
Prologue: 10 years ago
Dear reader of my Chronicle

If you’re reading this, then I'm probably the body lying next to this journal (or chronicle, as I tend to call it). In this you will read of strange things, mysteries and murderers, creatures form the darkest part of your mind, and myths and legends all throughout the course of my adventures. Never once have I wrote a lie in this chronicle so what you are about to read is very true and very, very, real. Now my name is John and I am a shifter. I will explain what that is later, and seeing how you found this, could you bring it to my dear friend Mae Clintlock. Tell her it’s John's and he is very sorry she will understand.

It was a chilly December day. You could sit in front of a fire and still be freezing. I was enjoying a day at the park with my dad, Bruce. He was mid-thirties, tall, about six foot five, lean, had sandy hair, one green eye and one blue eye, and a round nose. He was intellectual and seemed to be able to just know things. He graduated from high school at sixteen and college at twenty. His dream as a child was to be a police officer/chef. He could cook anything and shoot you from ten miles away with his pistol, guess when you where lying and know when you weren't, and carry himself with a dignity no other man could.

I was only twelve, an only child, of average height and build, and had a loose interpretation of life, or what I saw it as. I had the same sandy hair and green and blue eyes as my father did. I talked like he did and walked like him. Like any other young boy I wanted to be just like my dad. I also just knew when you where lying, which confused me, how was I to know these things at such a young age. I was probably the most stubborn kid you could ever meet which would explain why my dad and I were at the park. Also I seemed to be able to see the future, not through a crystal ball, tarot cards, or even palm reading, but through my dreams. My mom called them premonitions, whatever that meant. I always compared it to the Final Destination movies.

The events of my life where a mystery even to the countless dreams I have had over my very short but meaningful life. No one could guess what me destiny had in store for me, but I was three and did not care much. All I cared about was having a good time at the park with my dad, which I was.

My father and I had just finished playing and having a great time at the park. While we were preparing to go home when we had heard this strange noise, one that you could never forget. It sounded like a cat, dog, snake, bear, and wolf all rolled into one blood-chilling, bone trembling, hair raising noise. Dad seemed to know precisely what the cursed noise was but he wasn't saying.

"What was that dad?" I had asked.

"I don't know son but we should probably get going" he replied. He also lied to me. It was to protect me, but from what?
"You’re lying dad. Something is out there and your not telling me what it is." Then we heard it again just this time closer.
"Go home" he had yelled. "And don't turn back just run. Don't stop running until you get home tell your mother I did everything that I could and that I love her."

"Ok dad but what's going on." I had replied.

"GO. NOW!"

I ran as fast and far as I could. Once I reached my old apartment, that I had been living in at the time, I found my mother hung on the ceiling by this strange purple slimy octopus like tentacle. It looked like snail slime was oozing off the thing. I couldn’t help but stare at it with wide eyes and amazement, even though this was the thing that killed my mother. I wanted to touch it but decided not to because it might attack me. It scared me but I had to do something so I went to our neighbors. They were the only people that could help right away

I had knocked and said "It's me John. Can you open up?" I heard the latch click and out popped my best friend Mae. She was thirteen, a year older than me. She had long red hair, beautiful baby blue eyes, and always seemed to know what to do no matter the situation. She had always been there for me and saw the best in me. She was smart and athletic, the kind of girl you saw playing sports like football and hockey. People always assumed we were related from how well we knew each other and the fact we are usually found together. She had dreamed of becoming a doctor and to save people from what had happened to her father, who died in a fatal car accident.

"Hi John, what are you doing here, I thought you left with your dad."

"I did but then something came after us, and my mom is on the ceiling."

"Is she alive?" she started to cry. "Mom, John's mom is hurt," she yelled as loud as she could. Then her mom stepped out. She was no older than 33 and had the same red hair and blue eyes as Mae did, which is where she had gotten it. She went to school with my parents, as did Mae's dad, and had known them since they were Mae's age.

"Let me see" Mae's mom said as she stepped into my apartment, she instantly called the police from the landline. The police showed up and had asked where my father was, how my mother was on the ceiling and what the thing around her neck was. My only answer was that I don't know but I did tell them what my father had said before he disappeared. After the police left Mae's mother had invited me to stay with them. Mae and I were ecstatic at that, and of course I had accepted the offer that was given to me. That night I had the one of the worst nightmares of my life.

I was walking through a dark alley when all of a sudden I was immobile, not frozen neither by fear nor by a poison but by my form. I had changed from my person form into a brick which I was immediately sent flying through the air. I had changed again in mid air into a bird then I had flown back to Mae's house. I had found Mae and her mother dead, on the ceiling, just like my mother was. The truly terrifying part was that I had moved in to the park my father disappeared at. The creature was there waiting for me to do something, I did not know what, and then it changed into my father and said "You left me behind."

I had woke up crying once I had stopped, I walked over to Mae's room to make sure that it was only a dream and not a memory or worse, a premonition. She was fine, but awake, and she saw me.

"What's wrong John. Are you ok" she asked very quietly.

"Yes, just had a nightmare that’s all" I replied.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No I'm fine, goodnight Mae"

"If you're sure then ok goodnight John." She always has been more mature then her age would have let on.





Chronicle 1: The wake

I had just woken form the same reoccurring nightmare that I have been having for a week straight now. I was in a dark alley and couldn't seem to move or even breathe. Something was staring at me but I couldn't seem to identify the thing. I appeared to be behind some form of restaurant but couldn't tell if I was right. The thing had a rancid smell on its breath, like a long dead corpse. Then it lunged at something and I woke up screaming every time.

It was time for my parents' funeral and Mae was trying to help me through the day, although I had been helping her just as much as she was helping me. She had been different since seeing my mother hung on the ceiling, almost distant afraid, as if it was her mom instead of mine. I had to though, but then again it was my mother that had died, not hers, but I wasn't mad, I understood why, seeing a dead person changes that you are. Makes you feel alone, cursed like, knowing that one day it will be you in the casket. People crying over your body then you get thrown in the ground and buried, forgotten with time. People visit at first, but then you become a memory, and then no one even remembers your name, voice, or face

I had dressed in my nicest tux, Mae's mother saw to that. Mae was in her favorite black dress, even though she wanted her blue one, blue is her favorite color, and she looked beautiful in her dress. What I hadn't realized is that I was falling for Mae even though I was only twelve.

As we had begun to get in the car we had seen a strange dog that was sitting by the front door. I had walked over to touch it then am just vanished.

"Did you see that Mae? That dog just vanished out of nowhere, just poof." I had asked

"No sorry John I didn't see it maybe it will come back and I'll see it then." She replied.

"I hope it does"

After we packed into the car and drove to the funeral I took front a row seat, as it was costumed in my family, as I thought of Mae and her mother as family, sat with me on the pew. The preacher began to talk to the family and friends of my mother and father, called up the people who had wanted to speak in the funeral and played a video with pictures of my parents in high school, college, and with me with them. Everyone cried including Mae and I. After the funeral everyone just seemed to leave without even looking at each other, as if they were the only ones there. Once we reached Mae's house I explained about the dog, my nightmare, and what my dad told me. All she did was looked at me like I was crazy.

I guess I am crazy. Maybe insane because no one just sees things like I do, hears things like I do, and dreams things like I do. The people that have talked to me think it's just because of my parent’s death, a form of post traumatic stress or something of the sorts. I know what I saw and heard but I don't know why. I also feel something inside of me whenever I'm around Mae. It as I feel something toward her, something I'm supposed to, it's strange its magic it's something that I can't describe. Almost a deep emotional attachment to her, like I need her to be close to me.

Then the worst nightmare of them all hit. I was alone with Mae. About thirty, I think, and in the same alley from my other nightmares. She was tied up, bruised, and bloody. I was nothing but true fear in her eyes, and I was the thing that she feared. I woke up and didn't fall asleep for the rest of the night.






Chronicle 2: The walk

My mother and fathers funeral was almost a year ago and still I can't believe of the things that had transpired that day. The dog, the nightmare, and my feelings toward Mae, it's almost impossible to keep up and understand what is happening to me. I started to live with Mae and her mom, I don’t know how well I could of put up with a orphanage, I'm anti-social to some degree I have been told. After the death of my family died down, Mae and I continued to go to school and live our lives as normally as we could. Of course we were made fun of in school for living together and not being related, but neither of us cared much.

After we had gotten home from school for the majorety of that school year and finished the homework that our school teachers had given us we always decided to watch some T.V. We clicked through the channels eventually stopping on Sponge-Bob Square-Pants, one of our favorite childhood shows.

Once we finished the show every night, it was around the time that we had went to go to bed.

"Goodnight Mae, sleep good." I had said as I went into the room I was staying in.

"You to John, goodnight, and its sleep well" she replied on the first night as she went into her room.

I had just laid down and quickly fell asleep. I had a different nightmare this time, one I hadn’t had yet. I was walking down a dark alley, and for some reason only seemed to be able to move forward, which was rather odd. Once I had reached the end of the tunnel, at least it seemed like a tunnel, all though I had no idea if it was or not. I had hit a well lit room and in the middle was a chair with blood stains all around it. It appeared to be nailed to the floor, although it could have been bolted down, again I don’t know. I walked over to the chair and looked down at the blood, it spelled out my name and a phrase that I was in a different language it said “JOHN DECKER ο ΣΩΤΉΡΑΣ ή ΜΆΣΤΙΓΑ"

I woke up with cold sweats, uncontrollable shaking, and a hunger that seemed as if I could not be sated with a thousand steaks. I needed to talk to someone, but everyone was asleep I decided to just go back to sleep and talk to Mae more in the morning, that is I lived that long.









Chronicle 3: The stranger

Life has been rough for me. My parents’ death, Mae unaware of my true feelings, and both of us still living together. I guess after our childhood of living together we just had to live together as adults. But she is completely unaware that I love her with all my heart. But my biggest fear is she will find out what I truly am the creature that I am. It all started right before my 20th birthday. As soon as the clock hit midnight I hit the floor. I woke up unable to move, much like my childhood nightmare. Except I was a chair, not a brick, and saw my mother die. I saw the thing that killed my mother and took my father from me. I woke up feeling like I could do anything at all, be anything, except hers of course. I know it's foolish for me to feel like this but it what happens when you are afraid, or in love, it’s one or the other.

I can change shape from one to another, much like my dreams, but no one knows my secret. Or that I have named this ability. I am a shifter, or at least that what I decided to call the ability. And if I can't tell Mae then how am I supposed to tell anyone else. I live in secret, in the shadows. It's a lonely life, mine is, but in order to protect the ones I care for I have to live like this. The movies don’t lie, if I told anyone the creature that killed my mom would kill the people I had told.

Shifting has it benefits though, I can be anyone or anything I want to be, and be any when or where I need to be. But it also has its downsides. Like the creature hunting you. No one know why but this thing hunts shifters and those like them(yes there are other abilities and names for these things) and no one seems to be able to tell what the creature looks like because whenever you see it, it eats/kills you. There really should be a guide for the abilities.

I've joined the police force in a small town in LA County and am a highly decorated officer for the county. With thirty busts under my belt, mostly because of my ability to shift, I'm also one of the most wanted police officers in the USA.

Mae is still going to medical school for her master's degree in medicine. If I even scrape my elbow she is on it trying to fix it. It's actually rather funny, watching her running around trying to fix every wound I get, don't know what I'd do without her. Then the strange man came to our door. She was away at school; I was leaving for work when he knocked on that door.

He had dark hair and looked like one of those old time mob hit men, the suit and all. Bout 5 foot 4 short round guy, had the face of a killer, but looked like he has never touched a gun in his life I thought there was about to be a shoot out right then and there, I almost felt bad for the poor bastard, because no one is or was a better shot than I am, except my father.

"Is Mae home" is all he asked.

"No, she isn’t, who are you if you may ask"

"None of your business I must have the wrong the house, she said she wasn’t married."

"No Mae lives here; I'm here roommate slash closest friend. Now who are you?"

"What if I don’t tell you, will you call the cops?"

"No I'll bring you in myself. I'm John Decker, LA County Deputy Sheriff. I'll ask once more who you are" I said reaching for my gun in its holster.

"I'm Blake, her online dating match." I knew he was lying to me, but not why. If Mae had an online dating profile, she would have told me, or I would have found out. I didn’t care how I learned it but if I did I would have acted differently, but I deiced to play along. For the sake of the game as I always say.

"Online dating huh. I'll tell her you stopped by once she gets back. Bye."

"Bye" he said as he stormed off. I must have really ticked him off. Good, he seemed like a jerk anyways, Mae deserves better than that, or me. Oh well it was off to work with me I had a lot of cases to anyways.

The station was a typical one. Cells in the back, the sheriff's office in the front, and the phones on his desk. Nothing fancy, except for the medals and plaques I've won throughout my career, pictures of the criminals I have put behind bars, and the gold plated 45 caliber magnum. That gun was my lucky charm, and I only brought it for big criminals, drug lords, sociopaths, and serial killers. Never wasted one of its bullets on a small time thief or want to be gangster. Out of all the bullets I've fired, I have only shot the gun ten times, never once missed with it either.

My deputy was already there, as he usually was there before me.

I had asked when I had walked into the main office, "Hey Bill, any calls for me today?" Bill was about three years older than me, taller, but had the maturity of a fifteen year old boy.

"No boss, not today." He replied

"Good tell me if there are any."

"Will do boss."

"You can call me John."

"I like calling you boss. Alright boss?"

"Alright" I said as I went into my office to look over some old case files. Then my cell phone rang, it was Mae.

"Hello Mae" I said as I answered the phone

"Hey John. You got a minute?" She asked

"Of course what's up?"

"Some guy just came by my school asking for you. Said he was a detective from out of state. Are you still at home, because I pointed him in that direction. His name was Blake I think”

"No, but some guy named Blake came by the house and asked if you where home. He said he was your online dating profile match."

"I don’t have an online dating profile"

"I'll find this guy and bring him in. Don’t worry he won't touch you."

"I'm scared John. Can you come pick me up after school?"

"No problem Mae. I'll see you soon, bye"

"Thank you, bye" she said nervously as she hung up the phone.

I had stood up and began to walk out of my office once I realized I knew that guy. I put him behind bars four years ago, he was meant to stay there for thirty years, with no chance of getting out early.

"Bill" I yelled.

"Yes boss." He had shouted in response.

"Bring me the Rico case files"

"Alright, but didn’t you close that case four years back"

"Yeah, but I think there is a copy cat killer."

"You mean someone else stalking and killing poor nurses and doctors"

"Yeah some other doctor murderer"

"Here it is. Anything else that I can do you for boss?"he asked as he handed me the file I had asked for.

"No Bill that'll be all. Thanks"

"No prob boss"

I closed my door and began skimming through the file, looking for his picture. Once I found it I copied it and took it with me to go pick up Mae."I'm heading out Bill. I don’t know if I'll be back today. If I'm not just hold down the fort."

"Sure thing boss, but where you going in such a hurry."

"To pick up Mae."

"Alright boss. I'll see you later" he had yelled out to me as I was walking away. Once I reached my old police cruiser I unlocked the door and stepped inside. As I began to drive I couldn’t help but think how the bastard got out of that jail. He went somewhere were only people who deserved the death penalty went, but seeing how the law prevented that, we just locked em up and forgot about em. People are more secure in their homes knowing that these people were somewhere where they can't get to them. How you break out of a triple maximum prison is a mystery to me.

Once I reached the school Mae was going to, she had gotten in, she was waiting for me.

"Hey Mae"

"Hey John. Thanks for coming to get me, I know you are busy at work and all, but I feel safer with you."

"No problem Mae, and is this the guy that came here asking for me" I said as I showed her the picture.

"Yeah that’s him. Why do you have a picture of him?"

"He was one of my first cases as a junior detective."

"You mean he broke out of prison?"

"That's exactly what I mean."

"Now I'm really scared."

"Don’t be, I'll protect you"

"Ok if you say so" she said as she looked down at the floor board

"Hey look at me I'll keep you safe. Why don’t we go out for lunch? Get your mind off this guy"

"Ok, sounds great, but one question. What did he do?"

"He killed people, don’t worry they were all guys. No females were even questioned during his case."

"Good" we hadn’t seen that man again for a while. Actually nothing happened for a little while, until Mae found out what I am.





Chronicle 4: The man and the beast

Now that I have you caught up on my history and what a shifter is, I should inform you that this is where the creatures and myths come in.

I was walking along the street, trying to clear my head. Mae and I had just gotten into an argument, again, and were trying not to lose my head. I rounded the corner on my way back home to apologize to her, I knew I was wrong, and then I saw him. The same guy that came to my house almost three months ago now. The Blake bastard that was stalking Mae. I couldn't seem but feel the prick is up to something so I also couldn't help but follow him. He was just strolling along and didn’t seem to notice me, which was good. His stroll took him right into the forest, and of course I followed him in. Then, once he reached the middle of the forest, the most isolated part of it, he started to morph. I had believed he was a shifter but I was wrong. He started to grow, in height and build, began to grow hair, and giant ferocious claws. He was a werewolf.

I almost confronted him, but decided not to until I knew his motives. I figured it would be nearly impossible to chase him as he ran into the night so I began to go home, then he began to follow me back to my house, as I had found out later. Once I got out of the forest I turned toward my house and began to walk home, but then I had bumped into Mae.

"What are you doing here" I asked inquisitively.

"I have no idea, to tell you the truth" she answered with a very confused look on her face.

"Well let's get you back home ok"


"How did you get out there" I asked once we reached the house.

"I don’t know I remember us fighting, not what over, and then I was there with you. It was strange but I did find this strange book in your room. It says "John's Chronicle" on the front. What is it your diary or something"

"Not a diary but a journal"

"Let me read it then"

"Why do you want to read my Chronicle?"

"I want to know your darkest secret. You call it a chronicle, really John. That’s just elementary"

"You know everything about me, and why do you insist on using long complicated words like elementary" I had implied as I reached for it. She pulled the book away and began to read it as she did. "Wait, before you read it let me explain the shifter part"

"What's a shifter John, and why do you refer to yourself as one"

"A shifter is someone with the capability to go anywhere, any when, and be anything that want to, when they want to. I call myself one because I am." She stared at me with wide eyes trying to grasp what I had just said to her.

"Prove it" she had rather forcefully said as she set down the book. At least she put down the book.

"Ok" I said under my breath as I began to morph into a creature she has always wanted to see again.

"You really are a shifter no way could you be, THIS, with anything other than what you described to me."

"Yes, I know I'm right"

"Let me take a picture"

"Ok but you can't show anybody. Do we have a deal?"

"Yes, yes ok I won't show anyone promises."Click Click, the camera went off then I had morphed back into my normal shape. I hoped she hadn’t gotten to the point of my chronicle that she knew my true feelings. She didn’t let on at all so I didn’t think that she had.

Then the werewolf showed up, on my front porch, while Mae was home.

He had knocked on the door and said "Mr. Decker please open up I need help."

"Not by the hair of my chiny, chin, chin." I had managed to say through my pure astonishment. I opened the door anyways." Yes Mr. Wolf what do you need."

"I know what you are; I know what you can do. Your kind is a rare breed indeed. I knew your father too. You must stop this thing that had followed me through the forest. I lost it once I reached your house. It saw me morph."

"I'm that it you keep referring to. And I am a he, thank you very much."

"You followed me, you saw me morph, and you’re the demon that put me in jail."

"Demon, no, jail, yes."

"Ah, I thought you looked familiar, you mean you are THE shifter. The one meant to save us all from the creature that watches us, keeps us in line, and you from shifting."

"I don’t know about all that, but I do know you look cold why you don’t come in"

"No thank you, I need to go home"

"Wait just one question, how did you get out of jail?"

"The warden was a wolf. He understood why I did what I did and made sure it was for the reason he thought. He taught me self control and discipline I'm different than what I use to be. No more killing for me, no sir I'm a brand new person."

"That’s good, good night Blake"

"Good night Mr. Decker"

"You can call me John."

Once he left and I closed the door Mae asked "Was he lying? About not being a killer and all."

"No he was one hundred percent honest with me." I replied

"That’s good, now what's for dinner I'm starving"

"I'm not your parent. Cook for yourself."

"Well you did change into my dad and all."

"Well played, but you didn’t believe me, you should cook for me."

"I don’t want to have top ramen and macaroni again. You know I can't cook."

"Fine I'll cook, but you better be grateful."

"Oh believe me I am. You cook like a god."

"Yes and you eat like a pig."

"Do not" she said smirking" Maybe just a little bit."

"You ate an entire ham once"

"I had a long day at school"

"Whatever you say porky"

"I do not stutter"

"Fine piglet"

"I hate you"

"Love you to Mae"






Chronicle 5: The hunter…

This is the portion of our story that if you are squeamish, or do not like to hear of gory and horrific events, you should probably skim through. Ah, who am I kidding, suck it up and read the whole thing.

Mae and I where just finishing a wonderful meal of hamburgers and macaroni, yes I did teach her how to make hamburgers, when I got a call from Bill.

"I got to take this" I had told Mae as I answered the phone, "Work related"

"Ok" she said as she gave me a thumb up. She supports my career choice one hundred percent.

"Hey Bill"

"Hey boss, just got a call from a lady, said she found a man. Looks like he has been mauled by a large dog or small bear."

"Did you put out an APB on Little Bear and Cujo?"

"Sure did boss, see ya in a bit." He had said as he hung up.

"Hey Mae there has been a killing, I got to leave"

"Can I come on this John, please?"

"Fine. You're lucky that I have known you for my whole life, other words I would have left you here."

"Don’t forget that you love me" she had said rather quickly as she skipped to the car.

"That too" I had to run to keep up with her.

"Beat you" she had giggled as she stuck her tongue out at me "Now if you wouldn’t
mind unlocking the car, I am freezing."

"One sec" I had replied as I unlocked the car "There freezing climb in."

"Ha-ha very funny"

"I thought so". I had jokingly said as I began to drive the car to the scene of the crime. Bill sent it to me this time, good. I had thought to myself. 

Once we arrived, I immediately began to investigate the body as Mae admired the gashes and lacerations that the man had on his upper body and face. He looked as if someone had put him through a meat grinder several times, and then added fake blood. It seemed as if there was all his blood on just his chest, while his face and arms had been soaked in blood as well. The cuts where deep enough to show his bone, some went straight through his arm and ribs, and the look in his eyes suggested that he saw what had killed him, then died after it left.

"You enjoying yourself there Mae."

"Kind of."

"Well, at least you not sitting around, twiddling your thumbs."

"I know right," she had excitedly said while she smirked at me


"I think we should be a team. It could be fun."

"No, you could get shot or attacked or killed. Not happening ever, end of discussion." I might have been too strict but I didn't care "Do you understand me."

"Yes, just thought it would be cool." she looked very sad.

"Now while I'm doing this stuff and interviewing people, you can come along."

"Really?" she had squeaked out.

"Yes, really."

"Yay" she squealed and jumped up and gave me a huge hug. "Thank you, you won't regret it."

"Your welcome" I said as I hugged her back. "We have to go back to work now."

"Oh, ok."

"What do you think killed him?"

"Normally I would say dog or bear, but seeing how the top half is the only thing touched, I'm saying someone like our dear friend Blake."

"I was thinking the same thing. We should probably head home now."

"Sounds good, I'm beat anyways." She said between her constant yawns.

"I can't tell, you have only yawned like fifty times now."

Once I had driven her home and walked her to her room, she was so tired that she could not even walk straight. It's funny she looked like a white drunk monkey at points, the way she stumbled and the noises she made as she did. I laid her down then went to sleep myself. I had a good dream this time instead of my usual nightmare. I had spent the day with Mae, we had been just hanging out, we went to the movies, eat lunch, and then just drove around seeing sights and just having fun.





Chronicle 6: …and the hunted

I was alone in the house, sitting in the living room enjoying a nice day off, reading The Shining by Stephen King my faveriote book, while Mae was off at school. Then I felt its presence, its breath was audible, and its foot prints were echoing in my head. It was a wolf, not a timber wolf, a full blown, walks on two legs, shaved Indian, werewolf. I had believed it was the wolf that killed the man.

Who ever it was it made a big mistake sneaking up on me, I was trained to handle any creature, any person, and anything that I needed to. I grabbed my gun and immediately grabbed two clips, plus the one in the gun, and began walking toward the sound of it. I had believed that this creature was hunting me; the man he killed was a shifter, as I learned from my investigation. I guess keeping a chronicle was what a lot of shifters do. His name was unimportiant, and he didnt use it much, but he did metion that he saw the legendary one. The one who would save or dam all of the changing kind.

As I was trying to stalk the thing stalking me, I had realized that we were both on the hunt. If I waited, he would not be able to surprise me quite as easily. I had gone back into the living room and sat and waited. Once he popped up, I would blast his face off. I prayed that my aim would not fail me, for it would be a horrible for it to.

Then he jumped at me. I opened fire and hit him three times in the chest. He was sent flying through the air. He landed with a sickening thud and had morphed back into his true, human form. He was someone who I had never guessed who he could be.

"Bill?" is all I could ask

"Yea, boss it's me." He had weakly responded.
"Dear god man, who bit you."

"I'm not sure, I just remember waking up and feeling hungry, for meat." He began to cough up blood."I ate hamburgers and steak and I was still starving. Then I began to eat raw meat, it satisfied my hunger. Later in the night I woke up with intense heart pains, then I began to grow hair and my limbs began to extend. All of a sudden I'm outside your house. I put a note on your door saying that I'm leaving. I'm suggesting leaving it that way that I'm gone. I don’t have any family; bury me in the old graveyard." He died right there on my floor, right in front of me.

I had drug him out to my car and put him in the back. I had begun to drive to the graveyard. Once I reached the graveyard, without any problems so far, I began to dig his hole. I dug that whole five feet down, five feet across. "I'm sorry" I had whispered as I threw him into his grave. The drive home was just as long and eventless as the ride to the graveyard.

I walked in my front door and hit the floor, passed out right there. Once Mae got home she woke me up and moved me into a bed, I couldn’t tell if it was my or Mae's. I learned it was hers she had put me there so she could watch me through the night. When I woke up we were cuddled up and close. I fell back asleep, smiling.













Chronicle 7: the lost and found

Three months had passed since Bill's death, and it was almost ten years since my father's disappearance and mother's death. Mae had helped me cope through every December and Christmas, we always went to her mother's house, but seeing how she died a few months back of a heart attack, we were stuck at home this year.

"Why don’t you invite Bill and Blake over for Christmas, if they aren’t busy?" She asked.

"Bill left town and Blake has just disappeared since the last time we saw him." I answered.

"So it's just us this Christmas"

"Jeez, didn’t know you wanted away from me that bad."

"Not what I meant John. This is the first year that it's just us. Don’t you think it’s a little weird?"

"A little but don't worry, we'll still have a good time."

"I know we will, can I tell you something?"

"Sure Mae, what is it."

"I don’t quite know why, but I have been feeling this strange attraction to you ever since we moved in here. I didn’t quite know when to tell you, but I thought this would be a good time to tell you."

"I'm not the only one who feels it then."

"You feel it to?"

"Of course I do. You’re a beautiful, sweet, amazing girl how wouldn’t I."

"You don’t mean that."

"Yes I do. I've felt like this for a while" I leaned in a kissed her. She kissed me back and we just stayed like that. Once we stopped we just stared at each other. I hoped nothing would end this moment, but I spoke to soon, there was a knock at the door.

I went and opened the door and asked "Who are you"

"Don’t even recognize your own father. I know it has been a while but still." He replied

"Dad? Is it really you?"

"Yes son, may I come in. Or do you have company." He nodded towards Mae.

"No no, come in. You remember Mae don’t you?"

"Of course I do. You two live together? Are you married?"

"No dad we are not married."

"Does she know what you are?"


"I see. You made the same mistake I did. The same mistake that killed your mother."

"Telling her."

"No, loving her."

"How do know how I feel?"

"You and I are one in the same John, I told your mother for the same reason."

"Ok, I see"

"Hello Mae. How have you been?"

"Mr. Decker is it really you?"

"I've got a feeling that I'm going to get asked that question quite a bit. Aren't I?"

"You probably will dad."

"Yes Mae it's really me."

"We thought you were dead."

"Good, that is what I planned."


"Yes, planned. The creature hasn’t come after you. Has he?"

"No but why did you plan for me to think you're dead?"

"It is for the best. That's not why I am here though. I'm here to tell you your destiny."

"Let me guess, to save the world from the creature that hunts us."

"No, actually to decide the fate of all of the morphers."


"Yes werewolves, shape-shifters, and us the time-shifters."

"That's what it was called; I always just called us shifters."

"Most do, it's perfectly suitable for a name of our race. Before you ask if we are a separate race, yes we are." I remained silent as he went on. "We came from somewhere, though no one knows where, and we have been hunted to extinction, there are only five of us left in existence. Well of this specific race of ours." He stopped talking and waited expecting me to say something to him. Well I had nothing else to say so I went down the smart-ass route.

"Of course there are other races."

"Ha you really are my son."

"Well no duh."

"No need to cop an attitude. Also, I can't stay for long. In a day I must leave."


"Good, no argument. Makes my life a whole lot easier."

"You can stay in my bed tonight." I turned to Mae, "Is it alright if I stay in your room with you tonight?"

"Of course John."

"Thank you."

"Now that is out of the way we can finish some business we have. John I need to talk to you privately."








Chronicle 8: Welcome to the war

"Well as you know, a war is being waged, that's why that werewolf you killed a few nights ago killed the sifter. The person is completely unaware of the killing, or that they know what a shifter is, so your friend was innocent, but the wolf was not. It is horrible when they use friends against us." My father had said. He also handed me a list and said "Don’t ask what is inside. Only read it once I have left, and only once you discover what part you play in this war."

"Yes dad, but why Bill though? He was so gentle he wouldn’t hurt a fly." I had asked.

"That's exactly why they targeted him. They knew what getting him would do to you."

"I guess that makes sense."

"I have to leave early tomorrow morning. I need to get a lot of sleep. Would you mind showing me to my room?"

"No not at all dad." I had walked him to my room. "Goodnight dad."

"Goodnight son, and welcome to the war."







Chronicle 9: The dreams meaning

BANE ΚΌΛΑΣΗ a phrase that I had learned from the roseate stone program. I had learned several languages so I could translate the phrase that was with my name in blood by the torture chair. The phrase had said "JOHN DECKER THE SAVIOR OR SCOURGE"; I think it points to my destiny that everyone seems to know about except for me. BANE ΚΌΛΑΣΗ means "Hells bane" I had decided to save all of the morphers that I could, even if it cost me my own life. I had to protect Mae also so she is tagging along as I travel the world trying to find the list of people my father had given me before leaving. I followed his instructions to the letter. The first person I must find is someone that they call "The Lost One".


Best of luck to those involved in this war we wage.


John Decker, The Savior


Texte: Justin Nichols
Lektorat: Numerous Bookrix users. I cant make it without you guys.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.01.2013

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To my best friend Victoria, because we all need a Mae.

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