

Glendale, Texas

July 14, 2006

A slight breeze blew across the small west Texas town, giving those outside on this hot, July day a moment of relief from the searing heat. The sounds of children playin in the water could be heard in the distance. One woman barely noticed the breeze, the heat or the sounds as she absentmindedly wipe sweat from her forehead and stapled a flyer to the last telephone pole on the block. She had a mission and she wanted to be finished before the sun went down. She knew what came out at night in this town and how corrupt the child welfare system was Soon, everyone would know just how corrupt it was. The woman walked down the block to where her car was parked, not noticing the man walking behind her, stopping to read the flyer she had just put up. He smiled at what he read and knew he had found someone else to help him with his plan. A plan that had been building for twenty five years. He memorized the name and phone number written on the flyer and walked away toward his car. He started the car when the woman’s name clicked in his mind. Her children had been part of the recent thirteen children to disappear. He quickly drove away, praying that it was not already to late to get her to join him and those that were helping him fight an evil no one had seen before.

Two years later

The man sat behind his desk, staring at the man and two women seated before him. He was not happy with these three who worked for him. His piercing blue eyes seemed to stare right through them and into their souls, searching for their deepest secrets and the man fought not to run screaming from the room. He had seen what the other man could do to those that did not do as they were ordered. He still remembered the screams and all the blood from the man who had been here before him. He shuddered and tried not to show his fear as he looked back at his boss.
David stared at the three people in front of him and sighed. “I want to know what happened with this case. I was told it was all but finished, that the judge would rule in our favor. Now I find out that the children were reunited with their family. Someone messed up and I want to know who.”
The younger man cleared his throat. “Sir, all we know so far is that the judge had a visit with a man and woman this morning before the hearing. Our sources tell us after this meeting, he came out of his chambers looking a little shaken. No one can seem to find out what happened during that meeting, but we are still questioning him.”
David glared at him then slammed his fist down on the desk, causing the three to jump. “I want to talk to this judge myself. Bring him to me tonight. Now, I understand that there is some group going around advising people how to keep DCP from entering their homes and taking their children. I want to know who these people are and I want them taken care of. Am I clear?”
One of the women nodded. “Yes sir, I will get right on that.”
David nodded and stood. He turned toward the window behind him. “You three know what ya’ll are to do. You are dismissed.”
The three quickly left the office, relieved that they were not being punished. All of them had seen just what could happen if they displeased their boss too much. David grinned as he stared out the window. He had known how afraid they were of them. He could smell their fear and it was sweet. He really wanted to know who was working against him and the man he worked for. He wanted to crush them, to hear them scream as he crushed their bones, and tortured them. He smiled at the thought. Anyone passing by the window would have shuddered if they had seen that smile. It was full of evil.

The big, black panther sniffed the air and growled from behind the bushes where she was hiding. Slowly three adults and two children stepped out from the bushes and quickly headed to the van parked in front of the house they had come out of. The panther kept alert for any dangers as she followed slowly behind. Satisfied that the coast was clear, she jumped into the van and it sped off.
Robert looked over at the panther and grinned. “Almost done, then you can rest.”
The panther just stared at him with her violet eyes and Robert was glad she was on their side. He looked into the rearview mirror and found the eyes of the other man. “Do you know what to do once you get to your next stop?”
The man nodded. He was about to speak when Robert stopped him. “I don’t need you to tell me. Call me paranoid but the people we are up against would do anything. For all we know they have put a bug on this van.”
The panther’s eyes went wide, and Robert softly smiled. “Don’t worry. It’s just a precaution. The less said the better.”
An hour later, Robert and the panther watched an airplane take off and both sighed with relief. They had saved another family from being torn apart. They walked back to the van, where the panther slowly changed and Alexis stood in it’s place. She clinched her teeth at the pain she had grown use to over the years and sighed. She quickly dressed and climbed into the front seat. She looked over at Robert. “You honestly think they might have planted a bug on the van without us noticing?”
Robert sighed. “You know how evil these people are. With them anything is possible. After I drop you at home, I am going to get rid of this van. By morning there will be no trace of it anywhere.”
Alexis nodded. She yawned and laid her head against the window. She was exhausted. For the last three days, they had secretly gotten families out of town. Families that had been investigated for neglect or children abuse, when their only crime was living below the poverty level. She knew the anxiety and fear these families went through. She had lived through it four years previously and had sworn then no other families would go through it just because they had no money to fight a corrupt system.
She jumped out of the van when Robert pulled in front of her house. She looked at him through the open window and grinned. “We did good tonight. Be careful. David and the others who work for him are trying hard to find out who we are.”
Robert nodded and pulled away. Alexis watched him until the taillights on the van had disappeared, then went into her house where her Aunt Clara was sitting on the couch watching television and waiting as she had done for several years. Alexis took a moment to stare at the older woman who had been her mother and father all in one since she was six years old. Clara was fifty five but a stranger could easily mistake her for early forties. Her dark brown hair had no trace of gray and her face was unlined. Alexis smiled as the other woman looked at her. “Well, we got another family off safely. Robert went to get rid of the van. He thinks it might be bugged and doesn’t want to take any chances.”
Clara nodded. “Probably for the best. Come sit down. I have something to tell you.”
Alexis walked over and sat on the couch beside Clara, seeing the worry in the other woman’s blue eyes. “What’s going on?”
Clara sighed and looked away. “The doctor called today with my test results. I have stage four ovarian cancer. He says its inoperable but maybe with radiation and chemotherapy, I can beat it.”
Alexis stared in shock at her aunt. She felt as if someone had punched her in the throat and for a moment she could not speak. She felt the tears spring up behind her eyes but pushed them back and swallowed around the lump that had formed in her throat. “Well, we can get a second opinion. Maybe the doctor is wrong.”
Clara shook her head and took Alexis’ hand. “I have already gone to a specialist. I know this is a shock, but I am not worried. I will fight this just as I have everything else life has thrown at me.”
Alexis nodded. Clara had gone through a lot in her life from living with abusive parents, to two abusive ex-husbands then losing her brother, Alexis’ dad sixteen years previously. Alexis let go of her aunt’s hand and stood. “I am making some coffee. Would you like any?”
Clara shook her head. “No, thanks. I think I am going to bed and read for awhile. It has been a long day. Don’t stay up to late.”
Alexis nodded and walked into the kitchen. She could not shake the feeling that things were about to get a whole lot worse.

A man stepped from the shadow of a tree in Alexis’ backyard and sighed. He had been sent to watch over the young lady and he wasn’t sure it was a good idea. He was suppose to remain impartial to those he kept a look out for, but there was something about the young woman that told him this could turn out to be more than just another assignment.

Chapter One
February 1, 2010
Libertyville, Utah

Alexis pulled the last of her ancestors journals from the box and set them on top of the book shelf in the living room. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and stood to survey her work and sighed. She had moved to Utah two weeks ago and finally had everything unpacked. She was glad her new job didn’t start for a week. She planned to use that time to read the journals and try to find away to defeat those she knew in her heart had killed her aunt.
Clara had died two months ago in the hospital of the ovarian cancer, at least that is what the doctors told her, but Alexis knew better. There was evil in this world and she planned to get rid of it without dying. Her ancestors had tried for centuries and all had failed, but Alexis planned to win. Even if it meant she would die too. She pushed a strand of hair from her face and picked up the empty box and walked out of her bedroom, to the kitchen. She set the box by the back door, pour a cup of coffee into her favorite mug and went back to her bedroom where she pulled a journal from the shelf. It was the one written first. She hoped to find some answers here and in the other journals. She walked into the living room, set her coffee on the side table and sat down. She opened the journal to the first page and began to read.

October 9, 1798

My beautiful daughter Katherine was born just a few hours ago and I am so happy. So is Robert, but my mother believes something is wrong with her. She says her eyes are not right. That a newborn baby should not have such blue eyes. I tried to tell her that all babies are born with dark blue eyes, but of course she does not listen, treats me as if I am a child even though I am married. Robert says something is going to happen soon and he feels we should move to North America before things here get really bad. Since he is my husband, I shall do as he says and move although I do not want to be that far from my parents. I would probably never see them again. I am tired. I will sleep now until it is time for the baby to wake and eat.

October 23, 1798
Well we are now on our way to North America. Robert says this move will be good for us. A new start and all. But I fear there is something more at work here. He seems worried but when I ask him what is wrong, he tells me everything is fine. Yesterday as we were boarding the ship, I caught him looking over his shoulder as if the very devil himself was chasing us. I must go, Robert is calling me.

November 6, 1798
How could this have happened? We were suppose to begin a new life in North America together, but I have lost my dear husband. Someone killed him. The captain of this ship has been very helpful during this trying time, but I do not know how I will care for myself and little Katherine once we get to North America. There is a woman on this ship who has told me she knows what is going on and is willing to tell me if I meet with her this evening at dinner. Although I am very afraid of what she might have to say, I will go. I must know what is going on and why Robert was killed. Time to get ready.

November 20, 178
This is not good. I never thought evil could actually be in this world but I have found out it is. This evil is what has killed my husband and they are after my child. I must not let that happen. Miss Whitemore, a very nice lady who is on her way to North America has explained to me what is going on and even after all this time, I am not sure what to believe. I am scared but I must go on to keep my child safe from those who would take her and give her to a very evil man. This man has kidnapped children for centuries to give to his Master in order to be able to live forever. This Master wants my child because it is believed she had special powers. How can this be? She looks perfectly normal to me. Miss Whitemore says we wont know until she turns thirteen what kind of gift she has. God give me strength to fight and keep my child safe.

December 4, 1798
I fear this journey will take forever. I am so ready to be off the ship. Some sort of sickness has befallen much of the crew and we are forced to stay in our rooms. Luckily Miss Whitemore is staying with us and I at least have adult conversation. I believe the evil that is after my child has caused this sickness on the ship. I have prayed that God will keep the evil from my door so I might get my child to safety in North America.

December 18, 1798
Today I got married again. Roger is a nice young man who has agreed to take care of me and Katherine in North America. I feel bad that I can not love him as I loved Robert, but he says he understands. He says he does not mind. He knows all about the evil and I believe that he is skeptical but he has kept an open mind. Dinner Time.

January 1, 1799
It is a new year and I look to it with optimism. Soon we will be in North America and a new life. I am still aware of the danger, but I believe the evil has receded for now. The crew is much better and the sickness is gone. I fear though that the evil will try again one day to get my daughter. Roger and I decided once we get to North America we will travel to the west and maybe no one will be able to find us.

October 9, 1811
Katherine is thirteen today. How can that be? It seems as if just yesterday she was a baby, safe in my arms and now she is nearly grown. Roger and I have settled in this new world and although over the years we have had troubles, nothing like that evil that was once after my precious daughter has come to pass. Maybe the man has forgotten about her. I hear something outside.

October 23, 1811
We buried my mother today. Aunt Glenda gave me this journal and said I should continue to write about my life and finish what my mother started years ago. I have read what she wrote before and I am saddened that the evil she thought was gone has found us. Daddy says we might have to move and get away from this evil. I hope not. I do not want to leave my friends. I haven’t told anyone but I can hear what they are thinking. It is scary. I know that if they knew I would be hanged as a witch. I must keep silent about this and hope it is only temporary.

November 6, 1811
Aunt Glenda has found out about what she calls my gift and she says it is not a sign that I am a witch, that it is a gift from God. I begged her not to tell Daddy. He has enough to deal with right now. Glenda says that I can use this gift to fight the evil that is here but I don’t know how yet. She says I will learn. Sometimes this gift scares me and I want it gone, but sometimes its fun. There is something going on outside and I hear daddy yelling.

Alexis closed the journal, tired of reading for the day and sighed. So far nothing had told her what she needed to know. She wanted to get rid of David now but she knew impatience would get her killed. She picked up her coffee mug, took a sip and winced at the bitter taste. The coffee had gone cold. She walked to the kitchen and poured it down the sink. She put some fresh in her mug and walked out the back door and smiled. The site before her never failed to help her relax, not matter how stressed she was. The mountains stood high reaching toward the sky with just a small amount of snow at their peaks. Alexis sipped her coffee and stared out at the mountains, wishing she could change into the panther and just run. She shook her head and walked back into the house. She had work to do and could not spend this time playing. She walked over to her computer, turned it on and waited while it warmed up. She had a book to write and if she was ever going to be a published author, she had to get to work.

Hunter stared down at the woman laying at his feet and sighed. The one thing that he noticed was how much she looked like Alexis. The same reddish blonde hair and similar body shape. The girl had been strangled and the ME thought maybe raped but was not sure. It was certain she had been tortured before finally the killer put her out of her misery. She had cigarette burns up and down her arms, and cut marks across her torso. Hunter had not wanted to intrude into her life, but he had to tell Alexis that someone was out to kill her. He sighed and walked away from the body, not looking forward to what he had to do next. It was not going to be pleasant. He also knew that things were about to get a whole that worse.

Chapter Two
February 3, 2010
Libertyville, Utah

Alexis sat up right in bed, her breath coming in gasps as she quickly reached for the lamp beside her bed and turned it on. She could feel that someone was in her home. The sound of broken glass is what had awakened her and she held her breath, listening for the breathe of the other person. The fear quickly turned to panic, but she pushed it away as she got out of bed and put on her robe. She was about to go investigate the kitchen, when she was pushed away from the door and thrown on the floor. She heard her bedroom door shut and looked at the man standing there. She recognized him from the funeral and glared. “What are you doing here?”
He glared back and put his hand over her mouth. “Shut up unless you want to be the next to die.”
Alexis thought about changing into the panther, but Hunter shook his head. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. The guy who is outside was sent here to kill you and he will stop at nothing. Grab some clothes and change quickly. We have to get out of here and get somewhere safe.”
Alexis wasn’t sure about going with this man she had only spoken to once but when she heard her computer crash to the floor in the living room, she quickly grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt from her dresser. She put them on then pulled a backpack out from under her bed. She dumped all the journals into it and looked at the man. “Well, I’m ready.”
Hunter quickly opened the window and helped her through it, handed her, her backpack and followed her out the window. They ran around to the front of the house where Hunter had parked his car earlier in the evening and got in. Hunter drove away from the house and looked over at Alexis. She was staring out the window, confused as to what was going on and wondering if it had to do with the work her and Robert where doing. Hunter sighed. “You can tell me its none of my business but why was that guy after you?”
Alexis stared at him for a moment then stared out the window shield. “I don’t know for sure but I believe this man named David sent him. I work with a group of people who help families that don’t have the money to fight a corrupt system within the child welfare system. David works for someone who pays him and others to take children and give them to families with money. Once these children are old enough, David’s boss takes them somewhere and they are never seen again.”
Hunter nodded. “So it’s the same thing your mother was doing when she disappeared?”
Alexis turned to him, a shocked look on her face. “What are you talking about?”
“I will tell you as soon as we get to my motel room where it is safe. I guess Clara did not tell you everything.”
Alexis turned back to the window, wondering if maybe the fight she had taken up six years ago was the cause of her parents disappearances. She remembered the day her father had gone away to search for her mother. She was sitting on Clara’s couch, thirteen and scared about what was happening to her body. Roger Davenport had sat her down and explained as best he good what was going on. “Honey, I have to go away for awhile to look for your mother. I know that what you are going through is hard to understand but Clara will help you with that. She understands it a bit better than me but I do know that you are what they call a shape shifter. Apperantly your animal is a panther. Clara will teach you to control it so that you don’t kill anyone. I will be back as soon as I found out what has happened to your mother.”
Alexis was told later that her father had disappeared and her mother was more than likely dead. She sighed and shook the memories away. Now was not the time. The evil had finally found her and she was determined not to let them win. She had to find a way to defeat the evil and for that she needed the journals.

Two hours later Alexis was alone in the motel room Hunter had gotten for them. She stared at the bed in the other room and for a split second her thoughts wondered. She could see him kissing her, looking deep into her eyes as he pushed her toward the bed. She shook her head and picked up the journal she had been reading several days ago. When she had stopped reading, Katherine had heard a noise outside. Alexis opened the journal and began to read.

November 7, 1811

We almost lost Daddy last night. Today we all decided we are moving west. Somehow the people in this town found out about my gift and they want to hang me as a witch. Daddy and Aunt Glenda have said they are not going to let that happen. I don’t want to leave my friends but its too dangerous to stay here. There is one man that kept smiling at me last night when all the townspeople where at our door. I didn’t like the way he looked at me. I got a shiver up my spine and his eyes seem to look deep into my soul and see my deepest darkest secrets. I have to go. Daddy is calling me to start packing.

October 24, 1816

I was reading over my journal entries from years ago and realized just how much time has past since I wrote in here. A lot has happened since then. Aunt Glenda, my father and I all moved to a strange land with what people where calling savages but I don’t see how. They are people just like we are, they just have different ways. A year ago I got married to a wonderful man, named Richard. I can tell he loves me and two weeks ago I gave birth to our beautiful daughter Tamara. I pray the evil that is after me will not find her and she has a happy and safe life. I am not sure but I was walking around town yesterday and I thought a saw a familiar face but I could be mistaken. The baby is crying. I must go feed her.

November 21, 1816
Today has been an interesting day. A man approached me in town today and says he knows who is after me. He says the man works for the devil but I wonder if that is just ramblings of an insane mind. He seems to know my mother and grandmother from when they lived in England but he would not tell me more since Richard had walked up to me before he could say more. He asked me to meet him tonight at the oak tree beside our barn. I am apprehensive about meeting him but if he knows a way to stop the man who would kill me to take my gift, I must know.

November 22, 1816
I met with the man. His name is Hunter and although he says he is a vampire, he does not seem that evil to me. He has a sadness in his eyes I have never seen before. He told me the man who is after me is named David and several years ago begged Satan for a favor, to be made immortal. Satan agreed but on one condition. David has to search for children that have the gifts that my family has. Hunter says it is not just my family who has these gifts, that many other people have them even if they do not know it. I fear for myself and my daughter. I told Richard what is going on and although he seems skeptical, I know he loves me enough to realize that there is a real threat.

December 6, 1816
The most awful thing has happened. My dear husband has been killed by the evil man David. David was trying to kidnap Tamara and Richard caught him and paid with his life. Hunter has agreed to stay and protect us until we are able to leave this place. Aunt Glenda says the we should move south. I am so afraid of what might happen. Hunter has told me that soon I will have to explain to Tamara what is going on so she knows better how to fight David. He says once we are settled down south, he will go search to find out how to kill David and end the evil forever.

Alexis shut the journal in shock and jumped when the door opened. She stared at Hunter as he brought in the food he had bought for her. She wondered if he was the same Hunter mentioned in the journal. If he was, and he was actually a vampire, could she trust him, she wondered.
Hunter could feel Alexis’ eyes on him and knew she had some how found out about him. He had been hoping he could wait until later to tell her about his past. He set the food on the small table in the corner of the room and turned around. “What’s wrong?”
Alexis shook her head, got off the bed and walked over to the table where the smell of food made her stomach growl. “Nothing. I am just hungry.”
Hunter noticed that she kept well away from him and was tense. “You know about me, don’t you?”
Alexis looked up at him. “If you’re the Hunter my ancestor Katherine wrote about then yes I do. I just wonder why you didn’t tell me yourself.”
Hunter sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed. “I was going to tell you, but I wanted to make sure we were safer before I did.”
“Like hiding out with a vampire is really all that safe?”
Hunter shook his head. “I am no danger to you. I made a vow to Katherine when she died that I would watch over and protect your family as best I could. I couldn’t keep David from killing them but I swear I will keep him from killing you and we are going to find out how to kill him.”
Alexis stared at him a moment and could see he was telling the truth. She looked away and busied herself with the food before her thoughts wandered into forbidden territory. She had never been this nervous around a man before, and it had nothing to do with him being a vampire. If she was not careful, she could end up falling in love with him. She took the chicken and mashed potatoes and went to sit on the bed.
Hunter watched her for a moment then went and looked out the window. He couldn’t look at her sitting on that bed. Her strawberry blonde hair hung down in waves past her shoulders and he wondered what it would look like spread out on a pillow with him on top of her. He shook his head and sighed. Now was not the time. He turned and saw that she was done eating and smiled. “I guess you were more hungry than you thought.”
Alexis smiled and nodded. “Almost getting killed tends to do raise my appetite. So, tell me how you came to get involved with my family.”
Hunter sighed and went to sit on the other bed. “First you have to know how I became a vampire. Get comfortable because this story is a long one.”

Three hours later, Alexis was showered and in her shorts and a tank top, sitting on the bed. Hunter was standing beside the window looking out at the mountains. He knew it was time to tell his story. He sighed. “Centuries ago, I was an adventurous young man. I was also rebellious and became friends with a strange young man named David. At the time, all the things he was doing seemed fun and excited. One day several months after I had met David, my father tried to forbid me to hang out with him. Being the sort of man I was, I refused and left home at 19. David and I decided to travel around what is now Europe. We had a blast until two years later when I made the mistake of meeting a hooker in a brothel in England. She was gorgeous and it was clear she had not been working at her job long. I feel for her charms and two days later, I woke to find that I could no longer walk in the sun and I had this awful thirst for human blood. The hooker was gone and I was left to fumble through this new life, or death as the case may be, alone. I search for David but could not find him until two months later. He caught me feeding off one of the homeless in some country I cant even think of the name of now. He threatened to go to the authorities if I did not make him like me, but I refused and quickly went back to England where I found out my father had died. I sold the estate and traveled all over the world, not caring who I killed or what I was doing until the day I met your ancestor, Clara. She was so beautiful, with black hair down her back and the deepest blue eyes I had ever seen. She came to me with a problem. She said that a man kept following her and would not leave her alone and she was afraid he might harm her. At first I rejected the idea of being her protector but when David broke into her house one night and tried to kill her, I knew something had to be done. I told her husband, Roger, he had to move his young family to what is now the United States in order to get away from David. Clara had a gift and David was determined to have that gift. He had learned the only way to get the gift was to kill the person with that gift. What he did not realize is once he killed Clara, the gift would not go to him but to her daughter Katherine. Clara had the gift of being able to tell the future and it was not yet possible to know what gift Katherine might have. Your ancestors all had gifts. At least the women anyway.
Anyways, Roger quickly moved his family to North America but tragically Roger was killed trying to keep Clara safe while they were on the boat to North America. David had somehow found out that they were leaving and secured a seat on the boat. Clara was able to get away. She and her new husband traveled to what is now New York City, but it wasn’t long before David found them. He killed Clara when Katherine was thirteen. Katherine already had one gift. The gift of hearing other people’s thoughts and now she had to contend with being able to know the future. One day the townspeople had found out that Katherine had these gifts and were determined to hang her as a witch but her step-father agreed to moved him, his sister and Katherine out of town. They went west to what is now California. I followed because I had made a vow to Clara to keep her family safe. Since I was not able to keep Clara from being killed, I was determined to keep Katherine safe. David ended up finding them in California and tried to kill Katherine but only succeded in killing her new husband. She, her daughter Tamara and her aunt moved to what is now Texas and began a new life. I promised Katherine I would try to find a way to kill David before he killed her but tragically I was too late. I went to find them in Texas and found out Katherine had been killed trying to protect Tamara from one of the men David hired to kidnap her. As the years went by, David somehow became richer and richer and was able to hire other people to do his dirty work. When the Child Protection Services was founded, David found a way to corrupt that system in order to find children he could kill in order to get the gifts they had. He pays a lot of money to judges, social workers and attorneys to make sure certain children are not returned to their families. I tried to keep you from having your children taken but I when I finally got back to Texas and found you, it was too late. I am sorry.”
Alexis smiled a little. “It’s not your fault. It’s not easy to fight a system as corrupt as the CPS. I have been fighting them for years with the help of others, who like me, had no money to fight the system. At least I know my children did not get sent to David as so many have already done. I am not even sure he knows I have had children. The only thing I am worried about is if history repeats itself, I have maybe a year and a half before Ashley turns thirteen. She will come into her gift then and if I can keep from dying, she will only have one to contend with.”
Hunter frowned and a hard, steely look came into his eyes. “I am here to make sure that does not happen. Although you are safer than your ancestors were. You are the only one who has the gift of shape shifting. I hope it will be enough to keep you safe from David. Now get some sleep. We have a long drive tomorrow.”
Alexis cocked her eyebrow. “Where are we going?”
“I have a source in Texas that I need to talk to and he will only talk to me in person. He believes his phones are tapped.”
Alexis nodded and got under the sheets. She closed her eyes and soon the sweet oblivion of sleep over took her.
Hunter watched her sleep for a moment and wondered what it would be like to hold her in his arms for the night. He shook his and turned away. He could not think that way. There was no way they could be together, no matter what his feelings for her. She wouldn’t want him anyway. He was a monster and always would be until the day he decided to step out into the sun and end his existence forever.

Chapter Three

Glendale, Texas
February 24, 2010

David paced the floor of his office for a moment and turned to glare at the woman seated in front of his desk. “Let me get this straight. You thought you had the woman I have been looking for, but now you say you lost her? How did that happen?”
The woman was shaking in her chair but tried hard not to show it. “Sir, she moved out of Texas several months ago from the information we have gathered and no one we have talked to can tell us where she moved to.”
David turned and stared into the fire he had, had his receptionist start before he got to work that morning. He had been searching for Alexis for years. Once he killed her off, he would finally get the one thing he wanted. The power to shape shift. He turned back to the woman and smiled. “I understand. You did what you could. Now its up to me. Go with Walter. He will take you to get your payment.”
The woman was so relieved to be away from David, she did not realize until it was too late what was going to happen. David could hear her screams all the way from the basement and smiled again. He moved over to his desk and picked up the phone. “Glenda, call up Karrie and tell her Rhonda won’t be at work today and that they need to start looking for a replacement.”
He walked over to the window behind his desk and looked the window. The view was beautiful with a carefully manicured lawn and several trees. He remembered when this place was still just a clump of dirt, no green grass or trees anywhere, just tumbleweeds and mesquite bushes. He had worked hard to make this place the way he wanted and he wasn’t about to give it all up because of one woman. He clenched his fist but resisted the urge to punch the window. He had to keep a clear head. Soon, she would be dead and the circle would be complete.

February 22, 1817
I am still in mourning for the death of my husband, but Hunter says its time to fight David. That he will not stop until Tamara and I are dead. I am so scared I will not be able to fight the evil that has befallen us, but I know I must. It is either fight or run as my ancestors did before me. That has not worked as David always found them. So, I will fight. Hunter says he has some ideas about how to fight him that might work, but it will take time. I pray I have the strength to do this. At least for Tamara’s sake.

October 9, 1829
My mom gave me this journal to write in today. She says it will help me when what she calls my gift starts bothering me. I am not sure I like being able to tell the future. It is scary to think that all of what I have seen might actually come true. Mother says she can hear what other people are thinking. I wish I could have gotten that gift. I would really like to know if this boy, Richard likes me. He is so cute.

April 9, 1830
The most awful thing has happened. Mother was killed today. The evil man David who has been after us did it and I saw everything. Mother thought she had a way to kill him once and for all but it did not work. Hunter says he will take me traveling and train me to be able to fight David and maybe we will find a way to finally kill him. He also told me I will have mother’s gift. I don’t want it if the price is her death. I would rather have her here with me to help me through all this.

June 9, 1830
I think we might have found it. A way to kill David once and for all but Hunter says it will take time to find. There is a sliver knife crafted by some monks far away that is poison for those who work for Satan. He heard about this knife from a friend he went to see yesterday. Mysteriously that friend has died and Hunter is upset.

December 9, 1830
We have traveled to the place it was said the knife was, but the knife is gone. The monks told Hunter it was stolen two weeks ago. The description they gave Hunter of the man who stole it sounds like David. I fear we will never stop him. It seems he is always one step ahead. There is something going on outside. I must go see what is going on.

Alexis put the journal she was reading down when Hunter walked into the room with coffee. She smiled her thanks at him and took the cup. Their fingers touch and she felt as if she had been electrocuted. She was able to keep from jumping and wondered if he had felt the same thing. He had already turned away from her so she couldn’t tell. She shrugged and took a sip of her coffee. “I was reading Tamara’s journal entries. Did ya’ll ever find the sliver knife or does David still have it?”
Hunter sat down at the table and shook his head. “I believe David still has it, although just touching the thing would kill him. I am still not sure how he was able to carry the thing out of the monastery. If we could get into his house and steal that knife, it could be what kills him. I went and looked around his house last night while you were asleep. It will not be easy to get in there and damn near impossible for two people.”
Alexis set her coffee on the side table and jumped up. “Wait, you had already planned to break into his house without telling me? We are in this together. I have more to lose than you do. Not just my life is at stake here.”
“Look. I am sorry. I should have told you. I thought maybe I could break in myself, steal the knife and give it to you to use. This is your fight and I just wanted to help. I realized after I saw the armed guards and dogs, that it is gonna take more than just us to pull this off. Now we can sit here and argue or we can plan how we are gonna do this. What do you say?”
Alexis sighed and sat back down. “Your right, but from here on out, you tell me everything, even if you think I don’t need to hear it. If I can’t trust you, then it will get me killed and I am trying to prevent that.”
Hunter nodded. He sipped the coffee on the table and sighed. “Okay. We are gonna need several people to pull this off. And even then it will not be easy.”
Alexis smiled. “Let me call up a few friends. They are always up for a challenge.”

Chapter Four

Glendale, Texas
March 24, 2010

David’s mansion was just as ugly as he was on the inside. The color was gray, like smoke that had settle to the ceiling and just set there. The front door boosted a door knocker of a dragon with its mouth open and it was gold. Two gargoyles with large fangs guarded the front door. Alexis cocked an eyebrow and looked at Hunter. “I thought gargoyles were suppose to protect the dwelling from evil?”
Hunter shrugged and looked over the lawn, searching for the dogs he knew would be patrolling the area. He wanted to get in, get the knife and get out without any thing bad going wrong. They had planned this thing for a month and he hoped they could pull this off without getting anyone killed. He scanned the lawn one last time and looked over at Alexis. “I hope everything is okay. They need to call in soon, otherwise we will have to try again tomorrow night.”
Alexis searched the dark night and shrugged. “Don’t worry. They will call when they get it done. Don’t be so impatient. You know, for a vampire, you are really impatient.”
Hunter grinned. “Nice joke.”
Alexis’ phone rang before he could say more and she smiled as she hung up. “Ok. The dogs are sleeping like babies and the guards are tied up. I am going to get changed and then we can get this done.”
Hunter watched her get into the back of the van and sighed. “Good Luck.”
He wasn’t sure she had heard him until he felt a wet tongue on his arm. He grinned and got out of the van. He walked around and opened the side door to let Alexis out. She had changed into the panther and if he had not been a vampire, he would be scared to come across her at night. She was sleek, and powerful. Her fangs were bigger than his and he knew her jaw could rip a man’s head off if they were not careful. He was glad she was on their side and not the other.
They walked around the side of the house and met up with the others. Robert looked Hunter up and down. He was not fond of vampires but this one seemed okay and he was willing to help. Alexis had not given him much information, just telling him that Hunter was a family friend. Hunter cleared his throat. “I know that we have already gone over this several times but I want to go over it again. Alexis will get into the house and head to the back door to let Robert in. They will go to David’s study, get the knife and replace it with the replica I had made. I am hoping that will keep David from realizing our plan until it is too late. Any questions?”
“Why is Robert going with her? Can’t she go get the knife herself once she is inside?”
“The knife is made of real silver and David can not touch it because it will poison him. I don’t if it will do the same to Alexis. Robert needs to be there to get it out as well because she can’t carry it as the panther.”
The other nodded, seeing the logic in this plan. Hunter looked down at the panther. “Are you ready?”
She nodded and nudged Robert with her head as if to say let’s go. Robert grinned and followed Alexis around to the back of the house. He watched her climb in the doggy door that was almost too small for her and waited. He heard the door open and quickly walked in. Alexis had already changed back to human and had somehow found a robe. They quickly walked toward the study, remembering the floor plan of the house in their heads. Each one had memorized the house.
Alexis walked into the study before Robert and held out her hand for his flashlight. She turned it on and looked around the room. The knife was sitting on the desk in a glass case. She stared at it for a moment. The blade looked razor sharp and it gleamed in the light. The handle had a small amythest embedded in it. She sighed, realizing with that knife everything she and her family had worked for, for centuries could be over. She picked up the case and handed it to Robert. “Let’s go.”
They quickly walked back to the kitchen and Robert took the knife with him as he walked out the door. Alexis looked around and glared. David better sleep good tonight, because soon she would be after him. She quickly changed into the panther and left the house. She stopped short when she saw a guard holding a gun on Robert. She growled and glared at the other man. The guard was stunned for a moment but held the gun steady. He looked at Robert. “Give me that knife and I will let you go. My employer doesn’t have to know about this.”
Robert shook his head. “I can’t do that. I have come to far to let it go.”
The guard sighed. “I don’t want to shoot you, but I will. Put the knife on the ground and leave. Otherwise I will pull the trigger.”
Robert nodded. “All right. It’s not worth getting shot.”
He leaned down and put the box on the ground and stepped away. Alexis was still growling at the guard, confused as to why Robert had given the knife back. She sense something was not right and knew the guard had lied when she saw his hand tighten around the trigger of the gun. She lunged and jumped on him, biting his hand and then going for his throat.
Robert felt the bullet go through his side but ran to the other side of the house where the others were waiting. He knew Alexis would be okay. Hunter was the first to catch up to him. They had all heard the gun shot and came around to see what was going on. Robert pulled the knife from his pocket and handed it to Hunter as he collapsed to the ground. One of the other people rushed over and held Robert in his arms as Alexis walked up. She shook her head. “No. This was not suppose to happen. She crouched on the ground near Robert and held his hand. He tried to grin at her. “Don’t worry. It’s just a scratch. I will be right as rain in a day or two.”
He coughed and Alexis saw what looked like blood spray out. She knew he would not make it to the hospital in time. She smiled and tried not to cry. “Your right, you will be okay. We will have a big party when all of this is over. Just relax. Help is on the way.”
She watched as he let out one last breathe and his eyes closed. She wasn’t sure what to do. There were too many people around for her to cry. She laid his hand on his chest and looked at Roger, the man who was holding him. “Take him and make sure he is put somewhere he is found easy. The rest of you go home and wait for me to call.”
She stood and looked at Hunter. “Let’s go. I have some plans to make.”
Hunter could see how much she loved the older man and that she wanted to cry but couldn’t. He was tempted to take her in his arms and hold her until the tears fell, but he knew no was not that time.

David stared at the dead guard lying at his feet and sighed. He hated when he lost one of his guards, because then he had to find others who could keep secrets. People like that were hard to find now days. Use to he could just threaten them with torture and they would do what he ordered. Now days he had to prove that he would carry out his threats. He looked over at one of the guards, who was carrying his most prized possession. A silver knife and smiled. “So that is what they were after? Well, at least they didn’t get it. John, take it and put it in my study. The rest of you get rid of this body. I am going back to bed.”
He walked back into his home and realized it was time to step up his plans. He had to get to Alexis before she came after him again.

Chapter Five
Glendale, Texas
April 24, 2010

A slight breeze blew through the cemetery as Alexis made her way to her aunt’s grave. She needed to talk and since she really didn’t have many friends who understood what she was or what she was going through, she figured talking to her aunt would help. She found the headstone with her aunt’s name on it and sighed. “Clara, I wish you were here. I really could use your advice and help. Robert was killed last night when we went to David’s to steal the knife. I am scared that we will lose more people before all this is over with. Robert put me in charge of the group and I know that a lot of them don’t trust me. They are scared I will change into the panther and come after them. I do not know how to put those fears aside. Sometimes I feel like a monster.”
“You are a monster. You should be put down like a rabid dog. Unfortunately, David wants you alive.”
Alexis whirled around and saw one of David’s guards standing behind her sneering. She cocked her left eyebrow and smiled. “Do you honestly think I will come willingly?”
The guard shook his head. “That’s okay. I love a good fight and if you died during the fight, its not my fault.”
Alexis looked into the man’s eyes and could see he wouldn’t kill her. He was too scared of what David might do to him if he did kill her accidently or on purpose. “You won’t kill me. David would torture you so bad, death for you would be a blessing and you know that. That said, I am not going anywhere with you. Tell David to come get me himself.”
The guard glared at her and lunged but all he caught was air. He turned and saw a black panther were Alexis had been standing and suddenly realized this was not going to be as easy as he had thought. Fear crept up his spine as the panther growled at him and for a moment he thought he was going to die. Then he remembered the tazer he had brought with him and pulled it out of his belt. He smiled as the panther lunged at him. He used the tazer as she jumped over him and fell unconscious to the ground. He pulled his radio out of his belt and spoke into it. “ Come help me get her to the van. Tonight we celebrate.”

Hunter was pacing the motel room where he and Alexis were staying, wondering where she was. She had left him a note that she was going to the cemetery to visit with Clara but that had been hours ago and he thought she would be back by now. He couldn’t go outside yet as the sun had not set and he was frustrated. He sighed and opened the curtains to the window. The parking lot was full of cars but not a soul moved. He turned around and was surprised to find someone standing there. He knew who she was. “Brenda, your suppose to be dead. What is going on?”
Brenda smiled. “I am dead but I was allowed to come down here and help ya’ll out. Alexis has been taken by David. He thinks that by killing her, he will get her gifts but he has no idea she had children. Several years ago they were put up for adoption. Once he kills her, he will find that out and go after the children. We can not let him do that. If he succeeds in taking the children, our family line is over with and I swore as my ancestors before me that would not happen.”
Hunter frowned. “We still don’t know how to stop him. We know it has to do something with that knife, but we are not sure.”
Brenda just smiled and vanished, but Hunter could hear her inside his head. “The journals will tell you what you need to know.”
Hunter sighed and looked over at the stack of journals Alexis had brought when they escaped the men in Utah. He wanted to be out looking for her but knew he could do nothing until night fell. He grabbed the next journal Alexis was going to read and settled on the bed.

December 25, 1834
It has been awhile since I wrote in here. So much as happened and I am not sure were to begin. I got married a year ago and two months ago my beautiful daughter, Cara was born. Hunter and I searched for a couple of years for David, but so far there is no sign of him. My husband believes he has gone to hide and plan his next move. I admit that I am afraid of what might happen. Will I die like my ancestors before me or will I be the one to defeat him? I have the gift of telling the future but so far I have not been able to see my future. I do keep seeing a young woman and a panther but I am not sure how it fits in with all this. Roger is calling me to dinner.

January 25, 1935
A plan was made to send Roger to find out where David might be and try to get the knife if possible. He is still not back and I fear that David might have gotten a hold of him. I know that if David does get Roger, Roger is dead. I pray he is successful and David is killed once and for all. I am ready to live in peace, without fear that I will be killed because of the gifts I have. When my mother died, I received her gift of hearing other people’s thoughts and I know the townspeople in Glendale think me a witch. Some of them are talking about burning me at the stake. I would take my daughter and leave but then Roger would not be able to find us when he gets back. There is a commotion at the front door. I must go see what it is.
March 24, 1835
Today we are leaving for a different home. My darling husband has been killed but he was able to send me a letter before David tortured him and killed him. I will copy the letter here so that my daughter and others know what is going on.
My dearest wife:
If you are reading this letter then it means I am dead. I am sorry I was not successful in killing the evil that seems to get closer to you and our beautiful daughter everyday, but I know in my heart you are strong enough to keep the fight up. Please remember that I love you and always will, from the first day we met. I only ask that you take our daughter and go with Hunter to a secret location. I told him about it before I left, for fear this would happen. The townspeople know what you are and have vowed that once I was out of the picture, they would burn you at the stake. They some how figured out about Hunter as well. It is not safe for any of you in that town, not just because of David, but because of superstitious people. If at all possible, leave as soon as you read this letter. Hunter is a good man and I know that he will take care of you and Cara. The secret to killing David is the knife, if you can get to it. There is one problem though. Neither you or Hunter can touch the knife. A witch put a curse on it a long time ago, that anyone with special gifts will be killed if they touch the knife. You must find someone you can trust to find the knife and use it on David. A man spoke to said that David can not be stabbed just anywhere. There is a certain part of his body but he would not tell me where. Well my love, I hear him coming back to finish the job he started on me days ago. I pray this letter finds you well and safe. Until we meet again at the pearly gates, I love you. Give our precious daughter a kiss from me.

Hunter and I have decided to leave today. I must finish packing. I can tell the townspeople have heard a rumor that Roger is dead. Once they find out the rumor is true, I know they will come after me and Hunter.

June 24, 1835
Finally we made it to the location Roger had picked out for us. It is in the middle of North America, and in the country. Hunter thinks this will be safe. There is no one around for miles and miles and if we keep to ourselves, no one in the nearest town will find out about us. I pray this means David will not find us either. Hunter has gone to find out if he can find something more out about David. We did find out that David made a pact with Satan that in order for him to live forever he must find children and kill them. Satan wants the souls of children. I shudder to think of him getting his hands on Cara. I must go and explore this new land. Hunter says he will build a new house for us when he gets back. I am thankful that God sent him to our family. I had heard vampires where evil but Hunter is one of the few good ones.

Hunter put the journal down, realizing it was dark and sighed. It was time to call up the others and get help. He was going to get Alexis away from David if it was not already too late. He knew deep in his heart that he was in love with her and he wanted the chance to tell her before it was too late.

Chapter Six
Glendale, Texas
May 1, 2010

Alexis stared out the small window of her cell and saw that it was night. She couldn’t see much out of the window, except a patch of grass and a small sliver of sky, but it was enough to tell her when the days passed. From what she could determine, she had been here for one week, although it felt like a year. Other than the guards, she had not seen anyone else the whole time, although she had heard some bloodcurdling screams coming from somewhere in the dungeon where she was being held. She knew it was only a matter of time before David got done with the person and came to her. She wasn’t sure what he would do, but she had a feeling it would be bad. She felt sadden at the thought that this was how she would die, as her ancestors did before her. She had been hoping she would be the one to kill him but it did not look like that was going to happen. She heard footsteps on the grass outside and looked up but figured it was one of the guards. Sometimes they would stand at the window, sneering at her and poking her with sticks, hoping she would change into the panther, but she never gave them the satisfaction and they would leave her alone. She braced herself for another attack when she heard a familiar voice.
“Hunter? Is that you?”
“Yeah. We are going to get you out, just be patient. Can you tell me how many guards there are?”
“I am not sure but I think there are three outside, plus the guard dogs. Inside, there are two for each door plus two for down here. Please hurry. David is busy torturing someone else but I am not sure how long until he gets finished and starts on me.”
“All right. Be patient.”
She heard him walk away and sighed. Anxiety curled in her belly and she prayed he would be successful. She heard footsteps outside her cell and knew they were coming for her. She pushed the panic down as the door opened and two guards walked in behind David. He sneered at her. “I thought you would be a bit bigger. No matter. You will be fun. Before this night is over, I will hear your screams and then finally, I will have your gift of shape shifting, something I have not been able to find until now.”
Alexis glared at him but did not speak. She was not sure she could had the fear she was feeling if she spoke. She prayed Hunter and who ever was with him would show up soon.
A guard came up and whispered in David’s ear. David frowned then turned to the other two guards. “Take her to the lab, then met me out back. There seems to be a commotion outside.”
The two guards took Alexis’ arms and led her out of the cell as David and the other guard left the dungeon. The panic deep in her belly threatened to bubble to the surface, but some how she kept from screaming. She struggled a bit as the guards led her down the hall to a big, ornate door with a dragon’s head for a doorknob. She wondered what she would see inside and hoped the blood of the person she had heard screaming was gone. One of the guards opened the door and they strapped her down to the table in the middle. They hurried from the room, not realizing they had not tightened the straps good enough. Alexis was able to get her hands free and quickly undid her feet. She got up from the table and looked around for some kind of weapon. Beside the table was a cart and laying on it was a knife. She recognized it from the night Robert died. She grinned remembering that it was only a replica. She guessed that David had not figured out they had the real knife. She picked it up and hid it in her pocket as the door opened and David walked in. He was surprised to see her standing and glared at the two guards with him. “Why is she not strapped down?”
“Sorry sir. I guess we did not check the straps good enough.”
David shook his head. “No matter. I guess I will have to do this the hard way. It might be fun. I have never had a prisoner fight before. It might bring some excitement to the torture.”
Alexis cocked her left eyebrow and smiled slightly. “You think I will make this an easy fight? Keep thinking that. You don’t scare me like you do those children you have kidnapped and killed. Unlike them I am an adult and I will not give you the satisfaction of screaming.”
David glared at her and he could feel the rage building inside him. He snarled and lunged for her, but she was too quick. She leaped over the table and sailed over his head, toward the open door. David turned and came at her again, but stopped short when he saw what was in her hand. “Give me that. That is my property.”
Alexis grinned. “Actually, it’s the monks’ property. Remember the ones you stole it from centuries ago. You want it, come get it.”
David ran around the table toward her and grabbed for her, but only grabbed air. He barely felt the sting of the knife piercing his skin. He saw the panther standing in Alexis’ place and grinned. He was not afraid of some animal. He pulled the knife from his side and held out his hand for the tazer he knew his guards carried. The panther lunged and bit down on his wrist before he could use it and he screamed at the pain. One of the guards pulled out his own tazer but dropped it as the panther turned and growled at him. David fell to the ground, in pain and the guards rushed to take care of him, although he yelled at them to capture the panther.
Alexis quickly changed back to human and rushed toward the door out of the dungeon. She tugged it open and came face to face with Hunter. She was so relieved to see him, she hugged him without thinking. Then she felt his lips on hers and nearly fell to the floor as her knees turned to jelly. She pushed him away. “Let’s go. I stabbed David and the guards are tending to him, but we don’t have much time before they come after us. We can celebrate after we get out of here.”
Hunter nodded and together they ran out of the dungeon. They quickly made their way outside to a van parked by the gates. Roger handed Alexis a stack of clothing and blushed. She looked down and realized she was naked. She grinned and put on the clothes as they piled into the van and sped away. By the time the guards got outside, it was too late. They were gone. David stared off into the distance and glared. “This isn’t over yet, little girl. I have fought better than you and lived to tell about it. You are no different. I will get what I want.”

Chapter Seven
Glendale, Texas
June 1, 2010

Alexis stared out the window of her motel room and shuddered, thinking how close to death she had come. She saw the sun shining down on the people walking by and the cars going by, carrying the people who had to go to work and wondered how they could not know about the evil that lived in this town. Her thoughts switched to the kiss she and Hunter had shared and she blushed. She was trying not to think about that. She knew how she felt about him but pushed those feelings away. Now was not the time to get involved in a relationship, not when she might die at any moment. She wasn’t sure if she really wanted to be in another relationship. She had loved her ex-husband, Harold, but they could not make it work and she wondered if she was capable of being in a relationship with anyone. She shook her head to get rid of the thoughts in her and turned around. Hunter was asleep on one of the beds, and she knew he would not awake until the sun went down, so she decided to read more of the journals to see if she could find out how to use the knife on David. She picked up the journal on top and settle on the other bed.

October 9, 1848
My mom gave me this journal for my birthday so that I can write in it whenever I am feeling bad or just need to get things out. She and her friend Hunter told me about my gift and why I can make things catch on fire just by looking at them and getting angry. I am not sure I like this gift. I don’t want to accidentally kill anyone. Mother says Hunter has gone to find someone who might be able to teach me to control it so I don’t accidentally kill anyone. She says I have to keep quiet about it in town or else the people there will kill me, thinking I’m a witch. I must go, Mother is calling me to dinner.

December 9, 1848
I feel like something really bad is going to happen soon. I have this really sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and I tried to tell Mother but she is too worried about something else herself. It all started when I told her about this really handsome guy that was in town today. He had these really blue eyes and black hair. He was really nice to me at the store when I dropped a bit of clothe I was looking at to make a dress. He picked it up for me and when our hands touched, it was as if electricity went through me. Mother says she wants to meet this man for herself. She seems anxious and I wish she would tell me what is going on. The man is coming to dinner tonight, so I must go dress.

February 24, 1849
O my, Mother was so right about that man. His name is David and he was only nice to me because he wants my gift and tried to kidnap me in order to get it. I was able to escape before he really hurt me, but now I know why Mother does not want us to go to town very often. He is the evil she has told me about. Tonight she says she will tell me everything I need to know about our family and she will let me read the journals from other family members who have had to deal with David. I shudder to think what he might have done to me if I had not escaped.
June 23, 1848
Today I am really sad. David some how snuck onto our land and was able to get to Mother. He killed her and was about to come after me but Hunter stopped him. I am now an orphan and feel so alone. Hunter says he will stay with me and help me learn all I need to in order to stop David. I am not sure how I will go on. I miss Mother so much.

April 9, 1853
Hunter and I may have found a way to kill David and rid this world of his evil once and for all. A man came to visit Hunter and told him that he has to use the knife on him and stab him in the neck. He says that one of the rewards David got for doing the devil’s bidding was to have some sort of armor all through out his body, but his neck is free of that armor. The man says if we can get the knife and stab David there, he will die as he was suppose to centuries ago. Now we just have to figure out where David is and get the knife. The man said I can not touch the knife though. The story goes that some witch put a curse on it that prevents anyone not fully human from touching it. Hunter is going to see if he can find out how to get rid of that curse so that I might be able to do what I vowed to do years ago when that evil man killed my mother.

Alexis closed the journal and smiled. Now she knew what she had to do. It would mean going back into that house once again, but if it meant David’s death, she was willing to do it.
“No. I will kill him. You know if you touch that knife it will kill you.”
Alexis turned and saw Hunter looking at her. She was well aware that he was naked under the covers of his bed and tried not to blush. “I can wear gloves. I have to do this. It is not just not for me or my children anymore. This is to avenge the deaths of all the people he has killed over the centuries. I will need your help though.”
Hunter sat up in bed and grinned. “Okay. Tell me”
Alexis couldn’t think for a moment when the sheet slide of his hard, muscular chest. Then she looked away and sighed. “I will tell you when the plan I am thinking about is worked out. Now go shower and get dressed. We have a lot of work to do.”
Hunter grinned again and got out of the bed. Alexis’ mouth went dry as she watched him walk toward the bathroom. She imaged what it would be like to be in bed with him, him on top of her……She shook the thought away and walked toward her bag where she got out a pen and some paper. Now was the time to write out her plan.

Chapter Eight
Glendale, Texas
June 15, 2010

David smiled as the man on the table gave a finally breath of air and died. He had gotten all the information he needed out of him and today was a good day. He looked over at his assistant, Walter. “I am going to change. Get this all cleaned up and dump the body somewhere. I won’t be home tonight.”
He left the dungeon and made his way to his room, to shower and change for dinner. He was going on a date with a very beautiful woman, who said she might have information he could use to get rid of Alexis and her vampire friend. He smiled as he looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. Things were starting to work out for him and he planned to keep it that way.
Fifteen minutes later, he was drying off from the shower when his personal phone beside the bed started ringing.
“David, this is Alexis. If you want your knife back, come to the park at the edge of town. There is a price. You stop taking children from their families and I will stop coming after you.”
David grinned. “My dear, I have my knife. I might consider your proposal if you would be willing to come to me. It’s you I want.”
He heard Alexis chuckle at the other end. “Are you sure that’s your knife? I have a friend that can makes fakes real well. As for getting me, that is not going to happen. You would not get my powers anyway. Meet me tonight and I will tell you why.”
David was about to speak again when he heard a click. He was confused and now upset. He quickly dressed and rushed down to his study where he kept the knife. He took the glass top off it and slowly touched it with the tip of his finger. When nothing happened after five minutes, he picked it up and knew she had been telling the truth. Somehow the knife had been switched with this one.
The guards patrolling outside jumped a mile when they heard the scream from inside the house. A few of them shuddered and wondered if they wanted to continue working here. That scream was full of evil and hate.

Alexis stood beside the one tree in the whole park and waited. She was scared and could feel the panic welling up inside her, but a part of her was excited as well. The plan she and Hunter had talked about would work. At least that is what she kept telling herself. She heard footsteps coming from the entrance to the park and pushed the panic down. She could hear Hunter standing behind the tree. “Relax. You can do this.”
David walked up and grinned at her. “Okay, I am hear. Give me my knife and I might let you live.”
Alexis shook her head. “You are not a very good liar. I know you will kill me once you have the knife. You have been trying for centuries to get rid of my family line but killing me won’t make that happen. You won’t get my gifts either.”
David was confused and frowned. “You don’t have any children and that’s they only way the gifts are passed on unless someone kills you without having had any children and then they get the gifts.”
“It is obvious you do not do enough research. I am surprised your lackeys at the DCP didn’t tell you. I have three children but you will not be able to get your hands on any of them.”
David was surprised that he had not been told this, but hide that surprise behind an evil smile. “I have my ways. I will search to the ends of the earth if I have to.”
“I had a feeling you would say that. That means I have to kill you now.”
David laughed. “That will not be as easy as you think.” He lunged for her but grabbed only air. The panther was standing in Alexis’ place but David was not afraid. He would defeat her then go after her children. He grinned and took a step back. The panther growled and lunged at David. He ducked but felt her teeth sink into his hand and he screamed. The panther let go and circled around him. David stood for a moment watching the panther wondering what she would do now. He wondered for a moment if he should just retreat and try to kill her another day, but before he could run, the panther lunged again and he felt teeth in his thigh. He clamped his teeth shut, determined not to scream and shook the panther off as he sunk to the ground. He wasn’t sure if he could get up and looked up when he saw feet in front of him. Alexis smiled at him and he knew then that he was dead.
Alexis stuck the knife in his neck and jump back as blood started spurting everywhere. She watched as he fall back on the ground. He took one last breath and that was it. His body slowly turned to dust and a slight breeze blew the dust away. In a few minutes, there was no evidence that he had ever been there. It was over. Hunter came out from behind the tree and hugged Alexis. “I am so glad you are on the side of good.”
Alexis laughed and they left the park.

Inside David’s mansion, one man walked around confused as to where he was and what year it was. He could not remember anything but his name. He walked into the study and found a book which had names and dates on it. He found his name and suddenly remembered what had happened. He knew his wife was dead, but it was time to find his daughter and tell her what happened so many years ago.

Libertyville, Utah
December 25, 2010
Alexis looked out the window of her home and smiled at the image before her. The ground was white with snow and the mountains in the distance gave her a sense of peace. She knew it was finally over and she would be able to go on with her life. She felt a moment of sadness that her parents or aunt had not lived to see this day. She felt arms go around her waist and a kiss on her cheeks. Hunter held her close. “What are you thinking about?”
Alexis shook her head. “Nothing really. Just love how great it feels not to have the weight on my back anymore. Life can finally begin. A life without fear.”
Hunter nodded and they stood at the window, both enjoying the sight of a new day, rising over the mountains.

A man slowly made his way to the front door and after looking around to make sure no one was looking, slipped an envelope into the mail slot. She had to know what was going on and what was going to happen soon. The fight she thought was over, was not quite over yet. He had things he needed to tell her, but it was too dangerous right now to meet. He quickly walked to his car, making sure no one was following him. He knew if they found out he had escaped, he would be dead and he wanted his daughter to know the truth before that happened.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.04.2010

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