
Chapter 1


Lana's P.O.V.

'Hey bitch!'

I groaned inwardly to myself as I heard the voice I had been dreading for the past 6 weeks. I turned around slowly and came face to face with my living nightmare, Melissa Grimshaw. Standing at 5ft 9", she towered over my petite 5ft 2" frame. Looking down on me through her wavy Aurburn hair, she smirked.

'Oh this years going to be fun' she laughed as she took in my appearence. Blue jeans, white tank top and a zip up hoodie. topped off with my black high top converse. Face framed by my ash blonde hair; hiding my abnormal eyes; my right eye a bright blue, wereas my left is a dark chocolate brown. I suppose this is why she picks on me. I kept my head down because, after many years of this, I have learnt that looking into Melissa's eyes would only anger her.


Luckily before she could critisise me any longer her captain of the footbal team boyfriend Josh Collins swooped in and grabbed Melissa. I took this opportunity to escape and go on a search for my one and only friend Zoey Parkins. I needed to compare time tables with her to see is either of us were safe from the evil clutches of Melissa. Looking around, I finally find the bouncing red head near my old locker.

'Zoe!' I called. She turned around and her eyes instantly brightened.

'Lana!' she cried as she ran over to me. I was happy to finally see my best friend again after the 6 weeks we had spent away from each other. We normally would have spent everyday together, but her family had taken her on holiday. My heart had sunk when she told me. I knew she hated leaving me as she knew me and my mum could hardly afford to keep our house, let alone go on holiday, but I was happy for her.

'I haven't seen you in like forever!' she cried still bouncing around.

'Zoe, it's only been 6 weeks!' I laughed as she finally stopped bouncing.

'Only 6 weeks! But that's like ages!' she said looking horrified.

'It was a long time' I agreed 'but I had my books and my drawings to keep my company'

Another reason why Melissa especially enjoyed picking on me; no-one liked a creative geek.

'Yeah,  well you would say that wouldn't you' she laughed 'Hey gove me your time table' she said, grabbing it out of my hands.

'Well if someone hadn't taken art we would basically have the same lessons' she complained 'but we do have spanish, maths and PE together so I suppose that's a plus.'

I was happy that I was sharing some of my favourite lessons with her. Honestly, even though I read a lot I absolutely hate english and instead adore PE.


We both jumped as the bell for our first lesson rang 'shit' we both cried. After 7 years at this school, we still hadn't gotten used to the schools abnormally loud bell. We both sadly headed in different directions  to out first lessons. Mine being english. What a lovely way to start a money morning. NOT. School passed quite quickly after that as I had art anf all of my other lessons with Zoey.


Trailing my way home that afternoon, I stopped by the newsagents to pick up some essentials that I knew wouldn't be in the house. After unlocking the unstable front door to the tiny bungalow me and my mother shared, I went into my very bare bedroom and flopped down on my rickty old bed. My bedroom only consisted of my bed, wardrobe and a desk which contained all of my books and drawing tools.

I lay there and tried to control the pain that was going through me. I had been feeling this since the beginning of english. I had put it down to the nerves of a new school year with Melissa but surely I shouldn't still be feeling like this should I? I just lay down and tried to go to sleep.


The rest of the week passed in a blur of pain. I must have looked like shit because even Melissa kept her distance, obviously not thinking it was worth getting ill. However by friday I had had enough. I finally went to my mum.

'Mum, I feel really bad' I explained.

I had expected her to put me back to be and comfort me like usual.  However, I had not expected her to freeze with a horrified look on her face. She led me to my bed and asked

'What exactly feels bad love?'

'Well' I started 'I've been aching all wekks and my head feels like it is about to explode.'

To my surprise she looked relieved by this.

'Okay the dear, I think you might just be coming down with the flu, you just lie down and get some rest.' She got up and went to head out of my room.

'Hey mum?'

She stopped and turned around,


Is it normal to be really itchy when you have to flu because -' 

I was cut off when she came flying towards me and was asking hurridly,

'Where! Where is it itching most?'

I slowly turned around and pointed to my lower back. I would feels her gentle fingers prying my T-shirt up to look at my back

'Oh god no' she gasped 'Why now?!'


Shane's P.O.V.

I had been feeling like complete and utter shit all week, but like usual,I just put it off as aching muscles from tryouts. I was walking into my bedroom when I felt the sharpest pain of all in my lower back. Running to my mirror, I twisted around and stared at my lower back. There in tiny writing was the mating symbol.

"Suus Illam Invenire"

"Illam Ad Tueri Suus"

"Sua Suus Amor"

(Her's to find,

Her's to protect,

Her's to love.)

It was time; my mate was ready.





Chapter 2


Lana's P.O.V.

It wasn't until wednesday the pain had receeded enough for me to be able to go back to school again. My mum pratically pleading, telling me that I didn't have to to go to school; but honestly, I think I'd rather face Melissa than stay in that room a day longer.


I had no mobile phone, so I couldnt call Zoe to explain why I wasn't in school, but I know she would understand. Walking warily down the grimmy school hallways, I wondered what Zoey had been doing for the past few days. She didn't have any other friends, so she must have been hiding in the library whenever it was lunch or break time


I had been so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise there was a couple busy making out against the wall until I walked into them

'Hey, watch it!' growled the girl. She began to turn back towards the boy who was atleast a foot taller than her, when she did a double take. Her eyes widened.

'LANA!' She crie, jumping onto me. I hadn't even realised it was Zoe. 'When did you get back?!'

I just looked at her, to the boy and back to her.

'Oh sorry, Lana this is Tom, Tom this is Lana.'

Tom reached over to me and stuck his hand with a smile which would have ususally made me go weak at the knees. However, it didn't seem to affect me today. I took his hand and looked up at him. He froze mid shake when he saw my eyes. I began to look back downn when he laughed and said.

'Your eyes are awesome!'

I looked back uo quickly shocked. No-one had ever complimented my eyes before, let alone someone as gorgeous at Tom. He stood at about 6ft 2", was fairly muscular, had jet black hair and shockily blue eyes. I felt my own eyes narrowing, expecting him to follow up with an insult. I was surprised when nothing came.

'Lana, you need to learn how to take compliments.' Zoe laughed 'Anyway Tom moved to this school on Friday and was in a couple of my lessons, I would have introduced you then but you didn't look very well...' She explained 'And now we are just... very good friends.'

'Uh-huh' I laughed 'good friends who attack each others faces in the hallways.'

'Yep' they both laughed.

'I got to go babe, I'll see you at lunch; nice to finally meet you Lana!' Tom called as he begam his way down the hallway. I raised my eyebrow at Zoe.

'Oh shush' she sighed 'He's cute though isn't he.'

'I suppose, not really my type though.'

'Oh psshh, let's get to class.'


I was making my way to luch when someone grabbed the hood of my hoodie and swung me against the lockers.

'Where were you bitch? I was missing our games.'

Oh crap - Melissa.

'Answer me bitch!' she growled into my ear. I was obviously taking too long to answer. Hands grabbed my arms and swung me around to face Melissa. Melissa's followers, Jodie and Kylie, held me up against the lockers. Melissa reached back and punched me in the stomach. I slumped forward, winded.

'Now, i'll ask again. WHERE WERE YOU!'

'I - Ill!' I gasped.

'Yes, you did look like shit on Friday, but then again, you look like shit everyday.'

She hit me again.

'Now tell me the truth!'

'I AM!' I cried.

I closed my eyes waiting for another blow; it didn't come. The hands holding my arms disappeared. I slowly opened my eyes to see Tom with Melissa's wrist in his hand.

'Let me go, you bastard!' she screamed

'Not until you apologise to Lana.'

'No fucking way!' He tightened his grip in her wrist, she yelped.

'Okay, okay I'm sorry!'

'Good, now leave.'

They scattered.

'Lana are you alright?' I nodded still too pained to reply.

'Come on let's go to Zoey.' He led me towards the lunch room.

'Lana? Lana are you alright?' screeched Zoey.

'Yeah Zoe, just had a run in with Melissa is all.' Her eyes widened, but she nodded knowingly.

'You need to learn how to stand up to her.' she said. I just gave her pained look and went to get lunch.


School passed without another incident that day and i started to walk back home. As i approached, I slowed as I saw a black car outside out house. This wasn;t right. Neither me or my mtoher owned a car - too expensive. So we either had rich visitors (ha), or it was the debt collecctors. I was starting to lean towards the second option. I ran towards the house.


Shane P.O.V.

I had finally shown my parents my mark on Tuesday night after the pain had become so extreme I could barely move. As soon as they saw it, I was in the back of the car. heading north. The pain receeded more the further north we were. So, my soon to be wife lived in the north of England. The pain wasn't so bad anymore so i was able to sleep for a while.


I awoke to a searing pain in my stomach. I looked outside to see it was almost noon. I was about to ask where we were heading when another shot of pain hit my stomach - my mate was getting hurt. The thought made me see red. I don't know why, I didn't want to have a mate at all. I growled.

'What's wront honey?' my mother asked, turning around to look at me, concerned.

'Oh nothing' I replied 'Where does she live anyway?'

'In the middle of Liverpool.'


Now I know the females are supposed to be poor and live in run down places until the males are ready to find them, but this is just ridiculous. A tiny bungalow with peeling walls and a sagging fornt door. I couldn't imagine anyone liveing here. We all walked up to the door and knocked. A small woman in her late 40's peeked around the door.

'Ms Ellwood?' My father asked. She opened the door further and let us in.

'Come in, I've been expecting you.'


Lana's P.O.V.

I threw open the front door expecting people removing what little furniture we have left. Instead I found my mother and three other people sitting around the coffee table drinking tea. There was an older man and woman and a bou who looked arounf my age with sun - kissed skin, ash blonde hair that flopped down over his forehead and the greenest eyes she had ever seen, they were the colour of leaves. He was gorgeous. They all looked up as I came in.

'Lana -' My mother began.

'Who are they?' I demanded. I could feel the boy looking at my eyes; probably judging me. My mother sighed.

'This is Shane Caulton' she said pointing to the boy. 'He is to be your husband.'


Chapter 3

Shane's P.O.V.

'he is to be your husband' her mother told her. I watched as her eyes widened. From this angle I could only see her right eye. It was a beautiful sea blue. She turned tp face be and I felt my own eyes widen. Here I was expecting a blue eyed goddess and yet here she stood, one eye a gorgeous blue and the other a lovely chocolate brown. I watched as she observed me observing her, then she spun back around to her mother.

'No' was all she said.

'Lana...' Her mother began.

'NO! I know them types of guys mum and I will not be forced to marry one!' And with that she ran out of the house. I got up and ran after her.


Lana's P.O.V.

He is to be your husband was all I could hear as I ran out of the house. After what happened with my father, I thought my mother would have been a bit more understanding, but apparently not. I could hear someone running after me but I didn't stop.

'Lana... Please.... Stop!' I heard someone yell. I ignored them. I didn't realise where I was running until I got there. The park. I hadn't  been here since my father left. I stopped so suddenly, that whoever was chasing me came barreling into me. I ended up face first in the grass with a very large, very heavy man on top. I didn't like the tingles I was feeling with him there.

'Get off!' I screamed. The body left and I sat up panting.

'Why... did... you... follow... me?' I asked

'Because... we need... to leave... and you still... haven't packed' Shane replied.

'Well too bad... because I am not leaving... with you.'

'You think I want this! He asked, anger written all over his face. 'You think I want to get married?'

'Well you're not doing anything to stop them.' I told him.

'I've tried, I've tried for almost a year now. That's why I came after you; there is no way to change their minds.' I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. His face instantly softened.

'Come on, lets get back.' He got up and offered me his hand. I looked at him, he arched his eyebrow. I grabbed his hand and let him pull me up. As we came nearer my house, I thought about before I ran off.

'Hey' I said softly, He turned around with a questioning look on his face.

'I'm sorry about the way I reacted before.'

'It's fine, I reacted way worse when I found out.' 

I smiled ' what did you do?'

'I may or may not have trashed my parents room in an act of revenge.' He replied laughing. We reached my front door. He pushed it open and held it as I went inside. My mother and Mr and Mrs Caulton all looked up and smiled.

'I'll go pack.' I mumbled as I began shuffling towards my bedroom door. I stopped as I reached the door.

'Hey, mum.' I asked

'Yes, Lana?'

'I don't have a suitcase.'

'I put my old one in your room.'

'Oh, thanks.' I replied as I went inside my room.


Going towards my wardrobe, I took everything out and put it inside the case. With all my clothes and shoes, It only filled half of it. Next I went over to my desk. I picked up the few books that I actually owned and stacked them in the case aswell. It still wasn't full. Looking around my room, I came to a stop. I don't know how I could have allmost forgotten my drawing equipment. Walking over to my desk, I grabbed the boxes of equipment and my sketchbooks. There I thought to myself. A full bag. I zipped up the case, keeping one of my sketchbooks and a pencil out. There was a knock on the door.

'Can I come in?' I heard Shane ask quietly.

'Yeah, I'm done now anyway'

He opened the door and looked at the small suitcase with a confused look on his face.

'Is that all you neeed, I could get a bigger case if you need one.'

'You're joking aren't you?' I said laughing 'I could bearly fill that!' He looked at me surprised.

'Well if you say so...?' He came over and grabbed the bag and began carrying it out of my bedroom. I followed him out and ran over to my mother.

'I'm going to miss you mum' I cried

'I'm going to miss you too baby, be a good girl for the Caulton's'

'I will.' I replied hugging her.

'I'll see you again at the wedding, I love you.'

I love you too mum.' I sniffled letting her go and went towards the car. Shane was there at the door holding it open for me. I slipped inside hugging my sketchbook and pencil to my chest. I suddenly remembered something.

'Mum?' I called from the car 'Remember to tell Zoey where I've gone and that I said goodbye.'

'I will Lana, don't worry.'

'Love you!'

Love you too!'

And with that we drove away.

Chapter 4

Shane's P.O.V.

We started to pull away from her house. I looked over to Lana. She had her back to me, gazing out of the window. To her chest she was hugging a sketchbook and pencil. I was doing good. I've only known her for an hour and I already knew she liked to draw. My mother shifted around in her seat to look back at us.

'Hello, Lana, I'm Amy Caulton, but you can just call me Amy and this lazy oaf here is my husband Paul.'

'Hey!' My dad smiled. This is what I loved about my parents. They would constantly insult eachother mockingly but always knew the other was joking. I looked over to Lana. She was smiling at my mother. God, I loved that smile. It made me want to pull her over here and... wait NO! I hated this. I didn't want a wife or mate. I think i've had a bit too much excitement for one day. I leant my head against the window and tryed to sleep.


Lana's P.O.V.

I had been in the car for a couple of hours now. I looked over at Shane who was still asleep. I don't know how he does it. I can never sleep in any kind of vehicle. His mother was also asleep. I looked out of the window to see if we were still on a flat road. Yep we were. I lent over towards Paul and asked

'Are we going to be on flat road for a while?'

'Yes, Lana, we are... why?' He looked at my puzzeled though the car mirror.

'I just wanted to know if it was safe for me to draw.' I replied smiling

'You draw?'

'Yes, I've always loved it.'

'My wife loves art. Never good at producing it but loves to look at it.' He said laughing.

'Okay, thanks.' I smiled as a I lent back and picked up my sketchbook.


I had been drawing for over an hour when I felt Shane lean over me.

'What are you doing?' he asked, his voice cracking from just waking up.

'Drawing.' I reply, not bothering to look up. I can feel his father smiling.

'You draw?'


'What are you drawing?' He and his father both ask. I laugh.

'My mother.' I felt Shane leaning over for a better look.

'Wow.' He sounded genually surpriesd 'That's really good.'

'Thanks' I reply smiling

'Lana, we are coming up to a bumpy road in a few minutes; Just a warning.' Paul calls back to us. I put my sketchbook away. About 10 minutes later we pull up to a house. No. Not a house. A manison.

'Welcome to your new home Lana.'

Chapter 5

Shane's P.O.V.

'Welcome to your new home Lana.' I whispered to her smiling. Her eyes were as round as saucers. I laughed quietly to myself. She was cute when she was shocked.

And she's all ours  My wolf growled. I stopped abruptedly.

No I told my wolf She's not

Yes she is, she is ours


MATE  My wold growled to me

She may be our mate I told him But it doesn't mean she's ours, She isn't ours until I mark her and I won't be doing that anytime soon.

My wolf snarled

She still thinks she's human, do you think she would react well if  I just went up to her and bit her? I asked him dumbfounded.

There was silence.



I went to get out of the car when I looked back and saw Lana still looking shocked. I reached back and shook her.

'Hey Lana, you gonna sit there all day or come inside?' She looked over and blushed. I had never thought much of girls that blushed, but on Lana it looked adorable.

'I- Y- You live here?' She squeeked. I laughed at her reaction.

'Yes, do you have a problem with that?'

'N-no it's just.... Massive!'

I realised at that moment that this was a huge change for her.

'Hey, I know this is difficult for you. Leaving your mother and all, but my family already think of you as part of the family; You are more that welcome here; We will never hurt you.' I told her gently. I watched as her eyes filled with tears.

'No, please, don't cry!' It was hurting me to see my mate in pain. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to hold her; to promised that everything would be alright, but she looked like she was going to run if I got any nearer.

'Come on, lets get you inside' I told her. I went around the back of the car to get her suitcase from the boot. ('The boot' for any americans reading is the trunk) I heard her car door close and turned around to offer her my hand. She looked at me, then to my hand. She hesitantly took it. Her hand was so soft and small; my hand  basically engulfed hers, as I lead her inside.


Lana's P.O.V.

His hand was rough and enormous; basically swallowing my own. He led me inside his house. The outside looked like any old fashioned mansion would; so different to the inside which was modern. The hallway, polished wooden flooring with cream walls. It was so basic, yet so unique. I looked up to see his parent standing there looking at me concerned.

'Lana, are you alright?' Amy asked

'God son, she's been here 5 minutes and you've already reduced her to tears' Paul said shocked. Shane glared at his father. I let out a small giggle. Shane's features instantly softened and he smiled down at me. And I mean literakky smiled down at me; I bearly came up to his shoulder.

'Okay, Shane, go show Lana to your room, I'll have Susan bring your case up.' His mother chirped. I froze.

'Wait, I have to share a room. With him? I asked suddenly terrified.

'Well, yes, you're going to be married in a couple of months, it only makes sense to have you move straight in there than to do it in a couple of months.'

'Oh' I didn't know what to do, if i shared a room with him, he was bound to notice the marks and then the questions would begin. Looks like i'll be sleeping in a hoodie for a while. I thought to myself. Shane pulled on my hand, guuiding me towards the stairs.

'Oh, Lana, after you're settled, come to my office, i'd like to talk to you.' His father called after us.  I nodded and continued to follow shane up the stairs. We came to a stop outside a door and he led me inside. I gasped. Inside was my dream bedroom. Polished wooden flooring with black and white walls. A huge white rug sat on the floor at the foot of the black, king sized bed.

'Do you like it?' Shane asked. I had forgotten he was there.

'I love it, I always wanted a room like this but we could never afford it.'

'Well, you have it now, and while you are here you will be provided with everything you need. Now in here' he led me to a glossy black door 'Is the wardrobe, we share it, however there is a lock so don't worry, I won't walk in on you.' He teased. I felt myself blushing.

'And in here' he led me to a white door 'is the bathroom, why don't you go in here and get changed, Susan put some fresh clothes out on the counter, so you can go visit my dad afterwards, I'll just wait outside.' And with that he left, closing the door behind him. I walked over to the counter and grabbed the clothes. Luckily it was just leggins and a T-shirt. I quickly pulled them on and went back into the bedroom. Shane was sitting on the bed with his head down. He shot up when I came out.

'Are you ready?' I nodded and we went downstairs to his fathers office. Paul looked up when we entered.

'Right Lana, have a seat.' he indicated towards a plush, leather armchair. I sat. 'I know you're probably wondering why exactly you're here, why you are marrying my son.' I nodded.

'Tell me Lana, what do you know of your father Patrick?' I froze and looked at him wide eyed.

'I - I don't - He left when I was 10.' I stuttered ' I - I don't know anything about him.' I lied.  I saw Shane narrowing his eyes at me but his father nodded understandingly.

'I was afraid of this. Well I suppose I should just tell you.' I looked at him confused by his words

'What do you mean?' I asked

'Lana' Paul began 'Your life has been a complete lie.'



Chapter 6

Lana's P.O.V.

'What do you mean my life has been an entire lie?' I asked, my heart pounding.

'Well,' Paul began 'do you believe in werewolves?' I knew where this was going, my mind flashed back to when I was 10.

I hid under my bed as my parents screamed at each other yet again. I had heard a slap and I knew my father had struck my mother. It was nothing new. He was always hitting her, but even at this age, I knew it was wrong. I heard a thud and a muffled scream. This wasn't right. My father knew when to stop, he never hurt her bad enough to make her scream in pain. Grabbing my teddy bear, I padded out of my bedroom. What I saw stopped me in my tracks. On the floor was my mother in a pool of blood. She looked up at me and screamed 'RUN!' I turned and came face to face with a large, salivating wolf.


I blicked and I was back in Paul's office hyperventilating.

'Lana, what do you know?' Paul asked cautiously.

'My father... I saw my father... when I was 10.' I heard a growl behind me and yelped.

'Shane!' Paul said sharply 'You're scaring her! Now, Lana, I know you don't want to believe this but you are like your father, your mother is too - '

'NO! No I am NOT like that!' I pratically screamed.

'Lana, just calm down and listen.' I waited trembling. 'You, your mother, your father and everyone in this housr is a werewolf.' I opened my mouth to speak but I was cut off. 'I know you don't want to believe this but it is true... we can show you if you like - '

'No, no I believe you.' I said quickly 'but what does this have to do with me marrying your son?'

'Ah, that, well, gave you ever heard of soulmates?' I nodded slowly. 'Well, it's kind of like that, however, for wolves, we call them mates, when both mates are ready, they will both feel tremendous pain and become rather itchy in a particular part of their body. After that passes, you will be left with a mark rather like a tattoo. You and Shane both have these marks, signifying that you are both mates. Shane, come over here.'

I felt Shane approach. He stood infront of me and turned so I was facing his back. There in little writing was a small tattoo 

Suus Illam Invenire,

Illam Ad Tueri Suus,

Sua Suus Amor.

'And what exactly does that mean? I asked feeling rather confused 'and I have that aswell?' I suddenly got scared, twisting around to try and look at my back. Shane chuckled.

'Here.' He came around behind me, taking out his phone and snapping as picture of my back for me to look at. There, in the small of my back, was one line of writing - 

Invenire Eius

'Why is mine shorter?' I asked

'Because there is a process you go through as mates, to complete the bond, but Shane will explain all that to you another day. Now, I think that is enough information for one night, I think you should get some sleep as it is...' He looked towards the clock '11pm, off you go, you too Shane, I will see you both in the morning.'

'Come on' said Shane, leading me towards the stairs. We entered the room and Shane ran towards the wardrobe. He came out a few seconds later with his PJ's in hand.

'I'll get changed in the bathroom, you take the wardrobe, your stuff is on the right side.' He smirked and he sautered into the bathroom. I entered the wardrobe and grabbed a tanktop and leggins. Slipping them on, I realised I had to wear something to hide the marks. Grabbing a hoodie, I pulled it over my head and walked out. Shane was already in bed - shirtless. I stopped in my tracks. Well, I had to admit, my 'mate' had a nice body. I stopped myself just as Shane said

'Why are you wearing a hoodie?' I just looked at him and replied with ' Why aren't you wearing a shirt?' He shrugged and said

'I get too hot when I sleep' He smirked, I rolled my eyes 'Whats your excuse?'

'I get too cold when I sleep.' I walked over to the bed and hopped in. We lay there for a while and just as I was drifting off to sleep, snuggling closer to the quilt,, Shane yanked his end, causing me to go crashing back into his rather solid chest.

'Owww' I complained

'Don't hog the quilt then.'

'I wasn't!'

'Yes, you were.'

'No, I wasn't!' I muttered as I pulled the quilt back over to me. This went on for a few minutes before I gave up fighting and just lay there with no wuikt what so ever. I was never going to win.

'Goodnight Shane.' He grunted a reply. I thought he was actually going to make me go to sleep without anything covering me. Then I had an idea. I forced myself to relax and regulate my breathing. I did this for a couple of minutes. Suddenly Shane shifted and draped my half of the quilt over me, tucking me in. I fell asleep smiling in victory.


I awoke a couple of hours later, covered in cold sweat. I hadn't had a nightmare of my father since I was little. I got up out of bed and began pacing. I needed to take the hoodie off; it was just too hot. I checked to see is Shane was still asleep. He was. I yanked the hoodie off and retrieved my sketchbook. Flipping to a clean page, I began to draw out what I dreamt about. It alway soothed me, I don't know why. I had almost finished when I heard and gasp behinde me. I spun around, wide eyed. Shane stood behind me.

'Who did that' He whispered looking at my back.

Chapter 7

Lana's P.O.V.

I sat there and stared at him, breathing heavily. I knew I'd have to tell him at some point, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.

'Lana, who did this?' Shane repeated. He looked so upset and angry. I felt tears begin to trail down my face. Suddenly Shane's arms where around me, trying to comfort me.

'Shh, Lana, shh, it's alright; you're alright.' He whispered in my ear.

'My father' I whispered 'He did it.' I began sobbing into his chest. His arms tightened around me and he growled quietly.

'Do you want to talk about it?' He asked quietly. I nodded my head; I didn't usually like talking to people about the marks, but with Shane, I felt safe, like I could tell him anything. He lifted me up with ease and placed me back on the bed.

'I don't know where to start.' I whispered.

'How about the beginning.' I nodded and took a deep breath. 

'Okay, just promise me you won't interupt until I've finished, okay?' He nodded and I looked over to the other side of the room.

'Okay,' I said looking back towards him. 'It happened when I was 10 years old. I had just arrived home from school and my parents where arguing. I didn't think much of it, they were arguing all the time. My mother said whenever they were, to just go into my room. So that's what I did, just went into my rooom. It terrified me everytime.


'Anyway, I walked past them and heard part of the argument, it was about me. My father was yelling at my mother about how much I had ruined their lives, and if she had given birth to a boy, they wouldn't have to live like this.


'By this time I was in my bedroom crying. I always thought my father had loved me. He used to take me to the park and call me his little princess. Next thing I knew, there was a growl and my mother was screaming in pain, me being me, I ran out to check on my mother.'


I stopped, shaking. Shane noticed this, and took my hands. I took a deep breath and continued.


'I ran out of my room and saw my mother on the floor in a pool of blood. My father was no where to be seen; so I ran to my mother, but she was screaming at me, telling me to run. So I did, I ran, I ran to my bedroom, only to be cut off by a huge wolf. He growled at me; I screamed and ran the opposite way. I had hardly gotten a couple of metres when he jumped onto my back and caused this.'

I took my hands out of Shane's and turned so I was half facing away. I lifted my top up and showed him my back. I heard him gasp and then immediately growl. I knew what he saw. I had scars going from my left shoulder all the way across the top of my back.

'After he did this, he changed back with a look of horror on his face and ran out of the back door. I haven't seen him since.' I finished, looking down at my hands. He put a finger under my chin and lifted my face, forcing me to look at him.

'Thank you for telling me.' He said softly. We talked about nothing for a while and I eventually fell back asleep, spooned against Shane's chest.


I awoke the next morning with Shane still asleep next to me. I took the opportunity to grab a quick shower and pulled on a pair of skinny jeans, a tank top. before I left the room, I grabbed a hoodie and began to pull it over my head whilst leaving the room. I heard a gasp from behind me. I spun around, quickly pulling the hoodie down. Shane's mother, Amy, stood there, with a look of shock on he face. She spun me around and pull the hoodie back up. She traced the scars.

'Lana, what happened?' She asked quietly. I quickly explained what happened and told her about last night with Shane. She looked please at the last part.

'Well, it's a good thing you told him. Anyway, I was just coming up to wake Shane up, is he awake?' I shook my head.

'Nope, i'll wake him if you like?'

'Oh, thank you Lana; I must warn you though, he is a very heavy sleeper.'

'Thanks for the warning' I laughed heading back into the room. Shane still lay there, asleep. I tried poking him. He didn't budge. I shook him hard.

'Shane' I practically yelled down his ear 'Stop being a lazy arse and get up!'

'Would you like me to help?' A small voice asked. I turned around to see a small girl of about 6, looking at me. I nodded.

'Are you Shane's sister' She nodded smiling. She was a tiny girl, with small features and golden hair tied up in two plaits, and eyes just like Shane's, leaf green.

'What's your name sweety? I asked bending down to get to her height.

'Ruby, are you Shane's mate?' I nodded at he smiling.

'Yes, I'm Lana.'

'Good, your pretty.' I gaped at her and then smiled.

'Thank you. Now lets wake your brother up.' We backed well away from the bed and then ran, yelling and hurled ourselves on top of Shane. It was like jumping onto a rock. We heard a loud 'oooft' and we rolled off the bed laughing. We were still on the floor, when Shane got up and glared at us, putting a shirt on when he saw his sister there. He suddenly smirked, reaching down and got us both under each arm, as if we weighed nothing. He began taking us downstairs, both me and Ruby screaming at him to put us down. He didn't release us until we got into the kitchen, putting us down infront of his very startled parents.

All three of us stood there laughing for a few minutes, until we saw the food and rushed to the table to begin eating. His parents just sat there looking bewildered.

'He wouldn't wake up so me and Ruby jumped of him' I explained. They seemed to understand


'Lana, will you play hide and seek with me today?' Ruby asked after we finished eating.

'Of course sweetie,' She squealed.

'Shane will you play aswell?' She pleaded. Shane looked like he was about to tell her no; her face dropped.

'Please, please, pretty pleeeease?' She asked jumping up and down. Shane looked over to me.

'Come on Shane, it'll be fun!' I laughed at him. He gave up.

'Fine, I'll play.' He sighed. Ruby squealed in delight.

'Yay! Shane you're it!' She yelled before taking off. He sighed again.

'You own me for this.'

'Yeah, sure, no leaving us hiding for hours.'

'I'm not that much of a jerk.' He complained. I raised a eyebrow at him.

'Okay maybe sometimes, but I promise not to leave you hiding for hours. I promise.' I smiled and ran off to hide.


It was 3 hours later when we decided to stop playing, and even then it was to just get lunch. We were sat at the table eating when Amy came running in.

'Lana, there you are, after you've finished shopping we're going shopping!'

'Yep, you need clothes.' A new voice added in. I spun around to see an older girl, around my age, with flawless skin, the same green eyes as everyone else, and long, slightly curled honey blonde hair. She smiled at me.

'Hi, i'm Ava. You and me are going to get along just fine.' She came closer, looking at my face, she squealed 'I love your eyes!' I smiled. She the proceeded to drag me towards the car outside.


Hey guys! I uploaded a whole 3 days before I said I would, I'm quite proud of myself! Anyway, tell me what you think in the comments and don't forget to leave a heart <3

Chapter 8

Lana's P.O.V

We pulled up outside a huge shopping centre. I myself had never been one to enjoy shopping - the constant worrying about whether you will have enough money for everything. Ava and Amy told me to stop worrying and to just have fun. This didn't stop me looking at the price tags though.

'Lana!' Ava all but yelled at me, 'We have more than enough money to buy 100 of these stores.' She gestured to the shop we were currently standing in, some place called forever 21. Looking at the prices, I knew why I avoided this shop. 'Now get your butt back over there and pick some outfits before I buy stuff for you!' Now don't get me wrong, I like Shane's sister, but she scares the crap out of me. I felt my eyes widen as I thought of what she would try to force me in. I nodded at her and turned back and hurried back into the depths of the shop.


Ava's P.O.V

I can't believe my big brother has finally found his mate! I had my suspicions when he, mum and dad disappeared late at night and I didn't see them for days. Him being the Alpha's son, his mate would have frown up thinking she was human, wereas the rest of us had grown up knowing we were wolf and just waiting to bump into our mates. I don't know why, stupid rule, but all future Alpha females had to live far away from their mates, in the protection of another pack, their parents only earning enough to live. Something about it making them less selfish or something. I don't know, ask the fates. Anyway, I was supposed to be joining them at breakfast, but the goddamn alarm clock didn't go off again!

Earlier that morning

I awoke at around 11am to hear Ruby squealing and Shane laughing. Wait, what? I ran to my window and looked in our back garden. Yeah. There it was. Shane and Ruby. Playing. Together. There was another girl there who I could only assume was his mate. God he was already whipped. I smirked to myself. I'm going to get so much fun out of this. There was a knock at my door and I tore my eyes away from the window to my mother at the door.

'Hey Mum'

'Your brothers got his mate.' She could hardly contain her smile. She loved it when people found their mates.

'I know, I was just watching them playing with Ruby.' I smirked.

'Ava, don't you dare start teasing your brother.' She scolded. I huffed; I was never going to be able to make fun of him when Mum was here.

'Anyway' she continued 'I came up here to ask if you could take Lana shopping with me - she only owns about 5 outfits, she needs clothes, and I think she will be more comfortable with someone her age.' I perked up when I heard the word shopping. I was known around here as the Queen Of Shopping.

'Now I must warn you, she is ver self consious when it come to her back, so don't pressure her.' My mother explained softly.

'What do you mean?' I asked confused. How could someone be self consious of their back?

'When she was younger, she was attacked by a wolf,' I stiffened 'She has scarring all across the top of her back.'



Lana was the type of person who didn't want money spent on her. I walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder. She jumped and turned. I had wanted her eyes since I first saw them, they made her stand out, but just looking at her, you could tell she hated them; She didn't want to stand out, she wanted to hide.

'Stop looking at the things that cover your back, I know you don't want anyone seeing it but you shouldn't hide. Show people who you really are. If they don't want to know you, because of the way you look, then they don't deserve to know you at all. Not everyone is going to run from you. Shane knows and he's still following you around like a love sick puppy!' I joked, trying to make her smile. It worked. She laughed and nodded

'You're right.'

'I know.' I smiled


Lana's P.O.V

We got home late that night, around 10pm. I was tired and made a mental note to never go shopping with Ava again. We had just entered the house when someone came crashing into me, engulfing me in a hug. Shane. I hugged him back hesitantly not really knowing what to do. He had his head buried in the crook of my neck and I could hear him inhaling deeply. Was he.... sniffing me? I heard Ava burst into laughter behind me. Shane pulled away, glaring at his sister.

'Shut up, I didn't know where she was!' He growled.

'Never thought I'd see the day when you got so worked up over a girl.' Ava chortled from the floor.

'You where gone for almost 10 hours without contact, anything could have happened!'

'I'm old enough to look after her.' Ava shot back defensivly 'I can protect her just as well as you could!'

'I'm older though.' Shane pointed out.

'By 3 minutes!' Ava's voice was rising in octaves. I decided now was the time to stop them.

'Hey.' I stepped infront of Shane. He looked down at me. 'We're fine, now, come on, I'm tired; remind me never to go shopping with those two again.' He took a deep breath before relaxing and nodding his head. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards our bedroom.

'Your clothes are already in the wardrobe.' Shane told me, as he headed towards the bathroom. I nodded as I walked into the wardrobe. My side actually looked full now. Rows of clothes neatly folded up on shelves or hung up. I headed towards the drawer that someone had helpfully labelled 'pj's' and slipped on zebra print sleeping pants and a black vest top. There was no point hiding the scars from Shane now. I padded out of the closet to see Shane already in bed. Something in my head growled as I looked over his well defined chest and abs. I shook the thought out of my head and hopped into bed. I stayed at the far side of the bed and attempted to fall asleep.

Move closer!   I jumped at the angry voice in my head. That definatly wasn't my voice. Move closer to my mate... NOW!  The voice roared. I squeaked. Shane was looking at me confused. The voice in my head wouldn't stop growling and it was beginning to hurt my head. I whipered.

'Lana, what's wrong?' Shane was looking worried now.

'Just make it stop.' I knew I sounded crazy, but I didn't care, I'd rather be thought crazy.

'Lana, you're not making any sense, make what stop?'

'The voice!' I almost screamed at him. He looked like he understood, then he look horrified.

'Shit' he whispered. 'Lana, what is she saying?'

'It keeps repeating the word 'mate', just make it stop.' Shane shifted closer to me and pulled me into his arms. The voice stopped almost immediatly, purring. I relaxed with a sigh.

That was when the pain started.

I was going to put the other chapter up aswell tonight, but my leg has gone numb from sitting here, and I honestly hate typing the story up, seeing as I write the chapters by hand and then upload them when I haven't got anything else to do. Dont get me wrong, I love writing stories and I love hearing what you think about them (so please comment your thoughts ;P) but I just hate typing, but I PROMISE the next chapter will be up tomorrow. Dont forget to leave a heart <3

Chapter 9

Shane's POV

She had found her wolf. She had found her wolf... That's all I could think after she told me to make the voice stop. It was to be expected; A female wolf would be able to contact her wolf after meeting her mate. What I didn't expect was for her to begin changing in front of me. It began with her finger. One long, slender finger, snapping. Her scream pierced the air. My wolf was whimpering in the back of my mind. My wolf, who had never showed any weakness, was whipering. I scooped her up, feeling the mating sparks where my bare skin met hers, and ran out of the room, yelling for my father.

I burst into the back garden where we had both been playing hide and seek earlier with Ruby, and set her down. She withered around on the soft grass as I heard the rest of her fingers snap. My father bolted out of the back door, obviously hearing the panic in my voice. He froze when he saw Lana on the floor.

'Already?' He asked crouching down next to her. I nodded, raking my fingers through my hair. I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder and turned to face my sister Ava. She had found her mate only a couple of months ago.

'She's going to be alright Shane, I was remember?'

'Your shift was easier than most though.' I reminded her stiffly.

'You don't know, she could be a white wolf aswell.'

'You know how unlikely that is.'

Ava was a white wolf, meaning she healed faster than most, when in human form. You see there are three different types of wolf.

The white wolf, which healed faster when in human form,

The black wolf, which was basically the same as a white wolf except we heal faster in wolf form - This is what I am,

Then there is the brown and gray wolves which healed only slightly faster than humans. It was possible to get a mix of colours in your coat, and this determined how powerful your wolf was. It was quite rare to be a black or a white wolf as there where only around 20 of them in each pack of about 500.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Lana screamed again. I whipped around to see her arms and legs snapping and rearranging . I frowned. She only had her spine left and she had only been shifting for 15 minutes. She was shifting faster than Ava, who only took half and hour to shift. I crouched down next to her and placed my hand on her forehead. She seemed to relax slightly under my touch.

Then her spine went.

He scream was louder than it had ever been. She hunched forward as her broken bones rearranged themselves. I squeezed my eyes shut, not enjoying seeing her in pain. I heard a collection of gasps from my family behind me. Hesitantly, I pried my eyes open to see her. I expected to see a brown or grey wolf. What I didn't expect to see was a black and white wolf. It was rare to get a black or a white wolf, but to get a mix of black and white was so rare, it was almost impossible to find; There was only around ten or so in the world.

I realized then that I was just sitting there staring at her. She was staring right back, looking confised. Then it hit me. She didn't know how to change back. Chuckling quietly to myself, I shifted, not caring about the sleeping pants I had on.

Need help? I spoke to her in her mind. She obviously wasn't expecting this, as she jumped about a foot in the air, falling over her paws in the process. My family burst out laughing, and if I was human, I would have done the same.

Just think about what you want to say and who to, I'll be able to hear you.  I explained to her.

How do I change back? She asked hesitantly, obviously still embarassed about falling. My family where still laughing.

Just think about being human. Think about all your human parts. What makes you human.

Shortly after explaining this to her, she was curled up in a ball on the grass. I shifted back and made my way over to her. She glanced up at me and her eyes widened as she flushed beet red. Then looking down at herself she sqeaked, covering herself more. I chuckled and wandered to the shed in the garden, grabbing one of my shirts and a pair of shorts. Pulling the shorts on, I walked out and held the shirt out to Lana. She narrowed her eyes at me before grabbing the shirt and tugging it on. Not before I got a good look. I looked away, suddenly aware of my parents and sister standing a couple of feet away.

'Are you alright?' I asked her.

'Well, considering I just turned into a freaking wolf in the middle of the night, yeah I'm fine.' She replied sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at her, before turning back to my family, who, after recovering from their laughing fit, had only burst out laughing at Lana's face when she realized I was naked.

'Are you done now?' I asked my parent. They nodded, biting down on their lips to stop themselves from laughing again. I looked over at Ava who was lying on the floor with tears rolling down her face. I shook my head and turned back to Lana.

'Come on, you need sleep.' She nodded and tried to stand up, before falling back over, as her legs went under her. This set Ava off again. Sighing I bent down and lifted Lana up, before heading towards the house.

'Let us sleep in tomorrow.' I told my mother before climbing the stairs to our bedroom.

Opening the bedroom foor, I gently placed Lana down on the bed, before grabbing another pair of sleeping pants and tugging them on. I slipped into bed next to an already sleeping Lana. I lay there trying to sleep. Just as I felt sleep taking me, I felt Lana shift closer, snuggling into my chest. I lay there for a few minutes before wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her closer. With my head buried in her neck, I fell into a deep slumber.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.10.2013

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