
Chapter 1- Run away

"You worthless piece of shit!" I felt Marc shout at me. I flinched as he struck his hand out , slapping the pan of slightly scorched Hamburger Helper that was in my hands. I looked at the ground, feeling tears strain to come out as I bit my lip hard, feeling blood well up inside my mouth.
How could this have happen? How could a loving boyfriend turn into a horrible person in just 3 months? I couldn't understand it, Marc was a sweetheart when I met him in the dance club but slowly he has been changing, morphing in to this beast and turning into a flaming dragon but my stupid heart still seemed to love him even if my smart brain knew what was sensible.
I could hear the TV blast in the other room as Marc continued to yell at me. Every time he was like this, I learned just to be quiet and agree with him, even though it's not the nicest things. It was simpler than fighting against a boxer.
I began zoning out, feeling myself drift out of my body. This is what always happens until he tires out and sits back down with a beer. It seemed like it would always happen, no matter where I run no matter who could save me, I kept coming back to him. I was stupid and foolish off a love and he gave me all the things I needed, especially a home, even though it wasn't the best. Without Marc, I would be homeless and on the streets. He seemed to love playing with my mind, slowly coaxing me that I was just another 20 year old girl with a rundown family and that without him, I would be on the newspaper missing. He was my savior and I was always grateful.
But a part of me wanted to find a guy like on TV. One that could crack jokes but still stay sweet and one that didn't cheat and abuse, unlike Marc. I couldn't do anything, I couldn't go out the house for five minutes to paint. I always wanted to paint the nature but I could only look at the rain that always pounded on the pathetic flowers in the garden through the tiny window upstairs.
"Listen!" Marc yelled out. He was right in front of me, his hard brown eyes glaring into my silvery blue ones. Marc was very attractive. I guess what I really loved was his dark, chiseled features or maybe it was his nice crooked smile that he used to have. But now I don't see him smile, I only see a powerful man that would one day end up hurting me.
"I-I'm sorry," I stuttered in fear before biting my lip. If only I hadn't burned the Hamburger Helper then he wouldn't be made at me. I bit my lip harder, feeling the blood well in my mouth once more and fill that metallic copper taste in my mouth.
I felt a whoosh of air before a stinging hand hit my face, I knew that it would leave a red splotch on my light tan skin. I fell on the floor, feeling the sticky, hot food ruin my light grey tunic and blue shorts and leave a mess in my light chestnut hair.
"Your always sorry, Karina! And I am so tired of it!" I felt those tears that I have been holding back spring in my eyes and I began sobbing as he began kicking me with his hard Timbaland boots.
I couldn't do anything but curl into a ball and try to block the blows that were being sent to me. I could feel the mess of the food all over me, I felt disgusting and worthless, everything I did was wrong, everything.
I felt my hair get yanked up, suspending me in the air with a stinging pain in the scalp. I let out a cry only to be silenced by a stinging slap to my face.
"Shut up!" He roared, a dragon in it's fury. He continued to slap me, spitting out lethal words like fire. It burned me, it scarred me, it terrified me. To him, I was nothing but a piece of trash that could just not be thrown out that easily. I was shit.
The punches, the slaps, the kicks... they were all because of something I

did, I couldn't do anything right because if I did, Marc would always find a hole in it before I could close it up. Sometimes it infuriating that I could not do the things I wanted to, I was a prisoner in here, doing nothing but serve my master. I wanted to explore the world, paint the most beautiful pictures, listen to entrancing music or maybe even find a real

boyfriend... if I was ready for one.
I felt the assaults die down. It wasn't unusual for me since Marc always wasted his energy beating me. Once this was over, he would talk to me, "apologize" and then sit on the broken couch and watch the hot chicks pop their booty on BET. I would sit in the corner, watching life go on outside of the window. It was a never ending cycle, one that would go on and on. I didn't want that, I wanted a little child to take care of, a husband who would always sing to me, a house that wasn't

rented. We would always be one the road, exploring the world, doing things that we all loved. I couldn't have that with Marc because he wouldn't let

himself have it, he wouldn't let me have it either.
As I felt Marc stop hitting me and pant hard, I felt a fury lash inside of me, one that was big and huge. I couldn't let myself have a life like this, I would not want my baby growing up in here with a father like this. I couldn't just sit down and wish for it to stop, I had to make it stop. I felt robotic as I felt Marc drop me onto the mess, I looked up at him, feeling that fury pick up into rage. I launched at his ankle, grabbing onto it. Marc jumped back in shock and I bit him.

He roared out like a dragon being defeated. He swung a hand right as I launched backward, slipping across the mess on food before standing up. I had to get away, I had to run. I could feel the adrenaline pump through my blood as I grabbed my Blackberry off the dirty coffee table. I needed my phone in case of an emergency. I wasn't that stupid to leave it here and have him go through all my information and contact people who might know where I was.
"You stupid slut! Get your punk ass back here!" I couldn't help but flinch as I saw him get up from the Hamburger Helper mess on the floor. His wife-beater and tan Bermuda shorts were covered in the same sticky mess I was in but the steady ground of his Timbalands made going through the mess a lot easier than my black Toms.
"No!" I shouted back at him. It felt good knowing that he wasn't in control of me anymore and that I could argue with him without getting a black-eye. My voice was shaky from the nervousness and fear that racked through my brain but I didn't care.
"You are nothing but a big old..." I paused before realizing that he was gaining on me. He was less than ten feet away, I felt the fear take on me as I ran to the door before grabbing umbrella and chucking it at him. I was hoping to slow him down and even hurt him a little, since I had a whole lot of payback to give to him.
"Dick!" I yelled as it hit him square in the face. I was being cocky as hell but it feels good telling him off.
I ran out the door, going straight down the block. I had no destination, I was free, like a bird. I felt the wind in my face as I pumped my legs as hard as they can go. It stopped raining and I couldn't help but notice the smell of grass was rather refreshing than the smell of cigarettes. I haven't been outside in such a long time, I noticed everything that was around me. The birds that tweeted on the small trees, the fresh air that dried my tears, the sound of my feet hitting the pavement as I kept going forward.
Marc and I lived in a fairly suburban neighborhood, one that we both enjoyed because the neighbors didn't knock down the door or poke their nose into or business. Marc loved the freedom of doing whatever he wanted to me whenever he wanted without having police always at the door. I was starting to regret moving here in quiet London because I couldn't get the help I wanted right now.
"Get over here!" I was jumped out of my thoughts as I heard Marc's loud raging voice cut through me. I was too scared to turn around in fear that I might know how close he was. I just kept running forward, keeping the pain and hurt that I survived through these years to keep me going.
I decided to be smart and make a few sharp turns in order to slow him down but he was on my tail every time. I was starting to get out of breath but I just kept going, feeling my legs slowly go numb.
"Karina! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" He kept on yelling as we were going into civilization. I squinted my eyes as the tears blurred my vision. I wasn't stupid anymore, I was not going to him, I was not going to be beat and hurt and raped anymore, I was going to try and stay strong for my future.
I began hearing screams before I saw the crowd of girls all gathered around a stage. Without thinking, I ran pass the security guards who were busy trying to find and crying girl's mother. I wanted to get lost in the crowd, I didn't want Marc to find me.
I didn't want to be captured by the dragon.
I tried my best to melt the crowd while still keeping my eyes on the dark shaven head of Marc. It would be just awful if I ended up losing him and he finds me. The cheers and chants pounded in my head as I tried maneuvering through the crowd, feeling the elbows jab into my sides and the feet step on my feet. I ducked my head a little, hoping that he wouldn't find my light chestnut hair in the crowd of mostly blondes and brunettes.
I felt like a spy, slinking through the crowd from the bad guy. I decided to try and sneak into a room backstage and hide away there until I find out what to do next. My legs were like jelly and I tried focusing on the white door that was blocked by the heavy bald guard who was too busy trying to flirt with a elderly mother. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Why did guys always do that? I bet he has a wife home, I bet that she is cooking in the hot kitchen with sweat pouring down her back, I bet that she has kids too. I bet she wanted to escape, to fly away from here and taste the sweet savoring taste of delightful freedom.
I jumped and flinched as the screaming rose higher until they all broke into harmonious chants of "We Love One Direction!" I couldn't help but turn my head a little, while still walking to the door as five guys popped onto the stage with cheeky smiles on their faces and hand-held mikes in their hands. They looked perfect as they looked down at the excited blonde-haired girls standing in the front trying to desperately get their attention.
I turned my head, instantly losing interest in the cute boy band that stood in the front, introducing themselves separately. Niall, Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Harry, I couldn't help but memorize the names and etch them into my brain. If they were really good, then I would undoubtedly search them up on iTunes but if they were bad, I would not care a bit.
"Well, we all want to thank you for coming here and supporting the SDV, Stop Domestic Violence!" Liam said into the microphone. I couldn't help but flinch at the name. It was like a bee sting that pierced me each time it was said. I felt like I was a poor, homeless person and I was ashamed of it. I finally realized that I was just a stupid girl who got stuck under the web of "love", as they called it. Well, love kept on getting me bruises and kept on hurting me over and over again. For now on, I thought as I stared hard at the boys that stood on stage, I will never love again.
"We decided that we should dedicate this song to those strong girls and boys that were victims and supporters that helped stop this nonsense!" Harry said. I wish I was up front so I could get a better view of them but I was all the way in the back and their were too many girls trying to crowd them. I sighed, giving up and began going through the paths of overly-excited girls and big- stomached guards. I pretended I was a explorer in the desert going through a complicated maze of cactus and deadly snakes. I weaved my way through the crowd, their shrilling screams piercing into my ears, giving me a minor headache.
My ears perked as I heard the strums of a guitar before a beautiful voice with a sharp ring to it came to my ears, blessing it with it's soft touch.

Shut the door
Turn the light off
If be wanna be with you
I want to feel your love
I want to lay beside you
I cannot hide this
Even though I try
Heartbeats harder
Time escapes me
Trembling hands touch skin
It makes this harder
And the tears stream down my face

I look at the stage, my eyes wide as Liam's voice echoes through the mike. It was utterly peaceful, like laying a soft kiss on a baby's skin. It was the greatest song I ever heard and I couldn't help but fall into the song, feeling it's soft cool words hug me and I listened as the curly-boy named Harry took over the song.

If we could only have this life for one more day
If we could only tun back time

You know I'll be your life
Your voice
Your reason to be
My love
My heart
Is breathing for this
Moment, in time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today

Close the door
Throw the key
Don't wanna be reminded
Don't wanna be seen
Don't wanna be without you
My judgement's clouded
Like tonight's sky

Hands are silent
Voice is numb
Try to scream out, my lungs
It makes this harder
And the tears stream down my face

If we could only have this life for one more day
If we could only turn back time

You know I'll be your life
Your voice
Your reason to be
My love
My heart
Is breathing for this
Moment, in time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today

Flashing lights in my mind
Going back to the time
Playing games in the street
Kicking balls at my feet
There's a numb in my toes
Standing close to the edge
There's a pile of my clothes
At the end of your bed
As I feel myself fall
Make a joke of it all

You know I'll be your life
Your voice
Your reason to be
My love
My heart
Is breathing for this
Moment, in time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today

As they hold the last note, I couldn't help but wipe the stray tears that leaked out my eyes. The song was breath-taking and it stole my heart. Moments. Even the title of the song sounded wonderful. I began murmuring the lyrics and ducking my head as I went into the white door. The security guard was too busy trying to get a number.
My legs wobbled a bit as I went down the plain white hallway. My nausea and fatigue rushed into me, almost knocking my breath away as I clutch a nearby door handle for dear life. I was too caught up in the song to notice that I was slowly breaking down. My legs turned into jelly as I collapsed on the floor, keeping my hand wrapped around the doorknob before crawling inside.
I felt dizzy and sick as the dark room spun around me. The song took my breath and soul away with the other girls in the crowd and left me in a distressed state. I slowly rose to my feet, gathering up my strength as I flicked on the light switch that was by the door. I grimaced slightly as the light pierced my eyes with it's almost deadly-like rays.
I looked around, noticing that it was a dressing room. It had a familiar mirror and desk that was scattered with posters and magazines. I watched in amazement as the tiny bulbs on the mirror flickered on and off. There was a small beige couch that sat in the center back of the room that looked awfully inviting. I turned my head to the closet, noticing the full set of clothes that were there. Blazers, Cardigans, Polos, suspenders and stripes. It was a room for a movie star.
I looked over to the full-view mirror before taking a gasp. I looked absolutely hideous. My light chestnut hair was tangled and straggled and my silvery blue eyes were wide and full of tears. My light grey tunic was a dark wet mess and so was my blue shorts. My toms were a wreck with it's messy flaps. I was covered in red splotches and bruises and a yellow thin mess of the slimy Hamburger Helper was covered all over me. I was a hot mess.
I sunk to the floor, feeling worse than before. How could this happen? How could I have let it go this far...
My thoughts trailed off as I rose up and went over to the couch before plopping down on it. I felt used, I felt abandoned and cold, like a empty house. I had no where to go to and no one who cared enough to help me. I was a loner now, I though to myself as I felt myself struggle not to break down into reckless sobs.
I laid down, trying to relax the tightness in my throat and rub my eyes to make sure I didn't have any there. I began thinking about what should happen when I got up. Where would I go? What would I do? How will I live? I struggled to answer those questions as I heard the high muffled voices of One Direction singing their hearts out on the stage. I loved their songs, they were so inspiring and so beautiful that they made me so stupidly optimistic.
I sat in the comforting silence. Even though I'm covered in a mess and had no place to go, I felt a small flicker of hope shine in me as I felt myself drift of to sleep. I was almost absolutely sure that whatever happens, it will only motivate me, that it will only make me shine even more. I believe that when I left Marc, I felt that old shy Karina Adams peel away from me, like a caterpillar blooming into a butterfly.
Everything will be fine

, I thought as I closed my eyes, falling into a dreamless sleep.

Chapter 2- A New Beginning

"How did she get in here?"
"I don't know but we need to have a little talk with Carl to make sure this doesn't happen again."
"I don't think she is alright, look at the bruises and the mess all over her..."
I felt a warm, gentle hand touch my bruise that was on my leg. I flinched back, my eyes blurring a little as I opened them, revealing five worried boys sitting over me.
I felt very well relaxed, noticing that my fatigue and nausea passed with one quick nap. I looked around me, feeling the flashbacks take over my mind as I blushed before looking at the five boys, oddly embarrassed to let them see me like this. I pulled my hand through my straggled, tangled hair before giving up, letting my hands flutter to my sides.
"Are you okay?" I looked up at the blonde boy that was over behind the couch, a worried expression on his face. He had blonde hair that skillfully pushed up in spikes with sparkling blue eyes that had a playful look about them. He big pink mouth was wearing a worried frown as he looked at me. He had a boyish face that made him look like he was fairly young. He wore a red polo top with dark skinny jeans and white converse. I blushed at his friendly attractiveness.
"I...think so," I murmured, stretching my arms before flinching as I saw that bruises that decorated them. I quickly put my arms down when the blonde boy gasped.
"W-What happened?" He stuttered. I noticed he had a very stylish Irish accent that soothed me. He gingerly grabbed my arm, slowly prodding the purple-black bruises that covered them.
"I'm fine..." I lied. I wasn't fine, I was hurting emotionally inside, the scars and bruises that were on me were nothing compared on the inside.
"No, you're not," a deep but sharp voice said behind me. I remembered it to be the voice that started the song in Moments. I think his name was Liam.
Liam was cute. He had dark chestnut hair that looked blown away and chocolate brown eyes that were looking at me with curiosity and worry. He had this sharp chiseled features that looked like he could be an executive. He had on a grey cardigan with a graphic tee shirt and dark grey washed jeans and white Nikes.
I looked down, trying to think of a god lie to say to them. I was truly in a sticky situation, I was the one who was trespassing, I was the one with the bruises all over me. I had no way out of this. I sighed as I looked up at Liam, who had crossed his arms.
"I fe-" I was cut off as someone busted into the room.
It was Marc.
My heart nearly stopped and I was nearly sure that my light tan Hispanic features turned a pale marble white that would make Edward Cullen go "Damn", I struggled to get my breathing steady before saying,"Marc, what are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here?" Marc shot my question at me. He had a worried expression painted on his face and I couldn't help but notice that his hands were in fists. I knew that his worried look was just a facade, that when we were home he would turn into that dragon, scratching me with his claws and using his lethal words of fire to try and defeat me.
I was never going to let that happen.
"Um...Hi, I'm Harry and...we found her here," The curly haired boy said, sitting on the floor. He had bright green eyes and a oval cheeky face that had a frown placed on it. His curly noodles of brown hair was swiftly to the side and he had on a black blazer with a regular white tee shirt with black skinny jeans and grey converse. "May I ask how did she get those bruises all over her?" He continued as the tan boy next to him looked at Marc up and down.
"No, you may not," Marc said rudely to Harry, who looked shocked. I flinched as Marc looked at me with those hard brown eyes of his that seemed to tell me what he was going to do to me when we got home.
"C'mon man, my friend was just asking how a pretty girl like..." the boy on the couch next to me paused before looking at me. "What's your name, my dear?"
He had short swift hair that showed his beautiful honey brown eyes as he looked at me before breaking into an easy smile. he had a long face which I thought was pretty cute and I noticed he had stubble on his chin that made him look very mature. I couldn't help but blush and let out a quiet chuckle as I noticed what he was wearing: Navy blue suspenders, A black-and-white stripe tee-shirt with red capris and navy blue Toms. Very stylish.
"Karina Adams," I said to him, blushing as he took my hand before kissing it softly.
"Louis Tomlinson, at your service."
I let out a shy smile as he put my hand down to my lap before sternly looking at Marc, whose fair skin was turning a splotchy red.
"Now, how did you get those bruises?" The tan boy who was sitting beside Harry asked me. I looked at him. He had dark black hair that was up in a high nest and brown eyes that looked sharply at me, he had a small but sharp featured face. He was wearing a red varsity jacket over a black tee-shirt which showed his muscles, he had on dark blue jean along with big black converse.
"We have no time for this!" Marc yelled at me. I shrunk in the couch a little bit before murmuring a "sorry" as I got up. The courage had left me as I stood up, looking at the five boys who were too busy glaring at Marc.
"Wait, you didn't tell us how you got the bruises, Karina," the tan boy said softly as he looked up at me. I froze, not knowing what to say or do. I couldn't risk telling the little white lies to them becaumse it felt so horribly wrong but at the same time, i just couldn't deal with the embarrassment of telling them I was being abused.
I was in a battle with myself as I bit my lip, deciding on what to do. I opened my mouth to speak but I got cut off my the sharp knives of Marc's voice yelling at me. He had reached forward and grabbed my arm tightly, stopping the blood circulation.
"You tell, you're dead," He murmured deadly in my ear, too low for the others to hear. He had wrapped his other arm around my waist and I couldn't help but gasp as I felt the cold blade of the knife pressing in to the skin of my back.
It was almost surreal. The knife against my back felt like it was only imaginary but as Marc pressed the cold sharp edge of the knife against my back, adding more pressure, The pain had became undoubtedly real as I let out a low hiss, arching my back as I felt the gentle trickle of blood flow down like a river.
Marc let out a low chuckle as the boys looked at me in confusion as I gritted my teeth in pain as Marc gripped my waist tightly. almost as in a deadly embrace. I wanted so badly to let out a shrill scream of the pain I was feeling, not only outside but inside too. It would be emotional suicide if I went back with Marc. I would be going back to the rape, to the punches, the kicks, the words of pure fury as he lashed out on me for no apparent reason.
"I-I have t-t-to go," I stuttered, forcing the words out of my mouth as I tried to grip myself into reality. I felt sick to the core as I lied to the only boys who seemed to care how I got hurt.
The blade seemed to remind me that I must keep this facade on in order to live. Marc didn't seem to believe that I was doing a pretty good job so I let out a quiet whimper of pain as I felt the tip of the knife press against my back, drawing more liquid red blood towards the surface of my skin. I struggled to keep my cool while I was in the dark abase of pain and hurt.
Zayn eyed Marc suspiciously as the other boys looked at each other. I wanted to stay long enough for them to realize that I was in grave danger. I began praying silently as Zayn's eyes slowly made their way to Marc's waist. My heart fluttered in hope as he squinted his eyes at the strange position Marc's arm was in.

I thought to him,Please notice something, I'm begging you to save my life, please...

I wanted to live in a world of a strange reality, I wanted to escape it so badly.
"OK," Zayn said, shrugging as he stood up. "Let me get the door for you."
My heart dropped into a million pieces as Zayn made his way towards to door. I was speechless as he opened it and I couldn't help but feel the tears made there way slowly down my cheeks as I was about to go back into the dragon's cave.
Marc pulled out a shark grin as Zayn stood near the door, waiting for us to go out. I couldn't help but look up at Zayn with my tearful eyes, trying to tell him not to let us out that door and trying to tell him my terrible history with Marc. I almost felt my eyes swell with fierce emotion, never breaking contact with Zayn's dark eyes.
I walked with Marc towards the door, feeling my footsteps grow heavier with each step, almost as if they were being filled with lead at each slow step I took. Hope and courage left my body and I felt myself sag against Marc before pushed upright with great force. i let out a breathy sigh, not surprised that Marc wasn't showing me the affection that I've been craving for the past three months.
I looked at Zayn one more time before giving up, as I looked down I didn't notice when Zayn gave the person behind me an eyebrow wiggle...
That's when it happened.
Zayn gave me a gentle but effective kick towards my knee, sending me flying back as Marc fell to the floor, knife still in his hand. I let out an alarmed scream as I felt someone catch me in their strong but soft arms, letting me melt into them.
"Relax, Karina," I heard Louis breath in my ear, tickling them and sending butterflies flying around in my insides.
I tried to calm myself but curiosity killed me. I looked up, shocked to see what was going on.
Marc had lunged for the knife, only to be kicked in the side by Zayn, who lunged for it at the same time. I bite my lip, holding back a scream that threatened to escape. It was just so frightening, watching two guys battle to the death...
All because of me.
Louis slowly rocked me, trying to calm down my erratically beating heart that pumped against my chest. It did help some, distracting me a little but my eyes were forever on the fight, not knowing who would come out victorious... that rattled my insides senseless.
Zayn punched Marc, sending him flying to the ground a second

time and before Marc had the chance to get back up, Harry and Liam jumped on him while Niall ran out the door. It was as if it were planned, they worked in perfect cohesion and unit as they began beating my ex-boyfriend to a bloody pulp.
A sick victory tore through me as I watched him

get beat. It was as if karma bit him in the ass the minute I walked through that door, but it never seemed to have a chance to leave a mark. I watched with wide eyes as Marc looked at me, rage converting his handsome features into ugly ones. Suddenly, a fear trembled inside my heart as Marc spoke.
"You pathetic bitch, you will pay for this. I hope you know that you won't be coming out of this one alive." It was a deep threat, hitting my right in the heart, bringing tears down my face as I shuddered away from Louis, who wore a mask of shock.
Marc's cold eyes didn't leave my watery ones as Louis got up when the security guards came, big and burly as always. i took no notice of them as they picked Marc up from Liam and Harry. It was as if I were frozen in time, frozen from ever moving and living.
It wasn't until the bald security guard spoke up, his deep voice piercing my eyes, snapping me out of the weird trance I was in. He nodded to me before saying,"Do you know her?"

Chapter 3- Time

The five ruffled boys looked over at me, their expressions confused with what to do. I was absolutely sure that mine was like that too as I looked back at them quite dumb-like. I wasn't sure what to do if they said no, or even what to do if they said yes.
Marc scoffed, his wrist in handcuffs and his body between two security guards, "Please, that slut only wishes." Tears exploded in my eyesight and began dripping down my cheeks as I looked down. It was clear to me that Marc was saying this stuff in an open mind and not out of spite, he really

thinks that I am a worthless bitch or a stupid slut and the as the thought impacted on my mind, it rattled my core.
Louis spoke before anyone else could, his high soprano voice had a deep, cutting edge to it. "You are a pathetic,

weak little bastard that wants what he can't get: Power. Even if that means taking over and basically poisoning the mind and

the body of this young woman." He paused for a moment, letting the harsh, true words sink into the atmosphere before doing the unthinkable...
He punched Marc.
It was hard too. The hard cracking sound of a broken nose crackled through the air as Marc flew back with such a force it looked as if he was flying. His nose was covered in deep gushing red blood and it was still dripping even as the security guards were picking him up and pulling him out the door, the question about me was long forgotten, much to my relief.
Louis ran to the door and called out, "And I surely hope those criminals beat and rape your arse like there is no tomorrow!" before shutting the door with a satisfied look on his face.
I looked at him dumbfounded and so did the other boys. Never before have I met someone so impulsive but sweet. His actions were surely random and confusing and I found that everything he did had an outstanding outcome to my life and I was enjoying whole-hearted.
"Are you okay?" Zayn asked me. I turned around from the door to look at him and instantly feel guilty.
"Your nose is bleeding," I stated quietly before coming up close to him and wiping the blood with my mere finger but I didn't care because without him I would be on the milk carton like every other girl that faced a situation like mine. I was grateful for the boy's quick tactics because they helped me in the end.
"S'okay, but your not," He gestured to my dirty clothes. "Let's go get you some new clothes."
I paused in shock, my finger still against Zayn's small nose. I was really going to be staying here? The thought excited me so much that I couldn't control the the big grin I was giving them.
"I-I'm really staying with you guys?" I asked, my voice shrill as I looked at the five amused boys. I was too excited that I shut down all of the rational thoughts that took over my mind and the small tugging of my body that was against my heart's intention on staying. And as I began fighting with myself, Zayn answered my question.
"Well, me and the boys assumed you had a family or somebody to take care of you... but we weren't sure..." He trailed off as I quickly cut in.
"No!" I exclaimed, shaking my head fast. "I mean... I don't and I would much rather stay with the people who protected me against that monster," I pointed at the door before continuing, "Thanks for practically saving my life." I was truly grateful for their quick actions and I would never stop thanking them until they got the point.
"Your welcome!" Niall exclaimed as he reached out to pat my shoulder with his warm hand. I smiled slightly at the too-optimistic boy that brought a new light into my eyes.
I felt myself be pulled away from Zayn and Niall, I turned towards Harry, who was pulling me out the door.
"Where are you taking me?" I laughed as he tugged on my sleeve and into another room much similar to the previous one but it had a more girly tone to it. I looked at Harry with a amused expression as he vanished into the walk-in closet that was to the left of the dresser.
I wandered to the couch, settling down on the soft, comforting cushions. I relaxed, feeling the cuts and bruises stretch slightly as I leaned my head back, going over the things that just happened:

1) Marc was now out of my life- I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing but I felt as if a 50m pound weight was lifted off of my shoulders and was vanished with the winds. I was finally free from the beatings and the name-calling! It was almost too good to be true and as I finally realized that it was a good thing another thought popped up with sudden fierceness.

2) I was homeless- The only positive thing that Marc provided me was a home... it wasn't so great but at least I had somewhere to live. The boys said that they could provide me with everything I needed but how long would this luxury last? I couldn't be with them forever and I wasn't sure if I could even get back on my feet after what I went through today, I was scarred for all eternity through just Marc alone, his harsh words of fire and his strong claws of hate burned through me, a harsh reminder that I could never love again.

3) I was in the hands of One Direction- A famous band was watching over me with strong guidance and even... love. I couldn't help but blush at the thought of one of my guardian angels crushing over me. It seemed too good to be true... that's why it would never happen.

Speaking of the devils, I couldn't help but secretly laugh at the irony of the idiom that I was using. They were far from devils, I mused as the other four walked in dressed in new attire, I noticed behind them was a shy-looking girl who had her head ducked down.
"Where's Harry?" Liam asked, walking over to me and sitting down. The others followed in pursuit, all finding someway to squeeze into the tiny couch. I was squished between Zayn and Liam while Niall was on the seat of the couch and Louis was sitting on the floor, unconsciously rubbing his gentle hands up and down my legs. I blushed at the affectionate contact before shaking my head slightly at the thought.
"He's in the closet," I replied shyly, ducking my head a little as Louis looked up at me with gentle eyes. Those eyes made me melt like a puddle under their gaze, it almost made me want to squeal. I could easily see why fans faint at the mere glance of his dark sultry blue eyes.
I turned away, shuddering as Louis continued making absent-minded circles on my legs. What was this?! I never acted this way in front of Marc or anyone else for that matter, I guess it was the feeling of having a boy that could make you shiver in pleasure without even knowing or maybe... I liked Louis Tomlinson.
I scoffed out loud, causing the four boys sitting next to me to raise their eyebrows.
"I was just thinking about something," I said, waving their curious glances. I nodded to the girl who stood their in front of the door, a not-so-pleasant look on her face, "Whose she?"
She was tall, about Louis's height with curly, dark golden brown colored hair to her petite shoulders. She had a oval-shaped face with a tiny rounded chin. She had a small face that had tiny brown eyes, her nose was a bit pig-shaped but was pretty with her features, she had small lips that were in a perfect red pout. She wore a white buttoned shirt that showed a bit of her belly and dark blue skinny jeans placed with a dark gold woven belt, her tiny feet had boho brown sandals on.
"That's Eleanor, Louis's Girlfriend," Niall chirped, from behind me.
That's when my delicately placed, fragile state world came crashing down.
Girlfriend? He, the one that was slowly numbing my legs with his perfect touch, had a girlfriend?

Suddenly, I wished that I wasn't here anymore, that I was still getting black eyes and broken limbs by Marc, because that physical pain wasn't as bad as the pain that slowly ripped my heart out. I was sad and heart-broken.
Harry made a perfect timing to come in. He carried with him a armful of hangers that occupied articles of clothes, in the other had was shampoo, conditioner an other products that were foreign to my lips. I suddenly felt scared, guessing who these things were for.
My guess had been correct. Harry looked at me, a cheeky smile placed on his lips as he handed my the load of things.
"The bathroom is on the left of the hall." He instructed me, watching my shocking gaze go from him to the objects that were in my arms.
"," I said, laughing nervously as I juggled the beauty things in my hands as I walked towards the room door, where a jealous Eleanor stood. I couldn't help but sigh at the absence of Louie's magic hands.
"Thanks," I said, turning around to face Harry, who nodded in return with the same cheeky smile on his face. I shook my head at the curly-haired boy who was as happy as ever to help me. Harry was really a life-saver.
I brushed passed Eleanor, noticing the little elbow shove she jammed inside my bruised side. I turned and glared at her as she talked to Louis with a little excessive force placed in her tone, "We need to talk."
I hurried passed the awkward room, hoping that Louis wouldn't suffer the same heartbreak that is currently taking it's toll on my soul. But... I couldn't really tell if Louis delivered the same affection that I was trying to show Louis. I didn't know if I liked him or not, but... my heart skipped a beat at the mere sight of him, the looks he gave me that made my heart fluttered and the touch that send me into a state of blissful consciousness. I just met him but the signs of love were there.
But I wasn't going to do anything about this new profound love that me shook my core. I was just going to let it sit and hope it would fade away with the time we spent together. It was clear that a relationship with someone like me was a fatal disaster. My heart was too broken and sore to ever show love again. Time would never heal these wounds that were placed with me.
I found the bathroom, avoiding the stares and the awkward looks that the crew was giving me. I felt as if I were being burned like a ant under the intense glare of sunlight, I hastily went inside the bathroom, almost running.
I locked the door, dropping the beauty objects on the floor, not caring if the fragile objects broke. I turned on the light, letting out a intense breathtaking gasp at the stuff that were on the floor.
There were shaving creams, expensive razors, cherry-scented body wash, Strawberries & Cream shampoo and conditioner, straightening gel, curling mousse, bobby pins, headband, pink straightners, pink flat iron, Vanilla lotion, SkinBright Vanishing Scars, a big bag of makeup and finally... a first aid kit.
The clothes were different. They were a hot pink thong, a grey tank top, a white lace-layered skirt, and grey flats along with a light grey cardigan. I smiled at the sensible clothes as I put them on the seat of the toilet before collecting the beauty products and putting them all in the sink. I grabbed a towel from the cupboard in the comer before turning on a scalding hot shower. I felt robotic and empty as the thoughts of Louis, Eleanor and me formed into my head.
I stepped into the shower, grabbing the cherry-scented body wash as I let myself drown in my sorrows. It was relaxing, feeling my stiff bones pop at the hot burning shower that laced through my coarse skin. The smell of fresh picked cherries wafted through the bathroom. I grabbed the Strawberries & Cream shampoo and conditioner, mingling it with the noodles that were in my hair. I washed in dark amusement as it down the big drain, as it went down I felt my old shell of loneliness and sadness go down there too. But there was this one piece of me that would never come off, that feeling of abuse. It has stripped my love dry and had let it shrivel up into a crusty dry, rotted flower.
I shook my head, not letting myself be sad. I washed the soap and shampoo of me quickly before jumping out of the shower. I felt clean and fresh. I grabbed the Vanilla lotion, rubbing it over my body, all over my cuts. I hissed at the cut that was near my left breast as the lotion let it's almost acidic feeling soak in. I made a reminder to get the first aid kit next.
I grabbed it and opened it, rummaging around for a ointment and a tiny bandage. The cuts were only scratches and the bruises could be easily done with makeup. Besides, I wasn't really worrying about my appearance.
After I was done with the first aid kit, I grabbed the SkinBright Vanishing Scars cream, feeling curiosity bloom inside of me. I never heard of this but hey, you only live once, right? I grabbed a handful of cream out of the canister it was in before rubbing it over my body. It felt cold and minty to my skin and I couldn't help but notice that it soften my scars and lightened my bruises. I made a quick not to tell Harry to get more.
I pondered over the straightening gel and the curling mousse. Did I want my hair a slick down straight or a curly wavy wet look to it? I pondered a bit more before grabbing the straightening gel and putting it all over me hair. I didn't want to look or be compared to Eleanor, that was just too close to home.
I shook my head, letting the wet gel land in splotches on the floor, I grabbed a blow dryer that was on the seat of the toilet in the basket before drying my hair, letting it hit down my back. I did while looking in the mirror, noticing the difference between my regular slightly curly hair to the straight one. I felt new and improved while doing this, like a barbie that can shoot lasers out it's boobs. I laughed at the thought, who knew I had a sense of humor?
I grabbed the flat iron, doing my hair quickly so I can see how it looked. I looked in the mirror before gaping a the girl who gaped back at me.
Her hair pencil straight, a light look to it but the thing that bothered me the most was the length.
It was down to her waist, swirling around her in a childish array. She looked like she was thirteen instead of nineteen. I felt a lashing fierceness rip inside of me as I grabbed the scissors in the sink and began cutting it. I felt like a machine, feeling nothing at all as the light chestnut brown hairs fell to the floor.
I was a new person.

Chapter 4- Not Afraid

With the final touch of voluminousness mascara I was done. I was placed in my clothes, including the thong since my panties were sickly covered in food and dirt. My legs were shaved, my bruises were gone thanks to the makeup and my scars were barely visible thanks to the cream. My hair was now to my shoulders and cut into a crisp oval in the back. I had let my bangs cover the left side of my face and I put the nice silver hoops in my hair. My makeup was done, including a smoky eyes shadow look placed on my blue eyes and a dark rouge of blush placed on my cheeks, my lips were shiny and plump with pink lipstick and even my nails were a dark hot pink.
As you can see, I felt very very pretty.
But at the same time, I felt unsure. I felt like another person in these clothes, I felt different. I couldn't go out there and strut as if this were truly me when it wasn't. But was I about to go back to the Karina that has been hurt and abused with "love"? Or was I going to act like a model when I really wasn't?
My fingertips inched towards the trash that had my clothes in it when the loud rapping of the door made me stop.
"Yeah?" I answered, never taking my eyes off the trashcan that buried my old life.
"Um... It's Zayn. I was just checking to see if you were okay..." Zayn said nervously. "The guys thought you escaped..."
My hand squeezed the door knob before opening it.
"Why would I leave you guys?"
Zayn's dark brown eyes were wide as he stepped back a little with shock. I couldn't help but blush as his eyes were a little too friendly as they rake down my body with want. I have never been looked over like this! It felt oddly disturbing but exciting in a way...
"Zayn, your drooling," I teased, tapping the bottom of his chin with a pink-covered nail. I felt bold with the racy clothing on, like I was invincible.
Zayn snapped his mouth shut, but his eyes were still wide as he met my blue ones. I gave a shy smile before looping my elbow through his and gently tugged on his shirt.
"Let's see if the other boys do what you do!" I exclaimed excitingly. I definitely want to watch what Louis does. The thought of him looking at me with want almost me me faint on the spot.
Zayn shook out of his surprised, dazed state as he gave a big grin. "A little excited, are we?" There was a little too much hinting in the voice as we walked down the hall like old buddies. I felt especially close to Zayn since he, along with the four others saved me from my inevitable death.
"I want to thank you," I said, brushing past the comment he made. I turned my head so he couldn't see my red face.
"For what?"
"For practically saving my life. I forever owe you guys."
Zayn laughed. "A lady never deserves to be treated the way you did, just by one look at you it was clear to see what you were dealing with. Your a strong woman you know that?"
"Why?" I asked dubiously.
"I used to believe a woman, especially a teenager, was a fragile thing to mess with. You guys are much more in touch with your emotions than us, you experienced a lot of hurt, Karina. People like you don't really live to see their next birthday. Your a very admiring role model."
"But it's people like you

that save people like me. You decide to give us a savior, to let us live another day," I shook my head. "You guys are superheroes."
We reached near the door just as Zayn was about to object. And as we neared I heard arguing.
"Louis, just face it! Our relationship is getting old, we tried and we tried but I don't think it's working." Eleanor.
" don't give a damn to try and make it work! I love you Eleanor... when will you try and love me back?" Louis.
"I do love you, Louis but not in the way you try to love me. It's over, Louie, I'm sorry."
Zayn heard too. That's why he quickly ushered me into the room so I didn't have to hear them. I didn't want to anyway, to know that Louis was in love with Eleanor broke my heart even more. Suddenly, I didn't want to show the new me to the rest of the guys.
But I had no choice.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes slightly as I pushed it open.
"So..." I said breathlessly. It felt as if the oxygen had been stolen from me. "How do I look?"
Nobody answered.
I opened one eye, curiosity taking over control. I was greeted with three boys that looked awe-struck.
"Y-You look like a princess," Liam stuttered, the first to snap out of it.
"No," Niall disagreed. "She looks like a celebrity."
"She looks like a shining star," Harry added, his cheeky grin turning into a flirtatious one.
"She looks like the most gorgeous model ever."
I turned around at Louis's high, soft voice. He looked like his was in a dark daze, I could even see the film that glaze over his shining blue eyes.
"A model and a gypsy and a movie star and a queen... and a goddess," The string of beautiful words left his lips and wrapped me with it's warm meanings. I have never before been compared to those things, only downgrading names that stomped my self-esteem into dust.
"I'm not that great," I felt myself say. I blushed hard, no doubt looking like a huge ripe tomato.
I felt a warm, soft hand push my chin up, averting my eyes from the floor and into the shining pool of blue that was Louis's eyes.
Those eyes... they were amazing. It felt as if I could look at them forever and ever. It was a strangely entrancing moment because I felt as if I could peer deep into his private soul and look through the tiny files of emotions that were into his heart. It felt as if I could pick through every one of them and look at it for eternity.
"Yeah you are, Karina," Louis whispered. Our faces were only mere inches apart so I felt the warm whoosh of breath and I involuntary shivered.

Chapter 5- Free

"Hmm," I moaned, taking a bite out of the delicious burger. "This is so good!"
The food at Nando's were heavenly good even though I just ordered a cheeseburger, fries and a vanilla milkshake. The guys really had good taste in food, I thought as I clamped my jaw around the tangy good fry, trying to savor every delicious piece that entered my mouth.
"Tell me about it!" Niall said, his mouth full of chicken, as was Liam's, who was in his own little world. Harry ordered tacos with a cup of Coke while Zayn just ordered a regular sandwich with a glass of water. I looked over a Louis, who was sitting next to me inside the cramped booth. His plate was full of baby carrots, a side salad and a nice heaping pile of fries just waiting to be eaten.
"Hey!" I yelled, watching in pure disbelief as Louis decided to take a gulp of my milkshake. I snatched a baby carrot off of his plate.
"Wow, even the veggies here are good," I moaned, my eyes rolling in the back of my head a little as I chewed the small carrot, igniting a war of eating food over the other persons plate.
"Aw," Harry said, acting all girly. "How cute!"
I blushed, deciding to stop before the guys got any ideas. The look they been giving both of us, sent shivers down my spine. I didn't like matchmaking at all. It seemed to be useless since the attraction only seemed to last five minutes before the "cute couple" realized they were never meant to be together, but the boy will keep trying to push on while the girl will be in her own little world, then the beating will start...
I pulled myself out of the thought before it got to far. My relationship with Marc had nothing to do with Louis, Louis was kind and gentle and romantic while Marc was violent, sadistic and a fire-breathing dragon that scared me silly.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.05.2012

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