
Dear Diary,

I'm finally in the 8th grade.But there's one problem, im the nobody there no one ever talk's to me or say's hi.I raised my hand to answer a question in math but she never called me.It's like im invisible, and none of my friends talk to me anymore.I just thought they forgot about me but i said hi to my best friend ciara ,but she just walked away from me.My friend jessica she is the head cheerleader but she started pushing me around, and made me hit my head on the locker.I just don't know whats happening and my parents are gone and didn't leave a note for me or even money.I tried calling them but no answer.Could this be a curse or spell that someone put on me?!I'm not sure but if it is i want it to stop i never did anything wrong.I always got straight a's and i never got in trouble.Why did his have to happen to me?Couldn't they have picked someone else to hurt?Earlier at 7 in the afternoon some kids came to my house and threw eggs and water baloons at my window and the front door.It's like everyone hates me for no reason.It's like i scream at the top of my lugs but no one looks at me or even makes me stop screaming.It's like the whole world goes on and im just on mute from the whole world.Well its night time and im going to bed i will write you at school.


Dear Diary,

I got up in class and finaly my teacher said something to me she said "sit down or you are going to the office little girl".so i told her to go screw herself and walked away everyone actualy laughed at my joke.I was so happy they are paying attention to me but not enough.When i was walking down the hall my boyfriend walked to me and pushed me to the the locker i told him to let me go but he just dug his finger's into my forearm's.My eyes started watering so i kicked him on accident realy hard,and he fell to the ground.I ran down the hall to find myself running into the principal he grabbed me and started down the hall dragging me.Then I broke loose and ran to the girls bathroom and locked the door and i opened you.But why did it seem like he want to get me and just suspend me now,and ask question's later.Today it has gotten worse the man i love is hurting me,and im getting in trouble for no reason.I yelled out a word i could hardle prnounce i didn,t know how to spell it,it was random to say i said "fribble frabble you mofoing a hole got danget you freakin retard".I beleave it was meant to be a tiny tantram just want to go now leave this little town behind me and find a new home where im notice and where im not beat up.well ima go back to class.


Dear Diary,

After last mod I was on my way to my councler so she could help me.Then I saw nick.I can't belive he hurt me like that earlier.He walked up to me he said"why did you kick me eirlier who are you?".Then i noticed that he doesn't remember me so i tried yo revive his memory.I kissed him with one of the most pasionate kisses i've ever done.He held me on the small of my back and lunged his tongue down my throught.He has never done that when he remeber me.Then he took another look at me and he remember.We stared at each other for a short amout of time.them he wispered"im sorry for everything what happened to you this summer i havent seen you for a while".I told him that i had to go to miami for my grandmother's funeraland i stayed there for a while to keep my cousin company.Then he hugged me and he grasped my hand so tight that i could hardly feel it and he walked me home and kissed me once more and walked home.I noticed that my parents weren't home again.I dont think they ever came home,im starting to get worried about them ,if they will ever come home.Im starting to feel lonely being here alone.


Dear Diary,

I saw my mom's car here ,so i ran to her room but her draw's and her closet were emty.I saw the car keys on her vanity so i grabbed them and ran outside.It was about eight o'clock so i started the car and drove to nick's house.i knew i was to young to drive but i can't take it anymore.I hate being lonely i need to talk to someone.I threw a small rock at his window he didnt answer,then i threw a twig at the window.He came to the window i waved my hands in the air and he saw me.he opened his window and wispered loudly"what are you doing here?".I said also in a loud wisper i can't stand it my parent's arent here they haven't been here in three days and all thier cloth's are gone"i will be down there in a second" so he closed his window he went to the door and came outside.He ran to me and hugged me "can you stay at my house?" I asked.He told me yes so we ran to the car after he got extra cloth's and we drove off.He asked me where i got the car i told him it my mom's.We went into the house he put his cloths in my drawer,and i took a shower while he layed on my bed texting his friend.I put my towl on and walk out of the bathroom to change I told him to turn around then u put my under garment's on and he looked at me as i was fixing my bra strap i still had no short's or a shirt on.He walked up to me and kissed me passionatly on my neck and I lifted my hands and put it around his neck.I kissed him softly he picked me up and layed me on the bed,and kissed down my upper body untill he got to my pant's line.I unbuttond his shirt and gracefuly kissed him i accidently moaned and he laughed while kissing me.but we didn't go any farther so i went to bed with just my bra and underwear and he layed next to me.


Dear Diary,

I woke up it was about 5 in the morning he was gone where could he be?So i wrapped my blanket around me and walked down stairs and saw him on the couch he was watching the news so i walked to him and sat next to him.He kissed my forehead and held me close.there had been no school today but we still had the habbit of wakeing up early and watch tv.It was still dark outside so we watched a scary movie.He held me everytime i got scared.I always loved him because he was sweet.He was the greatest man you could ever have.I heard the door bell ring so i quickly got my robe on.I opened the door.It was jessica's brother.He had a massive crush on me but he always acted like he hated me.I said hi he siad the same.He asked me if i was busy i told him i wasn't.But he saw nick on the couch so he told me nevermind and he'll see me at school monday.i told him ok i was about to close the door.But jason grabbed me and kiseed me.Nick saw us so he ran and grabbed jason and pushe him away."Get away fom my girl friend" he said loudly.then jason rubbed his head look at me with sad eyes.I help him up and wisper to him an apolagy while nick went up stairs to change.Jason hugged me and said sorry i told him it wasn't his fault then jason walked away i watched him until he dissapeared in the white fog.I felt so bad for letting nick do all that to him.I never had anyone kiss me the way jason had.It was with so much pasion and love.All i can say is WOW!I know i love nick but i never wanted the kiss to stop.


Dear Diary,

It's sunday again i called my mom and she answered i was so so happy she told me that she had to go to a meeting and dad had to go to his cousin because there was a wedding going on and she told me that she had no time to leave a note or money she is sending me money i was so rlieved that she was ok.She said she won't be home until next month because she has to go on a cruise to a place around the world for a meeting.And dad will probaly partying all week and probaly wont come home.I always hated when he drank he always hurt someones felling's and im scared some one might fight him.My head is fully of useful memories of that kiss yesterday morning i can't just leave it alone so im going to call him so i can talk to him.I just hope that nick doesnt get mad at me for talking to jason because nick always hated him or as i would say is nick has a grudge on jason.I always hated how they faught me and jessica always laughed at them but it became seriouse so we had to kepp them as far away from weach other as possible.Well that was before this summer.These memories were good but i just miss them so bad.Nick had came home from work and said sorry for what he did to jason he just didnt want me to love another man but him i told him that i was going to talk to jason he said it was ok.I dropped him off at his house so he can get his stuff from home while i went to jason's house.Jessica answered the door I asked her if jason was there then i saw him walking down the steps and he glared at me with his beutiful blue eyes and he has his hair like a skater boy.i always loved that about him.Jessica looked at me and looked behind her and saw jason she told him that i was here for him like i said.he told her that he would get the rest and she walked upstairs to her roomjason told me to come in.So i walked in and stood by the steps he asked me why i were here i told him that i had to talk to him about the other morning so he escorted me up the steps.We walked to his room and as we walked pass jessicas room.She looked at me like she hated me so i ran up to jason.He towered over me at least 3 or 4 feet.I looked up at him i asked him why doesn't jessica like me anymore.He said he didn't know because he doesn't go to our school he's now a junior.I sat on his bed and he sat next to me and stared at me.I said sorry for everything he told me it was ok and that it wasnt my fault.I looked at the floor so jason took two fingers and lifted my face.He stares into my eyes until our gaze met.I moved in and kissed him constanly he held the small of my back and kissed me back.Then jessica walked by and saw us I stopped kissing him. then i told him i had to go so i left.


Dear Diary,

Its school day again and this morning nick told me that he wanted "a break" from our relationship and he left.I looked at his phone becuz he left it.I knew it jessica told him i kissed jason thats why he was so mad at me.I just wish i could go back and change everything i just want to take back im takeing a walk with jason today hopeing to get everything "straight" with him i just hope everything works out but we will just have to see.


Dear Diary,

It's jason i found the book i also read everything but now we are at the hospital we took the walk.But we were playing in the road and i ran to the tree so i could climb it and maybe have fun.Then a car came around the cornor and it hit her i ran to her quickly and grabbed her in my hands,i held her tight.So i picked her up and put her in the grass i ran to the persons door.i knocked in ringed the door then they answered the door i quickly told them to call 911 and i turned to see the driver who hit her looking down at her on his i ran up to him crying lightly and grabbed him by his shirt and threw him in the street i got on top of him and started punching him.Then the cop's came and pulled me off of the guythey threw me in the grass.So i grabbed shannon and held her.The ambulence came and put her in the back i told them to let me in but they said no so i ran home and drove there.I ran into the hospital and ran to the front desk i asked what room Shannon Bradey was in they told me and i imeadiatly bolted down the hall to her room.I walked in the room slowly i saw shannon sleeping.oh how beutiful she sleeps so i walked to the couch and sat watching her sleep.


Dear Diary,

i had the weirdest dream last night.I was with jason at a big house, and i saw him standing there.He was so handsom he was wearing a suit.I walked in the room he was staring at me with his beautiful blue eyes and i was wearing a pink gown with flower prints on it.I stared at him for a moment then walked up to my and held me by my chin.He kiseed me than whisped in my ear and said "i love you shannon and i will always love til this day on".Then i woke up and saw him by my bed in a chair sleeping with his head on my bed holding my hand.I wonder what we did last night i remember wakeing up ,and i asked him to sit by my bed because i could't fall back asleep.I had a bad dream before the good one.^_^ He looks so cute when he sleep's.I can't stop looking at him.My head hurt's rly bad i just got a bad hit in the head.but i promise i will love him forever even if nick hurt's me from jason.As i would say it and my mom ust to sy "Im you gaurdian angel and i will look over you when your sad i will be there when tears fall down your face i will cheer you util i see you smile,but i will never ever leave you alone even if it kills me".My mom told me that every night even now.i still cry when i don't see her and i hope she never die's trying to get to me.I ust to sit by a tree every afternoon and watch the sun go down and think about what she says.I would laugh and cry at the same time.


Dear Diary,

Its almost Holloween only a couple day im so happy i get to hand out candy.My mom is back she said she had a good time at her job but she was kinda tired from working, she said she also missed me.I told her everything that happened, I also showed her my broken leg, My leg had got almost ran over by the car but i did twist my ankel. We are gonna have a party for Holloween i will invite who remembers me and who knows me so far it will be fun. I've met alot of people so far i have strait A's. I made some friends their names are Kyl,Jada,Mia,Brandon,and Jordin.They are all great friends. Im supprised my dad hasn't came back yet. So im hopeing he comes back, he's realy makeing me worried.I heard Nick got a new girlfriend so i will invite them. I will also invite Jason he could be my date. I think i realy like Jason I think i might date him, instead of Nick.I called Brandon today also we talked about random stuff like we always do Brandon is like my big brother that i never had he is great, so is Jordin and Kyl.Jada is a good friend she cares for people and so does Mia, Mia is the same age as me but she dates a 18 year old.His name is Robin he is nice he gave her and me golden rings but he game Mia one that he got from his mother.Well it's late so good night and sweet dreams to all my friends.


Dear Diary,

OMG, Holloween is tomorrow im so happy i sent invites to all my friends.I also asked jason if he wants to be my date for the party.He said yes im so happy.Nick said he broke up with his gf so i asked if he would come to my party.he asked me to be his date but i told him i was going with jason.He seemed realy mad so he left. I sat on my bed for a while listening to my ipod then i heard a big crash downstairs.I ran downstairs to see jason on the floor bleeding,then i spotted nick running away.I grabbed my phone and called 911 and started crying,so i dropped the phone and layed my head on his chest.As i cryed i felt his heartbeat. He put his arm around my waist and i layed by him.My mom was out buying party stuff when she got home she saw what happend at that time the police and ambulence were there.i didnt got to the hospital at that time. I went strait to Nicks house.I knocked on the door, kiana answered the door.
"Kiana can i talk to Nick?"I said
"Yes he up stairs" she said cheerfully.
wow she realy worked on her talking.I walked upstairs to his room. He was laying on his bed looking at his ceiling.
"Why did you do it? Why did you hurt him?"
"I didnt want to loose you shannon" then he laughed.
"You know maybe you didnt have to hurt him like that because you were disappointed in me.I love him and some times you just need to lay off." I argued.
"Now why would i do that?" he got up and moved a stand of my hair behind my ear "You know you wont leave me,and if you leave me something terrible will happen to you and you lover"
A tear ran down my cheek "You wouldnt."
"oh yes i would." He laughed a evil laugh.
I ran back home before i left i gave kiana a hug bye and left.then i cried on my bed all that night.


Dear Diary,

My mom called me before i fell asleep.she said jason was gonna be out the next morning.I was so happy i get to hear his voice and see his face again.Jason was a great looking guy, he had abs,blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, and a great personality.Much better than Nick.But there was a secret Nick had he told no one he told me that he was a vampire the firt time i saw him but i didn't beleave him until he showed me.I was astonished to be dateing a vampire.But he wants to kill jason because i love jason. I dont know why i ever trusted Nick, he always acted like a total asshole. I heard mom walk in she was talking to someone, then i heard the other voice, it was jason.I quickley brushed my hair and ran downstairs. He looked at me as i was walking down the hall to the kitchen he turned around and i hugged him. H rapped his arms around me and i had small tears coming from my eyes. I pulled away for a second to see his face. He gave me a confused look of why i was crying then i hugged him again and i put my ear close to his heart to hear it beat. He put his arms back around me and laid his chin on my head. After a minute passed we stopped hugging and stared at each other for a while. He noticed a bruse on my arm from Nick last night.
"what happend to your arm?"
"Nick got mad and hit me."
Jason's face became red and his eyes were filled with anger. I told him to come with me and i took him to my room and we sat on my bed. I told him everything about Nick that i knew. He hugged me and said srooy for everthing that Nick had done to me. I got him some of my dad's cloths so he could change into something new, He wore a suit so we made him look like a ricgh man for the party. I put on a beutiful dress that fit over every curve in my bod it was long and poffy at my waist down. I wore pink heals to match my pink ball gown. I also wore my crown and a bun in my hair. i walked down the steps it was 8 already and he waited for me down stairs.He stared at me like i was a new person. I blushed and walked down the stairs. then we went to the party.


Dear Diary,

When we got to the party there was millions of car there so we had a long walk. I took my heels of and put on my flatts and we walked. Then i saw a car i remembered it was Nick's. I shook my head to stop my thought it was probaly his sister useing it.Nick had two sisters it was kiana and carrie they were nice girl but i like kiana the most.Kiana was only 4 she talks realy good now she's going to kindergarden next year. She beeged me to pick out her outfit for her first day. Their mom and dad died in a bad accident they were all devistated and kiana was only a baby at the time. There mom was the vampire of the family they found a wooden pole in her chest it had hit her heart and killed her. We walked in the room and everyone looked at me, I felt like i was in one of those princess movies. H went in front of me then stopped faceing me he kneeled on one leg and held out his hand. I smiled and put my hand on his he kissed my hand and held it. So he walk with me holding my hand. Kyl and Jada walked up to us and started laughing and then i laughed. Jada said nice acting you two. We laughed and i said thank you so us two girls picked the table then. We all sat the boys left us to get some drinks, there was plenty of alcohol here. Jason gave me some vodka he knew i drank it at party's all the time. Then i saw who i didn't want to see at the cornor of my eye. It was Nick and Jessica she blew me a kiss and waved then had a ugly look on her face at me. I told jason i had to go to the bathroom so i ran to the bathroom even before i could here his ok. I looked back and saw jessica walkin to the bathroom also. So i ran outside and tripped i hit my head and fainted for a couple seconds then jessica threw some alcohol on me to wake me up. She told me that she wants me away fom her brother then walked back into the party i sat on the ground and my dress was ruined. Then i heard someone walking up to me i knew the smell of that person from anywhere
"what do you want Nick" i said in an annoyed voice.
"You have one more chance honey and if you stay away from him i might not kill him nor you" he said that than dissapeared.
I started crying then i walked inside, my eyes were burning and i was pissed. So i walked up to jessica and told her tu fuck off and she can have Nick but i love Jason.then she told me i can fuck off and go suck a dick so i yold her atleast jason had a dick and nick had nothing. Then she slapped me and looked at me. I looked at her in the eyes i had so much anger in me my eyes turned red the i grabbed her wrist and started to twist it she screamed then i puched her and she fell to the floor i was on top of her puching her then nick came and threw me into a wall. Nick ran up to me then slapped me realy hard. My eyes turned blue again and i fell to the ground crying. Jason had saw everything then jason grabbed nick and chocked him but nick was stronger. Nick threw jason in the air and jason flew down the room. Then he hit the wall he had flinched suddenly jason fell to the floor every one moved so nick could see jason jason looked up with a grin on his face
"You know nick this is like the old days you were a great vampire but he was stronger than you dont you remember that day"
"what are you talking about how do you know im a vampire" he said in fear
"oh please dont you remember me"
Then a flash came to nicks head it was an angel that faught him that day but jason can't be a angel he's to young.
"oh why do you keep thinking and yes im to youg to be an angel but you faught my father and im tired of you you killed him."
Then wings sprouted through his back. I was so scared. Then jason flew up and slammed nick into the ground. It became silent and everyone had moved back the was a huge hole in the floor. I saw nick fly up and fall strait up standing on the floor he laughed evily then i walked to nick
" im not scared of you anymore even if you kill me or not"
"oh honey i wont kill you i will just kill your boyfriend"
Then jessica came back up and said
"No you will not dont touch my brother"
"stay out of this jessica" jason said as he flew in the air.
"no because im not letting you die"
Then she went up in flames and stared at nick
"today is you day to fucking die"
She threw a line of fire at nick and nick jumped up then jumped to the floor and fell he had became weaker after he flew up. Jessica threw another line of fir it had burned his arm off he layed on the ground holding his shoulder. Then she yelled to jason to get everyone out so everyone ran out the door. I tripped on my dress then jason grabbed me and covered me with his wings. I felt heat coming from his wings i knew he was in pain my eyes turned red then i made a shield in front of us then he fell. my eyes turned blue and i ran to him. I hugged him tight then his wings went back into his body. Then it became to hot and i fainted.


Dear Diary,

I had woken up in a hospital next to jason he was in the bed next to me.But where's jessica?I got up and walked to the otherside of the room there she was. I walked over to her bed and sat in the chair thinking about what happened last night.Then i heard the doctors voice asking jason where i was so i walked back over to my bed and sat on it.He took a blood sample from my arm and jason's then he walked over to jessica's bed and then he left.
"are you ok?" jason said weakly
"im fine but you got hurt"
"i know i did and what about jessica?"
"she has burns all over her body"
we sat there in silence then i ran up to him and hugged him tight.
"im sorry but he died"
"i love you"
he smiled then siad those four words"i love you too"
then i kissed him and we heard jessica laughing i looked back she was leaning on the wall
"you know sweety i truly dont hate you anymore your better than Nick exsplained you" then she had a grin on her face and i walked up to her and hugged her.we were friends again.



shannon and jason movved in together and shannon's dad had died. shannon had graduated and went to collage for 2 years then jessica had gotten married and shannon was the bride's maid, shannon had become pregnant and they named her daughter alexis she had the same ability as her they never made the kid angry. shannon took care of alexis and kiana because carrie moved away.Then they became rich and lived in a mansion :D tehe bibi now ^_^




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.09.2010

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