
  What is fear? Why do we fear? What is the purpose of fear in a human being's life?
  These are some of the questions, I am sure that most of you asked yourselves or somebody else. In the dictionary, fear represents a state of deep unrest and disorder, caused by real or imagined danger; lack of courage. As it says, fear is caused by real or imagined danger; which means that danger is the main source of fear in most cases.
  Now that I answered the first question, let us move to the second one: Why do we fear?
  My opinion is that fear makes us stay away from the things or places or living creatures that we consider dangerous and this way this feeling gives us protection. It is important, from my point of view, to fear because it keeps us away from doing harm to ourselves or to others around us. As an example: what happens if we don't fear fire? We get near it and we risk to get burned. In this case, fear protects us from getting injured by a dangerous thing.
  And last, but not least, the purpose of fear in a human being's life. To be honest, I don't know to answer this question, but I have a hunch: it's role is to remind us that we are not perfect or that being scared of something tells a lot about a person's state of mind.
  Besides all these general definitions and views, let's get to the point.
  My dear readers, you are interested most of what is my biggest fear, aren't you?
  To be honest, like most people on this planet, I am afraid of lots of things. I am afraid of the dark because you can't see nothing through it, as if you are blind. I am afraid of spiders and other insects with more than 4 legs, because they are creepy.
  But my biggest and darkest fear of all is the FEAR OF HEIGHTS or ACROPHOBIA. Just imagining that I am standing on a roof top and everything under my feet is as small as an ant, makes me dizzy and turns my stomach upside down.
  Because of this, in every family holiday when we go to the mountain side with a cable car, I always travel in it with my eyes closed and a paper bag in my hand for any situation. And it is worse when I get out of the cable car, because my face is pale as a ghost's and my feet are trembling so badly, that I have to be held by both arms or I will fall on the solid ground.
  Acrophobia makes people such as myself experience a panic in a high place and became too agitated to get out safely.  Between 2 or 5% of the entire population that suffers from this condition, twice as many women than men.
  Being a woman myself, it was obvious that I had more chances to have this kind of phobia than if I was a man.
  What else can I say?
  If you are curious to see through an acrophobia person's eyes, just take a good look at the cover. I choose this picture to show you how I see the world from big heights and hope you will understand what I have to face when I MUST BE in such high places.
  Like I mentioned above, I go to high places only because I HAVE NO OTHER CHOSE, as: travel in a cable car with my family on vacation; go to the top floor of a building because there I must attend in some events like a wedding or a meeting; to be on the top of a mountain and my father always insists on taking a picture when we look down. Yes, it is true! My family does not think that my phobia is something serious!
  I have told them countless times that from a psychological point of view this kind of fear is no laughing matter, but they still think I'm a cry baby. If my family doesn't believe or supports me, then who?
  The answer is my best friend. She always went in my place where is high, where I had to be to do something there or came along with me and she kept talking to me, to distract my attention. In this situations, when you have to face your fear, it is better to have someone near you, at least for moral support.
  Just because you can't face your fear all alone, doesn't mean to can't face it. Find someone who shares the same fear as you or understands your feelings, and things will be fine; even if you haven't defeated your biggest fear.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.07.2012

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