
Chapter 1

He stood there on the other side of the river looking at the water, his black hair concealed his face but his shoulderes were shaking in a way that you could tell he was crying. I turned to walk away when he was suddenly infront of me looking very angry. His eyes were entirely black there were no whites. Huge black wings unfurled and expanded to their full length which was about three feet in length.
I stumbled backwards. Forgetting the river behind me, I fell of course. The water was freezin cold, not the best feeling in the world, i sunk to the bottom hitting my head on a rock (very painfull). Something grabbed me around my waist I opened my eyes to see him. I pushed against his chest but he didn't budge he swam upward dragging me with him. He dragged me on land and tried to help me stand I smacked his hand away nd scrambled backwards.
I looked up at his face black tears ran down his face i knew I'd hurt him but it was his fault I'd fallen into the river not mine. I stood up and turned my back ot him there was a bright flash behind me I turned around and in the creatures place was the misty outline of a wolf. It threw back it's head and howled; there was so much pain in it that i wanted to run to it make it feel better but before I could take a step it vanished.
I was paralized, I had no idea what had just happened. I had to have imagined or something, stuff like that just didn't happen in the real world. There had to be a rational explanation for this.
I turned around and ran toward town as fast as I could. I tripped over and over but i managed to keep my balance and kept running. A branch scratched my arm i felt blood roll down my arm, crap. How was i going to explain this to my mom? She was going to be so pissed it was a stupid enough decision to go into the forest in the middle of winter, how stupid can one person be?
I got to the street to see Amie waiting for me, how she knew I was here I had no clue.
"Stalking me now?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and held out a jacket, apperantly I was supposed to wear it but pink is one color I will NOT wear. Just the thought made me gag.
"I'm not wearing that, you know that I don't like pink and how did you know that I was here anyway, it's kind of creepy." she glared at me but unfortionatly she can't glare so she ended up looking really funny i could barley keep myself from laughing.
"Unless you want to freeze to death I think you'd better wear this but no one said you had to listen to me and about who told me that you were here, he made me promice not to tell you and even if i could i couldn't tell you anyway because I have no idea who he was or how he knew your name so just put the jacket on and get in the car." she threw the jacket at me and got in her car which unfortionatly was a bright green Tourist.
Amie's hair is naturally blonde but she consistantly dyes it different colors right now it's pink honestly i don't know why I'm friends with hershe like all the things I hate I guess it's because of stuff like this some random person tells heri need help and she just goes with what they say; she's saved my life several times.
For some reason she never thought to ask the person's name so I had no one to thank this was one of those times. Sometimes it's a boy and sometimes it's a man it kind of creeps her out but sometimes she thinks it's awesome. There was one time when she was able to tell me who told her and that was when a guy from football team, but when I tried to thank him he had no idea what I was talking about, it sucked.
I got in the car and threw the jacket in the back of the car ignoring the annoyed glance Amie gave me. The drive to my place was quiet except for her stereo which, to my annoyance was blaring music with no words. I hate music like that it's supposedly supposed to calm your nerves but it annoys the hell out of me and Amie knows that I could stangle her."
"Can you please turn on some real music i can't listen to this stuff it's killing me I thought you were helping me not trying to kill me if this is about the jacket thin I'm sorry that I don't like pink it's not my fault geeze." she shook her head and continued to drive I groaned and sluped down in my seat trying to act like I was pouting but it didn't work.
"Are you and Alec over that little fight you two had out is he still staying away from you because rumor has it that he's missing and no one knows where he is and you where the last person to see him." I froze Alec was missing? That can't be right Alec was one of the most resposible people in the world. The image of his face after that night passed through my mind there were tears on his face he had looked so sad and I had just stood there watching him leave and now he was missing and it was all my fault.
"What do you mean he's missing! He can't be, please tell me this is a joke." I felt tears roll down my face. I punched the dashboard Amie fliched and tried to put her arm around me but I shrugged it off. I wasn't cold anymore I had gone numb my heart stopped beating.
"Bear! Bear! Calm down we don't even know if he's missing or not so just chill let's get to your house and get you in some dry clothes before we think about Alec OK?" I relaxed and nodded trying to act like i was done freaking out.

When we got to my house my mom was on the phone so we snuck off to my room I took a shower while Amie cleaned up my room.
When i got out she looked scared and extreamly sad i stopped in the doorway of my bathroom staring at her waiting for her to tell me what was wrong but she didn't say anything.
"Are you going to tell me what's on your mind or do i have to find out on my own?"
"I think you should come downstairs i think your mom should tell you."
I rolled my eyes and walked down the steps toward the kitchen my mom was sitting at the table crying her eyes out.
"Mom what's wrong!?" i ran toward her this is the first time I've ever seen her like this. When i got to her she looked at me and started crying harder.
"I'm so sorry sweatie but the police just found Alec, he... he's dead they think he commited suicide. I'm so sorry."
The room spun I couldn't breath I felt my knees hit the floor then everything went black.......

chapter 2

- I was in a grave yard i could feel someone staring at me I turned around, no one, something rustled it was so cold here i wanted to leave. Something soft brushed my arm I turned to see him. He was sanding about three feet away from me he reached out as if to touch me but then he disapeared...-

i sat strait up breathing hard for a second i was blinded by a bright light i blinked a few times and when i looked up i saw a doctor hovering over me with a flashlight thing that doctors use in his hand. He smiled at me like all doctors do befor they stick a needle in you instictivly i put both arms behind my back too late the needle was already there.
"How are you feeling?" he asked me i glared at him to show him just how much i hated him at the moment. His smile faded, he scribbled something on his clipboard and left the room.
My mom and Angie walked in my mom's eyes were red form cying and Angie looked like she was expecting me to collapse again. Both of them were wearing black like they had just got here from a funeral.... i heard my moms words in my head... the police just found alec he's dead they think he commited suicide..
"i..i thought that was a dream please tell me it's not true...please." i felt tears run down my face faster and faster. My mom ran up to me and rapped her arms around me her expression told me that my worst fear was real Alec was dead and there was nothing i could do about it. It seemed like the whole world could here my heart break into a million pieces i would never be the same...

2 months later...

"...When someone dies they dont always stayin heaven sometimes something keeps them teathered to the world and it sometimes gets so strong that they fall and become "nexis" meaning the worlds prisoners untill they fix what they feel they did wrong and cross over again." the teacher ended the lesson with that and left the room. i grabbed my stuff and was about to leave when Dillon Alec's former best friend stepped infront of me with his arms crossed and his feet spread apart. I glared at him hopeing he would go away but he just stood there. i tried to side step him but he blocked my way again.
"It's your fault he killed himself if you weren't so stubborn this would have never happened." his words hurt more than he would ever know i knew it was my fault and i had to live with that for the rest of my life i turned my face away from him so he wouldnt see the tears that were on the verge of falling. Just thinking about it made me so angry with myself and i knew if i didn't get out of here soon i would explode. i tried to side step him again but just like before he stepped infront of me.
"i have to get to class please just leave me alone."
"You don't even care about what happened to him your glad he's dead aren't you!"
my temper flared he was messing with the wrong person, "do you seriosly think that i loved him with all my heart i know it's my fault that he's dead i have to live the rest of my life knowing that im the reason he's gone do you even know how much that hurts how much it kills me everyday well do you?" tears were running down my cheeks he just stood there looking shoched i pushed passed him i wasn't going to my next class i had to get out of this place as fast as i could.
i ran out the front door not even paying attention to where i was going untill i arrived at the graveyard i walked through the maze of tombstones untill i found Alec's grave. i Knelt infront of it and pulled off the necklace he gave me on our first date and set it on top of the gravestone something rusled behind me the sound was oddly familiar i turned around no one was there i must have imagined it but just then something soft brushed my arm it felt like a birds wing i turned to see him starring at me with the same sad expression on his face. He reached out to me but didn't seem to be able to touch me i backed awa and tripped over something hard. i fell hard hitting the statue that was beside me. Something warm trickled down my neck i reached back and wiped it off when i looked at my hand it was covered in a thick layer of blood. Suddenly he was there bending over me he grabbed my hand and looked scared he put his hand on my lower back and pushed me foward he wiped frantically at the blood that was now flowing faster and faster.
he grabbed my wast and lifted me up off the ground my head spun i couldn't think strait. he spread his wings and launched himself off the ground and into the air he was holding me a little too tight i was gasping for breath when he finally noticed he loosened his grip and flew higher. My vision blurred i could tell that i was about to pass out. He hit the ground running where to i had no clue till i found myself laid infront of the hospitall he put a piece of paper in my pocket, turned around and ran. A nurse ran out and when she saw me she flipped out which was really annoying.
She held out her hand to help me up i ignored it and stood up using the wall as a support thankfully my head had stopped bleeding but i was coverd in blood which must of been why the nurse had flipped out it was still wet too this was going to stain my shirt forever.
i pulled out my phone and called my mom but she didn't answer she was probably pissed at me for skipping school and didn't care if i needed a ride home. i sighed and started walking home but the stupid nurse blocked my way i stepped around her and continued walking i don't know what was up with people getting in my way it was starting to annoy me. People stared at me whem i walked by they looked scared they probably thought that i had murdered someone or something along those lines.
Thankfully my house was only like five minutes away so it didn't take long to get home when i got there my mom was already screeming at me before i got over the threshold.
"What were you thinking! Skipping school like that i should ground you for years...." her voice faltered when she saw me her eyes got huge and she started gasping for air. "Mom are you OK why are you acting like that it's just a little blood."
"Who's is it Bear who's?" she thought i had someone elses blood on me.
"it's mine mom who elses whould it be i can't believe that you would actyually think that i would have someone elses blood on me don't you trust me at all." her face went white she gripped the wall for support and almost fainted she gripped her mouth and ran off to the bathroom. I walked up the stairs to my room thinking about changing when i heard a man's voice from the kichen that was so familiar but i couldnt place it.
"What happened Thalia why are you bleeding did someone hurt you." hearing my real name made me freeze no one had called me that since my dad died by then everyone called me bear it was his nickname for me it had been eight years since anyone had called me Thailia hearing it again was strange. i walked into the kitchen and saw my dad's brother sitting at the table a cup of coffee in his hands when he saw me he tried to smile but i could see the worry in his eyes.
"i fell on a statue at the graveyard it's nothing just a little scrape." he stood up and walked over to me he circled around me untill he was directly behind me he pressed on the back of my neck pain seared through my head i blacked out for a few seconds he cought me and held me upright untill i could stand on my own.
"How are you even still alive do you have any idea how deep this cut is no wonder your mon freaked out no human being can live with a cut like this its unheard of and ur practically drained of all your blood you are one lucky girl you should be dead." i rushed off to my room and looked at my neck he had been telling the truth my neck looked like someone had taken an axe to it or something no wonder it had hurt so bad when he had touched it. i remembered the piece of paper that the creature had put in my pocket i took it out it said one word on it. Alec. My heart stopped how did he know about Alec it was impossible my knees almost buckled something fell out of the letter a single black feather i picked it up and examined it when the light shined on it i could see almost see every little detail of it the feather atached itself against my wrist and began to disolve when it was gone there was a black tattoo on my arm of a feather it looked almost lifelike my head spun what had just happened?? MY uncle walked into the room i hid my arm behind my back hopeing he hadn't noticed anything. He held out a fist aid bandage and motioned for me to turn around he rapped it around my neck lookly and then pulled it tighter my knees buckled he cought me again this falling thing was getting on my nerves. He finished bandaging my neck and then led me over to the bed and sat me down.
"You need to sleep holler if you need anything." he walked out shutting the door behind him i could here him talking to my mom downstairs i closed my eyes thinking i might as well get some sleep.

-He was standing there just staring at me with that pained expression that he always has.
"who are you and why do you keep following me?" i didn't know if he could talk but this is the best way to find out.
"I can't tell you i wish i could but that would be breaking the rules..." his voice was deep and full of pain i felt like my heart was being ripped out i took a step toward him this time he was the one backing away not me.
"i already broke the rules once i will not break them again." his voice shook like he was crying i walked toward him again he didn't seem to care this time i walked toward him till i was just in arms length of him i hugged him not sure of what his reaction would be. He rapped his arms around me and it seemed like he didn't want to let go "just a few minutes please just a few." he seemed to be pleading with someont but just then his whole body froze he began to shake he screemed in agony i let go of him he fell to the ground and began to shake uncontrollably. He grabbed my arm and it was like i could feel his pain i screemed and everything went black-

chapter 3

I woke up sweat streaming down my forhead. The dream had felt so real but it couldnt have been there was absolutely no way that that could have been possible. What the hell was happening to me what happenened to my normal life what could i have done to have that disrupted like this. I stood up and walked in to the living room to see my mom sitting there with a dazed look on her face i walked over and snapped my fingers infront of her face she didnt even flinch. I backed away slowly not sure what i should do.
i backed up till i ran into something hard after a few seconds i realized that someone was breathing down my neck i turned around slowly. He was right behind me staring at me with no expression on his face. I stood there for a seconde just staring at him like an idiot.
"Why exactly are you in my house dont you know that what youre doing is called tresspassing?" he shrugged but didnt say anything he glanced at my mom and then back at me with a questioning look on his face this time it was my turn to shrug. He walked over to my mom and laid his fingers against her neck and shook his head he leaned down untill her mouth was level with his ear again he shook his head.
"What is that supposed to mean you cant just shake your head and just expect me to know what the hell you mean so just tell me or get the hell out of my house." he opened his mouth as if to say something but closed it again he walked over to the fridge and tore off a piece of paper from the note pad and scribbled something on it he walked over to me and grabbed my hand putting the note in it and crossing his arms over his chest glaring at me. I looked at the note on it it said the two words i haid been dreading. She's dead.
The note slipped out of my fingers and fell onto the ground i looked at him feeling hot tears sting my eyes he walked over to me and hugged me wiping the tears off my face. But the moment ended too soon he let go and turned to leave i grabbed his arm, he screemed in pain falling to the floor instantly. i let go kneeling down beside him i pulled up his sleave to see three long cuts layered his skin blood was running from it i rushed into the kitchen and grabbed the first aid kit that we always kept under the sink when i got back to the kitchen he was standing up clutching his arm when he saw me he backed away looking scared.
"Sit!" i yelled at him pointing to the couch he put his head down like a dog and sat down on the couch. I walked over to him taking out the bandage rolls and gently began wraping them around the cuts on his arm.
He sat there glaring at me he tried to scoot away from me a couple times but i dragged him back he wasnt getting away from me he was hurt and needed someone to take care of him.
"Are you going to tell me what your name is or do i have to guess because i can think of about five that suit you perfectly and i can garentee you that you wont like them at all." he hesitated for a second obviosly tring to figure out a way to get out of this he opened his mouth and then closed it again he was getting extreamly frustrated with me i could tell.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.11.2011

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