the back of her seat.
She looked nervous. "No, really that was it."
"Tell me the truth Fay."
She leant away from him. "I am."
"Your nose will start growing in a minute. Tell me or I'll be forced to tickle it out of those sensitive sides of yours."
Her eyes widened. "That really, really was it Adam," she said in desperation as he moved closer.
"Not good enough." He dug his fingers into her sides and she squealed, frantically trying to get his hands to stop. "Had enough? Come on tell me." He lifted his hands away for a moment and she sat there gasping for breath but failed to answer.
He went towards her again but she shouted out, "Stop, okay, okay!"
"Go on then." He waited.
"Well I was thinking that she might have tidied away stuff," she said, praying that he wasn't going to ask what.
"That's not what made you laugh." There was a silence. "Right." He reached towards her again and continued the onslaught until she begged him to stop. "The only way I'll stop is if you tell me."
She looked at him desperately. "Oh god, okay." She paused and he waited. "I expected to see..." she struggled to get the words out.
"To see?"
"I was imagining her tiding away..."
"Tiding away what?" he grinned. She sighed and looked away from him out of the window as her skin began to glow red in embarrassment. He turned her head back to him with a hand under her chin. "Tiding away what?" he repeated. She gave him a pained look. "Hmm?" he lifted an eyebrow. "Shall we go back to the tickling?"
"Oh good god no, all right." She quickly turned her head away again and said, "tidying away naughty stuff."
He howled with laughter. "You thought that my cleaner tidies away that!"
She looked indignant. "Well no, I didn't really think that. It just crossed my mind."
He scrutinized her face. "I haven't got any naughty stuff, well not that naughty anyway," he added with a laugh. "I wonder if you've got any naughty stuff in your apartment Fay."
"No I have not!" she said looking horrified.
He grinned at the look on her face. "What so you have never seen any naughty stuff before then?"
Her eyes widened at his line of questioning. "No!"
He continued to grin. "Come on Fay, you're a single woman and you never seem to sleep with anyone, you're not a bloody nun!"
"What are you getting at?" she frowned.
His grin widened. "Are you telling me that the only naked men you've ever seen are the ones that you have slept with, which seem to be none existent at the moment?"
She paused. "This is a completely outrageous conversation."
"Only because you've got a hang up about sex."
"I have not!" She crossed her arms in a defensive way and he looked amused.
"Yes you have, you are obsessed with the idea of men having sexual urges and yet you deny that you have any."
"I don't."
His eyes widened. "Oh so now you are admitting that you do?"
She sighed. "As I said, this is not the kind of conversation we should be having."
"Go on, admit that you have sexual urges. Hell I've seen them," he added.
"I'm getting out of this car now." She turned, unlocked the door and got out, saying over her shoulder, "You are an extremely unprofessional boss."
He howled with laughter at her prudish tone and called after her as she walked away. "Just to show you how much I value you in my team, I'd be willing to help you out with some of those uncontrollable urges you have Fay."

Chapter 28

Adam caught up with Fay at the entrance of the hotel and opened the door for her, gesturing for her to enter.
"After you Madam," he grinned.
She gave him a smile, sauntered through the door and across the marble floored lobby to the lifts at the back. She had been in the hotel many times before to visit Susie or Jo, or when friends had stayed there in the past.
"Where are we meeting him?" she asked as they stood waiting for a lift.
"By the pool. You seem to know this place," he said as the lift arrived and he followed her into it.
"Yes, I know a lot of people who work here. You know some too,"she replied.
"I do." He looked surprised.
"You and Jen didn't do a lot of talking then?" she queried, lifting up her shades and placing them on the top of her head.
"Oh so she works here then," he said, avoiding her question.
"Well she is a rep so she is based here. A lot of the reps actually live in the hotel but Jen has been here for some years so she moved out and got her own place," she paused, turning her eyes to him, "oh but you know that already don't you?"
He gave her a wry look. "Touché."

They got out at the top floor and made their way to the pool area, with an adjacent breakfast room. Adam spotted Tom immediately; he was stretched out on a sun bed by the side of the pool. He led Fay towards him and as they approached she suddenly recognised him from the photograph on Adam's bookshelf.
"Bloody tourists, lying around all day doing nothing," Adam said loudly, goading Tom as they stood over him.
Tom laughed and jumped up, crossing his arms. "Us people who live in the real world and have stressful jobs need an occasional holiday," he bantered, turning his attention to Fay. "So you must be Fay, Adam has been singing your praises."
She glanced at Adam with amusement and held out her hand to Tom. "Fay Thompson."
He took her hand and lifted it to his lips. "You didn't tell me she was so stunning Adam," he said watching her with interest. She looked surprised at his familiarity and gave a modest laugh.

Oh lord, here we go. Perhaps this was a bad idea. Nah, she would't fall for his corny lines anyway.

"Shall we eat?" Adam said, placing a hand on Fay's back and ushering her into the breakfast room, closely followed by Tom.

The waiter showed them to a table and gave them each a menu.
"So what made you move to Crete then Fay?" Tom asked, scanning his menu.
She glanced up at him. "I just got tired of the rat race in London and since I could continue to write over here I figured why not?" Her eyes hovered on the menu for a few seconds then before flicking up briefly for a quick assessment of Adam's friend. They were completely different. Tom had blonde, wavy hair and blue eyes in contrast with Adam's straight, dark hair and brown eyes. As she glanced at him she had a feeling that it would be hard to judge what he was really thinking, he had certain air of charm about him but she suspected that most of it was bravado.

Adam's eyes moved from Fay to Tom and back.

What was the fascination Fay? Don't encourage him.

"What did you used to do in London?" Tom inquired, putting his menu down and turning his full attention to Fay.
"I worked for a tour company there too, doing similar writing, reviews et cetera." She gave him a polite smile and then lifted her eyes to the waiter as he returned to take their orders.
The men ordered full English breakfast and she ordered omelette and toast. She handed back her menu and then glanced up to find Tom's eyes on her, it made her feel a little uneasy.
"So, why is it that a gorgeous lady like yourself hasn't been snapped up by anyone yet?" Tom asked, assessing her face.

Oh pipe down will you Tom. You're not impressing her.

She held Tom's gaze, replying with a certain aloofness, "Perhaps I don't want to be snapped up."
Tom smiled at her comeback. "Ah, an independent lady. Never thought of marriage then?"
She looked slightly uncomfortable as both men watched her intently. "It may have crossed my mind."
"Been engaged?" he pressed.

He was bloody pushy!

She put her elbow on the table, propping her chin on her hand and leaning towards him. "You're asking a lot of personal questions considering that we've only just met Tom, how about you? Been married, engaged, children?"

Wow, brilliant Fay!

Tom laughed loudly and leant towards her, copying her movement. "No to all of the above." She smiled politely and moved back. "Have you ever thought of diversifying and writing for newspapers Fay?" Tom reverted to the less personal subject of her work.
"Actually I would have loved to," she admitted, "but now that I live out here I guess that won't happen. Still I am happy with what I do here."
He looked thoughtful. "You know I have a lot of contacts in London, I could put you in touch with someone who would be able to advise you more on the subject."
Her face filled with interest. "Thank you, it would be something worth looking into."
"Hey," Adam interjected, "you've only just arrived and you're already poaching my staff!"
Tom shrugged. "All's fair in love and war."

Hmm, get your talons off her Tom!

"So are we going to hit the town tonight then?" Tom looked from Fay to Adam.
"I've got work to finish tonight, another time Tom," Adam lied.
He turned to Fay, "What about us then Fay?"

Oh hell, that was even worse. Don't you dare Fay.

"Sorry, I have plans for tonight."

Good girl.

Tom frowned. "Well you must join me for dinner one night then Fay. You can't leave me to eat alone. Oh and I must pass on that contact information to you as well," he added to provide more incentive.
She gave a small laugh. "Thank you."


The waiter brought their food then and they ate their breakfast, making general conversation about the tours they had planned and the possible activities he could enjoy during his stay. Finally they finished and Adam explained that they had work to do and that they should leave.
"Nice to meet you Tom and thank you for the breakfast," Fay said standing up to go.
"It's my pleasure. Perhaps I could have your contact number...and we can arrange that dinner," he replied. Adam watched her tensely, waiting for her response.
"Err... actually Adam has it, you can get it from him," she smiled.

Great answer! And Adam thought he may have to join them on that night.

Adam and Fay headed back to the car and at last he found that he was able to relax more.
"So where are we going today then?" he asked.
"Well, I thought that we really ought to take a look around Elounda, it's not that big but it's right on our doorstep and it's popular with tourists."
"Okay, I went there once but it was only a brief visit. Left out of here then?" he asked.
"Yes. You can't get lost and there is a car park right in the centre of Elounda," she informed him.

They turned onto the main road and fell into silence for a while. Fay's eyes flitted sideways at Adam a couple of times but he seemed lost in thought. Eventually he broke the silence.
"Tom is interested in you Fay," he warned.
She laughed, "Well I don't want to sound big headed but I did gather that."
He glanced sideways at her. "Mind if I join you for that dinner?"
A quizzical expression briefly crossed her face. "You don't have to chaperone me Adam, I can handle men like him."
"Hmm. So does that mean you do mind then?" he pushed.
She watched him as he drove and a smile spread across her face.

He didn't like the idea of her and Tom.

"No, I don't mind Adam."
He looked at her then and smiled.

They followed the road around the mountain to the next village from Agios Nikolaos, passing the huge, exclusive hotel complexes on the way.
"There are probably some of the best hotels in Greece here. Elounda is a place for the rich and famous. I saw Mariah Carey once go past on her boat," she said enthusiastically.
"Really?" He sounded impressed.
"Yes, and lots of other famous people have stayed here, even Princess Di," she added.
"We'll have to keep our eyes peeled then," he smiled.

The road dipped and they eventually reached the main square which was lined with tavernas, backed by the sea and had a pretty, white painted church as a focal point. After parking the car they got out and Fay suggested that they walk past the tavernas and along the sea front towards the 'Sunken City'. The number of tavernas began to dwindle as they continued walking and then the outlines of the city walls could be seen underneath the water. They strolled along the small road, which was now edged each side by the sea and ran to a small, rocky island at the far end.

"So how come it sank then?" Adam asked, gazing down into the water as they walked.
"I have no idea, but it's quite a nice walk don't you think?" she said looking around at the views.
"Yes but maybe you could make up some fantastic story about its history to fascinate the tourists when they come," he suggested.
She chuckled, "Hmm, let's see...the city was being invaded and the people fought valiantly for days to hold off the invaders and protect the women and children. They almost succeeded but tragically on the last day there was an earthquake and water flooded the city, killing everyone inside it." She gave a mock look of despair and then laughed.
"Not bad...but to really get their interest you need to add a bit of sex and scandal," he winked.
"Adam! You're obsessed with sex!" she exclaimed.
"So is everyone else, apart from you apparently," he grinned, "come on Fay, add a bit of sex and scandal."
She tutted, "Okay, err...the king of the city was having an affair with the wife of...oh I don't know."
"That wasn't very good! Okay keep the affair thing but add that he drugged the woman with something that turned her into a wild nymphomaniac." He gave a satisfied smile.
Her mouth fell open and she slapped him on the arm, "Adam, you are completely outrageous!"
He laughed, "Hey everyone has their fantasies Fay, even you."
"Not me," she said innocently.
"Yes, even you. In fact it's always the women who deny this that turn out to be the worst nymphomaniacs of all!" he teased.
She shook her head in disbelief at his comment and then added mischievously, "It's okay I keep it under control with pills."
His eyes widened. "I'm searching your apartment then until I find them!"
She giggled.

They came to the end of the road then and it petered out into a rocky path that led around the outside of the small island. They stopped and Fay turned to take another look at the view. Adam watched her and suddenly on impulse he moved behind her, sliding his arms around her middle.
She looked back at him with a frown. "What are you doing?"
"I'm enjoying the view with you," he smiled, resting his chin on her shoulder. She turned back to look at the sea sparkling in the sun and the mountains in the distance. His eyes flitted over the profile of her face.
"Are you looking at the view Adam?" She could feel his eyes on her.
"Hmm, it's beautiful," he replied, taking in the small details of her face; her turquoise eyes edged with long curling eyelashes, her flushed cheeks, cute nose and enticing pink glossy lips. She gave a small laugh, sensing his scrutiny.
"I don't know if you have ever noticed but as the sun sets here those mountains turn pink, every time," she said with amazement.
He tightened his arms around her middle, "We will have to come back at sunset to see that then."
"Well, you can see it from Agios Nikolaos actually," she pointed out. He wasn't listening.
"You're not going to leave me and go back to London are you?" he asked suddenly. She turned her head in surprise and met his eyes, which had a look in them that she had never seen before. He looked somehow vulnerable and it tugged at her heartstrings.
"No, I'll never leave Crete," she said simply. A smile lit up his face.

Chapter 29

Adam and Fay walked back towards the town in companionable silence until they reached the square, where Fay suggested that they go to find a friend of hers in a local taverna.
"His name is Nikos, I've known him for years and he has taken my friends and I out into the bay on his boat many times. I thought that he might take us out today and you could get a closer look at Spinalonga. We won't be able to get onto the island as it is still out of season but it would give you an idea of the place. You may even like to use his services for small exclusive trips. He often catches fish from the boat and cooks them there and then, you couldn't get any fresher, and the tourists tend to like that kind of thing."
"Sounds great," Adam replied.

She directed him across the square and around the church to a second row of tavernas behind it. He threw his arm around her shoulder.
"You know Fay, I think fate was on my side the day I almost ran your best friend over. You're an inexhaustible source of information aren't you?"
"Well in truth, I was already recommended to you so we could have spared risking Sal's life in the process," she said.
"A fair point," he nodded, "still, I would've hated to have missed the sight of a feisty, blonde lady storming up to me and giving me hell, an unexpected treat that was!" he grinned down at her.
She rolled her eyes. "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit Adam Ford."
He frowned, "Who's being sarcastic? You should have seen the look on your face when Sal invited me into your apartment too!"
"Hmm, she tends to be a bit impetuous like that," she replied.
"Even better when you turned up at the office that evening and saw me there," he laughed, "classic!" "I knew it was you," she lied, trying not to smile.
"Oh really," he replied, "that's almost as believable as you having to check your diary to see if you were free the following day."
She narrowed her eyes at him for a moment and then walked away, heading for the last taverna in the row and entering it without a backward glance. He followed.

She was always doing that, and he was always chasing after her. Why did he get the feeling that it wouldn't be the last time either?

Once inside the taverna she thought for a moment that it was closed as it seemed completely empty but then a well built, bearded man in his late fifties appeared from a back room and welcomed her enthusiastically, grabbing her by the shoulders and kissing her on alternate cheeks.
"Welcome, welcome, welcome Fay. I have not seen you for many months now, where have you been all this time?" he bellowed in a deep voice, gesturing for her to sit.
She laughed, "Hi Nikos, I've been busy working."
He noticed Adam and she introduced them, "Oh, this is Adam, Adam Nikos."
They shook hands and Nikos gave Fay a cheeky look. "Now Fay I am angry with you," he frowned, "you promised that I would be your boyfriend and now here you are with another boy."
Shaking her head, she put him right. "Actually Adam isn't my boyfriend, he is my boss. He is interested in organizing trips around Elounda and naturally I thought of you. We were just saying that it's a shame we can't get a closer look at Spinalonga until the season starts," she hinted.
He put his hands on either side of her face and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I will take you out. Sit here, drink and wait a bit and then we will go. Olla Kala?"
She smiled, "Ne, efaristo para poli Niko."

Adam and Fay sat at one of the small, wooden tables in the narrow taverna and Nikos brought over a carafe of wine for Fay and a small carafe of Raki for himself and Adam.
She sighed at him but smiled, "You needn't do this you know Nikos."
"Come on Fay, you know it is the way in Creta, a small drink with friends," he grinned, filling a wine glass and pouring some raki into two shot glasses. He passed them their drinks and then banged his glass loudly on the table before clinking with them and downing his shot.
Adam shot Fay a quizzical look and she banged an invisible glass on the table with her other hand, copying Nikos and motioning for him to do the same. He shrugged and complied. 'Yamas' she mouthed.
Nikos laughed. "You must teach your boss to speak some of the Greek Fay."
"You say 'yamas,'" she teased.
"We try again." Nikos poured two more shots of Raki and they both banged their glasses this time and clinked.
"Yamas!" they said in unison.
"Good, he learns quick. Wait here, I be back. I have a few jobs to do and then we go," he said, refilling Adam's glass and disappearing out of a door at the back of the taverna, leaving them alone.

As soon as he was gone Adam leant over the table to talk to Fay, "What is this stuff?"
She chuckled, "It's Raki, otherwise known as 'Fire Water'."
"Hmm, it tastes like it! So how come you get away without having to drink 'Fire Water' then?"
She looked at him smugly, "Nikos knows I won't drink it."
"Ah yes, Nikos your new boyfriend," he provoked.
She glared at him. "No, Nikos who has been trying to get me to go out with him for years but who knows it will never happen."
He clicked his fingers and pointed at her. "Yes of course, little Miss 'you can look but don't touch,'" he said finishing another shot.
"Who said you could look Adam?" She took a sip of her wine.
He moved his chair back and ran his eyes up and down her body. "You're going to have to blind me to stop me from looking!"
She couldn't help but laugh.

They were silent for the next ten minutes but there was still no sign of Nikos so Adam picked up the Raki carafe and poured himself another shot. He downed it but grimaced afterwards.
"By the way, I guess I should give you a few tips on what to do and what not to do in these types of situations," Fay said watching him.
"Would be helpful," he replied.
"Well first of all as you have accepted a drink off Nikos now you must drink all of that raki." She eyed the half filled carafe on the table.
He picked it up, assessing its contents with a look of horror. "Perhaps I shouldn't have accepted it then."
She shook her head. "It would have been very rude not to. And secondly," she continued, "if he offers you anything else to drink you must accept...oh, and whatever you do, don't offer to pay or buy him a drink back. Once he has bought you a drink he must continue to buy you drinks for as long as you stay."
He gave her a look of disbelief. "So basically I have to drink whatever he gives me. Fay, he isn't a marathon Raki drinker is he?"
She laughed. "He's Greek, of course he is! But don't panic, we're going out on the boat so he'll not start a Raki drinking contest with you yet Adam."
He looked relieved and refilled another shot glass. "Bit of practice," he winked.

Another ten minutes and Nikos had still not returned.
"Come on then Fay, I guess you should teach me a bit of Greek," Adam said, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms, feeling more than a little relaxed as the effects of the Raki began to take hold. Fay took off her jacket and hung it on the back of her chair with a sigh.
"Okay, it looks like Nikos is going to be a while. Do you know any Greek at all? I mean, did you understand what Nikos and I said to each other earlier?"
"Not a word," he admitted.
"Okay, going to have to start with basics then. Right, Nikos invited us out on the boat and then asked if we minded waiting and he finished by saying, 'olla kala'. The derivative of this phrase is probably one of the most widely used phrases in the world. 'Olla' means 'all' and 'kala' means 'good', so he was basically asking if that was good with us. Hence we get the work ok from the abbreviation." He looked interested and she continued, "In a way Greek is not as hard to learn as everyone thinks. Firstly because Greek people say things with as few words as possible compared to us British who beat about the bush all the time. And secondly because an awful lot of English words come from the Greek."
"They do?"
"Yes lots. I could reel them out to you but we would be here all day. Anyway, another important word for you to know is obviously 'thank you,'" she grinned, "all you have to say is 'a' 'ferret's 'toe' really quickly."
He looked bemused but copied her, "'A' 'ferret's' 'toe', how did I do?" he asked.
She laughed. "Well you need to say it a bit quicker and without the English accent, more like, 'efaristo.'"
He tried again but she looked at him dubiously. "Think you need a bit of practice."
"Hmm, maybe some..." He suddenly frowned.
"What?" The abrupt change in his facial expression had confused her, that was until she felt the alarmingly nauseous feeling in her stomach and the room began to spin. She went rigid in her seat.
"Did I happen to mention that we tend to get earth tremors at this time of year?" she said as everything around them began to shake.
"Now she tells me!" He eyed the moving bottles behind the bar anxiously and Fay grabbed onto the table with white knuckles.
"There's really not much point in doing that, the whole room is moving so there's not a lot you can grab on to for safety," he observed, and then a thought hit him and he grinned, "apart from me of course."
She frowned, "Fantastic, the building is about to fall down around our ears and you take it as an opportunity to..." she petered out.
"To what?" he grinned.
"Well you know."
He chuckled, "What can I say? A man's got to make the most of every opportunity he gets, especially with you Fay." He looked at her in a predatory way. "Why don't you come and sit over here and then I can protect you from any falling brickwork," he suggested, taking her arm and urging her to move closer.
She eyed him suspiciously, "No it's okay, I think I'll take my chances with the brickwork... it would be safer," she mumbled.
"Come on Fay, why the nervousness?" He gave her arm a sharp tug, pulling her up out of her seat.
"I'm sitting back down now Adam," she informed him.
He took her other arm, pulling her ever closer and she looked nervously towards the back of the bar. "Adam, Nikos will be back in a moment," she whispered.
"Exactly, so you're safe. What can I do? I'll even make sure the bricks flatten me first, that'll be entertaining for you," he coaxed as he moved her towards his chair.
"I'm not sitting on your lap!" she exclaimed when she realized his intention.
She turned then to edge away, but seeing an opportunity he took her by surprise and swept an arm around her middle, pulling her backwards onto his lap in one swift movement.
She glared at him as his arms held her there. "Are you out of your mind? Let me up!"
He watched her inquisitively, "You're so jumpy around me you know, you need to learn how to relax."
"Hmm, I relax for two seconds and I end up like this." She frowned, glancing down at his fingers that were teasing the skin of her bare arm.
"Yes but like you said, Nikos is coming back so I can't rip all your clothes off and make wild, passionate love to you here can I?"
He watched her facial expression change.

Oh here we go, how did she let herself get into those situations?

"When are you going to give into me Fay?" he whispered into her ear.
"Adam, I'm nev..."
He put a finger to her lips, "you promised you wouldn't say that again."

His finger remained there and she suddenly felt impetuous as she opened her mouth quickly to bite it. He pulled it swiftly away but his eyes widened with excitement.
"Ooh, feisty Fay is back!"
"I'll be more feisty than you can handle if you don't let me up now!" she threatened.
"No, you're staying here. Besides I'd kill to see you more feisty than I can handle," he challenged.

She grabbed for his hands suddenly, intending to pull them away from her but he predicted her move and took her by the wrists. She paused and then moved her arms in a circular motion, forcing his hands to let her go as she turned sideways to slip off his lap. He caught her just in time though, hauling her back to him and she stifled a laugh as she landed unceremoniously back on his lap. Then she straightened her face and assessed him for a moment as he watched her triumphantly. She suddenly moved her foot backwards towards his leg, kicking him.

Well he was completely pushing his luck, what did he expect?

"Let me go Adam!"
He laughed, "Now that hurt just a bit but no I don't think so, I'm having way too much fun."
She went to kick him again but he moved his leg quickly, hooking it around hers and rendering her even more immobile.
"Oh, you are going to be in so much trouble Adam if you don't let me go this minute!"
He looked thrilled, "Say things like that to me and I think I will rip all your clothes off and make wild, passionate love to you here Fay."
She narrowed her eyes at him. "I'll call for Nikos."
He wasn't perturbed. "We'd make an interesting picture for him, wrapped around each other on the table."
She tried to hide her amusement and he smiled at the look on her face.
"Painting quite an interesting picture for myself right now actually," he grinned.
She rolled her eyes. "You're completely incorrigible Adam, you know that?"
"Oh, I've only just started," he warned.
"You're all talk," she scoffed.
He lifted an eyebrow. "Wait till I get you out of here and see if I'm all talk."
"I'll be on my guard," she whispered in his ear.
"I'll get you off it," he whispered back. "I'll ravage those lips of yours and break down your defenses," he added.
She laughed. "Better men have tried and failed."
"Oh good, I enjoy a challenge... And I know I'm going to enjoy seeing you eating your own words...almost as much as I'm going to enjoy seeing you blush as I take all your clothes off." He awaited her comeback.
"You're very certain that I'll fall at your feet Adam," she said indignantly.
He smiled slowly. "You want to know why?"
"Do tell."
His voice became slightly more serious then. "Because there is no way I could feel so passionately about you if you didn't feel anything in return."

She suddenly felt unnerved as the playful atmosphere changed and his gaze became intense. He reached out and traced her lips with his fingers and she watched him like a rabbit caught in a spotlight, unable to move. He seemed fascinated by her mouth.
"Do you know how many different ways I have imagined kissing these lips?" he said, as her mouth opened slightly to let more air into her lungs.

At that point they heard voices coming from the back of the taverna and Fay swung her head around in shock.
"Let me up now, he's coming back," she frowned.
He hesitated. "Kiss me quickly Fay, before he comes back."
"Are you mad? Let me up," she repeated.
"Not until I get a quick kiss." He kept a firm grip on her and she gave him an angry stare.
"This isn't funny now Adam, let go of me."
"A quick kiss is all it will take," he persisted.
She heard footsteps and looked at him in panic. The footsteps got nearer.
"Bloody hell!"
She leant forward and briefly pressed her lips to his. They were so soft and he could feel the heat from her cheeks, smell her heady perfume. His body flooded with adrenalin; it was what he'd been waiting to experience for what seemed like so long. He made the most of the opportunity, grabbing the back of her head and holding her there for a few seconds, enjoying the feel of her lips yielding to his. Then he let her go as the door opened. She bolted off his lap and got to her feet just as Nikos re-entered the room.
"Did you feel the sismos?" Nikos asked them.
"Yes," she smiled, running an agitated hand through her hair.
"Hmm," Adam added, grinning at Fay. Okay so it was only a brief kiss, and he'd tricked her into it too, but he was winning her over and he knew it wouldn't be long until they kissed passionately. A kiss between them could be nothing less.

Chapter 30

"Okay, I phone the boat, the people there so now we go. I don't know, maybe we have problem with the sismos but we try. Come, come," Nikos said, ushering Fay and Adam out of the door and leading them across the square to the harbour, with Adam grinning at Fay all the way and Fay doing her best to ignore him.

The sea was calm enough for Nikos to take the boat out so they boarded and headed into the bay. It was a fairly large boat designed for tourist trips, with two decks of seats, some outside, some sheltered. There was also an inside area with a bar and some tables where people could eat. They stood on the top deck, at the side of the boat, to look at the view and Nikos pointed out the 'Sunken City' in the distance.

"You see 'Olous' over there?" Nikos asked.
"Oh yes, we walked that way earlier. I didn't know its name though. Adam and I were wondering why the city sank Nikos," she said, glancing at Adam with amusement.
"The Ottomans destroy it. Olous was an important city in ancient Creta, bring and take many exports. The fort on Spinalonga," he pointed in the opposite direction towards the island, "they build to protect Olous but the Turks come after and destroy Olous. Many people hide from the Turks on Spinalonga. And of course after the Turks leave, island become place for lepers only, first go there 1903 and stop 1957."

A shout suddenly came from below and Nikos moved towards the lower deck as Fay turned to Adam; "A lot of tourists visited last year with an interest in Spinalonga after the book 'The Island' by Joanna Hislop was published. Have you heard of it?"
"I've heard it mentioned," he said, inspecting the island as they neared it.

It was a rocky place which, from a distance, was almost camouflaged amongst the same coral, sandy coloured ground of the surrounding mainland. At closer range however the long island's coastline could be seen, showing it to be wider at the nearest point to them and tapering slightly at the back. The defensive walls facing them had been built at the lower part of the island, and above they could see a natural, raised ridge running down the centre of its length. There were patches of greenery dotted along the ridge and a round fortress was also visible above the island's walls.

As Fay stood looking out at Spinalonga she recalled the dark, unsettling atmosphere of the stone rooms that the lepers had inhabited. It was a melancholy place in many ways. She shivered suddenly with the memory and the cold wind that was chilling her bare arms.
"Are you okay?" Adam asked, glancing down at her.
"Yes, I'm just a bit cold suddenly," she smiled, moving to put her jacket on.

He took it off her though and held it out for her to slip it on. She put her arms in the sleeves and he lifted it over her shoulders, sweeping her hair out of the collar and caressing the back of her neck as he did so. He tilted his head and watched her for a moment until her hair blew across her face as the wind suddenly changed and he laughed, pulling it back with both hands.
"It's got a mind of its own this hair of yours."
Fay laughed. "Yes, I know. Sal once tried to straighten it but gave up after about ten minutes."
"Don't you dare straighten it! You wouldn't be Fay with straight hair," he said, pushing her curls forward onto one of her shoulders and putting his head next to hers.
"Hey! Your hair smells different today," he observed.
She moved her head away from his and turned around to face him. "Ah yes," she said with a slight sheepish look, "I borrowed some of your shampoo, my hair was all full of sea salt."
"That's okay." His expression changed then as he pictured her in his shower, washing her hair. She watched him for a moment and then turned, heading towards the front of the boat.

"Hey, where are you running off to?" he asked as she moved away.
She turned a few metres from him. "Nowhere, just looking down here." She started to move again.
He laughed, "You're running away from me again Fay."
She turned again but continued to edge backwards. "Don't be silly, I just want a different view."
He moved towards her with narrowed eyes. "I'll come and see the different view too then."
She gave a small laugh and held out a hand between them, "No, you can look at the view from there."
He grinned at her. "Yes but I've got no chance of following up on that kiss of ours if I'm stuck over here."
She continued to back away. "Adam...that was done in a very underhanded way, now behave yourself!"

He pursued her and she suddenly turned and ran down the boat, he bolted after her. She darted around the front of the boat and headed for the steps to the lower deck which were midway along the other side.
He followed, shouting after her, "I've chased a few women in my time but his is getting ridiculous!"
"Well stop chasing then!" she shouted back.

He caught her by the arm before she made it to the steps and turned her around, trapping her between himself and the railing at the edge of the boat. He leant towards her but she leant backwards as far as she could against the railing.
"You're a very troublesome woman you know," he pointed out.
"Yes I know, I have a mind of my own," she replied sarcastically.
"Stubborn beyond reason," he added.
"Strong willed," she corrected.
"Insubordinate," he challenged.
"Steadfast," she came back.
"Hmm," he looked unsure, "wavering at times."

He watched her for a while and then slipped his hand under her jacket and onto her lower back, urging her forward. She tensed and he gave an exasperated look, linking both of his hands behind her back but allowing some space between them.
"Happy?" he asked wryly, "no major bodily parts touching, see." His eyes made a leisurely assessment of her face and she frowned.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm trying to work you out," he replied, contemplating her.
"Are you getting anywhere?"
He sighed. "Slowly...but I'm having fun along the way." He smiled, kissed her on the nose and then let her go, moving to the railing at the side of her. A few minutes later Nikos reappeared.

"The sea, she is getting a bit," he indicated rough waves with his hand, "we must go back."
"No problem," Fay smiled, "thank you very much for taking us out Nikos."
"For you, anything Fay." He ruffled her hair and moved back down the stairs again.

Fay sat down on one of the seats opposite Adam and pulled her jacket further around her as the wind got stronger.
"You know it's just occurred to me how much we have to do yet before the tourists start arriving," Adam pointed out.
"Yes, it won't be long. You'll need to find more staff too, guides et cetera." She thought for a moment. "How about Sal? She'll be wanting to find work soon."
He looked unsure, "Has she done any work like that before?"
"Well no," Fay admitted, "but I could train her. She'd just need a few pointers if she was going to guide."
"Okay, I trust your judgement." He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Fay, am I paying you enough?"
Her eyes widened in surprise at his question. "You're paying the going rate."
"Yes but it turns out that you have endless talents that I hadn't foreseen." He laughed as she put a hand to her face in mock modesty.
"Good grief, carry on like that and you'll have me blushing Mr Ford," she chuckled, "if you're going to offer me a raise though I'll not refuse it."
"Okay, but we'll talk about it tomorrow," he smiled.

The boat reached the harbour again and they thanked Nikos once more, waving goodbye and heading for the car. By this time it was beginning to get dark so they drove back to Agios Nikolaos and Adam dropped Fay outside her apartment.
"Thanks, what's on the agenda for tomorrow then?" she asked, reaching for her bag.
"As you said, we need to sort out staff and organise transport, paperwork and finish off the details of the trips," he said with growing realisation of the tasks ahead.
"I'll come in early then." She looked slightly anxious.
"Thanks Fay, I do appreciate your support," he said, kissing her on the cheek.
"No problem," she smiled, and got out of the car.

Fay's apartment was in darkness when she let herself in and a note on the counter informed her that Sal had gone out for the evening. Sal had invited her along but she had already made the decision to have a night in. She had to get up early tomorrow, and besides she had been out an awful lot lately, a nice relaxing night in would be a welcome change. She opened the fridge, hoping to see something inspirational to cook but alas, she hadn't been shopping for a few days and both the fridge and the cupboards looked pitifully bare.

Never mind, she could be inventive with the ingredients that she did have.

She put them out on the kitchen counter and assessed them.

Okay, what had she got? Ham, that provided the meat. Chickpeas... that had to be soaked over night.

She pushed them to one side.

Tin of tomatoes, always handy. Oxo cubes, hmm. Lemon juice, bit of a mixture. Pita bread, must be able to do something with that. Lentils, two sausages and a banana. Hmm. This may be a bit of a challenge even for someone of her creative talents.

Later that evening she sat on the sofa, having eaten half a plate of an incredibly odd concoction, and flicked channels with a sigh.

Bloody Greek television! She may as well go to bed. She could watch a DVD though and maybe she would eventually nod off.

She changed into her night slip and searched her DVD collection.

Seen it recently, seen it a million times, didn't like it anyway...Got it. Okay so she'd seen it a million times too but it should cheer her up.

She picked up 'Pretty Woman' and put it in the DVD player, jumping into bed and pressing start on the remote control. She was only fifteen minutes into the film when the telephone by the side of her bed rang and she looked at it with surprise.

If it was Sal she was not going out. She could do one night in for goodness sake.

She turned the volume down on the television and picked up the receiver.
"Hello Fay, it's your boss here."
She looked at the receiver with puzzlement. "Oh hello, is everything okay?" she asked, wondering why he was phoning her.
"Yes fine. I was just phoning to ask if you have discovered something of yours missing," he said with amusement in his voice.
"Missing?" A thought occurred to her then which she didn't like so she pushed it aside.
"Yes, something you may have left behind this morning at my apartment."
"Left behind," she stalled.
"Hmm, an item of clothing," he added.
She contemplated denial. "I don't think so, I left wearing all my clothes remember?" She bit her lip. "Perhaps it's your cleaner's," she suggested.
He howled with laughter. "No, I really can't imagine my cleaner wearing this particular style of clothing. She is in her mid sixties and it is a little too small to fit her I would imagine."

She looked down at herself with a frown. She wasn't that small!
"Well I don't know then. Where did you find it anyway...just out of interest?" she added.
"In my wardrobe, on the floor," he chuckled.
She cringed.

Why didn't she look there?

"So aren't you going out tonight?" she asked, hastily changing the subject as an image of him finding her bra popped disconcertingly into her head.

Swift change of subject there; he'd get her to admit it later.

"No, got a busy day tomorrow. I take it that you are staying in too then or you'd be out with Sal by now eh."
"Yes, Sal's out now though. I don't know how she does it, I'm shattered."
"I didn't wake you did I?" he asked, glancing at the clock.
"No, I'm not asleep yet. Think my body is used to staying up late now after the last couple of days."
"I know what you mean, I'm not tired now either. What are you up to then?" he asked.
"I'm just watching TV in bed, hoping I'll eventually fall asleep," she said, stopping the DVD. "Why, what are you doing?"
"I'm on the sofa doing the same. What are you watching? I can't seem to find anything decent on," he said, searching the channels.
"Err, I'm not really watching anything specific."

She wasn't going to tell him she was watching 'Pretty Woman', he'd laugh.

"I was thinking of ordering a takeaway, where would you recommend Fay?"
She thought for a moment. "It depends on what you want but actually your best bet is probably 'Minos' as it delivers anything off the menu and they do pretty much all types of food. Just ask for what you want and if they don't do it they'll suggest the nearest alternative. Hold on a sec." She reached for her mobile phone, looked up the number in the phone book and read it out to him.
"Thanks. I guess you have already eaten," he said.
She laughed. "If you can call it that. I was trying to be inventive with what was left in my cupboards but it didn't work too well."
"Oh, I see," he said with amusement, "So what did you end up putting together then?"
"You really don't want to know," she replied.
"Yes I do, I'm intrigued now," he insisted.
"Okay, well pita bread was the main ingredient as it was the only filling thing I had in the cupboard. Then I kind of cooked tinned tomatoes with a bit of sausage, ham and...lentils thrown in for good measure," she finished quickly.
He laughed. "Mmmm, tasty."
"No it wasn't actually, I gave up half way through," she admitted.
"Hold on a sec, I'm just going to quickly order the food. Don't go anywhere; I want to hear more entertaining tales of your evening."

The phone went quiet and she looked at it startled but then smiled, sitting up in bed with her arms wrapped around her knees.
"Are you still there?" he asked on the other end after a few minutes.
She put the receiver to her ear. "Yes, did you order then?"
"I did, thanks for that," he replied.

They spent the next fifteen or so minutes making small talk but surprisingly Fay found herself feeling quite relaxed simply chatting to Adam over the phone.
"It's a shame that you aren't here to share the take away and the bottle of wine I have in front of me," he said suggestively.
"You have wine too, that's not fair! But actually no, I made up my mind I'm going to get used to a sensible routine again. Nights in and bed at a reasonable time," she said firmly.
He laughed. "What, with a glass of milk and a bible reading?"
"Well, I wouldn't go that far," she giggled.
"I must admit, I had planned on coming to live here to slow down my pace of life but it's turned out to be almost as hectic so far." He gave up on the TV and threw the remote control onto the coffee table.
She paused for a moment as a question entered her head. "Adam."
"I know it's the kind of question that everyone asks but I'm actually quite intrigued now, why did you move out here?" There was a short silence and she relented. "I'm sorry. It's none of my business, I'm just being nosy."
"No, I'm only trying to think of how to explain it. What I said was true, my life was getting too hectic but in quite a bad way and I guess I just woke up one day and wanted out," he explained.
"Well I hope that you haven't jumped from the frying pan into the fire," she replied.
"No, not at all. I was just joking. I'm actually loving every minute of it," he said genuinely.
"Good, I'm glad."
"So how about you? Do you ever miss England Fay?" he queried.
"Not really... occasionally I guess."
"Don't you have family you miss?" he asked with surprise. "Oh hang on. Hold that thought, I think the food is here," he said, moving to answer the door.

She waited for a while, considering how to answer his last question. Then he came back to the phone.
"Right, yes, I was asking if you missed your family," he reminded her.
"Well I guess I should keep in touch with them more. There's just my sister and my mother but my sister and I are quite different, come to think of it so are my mother and I. After speaking with her over the phone I usually feel quite fed up. I always get the feeling that she disagrees with my lifestyle so I tend to make excuses not to phone her." She had a guilty look on her face.
"So there's no dad in the picture then," he enquired.
"No, my parents got divorced when I was young and I think he kept in touch for a bit but then he moved away and now we have lost touch."
"Do you think you will ever get in touch again?" he asked.
She paused. "Maybe, isn't your food getting cold anyway? I should leave you to enjoy it," she said, changing the subject.
"No, it's okay for a bit. It's nice to talk, it's important for staff relations," he added.
"Oh I see, so does Ann get the late night phone calls too then?" she laughed.
"No, I think her husband might complain if..."

She suddenly looked towards the lounge with a startled expression as the doorbell rang.
"Good god, there's someone at the door," she interrupted him.
"Well you had better go and answer it then, I'll wait," he replied.

She jumped up and grabbed her dressing gown, slipping it on as she made for the lounge. Peeping through the eyehole she looked bewildered when she saw a delivery boy holding takeaway bags. An explanation entered her head but then she dismissed it and opened the door to find out more. The boy simply handed her the bags and went to leave.
"Wait a minute, I didn't order anything," she shouted after him.
He turned briefly, shrugged and then disappeared down the stairs.

He wouldn't have, would he?

She looked in one of the bags and grinned when she saw a box containing 'Minos's' famous chef's chicken. Then she turned her attention to the other bag with curiosity and pulled out a bottle of white wine and a large bar of chocolate. She held them in her hands, looking from one to the other with amazement. Her face broke out into a huge smile as she realized what Adam had done.

Oh my god! Oh my god, that was so sweet of him! And how on earth did he get them to deliver chocolate?

She quickly transferred the meal onto a plate and opened the bottle of wine. Then she grabbed a wine glass, the bottle and the chocolate and went back into her bedroom. After placing the objects on her bedside table, she jumped into bed and picked up the telephone receiver.
"Okay, I have two questions for you. One, how did you know my favorite meal or was it just a coincidence? And two, I'm pretty sure that 'Minos' doesn't sell chocolate so where did that come from?"
He grinned. "Well I guessed that you had ordered from there before and they knew you so I asked what you usually order, and I managed to persuade the delivery guy to make a quick stop at the kiosk on the way."
"You did?" she sounded amazed. "Adam I'm speechless. Thank you so much."
"It's a pleasure. Actually I did it for selfish reasons really."
"Is that right?" She poured herself a glass of wine with a smile.
"Yes, I hate eating alone."

She laughed and reached for the plate of food, placing it on her lap and beginning to eat.
"So what did you order then?" she asked, keeping the receiver by her ear with her shoulder.
"I've got the same; I figured that you'd know the best food in there. You know everything else there is to know about this place," he pointed out.
"Well I don't know everything," she said modestly.
"Pretty much," he laughed.

They continued to eat and Fay made a few attempts at getting him to hang up the phone, but without success.

It was so bizarre. Nice though. She was glad he didn't hang up.

She finished the meal and put the plate to one side, picking up the chocolate and opening it on her lap.

She would just have a bit or she'd end up the size of a house!

"I'm eating the chocolate now, just thought I'd let you know. If I end up fat it will be your fault," she added.
"Don't be ridiculous, you've got a fabulous body! Probably too fabulous for my peace of mind," he said, trying to picture her in bed eating the chocolate.
She giggled, popping another piece of chocolate into her mouth and placing the rest of the bar back on her bedside table with determination not to eat any more.
"You know Adam, you are quite a romantic guy I think," she grinned.
" about you Fay? Do you like a bit of romance?" he asked.
"Err...haven't really thought about it," she lied.
He laughed. "I find that hard to believe. Okay, I'll tell you if you are romantic, what is your favorite film?"
She grimaced.Pretty Woman was one but her real favourite was even more embarrassing. She searched her brain for an alternative film to quote him.
"Can't remember," she finally spurted out, covering her face with her hands.
"Really? Now I know you're lying. Come on, out with it," he pushed.
"No," she said rebelliously, "You don't get to know everything."
"Oh yes I do," he countered, picking up his mobile phone, typing in a message and sending it.
"That's the good thing about being on the phone," she said smugly, "there's nothing you can do if I don't want to tell." She pictured him tickling her half to death.
"Hmm, we'll see," he said mysteriously.

What was he up to? She'd not tell him whatever he did!

Moments later Adam's phone beeped with a message from Sal and he read it, howling with laughter.
"What? What are you up to Adam Ford?" she asked suspiciously.
"And you intimated that you weren't romantic," he laughed, "Gone With The Wind! You couldn't get any more romantic if you tried!"
She screamed and pulled the bedclothes over her head in embarrassment.
"Fay," he called with a teasing tone. "Fay, come back on the phone or I'll do my Rhett Butler impression and have you swooning," he chuckled.
"I hate you Adam Ford! So who told you then?" she said with an angry expression.
"If I tell you, you have to promise not to do her any bodily harm Fay."
"Let me guess, Sal," she growled.
"Now, now, in truth she didn't know it was a secret of yours," he said with amusement. "Who would have thought it? Fay, the closet romantic!" he teased.
"Shut up!"
"Okay," he relented, "I'll not tease you any more if it's a touchy subject. There's just one other little thing I want to say though..."
She narrowed her eyes.
"Frankly my dear, I couldn't give a damn!" he howled. "Sorry sweetheart, I just couldn't resist!"
"You're evil!" she shouted, but then giggled despite herself.
"You're extremely entertaining Fay," he smiled.
She sighed, "Well I guess we should be getting some sleep now, it's getting late."
He paused. "I guess so."
She suddenly felt reluctant to hang up but couldn't think of a way to delay it.
"Well, goodnight then," she said reluctantly.
"Hold on," he said suddenly. "What about my goodnight kiss?"
She looked bewildered. "I think that even you would find that a bit difficult."
"And you are supposed to be the romantic one," he scolded. "So you are in bed then; I have to picture you so what are you wearing?"
She looked awkward and reluctantly answered him. "A night dress."
"Don't tell me it comes up to your chin and down to your toes."
"No," she said indignantly.
"So? Describe it then," he urged.

Okay, this was weird.

"It's deep blue, silky, strappy thing. You know the kind of thing," she finished awkwardly.
He grinned, building up an image in his mind. "Okay, so I sit on your bed next to you and reach out to hold your face in my hands. Now to make it realistic you probably do a little nervous, unsure thing with your eyes round about now but I say something reassuring like, 'don't worry, it's just a kiss. I'm not going to push it.'"
She smiled slowly.
"Then I stroke your lips with my fingers and your eyes go deeper blue. You start to blush too which means that, although you are trying your hardest to not react, you really want me to kiss you already."
She listened with fascination as he spoke.
"Then I lean closer, watching your face until I cover those gorgeous lips with mine." He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. "Then, because I don't want to frighten you off and I know I'm going to want to do a hell of a lot more, with great willpower I move my mouth to your ear and whisper, 'goodnight sweetheart.'"

Oh god, don't go! She wanted him to kiss her now.

"Adam," she suddenly said on impulse, "you missed a bit out."
"I did," he said with surprise.
"Yes, the bit where, because I've had such a wonderful evening, I put my hand on your face when you kiss me and I hold you there for a bit longer," she said quietly, not believing her own words.
His face lit up with amazement at her words.
"Goodnight Adam," she said.
"Night, night Fay."

Chapter 31

Adam put down the receiver and sat staring at the phone for a few moments with a huge grin on his face. Then he laughed and stood up, unsure of what to do next. He ran a hand through his hair and made for the bathroom, stripping off his clothes and climbing into the shower. As he stood under the hot water however he had taunting visions of Fay showering there that morning. These images soon developed into pictures of her there at that moment, with him rubbing soap all over her body, and he soon had to get out of the shower to stop the frustration he suddenly felt.

He put on a dressing gown, went back into the lounge and poured himself a large whiskey in hope that it would invoke sleep. After finishing the whiskey he moved into his bedroom and climbed into bed, turning off the light and staring at the shuttered windows in the greyness of the room. He lay there for hours as visions and thoughts raced around his mind and he twisted and turned, trying to shut off his overactive brain. He eventually fell asleep, entwined in his sheets.

The door of Adam's room opened and someone walked in.

Who was it?

He opened his eyes but he couldn't see; his eyes wouldn't focus.

It was Fay!

Although he couldn't see clearly, he knew that it was her. He went to speak but she put a finger to his lips to silence him. She stood silhouetted against the window and began to undress. His eyes strained to see her more clearly but she was a haze to him. He watched garments falling onto the floor as she took them off but her body turned into a fleshy shape, obscured by the shadows. He waited expectantly for her to go to him but feared that she might suddenly disappear. His heart jolted with excitement when she moved towards the bed, lifted up the covers and got in beside him. He reached out for her; impatient to feel her naked body next to his, but suddenly he was standing looking down at her. She was lying on a rock, and when he glanced around he realised that they were in the cave, next to the small church with the encased bones of the dead. She looked white and he bent to wake her but she was lifeless. He gathered her into his arms and whispered in her ear, "Wake up Fay, wake up." He whispered it over and over again as panic began to build in him but she remained still and limp. He put his head against hers and buried his face in her hair, willing her back to life.

Suddenly it was light and he bolted to a sitting position in his bed, struggling to make sense of his surroundings. Then he reached for his mobile phone, which was beside his bed, and dialled a number.
"Yes...Adam what's wrong?" she asked, recognising his voice and registering his panic.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"Yes, why?" She looked confused.
He laughed with relief. "Sorry sweetheart, I think I must be losing my mind."
"Err... I think I've just woken up properly but I had a dream and... well I got a bit confused between that and reality," he explained.
"Oh," she frowned, "what was the dream about?"
"Well, you were kind of... dead," he said reluctantly.
"Dead! Great! I hope that's not your subconscious trying to get rid of me!" she exclaimed.
"No, definitely not...not considering the first part of the dream anyway," he assured her.
"Go on then, what was the first part of the dream? Did you try to stop me from dying?"
"No, there was no dying involved. In fact it was going fantastically well up to that point," he said wryly.
"What do you mean 'fantastically well', or shouldn't I ask?"
"Well, put it this way, you were playing the seductress and I...come to think of it, it wasn't as fantastic as I'd hoped. I had a bit of a problem with my eyes and I couldn't see all the action!"
She laughed loudly. "That serves you right Adam! That's what happens when you have naughty dreams about me," she teased.
"Just my luck. I wouldn't put it past you to have somehow censored all my dreams too!" he complained.
She grinned. "Well, I'm very much alive, now leave me alone because I still have half an hour before my alarm goes off."
"Okay, okay, I'm going. See you later," he said, hanging up.

Forty minutes later and Fay was rifling through her wardrobe for something to wear. The weather was getting hotter and that morning was particularly warm so she looked for an alternative to wearing trousers. Her eyes hovered on a cotton, khaki dress that she had bought at the end of last summer and she eventually took it out to assess its suitability.

Was it a bit short? No, wasn't too bad and at least it would be cool.

She made up her mind to try it on and glanced in the mirror with narrowed eyes. The material fitted snugly to her figure and stopped a few inches above her knees. The top half of the dress fastened at the back of her neck and, although it had a small collar, it was sleeveless.

Okay, not too bad...or was it a bit low?

She bent forward and grimaced.

No bending over today then. Her mother always told her to sit up straight anyway.

She shrugged and searched her wardrobe for some sandals. Then, grabbing her bag and sunglasses, she left her apartment and headed down the set of steps to the sea front.

When she arrived in the office Adam was the only person there and he turned around as she entered. To her consternation her heart did a little leap at the sight of him and she scolded herself for it.

She wasn't a bloody school girl; she had to get control of herself!

"Hello you. Did you get that other half an hour sleep in the end?" he asked as he organized the papers in front of him.
She walked up to her desk and placed her bag on it. "Well I fell asleep again but not until twenty minutes later, so I had a total of ten extra minutes sleep in all," she chuckled.
He laughed.
"Is Ann coming in?" she asked.
"Yes, she should be here soon. She has to take Amy to school first though as Dimitris had to go somewhere early this morning." He shrugged to suggest that he didn't know where exactly.
"Would you like me to start on the trip details again?" she said, glancing at the computer. "I was thinking that I could probably get all of them done today, well the ones we discussed anyway, and if not I'll finish them at home."
"That would be great; I need the details to put in the brochures. But don't take work home. Let's see how much we get done today anyway," he winked.

She watched him busying about at his desk and recalled the telephone call, the food he had bought for her and the kiss he had described. He looked up at her suddenly and she moved quickly to turn on the computer. He went back to his work with a smile.

Ann rushed into the office soon afterwards, apologizing for being late and heading straight for her desk.
"Ann, how are you getting on with the guest lists? Are we on schedule?" Adam asked, moving towards her and glancing at the computer screen.
"You know, I think we may even be a bit ahead," she said proudly.
"Good, I don't want any last minute hiccups once guests begin to arrive." He turned his attention to Fay. "Any ideas for guides Fay? We have Sal, if she wants the job, but we'll want more once the season starts. I've got a big group of guests arriving tomorrow..."
Fay looked up in shock.
"Don't panic they are all sorted out. They are friends and acquaintances of Tom and they know that the season hasn't started yet so they won't expect the tours to be organized properly, although I would like to give them some details for future reference. We expect many of them to return and if they know Tom I'm sure that they will have good connections back home. I'd like to ensure that their transfers run smoothly and also I was wondering if you would give them a small informal talk, just to get them interested in the trips." He leant against the side of Ann's desk and waited for a response.
"I suppose so, although I'm not sure exactly what I'd say." She looked unsure.
"You'll be great, just show them all the enthusiasm you showed when we went out to see the places," he reassured her.
"Okay, I'll do my best but I'm not an expert or anything. I only know what I told you through personal interest."
"Well personally... I was impressed, and so will they be," he said, smiling at her and moving back to his desk. "So, any ideas on the guides?" he asked, returning to his original question.
"Oh, not off the top of my head but I could ask Susie for you. She knows a lot of guides and reps." She watched him for a bit as he worked on his computer, and then she added, "Actually the best person to ask is Jen."
His head shot up.
"She knows everyone, and she'll know the best guides too," Fay pressed.
He looked torn. "Speak to Susie for me first eh Fay."
"Okay," she nodded. "Do you want me to ask Sal for you too while I'm at it?" she said, searching in her bag for Sal and Susie's mobile numbers.
"Sure," he nodded.

She phoned Sal first and expected her to still be in bed but the background noises of cars and bikes indicated that she was up and out. As soon as she answered Sal began chatting away excitedly.
'Fay, you're not going to believe this but I was on my way to the beach and I was walking past 'The Apollo' hotel, and who should I see but your friend Jo. Well she stopped to say hi and we got chatting and she's moving into a new apartment and she said I could take her old one! And it's got two bedrooms and everything!' She eventually stopped to get her breath back.
'Wow, I didn't even expect you to be up! Well done Sal, so when will you move in then?' Fay asked.
'She said I can move in tomorrow. Can you believe it?" Sal answered in amazement.
"No, that was quick. I might have some more good news for you too. Adam is looking for guides and he wondered if you wanted to be one."
"You're kidding. Yes definitely, tell him yes," she replied enthusiastically.
"Okay, pop in here on your way back from the beach and you can talk to him about it," she suggested.
"Okay, see you later." She hung up.

"Well Sal's on board," Fay shouted across the office to Adam.
"Great," he called back

She dialed Susie's number.
"Hi Susie, it's Fay here."
"Hi, how's things?"
"Good thanks and you?" Fay enquired.
"Not bad, busy as usual."
"Listen, I was wondering if you knew of anybody who was looking for guiding work, Adam needs some guides and we thought that you might be able to put us in contact with someone," she asked hopefully.
Susie thought for a while. "Hmm... most of the people I know already have work...oh actually I may know of someone. Jen's new boyfriend has not long moved out here and he may not have found work yet, Nick I think his name is," she added.
Fay grinned and looked towards Adam. "Do you have a contact number for him?"
"No but I'll be seeing Jen within the hour so I'll get her to ask him to stop by your office, if that's okay."
"Great, thanks Susie. I'd better go now but we'll catch up soon right?"
"Yes, see you soon," she agreed.

When Fay looked up Adam had moved from his desk and was nowhere to be seen.
"Where's Adam gone?" Fay asked Ann.
"He's in the back room I think," she said, looking towards the room in question.

Fay got out of her chair and headed for the back room, which acted mostly as a storage place. Adam was bending over searching through some boxes on the floor and he stood up and turned when she entered.
"We may have another guide," she said, moving into the room and leaning backwards against one of the shelves.
"Great," he smiled.
"I was right about Jen knowing someone for the job." She watched his smile fade at the mention of Jen's name. "Actually Susie said that it was her new boyfriend, Nick his name is. He will call in later if he is interested."
He gave her a casual nod.
"You don't mind then?" she asked tentatively.
"Why should I mind?" His eyes searched hers.
She turned behind her and fiddled with some brochures on the shelf. "Well I just thought, considering your involvement with Jen..."
He interrupted and walked up to her, moving her hand from the brochures and turning her to face him. "We weren't involved."
She looked unsure. "Well, you had some kind of involvement from what I've heard."
He put his hands on the shelf behind her and moved closer. "That was entirely your fault," he accused.
She frowned. "How do you make that one out?"
He put his hands on her waist and his eyes moved over her body.
"I like this dress," he digressed.
"You were saying?" she reminded him, looking suspiciously at his hands.
"You left me all hot and bothered after you seduced me by the pool table that night." He moved his hands slowly up her back.
"I didn't seduce you," she said glancing nervously at the open door.
He put his head next to hers and whispered in her ear, "Yes you did, with your eyes and your sexy little blushes."
She felt her body react to his closeness then and backed away. "We should get back, and Ann's in there," she reminded him.
He reached towards the door with his foot and nudged it closed. Her heart jolted at his action and the realization that he wanted to be alone with her.

Oh god, don't Fay. Resist him, resist!

He slid his hands on to her behind and pulled her hard against him. She gasped in shock at his boldness and looked at him with her mouth agape.
"Are you shocked at how much I want you Fay?" he whispered.
She wasn't expecting him to be so brazen, particularly there, and it caught her unawares.
"Adam we can't do anything in here, Ann is in the other room," she exclaimed, trying to control the situation.
"I don't care, it doesn't make me want you any less," he said, raising a hand and running it along the opening at the front of her dress.
Her eyes widened and she watched, waiting to see how far he would go. His fingers paused at the first button but then he twisted it out of its hole.

What on earth was he going to do in there?

He gave her a devilish look and went for the next button, undoing that one too. She looked startled and followed his eyes down to the lacy pink and black bra that was now exposed.

Okay, that was enough.

Before she could stop him however, he suddenly bent and began planting kisses over the area he had exposed, peeling back her dress at one side and moving his lips onto her bra. She gasped out loud and he reveled in her reaction to him, finding the most sensitive part of her breast and sucking on it over the material. She put her hand on his shoulder and grasped it tightly; fighting the sensations he was arousing in her. He moaned and reached for her other breast with his hand, gently squeezing and teasing it.
"Oh lord Adam, you've got to stop!" she said breathlessly.
"I want to rip this bra off you!" he growled, running his tongue over her skin at its edge.
"Adam, don't say things like that." She looked to the ceiling, panting for breath and burning inside and out.
"Why, because it arouses you? Because it's exactly what you want me to do?"
"No," she had to think of another reason, "because, because we're at work and Ann is just through there," she said, finally finding the willpower to push him back.

He moved away with a groan and leant over one of the shelves next to her to regain his composure. She readjusted her dress with awkward movements, chastising herself for her lack of self-control. He frowned at the look on her face and went to exit the room, pausing on the way to stroke her cheek and whisper, "I don't want to be with Jen."

Chapter 32

The morning seemed to pass slowly for Fay; she kept making small typing errors and was forced to go back over her work again and again to check its accuracy. Typing up the information on the trips reminded her of the time Adam and she had spent together, but it also made her realize how quickly their relationship, if you could call it that, had progressed. In one way she was very flattered by all the attention he was paying her and she felt excited every time she knew that she would see him again. However, the more practical side of her was wary. She was a realist, able to make choices about her life based on logical decisions; although recently her mind had been overtaken with distracting thoughts brought on by secret, steamy glances and emotionally charged encounters.

She was so lost in thought that she didn't even realize that someone had walked into the office until they stood in the middle of the room and shook Adam's hand.
"Hi, I'm Nick. Jen said that you were looking for workers." He sat back against a table and loosely folded his arms in front of him.

Bloody hell, how had Jen managed to trap such a good looking guy?

He had a casual, relaxed look about him with blonde, ruffled hair and the kind of blue eyes that could persuade you of almost anything. He spoke with Adam and they seemed to fall into conversation easily as Adam drew Nick's attention to his computer screen and Nick appeared to sort out some kind of dilemma that Adam was having.

Fay turned her attention back to her work with determination to get it finished at some point that day. She only managed to type up another couple of paragraphs however before Sal burst into the office and demanded her attention.
"I'm so jazzed up about my new apartment," she enthused, sitting on top of Fay's desk and glancing at her work. "Plus now we will be working in the same place, how excellent is that Fay?" She clapped her hands with excitement.
"Calm down Sal, besides most of the time you will be at the airport so I won't see you that much. Even less now that you'll be moving out," she added.
Sal pouted and jumped off the desk, running around it and throwing her arms around Fay dramatically. "I'd forgotten. And I love you so much; you're my best friend in the whole wild world," she said, kissing her face. Fay looked astounded and glanced up to see Adam and Nick watching them with amused expressions.
"Yes, I love you too Sal but perhaps we shouldn't show it quite so much here in the office!" she frowned, untangling herself from Sal's arms.
Nick laughed. "Oh I don't know, carry on you two," he said cheekily.
"I'm with him on this one," Adam added with a grin.
Sal giggled, "You see, it's only Adam and..."
"Nick," he provided for her.
"...yes and Nick, they don't mind."
Fay shook her head in disbelief at Sal and nudged her away. Sal shrugged and turned her attention to Adam.

"So, when do I start work then Adam?" she called across the office.
"Officially, probably in a couple of weeks but you could collect some one off guests who are arriving tomorrow for me if you'd like," he offered.
"Okay," she agreed and then turned to Fay, "going to be busy tomorrow then what with moving out and going to the airport. Oh well, no rest for the wicked eh," she winked. "Who's he anyway," she whispered looking in Nick's direction.
"Looks like he is going to be working along side you, he's Jen's new boyfriend...I know," Fay said, noticing the surprised look on Sal's face.

At that point Nick glanced in their direction and Sal smiled, moving towards Adam's desk.
"Do I get to wear a sexy uniform then Adam?" she asked with a grin.
"Not tomorrow Sal but I'll get one organized for you to wear when you officially begin." He had moved back to his computer and began frowning again as he fiddled with the settings on it. "Nick, can you help me out here again." He appealed to Nick who was standing next to Sal around the other side of the desk.

Nick edged past Sal, taking her by the arms as he moved between her and the corner of the desks.
"Awch! Awch! Awch! Sunburn mister," she exclaimed, cringing and blowing on her glowing skin. He glanced back at her with surprise and watched as she inspected the skin of her arms, shoulders and back.
"You'll have to get used to using sun tan lotion you know Sal or you'll end up frazzled," Fay warned.
"Hey, I did use it but I still got burnt," she sulked.
"What factor did you use?"
Sal looked slightly guilty. "Okay I admit it wasn't a very high factor but I want a golden tan to drive all the men at the airport wild," she laughed. "Mind you, I'm beginning to regret it now." She winced as she patted her burnt skin and glanced around for her beach bag. She found it by Fay's desk and delved into the bottom to pull out a bottle of after sun lotion. "Always be prepared, that's what I say," she looked at Fay proudly and handed her the lotion, pointing to her burnt back and indicating for Fay to apply some.

Nick elbowed Adam and they both watched with excited, boyish anticipation. Sal narrowed her eyes at them, sighed and snatched the lotion off Fay, moving back towards the men with her arms crossed.
"I can't imagine what you two are grinning at," she said sarcastically.
They shrugged and she gave them an exasperated look. "Bloody men! Here I am in agony and all you two can think about is...well never mind, you do it then," she said, passing the bottle to Nick who looked astounded.

Sal stood with her back to him and moved her long, auburn hair aside. "And be gentle, it hurts like hell," she added.
Nick shrugged at Adam and Adam grinned back at him as he watched Nick pour some lotion onto the back of Sal's shoulders and begin to rub it in.
She turned and watched him. "You don't think it will all peel off do you?"
"No, I'm sure you will drive all the men wild," Nick laughed.
She looked satisfied and took the bottle back off him, turning and holding out a hand. "I'm Sal, looks like we will be at the airport together then."
He wiped the greasy residue from the lotion onto his jeans and shook her hand.
"Should be fun," he smiled.
"Right, I'm going back to sleep before my celebratory drinks tonight," Sal said decisively, grabbing her beach bag. "What time do you want me here tomorrow Adam?"
"It's a night flight but I've got to talk to the coach drivers yet so I'll phone you tomorrow," he informed her.
"No problem, see you all later, bye." She waved over her shoulder as she left the office.

Fay eventually finished her work at around four thirty; an hour after Ann had to leave to pick up her daughter. She saved the documents on her computer with a satisfied smile.
"I've finally finished Adam," she called across the room, "in fact it didn't take as long as I'd imagined."
He got out of his seat and moved over to her, leaning back against the edge of her desk. "That's because you haven't stopped for a break since you got here this morning."
She dismissed his comment, "I just wanted to get it done."
"Well you have and I appreciate it Fay, thank you for all your hard work sweetheart." He watched as she stood and tidied up her desk. "Listen I've taken into account all your extra work and the help that you have been to me and I have given you a raise in wages. I'll have it ready at the end of the week."
She stopped and looked up at him with surprise, unsure of how to respond. "Gosh thanks. It's nice to be appreciated," she smiled.
"What, your last employer didn't appreciate you then?"
"Well he wasn't one for rises anyway. Oh but I shouldn't be telling you that or you'll take it back," she bantered.
"No, I wouldn't do that. Just don't go leaving me to work for another company will you Fay or I'll have to hunt you down and drag you back here."
She laughed. "No, I'm happy here...for now," she added.

Adam reluctantly acknowledged to himself then that there was actually a possibility of conflict between Fay as his employee and Fay as a possible lover. She was doing a fantastic job and her background knowledge and contacts were invaluable to him at that time. However, should any developing relationship between them go wrong at any point would she leave the job? And how would he feel about a failed relationship with her? No, she seemed different though. A little hard to figure out at times, but different from any of the other women he had ever had relationships with.

She reached for her bag and prepared to leave. He watched her thoughtfully.

How was he going to get to see her tonight? Would she go out with Sal?

She put her phone in her bag and looked up.
"Well, see you tomorrow," she said, glancing at his face and pausing at the expression she saw. His eyes held hers like a magnet and the atmosphere abruptly changed. She suddenly had a vision of them in the storeroom with him unfastening her dress and she turned her face away as she felt her cheeks begin to redden.
"Bye," she said quickly and he leaned over, intending to kiss her on her cheek. She moved awkwardly to look back into his face however and her lips skimmed his accidentally. She gave a small laugh and pulled back, throwing him a flustered look of confusion.

Hell, if she wanted him to kiss her properly he'd be more than happy to oblige!

Suddenly her mind had gone blank and her eyes searched his face as she waited for him to say or do something, unsure of what exactly.

Should he kiss her? Did she want him to? God, he'd love to kiss her, to taste her, to feel her tongue and lips.

"Will you phone me tomorrow?" she asked out of the blue. He was thrown by her sudden question. "To tell me when to come in," she finished.
"Oh, yes," he said, shaking his head abruptly and watching with disappointment as she finally moved to the door and left.

Damn! Not so much thinking next time and lots more doing!

Chapter 33

Sal was already searching for clothes to wear that evening when Fay arrived home.

"Well I've pretty much packed everything up, not that I've got a lot anyway. You are coming out tonight aren't you? It will be our last night out with me staying here," Sal pointed out.

"I guess so." Fay put her arm around Sal. "I will miss you you know."

"And I'll miss you too but we can still get ready together before we go out and you will have to come over to my new place," Sal enthused.

"Of course I will. I can't wait to see it." Fay sat on the bed in her spare room with a forlorn expression.

"Hey, what's wrong? You look sad; you're not allowed to look sad. Tell agony aunt Sal what's up," Sal said, sitting next to Fay and holding her hand.

"Oh I don't know," Fay sighed, "everything seems strange. So much has changed in the last couple of days and I kind of feel...unsettled."

"But why?" Sal frowned, "Things are going great. You have a great new job, your best friend is living just down the road, and a gorgeous, sexy man is lusting after you," she added with a grin. Fay sighed again and looked to the floor. "Oh, so that's it." Sal said, reading Fay's mood. "It's Adam who's getting to you then."

Fay looked up suddenly and turned to Sal. "It's just that if I give in to him how can I continue working there afterwards? It would be so awkward. And even if it lasted for a while when we did eventually split up it would be just as bad, or worse," she added.

"Hey, why all the doom and gloom? You never know how things will pan out and if the worst comes to the worst you can always find another job. It's not as though you are completely reliant on working there," Sal reassured her.

"I guess...but you know I don't think I'm ready for a relationship of any kind with him. The problem is that he doesn't seem to want to take no for an answer and when we get close...I don't know, it all gets very heated very quickly." She looked guiltily at Sal but Sal looked thrilled at her admission.

"So he has kissed you then?" she said with excitement.

Fay gave a small smile. "Well he tried to a few days back but it all went a bit wrong. That was the night he slept with Jen."

"Oh. I always wondered what went wrong that night. What on earth did you say to him because he was distraught after you left?"

"Well he was being extremely pushy," she said defensively, "so I kind of told him that there was no way I was ever going to sleep with him."

"Ever? You said that you were never going to sleep with him?" Sal asked in disbelief.

"Look, I hardly knew the guy, I still don't really." She fiddled with the handle of the open suitcase that was lying on the bed.

"Yes but you must have some idea by now if he's a decent guy, you have spent enough time with him," Sal reasoned.

"He seems like a nice guy Sal but for heaven sake, considering my track record so far I'm not sure I can be trusted to judge!" she exclaimed.

"Well I can, and I say that he's lovely. And for the record I also think that he likes you more than you realize Fay."

"Do you?" she said hesitantly. "I'm sure he was going to kiss me earlier, just before I left the office," she admitted.

"There you go." Sal patted Fay's arm. "Just be a little bit more open to something developing between you two or he'll give up and you'll never know then if things would have turned out fantastically," she warned. "Come on, let's find you something to wear. He knows that we are going out tonight and he usually turns up."

Sal moved into Fay's bedroom and flung open the wardrobe doors.

"I think you should wear something really romantic tonight, give him the right vibes eh," she winked, searching through Fay's clothes. "Hey, I haven't seen this before," she said holding up a dress, "wow, it's lovely, it's so feminine and it would suit you really well. Try it on."

It was a pale blue chiffon, knee length dress with delicate black lace detail on it. The silk straps formed a cross over at the back and the v-neck dipped enticingly at the front.

She put the dress on and looked to Sal for approval. "What do you think? Is it too dressy?"

"No," Sal dismissed with a wave of her hand, "it's getting really hot now and it's a great summer dress. Besides we are going down town tonight..." she frowned at Fay's expression, " haven't been into town with me since I arrived so we are going to make a night of it and no arguing."

"Okay, okay. Besides, we have to find you someone too Sal," Fay smiled.

When Fay and Sal emerged from the apartment that evening they noticed loud music coming from down the hill.

"That sounds like there's something going on at the lake, let's check it out," Fay suggested.

"Good idea," Sal agreed, linking arms with Fay.

At the lake they were confronted with a bustling atmosphere as many groups of people had turned out to sit in the tavernas and enjoy the entertainment. Sal and Fay stopped on the path at the edge of the lake and watched the commotion. There was a myriad of yellow and white lights surrounding the waters. Some were on their level from the tavernas which ran around the corner and could be seen to their left, and some were from the hotels and buildings that sat on top of the rocky cliff in front of them. The music was coming from a group of local musicians who were visible from a platform that jutted out into the water.

"Hey look, there's Ruth," Sal said as Ruth rounded the corner and spotted Sal and Fay.

"Hello," Fay said with surprise, "is the bar closed tonight?"

"No, I've just got a few hours of freedom. Bill has offered to hold fort for a bit tonight," she explained. "I have come to see what's happening down here, they are quite good don't you think?" Ruth gestured to the musicians.

"Yes, it's nice here tonight. Shall we stay for a bit?" Fay asked Sal.

Ruth interrupted before Sal could answer. "By the way, I dragged Adam and that Tom guy down here too. They were in the bar but I thought that Tom should see the lake entertainment. They are over there somewhere in the crowds." She pointed in the direction from which she had come.

"We should find a seat and invite them over," Sal suggested, searching amongst the people for them.

"Quick, grab that table before it gets taken." Fay spotted a free table and rushed towards it, glancing back for Sal and Ruth.

"Listen love, I'd like to stop but I've got to get back. I'll see you later, have fun." Ruth waved and disappeared into the crowds again.

Where had Sal gone now?

Fay stopped a passing waiter to order some wine, predicting that it could take some time before they would be able to find a waiter again due to the numbers of people.

"Found them!" Sal said appearing again with Tom and Adam in tow. Fay smiled as they approached and then dived onto one of the chairs with her arms as a woman was about to make off with it.

"Sorry, it's taken," she said. The woman frowned but moved away as Tom, Adam and Sal sat down. "That was close. We're lucky to get this table considering the numbers of people who have turned out," Fay said, glancing back at the woman as she began to speak loudly in Greek to a waiter behind them. "Well, we got here first anyway," she said, turning back around swiftly when she suspected that the woman might have heard and understood her. "So, are you enjoying the show?" she said, to Tom and Adam. They sat grinning at the altercation between Fay and the woman.

"I don't know, I was quite enjoying your show. I thought there was going to be a cat fight there for a minute," Tom laughed.

Fay bit her lip and blushed slightly; perhaps she had been a little confrontational. She diverted the conversation. "By the way, I've ordered some wine. Sorry, I didn't know what you two wanted but I thought I'd better get in before the waiter disappeared. Anyway, he'll be back soon so you can pin him down then if you want anything else."

"Very organized Fay, now you can see why I'm lost without her at the office." Adam directed his comment to Tom. "This one here is like a survival handbook to Crete."

"Looks like you fell on your feet then Adam," Tom said observing both of them sitting next to each other in front of him.

The waiter came then and Adam ordered some beer for Tom and himself while Sal poured out the wine.

"Is it your first time here then Tom?" Sal enquired. Tom's reply was drowned out by the sound of the next group of musicians who began to play. Fay turned sideways to gaze out onto the lake and enjoy the atmosphere while Adam put his arm over the back of her chair. They sat for some time in silence as Tom and Sal chatted away until Adam suddenly spoke on impulse, "You know I'm really getting to love this place."

Fay turned to him in surprise. "You are?"

"I am," he confirmed, watching the reflections on the lake. She studied him with a smile and his eyes turned to hers.

She liked that. He was glad that she liked that.

He moved his arm to her shoulder and turned her slightly away from Sal and Tom to whisper, "Have I told you how beautiful I think you are Fay?"

She looked and felt taken aback for a moment, feeling flattered but a little embarrassed and uncertain of how to respond in a way that didn't make her seem like a giddy school girl. She resorted to a cool and somewhat sarcastic reply. "If you keep showering me with complements like that I'm going to get big headed Adam."

Adam wasn't to be put off. "It wasn't a complement, it was a statement of fact," he said shrugging and turning his attention back to the view. She watched him for a while and then turned to the lake again. He pulled her closer and she smiled, resting her head on his shoulder instinctively.

"You know it feels like I've known this place all my life now." He sounded surprised at his own statement.

"Yes, it has that effect on some people. You either love it or you hate it."

"I can't imagine why someone would hate it." He looked down at her with surprise.

"Some people prefer the busier, chaotic resorts but those who like it here tend to return again and again."

"That's good for us then." He put his head next to hers.

They sat for some time, enjoying the view and the atmosphere. Sal and Tom continued with their conversation, although Tom noted the interaction between Adam and Fay with interest. Adam reached for their drinks and refilled their glasses when they became empty, enjoying the closeness with Fay and the semi private niche they had created for themselves.

After a while the music finished so they paid their bill and decided to find a bar to move to. They walked around the lake, past the harbour and a row of music cafes to a bar looking out onto the sea. Inside Sal sat at a high table on a bar stool and Fay joined her while the men went to the bar to order drinks.

"You seem to be getting on well with Tom," Fay observed.

"Yeah, he seems okay. What about you two? You were in your own little world for a bit back there," Sal replied.

"Oh, we were just enjoying the music," Fay replied casually.

"Hmm." Sal observed Fay thoughtfully until the men appeared with more drinks.

"Have you two known each other for a long time?" Tom enquired, glancing at Fay and Sal.

"Yes, since school actually," Sal said proudly. "Fay was a few years above me and she caught some boys calling me names so she came to my rescue and we've been friends ever since."

Adam laughed, remembering their first encounter. "Yes, I can imagine that."

Tom looked from one to the other. "I'm trying to imagine you two at school. Got any pictures?" he grinned.

Adam shook his head at Tom. "Don't show him anything, he's not to be trusted." He thought for a moment though and then added, "But if you do have any pictures I can always look after them for you... for safe keeping," he assured them.

Fay tutted and shook her head at them. "We don't have any pictures and even if we did, you two certainly wouldn't get to see any of them."

"Ah, I bet you looked cute at school Fay," Adam grinned. "Did you have little blonde pony tails?"

"It's a pity you'll never get to know," she replied.

The bar soon began to fill up with holidaymakers and there was a bustling atmosphere as the music was turned up and people began to dance. In the holiday spirit Tom insisted on buying Fay and Sal a cocktail each and Fay looked amused as Tom approached their table with two ridiculously over decorated glasses.

"You're looking very touristy there with those Tom," Fay laughed as he placed them on the table. "Thanks very much," she said picking up the glass and taking a sip. "I'll sit here and pretend that I'm a tourist for a bit."

"You're lucky, you can do that all year round," Tom pointed out.

"Yes, but then the locals would make fun of me," she grinned.

"Well I don't care if I do look like a tourist, I'm making the most of my time off. It's probably raining and bleak in England right now." Tom sat back on his stool and glanced out of the window. "Think I'll go to the beach tomorrow, know of any good beaches Fay?" he asked.

She considered his question. "Within walking distance for you the best one is probably Amoudi beach, left out of your hotel. But I prefer Alymiros, which is on the road out of the town." She picked off some of the silver steamers and fruit pieces from her cocktail in order to drink it more easily.

"Yes but where is that other beach you sometimes go to Fay?" Sal asked, wondering if she would answer.

"What beach?" Fay feigned ignorance.

Sal turned to the men. "Fay has a secret beach that she goes to but she won't tell anyone where it is."

"Is that so?" Adam said, turning to her.

"Hey, that's my 'get away from everyone' beach. No one is allowed there but me," Fay said firmly.

"Why is that then eh?"
Tom asked, "Do a bit of topless sunbathing there do you?"
"No I do not!" she frowned.

"Well if I had a secret beach I know I would," Sal interrupted. "Stops you getting white bits."

Sal looked down her top as if to see if she had any tan lines and Tom followed her eyes with interest.

"See any?" he asked.

"Unfortunately yes, I will have to join you Fay on that beach of yours," she announced.

"No you won't. If anyone is doing any topless sunbathing on that beach it will be me and me alone, in peace," she stated. Adam's face lit up with the thought of it and Tom laughed.

"Well I think it has to be your mission to find this beach then Adam."

"Definitely!" he confirmed.

"So what is your mission then Tom?" Sal asked suggestively. He gave her a wicked look, whispered in her ear and took hold of her hand, leading her off through the crowds. Fay looked at Adam in shock. "I hope your friend isn't absconding with Sal."

"She's not at school anymore Fay, she's a big girl now," he teased.

Tom led Sal to a quiet area by a back exit and pulled her boldly towards him, kissing her soundly on the lips.

She pulled away with a surprised laugh. "Slow down, whatever happened to getting to know each other a bit first?"

"Hmm, just intrigued to see those white bits of yours," he said, slipping down one of the straps of her top and kissing his way down it. Sal looked shocked for a bit but then shrugged.

Oh what the hell.

He replaced his mouth with his hands and looked up to kiss her again. She obliged and they stood there in a steamy embrace but jumped guiltily apart when someone brushed past them. Sal cringed when she saw who it was.

"Nick," she stuttered, feeling awkward about being discovered by him. A lazy smile played at his mouth as if he found something vaguely amusing about discovering her like that. This girl seemed to have unlimited amounts of energy and enthusiasm for everything! His eyes swung to Tom’s though, at which point he realised that he may have been staring a fraction too long at Sal.

"Hey don't mind me," he said, holding up his hands and strolling away.

"I think we had better get back," Sal said to Tom, heading for the crowds again. Fay watched them with suspicion when they returned to the table and Sal sat down sheepishly, taking long sips of her cocktail.

"Well, where to next then?" Tom asked, finishing his drink and looking around the table.

Adam put his arm around Fay. "Want to go somewhere else?"

"Sure. Fancy experiencing some Greek night life?" she challenged.

"Lead the way." He took a last swig of beer and they all stood, following her out of the bar and pushing through the crowds of people.

As Sal was approaching the door she caught sight of Nick again and he whispered into her ear when she was jostled past him.

"Looks like the sun tan is driving all the men wild after all," he grinned.

"Must be," she laughed.

"Watch out!" he called as she moved away from him.


"You're peeling!" he chuckled.

Chapter 34

Adam, Fay, Tom and Sal left the bar and headed for 'Soho Street', nicknamed by the British for the number of bars that lined the road there. The street was positioned at the end of the costal road on which they were walking but before they reached their destination they passed the small, sandy beach of Kitroplatia. As they approached the beach Sal gave a squeal of delight at the view and jumped off the paved path into the sand where she took off her shoes and ran with abandon across the silvery surface. Tom looked delighted and chased after her while Adam and Fay stood by, laughing at the sight of their childish antics. When Tom and Sal became figures in the distance Adam eventually turned to Fay and stepped down into the sand himself, holding out his hand for her.
"Come on, let's take a walk along here...we'll lose them otherwise," he said.

Fay took his hand and jumped into the sand, searching through the darkness for evidence of Sal and Tom.
"So this friend of yours, can he be trusted with Sal?" she asked dubiously.
Adam put his arm around her shoulder as they strolled down the beach. "Probably not, but then I think Sal will give him a run for his money."
She nodded. "You could be right."
"You're very protective over Sal aren't you? Are you like that with all your friends?" He hesitated for a moment and then added, "Would you be like that with me if some unscrupulous woman turned on the seduction?"
She thought for a minute. "Hmm, I would resist the temptation..." she began. He raised an eyebrow. "...I wouldn't want to spoil your fun," she finished.
He laughed loudly at her tenacity. "I tell you what," he halted and moved in front of her, taking hold of her arms, "as a small experiment, before an unscrupulous woman comes along, you try the seduction bit and I'll see how long I can last out."
She watched him with narrowed eyes as he threw her a challenging look.

He didn't think she'd do it.

She smiled slowly at him and placed her arms around his neck, noting his reaction. His eyes widened in shock and excitement when he realized that she might take him up on the challenge and his gaze ran up and down her body as she sidled towards him provocatively.
"You don't think I've seduced a man before?" she questioned when she saw his expression.
He whistled. "I've absolutely no doubt you have, this is just the first time I've seen evidence of it!"
She smiled and inched slowly forward whilst her eyes flitted around his face, from his eyes to his lips. Her body hovered in front of him enticingly until her hands met behind his neck and linked, at which point she was near enough for him to feel the pressure of her upper body against his.

Damn it, she was hot. He dared her to kiss him.

Her fingers traced circles on his neck and in his hair and he closed his eyes briefly in torment.

"For god sake Fay just kiss me!"

She smiled, enjoying the power she had over him and she pressed her lips softly onto his jaw and up to his ear where she whispered, "Think you might be weakening Adam, it's a good job they're on their way back."

She moved away then but not before brushing her lips briefly against his, after which he felt her warmth recede as she turned and made towards Tom and Sal who were fast approaching.

His hand shot out and caught hold of her arm though as she moved away, spinning her back around to face him.
"I don't care if they are coming back! I've waited six of the longest days of my life for this!"
He pulled her firmly towards him again in one swift movement, catching a quick glimpse of her shocked expression before he placed a hand on her back and propelled her the rest of the way where his lips collided with hers. Moments later Fay felt a second pair of hands on her shoulders as another head suddenly appeared next to theirs.
"No smooching until later, we have a club to go to." Tom chastised. Adam groaned as they pulled apart and he growled into her ear, "I'm getting that kiss tonight if it bloody well kills me!" Then he turned to Tom with annoyance. "Next time you want to come for a beer with me, remind me to say no!"

They eventually reached the hustle and bustle of 'Soho Street'. On the one side there was a row of cafes and fast food restaurants with people sitting outside watching the action, whereas the other side was buzzing with life as people burst out of doors and moved from bar to bar. Fay grabbed Sal's hand and moved purposely towards the end bar where she knew the owners and the bar staff well.
"I guess she knows where she's going then," Tom observed, watching the girls push their way past the crowds to enter the bar.
Adam laughed. "Yes, she usually knows what she wants does that one."
Tom threw him a look over his shoulder as he pushed open the heavy entrance door of the bar that the girls had entered. "And does that include you hey?"
"I'm working on it," Adam smiled.
Tom glanced around the dark, noisy chaos of the Greek bar and turned back to shout his reply. "You'd better watch her Adam, she'll have you under her thumb before you know what's happening."
Adam shouted back, "She's not another Julia you know Tom, I think I've got her figured out."
Tom looked unconvinced. "Talking of Julia, have you spoken to her lately? She's been asking about you."
"I've been busy." Adam said simply.
"Yes but she'll want to hear something from you," Tom pushed.
"Come on Tom, you and I both know that it's all show with her. She'll be more interested in how the business is going," he said bitterly.
"Maybe, but you left on good terms didn't you?" Tom looked slightly uneasy.
"Yeah. You know Julia, she can worm her way into anyone's good books." He rolled his eyes and made for the bar, scanning the room for Fay and Sal.

Adam ordered a bottle of wine for the girls, although they seemed to have disappeared for the time being, and a beer each for Tom and himself. He paid the barman who looked at them with curiosity, unused to seeing many English people drinking there.
"We seem to be the minority in here," Tom pointed out as the Greek music blared out and he noticed a group of people cheering loudly in the corner, throwing white paper napkins in the air with wild abandon.
"Here throw some," Fay appeared from nowhere, holding out a handful of napkins to Tom and Adam, "It's the Greek way."
They took the napkins but looked at them with uncertainty.
"Ella, Fay! It is you!" the bar man shouted. "Ti Kanis koukla mou?"
She spun around with a smile. "Yia Sou Manolis. Kala, Ise?"
"Kala, kala." He glanced at Tom and Adam who were standing next to her, and addressed them, "You are with Fay?"
Adam nodded.
"Oh, why you not say? Here," he pushed the money that they had given him for the drinks back into his hand, "you friend of Fay, you have drinks on the house."
Adam looked at Fay in amazement. The barman disappeared briefly, came back with five shot glasses and proceeded to pour a white liquid into them.
"One Raki from me," he grinned and passed the glasses out.
Fay leant over to Adam and whispered, "Go on, impress him with what you know."
Adam smiled, banged his glass on the bar and held it up to the barman, "Yamas!"
The barman looked both surprised and delighted. "Yamas!" He clinked with them all and downed the shot.

Tom, Adam and Sal drank their shots immediately, however Fay took one sip of hers and hid the glass in her hand under the bar, aware of how potent the clear liquid could be. Nobody appeared to notice until she caught Adam looking at her suspiciously.
"Come on Fay, drink the rest of it," he said, putting his arm around her shoulder and reaching down to her hand which held the drink. He put his head close to hers and looked down into her eyes with a grin.
"Oh but it's nasty Adam, you drink it for me," she implored.
"Well, there may be a way you could persuade me to," he replied suggestively.
She narrowed her eyes at him, pulled back and tipped the rest of the contents into her mouth.
"Ah, kill joy," he accused.

The barman watched their interaction and leant across the gap to speak to Adam.
"You try to win Fay eh? You will have some problems with her," he warned.
"Tell me something I don't know!"
The barman laughed. "You on holidays?"
Adam shook his head. "No, I moved over here a few weeks ago to set up a tour company."
"Ah, you bring the tourists to Agios," he looked excited. "You bring them in here, we make special prices," he winked.
"Sure," Adam laughed.
"Hey, I help you with Fay. She is a nice girl. A bit..." he struggled to find the word in English but Adam nodded, understanding his gist, "you know. But I will help."

He disappeared again and produced another shot for each of them. Fay grimaced but Manolis held out the drink to her and stood watching until she drank it all.
"No more please, I hate Raki. In fact all shots should be banned!" she exclaimed.
Manolis tapped Adam on the arm then. "You two," he gestured to Adam and Tom, "you must come with me and do some of the Greek dancing."
Adam looked shocked. "Er, it's okay. I haven't got a clue how to Greek dance."
Manolis dismissed his comment. "You will learn," he grinned at him, "Fay wants you to do the Greek dancing eh Fay?"
She giggled at the thought. "Definitely."
"Right, so we do the Greek dancing in two minutes...after Fay sends you to the dancing with a kiss, eh Adam. Like the tradition," Manolis added.
Fay frowned. "I've never heard of that tradition."
"Yes, yes. A lady must send out a man to the dancing with a kiss or it is very bad."
She looked at Manolis dubiously. "You're making this up!"
"No, no," he insisted.
Adam leant towards Fay and whispered, "Listen madam, if I'm going to go out there and do Greek bloody dancing the least you can do is send me off with a kiss!"
She contemplated his comment and sighed.

Oh what the hell, a bit of flirting and one kiss wouldn't hurt.

She took a step towards him and then stopped as though reconsidering. Then she smiled mischievously and took another step forward, pausing again. He grunted with impatience.

She looked at him thoughtfully; making him wait until he finally snapped and shouted out, "Just kiss me will you?"
She laughed and eventually closed the gap, lifting her head and pressing her lips gently onto his. He lunged towards her in desperation, catching her off guard. She lost her balance and they fell backwards towards the bar. She managed to land on a bar stool and sat facing him, laughing at his enthusiasm.
He grinned. "I think that officially means that I've fallen for you."
"Come here," she smiled feeling impetuous and light-hearted, pulling him towards her but pausing for a second before their lips met.

At that point their smiles faded as the emotions that they had felt for each other over the last few days showed in their faces. Suddenly the carefree atmosphere had gone. Fay shrank back at the intensity of the moment but Adam reached out for her and kissed her on the cheek, whispering, "I know sweetheart but..." He bent his head and stroked her lips gently with his. "I just can't stop it..." He caught her lower lip in his mouth and she gasped as the warmth from their mouths transmitted from one to the other and spread as heated flushes down their bodies. He tilted his head and moved to press kiss after kiss onto her lips making her shudder and snake her arms around his neck.
"Ahh god, Fay," he moaned against her mouth.

He was suddenly frantic to taste her and he opened his mouth, easing hers open at the same time. Her tongue just had time to skim his before he was abruptly pulled backwards onto the dance floor and she was left gasping for breath and staring after him in bewilderment.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.08.2012

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