
The Clique and the Wannabes and The Boy



Gisele, and Nylandra pulled into the school parking lot. A girl wearing a lacy pink camisole, red lipstick, extremely short shorts, whore high heels, and bleached hair wondered why Gisele was parking next to her. Partial selfishness, and partial knowing how stuck up The Trilogy was. Gisele, the most popular girl and leader, Nylandra, the gorgeous Rihanna look alike sidekick, and Stella, the gossip queen. Stella was in the car's backseat. All three girls were sophomores, and already got their reputation they'd always had. They were hated by dumb unpopulars who didnt' know what they were dealing with, and loved by smart people. Nylandra Johnson noticed the risque looking girl, and made a dismissive face.


"Why does Cassandra wear that whore worthy crap?"


"You'd wear it with a cardigan and leggings. We both would." Gisele reminded her. Nylandra made a  'Yeah, we would' face.


"But I would never bleach my hair. I'm black. And you have naturally blond hair that you highlight," Nylandra said. Gisele agreed. They got out, both looking like tens. Nylandra wore a white tank underneath a grey shirt that said 'Kiss me, I'm 100 percent au natural beauty' and Gisele wore a pink bubble dress. They knew they were hot. They absorbed it and used it to their advantage. In other words, stuck up. Mentioned before. Gisele combed her natural blonde hair and sprayed highlighting on it. Gisele was pretty close to having the most beautiful hair in school, and she knew it. Nylandra studied her gorgeous eyes and cheeks. Women spend thousands of dollars to have eyes and cheeks like hers. She had naturally clear skin and tanned, never burned. Gisele, on the other hand, burned. She fake-tanned. She had gorgeous lips women spend millions for. "Look at them, they think they're so hot." said a jealous science nerd. "Cause we are, and you ain't got a chance!" Nylandra said in rhythm. Her years in cheerleading helped. The rhythm, chants, everything, got her her you-don't-mess-with-me attitude and her amazing body. Gisele laughed and high-fived her. Gisele was secretly jealous of Nylandra. She had gorgeous features, and her hair was whatever Rihanna or Beyonce was sporting at the time. Nylandra knew how to take care of her relaxed locks. She and Gisele both got deep conditioning treatments once a month. Gisele's hair, unfortunately, was usually dry, too curly, and unruly. Her hairdresser was one of the smartest women ever. She knew how to care for unruly hair.Gisele gazed at her hair. She was proud of herself now. She always straightened or curled it. For her, beauty and friends went together. She wouldn't be best friends with Nylandra and Vickie if she didn't think they were beautiful. She noticed the time, and realized Vickie was late. Majorly late. "Where's Picky?" Nylandra asked. "Good question." Gisele called her on her cell phone. "Where are you?" "Pulling in the parking lot now. My stomach really hurts. I feel bloated today, ate too many salt and vineger chips." "Those really aren't good for you, besides bloating." Nylandra raised an eyebrow. Bloating was strictly off-limits, possible big tummy and gas. Victoria walked into school wearing a tight skirt and tank. Big mistake. She felt fat and like a PlayboyBoy Bunny. Her small pumps made it worse. Luckily she had jeans, skirts, and other shirts and accessories. She quickly changed into aGid skirt, which made her feel less fat. She also had a pink shirt which drove her crush crazy last year. Now he was her boyfriend. He'd gained a lot of weight since last year. He hated it. Both of them hated their bodies today. He was two hundred pounds now. She was bloated, which made her nervous. Gisele decided Victoria was kicked out until she fixed her appearance. Gisele and Nylandra walked into homeroom two seconds after the bell rang. Mrs. Andrew was not happy. "One more tardy and you'll both get written up!" she said. "Whatever." Gisele said. With Mrs. Andrew's white and grey mess she called hair, ugly nails painted with dirt, and suprising amount of makeup, Gisele was suprised she was married. Or liked. Nylandra felt the same way. Nylandra decided she'd fake a competition and let all the ugly teachers win. She texted Gisele about her idea.Gisele giggled. 'Tht will b fun. we can make Andrew wish she had nvr been a tcher!' Nylandra chuckled. "Now, here's a dialogue of the play Taming Of The Shrew, by William Shakespeare. We will begin reading the play today." Mrs. Andrew acted like homeroom was a real class. Nylandra rolled her eyes at another popular girl as if to say 'She's crazy'. The popular giggled. Everyone knew Mrs. Andrew was crazy for anything written by Edger Allan Poe, William Shakespeare, or Steven King. They met up with Stella later. Stella wore Chanel sunglasses, had Michael Kors heels, wore a beautiful Chanel black t-shirt, a Stella McCartney satchel, and dark jean shorts. Her beautiful hair was straight and loose. Many girls envied her. She was the most beautiful girl in school and she knew it. She was vain. She was perfect. She was rich. She had a great boyfriend. New York was made for girls like her. "Nice idea, Ny," Stella said. "Gis texted me about it." Nylandra blushed and laughed. "You know, that could actually work." Gisele said. "We just need to know what kind of competition to hold. I'll buy makeup and beauty products, Stella can make flyers, and Nylandra can be the manager!" "I love it!" Stella and Nylandra squealed. Stella whipped out her planner. It had colorful drawing of cute girls shopping and taking their puppy dogs for a walk. She wrote 'Call Dalton, make flyers for competition, and kiss Dalton by tomorrow.' Her list was simple but important. Her rule was to kiss boys by two weeks, and it had been three months. Gisele's rule was one week. Stella had broken a rule. Gisele knew, of course. She made an exception because Stella had never broken any rules. She was usually good. Gretel had a hot goth fifth year senior hack into Stella's locker. "My money." he said. She gave him his money. She only had to pay him five dollars, which she'd earned by doing The Trilogy's homework. In every school, there's a Trilogy. The three most popular girls. The head one is always like Gisele. Gretel studied the contents. An extra purse, a date bag, a tote bag, extra makeup, books, lotion, hair stuff in a small bin... She took pictures and notes. She did the same with Gisele and Nylandra's lockers. The same stuff. Nothing else. But...Gretel saw a book called How To Get People To Listen To You plus How To Win Everything You Want And Influence People and a Redbook all about men in Gisele's locker. Gretel grinned. The bee didn't know what was coming to her...Gisele checked herself out in the bathroom. If she was going to impress Bryan, the hot jock/DJ she wanted to look FABULOUS!!! His gorgeousness and beauty was enough to make any girl scream. He had long curling blond hair, deep blue eyes, a good complexion, a beautiful football and basketball record, he was in the drama club, he was popular, guys were secretly jealous of him, girls he'd dated said his stomach was flat plus muscles. His glasses were thick framed but a thin lens. Besides, he really didn't need them unless he was reading. Gisele had a HUGE crush on Mr.Perfect. She felt sure he was The One. Besides, what girl could possibly beat her when it came to beauty? Stella was the only exception. Gisele kept a list of things her friends did wrong. Secret, of course. Anyone could clearly see Gisele as Future Homecoming and Prom Queen. She thought her beauty was enough to make guys scream. Truthfully, most of them knew she was conceited, mean, obsessive, and vain. Including Bryan, which is exactly why he broke up with her the first time. The second time, he made a huge mistake. He'd told Gisele he liked Stella. Gisele secretly planned sure revenge. She'd been planning ever since. Stella didn't know. Stella was actually really nicer than the rest. Gretel told Bryan she needed to see him. They were already casual friends, so why not? He secretly thought she was ugly. Bryan stopped her in the hall during break. He thought she really needed something. But what if she wanted to ask him out?The thought burned inside him. He loved Tracy Prinn, truthfully. Her hair shined like fresh red berries. Her hair was a vibrant blondish with a red tint. Okay, more than a tint. More like a pound. It was that interesting. Her greenish blue eyes sparkled with love and interest. He couldn't find a direct hit to her. Her hair was blond, it was red. Her eyes were green, blue.Gretel approached Mr. Right with a nervousness she hadn't known. Her chest felt like it was going to burst. She was sure Bryan would say yes. He had her number, he knew her name, her favorite color...he obvoiusly had a crush on her. "Bryan?" "Yeah?" Bryan felt a nervousness in him, too. This chick was known for reading all the wrong signs, getting really depressed after rejection (who doesn't?), and stalking ex-boyfriends and crushes. She'd stalked him, too. He already knew his answer. "I love you and can't live without you, Bryan, please marry me!!!" Gretel said so loudly she caught the attention of three popular girls who started taping. "Say what?" Bryan said. Gretel repeated the line.Bryan's stomach felt heavy and he felt quesy.

"I-I...I'm sorry, Gretel, but I'm in love with somebody else." Gretel's eyes got really wide.




"Look," he said carefully. "I understand your pain. I've gone through it myself. And what we had wasn't love, it was just friendship. We were friends. I know this must be hard. I have to go to class now. See you." He carefully walked to class and eventually came face to face with Gretel's old boyfriend, Finch. "What have you done to my love? I didn't watch her break up with me just to watch her get heartbroken. It's jerky guys like you that turn this world upside down." Bryan didn't know what to say. His heart calming down, he walked to his locker and got his science book out. His reputation last year the past five years was high. He was the most popular guy in school. He wondered if his impressive weight loss and joining the football and basketball team had anything to do with it. He did that stuff for him, not his rep.Bottom line: Only YOU can control your reputation. he thought. He figured it was worth it, anyway. He knew a surprising amount about girls. He understood them. He didn’t' chase or run away from them. All his girlfriends had been popular. The most popular and most vain was Gisele. "Are you listening to me?" Finch Fand demanded. "Not really." Bryan lied. Finch eyed him through eighties style glasses. "You really are a jerk, you know that?" "I'm not a jerk, I'm just not interested in her. She misread what we had. What we had was special, but it wasn't love. And deep down you know that." Finch held up his middle finger, hid it, and continued walking to math.Gretel was sobbing in the bathroom. She heard girls sharing the video. "Wow, she's such a dork. What guy would like that ugly face anyway? She needs to shave that lip and chin, get some more cash, spend it on perfume and makeup, and find somebody else." Gretel got an idea. A makeover! She knew that would catch Bryan's attention in no time flat. His idea of beauty, she figured, was Gisele, Stella, Kristen, Massie, and Alicia. She almost forgot La Shonda. La Shonda was Nylandra's cousin and a very beautiful girl. She always showed some skin. Cleavage, belly, legs, arms. Bryan wouldn't know what hit him. That's what almost everyone thought. Finch felt like his insides were going to explode. He loved Gretel so much. Why couldn't that so-called jock see what he saw? He hated Bryan Miche so much and was so jealous he wanted to punch him in that flat belly of his. Finch couldn't believe it. He was in the middle of a huge diet and workout routine plan. He wondered if it would be for nothing. Or something. He needed something. He needed a girlfriend. He needed Gretel. He wanted a flat, muscular torso and chest. Stella stared at the video. She felt like laughing for three reasons. One, Bryan liked HER. Two, he'd dated Gisele then chose her. Three, she was the hottest girl in school with awesome parents and everything she ever wanted. "Maybe Bryan was a little too soft. That little slut is crazy." Gisele said. Gretel heard every word, and every word was like a stab in the heart. "Hey Gre-tel, how's your brother Hans-e-l? Did the witch think you would be sour because of your ugly features?" somebody said. Nylandra guffawed. Gretel grabbed a razor, dry-shaved her leg, and sobbed. She was afraid to cut herself because somebody might notice. She'd wanted to do it since Bryan turned her down. The bell rang, and Bryan stared at the computer in front of him. He wanted to work on his assignment, but couldn't type correctly. Besides, he was starving. His midsection felt empty and uncared for. "Something wrong, Mr. Bryan?" asked Mr. Jackson. "I-I suppose I'm just hungry," he said. Mr. Jackson raised his eyebrows. "Did you eat breakfast?" "No." "Then give me a hall pass." "Really, sir?" "Yes. Now eat quickly, because I don't want food on my computer." Bryan gave him a pass, and he signed it. When he was younger, he used to think Mr. Jackson was related to Michael Jackson, because he was black and his last name was Jackson. Mr. Jackson was a good friend and ex-teammate in high school and college. Mr. Jackson gave up football for computers, something Bryan didn't understand. He walked down to the vending machines and stared at the options. Nuts, crackers, chips, cookies, chocolate, gummi bears and worms. He chose some chocolate milk and chips. Gisele wrote the assignment, Page 789 Problems 2-9, in her planner. She hadn't seen Bryan and Finch fighting, but she heard. Finch was there in the room with her. They had math together. While her teacher read a PlayGirl magazine, she stole her chance She wrote a note to Finch. 'did u & Bryan rely fite' 'Yes.' 'Y' 'He broke my love's heart. That jerk had it coming to him. He deserves to be kicked out of the popularity club and expelled.' 'OMG! u stll like her?' 'Yes. I don't expect you to understand, you heartless whore.' Gisele opened her mouth in shock. NOBODY had ever called her heartless whore before! She texted all her BFFS. Not including Stella and Victoria. Nylandra was shocked. 'OMG! did u call him a nerdy dork?' 'No, but i shold!' She leaned forward and whispered it. The whole class, including the teacher, laughed. "DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT AFFECTS ME?" Finch shouted. The teacher told him to go to the office. Finch told the principal what had happened. "Even Mrs. West laughed?" she asked, surprised. "Yeah, and I said 'Do you really think that affects me?' so everybody could hear." The principal grinned. "I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself. I'll talk with Gisele and Mrs. West. By the way, what happened between you and Bryan Miche?" "Gretel told him she loved him, and he turned her down." "Let me guess: You dated her and still love her and want her to be happy? And she bought wedding rings for her and Bryan?" Finch blushed. "Exactly." he said. She set him loose, and he went back to math. The principal, he thought, is very pretty. The old principal got arrested for helping a criminal. The new one was from either Cuba or Puerto Rico. He didn't know. Tracy laughed at Tom Farlo's joke. He was getting ready for weight lifting/Ab Building, a new course introduced by the original principal. "Hey, and what's the deal with six times six. Six times Six equals Sex by Sex." Tracy turned red and giggled. This guy was easy to flirt with, even in sweaty gym clothes. She didn't get why other girls warned her to stay away from him. He seemed really nice. Bryan wanted to hold Stella. He knew that Gisele would be planning something to ruin her reputation, and possibly his. He didn't want that. He knew how much it stings to be bullied. He'd been punched, provoked, rumored about, called names, tortured, and his parents never would leave him alone. Not now, either. His mom wanted him to become a lawyer. He figured the only reason people went to Harvard Law School was because they didn't have anything else to do. Becoming a lawyer is actually hard, and some people would rather be in something else, but because of pressure, mainly from parents, that wasn't happening. His father wanted him to be an artist like Picasso. Bryan and his mother couldn't help but roll their eyes. No way Bryan could draw guitars like Picasso. He typed away on the computer. Most of the time Mr. Jackson let them do whatever as long as they followed school rules. Bryan was on Google, asking about football players. Next, Babe Ruth and Satchel Paige, two great baseball players. He found a lot of information. "They still sell these?" he asked, chuckling. "Satchel Paige bobbleheads? Of course. You'd better get off that site now." the girl beside him said. She was right, Mr. Jackson was three feet away. He clicked off the site. When Mr. Jackson left the room for a few minutes, hearing a fight down the hall, everybody relaxed and chilled out. Secretly, Mr. Jackson was Bryan's favorite teacher. He was nice and knew his family. Bryan thought a minute. He went onto "Crazy ex?" Michelle, the girl beside him, asked. "Sort of." he said. She nodded. "That sucks," she said. She should know. Michelle was sort of Bryan's casual friend. They used to flirt, and that sort of stopped. Michelle got a stalker and Bryan found Gisele. Secretly, Michelle sort of liked Gisele. She was nice to her. She knew that was because Gretel had called Michelle a Queen Bee, and Michelle called her an obsessive Tw*t. Not a twit, the other word. Gisele figured her standards would have to rise a little bit. Fashionwise. New York City is a trendy city. Only the gorgeous, bold, and trendy deserve it. That kind of thinking is exactly whaat got her her title. Plus, she was a mean girl. Stella, mean. Nylandra, meaner. Gisele, meanest. She had already ruined several people's reputations. Beauty. Love. Laugh. Live. Dream. Pink. Her motto. Her mottos were kept on a sheet of paper. Pink, of course. She was surprised when Fand entered the room again. Of course he told the principal the truth!! Gisele slapped her forehead, secretly.Part of her plan was ruined. She would have to make up a story, or suck it up and serve detention.'wat do i do?' she asked Nylandra. 'tell her Finch called u a heartless whor, or suck it up' Nylandra said. Gisele's plan would have to change a little bit, but it was worth it. Mr. Bell rang. Gisele got up and walked out. She decided to find Bryan. She texted Stella and Nylandra her plan. Not including the part when Stella entered the plan. Bryan figured he just needed time to settle down. Gisele was planning to ruin Stella's reputation, and it might have been his fault. He had to warn Stella. He called her while he was in a bathroom nobody went to, because of supposed ghosts. And yes, there was ghosts there. Bryan didn't care. While the ghost of who-knew-who watched him by the urinal, Bryan desperately tried to call Stella. He had to leave a voice message. He ended the call. He decided he'd call her after school if she didn't call him first. Heart fluttering, he walked out of the bathroom with a shred of dignity. Stella felt her phone vibrate in her bag, but she ignored it. A FIGHT! She wrote down all the fights today. Finch and Bryan, Sarah and Hannah. Sarah thought Hannah had her boyfriend's phone number, and was calling him to break up with her and get in bed with Hannah. Finch and Bryan had gotten in a verbal fight about Bryan and Gretel. Gisele made Finch feel worse. Now the fight was between Nylandra's sister and her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. Nylandra tried to break them up. But when a fist flew, she couldn't do much more. Chanel, Stella's toy fox terrier, a real dog, and Ivonna, her Persian cat, sat on her bed. Ivonna jumped on the vanity and sniffed at some facial cream. Makeup brushes stood out in a sea of bath salt in a plump vase. She then trotted over to her desk. A computer, a magazine, office supplies. A pen with pink faux feathers and fur. Ivonna knew that Stella would need her and Chanel soon. Her heart would be totally broken. Poor thing.Gisele walked to lunch feeling halfway between satisfied and nervous. She could get in trouble for doing what she did to Finch. She grabbed Vitamin Water and a small salad. Healthy lunch. Not very fattening, either. She hated the usual lunch, and she refused to take lunch from home. She sat in her usual A-list spot in the center of the caf. Nylandra, Stella, Vickie, and Lina joined her. "Okay, so you all know how it goes. The makeover business will be called GlamGirl, and we wil sell all kinds of products, starting with face makeup. Stel?" she said. "I've come up with a list of usual products in primers and foundation. I'll give an extra copy to Gretel. She'll be working extra hard for the same amount of pay." She grinned. "Or we could find another dork to do it, since your pretty pissed at the bitch." She told Gisele.Gisele grinned. "Totally." She thought for a minute. "We could use Careen, since she' s so desperate to be me." The other girls smiled in agreement. "Yeah, we could convince her she can be one of us if she does a 'few favors'. And she can do research and experiments we don't have time for." Nylandra said. Gisele grinned. She sent a message. 'We need u 2 do some favors. We're startmg a makeover company. U can take somebody's place or join us if u do this.' "Sent." she said. They all giggled. Tracy sat down beside Bryan. "Hey." "Hey." He was barely eating his hamburger, which his mom had made. She owned a popular hamburger joint. "What happened between you and Finch?" He sighed. He told her everything. Tracy just nodded. "She can be" "Bitchy? Confusing? Desperate? Weird? Dork?" said Jessica, a popular blonde. "Good words." Tracy said. "Aren't you from Cali?" asked Jessica, sitting across from her. "Yeah." Tracy told her. "Interesting. Hey, you want to stop by Cara's Deli later with me and my boyfriend? We wanted an extra person to go, but didn't know who to ask." Jessica said. Tracy grinned. "I'll see if I'm free." she said. She told her mother, who texted 'That's great! Have fun! Call if u need a ride!" Her mother was basically a teenage wannabe, and gave Tracy a lot of freedom. She rarely got in trouble. "I can go." Tracy said. "Cool. Tell me where you live, and I'll tell Rick to stop there." She turned to Bryan. "You want to go?" "Uh...sure...yeah. I'll text you my address." Jessica looked at Tracy. "Yours?" "Six two one three Rixt Avenue. House number is seventy seven eighty two. Got all that?" "Yeah. Thanks." Gisele showed Stella a video of two girls, a blonde and a black girl, fighting over the same guy. "And you're showing me this why?" Stella asked. "Because the black girl looked familiar." Gisele said. She'd planned answers in case she got questioned. The little whore wouldn't know what hit her. Finch Fand snuck over to Bryan's locker. He carefully wrote what he needed to on his locker. He knew he would show everyone, but he didn't care. He needed Gretel's love and trust. Nylandra knew about Gisele's plan. She decided to talk to Bryan then Gisele. She hoped he could stop her. She really did like Stella like a sister. Gisele may have acted like they were a clique at school, but they were tight in real life. Gisele's jealously and low self-esteem had gone too far this time. Nylandra approached Gisele, who was nibbling some apple slices from the machine."What's up?" Gisele said. And The Beauty Queen prepares for a fight. Nylandra thought. "Okay, Gis, talk. What are you gonna do to her? And why?" "Her reputation will be ruined. Let's say that. Bryan will want me for his girlfriend instead!" Gisele said. "But you were already his girlfriend! Besides, Stel would never ever ever date someone we've dated! It's one of the basic rules of friendship, and one of our rules. Never ever ever EVER DATE ONE OF YOUR FRIEND'S EXES WITHOUT HER PERMISSION!!! Stella knows that! Besides, you broke up with him!" "Whatever, Johns, it's not like she's gonna find out. You would never tell her." "But Bryan would." Silence.


After school, Tracy found herself wanting Tom Farlo there. She walked to her locker to get her stuff first. She opened her locker and stared in the mirror. Shiny nose. She reached for her makeup bag in her locker, but someone else got it first. "Anything good in here?" Tom Farlo asked, looking into the bag and looking at the makeup. Tracy laughed. "Don’t let my appearance fool you, I’m dangerous." She said. She walked toward him with a flirtatious look on her face. "Hey, I’m Italian." Tom said, putting the makeup behind his back. Tracy did not see him pull a tube of lip gloss out and stick it in his back pocket. She reached behind him. As she did, she accidently wrapped her arms around his waist. They locked eyes for a moment. Tom leaned forward to kiss her. Nervously, she pulled the bag out of his grasp. He regretted missing his first chance. So did she. "Well, I’ve got to go. Somebody’s waiting for me. I’ll text you later!" "See you." He watched her leave. Little did he know someone was watching him. Gisele and Nylandra.


"Un-bel-vieble!" Nylandra said. "Totally!" Gisele said. "And you know, maybe you’re right. This isn’t The Clique or anything. I’m not like Massie. You don’t have to be like Dylan, synchronizing her every move. Stella is kinda like Alicia though, beautiful but I think she’s trying to start her own clique." Nylandra rolled her eyes. "Just because she’s friends with Cassandra Yvieloc, that doesn’t mean she’ll become a slut like her." Cassandra was walking by and flipped her off.


Nylandra ignored her. This was major gossip. Tracy Prinn and Tom Farlo liked each other! Gisele texted Stella. ‘OMG! Doesn’t she kno wat hes like? Poor chick mite get her heart broken. Tht boy is bad news. I heard he drinks a lot.’ ‘Yea, I mean seriously, wat was she thinking?’ ‘Well, she IS from California. Shes a California girl, not a New York girl. She dosent know him.’ ‘Tru.’


"Why are you so happy?" Bryan Miche asked Tracy Prinn. "I’ll tell you later." Jessica grinned. "She’s in love, is what’s happening. I can tell by the grin." Bryan felt a hopeful shudder go through him. This girl was amazing, and he wanted her. But he couldn’t have her. At least not yet. Stella couldn’t believe it. Did Bryan Miche actually love this Californian-clueless-clearly likes Tom Farlo-flip flop loving girl? Well, he’d love her back soon enough.


Gisele opened her car door. She adjusted the mirror and played with the necklace Bryan had given her. It said Mine Forever. It had a picture of her and him together. Blond on blond. Perfect on perfect. Popular on popular. Nylandra got in the car. "Stel will be here in a minute. Maybe you should let her alone. I’ll talk to her when you drop us off." "Thanks, Ny." "No problem."


Bryan wanted to put his hand on Tracy’s smooth leg. Her beautiful hair slid perfectly past her shoulders. "Tell me about Tom Farlo." Tracy said, ruining Bryan’s fantasy. "Tom Farlo?" Jennifer glanced back. "Trust me honey, you do not want to get involved with Tom Farlo. He did pot for years, cheated on a girl, and said that anybody from California is a simple minded surfer with no taste." "I don’t surf," Tracy said. "I know. But seriously hon, don’t talk to him." "I’m s.ure those are all rumors." Tracy said. "No, they’re not. My dad’s lawyer worked for them for a while. When Tom’s dad beat up my brother, we sued them."Bryan wanted to hold Tracy, pull her close. Comfort her. But he was also nervous. Did she really like Tom Farlo? If she did, he had little chance. Tom Farlo was unpopular and not very liked, but he was good looking and quite a charmer. Gisele laid down on her cotton and silk comforter. Her mother owned a fish food company, and Daddy owned a good chunk of Aeropostale. Lucky Gisele got all kinds of discounts, even free stuff. When she got home, she took out her Apple laptop, and typed up a plan to bring Stella and Tracy down. She exfoliated and spray tanned quickly. She made her makeup extra sexy. She and Nylandra had concocted a plan to bring Tracy down but hurt Stella only a little. Stella thought she was so hot. Well, she wouldn't be soon.She'd have limp and frizzy hair, tired skin, messed up makeup, and Bryan would not want her anymore. Bryan's stomach leaped while he watched Jen help Tracy pick out clothes. Tracy picked up an extremely dorky dress. "Who would wear this?" she said, laughing. "My grandmother would make me try it on!" Jen said. "Hey, let's take a pic." Jen took her camera out of her Stella McCartney satchel and snapped a picture of Tracy posing with the hideous dress.Tracy soon found a pair of jeans she loved. She placed them in the cart the girls were sharing. The boys hadn't found anything yet. Besides, this was for Tracy, to help her let go of California and fit into New York. Alicia Keys song played through her head. She'd had a vacation to New York once, and she loved the city of dreams. Fashion designers, clubs, shops, cafes, musicians, boys, what could be better?Jen found a shirt that was half-Cali, half-New York. Trendy yet casual. The beautiful floral pattern was just what Trace needed. Trace loved it. She took a picture of herself posing in the gorgeous blue floral leafy blouse. The thin-yet-sheer-yet-covering shirt was absolutely perfect, and it looked great on her and flattered her hourglass figure. Stella wondered if Gisele would get after her. Gisele was hideous bitchy slut with no heart, and everyone knew it. She had come up with a plan to bring herself up and bring Princess Whore down.  Gisele chose a tight strapless red dress with rouching. She picked up a pair of little black pumps, and diamond earring and a necklace. She'd worn his when Bryan asked her out at a formal dance. She hadn't worn it since he broke up with her and asked Stella out. She gazed at herself in the mirror and sexily puckered her full lips. "Gorgeous Gisele. When you will ever stop being gorgeous and smart and rich, I don't know.' Sure, she may have been vain, but she was also smart. She just chose not to show it.Tracy and Jen had managed to pick out at least ten outfits for Tracy. All of which managed to fit her, and were a reasonable price.

Not that either of them cared. The guys were bored, and found a seat reserved for bored boyfriends, along with a stack of assorted magazines, including a highly inappropriate one, one that Zach's mom would kill him for if she found out he read it. Tracy and Jen purchased the clothes, along with a Marc Jacobs handbag with fringe, and a pair of red pumps. Bryan flinched when he saw the shoes. Gisele had been wearing black pumps when he'd asked her out. His lips parted a little, and his glasses slid down his nose. Bryan was nervous as he walked to his front door half an hour later. Jen had insisted Tracy get a makeup consultation, which neither boy wanted to watch. Bryan knew he'd screwed up already with Gisele and Stella, and he didn't want to screw up more.     

Gisele busily browsed through the racks, searching for the perfect shirt. Nylandra browsed through the perfumes, sampling the most expensive ones. Gisele was already the second prettiest girl in school, but she wanted to beat Stella, and personally, Nylandra agreed with her. Nylandra was a loyal friend, but after what Stella had done, using her best friend's ex-boyfriend, Gisele deserved a little justice.A sight of curly blonde hair caught her attention.

"Oh shit! Gis, he's here!" Gisele looked up and saw the boy of her dreams. She retained her focus on the sexy shirts. "As long as he doesn't see me, we're good." she reminded Nylandra. Nylandra went back to the scents, choosing a BvlGari perfume. Extremely expensive, but totally worth it. She moved onto the makeup, leaving Gisele temporarily. Gisele found a pink floral shirt she adored, and held it up.


Forty dollars, and exactly her size. No need to try it on. She was pretty slim. She swayed over to a rack of skirts, and found a denim one, a purple one with ruffles, and a pink plaid one. She also found a white lace pencil skirt. Pretty. All her size. Nylandra now had bought a foundation and a perfume. And a mauve lipstick. She noticed her shirt was riding up a little. Oh, well. She had a flat tummy, and she wasn't worried about what Daddy would say if he saw it. He wouldn't say anything. He was laid back and chill. She was more worried about Mom saying something. Her mother was totally old-fashioned. While Daddy was the editor and CEO of a high-class magazine, her mother was a kitchen show host. Not that she had a problem with it. Gisele's parents were both owners of a prestigious salon and spa company, so she got all the best products for free. And she got constantly pampered.


She could shop and spend millions of dollars and not make a dent in the account her parents set up for her. She got paid just to advertise her parents company. The name was Belle. Belle is the French word for beauty, and Gisele's parents were both French.Gisele took Nylandra to her house then went home. She found a parcel on the porch. She took it inside, figuring it was for her parents. She set her bags down and started to make some coffee. She saw the name on the box and was shocked to find it was for her. She hadn't ordered anything lately. Well, she had, but she canceled it after finding out that particular company loved to scam people. Gisele wasn't the smartest girl in school, but she wasn't dumb either. She just chose not to use what smarts she had in school. That was Gretel's job. Gretel did their homework because they paid her and promised eventual popularity. Stella was a cheat, she had said she wouldn't actually take part, but Nylandra kept her promises and said she'd help Gretel be popular. Nylandra was a good person, she just tended to let peer pressure take over. Gisele opened th package using a butcher knife.

She set the knife down and opened the box. Foam popcorn so far. Which was useless because it was a big box. She dug deeper, and pulled out a MAC cosmetic kit. She found a note that said; "Honey, we want you to try these products. You don't have to; it's just an experiment to see if we should start selling makeup. Love Mom and Daddy."As she walked into her room with her arms full, she managed to switch on the radio.

The Pierces "You'll Be Mine" was beginning to play. She remembered the music video and the dance. It was Greek-themed, and it was a beautiful setting. She could feel the power of the song embracing her entire body. She turned on her computer quickly and played the song. Then she turned on her iPod and played it as well.She put on her old dancing shoes and headband from when she'd dressed as Aphrodite one year. She felt the blood rush through her veins as she began to dance, avoiding the bags and box and her furniture. There weren't any rules in her house. Not for her.

She'd never been in trouble with her parents. Her thoughts sailed to Bryan. His longish blonde curly hair, his deep blue eyes....He was irresistable.Gisele had perfected her kiss to a tee. She had also perfected her already good looks to the point of bombshell. She had helped Stella and Nylandra do the same in middle school. They learned how to pluck, shave, dress, apply makeup, wear high heels, what boys to crush on, what clothes and accessories to wear, and be convincing and cool. Now Gisele had the top spot in popularity, Nylandra and Stella coming second and third. Gisele strolled around school like she owned it, which she did. Even teachers secretly bowed to her and the younger teachers crushed on her. She'd screwed half the male seniors. But being a sophomore has its limits.


She'd nearly gotten an eighteen year old in legal trouble.She bragged about him, some conservative bee overheard, and blabbed to the principal, who gave Gisele a warning about having sex in school, even though she did it in an abandoned alley. She didn't have a problem with gay people, which earned more popularity points because they adored her for that. If you think about it, the more people you accept the more popular you are. But with Stella planning a major uproar, things could go wrong. Gisele had to make a plan better than "Operation Ruin Stella". She needed something foolproof. Totally foolproof. She remembered that pregnant girls sometimes got mocked. Except for that one bitch that teased Gisele her freshman year. She was a complete popularity icon. Rachel probably was in N.Y.U studying fashion and beauty now. Bryan had dated her for a few months. He was probably even the kid's father. If he was, he'd be responsible about it. He'd meet the kid's foster parents and keep tabs on it.

Whatever. Why did she care anyway? Because she was in love with him, she was Gisele Delacroix, the hippest, hottest girl in the school, maybe even the world. And she would win.

Whatever Stupid Plan She Comes Up With Is Sure To Fail

"Well, duh," Nylandra said, sipping her mocha. "She's nothing but a fake wannabe. She and that birch Victoria. Vick is nothing but a stupid blondhead wearing skank-clothes. Worse yet, Beaver clothes."

Gisele shivered as she thought about the awful teacher. She was so disrespectful that she should have been fired years ago. But she had stupid tenure, and so she was staying until she was kicked out for too much disrespect.


But back to business. Stella had kissed Bryan, possibly had sex with him, and she had to go. Stella knew this. She watched Gisele and Nylandra. She glanced over at Bryan, who was with that new girl from...Was it California? The Golden Coast of Sex Gods?


Anyways, time to rip up the most vile, conniving creature in the world. My ex-best friend, Stella Goodworthy. Goodworthy indeed, Gisele thought. She knew Stella's weakest spot was Brian. And basketball. Stella was into sports like the rest of the populars, she just chose basketball over cheerleading. That was lame in Gisele's mind. But then again, Gisele was quite possibly crueler than the cruelest elementary school bully. No, scratch that, an adult bully, who are worse. And everyone knew it.



Tracy looked through the blouses, unable to find one that screamed both California and New York. But suddenly, she saw it. A purple skirt with ruffles. Perfect.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.10.2012

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To all those who have been infautated with a specific person, including myself.

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