
My dear Evelyn, Writing this is difficult my burden must be lifted From within my whole being I have missed you more than you know How I hated to see you go My feelings I kept out of view The day we met, I fell in love with you One cannot help how they feel Yet how they react, they can control Romance for us could never be So it is platonic tween you and me I pray you accept this and change nothing Because unconditional love is a blessed thing Only happiness I wish for you In turn , it will be for me too. Choose wisely when you wed Avoid all strife As you deserve Only the best in life Rejoice in the knowing you are loved Be glad for the joy i get from your just being One last thing my dear, You must believe I will always be there If ever you should need Your loving friend forever, Steve


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.02.2011

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