



The day Jessica walked out of my life I haven't been my self. I get up from bed and take a quick shower before getting dressed. As I head to work I always pass a small park where mothers and father take their children to play and eat ice cream. I always wondered what it felt like to be a father.


I remember talking to Jessica about forming a family, but she would always change the subject. Jessica was never a kids person or animal person or old people person. She had a tendency of changing the subject about kids or marriage. She knew I want to get married and have kids but she was always discusted with the idea. I thought that in time she would come to love the idea, but she didn't. 


I got to the office at the time that I always do and got into my private elevator to my office. When I finally got there the doors opened up to a red walled room with shelves of files and desk in front of massive glass windows. I took out my lap top and let myself be consumed by the work. It didn't take long before Tom came bouncing in and disturbed me from my work.


"Hey Adam you alive in there?" He said taking a seat in one of the panton chairs.


"Yes I am and if you don't have anything to give me get back to work?" I say with out looking up.


"Look I get that you still feel like shit, but you need to get over her. She wasn't the right one for you Adam. You need to understand that and that were here for you. Pushing us away isn't going to make you feel any better and it was two years ago," he said putting his hand on my shoulder. 


"Then what should I do?" I ask.


"Now were talking" he said taking a seat on my desk as I lean back in my chair, "ok this is what I've been thinking since you want to be a dad so much, although I don't know why?" he said saying the last part in a low mutter, "I was thinking that you could set up a fake assistant interview, but instead your looking for some one to have your child."


I sat there for a while taking it all in and it wasn't a bad idea I could interview women and the one that seem to fit the bill will have my child, but there was one problem with that idea. Who in the hell would do such a thing much more suggest it but the more I thought about it the more I warmed to the idea.


"What if I find the one but she doesn't want to?" I ask him taping my finger on the desk, thinking I'm insane for even considering it. 


"Then pay her to have your kid, it's not that complicated Adam. Although it would be better if you just got a dog" he says.

 "A dog would be nice but I want something that carries my blood Tom. So we'll go with your idea now go set up a place, time and date."


"Well we already have a place" he said moving his finger in a circular motion to the office, "all we need is a date and time"





I got into my red beetle and headed off to the interview. It had to be luck that I got to have the interview because I don't have a clue to what assistants do. All I know is that they take notes and answer phone call for the boss while wearing a cute pencil skirt which I have lots of. But here I was on my way to an interview who had accepted my application.


Two days ago I was cring and pleading for them not to take townhouse and everything I owned.  If they did I would have no where to go.  I didn't have many friend here in New York, but I still got by but working in restaurants making the least bit of money I could get to pay for the townhouse. I know that I should have started with a smaller place, but I couldn't bring myself to live in a shabby home anymore there was to many bad memories for me. 


I parked the car in the back and pushed my way through the glass doors. I stopped at the front desk where a young browned haired woman was typing away on her key board.


"Excuse me but could you tell me where the waiting room is for the interview ?" I ask.


She looks up and says, "It's on the sixth floor" 


I get on the elevator and a few people get on and off as I make my way up to the sixth floor. The doors open and I step out to see about hundred women siting in the waiting room waiting to be called up. I took a seat in the back next to a redheaded woman with cat eye glasses over her blue eyes and who was probably the same age as me.


I set my Burberry purse next to my feet and fix my black Chanel dress that had a white collar and a large ribbon bow in the the middle.  The room became empty over time leaving me, the redhead, and a beautiful dark colored woman who looked like she was in her early thirties while I was in my mid twenties. 


Soon it was just me in the waiting room.  Thirty minutes later the gorgeous dark colored woman walked out and a few minutes later a handsome dirty blond man walked out, "Miss. Kate you can come in now"  I got up and put my purse in the hook of my arm and walked into a red and grey office. 


"Mr. Sterling will attend you in just a momment he just went out for bit, but you can have seat" he said before taking his leave. 


While I waited a women came in asking for my size in clothing and shoes along with undergarments. I asked why this was neccessary but she just told me its part of the interview and told me to take a seat.


I took a seat  in one of the chairs and all I could think was, 'Please let me get this job'.








 "None of these women catch my interest and I don't feel a connection to them I mean they are beautiful but the spark just isn't there" I say to Tom in the conference room.


"Don't worry if you don't find the right one today then you'll find the right one the next day, but right now you still have one more to go so turn up the charm because she is sexy as hell if I weren't helping you get with her I would take her for myself" he said popping in some peanuts into his mouth.


I sigh, "fine"


I walk back to my office but stop infront of the door and take a deep breath before going in. I open the door to find a beautiful blond woman siting in one of the black couches. Her long hair was down and flowed down her back with soft curls at the tips she also had small front bangs that made her look young. She had ivory skin and beautiful emerald eyes to top it off, her lips were the perfect size to make a heart.


"You must be kate", I said extending my hand out and she up her soft feminine hand in mine and smiled which made my heart race a little but played it cool.


"And you must be Mr. Sterling" she said and all I could do was look into those emerald as she looked into my blue ones. I realized that she was average hieght reaching to my chest. 


"Well we should get this interview started, take a seat Kate and please call me Adam" I say taking a seat infront of her.


She had one leg over the over making her black stocking stretch. Her legs were wonderful and I really wanted to convince her to let me be in between those legs and plant my seed inside her.


"Kate I will ask you some personal questions if that is okay with you?" I say puting my iPad infront of me pretending to take note of what she was saying.


"Yes. It's fine" she simply said as if she didn't mind people knowing her personal business.


"Ok then, kate do you have any kids?" I ask


"No" response 


"Do you plan on having any?" Question#2


"Of course" response


"Would you rather have kids sooner or later?" Question#3


"Soon would be nice" response 


"Do you like kids?" Question#4


"Yes" response 


"How much?" Question#5


"A lot" response


"If someone payed you to have their child would you do it?" Question#6


"Maybe?" response


I look up almost snapping my neck, "What do you mean by maybe?"


"Well depending on the person. He has to be responsible and stable and be a good father" she said calmly and firmly.


I had found her. Kate Daniels you will have my child.


"Kate before we go any further into this interview there is something you must know" I take a deep breath then continue, "this isn't an interview for an assistant job."


I wait for her to reacted but she just sits there calmly and attentive to what I'm about to say.


"This is an interview for me to find a woman of my choice to have my child. And I would like it if that woman was you kate, would you have my child?" I said slowly to let it sink in and her eyes wided with surprise and terror. I was afraid that I may have scared her off.


But instead I got a simple answer, "Yes" 




Oh my what have I just agreed to, was all I was thinking as I drove home.


I open the door to my house which I loved but couldn't seem to afford. The second I got to my room I landed flat on my back on the soft bed of mine. Which I was later joined with the giant st. Barnard Ellie I got as a gift from an ex-boyfriend.  Who was licking my feet over a fifty dollar stockings and not even that would get my mind off of what I just did. 


How could I sell my body to a man for money? 


Yes I did need it. And yes he was the sexiest man I have ver seen. I can still visualize him in my mind. His hair was black as night, his eyes blue but his irises had a hint of hazel, his face shape with high cheek bones, he was tall and muscular , and last his lips. Which I so badly wanted to taste and lick and bite. I moan at wonderful vision of my lips on his and I realize now that it would be so bad to give up my body for a taste of those pink lips of his. That looked soft, but with time will become dark red and rough from the long kiss I wanted to give him. 


I snaped out of my day dream as I remember that he was paying me to have his baby not to just to have sex which didn't help my case. Although I wouldn't mind having a baby, but I don't think I'm ready to be a mother. I couldn't even take care of myself so how am I going to take care of this fragile creature that I am suppose to have. 


But the most important question of all is, what will happen once I have the baby?


I let my mind wonder to all the possible possibilities and it only made me more scared of what is to come. All this worrying was making me tired and sleepy. I closed my eyes and slowly the darkness started to enter.


When I woke up it was to the sound of Nelly powerful bark to the sound of the knocking. I look at my clock which told me that it was already the beginning of the next day. I got up from the bed and walked down the stairs to unlocked the door to find a delivery man on the other side holding pink and green bags that read Kate Spade on the bottom right corner. I pushed Ellie away from the door so that she wouldn't make the dilvery man run off.


"Are you Miss kate?" he asked.


"Yes I am and how may I help you?" 


"This is a gift from Mr.Sterling" he handed me boxes and bags that read kate Spade."I'm going to need you to sign here and here is the card" 


I sign the paper and close the door with my foot and walked into the living room and I was joined by the giant puppy as I placed the bags on the couch. I opened the the letter that had my name writen in gold cursive letters and it read:


Dear Kate, 


It would please me if you are to join me for afternoon tea at The Russian Tea Room.

I will be coming to get you at 2:00 p.m. I believe with have some personal things to discuss.


                    Sincerely, Adam Sterling 


I stand for a moment just staring at the boxes and bags that had beautiful bows and wraping paper that peeked out of the bags. In one quick move I tore through the bags and gasped when I saw the cute dresses. One had stripes where the white ones were bigger than the dark navy blue with a pink rose on the left shoulder as well as a two others but one was hot pink. The other was a bouffan dress with white and green stripes on it. The other bags had purses, shoes and a pair of sunglasses along with bracelets and whatches.


I look at the clock that hanged on the hall wall which can be seen from the living room read 11:45 a.m. Which told me that I had an hour and thirty five minutes to get ready. I quickly run to the bathroom quickly taking a shower and shaving my legs and blow dry most of my hair. I put on my makeup which consisted of just some foundation, blush, mascara, red lips and thank god that I had my nails down already or else I would have taken for ever and it was already one twenty three.


I run to the bedroom to put on a sexy pair of underwear as well as a bra and then I rush to get on the green and white striped dress on and zipped it up with a hook. Next I put on black pointed toe pumps along with a white watch and simple gold charm bracelets. I fix my hair parting it more to the right giving it that slight arc and put on some Chanel N.5 perfume on my neck, wrists and just a little behind my ear incase their is any whispering. 


The bell rang which got Ellie to her feet and started barking. I grabbed the hot pink purse and put the cat-eye sunglasses over my head and walk down the stairs. I take one last look at myself in the mirror in the hall and walk around Ellie to open the door. Opening the door I find Mr. Sterling in casual wear which was made up of a collar shirt some navy jeans and buck shoes. 


He was holding a rose bouquet when he said, "Good evening you look beautiful, I got these for you" 


I took the flowers from him, "Thank you, let me put these in some water and then we can leave. You can come in if you'd like?"


"I will take you on that offer" he said steping into my home and the first thing he saw was the large dog follow me to the kitchen.


"I didn't know you had a dog or such a large one?"


"She was a gift. And you never asked about pets?" I said placing the roses in a blue vase fild with water.


He bent down and reached towards her but pulled back, "Is it okay if I pet her?"


I nod,"Yes, she actually realy likes the attention"


With the no fear now he runs his large hands through her fur and every now and then scratches her chin. I just watch him as he pet her and he seem to have noticed because he looked up. Our eyes meet and I could feel something that I just couldn't explain but I did know that it was a good feeling. 


He broke away from my gaze, "We should get going"


I grabbed my purse and he extended his arm leading the way to the door. Once we were out he lead me to a black lamborghini. I would have been impressed if this was my first time in one but it wasn't. He opened the door for me and I steped into the car closing the door. Once he was in the car we drove off to the restaruant. 




We arrived at the russian tea room which wasn't that full of people. One of the waiters lead us to our table near the window and we each took a seat accross form each other. He handed me a menu and then handed kate a menu while adding a flirtatious brush of there fingers touching before leaving. She didn't seem to make a big deal out of the contact, just took it and opened the menu to order.


"How have you been?" I asked


"I'm well and you?" she said not looking up form the menu.


"I'm well too. Would you like to discuss the matter while we eat or after?"


She sighed,"Now would be best I think?"


The waiter came,"If you are ready what would you like to drink?"


"I would like a Formosa Oolong" I said now moving on to the sandwiches section.


"I wil have a Chamomile tea, please" She said.


"And dessert or sandwich?" the young waiter asked.


"Both please but for the dessert we just want scones." I said


The waiter left but not with out taking a peek at kate and walking off and once again we were alone to discuss the important matter.


"Kate for the deal that we made about you having my child, I would like to ask you if you would like do to this the usual way or if you would like to be inseminated with my sperm" I asked her as we waited.


"I... I really don't care which way we take this as long as it gets done" she said not looking up from her lap and her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. 


"Then why don't we do it the usual way but when was the last time you had" I said feeling my cheeks get warm.


She pondered for a moment,"I'll be getting it in three weeks."


I nodded and right when I was about to say something the waiter came with our tea and sandwiches as well as the scones. We gave our thank you to the waiter. She took a sip of tea resting both her elbows on the table. 


"If it is okay with you I would like to have my doctor check you before anything?" setting down my cup and taking one of the sandwiches and taking a bite,"so if you could come with me after to Dr. Ren's office?" 


"Sure, what time do we have to meet him?"


I looked at me watch which read 3:45,"At 5 so we still have time to eat before we meet him"


She nodded and placed her cup down and picked up one of the scones taking jam and spreading it before taking a bit. Some of the jam was lingering on her bottom lip teasing me. Making me want to lick that small spread of jam that covered her soft plush lip, but I restrained myself. She licked it off and I could tell that a tent was forming in my pants.




The ride to Dr. Ren's office was quite and fast. We arrived just before the appointment and was later lead into a small room where cute old nurse told me to change and lay on the examination table with my legs parted. Adam was sitting beside me with his arms crossed sitting back in one of the chairs. We sat in silence until Dr. Ren came into the room with a smile,"Hello Adam and who is this?"


Adam got up and shook his hand,"Hello Ren this is Kate Daniels."


Dr.Ren shook my hand and then turned back to Adam,"So lets get started shall we."


He took a seat in one of the chairs and rolled over where my legs are parted and did the usual check up. Once he was done with checking he said, "Everything is fine Miss Daniels"


Adam got up again and thanked him and talked to him while I went behind the curtain to change back into my clothes. Slipping into the dress, I tried to zip up the back but forgeting that I had used the hook to zip it up and now had to ask for help. I peeked out of behind the curtain to see if there was a nurse but there wasn't any just Adam waiting in the spining chair moving back and forth. 


 Clearing my throat to get Adams attention he looks up from the floor,"What is it?"


I bite my lower lip and look down before asking,"Can you help me zip up the back?"


I knew it wasn't a big deal but for some reason asking him made me uncomfortable. "Sure" he said getting up and strolled over to me. Turning around and push my hair to the side to get it out of the way I felt his fingers touch my back slightly making me hold my breath. As he zipped up the dress he would let his fingers slightly touch my back.


When he was done zipping it up his lips touch my shoulder and moved up my neck. I let out a soft moan and truned so that my lips would be the ones touching his lips. The second our lips touch our kiss turn hot and steamy with desire.


His groin began to rock my pelvis making me moan louder and move my hands into his soft locks of hair tugging slightly every now and then. He let out a groan and released my lips moving down while planting kiss and soft bites until he got to the curve of my neck.


Moving one of his hands from my hips he cupped my right breast squeezing it lightly and moved his other underneth my dress and push my panties down. He put one finger inside me first moving it in and out making my give a loud groan. 


"More" I moan and was complied with a second finger and then followed by a third. I couldn't stay still anymore it was to much pleasure and his had that was at my breast moved under my dress to tease my nipple.


He soon became frustrated with the dress that he unzipped it and pulled it off me along with my bra. His mouth came down onto one of my nipples making me purr with pleasure and comed with full force. Taking his fingers out of me and tasting it I removing my hands from his hair I started to unbutton his shirt and push it off him.


Once I had successfuly removed his shirt I moved down to his groin and rubbed him through his pants as I push him against the wall and kissed his torso making my way to the waistline of his pants.  





She had me pinned against the wall as she made her way down. Once she was on her knees she took one hand around the base of me and swallowed me whole. I could help but moan and hold the back of her head in place. Taking me in and out of her mouth as her tongue worked wonders around my manhood. 


"Dear god that fee- feels soo good" I moan which made her give a chuckle while still having me in her mouth.


She sucked me harder and I began to move my hips forward trying to get as much of me inside her as I could. Biting the tip is what undid me and I released me come into her plush ruby lips with a loud animal moan. She pulled out with a pop and licked off any my remaining seed.


Breathing heavily I handed her her clothes,"Get changed"


She nodded and put on her clothes and this time I zipped up the back without starting anything. Once we were both dressed and looked decent we walked out of the room and back to my car hand in hand.


I opened the door for her and was given a smile with a thank you and then closed it and went to my side. Once on the road, I asked,"Your place or my place?"


"For what?" she asked innocently but there was a purr in her voice.


"To continue what we started because I am not satisfied",I said turning to her and her eyes became misty with desire. 


She gulped before say,"Don't really care as long as I get you inside me" 


I growled as she moved her to my crotch and began to rub it,"My place it is."


Speeding the whole way there we reach our destination in a matter of seconds. Handing the keys to the valet and take her hand pushing through the glass doors.


"Good evening Mr. Sterling. By th-" said Gideon the receptionist.


"Good evening Gideon," I said cutting him off and hurry off to the elevator. Once they were closed I pushed her body to mine bring her lips to mine. Pushing her against the wall and lifting her off the ground unwrapped her legs around my waist. 


Nipping at her lower lip when the doors open I let her go and dragged her to my penthouse. Pushing the door closed with my foot I pushed her onto the couch and quickly unzipped her dress. She gave a gasp but quickly came to her senses and pulled my shirt over my head and then brought her attention to my pants. Taking her mouth I bit her lower lip making her gasp. 


Taking the opening I slipped my tounge into her mouth and I tore off the small scrape of cloth that covered her womanhood. Slidding my fingers inside her she gave a small whimper and took my manhood into her hand. Leaving my lips she pushed me back to couch and trailed her soft lips over my torse until she took me into her mouth. 


Bobbing her head as she took me in deeper I couldn't take it anymore,"Stop if you kee-" moan,"keep going it will be over soon."


Pulling her head from my agonizing friend who was fully erected and ready to go. Picking up her frail body and placing it on massive bed with me on top. Taking my shaft I slowing pushed it into her making her wiggle and move closer to me so that I was completely inside her.


Turning her face away from me,"Kate look at me"


"LOOK-AT-ME" I commanded and slowly she turned to me with those beautiful green eyes.


"I want to see your face while I make love to you,ok?" I said softly to her.


She gave a nod and with that I pulled out and went back, in one fast thrust. As I rocked fast Kate had wrapped her legs around my waist and arms around my neck to hold on as I moved. Her moans of pleasure only made me more of an animal making the bed post hit the wall. 


When her body shook from the orgasm I gave on last thurst before letting go and falling on top of her trying to catch my breath. I rolled over so that I wouldn't crush her and placed a kiss on her temple.


"That was-" she said but didn't finish the sentence.




"Yeah" she replied with smile before falling asleep which made me chuckle and hug her.








I woke up to the light streaming in from the window. Pushing back onto the bed stretching my body out on the large bed but find that I'm alone. Looking for a note on the cabinet but there wasn't any. So I got up and wrapped the blanket around my body and made my way to what was the bathroom, He isn't here maybe his in the living room. So I went to the living room only to find no one there but my clothes folded on a very modern sofa.


The room was mostly decorated with a dark color which was black and any shade of gray and ever so often a bit of white. Everything in the room was modern in the center was the sitting area and to the left was large windows. To the right of the room was the kitchen and dining area.


Picking up what was left of my panties and let out a sigh,"Well this is no longer wear worthy"


Tossing what was left of my panties and inspected the rest of my clothes everything was torn except the dress. Putting on the wrinkled dress I made my way to the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. Taking a seat at the dining table that faced a wall with photographs.


There was some of him with what looked like his mother and father but there was one that caught my eye. It was one of him with a very beautiful woman. She had black hair with brown eyes her body was to perfection as for her skin it was a perfect peach color and he was holding her tightly to him giving her a playful smile. I knew from looking at this picture that they were together and if the way he was holding her was not enough then the large diamond ring on her finger was.


Feeling sick I quickly picked up torn clothes and put them in my purse and then quickly put on my heels. How could I have been so stupid, I walked out the front door and hopped into the elevator hoping that I don't run into him. Once it stopped I got off and walked as fast as I could pass the receptionist doesn't notice me but he did.


"Oh, Miss. Kate," he said with a smile,"Mr.Sterling ask me to tell you if you could wait for him here until he gets back from the office."


I could feel my anger rise but I calmed myself down,"Well can you inform Mr.Sterling that I have urgent business to take care of and that I will not be able to meet with him today"


"Oh. Ok, I'll inform him when he gets here" he replied.


"Thank you," I said giving him a forced smile.


I then turned and made my way back to my home. If he thinks that I'm going to continue our deal while he's engaged to someone else he can think again.  




When I got to my office I was met with Tom's many questions about my evening with Kate. All I could do was smile and I didn't really know why or if I have ever smile this big? I mean I was content when I was with Jessica but I was never this happy. 


"Come on Adam, don't hold back on me. Tell me did you do the deed?" He said with a wiggle of his brow.


"I'm not telling you?" I said but I stop the smile that creeped up on my face.


"You don't need to, that smile tells me everything I need to know," He said with a pat on my back as we walked into the office. 


Walking into my office for the long day that was to come but through out the whole day all I thought about was Kate. Even when I went out for drinks with Tom I couldn't get her out of my mind mostly because Tom kept bringing her up. When it was time to head back to the apartment I gathered my things quickly and head out the door. 


Getting into the car I headed straight for home but not before stopping by a flower shop. Giving the keys to Paul I made my way inside only to be stopped by Gideon. 


"Oh well hello there Mr. Sterling" he said from behind the desk. 


"Hello Gideon, how has your day been?" I say politly with a way of my hand.


"It has been well and I almost forgot to inform you that Miss Kate had to leave for some urgant matter?"


The disappointment must have shown on my face because Gideon gave me tight smile that is only given when one is being pitied. 


"Did she say what the urgant matter was?" I asked worried that I had done something last night that might have upset her.


"No sir she didn't say" 


"Well thank you Gideon I must be on my way now?" 


Rushing to the elevator 










Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.10.2014

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