





Lee Joon-A Delinquent

Mir- Funny energetic and baby cute faced guy

Seungho-Very shy and quiet and kept to himself

Thunder-The Nerd




Daniel Henney


Yoon Eun Hye

The GG’s

Table of Content

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: New Beginning………………………….

Chapter 2: The Truth is Out……………………………………

Chapter 3: Start of a beautiful Friendship…………………………..

Chapter 4: All fun and Games……………………………….

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6:

Chapter 7:







Chapter 1


New Beginning

August 27, 2013, A beautiful sunny day in Seoul. It was also Ana and Asia's first day of school at Seoul school of Arts. They transferred from the U.S, So everyone wanted to meet them and they were very popular girls in school among the guys.On their way to school they walk past the other student and the guys would stop and stare,the cutest and most popular guys would go up to them and ask them for their numbers and on dates but Ana and Asia knew their intentions, So they rejected them. A Group of girl’s got attitude and started whispering to other girls talking about how it was stupid it was to reject the guys. However these girls did like a couple of guys these guys were the odd balls in school Mir and Seungho. Mir was the funny energetic and baby cute face ,While Seungho was his best friend but was the total opposite, he was very shy and quiet and kept to himself but Mir’s personality made him open up only to him and trust him for they only had each other in that big school, like Ana and Asia were when they were in the U.S.
As Ana and Asia head to class everyone that were interested in them followed behind them the group of girls pushed their way to the front and push Ana and Asia out of their way and rudely introduced their self they said their group name is GG. They were telling Asia and Ana about how they were the popular girls and that the new girls are not going to take that from them They said in unison.the GG's then turned around and strutted off to class, Ana and Asia also walked into the building to their first block class with Mr. Daniel. When everybody got to class Mr.Daniel called attentance, Everyone was present except for Lee Joon and G.O they were up on the rooftop hanging out. Mr. Daniel then called Asia and Ana into the room to introduce themselves.
Mr.Daniel:"Girls come in and Introduce yourselves to the class."
Asia: "Hello my name is Asia, Hope that we can all be friends."
Ana: "Hi my name is Ana,Nice to meet everyone.
Mr. Daniel:"Thank you ,You may take a seat girls"
Mr. Daniel finished up with attendance Then the leader of the GG's stood up.
Yuri:"My wallet was stolen and i think the new girls stole it." Then another one of the members raised her hand.
Yoona:"My phone is missing too,and i wouldnt be surprised if they stole it"
Mr.Daniel:" I will check their bags after lunch, In the meanwhile everyone take out a pencil and paper
and write a short essay on what you did during the summer."
--------------------------------------------------20 minutes later----------------------------------------------------------
Bell ring's
Asia: " Finally Lunch time Ana I have to use the Restroom do you ?"
Ana:"Sure, let's go."
Asia and Ana went to the Restroom after Mr. Daniel went to th teachers lounge.
As soon as they left Yoona handed Yuri her phone and Yuri pulled out her wallet from her pocket and walked over to Ana and Asia's bag and dropped the her wallet in Ana's bag ,then Yoona's phone in Asia's while she was doing that she grabbed the girls ID tags.

Not too long after Ana and Asia walked back into the classroom and sat down in their seats.
A while After they sat down and ate there lunch then the bell rang and lunch was over
Mr.Daniel walked into class.
Mr.Daniel:"Ana and Asia bring your bags up to the front."
He searched the bags and found the wallet and the phone were in their bags. Asia and Ana looked at each other like how did that happen.Mr.Daniel Handed Yoona and Yuri their belonging.As the girls walked back to their seats they gave them a evil smirk to each other then looked at Asia and Ana in disgust.
Class went on and when first block was over.
Mr.Daniel:"Ana and Asia I am warning you since it is your first day here if somrthing like that happens again there will be consequences, Here are your bags see you."
Asia &Ana :"YES Sir."
----------------------------------------------------AFTER CLASS--------------------------------------------------------
Asia:"what happened ."
Ana:"I don't know ! "
Asia:"We have to figure out how it happened."
They carried on through out the day and finished their classes. So it was a long first day for them ,It finally comes to an end and everyone was ready to head home. when they finally got home the ate and got ready to wash up and go to bed .Waiting for another day of school that would feel like hell just like today.

Chapter 2


The Truth Is Out

On their second day of school.Ana and Asia got up early and got ready ,but they couldn't find their ID. They left for school early. They got to school and went to the classroom to see if they could find their ID's.
But when they got there they saw Tiffany writing on the board, She turned around and smiled placed the chalk in their hands. Before they could turn sround and read it, Just at that very moment Mr. Daniel walked in and saw the board and the chalk that was in their hands, Looking at Asia and Ana with Disappiontment in his eyes. then he said
Mr.Daniel:" For Disrespecting my authority as a teacher your punishments will have to stand up in front of board with your hands in the air afterward you can clean the board after school."
Asia & Ana:"Bu-u-t-t-t we ....."
Mr.Daniel:" Are you talking back!"
Asia & Ana:" No, Sir"
Mr.Daniel:" Then go put your bags up and do as your told class is being in 5 minutes."
Asia & Ana:" Yes, Sir"
The girls just did what they were told. Class felt like it took longer than usual they stood there until class was over. when it was over Mr.Daniel allowed to grt their thing head to the other classes
after another long day they headed back to Mr.Daniel's class to clean the boards. They went and quickly did what the were supposed to then headed home.Finally heading home from a long day aof punishment and learning they arrived at there apartment.They went inside closed the door and locked it. they went and washed up and got there night clothers on which were shorts and a tank top.
Asia:"what do you feel like eating Ana"
Ana"Anything we have in the apartment"
Asia went and grabbed dumplings and some Ramen.little after Ana came in to help. when dinner was done they sat down and ate until they were full. Afterward they laid down
Ana:"GOOD NIGHT,SWEET DREAM See you in the Morning."
Asia:GOOD NIGHT, You Too."
They drifted off to sleep
The next day the alarm went off playing 2pm again and again on the radio and Ana and Asia woke up and got ready for school.
Ana:"You Ready Asia."
Asia:"I am coming."
Little did they know they were going to be framed again! They got ready and grabbed their bags and slid their shoe on and closed and locked the door and left.
While walking to school searching their bags for their ID’s they ran into a crowd of their classmates.
Asia & Ana:"What is going on,Whats wrong "
Student:" Someone Vandalized the school."
They look up and the students were looking at the vandalized school.The Principle slowly walked toward the door saw that there was two shiny metal ID’s on the ground and picked them up. The teacher rushed their students to get to class. When everyone was in the building and in their classes the loud speaker came on
The Principal (Loud Speaker):"Asia and Ana come to the office"
Asia and Ana headed to the office trying to figure out what was wrong and why they were called.
Back in the classroom something shocking also happened! Seungho,The quietest guy in school stood up for the first time. His silence made him unpopular among guys but that also made him very mysterious and attractive to girls. His silence was so present that no one even knew his voice in school except for Mir.
Seungho:"This is Ridiculous! Those girls are innocent!"
He got up and stormed out of the classroom the students were so amazed to hear him talk for the first time and so they followed him to the office. Some teachers tried to prevent him from entering the
principal’s office but he just kept on walking and pushing them off just by walking past them.
As soon as he opened the door she heard the principal promise that he was going to expel the girls.
Principal:" I Promise that you girls will be suspended or expelled for vandalizing school property."
But Seungho strongly disagrees and interrupts the principal.
Seungho:" Those girls are innocent!"
Principal:" Do you have proof?"
The principal stood there with her hands on here hips
then Mir comes into the office panting
Mir:" We do !!, Since the first day of school these girls got in trouble they have been wrongly accused "
Seungho:" We knew they were innocent."
Mir:" We just couldn't prove it then, But thankul today we brought our camera. "
Seungho:" We always arrive early to school so we can get things ready for photography class."
Mir brought the camera over to the principal and showed her the picture of who really did the crime.
It was the GG's with a little help from Lee Joon and G.O they were the culprits.
But the pricipal didn't want to suspend or expel Yuri ,Yoona or Tiffany because Yoona and Yuri were daughters.So instead she had clean boared and classrooms while Lee Joon and G.O scrub bathrooms and the floors for a few weeks they also had to clean up their mess from vandalizing the school.
Principal:" Well I guess you are free to go I will deal with the student who caused this mess , here are your ID's and you may head back to your class. "
As they headed back to class the girls asked the guys
Asia & Ana:" Do you mind if we ask you guys something ."
The guys nodded yes and they just listened without saying a word .
Asia:"How u guys knew we were innocent.
Mir:" Like we said before, We always get here early and that day those girls also arrived early
which was strange to Seungho who noticed them going into the classroom so we followed and
watched what they did..."
Seungho:"Sorry we didn't say anything earlier...."
Asia disagreed with seungho
Asia:"No! , It's Ok we understand that you to have evidence ."
Ana:" Well anyways thanks for helping us, We are in debt with you guys."
Asia:"How could we repay the favor?"
Mir looked up really quickly as if he was surprised and let out a smile from ear to ear
Mir:"How about you guys treat us to a meal after school ?!?!"
Seungho:" No way! I am not letting girls pay for anything"
Ana:" Well we owe you guys so this won't count as paying for a meal but being thankful for
a favor that was done."
Seungho was silent and Mir was excited you couldn't wipe the smile off his face.
they finish there conversation and said that they would find each other after school
________________________________After School_______________________________

When the Bell Rang at the end of the day people started packing up and heading home.
Ana and Asia ran to find the guys and asked them where they wanted to eat. So when they all
found each other they left together to eat while the GG’s were watching from a distance.
Mir & Seungho:"There is a pizza place near by that would be good."
Asia & Ana:" Ok , then lead the way."
So after a long hectic day Ana and Asia were Proven innocent by Seungho and Mir and they
gonna a wonderful meal together.



Chapter 3


Start of a Beautiful Friendship


They arrived at Sungshinje they order a pizza and sat down. Meanwhile the GG’s were not too far behind them and watching them, Yuri and Yoona furiously were biting their nails watching Mir and Seungho talking with Asia and Ana. They were following them because Yuri hand a crush on Mir and Yoona had a crush on Seungho. They decided that they were going to watch closely to see why they had gone to eat together. Back at the restaurant there was utter silence then suddenly Mir broke the silence between them and started asking lots of questions to the girls like where did they come from? When? Why? And where they lived? How old were they? And Seungho just sat their quietly listening to what they were talking about.


Meanwhile the GG’s sneak in to the kitchen and when to put something on their pizza not knowing that Asia had got up to see if the pizza was ready and saw that the GG’s were back their putting something on it. Suddenly the GG heard someone coming and hid. Asia asks if they could have one more pizza. The man gave her both pizzas and she sat the pizza that was fine in front of them and put the other toward the end of the table. When Asia sat down she noticed the GG’s trying to sneak out. Asia called them over to eat with them and Ana looked at her like why are you doing that. The GG’s only said yes because Mir and Seungho were at the table.



They sat down and started to eat the pizza not noticing that it was the one the put spices on. The Girl’s saw that they ate the pizza that they thought was meant for Ana and Asia and they started choking on the spices. After they finish the pizza Asia told Ana, Seungho and Mir why she invited them to eat with them, Asia said it was because the put spices on the pizza so that Ana and I would choke. Mir asked the girls if they had caused enough trouble. GG’s turned around scurrying out the door without answering Mir.



Then Mir said Asia your Awesome for noticing that and it was pretty cool what you did. Mir said, you know you girls aren’t that bad, would you like to hang out with us during school and become friends. Ana asks Seungho what he thought about the idea. Seungho said whatever you guys want then Ana said well I’ll take that as a no. she turns toward Mir and said no so sorry Mir we won’t be hanging out and make one of you uncomfortable.



But then Seungho interrupted Ana and said NO please, I-I I’d like for us to become friends. Ana smiled at Seungho and he started blushing and then Mir said I can’t wait for us to hang out. Asia said I k now right were going to have so much fun and we won’t be alone anymore because I hear that you guys also just have each other like me and Ana .After they finish talking Mir and Seungho walked Asia and Ana to their dorm Mir said that they would meet Ana and Asia in front of their dorm tomorrow morning and walk with them to school. Ana and Asia went in to their dorm. While outside Mir asks Seungho so what do you think about them, Seungho look at Mir surprised. They looked at each other and smiled walking home, An end to a wonderful day and a beginning to a beautiful friendship.

Chapter 4

All fun and games



That very next day August 29, 2013 Asia and Ana walked out their dorm and Mir and Seungho were waiting outside for them. Mir asked how school in the U.S where Ana and Asia were from was. Mir just kept asking question after question while Asia noticed that Seungho just kept walking and looking at Ana. But Ana had no clue that Seungho was staring at her. Mir nudged Seungho and Seungho turned to look at Mir with a look of what did I do wrong. Asia starts giggling and Seungho starts to turn red next Mir start laughing while Ana try’s to figure out what is going on. Before they know it they are at the school gates and the just make it to class before the bell rings. First block goes by fast and second block Ana and Asia have dance class with Mir and Seungho. When they got to class their dance teacher Ms. Yoon Eun Hye explained what we were going to do in dance class today. She said we were going to dance with partners. She told everyone to grab a partner Mir ran to Asia and asked her if she wanted to be his partner. Asia said yes, meanwhile Seungho slowly walks up to Ana and asks w-w would you like to be my partner Seungho said turning red Ana said I wouldn’t mind being your partner.

As the Music starts Asia asks Mir if he noticed Seungho looking at Ana Mir said yes and he that he never seen him look at anybody that way before. Mir also says I think he like your friend Ana. Then the teacher starts teaching and then Mir was quiet throughout the whole class and at the end all of them meet and Seungho said I had never seen u so quiet and Mir said I had never seen you so talkative. They all started laughing at each other. As their classes go by it is almost time to leave school they all plan to meet each other at the park. School ends and they all meet each other at the park they invited us to ride bikes .while riding the bike they find a soccer ball Ana picks up the soccer ball and Mir says well girls are no good at soccer. So Asia and Ana challenge Mir and Seungho to a soccer game. Ana said well the loser get to buy the winner’s dinner.


Mir said well you’re on the game begins and Ana lopes around Mir and Seungho and scores a goal then we star again this time Mir stole the ball from Ana and passed it to Seungho Ana went to get the ball Seungho froze when Ana came running up and stop the ball and scored. The game went on and Ana had the ball and passed it to Asia .Asia ran with the ball to score a goal when her and Mir collided and fell to the ground Mir fell on Asia and they accidentally kissed Ana took the ball that was on the ground and scored again. Mir got off of Asia and they got back to the game Mir lost all his senses from what happened and he didn’t even know what to do with the ball went near him .then the sun was setting the score was 9 to 0. Ana said to Mir as you agreed you guy will buy dinner because apparently you don’t know how to use your feet. So they went to the restaurant but noticed that they were all dirty and sweaty. So then Mir and Seungho invited Ana and Asia to their house so that they could shower eats comfortably. Instead of going back to the restaurant Mir asked them if they would like to eat at their house instead. Ana and Asia said sure it would probably be better to do that sense we are already here. So Mir ordered take out and they sat at their house and ate and watched movies .there was school the next day and they all fell asleep together on the couch.


The next morning they woke up at 10 so they weren’t able to go to school. They talked about how they weren’t able, So Mir brought up an idea about going to an abandon warehouse to practice choreography. Everyone decide that they would go after they take a shower and get dressed ,Mir and Seungho gave Ana and Asia some clean clothes to borrow and they headed off to the ware house with their music. When they got there they set up the music and they were going to start of with a dance battle. Mir and Seungho went first they dance to warrior and as Ana and Asia were watching they decide what song they were going to use. As Mir and Seungho finish Asia plugged up here iPod and played beast –breath. Then stop girl came on by u-kiss and Mir asked Asia to dance with him to that song and Seungho asked Ana. Little by little Seungho was become more open around Ana than before. half way through the song a they heard a security guard blowing his whistle and came charging towards them Asia grabbed her iPod and Mir grabbed her hand and started running and Seungho grabbed the radio and Ana’s hand and ran in the other direction . They all lost the security guard and they found themselves wandering around two different neighborhoods.


Later they met up at the restaurant they were going to go to yesterday. Mir and Seungho still holding on tightly to the girl’s hands. They thought it would be safer to go back to the house. They head back to the guy place. When they got there the decided to play games until school ended. They wrote down dares and put them in a jar Mir went first he picked dare and drawled a card that said I dare you to kiss someone of your choice for 2minutes.He looked at the dare on the paper and looked his friends in the room, he chose Asia because, he didn’t want to kiss Ana because he knew Seungho liked her and he just didn’t want to kiss Seungho because he was his guy best friend. He turned to his side and kissed Asia.

Asia looked shocked with her eyes wide open slowly she closed her eyes. Next was Seungho he chose dare because he didn’t want Mir to ask him about Ana. They dared him to do a game called unknown kiss so they blind folded Seungho and he had to guess who kissed him. Ana kissed him on the cheek 1st he guessed that Mir kissed him. He got it wrong and had to be blind folded again this time Mir kissed him on the side of his lips. Seungho pulled the blind fold off and in front of him was making a heart shape on his arm and making kissy face at him. Seungho looked surprised. But then Seungho started to choke Mir. He was on the floor Seungho kneeling and holding him down .then Ana got on top of Mir and looked up at Seungho and said are you chocking me right now. Seungho quickly back off and we all start laughing. Mir thanked Ana and told her I thought I was going to be chocked to death. Asia pulled out the piece of paper for Ana and it said that she had to kiss 3 things. So Ana starts touching everything around her and the first thing she grabs is a pillow that we slept on and kisses it. The next thing she kissed was a stuffed animal. After that she made her way over to Seungho and grabs his hand then she makes her way up to the arm then his shoulders she make her way to his face and says it ah so it’s you and grabs his head and kisses his forehead.

Seungho shocked and embarrassed while turning red. Then Ana took off her blindfold and saw that it was Seungho she said oh I was right and made Seungho blush even more. To change the topic he said is anyone thirsty; he got up as quickly as possible. Ana said well I guess we will take those for on our way home. Seungho stopped when he heard that and was staring at the fridge with a blank look on his face and then turned and saw Asia and Mir were looking at each other with sad faces and Asia said Ana’s right we better get going. Then Mir turned and looked at Seungho with a mad face and say’s see what you’ve done. You’ve made them mad and now they want to go home. Asia said no really we do have to go I hadn’t realized how late it was and if we don’t get going were not going to be able to go to school again. Mir looks at them with a sad face and said fine I guess your right but WE SHOULD DO THIS ONCE EVERY MONTH!! They headed home safely and went to bed.

Chapter 5

 It was a rainy day that morning and Asia and Ana had to stay home because they had gotten sick the day they played soccer with Mir and Seungho because they were sweating and it was cold outside when they walked to the guy’s house. Mir and Seungho arrived at school and they were looking for Asia and Ana. When they didn’t see them when class started they were worried and couldn’t concentrate they kept staring at the clock waiting for school to end .they got annoyed because it felt like school went on forever and they wanted to go look for us. When school finally ended they rushed out the door as fast as they could to find them.They get Ana and Asia’s dorm and Mir knocks really loud on the door Ana wakes up to get the door and Asia asks who it is. Ana said I am coming and opens the door and they see the guys there. Mir storms in and starts asking why they had skipped school without them. Asia was about to say something when suddenly Ana faint but luckily Seungho caught her and carried her to her bed and laid her down. Then they ran to the store to get medicine and warm things to make them feel better. Ana wakes up and they were back with the stuff. They came in and they put the things on the table. Seungho went in to the kitchen to put some soup on the stove to cook. Mir went and got warm rags to put on Ana and Asia heads. After the soup was done Seungho fixed 2 bowls and handed one to Mir to feed Asia and Seungho kept the other one to feed Ana.Then they sat on the beds and fed the girls after they finished feeding the girls they sat in the bed with them and laid their head in their laps with a pillow under their head they would change the rag when they cool off. They got up and told Ana and Asia that they were going to go to their house to get clothes and thing s for school because they were going to stay here and take care of them. So they went and got their clothes and things so they didn’t have to miss school again. They got to their house grabbed their clothes and came back out but what they didn’t know was that the GG’s have been following them around all day and were watching them as they went back to Ana and Asia’s dorm. Mir and Seungho entered the room and set their bags down closed the door and sat back in the bed with the girls, sitting there they fell asleep together. Meanwhile outside the door the GG’s slipped a note under the door. The next morning Asia and Ana woke up to the sight of the guy by their side all night. They got up and made the guys breakfast after they took a shower and got dressed. The girls saw a pick card by the door Asia picked it up and read it. It said on the back you better keep your distance from our men if not you will be punished. She showed Ana what it said they both look at card then startled by Mir’s voice he ask what was that wonderful smell and then Seungho woke up then Asia franticly put the paper in her pocket. Asia and Ana said we made you breakfast as thank for taking care of us last night. Asia said hurry up and eat and get ready we don’t want to be late for school. While Asia was on her way to go change the note fell out of her pocket. Mir saw it fallout of her pocket and said Asia you dropped something, he pick it up and hands it to her but before he handed it to her he noticed the skull on it and immediately knew it was from. Asia rushed into the room to get dressed with ana right behind her they hurried into the room to put their clothes on while the guys were getting dressed in the other room the girls finished getting dressed and walked in to the room to get their things and walked in on Mir and Seungho shirtless the girls cover their eyes and then Mir said girls I haven’t hugged you yet, come here then the girls started to run away then Mir remembered about the not and told Seungho about it. When they arrived at school they saw the GG’s and Mir grabbed Asia’s hand and Seungho grabbed Ana’s. Mir and Seungho pulled them toward the GG’s and confronted them. Mir says I know it was you girls that sent the note. The girls just turn and walk away embarrassed. Mir turns around and asks the girl what they are doing for the school break. Ana suggested that we should go camping. The GG’s overheard and were sad because they didn’t have permission to leave town without their parents and they had nothing else better to do over break but worried about the guys thy liked.  


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.02.2014

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