
Chapter 1 - Water Empire or Atlantis

In book 1, four Earth girls (Oana, Laura, Helena and Michaela) became witches. Unfortunately, Damian Coldblood/the Dark Lord had put a curse on them making their magic powers inactive. The first person that figured it out was their teacher, Florin David/the Wise Elder, whom was killed by his rival, the Dark Lord. But before that, he send his pupils to his native planet Wiearth, who it seems to be planet Earth's twin.
  Petra, the Wise Elder's granddaughter, managed to convince four witches and wizards to help the last witches of planet Earth regain their magical powers. She also appealed to Violet, The Dark Kingdom's actual ruler, to help the girls settle in their new homes.
  Petra and Violet casted four magical portals, each leading to a different part of Wiearth.
  Petra turned her face to the Element Girls and said with sadness in her eyes:
  -These portals lead to the other lands of Wiearth: Water Empire, Wind Deserts, Meadows and Hills and Fire Territory. By their names, you girls know who's going where, right?!
  -It is simple. Oana replied looking fascinated at the portals. I'm going to Water Empire.
  Without any time to waste, Oana said good-bye to her old and new friends and she went through the first portal. After she was gone, the portal disappeared, leaving three more to go.
  -I hope to see you all again. Gavriel, I will miss you the most. Laura said almost crying while hugging and kissing Gavriel.
  -I will miss you too, Laura. Gavriel tried to be a man and not cry when he saw his girlfriend disappear through the second portal.
  -Rafael, I ... Helena wanted to say something to him as well, but he shut her mouth with a kiss. When he released her, Helena's face was as red as her hair. He then helped her cross the third portal.
  Michaela's departure was emotionless. She didn't cry, nor hugged anyone, she didn't even look at anybody. She just said: "See ya!" and ran through the last portal as quick as she could. The others thought she was kinda rude, but in reality, Michaela left fast in order to not let her tears be seen. She wanted to protect her rough and strong girl reputation.
  -Wow, Holly Mother of Jesus!! Oana exhaled with fascination. When she reached the other side of the portal, she couldn't believe her eyes.
  Water Empire looked a lot different from what she thought to see. It was a colossal white empire made out of huge tours, conical shaped buildings, long bridges and with crystal clear rivers streaming all over the roads that took her breath away.
  -Are you going to stay on this big rock all day or are you coming down?! A male voice scold her softly.
  In that moment, Oana realized where she landed. On a huge grey rock. But she soon forgot about it when she looked down at the person who called her. It was a tall, perfectly built man, about 50 years old, with white long hair tied up in a ponytail and with a short white beard. He was standing near the rock with half of his body in the water. Near him, was a cute dolphin harnessed to a big shell.
  -Excuse me, sir. I was too caught up admiring this beautiful kingdom. Oana excuse herself and kneeled to come down.
  -Jump into the shell. The water is deeper than it looks. The man said to her.
  After doing so, Oana was close enough to see the other half of the stranger's body. Instead of legs, he had a mermaid tail.
  -Let me guess. This is the first time you saw a triton. Am I right?!
  -Yes, excuse me again. I am from planet Earth and this is the first planet I ever traveled to. Oana said with a bit of blush on her face.
  -Petra told me all about you and your friends. You must be Oana. I am Neptune, the ruler of Water Empire, or how you earthlings call it in your myths, Atlantis the lost kingdom. But as your eyes can observe, here on Wiearth, Atlantis is still above water.
  Oana kept quiet while King Neptune and his dolphin, Shelly, were taking her on a tour of the empire. She gazed open mouth at every triton or mermaid that welcomed her. They said to her things like:
  -Welcome last water witch of Earth.
  -Nice hair, water witch.
  -Good evening your Majesty and water witch.
  -How are the oceans on Earth?
  And Oana just waved at them with a smile. All her life she saw mermaids only on cartoons and fairy tales. Their appearance were exactly as the earthlings picture them in books: men and women with fish tails instead of legs; their tops were made out of sea shells and seaweed, the mermaids had also starfish or marine flowers in their braided multicolored hairs. If her parents and boyfriend would knew where she is and what kind of living beings she's seeing right now, they would ...
  In that moment, Oana's smile disappeared. Hot tears began streaming down her cheeks.
  King Neptune noticed her sorrow when they arrived at his enormous marble castle. At first he thought she was overwhelmed with joy, since it was her first time here and she never saw a real mermaid before. Soon, Shelly began to worry about her new guest and caught Neptune's attention.
  -What is it, child? Neptune asked her worried.
  -Nothing ... I ... I just ... realized that ... I left home with... without telling my p ... parents. Oana tried to say between her sobering.
  -It will be fine, child. After I finish training you about the art of water magic, you will be free to go home. Until then, you must be strong. From what Petra told me, you are the leader of the Element Girls, right?!
  -Well then. As a leader you must stay strong in any situation. I must teach you how to be a strong leader besides magic.
  -I'm sorry. I am acting like a little girl. I'm calm now, really.
  The rest of the day, Oana stayed inside the palace, making herself like home. She felt ashamed that the legendary King Neptune saw her crying for her parents. She made a promise to remain strong and focused her attention and energy for her magic lessons with her new teacher.
  "Who would have known that one day I may see real mermaids! Maybe I will become one. I wonder how hard it is to have a fish tail instead of legs."
  With these worries in her mind, Oana went to sleep in her new bedroom. Her bed was a huge azure shell. Before entering into the land of dreams, she thought about her parents, her boyfriend Andrew, her friends Laura, Helena, Michaela, Rafael, Gavriel, Petra and Violet.

Chapter 2 - The Queen of Wind Deserts

  -What in the world?! No wonder this place is called Wind Deserts! If I didn't know better, I would have thought that this is the Sahara Desert. Laura landed on a bright golden desert. Although she was dressed in a summer white dress, it was still too hot for her. She tried to see something, but her eyes began to shed tears because of the heat and the brightness of the sand. I wish I had my sunglasses now.
  Soon, Laura heard some noises coming from afar. She squeezed her eyes once more into the direction where the noises were heard. After some time, when the source of the noise was at the perfect distance where it could be easily seen, the Earth wind witch saw some camels.
  By the look of them, they were four, carrying some sort of a carriage without wheels. The carriage was made out of wood and had white curtains hanging on the sides with golden strings and small silver bells. But the camels weren't alone. With them, twelve or maybe more men with heavily tanned skin wearing sandals on their feet and some sort of a white skirt around their hips were walking beside the carriage. Around their necks, they had golden necklaces with green and blue geometric shapes pendants.
  All this time, Laura stood still where she was, hoping these strangers might help her with directions. When the caravan stoped in front of her, from inside the carriage, a woman's voice asked the men:
  -Did we find the Earth wind witch named Laura?
  -Yes, your Majesty! All men responded together.
  The white curtains were unveiled by two young women and one of the men announced the queen's arrival to Laura:
  -Wind witch of planet Earth, I present you Cleopatra Adelaida, Queen of Wind Deserts!
  Laura observed in silence as the queen came out of the carriage. She was a tall woman with dark skin, dark hair cut in a traditional Egyptian haircut, deep brown eyes, thick lips; all her naturally beauty being amplified by the white long royal dress and golden jewelry she wore around her ankles, her arms, her neck and on her fingers. By the sight of the queen, Laura thought she was Cleopatra the queen of Egypt who lived long ago on Earth, at least what she could remember from her History class.
  Cleopatra Adelaida approached Laura, walking very calculated, so very elegant and royal. Seeing the amazement on the girl's face, she said with a soft voice:
  -I see you are amazed by my beauty, wind witch. And who could blame you?! For I am not only the queen, but also the most beautiful woman in my kingdom.
  -Indeed you are, your Majesty. Laura bowed in front of her. It was the first time she ever came in contact with a real queen and she wanted to make a good impression.
  -As my new apprentice, you are not forced to bow down in front of me like my subjects. But if you want to, I won't stop you. Come, let me take you to my palace, time in running out like sand in the hourglass.
  Laura went inside the carriage with the queen and throughout the trip she watched between the curtains the surroundings. Everywhere was nothing but sand. After some time, she finally saw a giant pyramid, inside of a large city. The houses near that pyramid were the biggest and tallest. As the distance from the pyramid was growing, the size of the houses was getting smaller.
  -The pyramid is my palace, the size of the houses represent the people's social status in my kingdom. You noticed that the richest of my subjects live near my palace, while the least fortunate near the periphery. But do not be sad, they earn enough money not to starve.
  -That's good to hear. I hate seeing poor people in pain or hunger. It makes me feel bad that I have a wonderful life and they don't. Laura said to the queen, as their carriage was entering the city.
  -So do I. As queen, it is my duty to keep my subjects happy. In my city the population of homeless people is null.
  The palace also left Laura speechless. On the outside it looked like an ordinary pyramid, but on the inside ... white walls, expensive chandeliers with valuable stones hanging from the sparkly rooftops, the marbled yellow floors were so clean that you could eat from them, tall columns all wrapped up with golden and silver laces and so many more.
  -Could someone escort the Earth witch to her room and bring her something to eat?! Tomorrow she will begin her training and she must be rested. The queen ordered to some of the women that were waiting for them in the throne room.
  -Your Majesty, may I please see the rest of the castle?! Laura tried to ask polite.
  -You will have enough time, Laura. Do as I say.
  -Yes, of course. Laura obeyed and followed two women that came upfront when the queen asked for escort.
  "This is not fair. I am in a fancy palace, with the beautiful queen as my mentor, but I still have to follow orders like back home and ... Mom, dad, Andreea. They will all miss me. And I miss them already."
  -Here we are witch of the wind. One of the women said opening the door to Laura's new bedroom.
  -And don't be sad. Our queen is harsh, but she is correct and fair. You will see. The other one tried to cheer Laura up, noticing her tears.

Chapter 3 - Helena & Merida

 Green mountains, green hills, green meadows, even the streaming rivers had an easily dark shade of turquoise. The sky was the olny thing around who had different colors, from light blue to a blinding shade of white as it was reaching the ground.
  -I wonder how the grass is this tall and strong around here!? Back home our grass is half as this one. Helena was exploring this fantastic green Heaven, looking closely at every straw of grass, every flower and even every tree that she came across with.
  After long minutes of admirering, Helena tried to call someone:
  -Hello?! Is anybody out here?
  No response.
  Seeing that nobody came to welcome her, she decided to go find out by herself a place to stay for the night. Helena got so absorbed by the different tipes of plants and animals that night time came quickly. Luckly for her, a row of red roses were leading somewhere inside of a forest.
  -The forest has tall trees that covers the sun light. But I have no other way to go so I might follow this path. Helena said to herself, trying to be optimistic.
  The forest was indeed all covered in shadows because of the tall trees, but somehow the red roses began to glow a little, making enough light for the earth witch to see where she was going. Soon, she saw that the other end of the row was leading to the widest and tallest tree in that forest.
  Curious and tired, Helena ran towards the oldest tree. Unlike the rest, this tree had strange and different shaped leaves. Some were round, some were square and some were even in a heart shape. The brenches, as well as the trunk, were looking very normal. But when she touched a lower brench, she felt it's bark being springy.
  -You are the most weird tree I ever seen in my life. Helena said with a smile, being more amazed than scared.
  Just then, the tree retrieved the brench from Helena's hand. This time, the only earth witch from planet Earth was scared.
  -It moved?! No! It can't be true.
  -And why not?! A female voice asked behind Helena.
  (Try to imagine that the female voice has an Irish accent since I don't know how to write in an Irish dialect.)
  For the second time consecutive, Helena got scared again. Her heart was beating at it's full power and her forehead was streaming with sweat drops.
  -I'm sorry for scaring you, earth witch from planet Earth. The woman said being visibly sorry. She was just a little bit taller than Helena, but she also had long red curly hair, only her eyes were different from Helena's. They were bright blue instead of green.
  -It is alright. I forgive you. You didn't scared me more than this tree. Helena's cheeks were as red as her and the unknown woman's hair.
  -My tree is not scary at all. He's magical, literally speaking, isn't that right Benny?! The woman asked the tree and then, one of the brenches touched her gently on her right cheek. Another brench touched Helena in the same manner.
  -How does it move by itself?!
  -Benny is the guard of the forest, therefore all the magic is inside of him. He is also the heart of the Meadows and Hills kingdom. And I am Merida, he's protector and ruler of this kingdom.
  -My name is Helena and I am the only earth witch on planet Earth.
  -Let's go inside of Benny and finnish our chat there. It is near night time. Merida said looking at the sky that was getting darker by the second.
  -What do you mean inside of Benny?
  Helena watched open mouth as Merida told Benny to open wide. The tree made a hole into it's trunk near the ground by the size of a door, which was his mouth, as Merida explained to the young witch. After the two women entered, Benny closed it's mouth.
  -I forgot to add something: Benny is also my home. He offers me protection against the dangers from outside. Merida took Helena to a some sort of wooden living room inside of Benny, lighted by a huge row of glow-worms buzzing around near the ceiling.
  Ignoring the glowing-worms above her head, Helena told Merida her first impression about this place. To her surprise, Merida laughed.
  -How naive you are, Helena! This place is safe during the day, but when night comes, the plants and animals are more dangerous than you think. On Wiearth, the fauna and flora are not like the ones on your planet.
  "I hope Benny has a warm bedroom inside him, for I am so tired and Merida wants to talk about Earth."
Helena went to bed only after she told Merida everything she knew about the flora on her planet. For the next day, the earth witch tried to remember Merida's worning about the dangers that are hidden during daytime.
  "I'm so tired right now that I don't even care." Were the last words Helena had thought before she climbed into a wooden bed covered in heart shaped leaves, that were very fluffy to her surprise.

Chapter 4 - The ruthless Fire Territory

-Hey, yo midget! Get yor lazy but up, I ain't got all day! A tall dark skinned man with short black curly hair and beard scoled Michaela while he examined her from head to toe. His dark yellow eyes seemed disappointed of the fire witch's appearance.
  -Who ya callin' midget, ya big ogre?! Michaela responded very irritated. After she landed badly on hard brown ground and scratched her knees, this unknown man dared to insult her only to make things worse.
  -It is clear that yo're new 'round here! If yo're insulting someone, this means that yo wanna be friends. People in Fire Territory hate sweet words and pathetic chit-chats 'cause they make yo weak. Got that?! The man explained to Michaela while he helped her get up and casted a spell to heal her knees.
  -Yep, thanks Mister Ogre. Michaela said with a diabolic little smile. "He's not that bad, but still ... I'm not that short to be a midget, am I?!"
  Michaela is 1 meter and 58 centimeters tall, but the other Earth witches are taller than her with 5 and even 10 centimeters. And this man was 2 meters tall, reason why he teased her because of her height.
  -The name's Vesta Phoenix.
  Michaela giggled a little at the hearing of the man's name. What could have amuse her? Vesta was the name of an ancient Roman god of fire and Phoenix, well, everybody knows about the legendary Phoenix Bird who dies in flames and reborns from it's own ashes every 500 or 1300 years (the precise number of years is still unknown, but these two numbers are often mentioned).
  -Why is yo laughing?! Vesta Phoenix was surprised rather than mad at the fire witch.
  -Because of yar last name: Phoenix. Ya know, the legendary fire bird?!
  -And ... ?
  -He is also the symbol of eternal love and divine wisdom. I'm surprised that someone like ya is likened with this mythological creature. Michaela shared her wide knowlege about mythological creatures to Vesta, being very proud of herself.
  -Yo see, I do have these qualities but I don't show them. They'll make me look weak. It is better to keep yo emotions inside yor heart under lock and key.
  With no more time to waste, Vesta Phoenix blew a whistle and from afar came a black horse covered in red, orange and yellow saddle and bridle. He helped the only fire witch from planet Earth to climb on his horse and then they started off. As the horse was galloping at his full speed, Michaela noticed with sadness that Fire Territory was an endless plane sight, with brown hard ground and stone columns once in a while. In other words, the landscape was almoust like the Arabian deserts from Earth.
  To her surprise, the horse took them to the foothills of a giant red mountain.
  -No, it can't be! Michaela said looking amazed at the giant mountain.
  -What's wrong?! Vesta asked worried.
  -This mountain ... looks like ... Ayers Rock from Australia.
  -Aus... what now?!
  -Australia. It's a country from my planet.
  -Well, fire witch, since Wiearth is yo' planet's twin maybe they do share some geographical forms. Here, on Wiearth, we call this mountain The Phoenix Nest. The name explains very clear it's meaning.
  Vesta got off his horse and with his left hand he touched the mountain wall. Orange flames began to burn on it's arm and when they touched the rocky wall, they were all teleported to the other side. Soon Michaela found out that The Phoenix Nest was a protective wall for the huge kingdom of Fire Territory. And ironically, Vesta was the king.
  When she found this out, Michaela felt ashamed that she called him an ogre when they first met. But she then remembered Vesta's words: "If yo're insulting someone, this means that yo wanna be friends. People in Fire Territory hate sweet words and pathetic chit-chats 'cause they make yo weak. Got that?!"
  The palace was huge, all made out of red bricks and brown soil, having a not so wonderful appearance. In other words, it was the ugliest palace in the world.
  -Yo don't like my palace? Vesta asked, but he already knew the answer.
  -Why is ya palace this ugly? This time, Michaela didn't felt ashamed at all.
  -'Cause it was built to resist in time, during the thought wars that took place in the last 50 years. A fancy looking palace would've been ashes in less than five minutes.
  -I see. "Hope the beds are comfy and the food is good. Other than that, I don't need anything else."
  Luckily for Michaela, the food was perfectly heated and her bedroom, althought it was as worse as the rest of the palace, had pretty comfy furniture. When she got into her new bed, Michaela felt a warm sensation through her entire body.
  "Yep. Good food and a warm bed. I wonder if Oana, Laura and Helena are having the same good conditions as I do!?" A warm tear drop off Michaela's right eye as she was trying to control and keep her emotions inside of her as Vesta, her new teacher, told her so.

Chapter 5 - Clypeum Lunaris/The Lunar Medallion

  After the girls left planet Earth, the Dark Lord began making chaos using their elements: water, wind, earth and fire. He also possesses the Lunar Medallion, an ancient magical object which belonged to the Wise Elder; but was stolen before the final battle between the two wizards.

  Now the Dark Lord and his apprentice, Ace, were back to their hideout, a wooden cabin into a Carpathian Mountain forest. Ace was frightened because he witnessed how the evil wizard easily manipulated the four elements and created huge disasters with them all around the world.

  -Why do you still need that medallion since you already have enough power to destroy this world?

  -Ace, are you that stupid?! What I have done by now it is just the beginning. My plan is to … Wait, why must I explain this to you when I can demonstrate it instead?! The evil old wizard said with a huge grin which gave his apprentice another reason to worry.

  Ace followed his master outside the cabin. It was a peaceful night, the dark blue sky was full of sparkling stars. The moon was shinning the most, dragging all the attention from the two viewers below it.

  The old wizard took the Lunar Medallion into his left hand, raised it above his head and said in a strange language, some sort of an incantation. The apprentice watched in silence as his master turned the bright white cosmic sphere on the sky into a dark one.

  -I CAN’T SEE A THING, I’VE GONE BLIND! Ace shouted once the darkness settled right before his eyes.

  -Quiet, stupid boy! You scream like a girl. Honestly, if the Element Girls were here and heard you scream like that, they would have died of laughter. Why did I even take you as my apprentice in the first place?! The Dark Lord wondered, being visibly ashamed with such cowardly boy by his side. He didn’t cared that the darkness made Ace blind since his spell didn’t affected his eyes.

  The truth is that Ace doesn’t like Coldblood neither and he didn’t agreed to be his apprentice from the start, but his sister was taken somewhere he couldn’t reach her and therefore he had no choice. Now that he saw this medallion being combined with Black Magic and manipulated by a lunatic old wizard, he wanted to leave quickly.

  Unfortunately, being blinded by the dark moon, Ace hit a tree nearby and fell on the ground with a big bump on his forehead.

  He then heard some foot steps coming towards him and a big strong hand taking his pocket bag, which contained his emerald green powder. Since he wasn’t a real wizard, Ace got this bag from the Dark Lord to be able to cast spells.

  -With the four elements and the Lunar Medallion in my possession, I do not need a worthless apprentice like you. Euanescet umbras (vanish into shadows)! Oh, and do not worry about your beloved sister. As soon as I will be done with you, she will be next in line. The Dark Lord whispered into Ace’s ear.

  -Don’t you dare … Ace didn’t get to finish his threat against his master, pardon ex-master, because he vanished without a trace.

  The medallion filled by the negative energy from the evil wizard activated once more to slowly move the new dark moon between the Sun and planet Earth. The Sun’s rays were completely blocked, leaving the blue and green planet in a complete darkness. If this situation will continue, all the plants will die, the animals and birds will starve as well as the whole human race. In other words: the only living planet of the Milky Way Galaxy will soon have it’s inhabitants gone; and because the dark moon blocks the heat from the Sun to warm the atmosphere, a new eternal ice age will turn Earth into a frozen globe.

  And planet Earth will not be the only one whom will suffer devastating changes. The other planets and any other cosmic body in the Univers will change as well. And who can ensure that this bad change will not affect Wiearth too?!

  For now, all we can do is wait and see if the girls can manage to recover quickly before it is too late. And a quick note for you: this book will have more pictures than the first one. For example the picture below is the Lunar Medallion. It doesn’t look entirely as I pictured in my head, but it is pretty close. I would have drawn it myself, but as you saw the girls from the first book, I’m not that good at drawing.

Chapter 6 - The Dark Lord’s reign

  Since he got rid of his peasty apprentice, Damian Coldblood succeeded in producing a total eclipse with the Lunar Medallion and an ancient Black Magic spell. With this said, planet Earth was now enveiled into an eternal dark ness, that is untill someone will have the courage to confront him.

  But who? How? Where is that person who has enough courage and strenght against this mad wizard? Nobody on planet Earth believed in witchcraft, except the children, for senturies; and now when they have been defeated by the Dark Lord the first wizard they have met, fear and panic were holding them back to fight, especially when their eyes observed how the natural elements seem like kids toys in his hands.

  All six continents tried to fight the Dark Lord using all their weapons and latelest technology; guns, bombs, lasers, robots, even controled radiations were launched at Coldblood. Unfortunately for the Infiliatis all these was in vane and soon, one by one, every continent surrended to his triumph.

  Africa, the United States of America, Antarctida, Asia, Australia and Europe lost their flags, borders, languages and most importantly their national monuments right before their eyes. Winning against the earthlings wasn’t enough for the Dark Lord, so he casted a curse on the entire human race to forget their countries, their history and cultures, their religion and even their languages. Latin was the only language every human knows now.

  When the curse affected every Infiliatis, he summoned them using a telekinetic message to gather around at his ginormous castle, which was an asamble of all the seven modern wonders and other arhitectures from around the world.

    The Great Wall of China, Petra from Ma’an Governorate in Jordan, Taj Mahal from India, Machu Picchu from Peru, Christ the Redeemer from Brazil, Chichen Itza from Mexico and the Colosseum from Italy were teleported from their rightful place to the Black Moon; which became the Dark Lord’s place of reign and all the Infiliatis remained on what was left of their beloved planet.

   Defeated and with their memories altered, the Infiliatis weren’t affected by the Dark Lords actions. Therefore he held a speech in front of them to announce his triumph:

  -My dear subjects ... He begin with a sarcastic tone. I have gathered you all under my marvelous Black Moon to celebrate my triumph in conquering planet Earth. Before I get to the main point here, let me ask you some questions:

  -How many countries are on this planet?


  -How many languages do you know exist?


  -Do you think that something is missing?

  The Infiliatis stood still in silence for the third time like a crowd of brainless zombies.

  -EXCELLENT! And since I have the power to control each and every one of you magots, I am the most suited to become your emperor. And if one of you is foolish enough to question or rise against me ... well, lets just say that they won’t live much longer; in other words, it will be a suicidal act. Therefore, if you want ME to spare your pathetic and insignificat lives, you must obey me ... AT ALL COST! MWAHAHAHA ...

  Terrified and confused, the Infiliatis (as the wizards call the earthlings without magic abilities) bowed in front of the Black Moon and the Dark Lord, hoping that their lives will be spared from death.

  I forgot to mention that besides the seven modern wonders of the world, other symbolic buildings and statues from around the world were teleported to the Blak Moon to the Dark Lords new castle. They are used as trophies and the evil old wizard is more than happy to keep them all as his personal collection.

  The following pictures represents the seven modern wonders followed by other important „treasures” that makes their countries special in their own way and make our little planet the most beautiful one in the Solar System.

The Great Wall of China


Petra, Ma'an Governorate

Taj Mahal, India

Machu Picchu, Peru

Christ the Redeemer, Brazil

Chichen Itza, Mexico

Colosseum, Italy

Acropolis, Athens

Alhambra, Spain

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Eiffel Tower, France

Hagia Sophia, Turkey

Kiyomizu-dera, Japan

Moai, Easter Island, Chile

Newschwanstein Castle, Germany

Red Square, Russia

Statue of Liberty, U.S.A.

Stonehenge, U.K.

Sydney Opera House, Australia

Timbuktu, Mali

Big Ben, U.K.

Chapter 7 - Ace's sister

You are probably wondering what happened to Ace after the Dark Lord made him disappear through a black hole. Well, Petra and Violet kept their eyes on planet Earth ever since the four witches went to meet their mentors to get their powers back. They saw everything, but didn't do anything because it wasn't their fight.

  -Violet?! Shouldn't you be worried about Ace? I mean, I know that he betrayed you and your kingdom, but he's your brother. Petra asked the dark witch after they turn off the crystal ball. Being the Oracle, Petra could see everything through this magical object, no matter how far or how long those actions took place. Now she was waiting for a response, looking into Violet's emerald green eyes.

  Violet was facing the crystal ball, standing in place, avoiding the eye contact with Petra. Yes, it was true that Ace was her brother, but he left her and became Coldblood's apprentice to gain more power and to take her place as ruler in The Dark Kingdom. Since that day, she felt abandoned by her only living sibling.

  -I see you can't leave the past behind. Petra said while continuing her staring at Violet.

Without a word, Violet left the room, closing the doors behind her very loudly. Petra understood the witch's feelings for she could also see into the hearts and minds of others. She then took the crystal ball in her hands and tried to cheer herself up by watching the four Earth witches work hard to become stronger.

  Meanwhile, in The Dark Kingdom, Violet landed on her castle's rooftop. This country was no other like the other ones on Wiearth; here were sent the most notorious criminals, thefts and other bad wizards and witches. Because of this, Violet's castle was floating meters above the ground and protected by an invisible shield so that no one could enter. She went into her bedroom to grab a skull shaped silver key and a black hood, then she rushed down the stairs into the basement.

  Her high heels were making loud foot steps on the rocky floor, resonating through the walls as she was approaching to her destination: the oldest chamber in the castle which remained unused for years or maybe centuries, judging by the bad condition of the door.

  Violet took the skull key into her left hand, introduced it into the key hole and while she was rotating it clockwise, her mouth was speaking a strange incantation: "Ihim Sutluts!" which was the opposite of "Stultus mihi!" (Bring the fool!). Unlike White Magic, the Black Magic spells were written and spoken backwards in order to be efficient. After the door was wide open, behind it was none other than ... Ace?!

  Yes, when Violet said "fool" she meant "Ace", and by the way she brought him there, I guess she is going to make Ace wish the Dark Lord would've killed him. Until then, Ace was still in shock after everything he experienced back on Earth and was trying to gather his thoughts.

  -So, what did you do to make Coldblood abandoned you?! Violet asked Ace with a cold voice, ignoring the fact that he looked liked he saw a ghost.

  -Sis ... y ... you won't believe what just happened!

  -DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME THAT WAY AFTER EVERYTHING YOU DID! I knew that you were an idiot ever since we were children, but to become Coldblood's apprentice just to take my rightful throne away from me ... ugh ... that was the most idiotic thing that you could do. Violet's green eyes began to glow with anger and vengeful thoughts were flowing through her mind as she was facing her renegade brother after a long time of absence.

  Ace understood his situation and tried to calm Violet so he can explain his side of the story. Violet warned him that if his reasons do not satisfy her, he will rotten in that chamber, where she brought him in the first place. Taking this convenience, Ace gathered his strength and courage and told Violet the entire truth.

  -When you were crowned as ruler in The Dark Kingdom, I must admit that I felt jealous and wronged, because I am older than you and I thought that our dad will choose me. When I went to him and asked to crown me instead of you, he banished me to planet Earth and took away all my powers. While my stay there, I then meet Coldblood who promised to give me my rightful place back on Wiearth if I would help him with some "small favors" as he said. But the more time I got to spend with him, the more crazy he began to be. Soon I found out that not only he wished to conquer Earth, but Wiearth as well and he also planned to get rid of all the rules, including you. Please sis, you have to believe me that I've tried to come back and undo my selfish acts, but Coldblood disposed of me as soon as I became worthless.

  Violet listened the whole time in silence. After Ace done talking, she turned her back on him and walked away. She turned her head slightly towards him and demanded:

  -Go take a bath and get something to eat. If you expect me to forgive you and uplift our father's punishment, then prepare yourself to obey my every order from now on. You aren't forced to do so, therefore you can refuse and I will easily send you on lower grounds with the other criminals of this kingdom. The choice is yours, therefore choose wisely.

  And of course, Ace choose to obey his sister until she will decide that it's time for his forgiveness. How long does he have to do this?! Well, this decision belongs entirely to Violet and the way I know her, it will take Ace years to make up for his mistakes.

  By then, we will focus our attention to our four heroines, until then enjoy this view of The Dark Kingdom (and also this picture, as well as all the other pictures until now, is not mine therefore all the credits go to it's rightful owner/s).


Chapter 8 - The reunion. Part 1

 Stars began to fade away, one by one as the shadow of the Black Moon continued on spreading. The Dark Lord, Damian Coldblood, didn't left just planet Earth in darkness for it was too little to extinguish his mad desire to conquer. No! He wanted to unveil in shadows all the planets of the Solar System, the stars and other cosmic bodies which travel free in the wide outer space, and in the end ... the SUN.

  This mad wizard got drunk by the victory he obtained when he took away the Element Girls powers and enslaved the earthlings or as he called them the Infiliatis, that he lost his tiny bit of common sense he once had. Without nothing to worry, he was now walking peacefully around his castle on the Black Moon, admiring all the monuments that he claimed to be his trophies after taking control on Earth. The long time he spent alone because he banished his ex-apprentice made his bad state of mind become worse.

  At first, he was killing his time making the helpless Infiliatis do embarrassing things such as eating all kind of grouse bugs or manipulating their bodies into cruel fights, no matter if the participants were men, women, elders nor even the children were spared. It was amusing for Coldblood at first, but he then grew tired of the same routine, therefore he left the Infiliatis alone to die in their own misery.

  The days turned into weeks and the long lasting darkness affected the soil and the atmosphere of the planet, causing both meteorological and geographical abnormalities, meaning that there were no more plants to grow. So soon there will be no more food sources left and every living being will perish.

  -Almost, you are all almost dead. I made sure to give you a long agonizing end as you deserve. Coldblood said while thinking what to do next. And then, out of nowhere, another wicked idea rose into his sick mind.

  He teleported on the castle’s rooftop and began speaking another strange incantation. 


  Meanwhile, on Wiearth, Violet was standing on her personal balcony watching her brother Ace cleaning the garden underneath her.

  -Make sure you gather all the dead leaves and dried branches. I want this place clean so that I’ll have a nice view to admire every time I look outside of my balcony. Violet said loudly with a satisfied smile on her face.

  -As you wish, “Your Highness”! Ace responded sarcastically. Although he was still punished for betraying his sister, Ace wasn’t bothered by the many chores he was given. Even if he worked hard every day and sometimes all night long, the chores were piece of cake compared with the tasks he had when he was Coldblood’s apprentice.

  Violet knew that of course. She had harder tasks for Ace in mind that will be given later. For now she wanted to see how much patience her brother has at that moment.

  The sky was grey and gloomy, but Violet loved it. Because she was the Princess of The Dark Kingdom she had ugh … different tastes than every one else on Wiearth. As she was staring at the sky, watching the dark clouds go by, she suddenly noticed something strange among them. At first sight it appeared to be a small black dot. Soon the dot began to grow and turned into a black hole with dark shades of a multicolored spectral which seemed to connect the ground with the hole.

  Violet watched in silence as the suspicious spectral was absorbing the creatures nearby it. Titans, trolls, the Gargoyles on the Violet’s castle rooftop which had the duty to protect their princess and her home, the werewolves from the nearby forests, the demons underneath the ground and some Cerberus. Some Spectra and Will-o’-the-wisps managed to get away and take cover in the castle. Although these last creatures that escaped are in The Dark Kingdom, they aren’t necessary evil ones. Their duty in this kingdom is to maintain order and a certain level of understanding between the inhabitants, especially between the witches and wizards whom were exiles from the other kingdoms because of their wrong doings there.

  In other words, The Dark Kingdom was more of a prison and the Spectra forms as well as the Will-o’-the-wisps were the guardians.

  Ace didn’t noticed what happened until the end. He threw away the rake from his hands and rushed up, to his sister’s balcony to see if she was fine.

  -Violet! Are you still here?! He asked but then exhaled relieved when he saw his sister unharmed.

  Violet didn’t respond, her eyes were still staring at the place on the sky where the black dot first appeared. When it had done absorbing the creatures nearby the ground, it disappeared quickly.

  -Sis’! Say something, you’re scaring me. What was that thing?! Ace asked again, putting his right hand on his sister’s shoulder to see if she was aware of his presence.

  After a short moment of silence, Violet turned her gaze at her brother, showing him her pale skin and her emerald eyes full of fear and anger.

  -Ace, we must go to Petra and tell her to gather the Element Girls. I am afraid that Coldblood is behind all of this and if we don’t get to him first, Wiearth will have the same faith as Earth.

  -The Element Girls?! Oh yeah, those four witches from Earth. Man, they have a name for their group too? Ace was asking himself while he ruffled his hair.

  Violet exhaled heavily being once again surprised that her brother didn’t know this, although he met the girls before her.

  “Oh man, Ace is even dumber than I thought. And he has a bad memory as well. What am I going to do with him?!”   


  The people from The Light Kingdom were living their peaceful lives as usual, unaware of the danger that took place on the other side of their magical planet, all except Petra.

  Usually, Petra is a calm and loving person, reason why everyone loves her. But since Violet and Ace brought bad news from the Dark Kingdom she began to worry and pass around her room.

  -Petra, calm down and take a sit. If you continue like this, you’ll make ditches in the floor. Violet said to Petra, following her every move with her eyes.

  She and Ace were sitting at the round marbled table with the crystal ball in the middle.

  Ace was looking into it to see something, but the ball didn’t show anything.

  -Uh, is this thing broken?! I can’t see a thing in it. Ace said after giving up staring at it.

  -It isn’t turned on, dummy. Only Petra can control the crystal ball, since she’s the Oracle. Violet responded instead.

  -I wasn’t asking you, sis’.

  -Well can’t you see that Petra is about to explode?!

  And so the two siblings began to argue, ignoring the fact that they were annoying Petra, making her to lose her peace.

  -Will you two please shut up so I can think?! Petra shouted at them restoring silence in her room as it was before. She took a couple of deep breaths and after she calmed herself down she took a sit at the table along with Violet and Ace. Sorry about that, but you two were driving me crazy. Now that I managed to calm down, I can send a message to the girls mentors, telling them that it’s time.

  -Time for what, exactly?! Surprisingly, Ace was confused once again.

  -For the Element Girls to return home. Didn’t I tell you what happened here before I brought you home?! Violet asked irritated of her brother’s bad memory.

  -I recall you mentioned that Petra sent the girls on the other four realms when I was cleaning the alarm bell from the upper tower of the castle. But then I accidentally made them rang and couldn’t hear the rest of the story.

  Violet slapped her four head with her left hand, letting a DOUGH sound out of her mouth.

  Petra hurried and sent the message through the crystal ball before the two siblings will argue again. Their fights might seem funny at first, but after a while they get annoying.


  All this time, Coldblood hypnotized the creatures he captured to obey his every order. Then he sends them to Earth and ‘welcome’ the four witches back home. Or what was left of it.


A.N: Planet Earth under the Dark Lord’s control.

Chapter 9 - The reunion. Part 2

  With the bad situation at hand, Petra finally summoned the other four leaders of Wiearth to end their trainings with the Element Girls. Just like a few months ago, Petra casted the same spell which opened the portals of the magical realms.

  From the first portal came King Neptune riding a giant shelve filled with salt water carried by Heraclites, since he had no legs to stand on. Behind him came Oana looking very different, in a good way, as if she just returned from a well rested vacation. She changed a lot since the last time she was in Petra’s room; her whole body was releasing a calm and confident vibe which smelled like sand and salty ocean waves. Her outfit matched her mood perfectly, being consisted in an azure colored long strapless dress decorated with white and grey pearls, on her feet she wore white beach slippers, an oyster necklace around her slightly tanned neck, pink sea stars earrings and her hair was held back in a long braided ponytail.

  From the second portal, Queen Cleopatra made her entrance in a golden painted carriage pulled by a couple of Sylphs. Next to her was Laura. When she got out of the carriage in a regal manor with small graceful steps, her hands were gathered in front of her belly and her head was held high. Her long black hair was caught in a golden hairnet, leaving only the front strands of hair lean against her cheeks. She wore a short white dress with a transparent yellow cape on her shoulders, which was held by a wide semi circled turquoise necklace, two golden wide bracelets were covering her wrists and short heeled sandals with turquoise stones on them completed Laura’s new style. And by the looks of it, Laura became to be more alike her mentor not only by the way she was dressed, but also by the way she behaved.

  From the third portal, Lady Merida arrived riding on a light brown unicorn and Helena after her on an orange unicorn. Helena seemed to be happier and more connected with nature by looking at her new appearance: brown boots with laces in front, grey long socks with leaves pattern, brown short pants with an orange belt holding many small bags around her waist, a long sleeved green shirt and a black hooded vest. Her bangs grew up until they almost surpassed her eyes so she tilted it behind her left ear while her wavy hair was lying on her back held by a small hair pin. She also had earrings shaped like acorns and a light brown glove on her right hand.    

  Lord Vesta came through the last portal riding his dark stallion along with Michaela. Unlike the other three girls whom were peaceful, calm and friendly, Michaela had a harsh look on her face as if she was about to beat someone to death and her whole body was emanating negative vibes. But the hard core outfit she wore dragged all the attention: a pair of black leather boots up to her knees with many small belts on them, a pair of long black pants which seemed to be made from a rough mysterious material, a red belt with a silver chain hanging on the left side, a white tank and over it she wore a hooded bloody red half zipped blouse. On both her wrists she had black leathered bracelets with silver spikes, a black leathered neck chocker with silver spikes and silver skull shaped earrings. Her curly hair grew a little longer and now it was covering her shoulders tilted on the right side. Her glasses were changed with oval shaped ones with red metal frames. But the worrying thing about Michaela’s new appearance was a pink snake shaped scare, which extended from her left cheek up to her forehead.

  Petra smiled very wide and opened her arms to welcome the four witches back:

  -Oana, Laura, Helena, Michaela! Welcome back, I’ve missed you all!

  Then Oana, Laura and Helena approached Petra and hugged her, one by one. They seemed happy to reunite after numerous days of departure, but then they realized that Michaela hasn’t moved from her mentor.

  -Michaela, aren’t you glad to see us after all this time?! Helena asked, looking confused at Michaela’s cold reaction.

  -Maybe she is too shy to express her feelings towards us. Petra tried to calm Helena.

  -I ain’t shy. I just don’t like to get too emotional. Michaela responded coldly, maintaining her thought position.

  All except Oana, Laura and Helena didn’t seem to be bothered by Michaela’s attitude.

  -Why are you three so surprised? Violet asked the three Earth witches, while raising an eyebrow. This attitude is normal for someone who lived in the ruthless Fire Territory.

  Ace, Petra and the four mentors approved Violet’s commentary silently.

  Seeing that the three Earth witches were still confused, Petra snapped her fingers making the small round table into a bigger oval shaped one. She then multiplied the three chairs on which she, Ace and Violet once sat, so that everyone could take a sit at the table, except King Neptune whom was already sitting in his giant clam filled with water.

  Everybody took a sit at the table, the Element girls were sitting on a side along with Violet and Ace, while on the other side their mentors were sitting along with Petra. Each of the Element Girls was facing her mentor.

  Petra threw a quick glance around the table and after a moment of silence she began:

  -First of all, I would like to thank King Neptune, Queen Cleopatra, Lady Merida and Lord Vesta for training the remaining witches of planet Earth. (All four leaders of Wiearth lowered their heads slightly in front of Petra as a sign of thankfulness for the compliment that she made towards them.) Secondly, I bet you are wondering why Ace is here?

  -Yeah, this jerk has no right to be here with us, after all that he did. Michaela said sharply, looking suspiciously at Ace.

  -She’s right, yo know! Lord Vesta approved Michaela’s statement.

  -I must admit that they are right, Petra; we all recall very well what this young man did the day Princess Violet was about to take her father’s place. Queen Cleopatra spoke her thoughts, maintaining her elegance and calm posture.

  -May I please ask what has Ace to do with Violet?! Laura spoke like Queen Cleopatra, imitating her in every way as possible.

  Violet silenced everyone, and then she told Element Girls her connection with Ace, their past and Ace’s doings since she saved him from the endless black hole. Seeing that no one was believing Ace’s redeem, she asked Petra to show them the crystal ball.

  At first Petra hesitated because she didn’t want to upset her friends by showing planet Earth’s current situation. But she knew that the longer they sit and discuss, the more time Coldblood has at hand to accomplish his plans.

  Having no other choice, she set the crystal ball with it’s support into the centre of the table and made it show, somehow quickly, what the Dark Lord did after the Element Girls went to Wiearth. Everyone watched in silence, with their eyes fixed on the magical crystal ball, holding their breaths in disbelief. At the end, when the magical ball showed everything that needed to be shown, it closed itself and became transparent once more.

  -Now that everything has been told, can we return to the real issue here?! Violet asked looking at Petra and the other four leaders.

  -I cannot believe how far Coldblood is willing to go, just to get revenge on the Infiliatis, to make them pay for their wrong doings against our ancestors. Lady Merida’s face became pale from witnessing Coldblood’s mad intentions.

  -You are not the only one who feels this way, Lady Merida. King Neptune said trying to comfort her. We shouldn’t be surprised that the Dark Lord lost his mind while being extremely obsessed with the rough past of ours … and the Infiliatis. It is true that the Infiliatis did something wrong against the wizard kind before us, but we must learn from our history, to prevent repeating the mistakes which have been made if we want to have a future full of prosperity and peace.

  -We need to stop talking and take more action. Lord Vesta was losing his patient, being visibly irritated by what he saw through the crystal ball. Small red flames were burning inside his yellow eyes.

  -Everybody please, do not lose your temper. It is inappropriate,  you are giving a negative example of behavior in front of our disciples. Queen Cleopatra tried to ease the tense atmosphere, noticing that Lord Vesta’s eyes looked like they are going to burn into ashes. Petra, you are the Oracle dear, what advice do you have to give us?!

  Petra turned her head towards the four witches:

  -Element Girls, although you trained all these weeks in places suited for your elements, your powers haven’t been regained yet.

  -Yeah, I hope ya didn’t send us to waste time, while that Coldblood bastard is having fun on our planet! Michaela somehow scold Petra, making an angry eye contact with her.

  -Oh, Michaela dear, you are sweet as usual! Laura said to her while imitating her sarcastic tone.

  -Shut ya mouth, fashion-victim! Ya’ve become a clone of ya mentor, Queen Fashionista! Michaela strike back at Laura.

  -Girls, please! You two are friends, remember? Helena tried to break them apart.

  -Helena is right. Lets discuss this in peace and think reasonable before we open our mouths; otherwise our conversation is going nowhere. Oana retook her role as the leader of the group, demanding it in a warm voice.

  -Even if this fight is fun to watch, we must return home and prepare for tomorrow. Ace come along now; Violet ordered her brother while opening a pitch black portal to the Dark Kingdom.

  Ace followed his sister quietly, but before he went through the portal, he took a quick glance at the table, searching for a certain someone to look at before he could go.

  -What day is tomorrow?! It is a certain holiday here on Wiearth? Oana asked King Neptune.

  -Petra told us that tomorrow will be your return home, on planet Earth. We came here with you just to give you some last advices. After that, we will return to our kingdoms to gather our armies and help you defeat the Dark Lord at last.

  With that being said, King Neptune, Queen Cleopatra, Lady Merida and Lord Vesta stood up and casted themselves the four portals to the other magical realms; then they turned to say their goodbyes to the Element Girls.

  -Oana, remember to be calm as the ocean in order to have a clear thinking. I have every faith in you, you proved to me what a great leader you’ve become. King Neptune said while shaking hands with his disciple.

  Oana bowed slowly in front of him and smiled, letting her facial expression do all the talking for her.

  -Now, Laura, it is time to show everyone what I have thought you. May the sky Gods give you the necessary strength and wisdom. Queen Cleopatra said to Laura without having any physical contact.

  -Yes, my Queen. I will do my best and thank you … for everything. Laura responded in the same manor as her mentor.

  Lady Merida and Helena didn’t say anything to each other; instead they hugged each other very tightly as if Helena was hugging an older sister, instead of her mentor.

  -I hope yo don’t want a pathetic hug or some cheap chit-chat! Lord Vesta said looking down at Michaela.

  -Ewww, don’t make me vomit, ya ogre. Or are ya starting to get sentimental ‘cause ya’r getting old!? Michaela responded to him with a huge grin on her face. 

  -Right attitude, yo midget. It was fun knowing yo.   


Images of the other four rulers of planet Wiearth (they are not 100% of how I've described them in the previous chapters, but these pictures were the closest ones to what I've imagined. And also all the credits go to the rightful owners of all the pictures from this book).

 King Neptune


 Queen Cleopatra Adelaida


 Lady Merida


 Lord Vesta Phoenix


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.07.2012

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