

There once was a hunter named Brian,

Whose skill equaled that of Orion.

“I could out hunt Diana,” he boasted aloud,

Not knowing the goddess was there beneath a shroud.

As punishment, Diana turned his wife into a deer.

Brian dared not hunt again, with arrow or with spear.


Brian’s son Nathaniel was about the age of one.

The king told Brian he would like to raise him as his son.

So Nathaniel grew up raised by a royal nurse.

No one spoke to him about his mother, or the curse.

His skill surpassed his father’s, a man he never knew.

But, he resisted pride’s temptation

and gave the god’s their due.


One day when he was hunting, he came upon a deer.

It stood there staring at him and showed no sign of fear.

Reluctantly, he raised his bow and let his arrow fly.

The deer fell to the ground with an arrow in it's thigh.

He shot another arrow and this one stuck its breast.

He went up to the deer to pull


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.05.2014
ISBN: 978-3-7368-1648-0

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to my two greatest encouragers, Nicholas Golemis (deceased) and Kevin Fitzgerald.

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