
Chapter 1

Catherine didn’t like the idea at all and she made her thoughts known to her parents.

“Please don’t make me go, I beg of you!”

She knew their reasons. She knew that the only reason why she was being put into a different school was to be closer to Phillip, a boy that her parents wanted her to marry. She had never met him, didn’t even know what he looked like, but because of his high social status and wealth that he would undoubtedly inherit when he became of age they thought of him as a good prospect for their beautiful daughter. Despite these facts he was also successful and was to go into his father’s business once he was ready and finished with school. He was a young man that any girl would want, but not Catherine, she didn’t love him and she was seventeen for Pete’s sake!

“Catherine, we’ve been through this before” Her mother said, exasperated. She held her thumb and forefinger finger against the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes, trying to sate the slight headache that was beginning to plague her “You are going, this school recommended you personally”

Personally? More like they were bribed into it

Catherine thought. Her parents were far from poor, they were well known in England and had connections in high places, places that even Catherine didn’t want to know about.

She lifted her head to look her daughter in the face “It is a well-known school and will look good on a resume when you decide to go to college”

Catherine didn’t want to go to college, it wasn’t something that she ever wanted to do. Her parents always assumed that she wanted to further herself with more schooling after high school but that wasn’t it at all. She had told them several times that she wanted something besides more schooling but they always seemed to have a deaf ear when she spoke.
Frustration seeped into her next words

“What about me?” Catherine threw her hands in the air “Did you once think that maybe I wanted to stay in my school?” Anger rose just a little higher within her, her voice getting louder with each word.

She wanted her parents to understand that she didn’t want to go to a different school. She wanted to be near her friends, she wanted to be accepted by people, not looked down upon by other rich kids and certainly not courted by some boy she hadn’t the slightest inkling about.

“Catherine Jaqueline Miller!” Her father interjected. He never used her middle and last name unless he was furious “You will not speak to us this way, we are your parents and you will treat us with respect” Her father reprimanded.

Catherine’s anger at her parents unfairness didn’t subside, but she apologized “I’m sorry for raising my voice” Her head lowered, she murmured the words. Shame added to the mix of her emotions. Why wouldn’t they understand?

Her father continued, “Now, you will go to this school,” Her father crossed the room to her and took her into his arms “I know you will miss your friends Catherine, but it isn’t like you can’t still see them” He rested his head on his daughters “Your Mother and I only want what’s best for you” He gently took hold of Catherine’s shoulders and held her out in arms reach “We’re thinking about your future, Catherine”

Catherine was at war with herself. She knew her parents thought that they were doing what was best for her, she didn’t agree. Maybe she didn’t want a life with this man that they had chosen for her. He may have the means to take care of a wife but what of love?
She pulled away from her father, tears coming to her eyes “Can’t I have my own life?” She shook her head violently “Can’t I love someone of my own choosing? Can’t I go to college if I want to? When has my life ever been about me?”

Catherine’s father tried reaching for her but she stepped back “You don’t care about my feelings, whenever I tell you about something you don’t pay attention. When have you ever thought what could possibly make me happy?” With that Catherine ran from the room, tears streaking her face.

Once Catherine had fled the room her father looked at her mother and shook his head dejectedly. “When will she understand?”

Mother stood and went to hold her husband “She is young, she doesn’t know what’s best for her life just yet” She weaved her fingers through her husband’s hair.

He pulled away from his wife “It’s that pesky friend of hers, Felicia” He raked his fingers through his hair “She has put modernized ideas in her head”

She put a reassuring hand on her husband’s arm
“It’ll be alright. Felicia is no longer here to taint our daughters mind” Her hand still on her husband’s arm she reached up to cup his cheek with the other. “She can no longer keep our daughter from having the most of life”

Looking straight into his wife’s eyes he pierced into her soul “But what is the most of life?”

his wife let go of him and looked away, she didn’t like that he could see through her. She said softly “I only want her happiness, just as much as you do”

“But is this happiness?” She couldn’t answer him. Their marriage was arranged by their parents at birth, they were successful, had a beautiful daughter, and lived in a wonderful part of town. They weren’t in need of anything yet she was still empty. Sometimes she thought that she was happy, just for a moment. She thought that she loved her husband, but more often than not the feelings would go away and she couldn't bear to be in the same room with him.

He reached down and lifted her chin to look at him. “Are we really happy?” She jerked away from him and quickly left the room. She couldn’t look at him anymore; she couldn’t tell him the truth.

He stood there his head hung and his eyes closed “This family is falling apart” he whispered.

She went straight to her bedroom, closed the door and flopped on the bed. She cried into her pillow, trying to calm herself. She wanted so badly to take control of her own life, if not her whole life then at least her love life. Was that so much to ask for? Catherine barely had a minute to herself when there was a knock at her door. She brought her head up from the bed and glared at the door “So much for wanting to be alone” She thought.
“Who is it?” Catherine sighed, burying her head back into the bed. She heard the door open and Catherine jerked her head up to see who had entered, fully expecting it to be her parents. She was surprised when she saw that it was Felicia, her best friend. “Felicia!” Catherine said in a loud whisper. Catherine quickly jumped off of her bed and stealthily, but speedily, closed her bedroom door. Once the door was closed she whirled around, her back against the door, her hand still on the knob. “What are you doing here?” Catherine mouthed

“You can’t speak now?” Felicia said casually. Felicia shrugged and put her package that she had been carrying on Catherine’s bed, Felicia then made herself comfortable by sitting on it next to her package.

“Shhhh! don’t talk so loud, someone might hear you.” Catherine whispered again as she crossed the room to her friend

“Oh, let them hear me” Felicia waved a hand “I was never trying to hide in the first place”

“Who let you in?” Catherine asked

“Surely not your parents” Felicia gave Catherine a wry smile.


“Bingo” Felicia winked while pointing her finger at Catherine in a shooting motion.

“That woman’s going to get herself dismissed if my parents find you here” Catherine said, looking back at the door, a worried expression plastered across her face.

“You’re such a great friend Catherine, I sneak up here, past your parents, your nurse may get fired and all you can worry about is getting caught. Aren’t you going to ask me what I’m doing here?”

“You said you weren’t trying to hide” Catherine gave Felicia a lopsided grin

“I lied” Felicia said matter-of-factly “Now ask me what I’m doing here”

Her mouth agape and eyes wide Catherine feigned surprise “Why Felicia! You have graced me with your presence? What do I owe for this honor?”

“I don’t appreciate your sarcasm, but I’ll tell you anyway” Felicia pushed the package

that she had been carrying a few minutes ago towards Catherine. “Happy early Birthday” Felicia smiled sincerely

“You know, you could wait until my actual birthday”

“Yeah, well, your present was impatient”

Now curious as to know what was in the box Catherine eagerly tore at the paper “Hey hey! Be careful, it’s fragile” Now bursting with curiosity Catherine carefully opened the box. She heard a small sound coming from inside of it, in another instant her eyes met with the cutest yellow eyes she had ever seen. a smile lighting her face she gingerly took out a small kitten. It could easily fit in both of Catherine’s hands. Catherine held it against her, stroking the little animal.

“I took the liberty of naming her for you” Felicia handed Catherine the adoption papers

“They wouldn’t let me leave without giving her one”

Catherine took the pages from Felicia’s outstretched hands and read the name put so boldly on them.


Catherine thought of how ironically her life played out like that of the Shakespearean play ‘Romeo & Juliet’. All that was missing was the Romeo in her story. She hugged the kitten close to her, putting the adoption papers on the bed, tears formed in her eyes again.

“Catherine, what’s the matter?” Felicia wanted to comfort her friend but didn’t really know what to do

“I’m switching schools”

“You’re what?” Felicia exclaimed “If this is another one of their schemes to keep you away from me I won’t have it. I’ll-“

“No, they are doing it because there’s a boy there that they want me to marry”

“A what? You’re seventeen for pete’s sake!”

“That’s what I was thinking”

“Do you even know him? Do you know what he looks like?”


“Geez! Your parents have really gone nuts this time”

“They only want what’s best for me. If I marry him I will be well off”

“Catherine, people don’t marry for security anymore, they marry for love. We are not stuck in the Renaissance anymore” With every passing second Felicia’s anger rose at the whole situation. Who were they to plan out their daughter’s life like this without even giving her a choice?

“I’m going to agree to go”

“You’re what?”

Catherine gave her friend a sad smile “This is something my parents want me to do”

“What about what makes you happy?”

“Maybe I wasn’t meant to be happy”

Catherine’s words made her want to cry “Not meant to be happy?” she whispered to her friend. She pulled Catherine to her in an embrace. “Honey, you deserve all of the happiness in the world” She whispered into her friends hair. Catherine couldn’t keep the tears at bay anymore. She cried and cried, her new kitten meowing in protest.

They pulled apart and stared at the little kitten. “I don’t know if my parents are even going to let me keep her” Catherine said, stroking the animals tiny head, trying to sniff her sadness away.

“They will, Audrey is good at convincing” Felicia smiled, giving the cat a light stroke. Catherine chuckled softly. A knock came at the door, both Felicia and Catherine jumped.
As calmly as possible Catherine asked who it was. Both of the girls sighed in relief when they saw that it was only Audrey.

“Sorry to have scared you miss” Audrey’s Irish accent showed. “Felicia’s going to have to go now miss, lest she be discovered” Audrey gave Catherine a wink “I suggest you make your goodbye’s quick” Audrey left the room, closing the door softly behind her.

Felicia looked at Catherine once the nurse had closed the door “I guess that’s my cue to leave” the two friends shared another hug “You’re going to be alright Catherine, just make the most of it” Letting go of her friend she looked Catherine in the eyes and smiled faintly. “Just don’t forget me when you go”

“I won’t forget you Felicia” Sad smiles were exchanged, followed by a goodbye pet to the kitten. Within two minutes Felicia was gone and Catherine was alone again.

Felicia closed the door behind her and found Audrey in the hall, waiting to escort her out of the house. Felicia looked Audrey in the eyes, her brown ones filled with pain. “Do you think the Millers will ever let me in here?”

Audrey didn’t really know what to say to Felicia’s question. “I don’t quite know Felicia” Audrey looked down, not wanting to face the girls pained expression “They don’t quite like your influence on Catherine” Audrey said softly.

“My influence? This is the 21st century! People aren’t to be pawned off; they are to make their own choices, live life” Felicia’s rage rekindled, but quickly dissipated. She wasn’t angry with Audrey, it wasn’t her fault that this whole ordeal was happening “I’m sorry Audrey; I don’t mean to get upset with you”

“I know” Audrey said softly, leading Felicia the way to the door.

“You know Audrey? Catherine is really lucky to have you as a nurse. You risk your job every time I visit. Why?”

“Because I hate to see Catherine so sad. Her parents think they are giving her a good life by marrying her off like this, but in their frenzy to secure her future they haven’t stopped to see how miserable she is.” Audrey looked up to look into Felicia’s face “You give her what little happiness she has in the world, you make her forget and show her how to have fun. Ever since you two were little I could see it, you being the ring leader for all of your childish pranks” Audrey smiled at the memory “The ones that I had to clean up after so Catherine’s parents wouldn’t know”

“That was you?” Felicia asked

“Who else would have cleaned up after you?” Audrey chuckled.

Once at the front door Audrey opened it for Felicia to which she walked out, before closing the door Audrey spoke, Felicia’s back facing her “Catherine is lucky to have a friend who cares”

“But is that enough?” Felicia said cryptically before walking away from the Miller’s home.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.11.2011

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