
Chapter 1 - The four selected


Since ancient times there talks about good and evil. Every culture and religion has a symbol or captions on these two major aspects of life. It is said that the border between the two is very thin, so thin that it’s almost invisible; so the two sides appear to be equal.
  Although some would love that evil to go away, this is impossible. Good and evil are like the sun and the moon. If one of them disappears, it produces a devastating cosmic disaster.
  -Good and evil, love and hate, friendship and enmity. How many are not in this world?! The old Florin David sighs looking at the cover of an old book illustrating two dragons, one white and one black. This country is full of something like this. Of all countries in the world, I have been sent in the center of the border between these two stepsisters, Romania’s life. Water and fire, air and rough ground, light and dark. The balance between these elements is very fragile, I must summon the selected ones immediately.
  The old Florin David was a great connoisseur of myths and especially ... magic. He was a weak and medium stature person with wax white skin and curly beard which was up to the chest. His eyes were black, his hair seemed rare and grey, and the pug nose supported round brownish framed glasses.
  -Romania, oh my dear Romania! If you knew how lucky you are! The magic still exist on this area since the Earth was formed. And now the moment has arrived.
  Saying this he walked to the dusty closet which was standing in the bottom of the living room and took four mirrors. He put them on the dirty table and got a silver inkwell and wrote: Oana, Laura, Helena, Michaela.
  -And now lets see how our girls are doing today, he addressed to the book cover again.
  The mirrors revealed the four girls. They were very happy with their families: Oana was shopping with her parents, Laura was babysitting her little sister Andreea, Helena worked in the flower garden occasionally aborted by her older twin brothers, Peter and George; and last but not least Michaela and her brother were up to another prank for their parents. Mister David said with a smile: “Enjoy your selves, my dear children. At midnight you will begin a new life full of magic and things you never imagined before”.
  And that’s how it all begun. At the strike of midnight, under the girls beds four dragons appeared and stole them. Through a bright shining portal, the dragons took the girls into the old man’s house. After they were awaken by the light, the girls gazed at each other, wondering if they were dreaming.
  Oana was the tallest of them all, with very long dark blond hair, black eyes like a starless night and thin lips. Laura was almost as tall as Oana, with long dark hair and blue eyes. Helena had her waved red hair full of dust because she sneezed and her green eyes were wet. The dragon that brought Michaela gave her rectangular shaped glasses which made her hazel eyes shinny, and she gave her short curly brown hair on the back. Michaela then turned her eyes around the room and was impressed, but the other three thought the room was creepy.
  Seeing the confusion on their faces, the old man introduced himself and told the girls the reason why he brought them there: “It is very simple, you may think that I am a foolish man, but I'm not. You four were selected from the day you were born to become witches”.
  But this news let the girls think that all of this was just one of their childish dreams; there was nothing the old man could have done to convince them.
  All four switch eyes between them and without saying not a single word, by this mute change of impressions, they understood each others thoughts: the old man was crazy.
  Or so it seemed ...


The Wise Elder


Chapter 2 - Magic exists

-Where are we? Who are you? And what are these big lizards? Laura asked scornfully.
  -Don’t be rude, maybe we’re dreaming! Oana interfered. There isn’t a logic explanation about how we all got here and how could some mythical creatures, such as dragons, could be real; therefore I am dreaming right now. Without a doubt.
  She would desire to shut her eyes and go back to sleep, but Helena and Michaela stop her:
  -I don’t think we’re dreaming! They said together.
  -That is correct; you were brought from your natal cities in the capital of this country by these dragons through the magic portal. Do you like it?! The old man asked.
  Silence. The girls were speechless. Soon, one of them broke the ice, so to say.
  -Not really, Michaela said with a half mouth.
  -Then take a seat and I will start with the beginning. You see, many centuries ago when the Earth formed, magic appeared immediately. It was portrayed by two dragons, like the ones from my book cover.
  The girls gazed at the cover the old man showed them. It was a good idea for them to sit on chairs, otherwise they all would have fainted because of the things they were about to hear.
  -The white dragon represents good and the black one evil. Both of them changed humanity over time using their unnatural influences. The old man continued talking, while still holding the book in front of the girls.
  -Ahaaa, so that’s why there are good people and bad people! Laura weighed in with interjection. And what happened to them after that? The reason why she was so interested in this subject was the fact that Laura always believed in magic. The reason why magic was mentioned only in fairy tales was because, as the years pass by, ignorance grew stronger among every living being. This was, of course, Laura’s point of view.
  The old man continued, not being upset by the interruption:
  -They metamorphosis into White Magic and Dark Magic. I am the greatest White Magic wizard, my name is Florin David, but I’m used to be called the Wise Elder. And these dragons are your rookies, young chosen ones.
  -But why are we chosen and for what? Oana asked after noticing four torques on the table.
  Then the Wise Elder invited the girls to put the torques on and the round locket on each torque changed its color and symbol.
  Oana’s locket became blue with an upside down triangle; Laura’s became yellow with a triangle that had two perpendicular T shaped handles; Helena’s became green with a triangle that was upside down but with the same handles as Laura’s; and Michaela’s became red with a regular triangle.
  -Now you are chosen to maintain the balance between good and evil, which the Dark Lord wishes to destroy.
  -And this bad Lord has another spooky name? Helena asked while she fondles one of the dragons on his head. Besides plants, Helena loved animals as well. It didn’t matter which species they were, as long as they weren’t men eaters.
  -Of course child, he’s real name is Damian Coldblood.
  -Both names suit him very well, Laura said giggling. About these necklaces ... she pointed on her neck.
  -As I said, you are witches now and these torques help you reveal your magical powers. The colors on the lockets indicate the element that lies within you: Oana you control water; Laura you have the power of the wind; Helena, Mother Nature needs help from a caring girl like you, your element is earth and last Michaela, since you are the impulsive one, but also strong and have a kind heart you will control fire.
  -Super chique! Did you know that necklaces are the new thing in fashion?! Laura said excitedly. And yellow is such a cool color, it reminds me of gold. The thought that she received a free necklace made her happier than if she went on a shopping spree.
  -How did you know that green is my favorite color? Helena asked the Wise Elder. I wonder if the color has a meaning to the element.
  -And I thought that Oana should be the brainy one, Michaela replied ironically. Jewels or other ‘girly’ stuff didn’t interest her much, since she was a boyish girl since well ... all her life.
  -In order to activate the lockets you must say your name and element. But since they have never been used, we will do that tomorrow night! The Wise Elder explained.
  -Oh, no! I almost forgot! How do we get home? We live far from Bucharest city, Oana reminded the others.
She wanted to say something else but the Wise Elder said to the girls: “Keep the torques and now touch the symbol on the locket so that the dragons know when they are needed. The symbols send them a telepathic message which tells them that it is time to travel. And one more thing: the magic within the lockets make time to freeze, so that no one will notice your absence. It is easier this way to keep your new abilities a secret. Remember, no one must know that magic exists!”
  -Nah, now don’cha worry about that old man, people are too ignorant to believe in such things as magic. If we say something about it, we’ll end up in a psych hospital! Michaela said with calm because she was absolutely sure of what she said. Her realistic point of view was approved by the others with a smile.
  -Another problem solved! Can we go home now?! I don’t want to wake up with dark circles around my eyes in the morning. Laura said while looking to an old fashioned mirror on the wall.
  Michaela shouted to Oana and Helena something about Laura:
  -Oh boy, looks like we have a ‘Drama Queen/ Fashion victim/ spoiled princess/ head full of air witch’ in our group now.
  Helena giggled, but Oana asked Michaela if she tried to get along with them, despite someone’s (Laura’s) issues.
  -Who, me?! Nah, I just like to say the truth out loud, no matter how bad it sounds. Ya got a prob’ with that ‘Miss Fashion Victim’?! Michaela asked Laura with half of her mouth, trying to sound polite when in reality, she was just mean.
  -Well curly, at least I know how to dress with style, even when I’m sleeping. Laura tried to annoy the new fire witch, but she didn’t manage to do so, because Michaela and the others climbed on the dragons and went back home.
  -Hey, nobody heard what I said?! Laura asked, feeling a bit insulted.
  -It is late. Maybe they are very tired. You should go to. The Wise Elder tried to calm Laura down and to his surprise, she obeyed him.

Chapter 3 - New powers, new problems

The next day, our girls discover that having magic powers isn’t piece of cake. When Oana wanted to take a shower, her father occupied the bathroom. She said to herself while waiting on the hallway:
  “-I wish he could get out of there now. I have a lot to do today, but it is rude to bother someone when it’s their turn in the shower.”
  And then her father ran out the door with a towel round his hips and shivering.
  -Who turned the hot water off?! He was looking angrily at his daughter.
  Oana tried to remain calm, she took a deep breath and began to talk using her mother’s tone. Her father was always listening to her mother’s orders, because she knew what kind of tone to use in order to get heard by everyone. Of course her father knew Oana’s plan, but for an unknown reason, he played along.
  -Don’t look at me, I was waiting right here for you to come out.
  Oana’s father was a calm man, he gets angry or sad very hard. This time was no exception.
  -OK, maybe I forgot to pay the bill or something. He left Oana and went to his room to change. He felt sorry for blaming his daughter when it wasn’t her fault, as he thought.
  -What happened to you?! Why are you all wet and wearing only a towel in the house? Oana’s mother appeared suddenly and when she saw her husband like that, the lost her patient a bit.
  -Honey, did we forgot to pay the water bill on time? Oana’s father responded to his wife with another question.
  -Of course not, I always make sure that we pay all our bills on time. Oana’s mother responded being very sure on herself.
  -If you two don’t mind, I will be taking a shower now. Maybe dad, by accident, closed the hot water. Oana told her parents before closing the bathroom door after her.
  “Looks like being a witch your wishes can come true.” Oana though as she made the hot water to return for her shower.
  Laura got up early to have enough time to decide what to wear on that day. Being a fashion-victim she always change her wardrobe once a week, at least. Normally an average girl goes shopping for new clothes every month, but Laura’s parents were fashion designers so money wasn’t a problem; unless she didn’t do well at school. Her dream was to be an interior designer, to help people transform their houses into a pleasant dream, but her father insisted that she became a model, being tall and graceful.
  -I don’t want to hear it, young lady! You’ll be a model just like your mother was. And your sister will do the same, if she’ll have the right height and attitude.
  Her father was a typical fashion designer: uptight, demanding, not taking a ‘no’ for an answer and the list can go on forever. Despite his strict claims, deep down he loved his wife and daughters. The reason why he acted so demanding was because he thought he knew what is best for them.
  Laura knew as well that her father loves them, but sometimes his rude attitude made her wonder if she was wrong.
  -I know that you want what is best for me dad, but it’s my life and I should be the one to decide what is best for me. And besides, I’m eighteen years-old (in Romania, at the age of eighteen, teenagers can consume alcohol, take their driving license and become independent, meaning that parents must let them become adults and helping them when it’s needed).
  -Well dear it is true that at this age teenagers want to prove to their parents that they are mature enough for the real life experience, but to be honest we think that you need more time; her mother replied. I mean, just yesterday you were playing dress-up like you sister, Andreea.
  Laura hated when her parents compares her to Andreea, who is ten years old.
  “Oh, come one, if I’m old enough to drive then I’m old enough to do whatever I want”, she thought. “My parents are like some prison guards and I’m their prisoner”.
  -Laura, please stop it. As long as you live with us in the same house you’ll do as you’re told, her father brawled her.
  -But I didn’t say anything! Laura tried to defend herself.
  -We all heard what you said! Andreea replied.
  -And what exactly I said? Laura asked her sister. She didn’t knew that her thoughts were heard, therefore she wanted to reduce her little sister’s big mouth.
  -You said mommy and daddy are prison guards and you are the prisoner! Andreea replied and showed her tongue as a sign of teasing.
  In that moment, Laura realized that her family heard her thoughts or that she incidental caused a telepathic communication.
  Helena, on the other hand, did a good job making the flower garden to prosper using her “magic hands”. Her mother had the only flower shop in town so she needed lots of bouquets. And now when her daughter became a witch, her shop began to have increasingly more merchandise.
  -When you and dad made all those flowers grow so fast? Her brother George asked upset because now he had to work double times more in the garden.
  -C’mon bro, it’s not her fault; Peter defended their young sister (which was eighteen like Laura). Occasionally Peter is softer than his twin brother George, so Helena liked him more.
  -Yeah, must be that new type of fertilizer you two bought last week. Maybe it works; Helena managed to remove any suspicion of her brother George. Still, she had to be careful with her new powers, using them when no one is looking. It was very difficult, because being a perfectionist, George had eyes of an eagle and he always kept them on Helena.
  -George, when will you stop blaming anything bad that is happening on our little sister. Peter tried to talk in Helena’s place.
 -Well she broke a couple of flower pots when she was little and since then I’m keeping my eyes on her to make sure that she won’t make any more mistakes. George responded, still looking at Helena.
  -Enough you two. George, I am old enough now to handle harder tasks myself, so please stop baby sitting me; and Peter, I know you want to help, but please let me be.
  With these being said, Helena let her older twin brothers alone and went outside for a relaxing walk.
  Michaela stayed in her house all day long because in her city was code red on hot weather. Just before that her brother stole some money from her and she became angry. This happens when somebody plays with the fire witch’s volcanic temperament. So Michaela brother’s ignorance made them stay under the air conditioner, instead of going out.
  Usually Michaela doesn’t have problems with hot weather, but this time the air temperature was as hot as her anger.
  “Oh, man! I gotta control my anger now that I’m a witch. My life, official, became a burden.”
  -I hope ya happy now! She said towards her brother whom was five years younger than her.
  -What did I do? George asked. (And yes, apparently Michaela and Helena’s brothers have the same names. Coincidence? I think not.)
  -God punished you for stealing, ‘cause stealing it’s against His rules. She began to tease him in order to calm down.
  -Then, dear Lord, please forgive me! George responded with tease in his tone for his older sister to hear him.
Michaela and George show their brotherly love for one another by teasing each other and say sarcastic arguments. Although, you may think or have the impression that they are fighting, in reality they are having fun and share their feelings to each other.
  Let’s hope the girls can manage to control their powers until the ... big disaster.

Chapter 4 - Magic lesson #1

The next night, the girls were at the Wise Elder’s home again. After hearing all the funny stories he couldn’t stop laughing:
  -I see you four had a lot of fun!
  -But how are we so powerful after one night?! I mean it is too early for us to control our elements! Oana said confused and curious at the same time.
  -The lockets on your torques amplify the power of your spirits. I forgot to tell you that magic comes from within your bodies, your souls themselves. But at your ages I can tell that controlling them won’t be a big problem.
  -Tell that to my father who caught a cold! Oana answered.
  -And to my angry parents for breaking their word; Laura added while thinking about that day when her family heard her thoughts. Even now, the shame didn’t disappeared from her mind.
  -Ya’re not the only ones with prob’s ‘round here, Michaela replied pointing at her and Helena. And besides it is our fault for letting our guard down ... or for letting our emotions get the worst of us. The last of Michaela’s words sound like she was admitting her weakness in controlling her feelings.
  Silence began to fill the room, as the girls were looking at the floor, like guilty little girls whom were aware of their mistakes, but were too ashamed to admit them. But the Wise Elder broke the silence with an announcement:
  -If things are bad as you say, then now is time to start your magic lessons and practice; he sit down on his old chair and the girls form a semi circle in front of him. Now where are my glasses and book? Ah, there they are! I will began reading the first chapter of this book. It contains the history and development of magic throw the ages, you must pay attention because they are the basics of magic:
  “From the beginning of time, when the human being was just an ordinary cave man, the two forces, good and evil, began their fight in controlling the Universe. Good and evil were two entities, which were always in a continuous fight, since they first appear. Unfortunately, these two moved their battle from the cosmic space to the only living planet in the Milky Way Galaxy, Earth. For decades, they change the cosmic space’s appearance, planets and other elements which make it what it is today. Getting tired of this old battle field, they decide to change it with a more suitable place, planet Earth.
  Good took shape of a lightning and evil transformed itself into a big dark smoke cloud. They did so, in order to not make trouble or cause fear into the living beings. Their fight should remain unnoticed and their true identities a secret for those who can’t understand their real nature. The cave people were still scared of them because they looked like two dragons, but their fight was about to change again.
  The evil smoke cloud saw some cave people under him and possessed their bodies. The lightning did the same and the battle continued. Some cave people died, the ones still living separated to heal their injuries. Since that time the human race split into two: good people and bad people, but some of them were still possessed the two forces. Those people have gotten tremendous supernatural powers, for example: reading other people’s minds, flying, talking to animals and so much more. The others, meaning the ones who didn’t possessed such powers, considered that they were the Devil’s servants and called them WITCHES and WIZARDS.
  After years of debate, a large group of hunters appeared and began to hunt the Devil’s servants, but only few were lucky to catch a witch or a wizard. Having an unfair advantage by their nature, the witches and wizards, managed to escape and hide in places that no one dared to go to. Those unlucky, got caught and were subjected to a slow, torturous death. Those still alive have decided to create another world where they can live in peace.
  Soon the Milky Way Galaxy had a twin, in whose inhabitants were witches and wizards only; leaving the people without magical powers in the original one. Today those without magical powers are known as the Infitialis; meaning the ones who refuse to accept that some things or kind of people do exist and tries to destroy them (in Latin).”
  The Wise Elder closed the book, took off his glasses and looked at the girls to see their reactions. They were quiet all the time and he thought that the story bored them.
  -Well don’t just stand there darlings, tell me what do you learned from all of this?! He asked with enthusiasm and curiosity.
  -Let me understand: during the Stone Age, good and evil had a fight under the forms of a lightning and a smoke cloud, then they possessed some people giving them their powers; Laura tried to keep in mind the order of the events. History wasn’t her favorite subject because she always confused the dates and events.
  -That’s a good start my dear.
  -This means that in the Middle Ages when people used to persecute those so called Devil’s servants were real witches and wizards, right?! Helena continued Laura’s idea. But in the history books, it is said that people were very superstitious and small minded and that magic was a big lie.
  The Wise Elder explained with calm that a wizard wrote this idea into one of the history books to protect his own kind by the future generations of Infitialis. This was one way for the witch community to hide from those who feared and didn’t understand them.
  -It sounds impossible for a couple of wizards to create a twin galaxy and it’s not even logical, many scientists have ... Oana tried to protest the early events because all her life she believed only in science. Magic was nothing to her but an old fairy tail but now she was obliged to drop all the theories and other scientific things if she truly wishes to become a witch.
  -Blondie, when ya’ll learn that magic and science are totally two different things, just like night and day?! Michaela hated science because its logic is hard to memorize, but magic sticks to her like glue.
  When she was a kid, no one would’ve beat her in recognition all the mythical creatures or memorize the greatest legends about all the monsters in the world. Horror movies, monster stories and anything unnatural interested the curly fire witch.
  -Yeah, I guess you’re right. Sorry, habit! My mother is a physics teacher and she always taught me that science is the key to everything. But now since I’m a witch, I will try to change.
  Laura, Helena and Michaela gave Oana the biggest hug of her life and the Wise Elder smiled at them. It was important to him that his students were close friends.
  -Well my dears, the theory part of our today’s lesson is over, now lets start practice your powers at once. He went to a closet nearby and took a wooden walking stick with a silver dragon head on top of it. The dragon held in his mouth a light blue pearl.
  -Cool! Laura exhaled when her eyes saw that beautiful pearl.
  -Is it real? Helena asked.
  -Of course dear girl, counterfeit items aren’t proper to practice magic with. Now I want you, one at a time, to touch the symbol of your lockets and say your names and elements out loud. And your elements must be mentioned in Latin.
  -Why? Michaela asked.
  -I will respond to this question in lesson #2.
  -But we don’t know Latin; Michaela responded rudely.
  -Oh, dear. The Wise Elder sat on his chair and after a minute of thinking the said loudly: water - aqua, wind - ventus, earth - terra, fire - ignis.
  Once this problem was resolved, the girls began in the order the elements were told: first Oana, after Laura, then Helena and Michaela last.
  After they finished, sparkle dust began surrounding them and after it go away the girls apparel changed. Oana was dressed with a blue tank, black short pants, heeled boots extended over the knees and her hair was a braided ponytail. Laura had a yellow T-shirt with short sleeves, a black skirt with an orange belt, heeled boots extended only up to her knees and her hair was tied up into twin ponytails. Helena was wearing a T-shirt too but her sleeves were long up to the elbows, a black dress with shoulder straps, a pair of boots with high soles on her lower legs and her hair was tied up in a ponytail, her thin bangs were covering the eyebrows. Michaela was dressed with a one sleeved red top (the sleeve was long up to her wrist), black long pants with a red scarf tied around her hips, black high soles sneakers with red shoestrings and a white and red hair band.
  The girls were amazed to see what happens if some words are spoken.
  Now the only interest for them was to learn more Latin words or maybe some magic spells.


Chapter 5 - Training on the battlefield

The Wise Elder cast a spell upon the girls to make them speak Latin fluently:
  -Lingua Array agnitio (Latin language known). Now that you are capable of understanding and talking Latin fluently, the spells will be much easier to pronounce. Then he hit the floor with his stick, the pearl began to gloom and the five of them were transported on a deserted place.
  The ground and trees were very dry, the sky was grey and the sun’s beams were weak.
  -This is a great place for you to practice. The Wise Elder said calm, looking undisturbed by the sad view.
  -How cool! But we don’t know any magic spells! Laura said, hoping that the Wise Elder will say some spells to them.
  Instead of doing that, he replied:
  -The spells are one, two or how many words you want that describe what you intend to do and with what element. For example: Oana, you want to rain. How do you say rain in Latin?
  -Pluvia (rain)! Oana said as if she had spoken Latin all her life. Amazing! Without attending to any kind of class, I can speak a foreign language fluently. But the spell didn’t work, did it?
  The climate didn’t change, it remained the same.
  -Put some heart into it, sweetie! Like you really want to rain. Maybe magic works when you truly want something to happen; Helena advised Oana, pointing her to the grey sky.
  Oana focused on the sky and clouds, raised her right hand in the air and said the word again; this time more demanding: Pluvia!
  After few seconds, dark clouds were covering the whole sky and rain drops began to fall. At first it was a summer rain, but soon it turned into a storm.
  -Blondie, make it stop! I won't be able to use my fire in this rain! Michaela shouted.
  -Pluvia defulo (rain be gone)! And the rain stopped as the water witch ordered.
  -Now we all are wet! Thanks, blondie! Michaela said more to herself.
  -Sorry girls! Oana felt silly making everybody, including her, wet from head to toe.
  -Is my make-up alright? Laura asked searching for her mirror.
  -Laura, please dry us using a warm air current; the Wise Elder said shaking a bit.
  -Great idea! Tepidus ventus (warm wind)! A strong warm wind began blowing into them, drying all the wet clothes in less than a minute. After Laura finished the spell, she focused her attention on repairing her make-up and hair.
  -This place sure needs some grass; Helena said with a smile. Humus autus (grass grow)!
  -And the sun should be brighter; Michaela added. Solis claritas (sun glow)!
  -Thank you for the light! Laura said happily.
  -I did it to help Helena’s grass, not ya make-up! Michaela responded while looking rude at Laura. She didn’t like people whom were more interested in their looks than anything else.
  Oana and Helena giggled when they saw Laura’s face. She was upset and surprised at the same time.
  The Wise Elder cast another spell: Legio orior (army rise)! The earth began shaking and few holes were made in the ground. Strange looking statues were rising out of them. After they got out of the underground, the girls were able to see them better. Their bodies were made of metal and the armors that covered their bodies, were identical to the ones worn by the Romans centuries ago.
  -These statues look like a Roman army! Oana said admiring them.
  -You are right, Oana! I summoned them to help you practice your elements in a battle. The improvement of this dead environment was just a warm-up. The real training starts now!
  Suddenly the Wise Elder disappeared, leaving the girls to deal with the metal statue army all by themselves.
  -Piece of cake! Ever’body knows fire melts metal; Michaela said launching a fire ball at them. Ignis pila (fire ball)!
  Unfortunately, that attack wasn’t strong enough. From a hundred statues, only three or four melted.
  -Girls, a lil’ help here! Michaela’s courage began to disappear little by little.
  -And how can we help you? I am the earth witch and Oana’s water; Helena said getting scared when she saw that the army was walking towards them. Earth and water don’t mix with fire!
  Oana tried to remain calm and to think out a strategy. They had four elements, therefore she must combine them correctly in order to achieve something. But how? Earth and water are useless if you combine them with fire, but wind ...
  -But wind can. Laura, Michaela! Combine your elements! Create a fire tornado or something hot to melt them all in a blast.
  -Thanks Oana! OK Micky, let’s do this! Laura raised her hands over her head and created a medium sized tornado. Turbo (tornado)!
  Soon Michaela launched a fire ball into it and the tornado was a big rolling flame. Then Laura passed it to Michaela and she fired again. This time the whole army was hit by the rolling flame and began to melt. After they were half melted, the statues weren’t able to move their legs and Oana summoned rain again to cool them. Helena then used her element powers to create a hole under what was left of the army and buried it. Where the metal army once stood, a small burned hill appeared. To make it look nice, Helena cast another spell:
  -Floris orior (flower rise)! Suddenly that burned hill was covered with grass and beautiful flowers. Just because we won the fight, doesn’t mean that we must damage the place! She added proudly of her work.
  -Yeah, sorry for making a mess; Michaela said admitting that the flowers were an improvement. By the looks of her face, she regained her courage once again.
  -I wonder where did the Wise Elder has went to? Oana asked her friends after looking around for the old wizard.
  -If you ask me, he’s got some nerve to leave us alone! Laura said upset at the Wise Elder.
  -Maybe he did this to not get in our way or ... he trusted that we are capable of taking care of ourselves without his help. Oana tried to calm down her friends with this explanation. She hoped deep inside that she was right.
  -Yeah, yeah. But what if we’d lose?! What would happen then?! Michaela asked. She started to be on Laura’s side to everybody’s surprise and her, as well.
  -I’m trying to think positive. Besides it is over, we won! Helena reminded everyone so that they can relax.
  The Wise Elder better make his appearance soon, before the four witches could start fighting each other.
  Not that it wouldn’t have been interesting to see, but it is better not to happen. After all these four girls are the main characters and they must be an example for all their readers.
  And if they start attacking each other they will seriously hurt themselves pretty bad, or worse they could die. Especially Michaela’s burning fury.
  Fortunately they are the good guys, I mean girls. They are the good girls and they must respect and follow all the rules of morality and other positive things.

Chapter 6 - The leader

The girls began arguing about what to do now that they were left alone in a strange place. Oana tried to change the subject to calm the other down just enough to make herself enough time to think about an escape plan.
  -First thing is to decide who will be the leader of our group?! Oana asked.
  -What? the other three asked in the same time.
  -If we are going to work together as a team, we need a leader to come up with battle plans, what spells to cast and other important decisions. After that we can think of a plan to return home. Oana tried to make enough time for the Wise Elder to come and take them home.
  -It is a great responsibility, so the leader should be intelligent, decisive and sociable; Helena approved Oana’s suggestion.
  -That leader should be the attractive one! Laura was sure that the others will vote for her.
  -But Oana’s the brainy one! No offense blondie. I know that ya control air, but this doesn’t mean that ya head must be full of it too; Michaela tried to sound friendly while explaining to Laura her point of view.
  -Hey, that’s not nice! Laura responded irritated.
  -I’m just honest! So, who’s voting for Oana? I am. Michaela raised her hand high while writing in the air Oana’s name with red flames.
  -I support her too! Helena said looking with a sorry face at Laura.
  -It isn’t enough that I have to take orders at home from my parents, now Oana’s going to be my boss too? Laura’s eyes were wet and she tried hard not to cry.
  -No. I won’t order neither of you! Oana said loudly to all three. You are my friends, if you choose me as the leader, I would behave nicely in front of each of you. We are a team, this means that we have to work together!
  -Can we make our own decisions or spells once in a while? Laura asked her. She began to trust Oana’s words.
  -Of course! Even if one of you would make a mistake, the rest of us will help to make it right.
  Oana hoped the other would listen to her. She has been the class president since first grade because she knew how to talk in order to win everybody’s trust and respect.
  -OK! Enough talking! Oana’s the leader, the end; Michaela shouted bored and turned off the flames.
  -Agreed! Laura shook hands with the new leader.
  Just when the girls began to behave like a real team, the Wise Elder appeared out of nowhere. His face was happy as if he watched over the witches the whole time. Or did he?
  -Wonderful done, girls! And I see your little group has chosen a leader! I wish you good luck, Oana!
  -It’s about time ya showed up, old man! Where the hell have you been?! Michaela’s hair was on fire, but it went out after she calmed down.
  -I thought that I was in your way. You girls are big enough to take care of your selves, you don’t need an old man near you! The Wise Elder sounded just like an ordinary old man whom was pitting himself.
  Oana felt relieved that her speculations about the Wise Elder’s departure became true. Just like Laura and Michaela, she began to think if he somehow left them alone on purpose. To their luck, he didn’t do that.
  -That’s not true! Old people are wiser and have more life experience than the youngsters; Helena tried to cheer him up. We will need your advices in the future, because you know more about magic than we do.
  With his ears pleased of what he heard, the Wise Elder took the girls back to his house in Bucharest. After they arrived, a grey cloud appeared, revealing two handsome young boys. They were twins but one of them was taller and had green eyes, the other one had brown eyes. The brown-eyed twin looked happy at the sight of the girls and said to his taller brother:
  -How lucky we are that the four selected are pretty girls, right bro?
  -Don’t be rude Gavriel! his brother scold him. It is an honor to meet all of you; I am Rafael and this is my twin brother Gavriel. We are Florin David’s grandsons.
  -Really?! Laura asked with a grin on her face. She then winched at Gavriel.
  The Wise Elder took the boys to a corner and spoke in silence so that the girls couldn’t hear their conversation. After they finished, the Wise Elder told the young witches to summon their dragons and to go home.
  Laura didn’t like this idea and shared her thought with the others:
  -Just about my luck! The Wise Elder has cute grandsons and he keeps us away from them!
  -I don’t mind. I have a boyfriend back home. Oana said happy.
  -Was my imagination playing tricks on me or did Rafael smiled at me? Helena asked with her cheeks all red.
  She hoped that Rafael really liked her because she liked him from the minute he and his brother appeared. Looks like the earth witch has a crush and the wind witch as well.
  -Boys are all the same. I see no difference between them. Michaela said cold.
  -Don’t worry, curly. We’ll get you a guy as well. Laura assured her.
  -I don’t wanna have a boyfriend. Didn’t ya heard?!
  In her point of view, Michaela thought that all boys were still like their ancestors, some small minded cave men. If it wasn’t for women, the men would have been all dead by now.
  (These are Michaela’s thoughts so don’t get mad on me!)
  -Keep denying, dear. But remember, nobody can run from love for ever. Laura said to Michaela with a teasing voice.
  -Wanna bet?! Michaela said with a big grin on her face.
  The four girls were so caught up in their little girl talk that they completely forgot the Wise Elder’s orders to return home.
  -Did you girls forget something?! He asked them nicely because he knew what was still keeping them there.
Without a sound, the four witches summoned their dragons and returned to their homes, being ashamed of their childish behaviors once again.

Chapter 7 - The Dark Lord's apprentice

On the battlefield, where the young witches had their first magic battle, another young wizard made his appearance. He was a twenty year old man, tall, with black hair, dark blue eyes and a small dark beard on his chin. He was wearing an old pair of jeans, biker boots and a leather jacket with a black ace card drawn on the back. A digital camera was lying in his hands.
  -I can’t wait to show this to Coldblood! He said satisfied, taking a bag out of his pocket full of emerald green powder. He took some of it in his hand and threw it above his head.
  Soon the enigmatic young man disappeared from the battlefield and arrived in a dark forest. There were tall, scary trees and a small river was streaming near a wooden cabin. He approached the front door and knocked three times.
  -Who’s there?! A rough and strong male voice came from the inside.
  -It’s me Mr. Coldblood, your apprentice. May I enter?
  -Are you waiting for a special invitation? The voice shouted.
  With an angry face, the young wizard entered. The room was medium sized, with a fireplace parallel to the front door, a large window, a desk under it on a side of the room. The other side contained a two door closet. In the middle an elder man with grey hair, black eyes and pale skin full of wrinkles was sitting in a brown armchair. He was facing the fireplace in silence.
  -I tapped those witches first training. That old wizard is too soft with them! He put the camera on the table near the armchair.
  -Let us see for ourselves, Black Ace!
  -I don’t mind having a nickname, but why do we have to hide our identities? Instead of using our real names we call ourselves Black Ace and Dark Lord.
  The young apprentice wasn’t very bright, but his fighting skills were good enough to serve Damien Coldblood in his plan, whatever that is.
  -It is clear that you are new in such deals! The Dark Lord responded brutally to his apprentice. And without any other talking he pressed the PLAY button on the camera. After seeing all that was filmed, he came to the conclusion that his apprentice was right about the witches training.
  -Go around the back of the cabin and you will find four crows that I hexed to become our slaves. Make them watch the witches during the day, to see how they are in real life. Except Michaela, she must be observed twenty four hours a day. Now go!
  -Why the curly one?! Why not all of them?! The apprentice asked puzzled.
  -Stop asking my orders, young man! You just do what I told you. Let me take care of the thinking. Coldblood shouted to his apprentice again.
  Being a Black Magic wizard, it was something normal for him to do so, being rude and disrespectful to everybody, despite their genders or ages. Black Ace, as his master calls him, was used to be shouted at and treated this way. Although he didn’t like it, he had no choice. His reasons will remain a secret until the right time.
  Without any words, Black Ace went to the crows. At the sight of him, the crows landed in front of him in a straight line. Black Ace start pointing from left to right:
  -You, first crow, you must go and spy that know-it-all blond. You, the second, spy that loud mouth Laura. You, that ginger face girl is yours. And last the fourth crow, you must spy Michaela, the fire witch all day and all night. These were the Dark Lord’s orders, fly off now! He gave the orders with not much interest. It was obvious that he disliked doing what others told him, but for an unknown reason he obeys the Dark Lord like a loyal dog.
  The crows did what they have been told. Behind Black Ace was his master, he listened how his apprentice ordered his new pets.
  -I heard you made the girls some ‘nice compliments’, all except Michaela. May I ask why?
  Black Ace didn’t noticed, he was so eager to get rid of those damn birds that he completely forgot what he said to them. But to please his master, he tried to give a suitable response.
  -I could’ve made fun of her glasses, but it isn’t nice to laugh at others flaws. Again, the boy was talking with boredom in his voice.
  -She is cute indeed, I must admit; but she is going to be our enemy when that wizard fool finishes training her. If you don’t follow my orders, someone is going to suffer. You don’t want that now, don’t you? The Dark Lord’s eyes were impeding. Intimidating others seems to be his favorite hobby.
  -No sir; Black Ace responded looking down.
  -Then I made myself clear. Now go end repairing that motorbike, you will need it on the next mission.
  “Black Ace do this, do that. If my sister’s life wasn’t in his hands, I would easily kill him.” The boy was thinking while checking his motorbike to see if it is in good condition. He was a few days ago on a ride and somehow managed to produce an accident. And because his master was too stingy with money, he ended repairing his own vehicle all by himself.
  And to make it an even harder task, the Dark Lord forbid the use of magic, so that his apprentice will learn his lesson easily.
  I bet you are wondering who’s Black Ace’s sister. Well, to be honest, she will be mentioned in the second book. Until then, I will give you a hint, she is as charming as her brother.

The Dark Lord



Chapter 8 - Michaela is kidnapped

For days the girls have been training hard. Oana learned how to freeze water and how to make the resulting ice shape as a weapon. Laura learned everything about weather on GOOGLE and now she was able to change the air temperature and move the clouds. Helena already knew many species of flowers and other plants, so now she was exercising her skills on the soil, rocks, mud etcetera.
  Once, she tried to make a statue of Laura out of mud, but ended getting their clothes dirty. All was well, except for Michaela. The fire element was difficult to work with. Until she managed to keep it under control, she burned Helena’s plants and mud statues, melted Oana’s icy weapons; and the worst was when her fire blast mixed with one of Laura’s winds blow causing a big disaster.
  Luckily for them, they were training on the deserted battlefield, where they defeat the metal army. This way, no way would get hurt. Or maybe not?!
  -Why can’t I progress like the others? Michaela asked the Wise Elder worried.
  -Dear girl, fire is the most dangerous element known to human kind. Water, air and earth have more benefits than fire. You have to work harder than the rest, that is all! The old man said with a calm voice inspiring confidence on the poor girl.
  -I understand! She replied looking all worn out.
  Seeing her tired, the Wise Elder thought to let them take a break, so he called them for an announcement.
  -Did one of you ever wondered why do I train you, girls?
  -To be honest, this question has been in my mind for a while; said Oana.
  -Well, let us go to my apartment in Bucharest, get Rafael and Gavriel to join us and I will answer.
  Laura and Helena switched eyes. They were happy that the boys were joining them.
  After all seven were sitting at the old table in the dark living room, the old wizard began:
  -As you are aware, the Dark Lord is on this planet and he has an apprentice. I believe he is hiding somewhere in the Carpathians Mountains. I am training you to face him and help me, Rafael and Gavriel to take him back on the other planet Earth. Which reminds me, the other planet is called Wiearth.
  -It sounds like Earth, only with a ‘W’ and ‘I’ in front; Helena concluded.
  -These two letters stands for witchcraft, dear girls! Now tell me what do you think of your mission?
  -Why us of all people? Oana asked concerned.
  -Because the Oracle chose you! Rafael answered instead of the Wise Elder.
  -What Oracle? Helena asked.
  -You’ll meet her soon, Gavriel said.
  -‘Her’? I didn’t know the Oracle is a person, let alone a girl, Michaela said surprised to Gavriel.
Rafael responded for his brother:
  -You will discover new things on Wiearth about magic, in a different way than earthlings read in fairy tales.
  -Boys, do not make the girls curious about Wiearth. They will see it with their own eyes after we capture the Dark Lord.
  At the hearing of those words, the girls were having huge smiles on their faces. In many decades, they soon were going to be the first earthlings to travel on another planet by magic.
  Meanwhile, the Dark Lord summoned his apprentice to him:
  -Black Ace, I have another mission for you. Since you couldn’t manage to make those two young wizards tell where the Wise Elder’s home is, you will have to make the witches talk. They have less experience in magic, meaning that they wouldn’t be much of a challenge.
  -Yes, sir!
  Without any other words, Black Ace called the crow who spies on Michaela:
  -Lead me to her, right now, bird brain!
  The crow listened and flew away, followed by Black Ace on his motorbike.
  The girls returned home, some of them still thinking about what they have discussed with the three wizards. Oana, Laura and Helena were dating Andy, Gavriel and Rafael. Michaela was seventeen but she behaved like a child, so boys weren’t a priority for her. She was taking a walk in the park to think better about her new mission, alone.
”How could I help them beat the crap out of that Dark lunatic when I can hardly keep my powers in control?” Just then, she was face to face with Black Ace. He was laying aside his motorbike with the crow on his left shoulder.
  -Hey there, beautiful. Wanna take a ride with me?
  What he didn’t knew is that Michaela was immune at the boys flirting attempts.
  -Get lost, ya delinquent! And she continued her walking, but when she turned her back on him, Black Ace pulled her by the hand and blew some golden dust at her face. She suddenly fell asleep.
  In Bucharest, the Wise Elder tried to calm down the red dragon which was Michaela’s lackey. Since the girls left, the red dragon behaved as if something was bothering him.
  -Calm down, my friend! Michaela is home now, you will see her tomorrow.
  It was no point, the dragon knew something bad happened to his witch master, if only he could talk like a human. Fortunately, the Wise Elder used a spell on the dragon:
  -Humanus lingua (human language)!
  -Hurry ... save my witch ... a male with a black looking heart ... took her away! These were the words spoken by the red dragon before the spell went off.
  It was no time to waste because the Dark Lord began to interrogate the fire witch about her mentor’s place:
  -I will ask you one more time little witch: Where is that old wizard hiding? His voice was loud and angry.
  -Like I’ll tell ya, bad breath! Michaela responded looking without a fear into his eyes.
  -Behave, darling! Trust me, Mister Coldblood is not the person you should be upsetting. Black Ace had tied her up with a silver rope that had a small red spot on it. It was Michaela’s blood. While she was asleep, Coldblood’s apprentice took some blood from her right thumb and placed it on the silver rope to complete the spell.
  -Seeing you are a stubborn one, you leave me no choice. Enuntiatum secretum (reveal the secret)!
  -He has an apartment in the center of Bucharest! Michaela was unable to hold her mouth shut after the magic words were spoken. Now she felt like a traitor and she closed her eyes disappointed of her weakness.
  The wooden cabin door suddenly fall on the floor and three young witches came inside looking as if someone stole something valuable from them ... or someone in this case.
  -Girls, I am sorry; Michaela said to her friends with tears in her eyes. I told him where the Wise Elder lives, but he cast a spell on me.
  -Don’t worry, sweetie. We will discuss this later; Helena looked at her with understanding because she knew what happened.
  -You picked on the wrong girl, old man! Laura tried to intimidate the Dark Lord.
  -Did I? he asked with sarcasm. Why don’t we find out? Tsunami invocationem (tsunami invoke).
  Two jets of water were streaming out of his palms throwing the girls outside. After it stop, they were on the ground all wet and shaking. The Dark Lord went outside to finish what he started. Before that, he ordered his apprentice to keep the fire witch tight, otherwise he would face his furry.
  Ohoo, looks like a battle is about to begin.

Chapter 9 - A sad separation

Seeing that her friends were in trouble, Michaela’s anger began to grow. Her glasses lenses were reflecting the flames from her eyes and soon her entire body was covered in tongues of fire. Black Ace tried to keep her tight, but the flames burned his fingers, making him to loose the silver rope. Once the rope unleashed her, the fire witch activated her torque:
  -Michaela, Ignis (fire)!
  -Ahhh, you naughty little witch! Aaahh, it hurts!
  -This happens when ya play with fire, ya get burned! Michaela said to him with a grin on her face, watching the apprentice rolling down the floor because of the pain. His fingers had a shade of pink scares.
  -You’re not the only water bender around here, Dark Lord! Oana said to him, then she took some of the water from her body and Laura and Helena’s too, making from it an iced sword.
  -En garde! Said the Dark Lord making a bigger sword than Oana’s.
  The two of them began to fight. Oana had quick, graceful and skilled moves learned from her fencing lessons.
  Her cousin gave her the fencing lessons as a present for her fourteenth birthday. Oana hated this sport because it involved violence and weapons that could hurt somebody, but now she realized that they were very handful now.
  Unfortunately, the Dark Lord’s sword was bigger, heavier and resistant to Oana’s attacks. After few more blows, Oana’s sword broken into two pieces.
  -You are a wonderful opponent, my dear. It was an honor winning this duel! The Dark Lord raised his sword upon the water witch’s head, he was preparing for the final blow.
  -Not so fast, ‘Zorro’! Flammeum gladium (flame sword)!
  He had no time to strike back because Michaela’s sword melted his and he got burned with hot water resulted from their swords impact.
  -Uuuhhh! The Dark Lord tried to not manifest his pain in front of his opponents.
  -Let me cool your wound. Frigus aura (freezing breeze)!
  A strong, freezing wind from Laura made the evil wizard look like Jack Frost.
  -Herba creepers (grass creepers)!
  Helena raised under the Dark Lord’s feet some creeping plants which tied him up from head to toe.
  -Don’t worry, your apprentice will keep you company, he’s all tied up just like you. See? Black Ace stood behind the earth witch looking like a caterpillar in a cocoon.
  -Is it just me or this fight was way easier than I expected? Laura asked looking amused at Helena’s loots.
  -You are right, my dear! Dark Lord’s down voice spoke between the plant’s grips.
  The four girls looked at the two wizards disappearing right under their eyes without a trace. Nothing was there anymore except the green trap that kept them hostage.
  -Ya had to ask, din’cha?! Michaela shouted at Laura, spreading thin flame tongues from her curly hair.
  -Ooops, my bad! Laura excused herself making cute puppy eyes, hoping for forgiveness from Michaela.
  -Nope, this trick doesn’t work on me! She replied with her hair still flaming.
  -Geez, girl! You may be the fire witch but your heart is as cold as the Ice Age; Laura’s face turned away disappointed.
  -Ironic, isn’t it?! Michaela said with an evil grin.
  Oana came between them to remind that they still haven’t finished the job yet:
  -This is no time for you two to argue right now! We must find those wizards.
  -And fast; Helena said scared. They could appear out of nowhere and hurt us again.
  From the small wooden cabin’s rooftop, Black Ace shouted with tease at the group’s leader:
  -Oana, you claim to be the smart one. You should know that the human body is seventy five per cent water!
  The water witch came near the cabin, looking mood less at him:
  -What’s that suppose to ...
  She began asking but she immediately shut up at the sight of a water column spinning in front of her. Soon the water column took shape of a man’s body and then into Dark Lord’s apparel.
  -Surprise, ladies! The elder wizard said ironically, raising his hands above his head. Tempestas (storm)!
  The sky got covered by dark clouds, spreading loud thunders and bright lightnings. Cold rain drops were streaming down upon the four witches. This was no ordinary rain. With each drop that touched their bodies, the girls powers were getting smaller and smaller, until their magical outfits were replaced by their casual clothes. All of them were dressed in jeans, shirts, the shoes were different. Oana and Helena wore casual shoes with small heels, Laura had golden sandals with high heels and Michaela had her usual Adidas sneakers.
  -What is happening to us? Laura cried with fear.
  A loud growl came from the dark sky. It was the four dragons. Each approached the ground, grabbed their belonging witches on the fly and took them as far from that place.
  -That old fool is getting on my last nerve! The Dark Lord said among the teeth.
  The Wise Elder felt relieved at the sight of all his pupils:
  -My dear girls, you are all fine, especially you my flammable child! He looked with lovingly eyes at Michaela, like a real grandfather who loves his grandchildren. His face changed into white when he saw the cut at the girl’s right thumb. Did it hurt? He asked taking her hand into his.
  -A lil’ bit! Michaela responded with no emotion.
  -Why aren’t you in your magical clothing?
  After the girls finish recounting the events that took place earlier, the Wise Elder looked even sadder.
  -Is it bad? Oana asked after a moment of silence.
  -It is not bad, it’s worse! You have been cursed with Dark Magic to not use your powers without causing damage around you and to ... to yourselves.
  Michaela couldn’t keep her tears from falling, she and her friends were cursed, their teacher was sad, all this made her simmer into crying:
  -This is all my fault! If I have chick that Black idiot’s butt out, this wouldn’t happened.
  -Don’t blame yourself. It is our fault as well; Helena tried to comfort her.
  -Good try, red! But I've made up my mind. I quit!
  -WHAT?! The others asked all in the same time.
  -Child, please! You are not in the right mood to think clear now, you ...
  The Wise Elder didn’t had time to finish his sentence, Michaela already put her torque into his hands and went near the red dragon:
  -Take me home, please!
  The dragon obeyed her with a heavy heart. While they ascend, Michaela turned her head around to see her short-time friends for the last time.
  -Come back, curly! I swear I won’t tease you any more! Laura cried, kneeling on the dusty carpet. The fire witch and her dragon were dots in the distant and all her friends cries couldn’t be heard anymore.

Chapter 10 - On your own. Part 1

Back home, Michaela was sitting on her bed with her head hanging at the end and her feet up against the wall. Her bed was practically a sofa because she had the living room as her bedroom, in her family’s middle classed apartment composed of: a large kitchen, a small bathroom, a medium sized bedroom, a large living room and two smaller balconies connecting the kitchen and the living room.
  Her parents sleep in the bedroom, her twelve year old brother in the kitchen (on a folded sofa just like his sister). Her apartment wasn't that big nor fancy, but for Michaela this meant home, where she grew and was loved.
  As she was sitting in this awkward position, her favorite band EVANESCENCE was playing ‘Going under’ on the p.c. . Her mother came in and pressed the pause button:
  -I can’t believe my eyes! Julyana said looking at her daughter as if she committed a crime. It is summer time, outside is beautiful and sunny and you are laying like a vegetable on your bed.
  -Mommy, I’m not in the mood; Michaela said with a lazy voice.
  -What happened?
  -I am your mother, I can see that it is not nothing with you! Julyana said sitting next to her daughter and giving her a sweet motherly smile to make her spit it out.
  Unlike Laura’s puppy eyes, Julyana’s tricks in melting Michaela’s heart always worked out. Unable resisting her mother’s affection, Michaela spoke up:
  -OK, I decided to leave a group.
  -What group?
  -Me and other three girls with same interests as me about ‘verything.
  -Do I really have to answer ya?! Her mother’s questions began to annoy her.
  -Yes, it is not healthy to keep upsetting emotions inside of you. Now, tell me the reason.
  -I noticed that I’m not as good as ‘hem, that I do things slower than they do. Seeing how they’re always ahead of me, made me feel weak.
  -Oh, sweetie! Just because you learn slower than others doesn’t mean that you’re weak. You must work twice as them to achieve in what you’re doing.
  -But it’s too much work! Michaela yawned like a kitten.
  -You’re just lazy, that’s the problem! Her mother said raising her voice with sarcasm.
Michaela’s cell phone ranged just in time. It was a text message from her best friend Georgia, whom wanted to meet at the library near the city’s cliff. Behind the cliff, the Danube River was streaming slowly, caring the many ships to their destinations.
  -Gotta go, Georgia’s calling!
  -Finally, some good reason for you to leave the house, lazy bones! Julyana said sarcastically. It is clear why Michaela’s personality is dominated by sarcasm and irony: she’s exactly like her mother, although none of them doesn’t want to admit it.
  -Bye mommy! Were Michaela’s last words while closing the entrance door quickly.
  -Why does my daughter have to be so complicated? Surely she gets it from her father. (She wishes!)
  At her enormous house, Laura was in her big fashionable bedroom, checking her wardrobe to see what clothes to keep and what to get rid of. But after five minutes she gave up and took a sit at her desk. In that moment her little sister entered running and hoping around like a rabbit:
  -C’mon Laura, play with me!
  -Get lost, little brat! Laura said with a down voice.
  -But I’m bored! Andreea shouted. Mom and dad are away, my friends are on vacation ....
  -I don’t want to.
  Andreea became quiet and walked slowly to the door. She opened it and went outside. Before closing it, she said to her older sister with tears in her eyes:
  -Since you became a teenager you stop playing with me.
  After the door closed, Laura sighted, stood up and went after her little sister. Andreea’s bedroom was in front of Laura’s. She approached the door silently and knocked three times. No answer came so Laura opened it slowly and entered. Andreea was sitting in her pink bed with a teddy bear in her arms, crying.
  Laura came near her and took her in a hug:
  -Sorry, Andy! I didn’t mean to upset you. I am just stressed out because mom and dad don’t understand me nor what I want to do in life to be happy. They always think that I’m still your age, this is why I avoid playing with you. I want to show them how mature I’ve become.
  Hearing this explanation, Andreea wiped her tears and faced her older sister. She looked to understand Laura’s situation.
  -I’m ten and you’re eighteen. Between us are eight years apart and that’s a long time if you ask me.
  -Guess they forgot about this.
  -This is why you were upset earlier?
  -A little. The real reason is this ...
  Laura told Andreea she had three new friends and one of them left the group because she felt guilty for something she hasn’t done.
  -What she did? Andreea asked curious.
  Laura didn’t expect to hear this question. Luckily for her, inventing a fictional story was her specialty:
  -We wanted to do a small play, where we are witches.
  -Witches? I prefer princesses.
  -But do they have magic powers, cast spells or ride on mythological creatures? Laura asked her sister with a smirk.
  -Then let me tell you a story about the four witches of planet Earth wearing the name “Element Girls”:
  “The story begins with four witches controlling different elements: water, wind, earth and fire. They were fighting against an evil ogre. The ogre kidnapped the fire witch and lured the other three into a trap. The witches managed to save the fiery one, but lost the battle. They were saved just in time by their dragons. Few more seconds later and the ogre would have ate them. The fire witch took the blame on her for losing the battle and decided to leave the group. Now the other three witches have to find a way to get her back and take revenge on the evil ogre.”
  -Will the fire witch return to defeat that ugly ogre?! Andreea asked full of enthusiasm. The story would be great if they win.
  -I thought you liked princesses!
  -Yeah, I guess this story changed my mind. Witches are cooler because they defend them selves, while princesses have to wait for their princes on a white horse to save them.

Chapter 11 - On your own. Part 2

-Get moving red! I have a lot of work to do and you’re in my way!
  -Ease up, George! Why do you always have to pick on our little sister? Peter defended Helena.
  -Enough you two! I am not a little girl anymore, so stop treating me like one.
  Helena went out of the flower shop, leaving her older twin brothers speechless. It is always this way: since she was a little girl, Helena’s brothers, George and Peter treated her with no seriousness. Even now when she’s eighteen, they behave the same with her.
  The difference between them is that George is rude and rough, nothing seems to please him. He heirs these from their mother, Ana-Maria. She has a sociable personality, unlike her son.
  On the other hand, Peter inherited his father’s calmness and understanding personality.
  “If the twin boys would be flowers, George would be a cactus and Peter a snowdrop.” Helena thought as she walked up to her bedroom decorated with pots of multicolored flowers.
  -You are the only ones that understand me, if you could talk to me it will be ... hey ... . Now that I am the earth witch ... maybe ...
  Helena tried to think of a good spell, containing only two words: a noun and a verb to be easier and quicker. Finally, two words came on her mind:
  -Loqui Romanian (speak Romanian)! Nothing happened. It didn’t work.
  -Do you always complain when things don’t go your way? A red rose from her window asked irritated.
  -Who said that? Helena asked scared.
  -Don’t tell me you forgot already?! A violet next to the rose asked with a rude laughter.
  -That’s not nice! It is her first magic trick on us, be more understanding; the lilies from her night drawer defended Helena.
  -You’re defending her because she loves you more, the cactus from the desk complained.
  Helena tried to calm them down, but before she could do something the plants in her room start a fall out. Soon she heard footsteps approaching her door, but the plants would not stop fighting. The earth witch lost her temper and shouted:
  -Pacem (silence)! And silence fall just in time. Her father entered her room.
  -Is everything all right? I heard loud noises coming from your room. Her father, Enache looked concerned at his daughter.
  -Nothing’s wrong dad, really!
  -Yeah, you know how I behave after George and Peter upset me.
  -If it is just them, then fine. But you mother needs your help now. The plants are growing beautifully and fast. It’s a miracle!
  “Poor dad, if he only knew ... “
  -Oana, Andrew is waiting for you outside. Her mother Florence said to her daughter, entering her bedroom.
  Oana was sitting in front of her laptop, doing research on GOOGLE about Black Magic. But the results gave her books, cartoons, movies and addresses of the Gipsy females calling themselves witches of White and Black Magic.
  -In a minute mom! She said being revolted of the fake witches on the Internet. “Me and my girls are realistic with magic, not imposters like them!”
  Andrew was Oana’s boyfriend since the first year of high school. He was as tall as her, with light brown hair, in the sunlight his hair color tend to blond. His kind and patient personality made Oana fall in love with him from the beginning, but as any teenage couples, they had their small fights, they were never serious though.
  Outside Oana’s country side house, was a wooden bench where Andrew was waiting for his girlfriend.
  -Hello, darling! He said kissing her. What’s with the long face?
  -I’ve lost a friend; Oana responded almost crying.
  -You’ll find new ones.
  -It is not funny! If you knew her then you’ll feel sad as I am now.
  -Calm down, I was joking. Look, maybe you need to take some time off from your friends and think about your social connection with them. Maybe you’re not compatible with them.
  -No, it’s not that. The true story is longer.
  -We’ll have enough time for it while taking a relaxing walk in the park.
  Andrew listened closely to every detail in Oana’s story. After she finish describing all her friends, including Gavriel and Rafael, Andrew took some time to process the information. Just like his girlfriend, he was passionate to science too, especially if involved people in it. He had a theory: “Science is either good or bad, depending on the people’s personalities that are involved in it”.
  -What do you think? Oana asked him, seeing that he was silent for almost five minutes.
  -I think Michaela, having the younger age that is seventeen, is still a child comparing her to the rest of you. She got scared, thinking that she made something wrong and that she will lose her friends. When people have a sensible consciousness, they tend to blame themselves for things they didn’t do.
  -I know Michaela, she’s always sarcastic or ironic or sometimes even funny, but in a little rude way.
  -The nut is hard on the outside, but soft in the inside. Maybe she had a similar situation in her childhood and now she fear it will happen again and that she will lose her friends for the second time.
  -You know what, Andrew? You will be a wonderful therapist one day. Science doesn’t deserve you. You are better with people.
  -True, my dear. Are you feeling better now?
  -A little. If you want maybe I will make the girls come to my place for a sleep over and you can be the guest of honor.
  -A sleep over with four girls, I like it.
  Oana pinched his nose and said:
  -You are welcomed as a therapist so don’t get any ideas, understand?
  -Yes, ma’am!
  And they both began to laugh and continue having a wonderful date in the most beautiful day of summer.
  For now things went well, the girls had great times with people that loved them and they even forget that the Dark Lord cursed them. The Element Girls will soon remember after the curse will be more powerful.
  And then what they will going to do?
  I guess we have to wait and see ...

Chapter 12 - Clypeum Lunaris

Right after the girls flew away on their dragons, the four spy crows returned to the Dark Lord with a silver medallion. On one of its sides of the locket, it was colored in a midnight shade of blue with a silvery half moon on it. The crows let it loose when they were above their master’s head.
  -Hahaha ... The Dark Lord laughed with satisfaction. I shot to rabbits in the same time (it is a Romanian expression, meaning that you achieved two things in the same time). First I defeated those pests and stole their powers with my cursed rain and now the Clypeum Lunaris is mine at last!
  -The what?! Black Ace asked confused, getting down from the roof.
  -Don’t you know Latin?
  -Translated it means The Lunar Medallion. It is a magical object that controls the moon’s positions in the solar system. With it the moon is just a small toy in my hand.
  -What do you plan to do with the moon? Ace asked curious.
  -Patience, my apprentice! We’ll have enough time for everything, but first let us see what can I do with those witches powers.
  -You said earlier that you stole those girls powers. Is it true?
  -My dear boy, you have no idea what Dark Magic can do!

  Meanwhile, in Bucharest, Rafael and Gavriel were helping the Wise Elder clean his apartment.
  -I hate books, why am I the one who has to put them back on the shelves? Gavriel asked being disturbed by all the dust in them.
  -Don’t you talk like that about them! Rafael scold his brother picking up a book from the floor. Books are the oldest and the best way to keep and carry information when it is needed. You should read some to find out what wonderful secrets they have within their pages and ...
  -Blah blah blah ... Just do your part of chores and keep quiet! I still have a headache from those crows.
  -If you had learned some defensive spells maybe you wouldn’t get so many blasts in the head!
  -Enough, I say! Do not waste your energy on pointless arguments. Now that you mention it, I would like to hear what happened in my home.
  The boys told the Wise Elder that after the girls went to save Michaela, they stayed in the apartment a little longer, so that Rafael could teach Gavriel some defensive spells.
  -You just place your hands where you want to have protection and say the words Praesidio (protection) or Rejectio impetum (reject the attack)! Are you listening?
  Gavriel was looking outside the window and pointed to what seemed to be four black birds. They were crows and were heading to the Wise Elder’s apartment. Using their beaks, the crows manage to break the window and went inside. Three of them kept the boys busy, while the fourth searched the place for the Clypeum Lunaris that the Dark Lord wanted.
  His plan was to kidnap one of the witches to find out where the Wise Elder lives and keeps his magical objects. He choose Michaela, because he saw her as the weak link of the group. After the crow found the medallion, they all returned to their master, living Rafael and Gavriel to clean the disorder left after the attack.
  When they finished, the Wise Elder rushed to his closet where all his magical object were kept and saw what was missing. He then told the dragons to get their witches, even if they refuse.
  -Why did you ordered the dragons to take the girls by force? Rafael asked surprised.
  -They must know what happened to their powers and what the Dark Lord intends to do with the stolen object.
  All this time, the Element Girls were living their lives like any other ordinary girl.
  Oana took a break from her summer homework and now she was watching the news on T.V. with her parents.
  Laura managed to go shopping at the mall without her little sister. Her mother always told her to take Andreea with her, otherwise she couldn’t go neither. But this time, she lied that a magazine was looking for models and she wanted to go to the casting. Soon, Laura’s attention was caught by a huge T.V. inside an electronics store.
  After a hard day of work in the garden, Helena was navigating on the Internet and she clicked on the weather report news.
  Michaela was on a picnic at the countryside, near a small arm of the Danube river. Her father was making the barbeque, her mother and brother were playing in the water, but she decided to stay in the car and listen to some music on the radio. But the music was discontinued by some emergency weather report.
  “Ladies and gentlemen, we are sorry for the inconvenient, but we are bringing urgent weather report. In Europe the weather is fine for this season, except our country. Romania is the only country where, for an unknown reason, Mother Nature unleashed her anger upon us: in the North and West we have powerful winds and floods, that are destroying everything in sight, leaving many people without homes or with serious damage to their places and belongings. In the center of the country the air temperature is above thirty degrees Celsius and the entire South suffered because of the many earthquakes that came from the East.
  And as if all this wasn’t enough, the animals became more vehement, attacking people, causing expensive damage to the villages and cities where they belong. Even the harmless pets are attacking their owners. Our scientists believe that all this terrible changes are caused by the moon, which in a few hours it will cover the sun, leaving our country in a total darkness. After the eclipse will be over, everything will sure be back to normal!
  I am Andreea Esca and I will return with more news at seven o’clock p.m. . Until then, take care of yourselves and have a great day! Good-bye, everyone!”

Chapter 13 - Good-bye Earth!

When the news ended, the girls stood like stone and through their minds, many thoughts gathered:
  Oana: Floods in North and West ...
  Laura: Strong winds destroying people’s homes ...
  Helena: Earthquakes and vehement animals ...
  Michaela: Temperatures over thirty degrees Celsius ...
  Oana: Is it possible ...
  Laura: ... that my element ...
  Helena: ... causes this because ...
  Michaela: ... I left the group?
  All four: I must ask the Wise Elder, maybe he knows the answer!
  Fortunately for them, the Wise Elder already sent the dragons to get them. The blue, yellow and green dragon sent a magical signal to their witches lockets, to announce them about their arrival. The red dragon had to fly quickly above Michaela, without being seen by no one else.
  The fire witch said to her parents that she was going for a walk until the meat was done. She then found the red dragon hiding behind some trees. Seeing his witch, the red dragon returned to her the red torque and took Michaela to the Wise Elder.
  Oana said to her parents she was going to the park for some peace and quiet after hearing the horrible news on T.V. . To her surprise, no one was there, so the blue dragon took Oana on flight easily.
  Laura found the yellow dragon between two buildings, in a dark alley. She had no problem departing from that place. The dragons were the size of the ordinary horses, the difference between these species were the sharp horns, long tails with scales and the medium sized wings which looked like bat wings, only one hundred times bigger and stronger.
  Helena, whom was living in an area full of mountains, went in the nearest forest from her home, where the green dragon made him self invisible among the green plants.
  At Bucharest city, the Wise Elder along with Rafael and Gavriel finished cleaning the room. But the place was full of books everywhere when the dragons appeared with the girls.
  -Wonderful! It’s just won-der-ful! When we were almost done cleaning, you girls made the books fall off the shelves and we got to start all over again; Gavriel said upset.
  -Why are you the one to complain? I am the one that did almost everything, while you worked in slow motion; Rafael scold his brother.
  -You arrived, all of you! The Wise Elder said to his students, ignoring the boys argument.
  -I listened to the news at the radio and ...; Michaela began.
  -We heard what trouble is in the country ...; Helena interfered.
  -So I decided to come and gather the team ...; Oana added, ignoring her friends.
  -And it is strange how all four had the same idea! Laura laughed.
  -Hahaha, now that’s what I call coincidence! Gavriel laughed too.
  Without any more talking, the Wise Elder informed the girls that at midnight they must come again, with their travel luggage, because they must depart to the Wiearth immediately. He wasn’t able to find a cure for the curse that the Dark Lord summoned on them, therefore, they must go to the magical planet to find other powerful wizards to help them out.
  Laura proposed to have a good-bye party at the leader’s house, before their departure.
  -Wait a minute! What do we say to our parents? Oana asked worried.
  -Leave that to me, child. The Wise Elder assured her.
  Without this being said, the girls returned to their families for the last time. Oana told her parents she invited some friends for a sleep over. To her surprise, they agreed.
  Laura, Helena and Michaela lied to their parents that they were going to a sleep over not far from their homes; after they were far enough from their neighborhoods, the dragons came and took them at Oana’s.
 Unfortunately, Oana had a surprise guest, her boyfriend Andrew.
 -Hello, girls! We have a special guest with us; Oana tried to be happy, when in reality she was worried what to do with Andrew. She thought that after her parents were asleep, they could easily departure to Bucharest with the dragons unnoticed. But now that her boyfriend came uninvited, things will be difficult.

-And who is it? Laura asked, but she knew already the answer.
  -I am Andrew, Oana’s boyfriend! And you three must be her friends, Oana told me everything about you!
  -Everything?! Helena asked worried thinking that Andrew knew that they were witches.
  -Yes, how you had a fight and one of you left the group, but now I see you girls work things out. Andrew added looking at Michaela.
  -It is not ya business, what ya girlfriend’s friends are doing! Michaela replied sharply.
  -Ok, why don’t we sit and watch a movie?! Oana came between Andrew and Michaela.
  Oana, Andrew and Laura sit on the couch while Helena went to the kitchen with Michaela, saying that they will make something hot to drink. Helena searched for a big pot and put seen cups on the table.
  -Why seven? We are only five. Michaela said looking puzzled at the red haired witch.
  -You forgot Oana’s parents. Helena took a plant from her pocket and put it in the pot, along with water and sugar. Firstly, I will make tea for Andrew and Oana’s parents with this special plant. Then I will make another one for us.
  -Why? Michaela asked confused.
  -This plant makes you sleepy after you consume it. It will be easier for us to get out the house.
  -Good thinking; Michaela said with a grin on her face, while watching the water boil.
  When the tea was ready, Michaela went to serve the parents with Helena’s special plant. Helena made sure that Andrew took the right cup, otherwise one of them would have fall asleep by accident.
  An hour later, Michaela went to check the adults. They were sound asleep in their bedroom. Andrew was feeling tired, but he went to the bathroom.
  The girls took this chance to grab their luggage and went outside to call the dragons.
  -What are you doing?! Andrew was standing in the front door, awake and surprised at the sight of the dragons.
  -Busted! Michaela said looking at Oana.
  -Andrew, let me explain! Oana tried to calm him down.
  -Blondie, tell him the truth, it is almost midnight! Laura said looking at her watch.
  Having no other choice, Oana took Andrew with her on the blue dragon and until they reached the Wise Elder’s home, the girls told him the true story. At first, Andrew didn’t believe them, but seeing himself flying on a real dragon’s back what else could he think?
  At the sight of the unwelcome guest, the Wise Elder wasn’t pleased. Oana explained what happened at her house and why they couldn’t let Andrew alone with the sleeping parents.
  -We are sorry, Wise Elder, but what else could we do?
  -I see. The old man replied looking at Andrew. Young man, you are aware that these girls must travel on a different galaxy?
  -Yes, sir. They’ve told me everything on our way here.
  Without any more to say, the Wise Elder took his walking stick with the dragon head and cast a golden portal on one of the room’s walls. Rafael and Gavriel took the girls on the other side of the portal, after Oana kissed Andrew goodbye and off they go, along with the dragons.
  Now Andrew was alone with the old wizard. He didn’t noticed how he got spelled to forget everything he saw in that night. The next morning, he woke up with a headache, so as Oana’s parents.
  -Andrew, where are the girls? Oana’s father, Nick, asked worried.
  -I couldn’t find them anywhere! Oana’s mother, Florence, said worried as well.
  -I don’t know; Andrew answered rubbing his tired eyes. I remember the red haired one, Helena I think, served me a cup of tea and after that I fall asleep.
  Poor ones, they had no idea that the four girls went to Wiearth. But it was for their safety to not know that.
  The bad news was that the Dark Lord found out about the witches departure from the local news:
  “Four girls, that lived in different cities and that had nothing in common with one another, seemed to disappear without a trace. Their disparate families are begging for help or clues in finding them. Here are their photos, so please ladies and gentlemen if you see any one of them or all of them, call 112 immediately (112 is the emergency number in Romania).”
  -So, our little friends are hiding from us! But where? The Dark Lord asked himself, terrified by the thought that the Element Girls found a cure for his curse.
  The Wise Elder was taking all his magical objects and his powerful books with spells. His plan changed a little, but it was still the same. While the six teenagers where on Wiearth to find a cure, he wanted to challenge the Dark Lord in a battle, alone.
  If he would survive, he will make sure that Damian Coldblood will be locked for the rest of his life in one of Wiearth’s most secured prison. If he was defeated, then the Element Girls would better be ready for the battle of their lives.
  Either way, things look bad for the people on planet Earth. With the Clypeum Lunaris in his hands, the Dark Lord could do deadly damage on the only living planet in the Milky Way Galaxy.
  The best thing to do is to hope that the four witches can regain their powers and defeat the evil wizard in time.

Chapter 14 - The Wise Elder vs. The Dark Lord

After the four witches departed, the Wise Elder didn’t waste any more time and took his great books and powerful magic objects to defeat the Dark Lord; while the Element Girls were busy finding a cure for their powers. He send Gavriel and Rafael with them, to make sure that no one will try to stop him.
  Damian Coldblood a.k.a. the Dark Lord and Florin David a.k.a. the Wise Elder were also element wizards. The Dark Lord was a water controlling wizard and the Wise Elder was a fire wizard, reason why he helped Michaela the most in her training.
  The Dark Lord arrived in Bucharest city and sent his crows to search for his ‘dear friend’. The crows found the fire wizard outside the city, in a plane place. He was waiting with calm, holding in his right hand his walking stick with dragon head. He let his left arm free for the same reason as Michaela’s blouse had only a sleeve on the right arm: the left arm is closer to the hearth, therefore, the flames that burst from it can be easily manipulated with that arm.
  Unlike the Wise Elder, Michaela was right handed, therefore it is clear why she had problems in controlling her spells. Usually, on Wiearth, all the fire witches and wizards are left handed. So this leads to the question: Why is Michaela the fire witch if she’s right handed?
  The answer to that will have to wait. For now, let us observe the epic battle.
  After the Dark Lord arrived to face his opponent since they both can remember, he said trying to sound polite:
  -How long it has been since we last saw each other, Florin?
  -Since you start being obsessed to destroy planet Earth because of our ancestors past!
  -And my reason is right!
  -Wrong, we should learn from our history or it will repeat itself again.
  -Oh, shut up and die, old fool! Gladium glacies (ice sword)!
  -Flammeum gladium (fire sword)! I heard that my pupil, Michaela, managed to melt your sword.
  -When she had her powers, and her friends. But now I have all four elements. Ventus scutum (wind shield)! Arma Terrae (earth armor)!
  With these spells, the evil wizard had not only an ice sword, but also a wind shield and an earth hard armor to protect him. The Wise Elder used his dragon head with pearl in his mouth and made his fire sword stronger. The flames color changed from orange-red into white and blue, like the ones burning when you turn on the stove.
  The two wizards fought with all their weapons, spells and strength. After a long time of launching blasts, rejecting attacks and dodging spells, the Wise Elder was tired. His forehead was full of drops of sweat and his old body was trembling from all the effort.
  -If you wish to die fast, tell me where are your little witches? The Dark Lord asked demanding.
  -I will never tell you, even if I die! Artificium bullet (firework bullet)!
  From his left palm, many bullets that explode as the fireworks hit the Dark Lord, setting his black clothes on fire. The fire was extinguished when the evil wizard’s body became all water. He then took his human form and froze his opponent:
  -Sepulcrum glacies (iced coffin)!
  The Wise Elder’s body was covered with thick ice, which temperature was far below zero degrees. His walking stick with dragon head felt aside him in time, otherwise it would have been blocked in the ice coffin along with its owner.
  -I will take this as a winning prize! The Dark Lord said with an evil smile and without mercy he summoned all four elements making a huge sphere from all of them. On the outside the sphere was water and wind; and on the inside was earth and fire. Time to say good-bye, my opponent. But don’t feel sad, your beloved witches will be with you shortly, after I WILL KILL THEM TOO! HAHAHA...!
  The sphere was thrown on the block of ice and destroyed it. The Wise Elder was nothing more now than tiny little pieces of ice on the ground.
  Damian Coldblood disappeared without a trace leaving behind the sound of his evil laughter.
  What he didn’t know, was that Gavriel and Rafael returned to Earth to ask the Wise Elder if he changed his mind about coming with them on Wiearth. The two boys didn’t found him in his apartment, so Rafael cast a spell that should lead them to the old wizard.
  -Invenit in Wise Elder (find the Wise Elder)!
  After the words were spoken, a bright yellow arrow appeared in the air and lead the boys right where the fire wizard was now a pile of iced pieces. Rafael stifled on the ground and shouted with tears in his eyes:
  -I knew it, I knew it! He went to face Coldblood in battle all alone!
  -And he lost! Gavriel was also crying and holding two pieces of ice. What shall we do now? He asked his brother.
  Rafael said with his eyes still wet:
  -Call all the witches and wizards known by the Wise Elder to help us give him the funeral that he deserves.
  They did as planed. At first, the wizards and witches were terrified at the sight of the ice pieces, but managed in the end to put them in a white wooden coffin. They also cast a special spell that prevents the ice from melting. This way the organic pieces of the old wizard were kept intact, at least until the funeral is over.
  Meanwhile, the four Earth witches were knowing the Oracle better, not having a clue about the tragedy that took place after their departure. But when they will find out, things will start with a cry on Wiearth.

 Pictures: Oana, Laura, Helena and Michaela.




Chapter 15 - The funeral

Oana, Laura, Helena and Michaela were transported to a huge breath-taking room. The walls were painted in light blue, making you to confuse them with the sky, the tall marble columns had plant hangers around them in spiral with pink flowers. The floor was made of some king of hard glass that reflected the viewers image. At one end of the room was a big wooden double door and at the other end an opaque dark pink curtain that caught the four girls attention.
  -I wonder, what is behind it?! Oana asked her friends while moving towards the curtain.
  She didn’t make it far, because a soft female voice behind the mysterious curtain made her stop:
  -Have a little patience while I finish looking into my crystal ball.
  -What is so important that you can’t come out and meet us, face to face?! Laura asked getting more curious of the strange person.
  -Fine, I’m coming out. The voice sounded as if the person had cried all that time behind the curtain. When she came into the light, her image made the four new arrivals to gaze at her in silence. She was as tall as Laura, with light blond wavy hair and straight bangs that covered her thin eyebrows, her eyes were as blue as the walls and her perfect white skin looked like it was made out of pearls.
  -Who are you? Laura asked with a tiny bid of jealousy in her voice. She never met a girl that could be more beautiful than her, but now she realized how her rivals from school felt about her all this time.
  -My name is Petra, the Oracle of Wiearth, granddaughter of The Wise Elder.
  -This means that Rafael and Gavriel are your cousins. Laura said with ease, because she thought that her boyfriend might leave her for the pretty blond.
  -Yes. Petra responded softly.
  -Why are you sad? I thought that you will be happy to meet the last witches from Earth. Seeing her sad face, Helena couldn’t keep quiet too much. Besides Mother Nature, she also was caring about people’s feelings.
  -This is the reason why I was standing behind that curtain. I didn’t want you to see what my crystal ball just showed me.
  After getting tired of waiting long minutes for the Oracle to show up, Michaela went to the crystal ball, but she couldn’t see a thing in it. With her right index finger she began pressing the ball, in hope that it will do something. Soon she stop and asked Petra:
  -And how does this thing work?
  -Are you sure you want to see what I saw? You four just got here and I hate to make you sad.
  The other three witches gathered around the round table where the crystal ball was held in a silver heart shaped plinth. From the looks of their faces, Petra was convinced that these witches were more firm than she thought they were.
  -Have it your way, Earth witches.
  The five girls watched through the sparkling glass how their teacher, the Wise Elder was fighting against the Dark Lord. To their disappointment and horror, they saw how the Dark Lord won the fight, and how Rafael, Gavriel, witches and wizards put the last pieces of the Wise Elder into a white coffin. Unable to see anything else, Petra made the crystal ball to stop.
  -No, no, no ... Oana was trembling with her eyes closed, trying to hold her tears from falling down her cheeks.
  -I hoped that you wouldn’t see this tragedy. Petra said looking sadder at the Element Girls.
  -This it why he send us away? To fight that devil all alone?! Michaela asked Petra while grabbing her roughly by the arms.
  Petra, although Michaela was hurting her, she took the fire witch into her arms and tried to calm her down. On the other side, Helena and Laura looked at their leader confused and hurt.
  -I don’t know what we’re going to do from now on! Oana said, guessing her friends thoughts.
  Outside the White Palace, home of the Oracle, in its back yard all the important witches and wizards came to witness the departure from the greatest wizard that The Light Kingdom had in many years.
  Unlike Earth, which had many countries, Wiearth had only six major lands, separated by oceans. In the North of the planet was The Dark Kingdom, in South was The Light Kingdom, where our four heroines had arrived. From West to East, this is how the other four lands were located: Water Empire, Wind Deserts, Meadows and Hills and Fire Territory.
  With these being said, let us continue the funeral event.
  Like it is said above, the Wise Elder was buried in the back yard of the White Palace, which was he’s home since he was born. To his funeral, all his friends, relatives and other people that he met during his life, came in this sad day to say their good-byes. As a reward for his good doings, Petra convinced some of the wizards to help the Wise Elder’s last students overcome the Dark Lord’s curse of not being able to use magic any more.
  -Petra, we don’t want to be a burden to anybody. Oana said after a consultation with her friends.
  -You won’t be. We are more than happy to help you. Petra assured them all.
  -Petra’s right. If you girls manage to get your powers back then ... Gavriel begun.
  - ... then you can revenge our grandfather by killing Coldblood. Rafael ended.
  -Raf, I wanted to say that. Gavriel scold his brother.
  The next day, Petra called her new friends in the same room where they arrived on Wiearth. The Element Girls saw that a pale skin girl, with purple short hair and dark green eyes was talking to Petra.
  -So, they are the famous Element Girls that everyone on Wiearth is talking about now. The purple haired girls said, examining the new arrivals from head to toe.
  -And who are ya? The princess of darkness?! Michaela asked her sharply, noticing her gothic clothes.
  -You must be the smart one. Yes, I am Violet, the princess of The Dark Kingdom, home of Dark Magic.
  -Nice meeting ya, but Oana is the smart one and she is also the leader of our group. Michaela shook hands with Violet and pointed to Oana.

 (You must be amazed to see Michaela being social and nice in front of someone. Well, this is because Violet and her have close personalities. Violet is the punk or maybe said gothic girl, while Michaela is a mixture between emo and punk. So basically, yes, they are compatible from this point of view.)


Oana felt a little bit insulted. She consoled herself thinking that Violet said Michaela was the smart one because she wears glasses. Most of the time people think that if a person wears glasses, they have the impression that those people must have a higher intelligence.
  -Yes, I am the leader because the girls wanted me to be. And these are Laura and Helena. Oana said to Violet.
  -Don’t expect us to bow in front of you, just because you’re a princess. Laura said after seeing how Helena actually bowed in front of Violet.
  -You can do whatever you want, I don’t care. Violet responded, moving her attention to her manicure.

  Author’s Note: Sorry, but the first book of the series ends here. If you want to read more, please be patient until I begin the second book. Hope you are curious about the two new witches, Petra and Violet. Here are the images of them:

Pictures: Petra and Violet.




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.11.2011

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