
I must have been about seven years old when I came up with this idea, to have a flying jet ski. It is the most ingenious type of transportation there is! It is like sailing on the ocean, but instead of waves and ocean currents, I am driving through air currents and wind. Instead of a life jacket, I have a seat belt and a parachute, in case I accidentally crash into a bird or any other animal that might also be flying like me.

The first time I flew my Flying Jet Ski seems like only yesterday. There was a valley, waterfalls and magnificent blue ski and all my school friends were there. After we landed in the Valley, we set up camp and played with the talking tigers and the frogs that danced on the river bank.

My tent was blue, and that night we made a green campfire, and sang with all the animals in the forest. This is where I discovered that the most beautiful voices in the world didn’t belong to the birds like I had thought, but rather the giraffe’s. And in reality, this is why they have a neck that size, because their vocal cords are so big that they wouldn’t fit into a smaller neck. The rest of the night was yellow, full of games and laughter. There was a small bush that kept jumping around and insisted on tickling all the people it brushed up against.

At bedtime, my friends and I decided that we weren’t going to sleep inside the tents because we realized there was nothing to be afraid of outside. Even those animals we were afraid of, like snakes and spiders, had joined in the fun and were now playing hide and seek with a bunch of kids near the apple tree. The hard part of the game wasn’t finding hidden people and animals, but finding the apple tree when we had to count down again, because it kept playing jokes on everyone, changing places and disguising itself as a eucalyptus tree, which obviously we noticed right away.

That night we slept together with the animals, and when we woke up, they had left and gone back to their normal life as animals in the forest.
So, we left. Over the next few months, we kept going back every day, but over the years, my friends stopped going there because they had much to do and they didn’t have much time.

Some of them threw their Flying Jet Skis away, others held on to the memory, and some still hope to use them again. Everyone told me they had no more time to spend talking to animals and that I am a fool to keep going back there.

I only tell them this: it’s the best part of my day.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.01.2010

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