
Father, Grandfather and Son lived together.

One evening Father said: “Tonight I will go out and visit our neighbour Maggie.”

At two o’clock in the morning he returned and said: “Maggie is a wonderful woman! So much passion!”


Next evening Son went out and came home at six in the morning.

Grandfather and Father asked: “What happened? We have been worrying!” 

“Oh, Maggie has so much passion!”






Next evening Grandfather went out and only returned at noon time the next day.

“What happened? We have been worrying about you!” 

“Oh, I just visited wonderful Maggie... 










... she has so much patience!”


* * *



Texte: Rebekka Weber
Bildmaterialien: pixelio, Contour, Fotograf Stingray
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.07.2012

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