
Prologue: All About Me Alissa

okay how do i start this. Hi, my name is Alissa but my friends call me Ali. I'm 5'3. I have kinda short hair its almost shoulder length light brown hair and mostly green hazel eyes. I'm a were-wolf and there is a time limit on finding a mate or you become a lone wolf(which i already am). the age limit is 16 through 18. that's plenty of time right. Wrong! you have the
the whole world to look for your mate and it makes the time seem alot shorter. I'm 16 and i live by myself and i don't have a pack. I do go to high school though. Memorian High School California. Its a new school for me. I had to put a fake address on the registration form, so the school thinks i live at my friend Fabian's house. Fabian is my best friend, hes 18 and has a mate but i don't like her. I had a crush on him before when I was around 10 before the moving started because of my mom's mistakes. My mom was a murderer and had psychopathic tendencies that people thought it was genetic, but i haven't heard any weird voices in my head except Brooke my wolf. She is the exact opposite of me. oh and for clarification brooked named herself, I would'a picked Ali Jr. or miss spaz but she growled at my choices. well thats enough about me.

Chapter 1 - Living Arrangements

I bolted up, scared to death, hitting my head on my hood. I was sleeping in my crappy car. I took out my phone to check the time. 4:00 am. I thought 'Yay! I finally woke up early.' I quickly to Fabian's house. I knocked on the door and his mate Layla opened the door, giving me the evil eye. To be honest I thought of her as a slut. She has long curly black hair with the brightest green eyes. "What do you want at this time in the morning, when i could be in bed with MY mate. You know... sex before school." I looked down, blushing. I hoped Fabian never tolled her of our experimente. We didn't have sex but we did other stuff. "I need to change my clothes for school and Fabian said he would give me a ride because my car won't make it there." I said. She looked pissed. "Well your not riding with me and i don't have a room for you to change your clothes in." After saying that she slammed the door in my face. I felt like crying, Brooke whimpered. I heard her foot steps going away from the door. I heard the door open and there was Fabian. Hes 5'9, has blonde short hair and blue eyes. "I have a room for you to change in."he said motioning to come in. i walked through his small, cozy apartment toward a guest bedroom. "here you go. how bout you stay here for awhile." he looked hopefully at me. My wolf turned happy at that comment. "umm b-but your mate doesn't like me." i said quickly, hating how i stuttered. "she's not that bad
once you get to know her." he said, with a small smile. 'I really don't want to know what he
he does with that chick. I said "yes." Before he could shout for joy i quickly said "But only for a month. Oh and I will pay for the time i'm here so if i don't get a job real soon I'll be here for the month only. Okay?" He looked confused but nodded. 'I should have said it better. first get a job then pay rent then leave. there' When I got back to reality, Fabian was waving his hands in my face, with a funny expression on his face. "Sorry, Brookes restless." I said to ensure my saneness. (F.Y.I. that expression meant he thought i was crazy) He nodded saying "Ya. But you have to watch out there's no place for you to shift around her." That news just made my heart sink. I'm normally a outside person even before my wolf showed up. I was shocked when she showed up because i don't like dogs, but I've always had a fascination with wolves. "Then where do you shift?" I asked a little worried. " Well... me and Layla have a secret place. a Secret place. I'm sorry but only me and her could go there, we found it during our mating." I looked down. " Of Course you guys would have your own space. I'll find some were to shift. Weelll i got to get dressed so get out." "okay. see you at 6 am for school." I hate being a new girl but whatever. i turned around in the small light pink room that was now mine temporary. all it had was a twin sized bed and a desk. there was a connecting bathroom. I quickley go dressed and layd back on the bed and waited for Fabian to take me to school. I hear a shout " OH HELL NO! I DON'T WANT THAT SLUT ANY WHERE NEAR YOU!" I could see my days of staying here getting shorter.

Chapter 2 - School - My Mate

I was in the car smiling when Layla got in sneering at me. Then fabian got it and gave me a half smile. I thought 'How could a sweet guy like Fabian mate with a Hoe like her. Oh ya you couldn't choose your mate.' I stare out the window looking at the different scenery. In the distants you could see a big brick building and a huge foot ball field. Oh my god. There's gonna be sluts, nerds, and jocks. What category am i in? None. I used to be in a popular in freshman year until they found out about my crazy psycho mom. 'No thinking about that time in like' Brooke growled at me, making Fabian look at me in the rear view mirror. Concerned, he asked "are you ok?" I nodded but didn't say anything. We parked next to a blue H2 hummer. OMG just looking at that car made my teeth hurt. I wanted to drive that hummer soo bad. "Well miss, Only special people get to ride on this, if there lucky." A voice of a man maybe came out from behind me. I took a deep breath to calm my suddenly giddy stomache and smelt him. 'My Mate' Brooke yelled enthusiastically. I smiled and turned around just to be slapped in the face by this short strawberry blonde hair and ice blue eyes. "What the hell!" I yelled. "Bitch hes my man. My name is Camille and I rule this school." She looked like a major slut. She had a mini skirt that barely covered her ass and a black tank top that looked like her boobs were gonna fall out. 'Crap, just our luck. Our mate is the major sluts girlfriend.' " Sorry. I didn't know that you owned him. I'll just go now." When I looked at my mate. He's 6'2 and had black wavy hair and and brown eyes. He had hate in those eyes. 'What did we do wrong.' Brooke asked whimpering.'nothing!' I whispered. "what did you say?" Asked Camille. "Nothing." I walked away toward Fabian and hugged him. Layla growled but i didn't care. "Whats wrong?" he asked. All i could say was "R-r-rejected." and started crying. I felt Fabian stiffen and start rubbing my hair, say things like "its ok , shush. It'll be alright." Layla just said " Honey I don't want that hoe all up on you like that." With that said i walked away toward the office to get my schedule. I wiped my face before i went in there so no one would suspect I've been crying like a sissy. (ya i said sissy. deal with it ) I walked into the office and said to the lady with the name tag that said sherry on it. " Hi, Im Samantha and i'm new her. And i need to get my schedule." I said calmly and nicely. "okay dearie, her you go." she said handing my a white piece of paper. "Thank you ma'am." I said looking at the paper. A guy came in behind me and said to the lady. "Hey sherry Mr. Ford would like some copying paper." I look at the guy. He was cute. 'but not as cute as our mate' Brooke reminded me. The guy was 5'8 and had brown short hair and has baby blue eyes. While sherry was getting his paper I said "Hi." He said "You new here?" "Ya. My names Alissa. But my friends call me Ali." "well my names Derick. But only certain people call me rick so if you hear some one yelling for rick then that's probably me. Hey let me see what classes you have." I handed him the paper. "Awesome! you have all my classes. Which is kinda weird if you ask me." Then sherry handed him the ppapers his teacher needed. " Behave yourself around this one rick, shes a keeper." (oh ya did i mention that sherry's Canadian so she sounded funny. NO OFFENCE) Rick smiled at her and said "I know sherry." We walked together to class before we opened the door i said " Hold on." "What's wrong." 'Hes in there! Our mates in there.' Brooke practically yelled. 'I know! But he doesn't like us.' When I didn't say anything he said "Want to make him jealous?" "Who?" I ask. He shrugged his shoulders then leaned in close to my ear and whispered "Your mate." I was shocked. How in the hell did we not smell him. 'I knew all along.' Brooke said smugly even though i knew she didn't. "Sure."

Chapter 3 - Let's Have Fun --Or Not

We walk in hand in hand, smiling at each other. I stopped at the teachers desk and showed him my papers. The teach Mr. Ford said " Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new student. Alissa Richards." Every one gasped. They knew the name Richards. The last name is my dad's, and he is RICH. He owns a lot of company's and 3 large famous corporation. One is for clothes, the other is Gaming. The last one is giving out football scholarship. Almost everyone's eyes turned calculating. They thought they would be able to use me. Well they're are dead wrong. my dad left me in a cardboard box that says 'PLEASE FIND A GOOD HOME' when i was 7. He left there because my mom wasn't his mate and it was a forced marriage because of me. When my mom went crazy and killed 5 people. Those 5 people were my family. My dad was the last of my family but I haven't seen him since that terrible night. But he calls me sometimes to check up on me. I never did find what the box said. Derick seeing my face dragged me to the 2 open seats and sat next to me. I was sitting behind my mate and Derick was sitting behind Camille. Camille turned to me and said "I'm sorry about my behavior in the parking lot. I didn't know who your dad was." 'of course she wants to be friends now and it's all because of my dad.' " Uhh no thanks though." She just looked shock then she turned around and put her filthy hand on my mates thigh. I got jealous and kickd my mates seat. my mate looked at me with blazing eyes. I couldn't help the shiver that ran through me. I said "I-i'm s-sorry." His eyes soften and that made me smile. YAY one point for me. 'maybe we can win him over' Brooke said but i didn't reply I was too busy staring into my mates eyes. Then camille said "Liam. Why Aren't you paying attention to meee!" She whined cause Liam to turn to her. "I'm sorry sweetheart." and they started making out. I turned to Derick and said "I don't want him jealous, i just want him." Derick looked at me and said "I know."

Chapter 4

My car broke down so i started the 3 mile walk home. While i was walking i looked around for a spot that is concealed enough for me to shift. The road i was walking had forest on both sides. 'Eeney meeny miny mo.blah blah i choose you.' I headed off toward the right and started walking in what i think is a straight line going west. I can hear a creek up ahead. I head toward it thinking about a swim. Suddenly there was an abundance of fern leaves and bushes. I pushed past then hard and kept walking suddenly i fell when there was nothing in my was. "owww!" I yelled. I looked around, it was beautiful. it was a waterfall and there was a huge field of flowers. This was the perfect spot. I put it in my memory. I quickly stripped and started walking to the beautiful waterfall. I stepped in one foot at a time to test the water and the depth. I would usually dive but i don't want to break my neck just because i thought it was deep. I walked toward the middle where the water was cascading down. I wet my hair and felt the was roll down my body. I felt some one watching me and Brooke instantly knew who it was. 'It's our mate maybe we can give him a show' I blushed and said 'no' but Brooke wasn't hearing it. She took control of me and i couldn't stop her. They first started rubbing little circles near my collar bone and slowly went down ward. My breath catched and I heard a rumble right behind me, I looked. It was Liam. AND he was naked omg. I hooked my arms around his neck not thinking about his girlfriend or how he hates me. Brooke was teasing him, rubbing my hand up and down his chest. 'OMG Brooke how do you know what to do?' I looked into Liam's eyes and knew his wolf took control too, his eyes were bright golden eyes. I'm sure my eyes were like cat eyes. I kissed him. He tasted like honey. Brooke made me wrap my legs around his hips. He needed no encouragement. He pushed in. I gasped in pain. I didn't think i would lose my virginity under a water fall. He stopped and let me adjust to him then he couldn't control himself and pushed himself into me again. There was no pain. I yelled "Harder. Please." And he obliged. I felt my orgasm coming so i rose up to kiss him then he went toward my neck and bit down hard and i instantly had another orgasm wash over me. Liam carried my to the grass and lay down with me on top and little Liam still in me. Brooke finnaly let me gain control of my self again. And it seemed like Liam was back to normal. "O crap. I'm soo sorry" I saind getting up but then Liam grabbed my hips.He moved me and i felt another spark of pleasure Spike through my body and i couldn't stop the moan. He grinned 'wick made my heart pound. I think he heard it' and said " Well seems like Daz had his fun now i want mine." My heart was thundering in my ears. I wrapped my hands around his neck. "O what fun are you talking about?" I said, feeling bold moved forward and kissed him. the movement sent shivers and tingles up and down my spine. He gabbed my hims raised me up and slowly put my down on little Liam, Who was very excited might i add. I bit my bottom lip to not moan and whispered "h-harder please." Liam shook his head no and flipped us so my back was on the ground. He kissed me hard then nibbled on my bottom lip causing me to moan. He took the opportunity and our tongues started to dance. I pulled back for air "soooo good." I mumbled. Hearing this he chuckled sending little tingles down my body. He lowers his head and starts to nibble on my chin going lower to my neck. He give my a hard suck that made me wet. he laughed because he could smell the arousal i was giving off. I knew i was going to have a hickey there. Suddenly i felt a sharp pleasure pain feeling. He bit me. He looked up at me, his eyes are BRIGHT purple. WTF they looked sexy. I kissed him and started fro his neck. He said "No no no no" stopping me from making him mine. that means im his but hes not mine. I pouted which made him smile. He started to suck on my collar bone and i moaned. His hands were on my breasts making my breath catch. 'omg This feels sooo good'"It better." Liam growled. "what i said that aloud?" " no I heard it in my head. Your mine remember that." he said huskily. " what about Camille?" I asked hoping, there would be no more Camille. "She's mine too. You can share can't you?" I was getting angry wtf. i tried getting up and ignoring the pleasure i got in return, but liam held me down and thrust into me hard. that took my mind off her. he trust into me again and again. 'don't bite don't bite don't'"ahhha" Liam bit my again but on my breast. It felt soo good that it drove me over the brink.Liam yelled "sam" then groaned. i felt his liquid flow into me. he used my boobs as a pillow. "why were you so angry at me when we first met?"
"ohh because i thought if i had you i couldn't have anyone else but my friend tolled me that if you don't bite me i won't only belong to you. I can have any other girl i want, but you cant. Your mine." He said determinedly against my boobs. I was confused if i was his how could he not be mine.

Chapter 5 -My Job SUCKS!!!

I walked sorely to my job as a waitress at Fanny's Bananays (pronounced bannaannaays). I feel like I was stuck in the 70s. I popped my bubble gum right as Camille entered with a guy i haven't seen before. he was tall dark and handsome. I snuck behing the employees only area and started spying. They where in a heated argument when they started to get loud i heard "We should just get rid of him. His in our way." the guy said and Camille said "NO, Robert. You said no one would get hurt." Then he said something i couldn't hear then the two started making out. I ducked out of the restrount and saw Liam coming. I had to stop him. No matter how much i disliked Camille I don't want Liam hurt. "Hey, What are you doing here?" He tried to walk pass me but i grabbed my arm and said "Aren't you going to answer me?" He looked at me and said " Someone told me that there was somthing i would like to see going on inside. will you move so i can see whats going on?". I looked at him and said quickly " the only thing going on is the specials. you wanna know what they are. Ofcource you do. today we have really go--mmph" Liam put his hand over my mouth to shut me up. "If i let go of you you won't keep talking. ... Will you?" he said the beggining laughing until the end. He was serious. I nodded and he slowly removed his hand and spoke really quickly "good pie" and ducked before he could cover my mouth again. I hear a bell jingle and I looked toward the front door. Camille walked out alone and said "Hey honey why are you near this hoe?" I looked toward the ground then I looked at Liam. "See you later" I said with a wink and left. 'omg I cant believe I just did that.' I walked away with the biggest smile on my face. I ran home and when I got to the front door wn I heard the yelling. "I don't want her in My house. She upset my best friend AND her boyfriend!" "Camille, Camille is your best friend? Why do you hang out with that girl. She is nothing but trouble." I opend the door and calmly said "Fabian, I believe I will stay at a hotel for now on."

Chapter 6 - The hotel

I looked around the hotel. It was cheap for a to 3 bedroom. I sat on obnoxiously pink bed and look at the white ceiling. I fell asleep. The man was looking at me and said, " Honey, I need you to take care of my daughter. She is all I have, especially now. After what you did." The man handed the baby to me as blood seeped through his shirt. He muttered "please" and died. I awoke sweating. I killed that man. I haven't been able to support the newborn so she went to my neighbor. I have to get her back, maybe finally taking responsibility will help me out with this complicated mate thing. I called Shawna, the neighbor, and asked her how the baby was. She said the baby finally rolled over. I asked if they named her and they said they haven't. They are coming in 5 days to give me the baby and some of my money that I left there for insurance. In case I need it on the run. I ran to the Walmart and stalked up on baby stuff. I mean I went crazy. Some one from school was staring at me. I knew that when I went back to school that there would be talk. I went back to the hotel and started setting up the room when I heard pounding on the door. It was Liam. He looked pissed. "Are you pregnant?! Because if you are we need to get rid of it!" I am shocked, I slam the door shut and cry. I sleep for days until I heard a knock. The baby was here. I run to the door excited and I open it. It was Liam. My face fell, all my excitement gone. "What do you want?" "I want to apologize for what I said a couple days ago." I replied "Just please leave me alone." My heart hurt so bad saying that but it had to be said. I looked over his shoulder and there was Shawna. I smiled, Liam thought I was smiling for him and was confused until he saw the baby. Then there was anger. I grabbed the baby and said "Mammas here" For some reason the baby really thought I was her mother. The baby smiled. Shawna said "She missed you." I invited her in and shut the door in Liam's face.

Chapter 7

I was holding the baby bouncing her on my side when i said to her,"What should your name be? Regina no. Laurie? no. Max? ohh either max or angel. What do you want?" The baby just gurgles . I nod for no reason other then I was going to name her Angel.

Her name is officially Angel :) I was so excited I bought her a little castle that she won't know how to play until she gets older but I didn't care. I was getting ready for the drama of the day when I heard a knock on the door. I knew it was Liam so I didn't answer the door. I picked up Angel and opened the door to leave when I saw Liam sitting on the ground crying. "Please get up." I said, startling him. He quickly rubbed his eyes no doubt ashamed I caught him crying. He cleared his throat and said in a hoarse voice, making my heart pound,"Ali please, please, forgive me. I need you in my life, I broke up with the other girl. She doesn't matter to me. She isn't my mate, YOU ARE!"

(A/N) hello its me i hope you like the ending... I had decided to leave the drama between Alissa and Camille. muhahaha. Sorry if it sucked...


Texte: Me. Please Don't Steal This.
Bildmaterialien: google
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.06.2012

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