

I stepped out of my 2011 Passat. I went tumbling toward the ground. My heel by Stella McCartney had caught in the grass. "Yowch!" "You okay?"

"Yeah." I accepted a tanned hand. I faced up, and looked into the eyes of a very cute boy.
Oh my God. It was Alejandro Montague, a beautiful Brazilian blond model. I could feel my heart stop; he was just as beautiful in person as in Abercrombie and Fitch catalogs. He smiled, showing off his white teeth. "Hello, Holly Capulet." he said. "I love Junk Riders. It's a beautiful story."

"Thanks. I love your Abercrombie & Fitch photos." Wow, Holly. Just wow. But he laughed out loud.

"I've never gotten that before." he said. He turned. A tall Zak Bagans look-alike was rushing toward us. Obviously his assistant. He was out of breath and carried a large binder.

"They want you in the makeup room right now!" he said, pausing.

"Well, hi!" he said, eyeing me. 

"Hey." I said. My own assistant, Olivia, walked toward me.

"Hey, they want you in the hair room!" she said, flipping her long blond French braid. "Hi." she said to Alejandro's assistant.

We walked toward our rooms white our assistants talked about God knows what. I walked with Alejandro.

"'re working in this movie?" he said.

"Yes. I play Landra." Landra is a nerdy girl who falls hardcore for a jock.

"That's cool. I play Nigel." he said. I smiled. Nigel is Landra's Dungeons & Dragons best friend who secretly loves her. My friend Will plays the jock. My worst enemy, Angelia Patchett, plays a raunchy, vindictive head cheerleader named Aurora.
The witch was having a sing-off with a hot producer. "Slut." I muttered under my breath. "What?" Alejandro asked.

"Nothing." I told him, smiling. "I don't like her." I admitted, pointing to Angelia. He nodded. "I actually dated her, and she acts more serious than she actually is, and then has the gall to sleep with my best friend." he said. "Oh, I'm sorry."I say. "It's all right, I'll be fine."
But he gave her a longing look. I cursed the not-so-Angelic Angelia.

We get into position. "I could slap you incredibly hard. I am a black belt in tae kwon do." I snip, acting like Landra.
"Cut!" my director mother yells. "Sweetie, that's good, but just a tad more volume and attitude." "Okay."

"And...action!" "I could slap you incredibly hard. I am a black belt in tae kwon do."
"Yeah?" Angelia says.
"Yeah. I love Cory more than you ever did!" I cry out.
"Is that true?" Cody says, stepping forward. His hair is slicked back with gel, and his face is blemish-free for once.
"Yes. I love you, Cory. She cheated on you with my friend Nigel. She kissed him and pretty much raped him. He didn't want to, but she did. She screwed him."
"I know. I'm fully aware of it. Oh my God." he says, falling to his knees. "I've been chasing the wrong girl this whole time. It's you I should have chased, Landra. This is all my fault. I love you, Landra." he says, leaning forward and kissing me. I've kissed him before, and he's incredible.

"Cut! That's a wrap." Mom says. The entire cast and crew claps. We've been shooting this for a few weeks, and we're finally done! I skip toward Alejandro. We've been dating, (and sneaking out) and I think I love him. He kisses me, pulling me in his arms. He puts his hand over my stomach, and I do the same to him. His stomach is pure muscle.
"There's something I need to tell you." "What is it?" I ask, now worried. He has a reputation for dating girls on set, especially the lead, then dumping her. "I love you, Holly. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He gets down on one knee.
"Holly Capulet, our last names mean something. Will you marry me?" Now I feel like I chugged twenty Red Bulls.

"Yes, oh yes!"

"Good! Bueno!"

We embraced and kiss. I remember our first date. We had walked to the set under the moonlight, climbed onto the biggest bed, Aurora's, and had sex. We fell in deep love after that.
Our bodies envelop each other perfectly. Seth Milano, my agent/publicist, puts his hand on my shoulder. I know it's him because I know what his hand feels like. Warm and moist. He gives Alejandro a fake smile and pulls me away.

"What just happened?" he demands.

"Alejandro just proposed to me!" I squeal.

Seth pales. He brushes a long brown lock out of his lips. I can't help but stare; his lips are full, moist, and pink. His nose is a little crooked, and his chin is pointed. In other words, he's an attractive guy, and he's not much older than me, so he remembers what life was like as a sixteen year old teen. He doesn't like Alejandro at all; he thinks he's trouble.

"Are you all right?" I ask him. He clutches my arms.

"Holly, say no. He's no good, he'll lead to bigger problems. Do you know what happened to Denise Williams?"

"Of course. She got an extreme makeover for him, then he dropped her like a hot potato." He nods.

"Holly, I don't want that disaster to happen to you. I, about you too much." I grin.

"I care about you too, Seth." I put my raven-haired head on Seth's chest. I feel around his midsection, remembering how flabby he was when he first started. He was obese, and had no sense of style whatsoever. A little more money, a few lessons in style from Monique, my stylist/personal shopper, and now he's hawt.

He and Alejandro have more in common than they think: they're both typical alpha males, both love anything werewolf related, both have a sorcerer or enchantress ancestor, both have shoulder-length hair, they both are secret computer geeks, the list goes on and on. Like now, they were both wearing the same white Armani shirt but didn't realize it!

Olivia thought it was hilarious. She caught me afterwards and we made fun of them. In addition to my assistant, Olivia is also my best friend. She dropped high school for a douche in New York. She found herself prostituting for money, and I found her and striked up a conversation about New York. I was shooting a romantic comedy, which she loved.

We've been inseperable since. Mom and Dad thought it was a mistake to hire her at first, then they grew to love her like another daughter. Seth thinks of her as a good friend. He's never realized that she's been in love with him since first sight. Not serious, your average high school crush, puppy love.

We go to Angelia's trailer. A few paparazzi are following us, but we ignore them. A reporter whom we've had trouble with; she's spread some nasty rumors, asks me a question but I ignore the witch.
I knock on the door. To everyone's surprise, Angelia opens it, hair messed up, lipstick on her scaringly pretty face.

"Wow, that plastic surgery paid off. Screw that smokin' producer I caught you having a dance-off with?"

"It was a sing-off. And no, someone better." I look around her and get the surprise of my life. It's Alejandro, half naked, makeup on his face. Not his, a girl's. I look at my vindictive, witchy, ugly rival's face. I step up to face her and pour water on her head.

"You...slutty, repulsive-"

I leaped toward her and tried to kill her. But someone grabbed me around the waist. Alejandro cursed. I struggled, trying to free myself from the grabber. He took me into my own trailer. "Holly, calm down!" Seth said. I grabbed his shirt and sobbed into it. "It's okay, it's okay..." he said, trying to soothe me. "Leave, now!" he snipped at the paparazzi. I sobbed until I was out of tears.

The next day, I arrived at our mansion. Mom and Dad heard about everything. They tried to get me to talk about it, but I didn't really want to. My psychiatrist Elizabeth called me and told me I was beautiful. I almost didn't believe her. I may be a spunky, wild girl, but I can really break down when I'm upset. I go to my room, screaming like Regina George when she realizes she's gained weight. I get out my Kill Book, which I made after I saw the movie Mean Girls. I glue the witch's and Alejandro's pictures to the Kill Book.

I stare at myself in the mirror. I realize I'm probably too plain. My skin is tired, my eyes are dull, and my hair is one color. I go to bed and sleep. By the time I wake up, all my stuff is in my room. Seth is rubbing my back. "Hey, baby." he purrs.

"I look like crud."

"No, you don't. You are the most beautiful young woman I know." 
    "Besides Miley Cyrus."
    "No, you're prettier even than her."
    "Lauren Conrad. Hayden. They're both beautiful and blond."
    "But they're blond. I prefer someone with darker hair. Someone with natural waves, a more pale color, natural green eyes. Someone like you." he says.
Is he flirting with me?

I wonder. Yes, he is. I wish he wasn't, but he is. This feeling is so wrong, yet it feels so right. I can't be with Seth. He's almost thirty years old and I'm only sixteen years old.

Seth's lips tasted so good. He was so delicious. Suddenly, he stopped. "I'm sorry. I should not have done that." he said.


"Seth, you can't just kiss a girl then say you don't like it."


"It's not that! I loved it, it's're too young for me. I am twenty eight years old. I-I can't just..." he paused and looked at me. "You're so beautiful, Holly. I swear, I never meant to upset you. I've made a mistake."


"No mistake at all." I leaned up and forward, and kissed him again. He mumbled something. He grasped both my shoulders tightly. I unbuttoned his khaki pants. He eased my pajama pants off. Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. Seth quickly yanked my pants back up.


"Come in." I said, feigning depression. My mother was there.


"Seth, what are you doing here?" she asked, sounding angry.


"I was just checking on her. She needs rest. She wants to take a break from movie making."


"Good, I feel like she's been working too hard."


Frankly, I agreed with her.


I was consumed in a tabloid magazine. Mom had given it to me. Already, things were going downhill. Alejandro was spotted with The Demon Devil Whore, Angelia. I felt like I was drinking poison. Lovely. Brilliant. I thought as Gia gave me a fresh pedicure. My hair was still deep conditioning, and Mara had yet to do my nails, and I still needed a new suit. I had a lot of things to do today, a lot of shopping and I needed to ship a package to Nana and my cousin Alana.


I was not in a good mood at all, but at least some pampering and keeping busy would help. Seth was looking around for a new gig and I was ready for it, when it came. I had also prepared a bit for an interview, when one was called. I sipped my sparkling lime flavored water with as much dignity as I could muster.


Power to the popularity. That's what Monique likes to say. She knows what clothes can make you hot, and what clothes don't. She's the one who got me into turtlenecks and skinny jeans. And tank tops and flowing, medium length skirts, which I was wearing at that moment. I adjusted my necklace chain. Of course the magazine had pictures of me. A couple of me burying my head in Seth's shirt and him comforting me. The caption said'


Here, Holly is seen with her head in her agent Seth Rogers's chest. 



 He comforts her, rubbing her head as she sobs.


'He's shushing and hugging her like an old friend would," said an inside source. 'Trust me, they are not interested in each other.' Hmm, we didn't ask about "that!




Well, interesting. So now a rumor was quite possibly flying around that Seth and I were engaged! I tried to maintain calm and poise. I listened to relaxing music. I was so absorbed in the magazine that I didn't notice Blonde And Bad until she touched my knee. Slapped it hard, more like.


"What the hell?" I demanded. I glared up into her smug, pretty face.


"Hey, ugly." she half-joked.


"Hey. Your name's Medea, right?" To my satisfaction her smile faltered. She kept up the fake act and tapped her pink Jimmy Choo pump. I could tell that she was fighting for an insult.


"Well, I got the goods." she smirked.


"Aren't you afraid your popularity's gonna sink?" said Monique, coming out with an armful of dresses. Angelia laughed.


"Nothing can sink me. Nothing can outshine me!" she bragged. Monique rolled her eyes and set the dresses down on a table and began organizing them. Angelia sauntered off to get a manicure.

I hope she gets a hangnail, one that can't be cured. If she's getting her hair done, I hope she gets a crappy stylist and it comes out frizzy and damaged. So damaged that she has to shave her head. I hope.... I hoped and wished a million bad things on that girl.


I did notice that her pink dress was fifties-waitress worthy and her hair was teased Snooki-high. Her bag was a Marc Jacobs and made with real fur. I smiled. This was a moment too precious to let go to waste!


I texted Olivia, quickly, and informed her on Angelia's tacky state and forwarded her a picture. Ah, revenge. Tomorrow her look would be all over the news. It felt good to be on the other end.

I made sure that Olivia understood what her job was before I turned back to the magazine.


I leaned back as my hair was rinsed and I relaxed in the hottub. I was being prepared for a facial mask now. I had a few blackheads that needed to disappear. Like, pronto. The girl doing my facials, Janette, did her thing, scrubbing, squeezing and peeling. It was made easier by the steam from the tub. When she was finished, I sipped some vitamin water and ate a salad. I don't eat salads because I'm a celebrity, I eat them because I like them.


I let my manicurist do her thing afterwards. I really should have let her do it right after my pedicure, but I had other things to do and she was busy with another high end customer anyway. After that customer, Blonde Bat herself got her nails done. I stared at my newly prettied nails. Janette had painted them red with a black trim. I loved it. I didn't pay attention to Angelia, who apparently decided to steal two dresses that Monique had set out for me.


"I should have been watching. It's like she just snatched those dresses up!" Monique berated herself.


"Hey, don't worry about it. It's in her personality. Besides, this is perfect," I told her.


She stopped waving her talons around and let go of her relaxed hair.


"It is?" she asked, cocking her head.


"Totally. She stole something; that's a crime. So if we report it, she might get in legal trouble." I explained. Monique smiled.


"I love it. When do we call the cops?"


"As soon as she makes another mistake. The cops aren't going to worry about two dresses, but if we dig up more dirt on her, we can make a case."


"Holly, you are so smart."


"I know, I mean thank you."


So a plan was set into place. Wait for Angelia to make another mistake. If I or someone in my crew were to force her to make an eff up, we'd likely get caught. I told my parents about my plan. Dad was all for it, but Mom was skeptical. She was worried about Angelia finding out.

"Of course she might find out, but she can't do a thing about it because it was all on her," Dad explained. "Besides, she kind of deserves it. Kissing our daughter's boyfriend was bad enough, but she went way too far, stealing those dresses."

"I know. That little...that skank is going to regret everything. She will have her just desserts." Mom threatened.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" I asked.

"You and Alan are starting to make sense. I get why you want revenge, and this is perfect. She will never suspect a thing."

 I was busy out shopping with Olivia, Monique, and Mom. We were in Forever Young when I spotted a leopard print tank top. Totally me. I checked the price quickly, (even celebrities shop within budget), and I snatched it from the rack. I slipped into an empty dressing room, and put it on.

Hella hot!

I stepped out, and all three jaws dropped.

"That so fits you!" Monique said happily.

"I wish I'd spotted it first!" Livia cried. Mom wasn't so all over it.

"Half your chest is hanging out!" she said. I got into my Hopeful Look on and studied myself in the mirror.

Mom sighed. "All right. How much is it?"

"Only a hundred bucks."

"Not too bad with your budget. All right, you can have it." I grinned in triumph. The all-mighty I-so-want-this look always works. A few more skirts, two pairs of jeans, one purse that would go with everything I owned, one pair of high heels that the salesgirl tried to talk me out of, (she admitted she was saving them for Angelia, she so wants to be her friend although Angelia did not ask for them), a pair of fresh tights with a purposeful rip in the leg, and we were onto the next place of business, which was a quaint but cool cafe. Leather boots worn by movie stars hung from the ceiling. A motorcycle used in a low-budget film sat in the center of the restaurant. Fresh daffodils sat wherever you looked. A Sphinx cat flitted from table to table, begging for a scrap. Unable to ignore her cute face, I discreetly handed her a piece of chicken.

"Her name's Marinara," the waitress said. "She usually gets what she wants. She belongs to the owner's daughter-in-law. Chrissy spoils her rotten, and so do most of us." I looked down again at the interesting-looking feline, and decided she earned some love. I offered my hand, which Marinara petted.  I love cats, but I can't have one because I'm allergic to their fur. A Sphinx would be a perfect cat for me, but I'll have to wait because my parents don't want any sort of litterbox in the home.  I've told them time and time again that cats can be trained to use toilets, it just takes time and a lot of patience.

 I smiled, turned back to my grilled chicken, side salad and Diet Coke. I don't care about being thin, my thyroid takes care of that, I just like salads and chicken.



Okay, that's kind of a lie. When you're a celebrity, a lot of weight gained is huge for tabloids. And the tabloids were already torturing me with pictures of Alejandro and Angelia. I wanted to die.


Seth called with some new information about a movie I'm thinking of doing.


"The part you got is a young teenage stripper. Which means you may have to take your clothes off. Are you okay with that?"




"Actually, that's illegal. So I'm afraid you won't be able to do it. Not unless you want to have the director and producer arrested."


"My birthday is in two months."


"I'm afraid that's too late. Let's keep looking. And Holly?"




"I love you."


"I think I love you too."


"Good enough."


We hung up and ended on an average note.



I needed a new project now.


"Why don't you take classes?" Mom asked.




"Take some classes with things that interest you. Your voice could use some tuning. Take a voice class. You've always wanted to design an advertisement for yourself. Take a class for that."


I thought about her advice. It was all true. So I did it. I called for a drawing class. The teacher was excited to have Holly Capulet calling and intelligently asked several times if this was a prank. I also signed up for a pottery class and a painting class. It was time for changes.




My first drawing class. I'd already signed a few autographs. I definitely got some stares and smiles. Some idiot even asked for my number. I tried to set up my drawing pad correctly.


"Well, well, Holly Capi." I recognized that evil voice.




"Hey there, sissy." She ruffled my hair. I smoothed it over. I started singing "Hero" by Bonnie Tyler to calm my nerves.


"Your god became my god!" Angela whispered.


"The only God is in Heaven, and he's already decided that your fate is in Hell."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.02.2013

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